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  1. Szabó Magda - Mózes egy, huszonkettő (Máté,Dömötör,Ónodi 2007) "Sosem írtam volna meg ezt a könyvet, ha az általános iskolai oktatás gyakorlata nem szembesít naponta három nemzedék problémáival, kudarcával és a jövő miatti nyugtalanságával, a tanácstalan Ábrahámok - nagyszülők, szülők - és a nagyon is világosan látó Izsákok - a fiatalság - aggodalmaival, rémületével, reményével és reménytelenségével." Máté Gábor, Dömötör András, Ónodi Eszter 2007. mp3 192kbps 6ó20p 523mb https://data.hu/get/13234169/MOZ0122MP.part1.rar https://data.hu/get/13234170/MOZ0122MP.part2.rar https://data.hu/get/13234171/MOZ0122MP.part3.rar
  2. Szabó Magda - Disznótor (Molnár Piroska 2017) A regény a hatvanas években jelent meg és az ötvenes években játszódik, és persze a szereplők múltjában. A két család bár sok szállal szorosan összefonódik, a kibékíthetetlen ellentétek teljes szakításhoz vezetnek. Az ebből adódó állandó feszültség szükségszerűen tragédiába torkollik. Szabó Magda meseszövési zsenijének köszönhetően minden főbb szereplő szemszögéből megismerhetjük a múlt és a jelen eseményeit. Molnár Piroska remek előadása segít kibogozni a rokoni és érzelmi szálak szövevényét, és Szabó Magda gyönyörű szövegét még élvezetesebbé teszi. mp3 128kbps 9ó27p 519mb https://data.hu/get/13234119/DISZNOMP.part1.rar https://data.hu/get/13234121/DISZNOMP.part2.rar https://data.hu/get/13234134/DISZNOMP.part3.rar
  3. Eric Kästner - Május 35 ( 2011 ) Hangoskönyv Mp3] Május 35-én az ember mindenre el lehet készülve. Így aztán semmi csodálatos sincs abban, hogy Ringelhuth gyógyszerészt és unokaöccsét, Konrádot az utcán megszólítja egy fekete ló, felmegy a lakásukra kockacukrot enni, majd az egész társaság bebújik az előszobaszekrénybe, és néhány óra múlva a Csendes-óceán szigetvilágába érkezik. Közben megtekintik Eldorádót, eljutnak a fordított világba, ahol a szülők járnak iskolába, s a gyerekek oktatják őket. A Csendes-óceánnál egy valódi törzsfőnök és egy pepita bőrű kislány látja vendégül őket. Sok-sok érdekes, mulattató kaland után hazatérnek, s nagyon csodálkoznak, hogy Konrád szülei nem hiszik el kalandjaikat. Persze, ők nem vették észre, hogy mindez május 35-én történt...A fordulatos cselekményű, pompásan megírt regény a tíz éven felüli gyermekolvasók tartalmas időtöltése. Most Gálvölgyi János előadásában hallgathatjuk. kiadó: Móra könyvkiadó Megjelenés éve: 2011 író: Erich Kästner mű címe: Május 35. előadó: Gálvölgyi János Formátum: Mp3 játékidő: 122 perc ( 02 óra 02 perc) bítsűrűség: 224 kbps Méret: 195 MB https://data.hu/get/13210147/Erich.Kastner-Majus.35-2011-HK.rar
  4. Dante - Isteni színjáték 1985 Hangoskönyv HUN Mp3 Típus: Zene > MP3/HU Méret: 922.15 MB (966946226 bájt) Címkék: hangoskönyv Előadó: Bodor Tibor Album címe: Dante - Isteni színjáték Megjelenés éve: 1985 Az Isteni színjáték (olaszul: Divina Commedia) Dante Alighieri elbeszélő költeménye, amelyen 1307-től egészen 1321-ben bekövetkezett haláláig dolgozott. Az isteni jelző eredetileg nem része a címnek, ezt Boccaccio tette hozzá. A Commedia címet maga a szerző a következőképpen indokolta: „A komédia a költői elbeszélés egy neme, mely minden egyébtől különbözik; anyagát illetőleg abban különbözik a tragédiától, hogy emez eleinte csodálatos és nyugodt folyású, végén szennyes, borzadalmas; a komédia ellenben valami visszással kezdődik és boldogan végződik. Hasonlókép különböznek az előadás módjában is: a tragédia magasztos, fenséges hangon szól, a komédia egyszerű, alázatos hangon”. A mű a maga egészében csak a költő halála után lett ismeretessé; életében csak egyes énekeit ismerték. De mihelyt Dante fiai a legelső teljes példányt közzétették, száz meg száz másolatban terjedt el az egész világon; a könyvnyomtatás feltalálása után pedig ez volt egyike a legelőször és legtöbbször sokszorosított könyveknek.[3] Többek szerint a világirodalom legnagyobb költeménye, a három legnagyobb vallásos eposz egyike, vagy legalábbis a középkor legnagyobb allegorikus alkotása Általános Teljes név : H:\Hangoskönyv\Hangoskönyvek\Dante Allighieri\Dante Allighieri - Isteni színjáték_Bodor Tibor\Dante Allighieri - Isteni színjáték_001.mp3 Formátum : MPEG Audio Fájlméret : 328 KiB Idotartam : 23 mp Teljes adatsebesség : állandó Teljes adatsebesség : 112 Kbps Album : Dante - Isteni színjáték Sáv : Dante - Isteni színjáték Sáv/Helyzet : 1 Eloadó : Bodor Tibor Rögzítés dátuma : 2012 Kódoló könyvtár : LAME3.95 Hang Formátum : MPEG Audio Formátum változat : Version 1 Formátum profil : Layer 3 Idotartam : 23 mp Adatsebesség mód : állandó Adatsebesség : 112 Kbps Csatornák száma : 1 csatorna Mintavételezési gyakoriság : 44,1 KHz Adatfolyam mérete : 324 KiB (99%) Kódoló könyvtár : LAME3.95 https://data.hu/get/13087254/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part01.rar https://data.hu/get/13087257/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part02.rar https://data.hu/get/13087258/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part03.rar https://data.hu/get/13087253/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part04.rar https://data.hu/get/13087259/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part05.rar https://data.hu/get/13087252/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part06.rar https://data.hu/get/13087256/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part07.rar https://data.hu/get/13087255/Dante.Allighieri-Isteni.szinjatek-Bodor.part08.rar
  5. Artist: Michael Raphael Title: Funk It Up Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Sonoton Music Genre: Jazz Fusion, Jazz Rock, Funk Quality: mp3 320 kbps / flac lossless / flac 24bits - 48.0kHz Total Time: 00:31:29 Total Size: 78 / 205 / 384 mb Tracklist 01. What up G 02. Pick Comb 03. Funk It Up 04. Silk Sheets 05. Rage 06. Back It Up 07. 70S Twerk 08. Nice Tush 09. Yo Yo Mon 10. Mellow Guitars 11. Slow Sweet Love 12. Smooth Skin 13. Pick Comb (Instrumental Version) 14. Back It Up (Instrumental Version) 15. 70S Twerk (Instrumental Version) Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/18680a1040ac6248be910a807e4622d0/losslessdl_250820Michael_Raphael_-_Funk_It_Up_2020_mp3.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/BC92E543D99BB5C/losslessdl_250820Michael_Raphael_-_Funk_It_Up_2020_mp3.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/df073e8c9885db64aefeb5bd6e1c384e/losslessdl_250820Michael_Raphael_-_Funk_It_Up_2020_flac.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/55C390176ECFE2A/losslessdl_250820Michael_Raphael_-_Funk_It_Up_2020_flac.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/1e31cf6edeb62806d6e1ceef51d9ed44/losslessdl_250820Michael_Raphael_-_Funk_It_Up_2020_Hi-Res_24bits_-_48.0kHz.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/A49F6F948281ACB/losslessdl_250820Michael_Raphael_-_Funk_It_Up_2020_Hi-Res_24bits_-_48.0kHz.rar
