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  1. Left Behind-TENOKE Developer: SolitaryStudios Publisher: SolitaryStudios Genre: Indie Size: 4.02 Gb Description: LEFT BEHIND Is a proudly pinoy-made realistic psychological horror game where you take on the role of a real estate agent with a client looking to sell you a property. Before finalizing the transaction, you decide to personally inspect the property. However, instead of a straightforward and quick interaction with the client, you find yourself thrust into a deeply unsettling and frightening situation. This game requires the use of a microphone for certain parts of the gameplay. With your microphone, you can speak and hear your voice in real-time within the game, with effects that vary depending on your in-game location. For instance, when you’re inside a building, your voice will echo. However, when you’re out in the open field, your voice will sound normal. Features: -Immersive gameplay -Immersive flashlight -Hyper-realistic graphics -Real-time voice recognition -Surrounding-based voice recognition -Rich Storyline -Fear Inducing Atmosphere Install: 1. Extract release 2. Mount ISO 3. Install the game 4. Copy crack from the TENOKE folder 5. Play! System Requirements: Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 Processor: Ryzen 3 2200g Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: GTX 750 ti DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 6 GB available space Recommended: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 Processor: ryzen 5 3600 Memory: 12 GB RAM Graphics: GTX 1050 ti DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 6 GB available space https://data.hu/get/14154111/Left_Behind-TENOKE.part1.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/14154116/Left_Behind-TENOKE.part2.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/14154123/Left_Behind-TENOKE.part3.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/14154124/Left_Behind-TENOKE.part4.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/14154717/Left_Behind-TENOKE.part5.rar?pid=3481667534
  2. Cím: Yooka-Laylee Műfaj: Akció, Kaland, Indie Fejlesztő: Playtonic Games Kiadó: Team17 Digital Ltd Franchise: Team17 Digital Megjelenés dátuma: 2017. ápr. 11. Info Scene Upload size / to download: 2876MB RAR parts: 1000MB (interchangeable/compatible) ISO image size: 2876MB Number of compressions: only one Data recovery: none Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese Tartalom: A Yooka-Laylee a legendás Banjo-Kazooie örökségét ápolva egy csodálatos és színes mesevilágba kalauzol el minket, amelyben egy vidám kis kaméleon és denevérbarátja oldalán egy olyan 3D platformer vár ránk, ahol minden egyes pálya a folyamatos akadályok leküzdésére és fejtörők megoldására lett kiélezve. A játékban saját ügyességünk mellett folyamatosan ki kell majd használnunk a két főhős eltérő képességeit és tulajdonságait, akiket lehetőségünk nyílik majd egyedül, de akár egy barátunkkal kooperatív módban is terelgetni annak érdekében, hogy együtt próbáljuk meg leküzdeni a ránk váró akadályok sokaságát. Ha hiányzik a legendás Banjo-Kazooie élménye, a Yooka-Laylee-ban most újra átélhetsz egy klasszikus kalandot, amely azon alapul! Irányíts egy vidám kis kaméleont és hű denevértársát száz és száz akadályon át! Egyedül vagy kooperatív módban egyaránt megtapasztalhatod ezt a különleges élményt! Rendszerkövetelmények Minimum: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 (64bit) Processzor: Intel i5-2500 3.3GHz Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: NVidia GTS450 / AMD Radeon 6850HD DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 9 GB szabad hely Hangkártya: Windows Compatible Card Ajánlott: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Telepítés: 1. Letöltöd! 2.Kibontod 3.Mountolod 4.Telepíted 5. Játszol!
