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3delite MP4 Stream Editor


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3delite MP4 Stream Editor




Az MP4 Stream Editor egy MP3/MP4 vágó/szerkesztő és többcsatornás audio fájlszerkesztő és zenei menedzser, egy minden egyben eszköz MP3/MP4 és audio fájlok számára.
Fő előnye más audió szerkesztőkkel szemben, hogy dekódolás nélkül (minőségvesztés nélkül), grafikusan, 3D mintás kijelzőn, könnyedén, egérrel szerkeszthet (MPEG - MP4, MP3, MP2; Ogg Vorbis, Opus, DSD DSF és DFF) fájlokat.
A többcsatornás AAC, MP4, Flac, Ogg Vorbis, Opus stb. hangfájlok szerkesztése is támogatott, bár dekódolva vannak.
Kivágás, másolás, beillesztés, keverés, csend beillesztése, kiválasztási hangerő módosítása, DSP és VST DSP plugin effektek alkalmazása.
Lehetősége van sérült MP3 fájlok javítására, kódolásra, újrakódolásra, MP3/MP2/AAC/MP4/WMA/Flac/Ogg Vorbis/Opus/Monkey's Audio/Apple Lossless/WAV konvertálásra, MP3-ak vágására és egyesítésére, MP3-ak, MP4-ek és hangfájlok címkézésére egy professzionális ID3v2, APEv2, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, Flac és WMA címke szerkesztővel, borítókép kezelővel. Közvetlenül rögzíthet MP3/WMA/Flac/AAC/MP4/Apple Lossless/WAV streameket a 'what you here/stereo mixer'-ről (WASAPI loopback felvétel is), vagy használhat bármilyen parancssori kódolót bármilyen formátumba történő felvételhez.
Az MP4 Stream Editor egy teljes értékű audiofájl-lejátszó is, lejátszási lista-támogatással, WinAmp DSP, VST DSP és vizualizációs plugin támogatással (Sonique, WMP és BASSBox), valamint a többcsatornás és DSD audiofájlok teljes támogatásával, mátrixkeveréses kimenettel.
Teljes képernyős, az aktuálisan lejátszott dalok információinak megjelenítése, HD, Ultra HD (4K) és 8K támogatással, MP4 Stream Editorban, így alkalmas zenei TV streaminghez és adásokhoz.
Az MP4 Stream Editor egy minden egyben zenei menedzser és jukebox az audióval kapcsolatos feladatokhoz.

MP4 Stream Editor is an MP3/MP4 cutter/splitter/joiner/editor, and multi channel audio file editor and music manager, an all in one tool for MP3/MP4s and audio files.
Main advantage over other audio editors is that you edit (MPEG - MP4, MP3, MP2; Ogg Vorbis, Opus, DSD DSF and DFF) files without decoding (without loosing quality), graphicaly on a 3D sample display easely with a mouse.
Multi channel AAC, MP4, Flac, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, etc. audio files are also supported for editing though they are decoded.
Cut, copy, paste, paste mix, insert silence, change selection volume, apply DSP and VST DSP plugin effects.
You have the option to repair corrupted MP3 files, encode, re-encode, convert to MP3/MP2/AAC/MP4/WMA/Flac/Ogg Vorbis/Opus/Monkey's Audio/Apple Lossless/WAV, cut and join MP3s, tag MP3s, MP4s and audio files with a professional ID3v2, APEv2, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, Flac and WMA tag editor with cover art manager. Directly record MP3/WMA/Flac/AAC/MP4/Apple Lossless/WAV streams from 'what you here/stereo mixer' (WASAPI loopback recording too) or use any command line encoder to record to any format.
MP4 Stream Editor is also a fully featured audio file player, with playlist support, WinAmp DSP, VST DSP and visualisation plugin support (Sonique, WMP and BASSBox) and with full support for multi channel and DSD audio files with matrix mixing output.
Full-screen currently playing song information display, with HD, Ultra HD (4K) and 8K support, in MP4 Stream Editor making it suitable for music TV streaming and broadcasts.
MP4 Stream Editor is an all in one music manager and jukebox for audio related tasks.
Download MP4 Stream Editor
New: MP4 Stream Editor Android Mobile Client a fully featured audio file player and controller for MP4 Stream Editor's cast functionality for Android based devices.