  6. Artist: The Creaky Floors Title: Beer and Hymns Orange County Year Of Release: 2020 Label: The Creaky Floors Genre: Country, Folk, Americana Quality: Mp3 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 53:55 min Total Size: 125 / 321 MB Tracklist: 01. I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) [Live at the Wayfarer] 02. Oh Happy Day (Live at the Wayfarer) 03. Blessed Assurance (Live at the Wayfarer) 04. King Jesus Is All (Live at the Wayfarer) 05. It Is Well (Live at the Wayfarer) 06. The Old Rugged Cross (Live at the Wayfarer) 07. In the Sweet by and by (Live at the Wayfarer) 08. Down to the River to Pray (Live at the Wayfarer) 09. Spirit in the Sky (Live at the Wayfarer) 10. How Deep the Fathers Love (Live at the Wayfarer) 11. I'll Fly Away (Live at the Wayfarer) 12. All of the Hard Days Are Gone (Live at the Wayfarer) 13. Victory in Jesus 14. Can't Nobody Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/e1fcf7736011d0d83a471433608b7c43/losslessdl_080820The_Creaky_Floors_-_Beer_and_Hymns_Orange_County_2020.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/37B3A0032DB6A4B/losslessdl_080820The_Creaky_Floors_-_Beer_and_Hymns_Orange_County_2020.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/f84334ba48255ff56dfa949a59b4fe0b/losslessdl_080820The_Creaky_Floors_-_Beer_and_Hymns_Orange_County_2020_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/AB994B78E72585F/losslessdl_080820The_Creaky_Floors_-_Beer_and_Hymns_Orange_County_2020_FLAC.rar
  7. Artist: The Godfathers Title: Birth, School, Work, Death Year Of Release: 1988 Label: Epic Genre: Pop Rock, New Wave, Post-Punk, Alt Rock Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (image, .cue, log) Total Time: 37:03 Total Size: 96/264 Mb (scans) Tracklist: 01. Birth, School, Work, Death 02. If I Only Had Time 03. Tell Me Why 04. It's So Hard 05. When Am I Coming Down 06. Cause I Said So 07. The Strangest Boy 08. S.T.B. 09. Just Like You 10. Obsession 11. Love Is Dead Line-up:: Bass, Vocals - Chris Coyne Drums, Percussion, Vocals - George Mazur Guitar, Vocals - Kris Dollimore, Mike Gibson Vocals - Peter Coyne The Godfathers missed the British punk revolution by a decade and were a few years too early before loud guitars became fashionable in England again. Consequently, the group's 1988 LP Birth, School, Work, Death is often overlooked. Released during the U.K. rave craze of the late '80s, Birth, School, Work, Death must've seemed completely dated in the barrage of pulsating electronic sounds that enveloped Britain at the time. Wearing Mafia suits and skinny ties, the Godfathers had a mean look that matched their name. And their sound was similarly tough: brass-knuckled punches in the form of menacing, explosive riffs; venom-spewing, nihilistic vocals; body-slamming percussion. Yet the Godfathers never forget the importance of the hook. The bleak title track -- with its gloomy shouted chorus of "Birth, School, Work, Death" -- has head-bobbing basslines and a toe-tapping drum beat. "I cut myself but I don't bleed/'Cause I don't get what I need/And it doesn't matter what I say/Tomorrow's still another day," Peter Coyne spits, the bile in his voice bringing back memories of Johnny Rotten's snotty rage in the Sex Pistols' "God Save the Queen" as well Roger Daltrey's adolescent anguish in the Who's "My Generation". "Birth, School, Work, Death" is followed by two other rockers, "If I Only Had Time" and "Tell Me Why", that are equally catchy and filled with ticked-off confessions such as "If I only had time/I'd think of the perfect crime." But the Godfathers are from being one-dimensional. "Just Like You" is an upbeat love song and on "When Am I Coming Down" guitarist Kris Dollimore helps illustrate an acid trip gone wrong with swirling, disorienting guitars that recall Jimi Hendrix' moments of sonic transcendence. Coyne's spoken-word bit in "When Am I Coming Down" is chilling, told from the point-of-view of someone who has just overdosed on drugs. The production by Vic Maile is clean yet it doesn't soften the Godfathers' two-fisted attack. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/deabbf5fa7a23f95f93665d0e2264093/losslessdl_080820BrScWoDe_b_ThGodf.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/EEDC384A62135E7/losslessdl_080820BrScWoDe_b_ThGodf.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/9b40588ed06ffcf7ea6e81d472d02f1a/losslessdl_080820ThGodf_BrScWoDe.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/F71CB4AC314331C/losslessdl_080820ThGodf_BrScWoDe.rar
  8. Artist: The Nadas Title: Coming Home (20th Anniversary Reissue) Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Authentic Records Genre: Country, Folk, Americana Quality: Mp3 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 84:46 min Total Size: 196 / 565 MB Tracklist: 01. Cry 02. Carve Your Name 03. Beautiful Girl 04. Foreign Tongue 05. Rock Star 06. Ends Meet 07. Love Song in Bb 08. Coming Home 09. Let Me Sleep 10. Mi Corizon 11. Open D 12. Clear 13. The Wolf 14. Disenchanted Heart 15. California 16. Beautiful Girl (Coming Home 20) [Live] 17. Cry (Coming Home 20) [Live] 18. Mi Corizon (Coming Home 20) [Live] Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/b61884171d3575801acd653dbe08a9ca/losslessdl_080820The_Nadas_-_Coming_Home_20th_Anniversary_Reissue_2020.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/67331BBA1A02EFE/losslessdl_080820The_Nadas_-_Coming_Home_20th_Anniversary_Reissue_2020.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/f3554b1b7cfe88d2a405daa980fea7d6/losslessdl_080820The_Nadas_-_Coming_Home_20th_Anniversary_Reissue_2020_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/AD47AE519F5AD1B/losslessdl_080820The_Nadas_-_Coming_Home_20th_Anniversary_Reissue_2020_FLAC.rar
  9. Artist: The Who Title: Meaty, Beaty, Big And Bouncy Year Of Release: 1971/2013 Label: UMC (Universal Music Catalogue) Genre: Classic Rock Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 00:41:51 Total Size: 100 mb | 241 mb Tracklist: 01. I Can't Explain 02. The Kids Are Alright 03. Happy Jack 04. I Can See For Miles (Mono Version) 05. Pictures Of Lily 06. My Generation 07. The Seeker (Edit) 08. Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere 09. Pinball Wizard (Original Version) 10. A Legal Matter 11. Boris The Spider 12. Magic Bus (Original Stereo Version) 13. Substitute 14. I'm A Boy (Alternate Stereo Version) Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy has the distinction of being the first in a long line of Who compilations. It also has the distinction of being the best. Part of the reason why it is so successful is that it has an actual purpose. Meaty was designed as a collection of the group's singles, many of which never appeared on albums. The Who recorded their share of great albums during the '60s, but condensing their highlights to just the singles is an electrifying experience. "The Kids Are Alright" follows "I Can't Explain," "I Can See for Miles" bleeds into "Pictures of Lily" and "My Generation," "Magic Bus" gives way to "Substitute" and "I'm a Boy" it's an extraordinary lineup, and each song builds on its predecessor's power. Since it was released prior to Who's Next, it contains none of the group's album rock hits, but that's for the best their '60s singles have a kinetic, frenzied power that the louder, harder AOR cuts simply couldn't touch. Also, there is such a distinct change in sound with Who's Next that the two eras don't quite sound right on one greatest-hits collection, as My Generation and Who's Better, Who's Best proved. By concentrating on the early years when the Who were fresh and Pete Townshend was developing his own songwriting identity Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy is musically unified and incredibly powerful. This is what the Who sounded like when they were a great band. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/ca37860a6697fbac36a1453368391420/losslessdl_080820Big_And_Bouncy_2013_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/174931939ED697F/losslessdl_080820Big_And_Bouncy_2013_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/96e1907b8828a1945c7b76e79ef7fcb7/losslessdl_080820Big_And_Bouncy_2013_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/9B911AC3FB3C777/losslessdl_080820Big_And_Bouncy_2013_FLAC.rar
