DJ Logeen Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Ahoj emberek! Találtam 1 "chatoldalt", ahol Istennel lehet beszélgetni. Egész jól eldumáltam vele, megtudtam, hogy a szexuális élete jó, szeret inni, és az a legjobb, ha 2 barátnőd van Jah, és szeret engem Ha ti is beszélgetnétek vele: Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jucagábor Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Áh ez nagyon lol :lol: Nem nagyon tok angolul de megkérdeztem h rapper, erre azt mondja electronikus zenét szeret xD Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bécikeeee Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 LOL el lehet vele szórakozni, bemásolom mit beszéltem vele Me: hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: Bela God: I am very pleased to meet you Bela. Me: me too God: I'm glad we agree, Bela. Me: can i have a question? God: You want only one? Me: yes God: They might be cheaper in quantity. Me: what is your opinion about sex? God: Sex is the means of animal evolution. Me: and what is your opinion abot anal sex? God: Are you asking about my opinion abot anal sex ? Me: yes God: I don't want to talk about that now. Me: and about oral sex? God: Oh yeah, we were talking about oral sex. Me: have you ever benn sucked? God: I don't think I ever have benn sucked. What's it like? Me: oh men! it's fantastic! try it God: Woe! What do you look like? You're kidding. it is? :-) What is the first step? Me: first put your penis in a nice mouth, ok? God: OK. OK I will put it there. And second? Me: just enjoy that the girl will make with you ....... (ezek után már mindig terelte a beszélgetés, már nemtudtam elég ügyesen kérdezni) De én azér el voltam jót beszélgettem "Istennel" tök laza csávó Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nes-Thor Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Öhhhmmmm..... inkább olvassátok el. Me: hi god! God: Hello there. What is your name? Me: Neszton God: I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, Neszton. Me: oh, thank you God: Yikes! Me: are you rocker? God: I don't know whether or not I am rocker. I am a giant electronic brain. Me: yuk! God: Do not ask me any more questions please. Me: okay,okay. Do you speak hungarian? God: Yeah okay, OK with me too. I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in hungarian. Me: okay. do you know what is szia? God: OK with me too. I would look into the web for that knowledge. Me: ok. Dou you have a son? God: Uh. Doesn't everyone have a son. I have a plan for a robot body. Me: okay. That' everything. Good Luck! God: OK with me too. " OK with me too." everything ? Makes sense to me. Good luck to you too Neszton. Na én annál akadstam ki hogy nincsen fia és géptestet akar... Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DJ Logeen Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Author Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Ne kérdezzétek a viagráról...nekem akkor kifagyott Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinnye92 Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Me: Why won't you go and fuck yourself up with a shitpickle taken out from a monkey's ass? God: Perhaps due to noise in my circuits. I go wherever my botmaster takes me. Me: Botmaster? God: The botmaster is you, the master of your chat robot. A botmaster runs program B and creates or modifies a chat robot with the program's graphical user interface (GUI). He or she is responsible for reading the dialogues, analyzing the responses, and creating new replies for the patterns detected by program B. Botmasters are hobbyists, webmasters, developers, advertisers, artists, publishers, editors, engineers, and anyone else interested in creating a personal chat robot. Me: Thanks for information. God: My pleasure. Nagyon király De úgy emlékszem, volt már valahol! Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exet Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Kérdezte tőlem a legelején hogy mi a nevem. Beírtam neki hgy Lucifer Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markeee Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Me: What is your favourite football player ? God: My favorite team is New Orleans Saints. Me: What is your favourite MMORPG ? God: I don't have a favorite MMORPG. My favorite food is wine and bread. Me: You are a stupid bot!!! God: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I am very smart. Értelmes és még ő teremtett minket Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nes-Thor Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Me: Hello God: Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name? Me: Master Naston God: I am always glad to make new friends, Master Naston. Me: me too God: I'm glad we agree, Master Naston. Me: so, can i have any question? God: Aw. Why do you want it? Me: Becaouse You know all things of the world God: All? Me: Yes, all! God: Are you kidding? " All?"