Both major audio output modes are supported with configurable matrix mixing for multi channel playback and true gapless playback


Edit audio files on a real-time, animated 3D sample display (waveform, sonogram, bit rates graph for MP3, Ogg Vorbis and Opus)

Edit MP4 audio files without decoding, supported formats:

MP4 (MP4, M4A, M4B, ALAC)

Additionally edit the following format audio files without decoding:

WAV MPEG (MPEG with WAV header - WAV header will be stripped)
Ogg Vorbis (CBR, VBR)
Opus Audio Codec (CBR, VBR)
Direct Stream Digital (DSF, DFF) (multi channel supported)

Cut list for MP3/MP4 cutting and joining - add parts of the MP3/MP4 to a list and cut or join them
Cut list for any of the supported formats: cutting and joining with re-encoding (MP4, MP3, MP2, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, DSD DSF and DFF)
Split MP3 by silence with batch processing support (or any supported audio file format)
Edit multi channel audio files with decoding, up to 7.1, supported formats:

WAV PCM 8bit, 16bit, 32bit (IEE Single), mono, stereo and multi channel, RF64
CDA (WAV PCM 44100Hz)
Music modules - MOD, MO3, IT, XM, S3M, MTM, UMX
MIDI files - MID
Apple Lossless - M4A, ALAC
Free Lossless Audio Codec - FLAC, FLA, FLC, OGA
Monkey's Audio - APE
MusePack - MPC
Speex - SPX
True Audio Codec - TTA
Ogg Vorbis Audio Codec - OGG
Opus Audio Codec - OPUS
WavPack - WV
Windows Media Audio - WMA
Direct Stream Digital (DSD) - DFF, DSF (DSD64, DSD128, DSD256, DSD512)

Edit and apply effects to the above supported formats:

Cut, copy, paste, paste mix,
Insert silence, change selection volume, apply shaped volume fades
Apply native, BASSFX DSP and VST2 DSP effect plugins

All pass filter
Auto wah
Dynamic amplification
Low pass filter
Normalize volume
Remove vocal

Apply any VST2 DSP effect plugin, free or commercial, downloadable from the internet
Use matrix mixing to re-order and/or re-mix channels in an audio file
'Sound search' functionality: find occurrances of an audio clip in the opened audio stream

Professional tag editor with support for all the available tagging formats today, all support managing of cover arts:

ID3v1 tag
ID3v2 tag
APEv2 tag
MP4 tag
Flac tag
Ogg Flac tag
Ogg Vorbis tag
Opus tag
Ogg Theora tag
WMA tag
WMV tag

Search for and download cover arts and tag information from Amazon.com and The Movie DB
Search for lyrics with Google
Encode/convert audio files among the supported formats:

AAC/MP4/Apple Lossless
Ogg Vorbis
Opus Audio Codec
Monkey's Audio
Windows Media Audio (Professional)

All supported tags are preserved/converted automatically including cover arts when converting between formats
Preset system for encoding options
Advanced encoding settings for all the supported encoding formats
Advanced player with playlist support (loading/saving)

Rating and playcount support for all the supported tagging formats
The playback output can be also effected with the above mentioned DSP and VST DSP plugins
Apply WinAmp DSP plugins to output
Cross-fade between tracks
Use full-screen and windowed visualization (Sonique, WMP, BASSBox and WinAmp plugins are supported)
High precision spectrum analizer visualization plugin
WMA broadcast plugin: run your own internet radio station or stream music between computers in your home
Stream MP4 Stream Edtitor's digital output to SHOUTcast/Icecast servers
Own output casting information (meta data) server option with full meta data, cover art, chat and download song option
Smart Play (virtual personal DJ) functionality, lets you select a profile and the app. will automatically and endlessly select and play songs from your music library

Multi tagger - batch tag multiple files at once and process tags in batch

Tag from file name
File name from tag
Copy tag information between ID3v1 and ID3v2
Unify, merge and create tags from multiple tag formats in the file
Batch remove specific tag formats from audio files
Detailed tag editors support editing multiple files at once

Professional direct stream recording to the above mentioned formats directly

Volume Level Activated recording
WASAPI loopback capture
Start and stop recording at a specifed time

Advanced ID3v2 based subsong/chapter system and full .CUE sheet support
Detailed advanced search functionality
Audio CD ripper with tag look-up from freedb/cddb, all encoding formats listed above are supported, track mode and album mode
Listen to internet radio stations and record another at the same time
Internet radio station recorder/ripper - internet audio stream recorder/ripper
Jukebox mode with full-screen currently playing song information, suitable for clubs, bars and TV broadcasting (HD, Ultra HD/4K and 8K compatible and fully customizable with profiles)
Batch convert DSD DFF audio files to DSF (multi channel supported)
Multi-channel mixer (create multi-channel audio files from multiple input files)
Multi-channel DSD mixer (create stereo or multi-channel DSD DSF audio files from multiple input files decodelessly)
Repair MP3 files (MPEG 1, 2 and 3 audio streams)
Organize Music Files From Folder tool
User interface style system (30 styles included)



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