  10. Artist: Thea Gilmore Title: Regardless (Special Edition) Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Fullfill LLC Genre: Folk, Pop, Singer-Songwriter Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 01:03:05 Total Size: 146 mb | 401 mb Tracklist: 01. Something to Sing About 02. This Is How You Find the Way 03. Regardless 04. Spit and Shine 05. I Will Not Disappoint You 06. Start as You Mean to Go On 07. Punctuation 08. Love Came Looking for Me 09. This Road 10. Let It Be Known 11. My Friend Goodbye 12. All You Need Is Love (Bonus Track) 13. Beautiful Hopeful (Bonus Track) 14. I Will Not Disappoint You (Alternate Version) [Bonus Track] 15. Cold Coming (Bonus Track) 16. Love Came Looking for Me (Alternate Version) [Bonus Track] Anyone who's paid attention to Alison Krauss' musical career, with and without Union Station, had to wonder what would happen after the unprecedented success of 2007's Raising Sand, her collaboration with Robert Plant. For her, the next logical move was to reunite with US, who had been dormant since 2004's Lonely Runs Both Ways and whose members all had busy solo careers. Given the long layoff, Paper Airplane was produced by US and engineered and mixed by Mike Shipley. According to Krauss, it was harder to complete than any previous album.Thankfully, it doesn't sound like it. It is a melancholy record, its songs largely revolve around themes of trial and perseverance. The title track that opens the record is a lilting country ballad written by Robert Lee Castleman and informed by Krauss' own recent life experiences. Her vocal is wrenching; it's utterly vulnerable in expressing love's loss, yet it's steely in its resolve, recognizing an eventual emergence. Peter Rowan's minor-key bluegrass stomper "Dust Bowl Children" features Dan Tyminski's trademark vocal. It's angry, bewildered, and determined. The interplay between Ron Block's banjo, Barry Bales' driving bassline, and Jerry Douglas' dobro is earthy, lean, and mean. Brother Viktor Krauss and Angel Snow contributed "Lie Awake," a spooky, broken love song full of swooping dobro and Krauss' forlorn fiddle. Only US could empathically back her searching, desperate vocal. Paper Airplane is sequenced beautifully. The reading of Richard Thompson's "Dimming of the Day" is the hinge piece on the record (and rivals the title track for the best thing here). This is Krauss' finest vocal performance this time out; although it doesn't rival Linda Thompson's original, it doesn't need to: it's devastating in expressing raw need, loss, and emptiness from a protagonist in the middle of a time of trial. Sidney Cox's "Bonita and Bill Butler" is a banjo-driven seafaring tragedy sung exquisitely by Tyminski before Paper Airplane closes with a stellar cover of Jackson Browne's "My Opening Farewell," which brings the album full circle, leaving the listener to meditate upon life's many episodes. Krauss' version wrings more sheer acceptance from the lyrics than Browne's own does. Paper Airplane is very polished pristine, even but there isn't an extra thing on it. It feels organic and authentic, allowing plenty of room for the emotional power in these songs to come forth. Union Station proves once more that it is a contemporary bluegrass outfit that makes no concession to contemporary country music. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/e6a454e795b757a14cb1f4c3adb0cb6a/losslessdl_080820Regardless_Special_Edition_2014_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/BAB572F08C08034/losslessdl_080820Regardless_Special_Edition_2014_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/2b97fa6b8e2870830ea2f6edef300843/losslessdl_080820Regardless_Special_Edition_2014_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/AF8EE8E445F46F3/losslessdl_080820Regardless_Special_Edition_2014_FLAC.rar
  11. Artist: Eva Cassidy Title: The Best of Eva Cassidy Year Of Release: 2012/2018 Label: Blix Street Records Genre: Folk, Blues, Singer-Songwriter Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 01:28:02 Total Size: 202 mb | 463 mb Tracklist: 01. You Take My Breath Away 02. Kathy's Song 03. Songbird 04. What A Wonderful World 05. Wade In The Water 06. Ain't No Sunshine 07. Time After Time 08. Autumn Leaves 09. I Can Only Be Me 10. Fields Of Gold 11. It Doesn't Matter Anymore 12. Imagine 13. Over The Rainbow 14. True Colours 15. Danny Boy 16. People Get Ready 17. Anniversary Song 18. Early Morning Rain 19. I Know You By Heart 20. Tall Trees In Georgia 21. You've Changed 22. Waly Waly Eva Cassidy's story is a sad one, certainly, but the bittersweet happy ending to it all is that her singing, music, and recordings continue to live on and gather fans and admirers even after her early death from melanoma cancer in 1996 at the age of 33. Cassidy was never really known outside of the Washington D.C. area during her lifetime, and her recorded legacy consists of a live album, assorted other live tracks, an album of duets, and a handful of demos. She was a masterful song interpreter, able to take on almost any song in any style or genre and spin her voice around it, giving it a kind of haunting and sincere freshness. This set makes a great introduction to Cassidy's style and substance, collecting her key and signature performances from all of the above sources. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/86e96395e93d49aafaa25a09d1f528eb/losslessdl_080820Best_Eva_Cassidy_2018_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/07432942D97C0A6/losslessdl_080820Best_Eva_Cassidy_2018_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/054d29aeb3f8383dbc80eff819b812ed/losslessdl_080820Best_Eva_Cassidy_2018_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/20FF637279F3187/losslessdl_080820Best_Eva_Cassidy_2018_FLAC.rar
  12. Artist: Bill Evans Title: Push Year Of Release: 1994 Label: Lipstick Records[LIP 89022-2] Genre: Jazz, Crossover Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks + .cue,log,scans) | MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 60:38 Total Size: 418 MB(+3%) | 144 MB(+3%) Tracklist 1 Push 05:27 2 Road To Ruin 05:10 3 If Only In Your Dreams 04:45 4 London House 05:21 5 Night Wing 05:37 6 Stand Up And Do Something 05:01 7 The Hobo 04:58 8 You Gotta Believe 05:28 9 Life Is Dangerous 04:34 10 U R What U Hear 05:10 11 A Simple Life 02:24 12 Matter Of Time 06:35 personnel : Benny Adler - Vocals (bckgr) Margot Adler - Vocals (bckgr) Victor Bailey - Bass Chris Botti - Trumpet Barry Bryson - Brass Porter Carroll, Jr. - Vocals Cliff Carter - Keyboards Michael Colina - Keyboards, Drum Programming, Brass Michael Davis - Trombone Chris Minh Doky - Bass Mark Egan - Bass Bill Evans - Piano, Keyboards, Saxophone, Sax (Alto), Sax (Soprano), Sax (Tenor), Vocals (bckgr), Fender Rhodes K.C. Flight - Vocals (bckgr), Rap, Drums Jeff Golub - Guitars Conrad Herwig - Brass Bruce Hornsby - Piano Hilary James - Piano, Wood Chuck Loeb - Guitars Marcus Miller - Bass Nick Moroch - Guitar Max Risenhoover - Bass, Percussion, Drums, Guitar Gary Smulyan - Brass Dave Stahl - Brass Bill Ward - Drums Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/9cbf0426b21cc6a6ac994b7965749a31/losslessdl_080820BiEv_Psh.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/8B1F9A2B61E0C6F/losslessdl_080820BiEv_Psh.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/00e93d84e932cba5486ca04497b9781a/losslessdl_080820BiEv_PshMP.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/E30561D9B24353D/losslessdl_080820BiEv_PshMP.rar