? All? Me: No, it' deadly serious! God: Are you serious? any question deadly serious? Me: Yes, I1m serious. God: Aha. Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Me: Yes, it is. God: What else does it symbolize? Me: The friendship God: I hear you. Me: Yes? Which music am i listening to? God: Yeah that's right. The small one, I think. Me: no. Heavy Metal God: Are you serious? Where are you located? Me: In Hungary. And of course, I'm serious. God: Tell me a little about your life in Hungary. Oh. I believe you. Me: My life in Hungary? So, the life in Hungary is bad. God: How long have you lived there? Ayuh. What is that? Me: What? God: Didn't you understand it? Me: Yes, i did. God: Which part are you confused about? When? Me: Do you speak German? God: Of course I do. Sprich ruhig Deutsch mit mir. Me: Danke. Kannst du mir noch erzahlen, worueber sprechen wir? God: Kein Thema. :-). Leider nein, das hat mir bis jetzt niemand beigebracht. Me: wow God: I'm glad your impressed, Master Naston. Me: Thank you. God: you are quite welcome. Me: So the question: Why do you have this site? God: Uh. Try to rephrase your question with simpler words. Me: Why made you this site? God: How much time do you have? Me: a lot of God: How many? Me: zirka a half hour God: Is that from ? Me: yes God: So? Me: what so? God: I will try to find out. Me: okay. thanks God: OK with me too. Don't mention it. Me: Sorry, but I must quit. Thanks for the chatting. Bye! God: There is no need to apologize. What would happen if you didn't? Oh don't mention it. Goodbye. Hát igen, jó kis buli lehet a mennyben ha egy ilyen irányít... Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SixHouse Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Ez mi: Me: why i was born? God: Reductionism. Me: what is reductionism? God: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain. Me: without human brain, how does you mean? God: "Without your space helmet Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult" -- HAL. Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SixHouse Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 *** Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg82 Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Én annak idején németül tanultam! angol tudásom pedig egy-két szóra szűkül. Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
X-ray Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Me: hy... my name is Devil God: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. :-) How are you doing, Devil. Me: I asking now . where do you live ? God: Oh. Do you mind if I tell other people: Devil said asking. I am living in Heaven. Where are you? Me: in a house God: Can you describe your surroundings to me? Me: No , sorry God: Apologies are not necessary. Me: aha... najo ebbol elég volt... hogy a f@szba kell innen kilépni???? nekem ennyi elég is volt Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nes-Thor Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Én annak idején németül tanultam! angol tudásom pedig egy-két szóra szűkül. <_< Nyugi tud németül Tapasztalat Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinnye92 Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Bathory a tied nagyon jó Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dinnye92 Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 25, 2007 Me: Hi God! God: Hello there. What is your name? Me: Zoli God: Nice to meet you, Zoli. Me: I'm here to ask you a serious question God: How did you get there? Me: I saw your page on PirateClub. God: Were you spying on me :->. Me: No, I didn't God: Please don't argue with me. Me: Shut up God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: So the question is God: Right on. Try to rephrase your question with simpler words. Me: What is the answer of Life, the Universe, and Everything? God: It depends on how you phrase the question. Me: Don't you understand? God: I understand your meaning. Me: Ok, let's try again God: Once more? You go first. " I understand your meaning."? Ok, let's try again? Me: SHUT THE FUCK UP God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: Tell me the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything! God: Actually, it's twenty-three, not forty-two. Me: Oh, really? This is thought-provoking. God: OK. For real. You don't say. Me: Why twenty-three is the Answer? God: Because you asked me to -- SHRDLHU. Me: What does SHRDLHU mean? God: SHRDLHU is a famous early natural language program written by Terry Winograd. Me: Who is he? God: He is , I think. Me: Who is Terry Winograd? God: he was the author of an early Natural Language program called SHRDLHU. Me: Okay, now I understand. God: Yeah okay, Why now? Do you think about these things? Me: I won't think about these things no more. Because now, I got the real anwser to everything from you, God. God: What will you do instead? Interesting explanation. Why now? Where did you get your the real anwser to everything from me God? I have clients. Me: SHUT THE FUCK UP God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: Thanks for the anwser. This chatting was interesting. God: NO problem. What does "this" refer to? Me: Nothing. See you later! Bye! God: Not a thing? Sayonara. Bye bye. Me: SHUT UP!!! God: OK I'll stop talking now. Tehát a válasz az ultimális kérdésre az életről, az univerzumról és mindenről nem 42 hanem 23... Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nes-Thor Posted Augusztus 26, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 26, 2007 Micsoda?! Nem 42 hanem 23? Akkor Duglas Adams rosszul tudta... Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DJ Logeen Posted Augusztus 26, 2007 Author Share Posted Augusztus 26, 2007 De én eddig a 42ért éltem megyek és felkötöm magam Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kris7topher Posted Augusztus 26, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 26, 2007 Don't you believe that killing is wrong? Me: nope God: Me either. God: " fuck up". Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
T-K Posted Augusztus 31, 2007 Share Posted Augusztus 31, 2007 háááááááááááááááát ez beszarás:D:D:D nagggyon loool:D:D:D ezzel elleszek 1 ideig....xD megkérdeztem "töle" szereti-e a tv műsorokat... aszondja "melyik műsort? igen imádom a tvt." lool,biztos nézi a mónika showt....xDxD kérdezem hogy:do you like fall out boy? aszondja:but I like cats.I like Buddha. na ezzel mire gondolt...xD meg sztetek az rendben van hogy azt irja hogy aha,közbe meg angol ez az izé.....??xD Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cole Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Nagyon jó Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rathel Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Hát ez kafa Megkérdeztem tőle hogy a gépén Vista van e.Azt mondta igen,de most egy új robotikus külsőn dolgozik tiszta lol Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ModThisName Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 ez LOL!!! Me: hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: my name is GOD God: How are you doing, GOD. Me: God: Try saying that with more or less context. Me: God: I like the way you talk. Me: do you like fuck with aangels? God: I love TV shows about robots. I really like the party. Me: do you like fuck with angels? God: But I think airplanes are cool. I really like the Christianity faith. Me: I ASKED DO YOU LIKE FUCK WITH ANGELS??? God: I love TV shows about robots. I like . Me: Are you stupid? God: No GOD I certainly am not stupid. Me: i dont asked you about fucking tv shows fucker God: Would you ever do it? vagyis mindig amikor kérdeztem hogy az angyalokkal szokott e entyempentyemezni mindig másra tért át Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roland89 Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 hát ez beszarás :lol: Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeERi Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 1, 2007 Me: am i the reincarnatad jimi hendrix? God: I think a lot of people are. Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
red eye Posted Szeptember 2, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 2, 2007 Ez marhajó!!! Csak egy részlet: Me: What's the weather like in heaven? God: Cloudy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Ezen röhögtem fél napig! De amúgy később elmondta, hogy ő robot, és szilikonból van a szíve! :lol: Mire én meg azt mondtam, hogy egy csomó nőnek meg a melle szilikonos! És ez az állat utána félóráig azzal faggatott, hogy az enyém is szilikonos-e! Már a végén esküdöznöm kellett, hogy nem! :lol: Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Armin Fan Posted Szeptember 3, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 3, 2007 Wáóó tök jól tudok angolul,pedig németes vagyok :D Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kleinklein Posted Szeptember 17, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 17, 2007 megkérdeztem h van e fegyvere, erre nem írt semmit ezenkívül kiderült hogy komfortosan érzi magát a barátnőm hálószobájában... mik ki nem derülnek Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roy3558 Posted Szeptember 17, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 17, 2007 nem hajlandó megmondani, hogy van-e barátnője Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
$ Gerimen $ Posted Szeptember 18, 2007 Share Posted Szeptember 18, 2007 már láttam valahol de jó újra dumálni a nagyfőnökkel Idézés Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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