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FastCopy Pro v5.7.12


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FastCopy Pro v5.7.12


A FastCopy a leggyorsabb másoló/mentő szoftvere a Windowson.
Támogatja az UNICODE és a MAX_PATH (260 karakter) feletti fájl elérési útvonalakat.
Automatikusan választ különböző módszereket aszerint, hogy a forrás és cél azonos vagy különböző HDD-n (vagy SSD-n) van-e.
Diff HDD Az olvasás és az írás párhuzamosan, külön szálakkal történik.
Ugyanaz a HDD Olvasás addig kerül feldolgozásra, amíg a nagy puffer meg nem telik. Amikor a nagy puffer megtelik, az írás megkezdődik és ömlesztve kerül feldolgozásra.
Az olvasás/írás az operációs rendszer gyorsítótár nélkül kerül feldolgozásra, így más alkalmazások nem válnak lassúvá.
Az eszköz határértékéhez közeli olvasási/írási teljesítményt érhet el.
A portable verziók opcionálisan kibonthatók.

FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Backup Software on Windows
It supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH (260 characters) file pathnames.
Because it uses multi-threads for Read/Write/Verify, Overlapped I/O, Direct I/O, so it brings out the best speed of devices.
It supports Include/Exclude filter like a UNIX wildcard.
It runs fast and does not hog resources, because MFC is not used. (Designed using Win32 API and C Runtime only)

Addition of Perfect Verify. (Pro version only)
Support for Windows 11 shell extension.
Improved asynchronous I/O algorithm for further speed enhancements.
20% to 30% speed increase in high-speed SSD environments due to pre-allocation of space during privileged mode.
Addition of "Verify," "FC Verify Info Disp," and "FC Verify Info Check (Pro version only)" to main commands.
Support for CPU affinity.
Addition of a setting to Drives that are always run in parallel (e.g. SSD-RAID).

Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11
Windows Server 2012(&R2)/2016/2019/2022

v5.7.11    Added "Close FastCopy" to the Post-Process.
When "Set to 1980-01-02 until verification completes" is enabled, retry will be performed even if timestamp restoration fails (effective in some environments).
v5.7.10    Fixed an exception occur in rare cases due to nearly 100% read error environment (in the same HDD mode).
v5.7.9    Fixed an exception occur in rare cases due to frequent I/O errors (in the same HDD mode) (v5.7.7 only).
Files dated 1980-01-02 will be resumed from verification is enabled only with Perfect Verify.
Fixed an issue that the src hash value would always be 0 when AltStream/ACL checked with Conventional Verify (v5.7.7~8 only).
v5.7.7    Further speed improvements.
Fixed an issue where the Symlink/Junction date was not restored correctly when setting "Set timestamp to 1980-01-02 until verification completes".
Improved behavior when ACL is enabled.
v5.7.5    Various stability improvements.
v5.7.3    By adding /ini= option, it is now possible to specify the ini file name. (default fastcopy2.ini)
v5.7.2    Fixed an issue where privilege elevation was not working with the remove function via shell extension. (v5.7.1 only)
v5.7.1    it can be selectd the default operating mode for each of 1.startup, 2.Shell right click "Copy", 3.Shell right drag "Copy" in the Mode customize.
v5.7.0    Add Exclusion Microsoft Defender. (Copying zip, exe, dll, etc. is significantly faster)
Additional support for rare environments for New format of license authentication.
Corrected an error that occurred with symlink regarding "Set the timestamp to 1980-01-02 until verification is complete".
v5.6.0    Add Files dated 1980-01-02 will be resumed from verification (Pro only) option.
Additional support for rare environments for New format of license authentication.
v5.5.0    Add "Set the timestamp to 1980-01-02 until verification completes" option.
Add New format of license authentication.
Various stability improvements.
v5.4.3    Added "Launch New FastCopy" item to the File menu.
Fixed a rare exception in move mode (when ACL/AltStream is enabled).
Fixed a rare exception with shell extension settings for Win11.
v5.4.2    Added an option in the shell extension for Win11 to not bring up the top-level menu when right-clicking.
Added option to not use OverLap I/O with SD car.d (Due to problems with some old SD card adaptors)
Fixed a problem that I/O error during move did not continue operation.
Changed build environment from VS2019 to VS2022.
v5.4.1    The list of operation modes can now be customized.
Add "Exist (Size/date)" mode (Pro version only).
Add "Exist (Newer)" mode (Pro version only).
Add SHA3-256/SHA3-512 for verify. (OpenSSL updated to 3.1.2)
Improved speed when ACL/substream is enabled.
Improved job selection behavior.
Hold down the Shift key and press Source/DestDir button to open File Explorer.


a korábbi kulcsok törlése, az 5.3.1-es verzióé maradhat





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