  13. Artist: UB40 Title: Present Arms Year Of Release: 1981/2014 Label: Virgin [00602547055996] / Universal UMC [4705599] Genre: Reggae, Dub, Pop Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks+cue,log,scans) Total Time: 2:47:43 Total Size: 401 mb / 1.01 gb :: TRACKLIST :: Present Arms 1-1 Present Arms 4:08 1-2 Sardonicus 4:29 1-3 Don't Let It Pass You By 7:45 1-4 Wild Cat 3:04 1-5 One In Ten 4:33 1-6 Don't Slow Down 4:29 1-7 Silent Witness 4:15 1-8 Lamb's Bread 4:49 1-9 Don't Walk On The Grass 5:07 1-10 Dr. X 5:21 1-11 Don't Slow Down (12" Version) 7:16 Present Arms In Dub 2-1 Present Arms 3:08 2-2 Smoke It 3:26 2-3 B Line 4:38 2-4 Kings Row 5:05 2-5 Return Of Dr. X 5:27 2-6 Walk Out 3:15 2-7 One In Ten (Presents Arms In Dub Version) 4:17 2-8 Neon Haze 4:22 BBC Radio 1 Session 23.04.81 3-1 One In Ten 4:26 3-2 Present Arms 3:36 3-3 Silent Witness 4:25 3-4 Sardonicus 4:33 BBC Radio 1 In Concert 13.06.81 3-5 Present Arms (Includes Intro By Gary Crowley) 5:02 3-6 Tyler 6:02 3-7 Food For Thought 5:10 3-8 Don't Let It Pass You By 7:20 3-9 Sardonicus 4:50 3-10 One In Ten 4:46 3-11 Madame Medusa 8:22 3-12 Don't Slow Down 3:52 3-13 Burdon Of Shame 6:29 3-14 Don't Walk On The Grass (Instrumental) 4:11 3-15 I Think It's Going To Rain Today / Dream A Lie / My Way Of Thinking (Medley) 5:43 Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/266f8e62ad0fc9b690443bfd059f0d3d/losslessdl_080820Presents_Arms_FLAC.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/4a50b2724b6a1aaec95f28d890303cc8/losslessdl_080820Presents_Arms_FLAC.part2.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/E4FE5C312F7AF12/losslessdl_080820Presents_Arms_FLAC.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/8508140228647E1/losslessdl_080820Presents_Arms_FLAC.part2.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/5b62595c634bce2666f90221d6f5fb4a/losslessdl_080820Presents_Arms_320.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/4C775BE4C0BE17D/losslessdl_080820Presents_Arms_320.rar
  14. Artist: Brian Eno Title: Drums Between The Bells Year Of Release: 2011 Label: Warp Records Genre: Electronic, Leftfield, Experimental, Minimal Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) / FLAC (tracks) 24bit/44.1kHz Total Time: 00:49:12 Total Size: 118.4 MB / 257.5 MB / 504,79 MB Tracklist: [3:43] 01. Brian Eno - Bless This Space [2:55] 02. Brian Eno - Glitch [2:24] 03. Brian Eno - Dreambirds [3:35] 04. Brian Eno - Pour It Out [2:46] 05. Brian Eno - Seedpods [6:55] 06. Brian Eno - The Real [3:10] 07. Brian Eno - The Airman [2:35] 08. Brian Eno - Fierce Aisles Of Light [1:36] 09. Brian Eno - As If Your Eyes Were Partly Closed As If You Honed The Swirl Within Them And Offered Me The World [3:49] 10. Brian Eno - A Title [2:51] 11. Brian Eno - Sounds Alien [2:37] 12. Brian Eno - Dow [1:53] 13. Brian Eno - Multimedia [1:43] 14. Brian Eno - Cloud 4 [6:40] 15. Brian Eno - Breath Of Crows AllMusic Review by John Bush Drums Between the Bells is a collaboration by producer Brian Eno and poet Rick Holland. It was recorded just after Eno finished work on 2010's Small Craft on a Milk Sea, his debut for Warp, and it followed on the release schedule less than a year later. In that sense, the timing was good for such a risky project. Music and poetry are often difficult companions, and combining them is best left to experts; fortunately, Eno is just such an expert. Although Holland is an obscure poet, he first came to Eno's notice back in the late '90s (through a university project), and his poetry is very good. Although his words and thoughts are impressionistic, his themes are easier to peg: urban living, science, and the intersection of philosophy and biology. The music is almost entirely Eno's own, with only a few tracks featuring guest credits -- much less so than his previous album. While scattered moments here prove that percussion is still not his strong suit, the production is inviting, innovative, and a larger contributor to the general excellence of the record than the poetry. Eno draws mostly on ambient music for these productions, and only occasionally processes the vocals. One other characteristic, aside from Eno and Holland, makes this an unlikely success: there are a total of nine voices heard here (Holland only recites on one track). The decision to vary the speaking participants helps distinguish each piece, and gives the album just the hint of variety it needs. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/e4bad3749a26ceef4dd4c087812b615b/losslessdl_08082004344-MP3-Drums_Between_The_Bells.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/56F3E4F7B8B8AE4/losslessdl_08082004344-MP3-Drums_Between_The_Bells.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/09f87a70ec92713e5055ef0e293a74f0/losslessdl_08082004344-FLAC-Drums_Between_The_Bells.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/E8C9A5FF21C2D22/losslessdl_08082004344-FLAC-Drums_Between_The_Bells.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/0f2620ecb039e30092e07c78c857e69d/losslessdl_08082004344-Hi-Res-Drums_Between_The_Bells.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/ACAA19CF02E4127/losslessdl_08082004344-Hi-Res-Drums_Between_The_Bells.rar
  15. Artist: Huong Thanh Title: Dragonfly Year Of Release: 2001 Label: Act Music Genre: Jazz, World Fusion Quality: FLAC (tracks) / MP3 320 Kbps Total Time: 55:26 Total Size: 358 Mb / 141 Mb Tracklist: 01. Ten Reasons for Loving You ( traditional) 07:10 02. Bakida ( Lê, Nguyên) 04:40 03. Dragonfly ( Lê, Nguyên) 04:06 04. What the Bird Says ( Lê, Nguyên) 05:38 05. Two Sisters ( Lê, Nguyên / Van Hong, Nguyên) 05:00 06. The Betel Tray ( Lê, Nguyên) 05:22 07. Graceful Bamboo ( Lê, Nguyên) 06:36 08. Crossing the Valley ( Lê, Nguyên) 05:12 09. Drums in the Night ( Lê, Nguyên) 06:17 10. Scent of my Childhood ( Borker, Dominique / Van Hong, Nguyên) Personnel: Huong Thanh - vocals Nguyên Lê - electric & acoustic guitars, synthesizers & computer, Duong Chi Tam - 16-strings zither (dàn tranh), moon shaped lute (dàn nguyêt), 2-string fiddle (dàn nhi), cai luong gtr, monocorde (dànbau), woodblock (song lan) Hao Nhiên Pham - sao transverse bamboo flute, lutes, zither, sapek clappers Dinh Cong Tuyên - pi thiu vertical flute Richard Bona - vocals, fretless bass & percussions Renaud Garcia-Fons - pizz & arco acoustic 5-string bass Tino di Geraldo - cajón, frame drum Paolo Fresu - trumpet & flugelhorn Etienne Mbappé - fretted & fretless bass François Verly - percussions (shaker, tibet bowl, tuned bells, gongs, chimes & brushes) & tablas Dominique Borker - acoustic piano The Barbès Deluxe strings : Raphaëlle Pacault - violin Martin Rodriguez - viola Sophie Lechelle - cello "Dragonfly: The word carries with it a variety of meanings that conjure up unexpected comparisons, connections, and enigmatic relationships. In the title piece, "Dragonfly", the unforeseen culminates in a sensitive duel between the Vietnamese-Parisian Huong Thangh and the Cameroon-New Yorker Richard Bona. It was necessary that such a mythical creature as the dragon, a symbol for good luck in Asia, lift itself up and over the chasm that separates the different styles, the disparate geographic and historic terrain, thus bridging the gap between musical cultures. And the same goes for the entire album: magic lies in this alchemy, which combines the distinctive purity and tradition of the Vietnamese instruments and vocals with the sudden presence of the electronics, the grooves, the string instruments, and the African vocals... Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/ecd9b0902cb3bc373a46575b08ff0f11/losslessdl_080820Huong_Thanh_Dragonfly_01_0301.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/DA173B67659547A/losslessdl_080820Huong_Thanh_Dragonfly_01_0301.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/1ecf2bfc7ca5c392a22e989fd950c76f/losslessdl_080820MP3_Huong_Thanh_Dragonfly_01_0301.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/45C592CDC4E65A4/losslessdl_080820MP3_Huong_Thanh_Dragonfly_01_0301.rar
  16. Artist: Critical Quartet Experience Title: Mental Distortion Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Sea Records - France Genre: Jazz, Rock Quality: Mp3 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) / 24bit-48kHz FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 28:59 Total Size: 66.7 / 172 MB Tracklist: 1. Otanitso (4:28) 2. Felt so Right (4:55) 3. Mental Distortion (3:30) 4. Cherry Pie (5:03) 5. Rompotopom (6:01) 6. Seul (5:03) Si le Critical se distingue par son originalité scénique, « Mental distorsion » le fait par sa qualité de production: 2 ans d'intervalle entre les premières prises et le mastering final, pour environ 240 pistes audios par titre et d'innombrables heures d'expérimentation sonore.L'ambition de cet opus n'est pas mesurable! Le quartet ne lésine pas sur les moyens pour obtenir « le gros son », et l'auditeur s'en rend compte dès les premières secondes.Mental Distortion : une œuvre puissante, électrique et polymorphe, qui, outre son étiquette Funk/Neo-Jazz/Fusion fait preuve d'une surprenante singularité.Une vision kaléidoscopique des musiques actuelles où orchestration, virtuosité et énergie primitive flirtent sans retenue. Un film dont votre imagination sera le metteur en scène, basé sur une bande son qui vous libérera de toutes idées reçues . Critical Quartet Experience Arthur Dardennes : guitare/chant Hugo Brun: synthé Jonathan Rolland: batterie Kévin Mesples: basse Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/3dc5c57efc38e0d573c4ce597662dc16/losslessdl_080820Critical_Quartet_Experience_-_Mental_Distortion_Hi-Res.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/B9440D5DA8A3D47/losslessdl_080820Critical_Quartet_Experience_-_Mental_Distortion_Hi-Res.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/c3fb7ce88b822793b12ce4599fac6768/losslessdl_080820Critical_Quartet_Experience_-_Mental_Distortion_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/5BEEEF39C7C3692/losslessdl_080820Critical_Quartet_Experience_-_Mental_Distortion_FLAC.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/45451fdb7b9cec3b69ee7f5bcd0479bd/losslessdl_080820Critical_Quartet_Experience_-_Mental_Distortion_MP3.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/4F93E8636C1BAB5/losslessdl_080820Critical_Quartet_Experience_-_Mental_Distortion_MP3.rar
  17. Artist: Various Artists Title: Eccentric Soul: A Red Black & Green Production Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Numero Group Genre: Soul, R&B Quality: mp3 320 kbps / flac lossless Total Time: 00:56:19 Total Size: 132 / 359 mb Tracklist --------- 01. I Really Really Love You - Father's Children 02. Sleepwalking - The Summits 03. Town Called Nowhere - Skip Mahoney and the Casuals 04. It Takes Two - The Summits 05. Dont Worry About The Joneses - Dyson's Faces 06. We Share Love - Skip Mahoney and the Casuals 07. Generation - East Coast Connection 08. I'm Not Ready for Love - Promise 09. Phoney People - Father's Children 10. Summer In The Park Pt. 1 - East Coast Connection 11. Were Two Fools In Love - Dyson's Faces 12. Lets Do It Over - The Summits 13. I Need Your Love - Skip Mahoney and the Casuals 14. I'll Never Say No - The Summits 15. Seems Like - Skip Mahoney and the Casuals 16. Linda Movement - Father's Children Prior to the involvement of the intrepid Numero Group, Red Black & Green Productions (or RBG Productions), operated by engineer and producer Robert Hosea Williams (aka R. Jose Williams, who worked on three Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson albums), "had never been much more than a letterhead and three initials scrawled on a few dozen magnetic tape boxes." This package continues the work Numero did with Father's Children's Who's Gonna Save the World, an album of previously unreleased recordings that had been stored in Williams' garage. However, most of these fully developed and often excellent soul recordings from Washington, D.C. were issued throughout the early '70s on small labels like New Directions, DC International, and DMC. Four songs come from Your Funny Moods, a 1974 album cut by Skip Mahoaney & the Casuals. The batch is led by "I Need Your Love," a seven-minute ballad loaded with pained falsetto, group background harmony, and an impassioned monologue over twinkling electric piano. East Coast Connection's animated, breakneck "Summer in the Parks," featuring nimble Kool & the Gang, Earth, Wind & Fire, and Soul Searchers swipes/tributes, could have been used in an ad for D.C.'s parks department. The ebullience in the tempo and brightness of Dyson's Faces' "We're Two Fools in Love" is belied by its tormented lyrics, which detail the conflict of being a poor man in love with a rich woman. The Exceptions and the Summits both deal sweet, stirring soul, while Promise - a group of young women - offer energetic, age-appropriate material. Finally, there are three previously unreleased songs from Father's Children: an instrumental version of "Linda Movement," the stirring "I Really Really Love You," and "Phoney People," the last of which is a nurturing/scolding number somewhere between the Honey Cone's "Sunday Morning People" and the O'Jays' "Shiftless, Shady, Jealous Kind of People." Anyone who owns the Father's Children set, as well anyone with an interest in impeccably documented obscure soul, should probably get this. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/f16f4a105ee071f7c5f70317ec406dd3/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_A_Red_Black__Green_Production_2012_mp3.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/07B428C90158E8B/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_A_Red_Black__Green_Production_2012_mp3.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/2189999c6714ec98604739e0c37602af/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_A_Red_Black__Green_Production_2012_flac.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/F5D09CAD96781A3/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_A_Red_Black__Green_Production_2012_flac.rar
  18. Artist: Jacqueline And Lindsay Title: Jacqueline And Lindsay Year Of Release: 1969/2012 Label: Beyond The Moon Records Genre: Psychedelic Folk Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (tracks, .cue, log) Total Time: 32:06 Total Size: 107/232 Mb (scans) Tracklist: 1. Night Spinner - 3:34 2. It's Not Important - 2:25 3. Give Me Eden - 3:19 4. Nine To Five Blues - 3:29 5. Sip of Wine - 3:47 6. Run With The Hare - 3:39 7. Rape of The Fair Country - 4:21 8. Take Me - 1:59 9. The Fair - 2:01 10. Look Away - 3:32 Line-up:: Lindsay Morgan - Vocals, Guitar, Keybaords Jacqueline Morgan - Vocals, Percussion Paul Benton - Hammond B3 Ron Knappett - Drums Kyle Pacey - Lead Guitar Daniel Lanois - Lead Guitar Bob Doidge - Bass, Vocals Canadian family duet from Toronto (Ontario). Born in Cardiff, Wales, Lindsay Thomas Morgan began playing guitar and writing songs at the age of eleven. He was 17 when he first met Jacqueline Clifton. A few months later they got married, after which they emigrated to Canada with about $ 50.00 in cash and full of hopes and dreams. Their first professional concert was in May 1968 at The Nor-Shore in Thunder Bay (16 hours from Toronto). In the same year, Andy Anka, the father of the legendary Canadian singer-songwriter Paul Anka, who helped them break into radio and television, became their manager. In 1969, they signed a contract with Art Snider, owner of the Toronto recording studio Sound Canada. As a result, this self-titled album appeared, all the songs on which were written by Lindsay Thomas Morgan. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/63b1751b2d196ece2c67931fc4416735/losslessdl_080820JacqaLin_b_JacqaLi.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/2774CE9C886F1F4/losslessdl_080820JacqaLin_b_JacqaLi.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/3c50062671221fca39a265709cb2740c/losslessdl_080820JacqaLin_ST.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/CB013EDCF908F62/losslessdl_080820JacqaLin_ST.rar
  19. Artist: Joe Bonamassa Title: Joe Bonamassa Live From the Royal Albert Hall Year Of Release: 2009 Label: J&R Adventures Genre: Blues Rock Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 02:11:57 Total Size: 305 mb | 860 mb Tracklist: 01. Django (Live) 02. The Ballad of John Henry (Live) 03. So It's Like That (Live) 04. Last Kiss (Live) 05. So Many Roads (Live) 06. Stop! (Live) 07. Further On Up the Road (Live) 08. Woke Up Dreaming (Live) 09. High Water Everywhere (Live) 10. Sloe Gin (Live) 11. Lonesome Road Blues (Live) 12. Happier Times (Live) 13. Your Funeral My Trial (Live) 14. Blues Deluxe (Live) 15. Story of a Quarryman (Live) 16. The Great Flood (Live) 17. Just Got Paid (Live) 18. Mountain Time (Live) 19. Asking Around for You (Live) Guitarist Joe Bonamassa was opening for B.B. King when he was only eight years old and was a veteran of the road and gigging by the time he was 12, so it's tempting to toss him in the all flash but no soul prodigy trash bin that has been filling up pretty well since Stevie Ray Vaughan shuffled off to blues heaven but that would be a big mistake. Bonamassa has soul, plenty of it, and he plays guitar with a reverent grace, and sometimes lost in all this is that he's a pretty good singer, too, sounding more than a little bit like a reconstituted Paul Rodgers. His stunning headline show from the Royal Albert Hall, which featured guest spots by Eric Clapton and Paul Jones, was released in 2009 on DVD, and download versions of the songs have been available for a while, but this two-disc set marks the first official release of the concert as an album in and of itself, and it's simply wonderful, full of great guitar playing, solid singing, and with a horn section and double drummers on board, the sound is full and even majestic. Bonamassa is the real deal, and tracks here like the elegant opener "Django," "The Ballad of John Henry," the marvelous cover of Charley Patton's "High Water Everywhere," and a shifting, sprawling workout on Rod Stewart's "Blues Deluxe" show a musician at the top of his game, one who has learned that a guitar lead should serve the song and not the other way around. Bonamassa isn't some kid prodigy anymore he's grown up into one of the most soulful blues-rock performers on the planet. There's plenty of proof of that here. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/eb70bd907ed1421c49f51a9003b6b453/losslessdl_080820Bonamassa_Albert_Hall_2009_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/91FE57AB58EFA86/losslessdl_080820Bonamassa_Albert_Hall_2009_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/532f199f30314b288bcc2554c5cf7567/losslessdl_080820Bonamassa_Albert_Hall_2009_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/D3FEDE408DE2BE3/losslessdl_080820Bonamassa_Albert_Hall_2009_FLAC.rar
  20. Artist: Joe Cocker Title: The Ultimate Collection (1968-2003) Year Of Release: 2003 Label: Parlophone UK Genre: Blues Rock, Classic Rock Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 02:09:33 Total Size: 299 mb | 849 mb Tracklist: CD1 1. Joe Cocker - Unchain My Heart 2. Joe Cocker - Feelin' Alright 3. Joe Cocker - Summer in the City (Radio Edit) 4. Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On 5. Joe Cocker - Up Where We Belong 6. Joe Cocker - You Are So Beautiful 7. Joe Cocker - With a Little Help from My Friends 8. Joe Cocker - Cry Me A River 9. Joe Cocker - The Letter 10. Joe Cocker - Delta Lady 11. Joe Cocker - Many Rivers To Cross 12. Joe Cocker - When The Night Comes (Radio Edit) 13. Joe Cocker - Night Calls 14. Joe Cocker - Don't You Love Me Anymore 15. Joe Cocker - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window CD2 1. Joe Cocker - Could You Be Loved 2. Joe Cocker - Civilized Man 3. Joe Cocker - First We Take Manhattan 4. Joe Cocker - The Simple Things 5. Joe Cocker - N'oubliez jamais (Edit) 6. Joe Cocker - That's All I Need To Know_Difendero (Live) 7. Joe Cocker - Have a Little Faith in Me 8. Joe Cocker - Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me 9. Joe Cocker - Now That the Magic Has Gone 10. Joe Cocker - Sweet Lil' Woman 11. Joe Cocker - Feels Like Forever 12. Joe Cocker - My Father's Son 13. Joe Cocker - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 14. Joe Cocker - Never Tear Us Apart 15. Joe Cocker - Ruby Lee Calling something "The Ultimate Collection" is fraught with problems usually of omission. Certainly over these two discs containing a total of 30 tracks there are plenty of fine moments from some of Joe Cocker's earliest material, such as "The Letter," "With a Little Help From My Friends," "Delta Lady," "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window," etc. Also present are virtually all of his later hits and some that should have been: "Up Where We Belong," "You Are So Beautiful," "Many Rivers to Cross," "Leave Your Hat On," etc. But there's just too much that isn't here. Where are "Bird on a Wire" and "Hitchcock Railway," for starters? Nonetheless, given the length of Cocker's career, this is not an unusual complaint. One thing that is unique about this set other than the fine sound is the sequencing that crisscrosses over the breadth and chronology of Cocker's discography. There are also a couple of rarities, which would have been OK to leave off in order to include some of the more classic titles. But this is quibbling; Cocker fans will have a good time with this, but it's a safe bet they won't be selling off their original albums/CDs to replace them with this. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/ef2a3ff93350351cd9c2a3eb11d57e06/losslessdl_080820Cocker_Collection_1968-2003_2003_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/8C4151B3E111335/losslessdl_080820Cocker_Collection_1968-2003_2003_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/586f78cc59833f27d4cf577179b080d5/losslessdl_080820Cocker_Collection_1968-2003_2003_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/EE713712DA59649/losslessdl_080820Cocker_Collection_1968-2003_2003_FLAC.rar
  21. Artist: John Martyn Title: Solid Air (Deluxe Edition) Year Of Release: 1973/2009 Label: UMC (Universal Music Catalogue) Genre: Folk, Singer-Songwriter Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 02:28:38 Total Size: 344 mb | 783 mb Tracklist: CD1 1. John Martyn - Solid Air 2. John Martyn - Over The Hill 3. John Martyn - Don't Want To Know 4. John Martyn - I'd Rather Be The Devil (Devil Got My Woman) 5. John Martyn - Go Down Easy 6. John Martyn - Dreams By The Sea 7. John Martyn - May You Never 8. John Martyn - The Man In The Station 9. John Martyn - The Easy Blues CD2 1. John Martyn - Solid Air (Alternative Take) 2. John Martyn - Over The Hill (Alternative Version) 3. John Martyn - Don't Want To Know (Alternative Take) 4. John Martyn - I'd Rather Be The Devil (Devil Got My Woman) (Alternative Take) 5. John Martyn - Go Down Easy (Alternative Take) 6. John Martyn - Dreams By The Sea (Alternative Take) 7. John Martyn - May You Never (Alternative Take) 8. John Martyn - The Man In The Station (Alternative Take) 9. John Martyn - The Easy Blues_Gentle Blues (Alternative Take) 10. John Martyn - Keep On 11. John Martyn - When It's Dark (Demo) 12. John Martyn - In The Evening 13. John Martyn - May You Never 14. John Martyn - The Easy Blues (Live) 15. John Martyn - May You Never (Live) 16. John Martyn - I'd Rather Be The Devil (Devil Got My Woman) (Live Version) CD3 1. John Martyn - Solid Air (Demo Version) 2. John Martyn - Solid Air (Instrumental) 3. John Martyn - Over The Hill (Demo Version) 4. John Martyn - I'd Rather Be The Devil (Devil Got My Woman) (Demo Version) 5. John Martyn - Go Down Easy (Demo Version) 6. John Martyn - Go Down Easy (Alternative Take 2) 7. John Martyn - Dreams By The Sea (Demo Version) 8. John Martyn - May You Never (Demo Version) Solid Air is one of the defining moments in British folk, in the same league as Fairport Convention's Liege & Lief, Richard & Linda Thompson's Shoot Out the Lights, and Michael Chapman's Rainmaker. Martyn stepped out of his comfort zone to record and produce it, including not only jazz and blues but rock and plenty of sound effects, and featuring Rhodes piano on some of its tracks, dismaying some fans while winning a ton more for its genre-blurring presentation. A number of its cuts such as the title track (written for Martyn's friend, Nick Drake), "Over the Hill," "I'd Rather Be the Devil," and "May You Never" remained staples in his live sets until the end of his life. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/eb17c7cd356fcce781000f0e7a9aafc2/losslessdl_080820Solid_Air_Deluxe_2009_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/64245F000EF0078/losslessdl_080820Solid_Air_Deluxe_2009_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/052b6daec2ada47ccd1e942185e0df22/losslessdl_080820Solid_Air_Deluxe_2009_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/CAA1CF1CDE4F08B/losslessdl_080820Solid_Air_Deluxe_2009_FLAC.rar
  22. Artist: Lucio Battisti Title: Masters Vol.2 Year Of Release: 2019 Label: Legacy / Sony Music / RCA [19075969232] Genre: Folk Pop/Rock, Singer/Songwriter Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks+cue,log,scans) Total Time: 3:32:46 Total Size: 496 mb / 1.31 gb :: TRACKLIST :: Disc 1 1. Non È Francesca 2. Nel Sole, Nel Vento, Nel Sorriso E Nel Pianto 3. Prigioniero Del Mondo 4. Uno In Più 5. La Mia Canzone Per Maria 6. Insieme A Te Sto Bene 7. Era 8. Il Vento 9. Dolce Giorno 10. Adesso Sì 11. Luisa Rossi 12. Se la Mia Pelle Vuoi Disc 2 1. Supermarket 2. L'aquila 3. Vento Nel Vento 4. Luci-ah 5. Confusione 6. Il Leone E la Gallina 7. Ma È Un Canto Brasileiro 8. Le Allettanti Promesse 9. Prendi Fra Le Mani La Testa 10. Io Gli Ho Detto No 11. Questo Inferno Rosa 12. Abbracciala Abbracciali Abbracciati Disc 3 1. Il Salame 2. Gli Uomini Celesti 3. Un Uomo Che Ti Ama 4. La Compagnia 5. Io Ti Venderei 6. L'interprete Di Un Film 7. Soli 8. Questione Di Cellule 9. Donna Selvaggia Donna 10. Maledetto Gatto 11. Al Cinema 12. Il Monolocale Disc 4 1. Arrivederci A Questa Sera 2. Gelosa Cara 3. Orgoglio E Dignità 4. Straniero 5. Che Vita Ha Fatto 6. Fatti Un Pianto 7. Per Altri Motivi 8. Alcune Noncuranze 9. Però Il Rinoceronte 10. Cosa Farà Di Nuovo 11. Almeno L'inizio 12. Tubinga Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/de740f6399001f3d0a0590d5e9b5ad32/losslessdl_080820Masters_Vol.2_FLAC.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/7fa87415147e7a216e2e05fece451df2/losslessdl_080820Masters_Vol.2_FLAC.part2.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/1D7A5EEE133F0D7/losslessdl_080820Masters_Vol.2_FLAC.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/BAFF8886EA62688/losslessdl_080820Masters_Vol.2_FLAC.part2.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/dfe646cd2c124446692d225b302532d9/losslessdl_080820Masters_Vol.2_320.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/66C60E3E6F7B99A/losslessdl_080820Masters_Vol.2_320.rar
  23. Artist: Dolly Parton Title: The Very Best Of Dolly Parton Year Of Release: 2007/2019 Label: RLG/Legacy Genre: Country Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 01:04:41 Total Size: 151 mb | 411 mb Tracklist: 01. 9 to 5 02. I Will Always Love You 03. Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands In the Stream 04. Jolene 05. Coat of Many Colors 06. My Tennessee Mountain Home 07. Here You Come Again 08. Baby I'm Burnin' 09. Love Is Like a Butterfly 10. The Bargain Store 11. Potential New Boyfriend 12. Willie Nelson & Dolly Parton - Everything's Beautiful (In It's Own Way) 13. Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette & Loretta Lynn - Silver Threads and Golden Needles 14. Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris - To Know Him Is to Love Him 15. Why'd You Come in Here Lookin' Like That 16. Dolly Parton with Billy Ray Cyrus, Tanya Tucker, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Kathy Mattea, Pam Tillis - Romeo 17. Tennessee Homesick Blues 18. Dumb Blonde 19. Applejack 20. Old Flames Can't Hold a Candle to You 21. 9 to 5 (Love To Infinity Radio Mix) BMG's The Very Best of Dolly Parton is a single-disc set that contains original RCA and Columbia recordings from the mid-'70s into the '90s. Among the 20 tracks are some of her most recognized tunes: "9 to 5," "Here You Come Again," "Jolene," "Think About Love," "I Will Always Love You," and "Coat of Many Colors." For those who are more interested in her pop-oriented hits from the '70s and '80s, save some money and pick up Greatest Hits on RCA. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/5dd4450647024f209ad71b84ad255b44/losslessdl_080820Best_Dolly_Parton_2019_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/10D952A7104621F/losslessdl_080820Best_Dolly_Parton_2019_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/af7b9c4038df0d575529555f55a022fc/losslessdl_080820Best_Dolly_Parton_2019_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/304462F98A7BBF2/losslessdl_080820Best_Dolly_Parton_2019_FLAC.rar
  24. Artist: Various Artists Title: Eccentric Soul: Omnibus Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Numero Group Genre: Soul, R&B, Funk Quality: mp3 320 kbps / flac lossless Total Time: 04:48:41 Total Size: 694 mb / 1.5 gb Tracklist --------- CD1 01. Hard to Be in Love - 13th Amendment 02. The Stretch - 13th Amendment 03. A Child Is Born - The Aggregation 04. Can You Feel It - The Aggregation 05. When We Get Together Soon - Black Fur 06. Feel the Shock - Black Fur 07. Party Time - Black Soul Express 08. When I Left You - Black Soul Express 09. A Friend - Crystal's Image 10. Crystals Image (C.C.T) - Crystal's Image 11. Tracking Down Jody - Darker Shades Ltd. 12. Tracking Down Jody, Pt. 2 - Darker Shades Ltd. 13. Do It Again - Deep Heat 14. She's a Junkie (Who's the Blame) - Deep Heat 15. Feel It in Your Bones - The Directory 16. World and Creation - The Directory 17. Jody Is Gone - Duracha 18. Ghet-to Funk - Duracha CD2 01. Together, Pt. 1 - Elements of Peace 02. Together, Pt. 2 - Elements of Peace 03. You Make Me Nothing - Energettics 04. Rainy Days and Monday - Energettics 05. (Loose Booty) Is a Real Thing - Everyday People 06. Get Next to You - Everyday People 07. This Time - Family Connection 08. Lost Her Love - Family Connection 09. Disco-TNT - Flack and Company 10. Been Loving You So Long (Don't Want to Stop) - Flack and Company 11. Just Jammin - Free Mind 12. After We're Gone (The World Keeps Turning) - Free Mind 13. Hifidelics Groove - Hifidelics 14. Quiptown - Hifidelics 15. Four Times the Love - Hot Snow 16. Me & You - Hot Snow 17. Everyday - Inbassador 18. Everybody's Doing It - Inbassador CD3 01. Dig It (Shovel) - The Intentions 02. Blowing With the Wind - The Intentions 03. Funky Monkey Right On - Curtis Liggins Indications 04. What It Is? - Curtis Liggins Indications 05. Take Back All Those Things - Majestees 06. Let Her Go - Majestees 07. Gotta Go Home - Mixed Breed 08. Wise - Mixed Breed 09. Hey Girl - Morning After 10. Disco-Tick - Morning After 11. Land of Now - Now 12. Lovin' You Is Easy - Now 13. Magic Mirror - Procedures 14. Give Me One More Chance - Procedures 15. The Max - Prophets of Peace 16. You Can Be - Prophets of Peace 17. Patience - Rokk 18. Don't Be No Fool - Rokk CD4 01. Don't Be so Jive - Sag War Fare 02. Girl You Better Change - Sag War Fare 03. Don't Be Afraid - Sky's The Limit 04. Don't Be Afraid (Instrumental) - Sky's The Limit 05. Can I Say It Again - Soul Walkers 06. Stay Ahead - Soul Walkers 07. Bad-Bad-Bad - Super Soul Movement 08. Bad-Bad-Bad, Pt. 2 - Super Soul Movement 09. Fever in Your Hot Pants - Suspicious Can Openers 10. Tuesday in the Rain - Suspicious Can Openers 11. Get Technified - The Techniques 12. When You're Away - The Techniques 13. Mother Nature - Third Generation 14. Love Is Gonna Rain Down on Me - Third Generation CD5 01. Face It Man - Three Days Ahead 02. Rollin Love, Pt. 2 - Three Days Ahead 03. Reach Out (And Give Me Your Hand) - Tickled Pink 04. Never Can Say Goodbye - Tickled Pink 05. Black Is Beautiful - The Trinikas 06. Remember Me - The Trinikas 07. Funk Power - The Trust 08. Explosion - The Trust 09. I'm Sure - Two Plus Two 10. Look Around - Two Plus Two 11. Strike - Union 12. Come Over to My House for Lunch - Union 13. I've Never Been so In Love - Volumes 14. I'm Gonna Miss You - Volumes 15. Life of Tears - Walter & the Admerations 16. Man Oh Man (What Have I Done) - Walter & the Admerations 17. The Grade A - Clifton White 18. Ain't No Love - Clifton White 19. I'm Tired of What People Say or Do - Soul Walkers 20. Never Say You Don't Have It - Soul Walkers Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/bf41741316bdbbc8296ecbe3a33d03f7/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_Omnibus_2012_mp3.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/D2EE0EB86703381/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_Omnibus_2012_mp3.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/43c7e991da0b6e93b905619e82bfc0c3/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_Omnibus_2012_flac.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/0c16ccb3ebc10d366c0a6bf4c107bb68/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_Omnibus_2012_flac.part2.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/917C755D9ECCF43/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_Omnibus_2012_flac.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/59E9E09ADAF3EDD/losslessdl_080820Eccentric_Soul_Omnibus_2012_flac.part2.rar
  25. Artist: Zac Brown Band Title: You Get What You Give (Deluxe) Year Of Release: 2011 Label: Southern Ground/Atlantic Genre: Country Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 01:13:29 Total Size: 173 mb | 483 mb Tracklist: 01. Let It Go 02. Knee Deep (feat. Jimmy Buffett) 03. No Hurry 04. I Play the Road 05. Cold Hearted 06. Whiskey's Gone 07. Quiet Your Mind 08. Colder Weather 09. Settle Me Down 10. As She's Walking Away (feat. Alan Jackson) 11. Keep Me in Mind 12. Who Knows 13. Martin 14. Make This Day 15. Free 16. Oh My Sweet Carolina (Live) 17. Nothing The Zac Brown Band's first major-label release, 2008's The Foundation, put this hard-working touring band over the top, generating five hit singles, including the instant classic singalong "Chicken Fried," and this follow-up album will get a lot of attention and airplay on country stations. Is there another "Chicken Fried" here? Not really, but You Get What You Give is a better and more consistent album than The Foundation, thanks to Brown's solid songwriting and singing and the rest of the bandmembers' ability to sound country even when they venture deep into Southern rock territory, tackle a little bluegrass, or veer into a jam band reggae direction think George Strait crossed with the Allman Brothers Band crossed with Jimmy Buffett (who actually guests here on "Knee Deep") crossed with the Dave Matthews Band. This is a band built for flexibility at live shows and for stretching numbers out, but thanks to Brown's easy, natural honky tonk singing and sharp songwriting, ZBB also deliver confidently in the tighter restraints of a studio setting. From the opener, the you're-definitely-gonna-hear-this-on-the-radio "Let It Go," this set is road-tested and crisp. "Let It Go" is a clear highlight, but so too is the Allman Brothers-like "I Play the Road," the ragtime two-step sound of "Whiskey's Gone," the fast, skittering reggae of "Settle Me Down," the honky tonk "As She's Walking Away" (featuring a guest spot from Alan Jackson), and the haunting ballad "Martin," and all of these tracks combined make this a stronger album than The Foundation, even if it doesn't exactly have a song that's going to be as huge and commercially feasible as "Chicken Fried" instant classics are rare, and they're supposed to be. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/4aea54cb81c8243438cdf4f9deec6265/losslessdl_080820You_Give_Deluxe_2011_320_kbps.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/D9F08111433C01B/losslessdl_080820You_Give_Deluxe_2011_320_kbps.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/c8e4fd467936965a658114b01fd47237/losslessdl_080820You_Give_Deluxe_2011_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/4E10F3C960B3A6D/losslessdl_080820You_Give_Deluxe_2011_FLAC.rar
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