  3. The Gap-TENOKE Developer: MV JPL Publisher: MV JPL Genre: Indie Size: 2.32 Gb Description: Years ago, my daughter went missing. After a time, everyone gave up hope of finding her… They moved on. But not me. I know my daughter is alive. She is out there somewhere, waiting for me. Needing my help. Last night I got this letter… The Gap is a short first-person horror experience taking place in a ghostly abandoned house on a lonely street corner. You don’t know what forces compelled you to come here, but it is clear someone is living inside. Features: -An atmospheric, horrifying environment hand crafted to take advantage of your fear of the dark. -An engaging linear narrative. -A Free Roam gamemode letting you explore the game world without the confines of the linear story. -Minimal gameplay mechanics typical of walking simulator genre. Install: 1. Extract release 2. Mount ISO 3. Install the game 4. Copy crack from the TENOKE folder 5. Play! System Requirements: Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel i5 2.70GHz Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1650 4GB VRAM DirectX: Version 12 Storage: 2 GB available space Recommended: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel i9 3.60GHz Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: NVidia RTX 3000 series or equivalent. 8GB VRAM DirectX: Version 12 Storage: 2 GB available space https://data.hu/get/13921321/The_Gap-TENOKE.part1.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13921323/The_Gap-TENOKE.part2.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13921332/The_Gap-TENOKE.part3.rar?pid=3481667534
  4. Last Lesson-TENOKE Developer: REVVALUTION Studio Publisher: REVVALUTION Studio Genre: Indie Size: 3.04 Gb Description: "Last Lesson" – creepy psychological horror from the first person. The action takes place in an abandoned Soviet school, which was converted into a nightmarish quest. Anyone can pay money and get an extreme dose of adrenaline, solving ingenious riddles and getting out of deadly traps. That night there were much more visitors than usual and your task is to check everything, turn off the equipment and leave this creepy place. Your first night at work will be your last nightmare About the game: In this very scary game, you are the caretaker of a spooky quest. You don’t have much to do – turn off the lights, check the equipment and close the room. But suddenly someone’s invisible hand launches a new game and now you are in mortal danger, terrible sounds are heard from everywhere, and it is almost impossible to live until dawn. "Last Lesson" is a very creepy horror game with realistic graphics. It will seem to you that you really ended up in an abandoned school and everything that happens in the game can break out into the real world at any moment. The indescribable atmosphere of horror will give you minutes full of despair and sticky horror. Goosebumps and running sweat are provided. Turn off the lights in the apartment, put on your headphones and get ready for a real nightmare Average game completion time: 40 – 50 minutes Epileptic seizures associated with increased sensitivity to light are possible. Some people may experience seizures when exposed to flashes of light and flashing images that appear in video games. People who have not previously experienced such seizures may not be aware of their illness. A reasonable restriction of the gaming audience is recommended. Features: – The game is suitable for those who are looking for a dynamic horror; – The main genre of the game is "Walking Simulator"; – Gameplay close to realism; – The story unfolds through the actions of the player and voice prompts; – Excellent soundtrack will instantly immerse you in a world filled with nightmares and chaos; – The game is voiced by professional voice actors and dubbing actors. (Russian version) DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT FOR ADULTS The developers describe the content like this: The game contains images of scenes of violence that can have a negative impact on the psyche. Some content items may not be suitable for certain age groups. A reasonable restriction of the audience of the game is recommended. Possible depiction of death and the consequences of injuries. Install: 1. Extract release 2. Mount ISO 3. Install the game 4. Copy crack from the TENOKE folder 5. Play! System Requirements: Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required) Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-3470 or AMD Ryzen™ 3 1200 Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760 2GB / AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 15 GB available space Recommended: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required) Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-3770 or AMD FX™-9590 or better Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480 with 3GB Video RAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 15 GB available space https://data.hu/get/13919063/Last_Lesson-TENOKE.part1.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13919071/Last_Lesson-TENOKE.part2.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13919098/Last_Lesson-TENOKE.part3.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13919131/Last_Lesson-TENOKE.part4.rar?pid=3481667534
  5. Please Forgive Me-TENOKE Developer: REVVALUTION Studio Publisher: REVVALUTION Studio Genre: Indie Size: 4.10 Gb Description: The action will unfold in several locations – the entrance of the house and the apartment itself. The process of passing is quite dynamic, the characters in their dialogues and monologues can hint at one or another clue, so listen carefully and read between the lines. In this game, there will always be something going on because any action will trigger a chain of events that will inevitably lead to a dramatic and terrifying ending. The main character will lose control and self-control before your eyes, and all his self-confidence will dissolve like a fog under the influence of terrible and traumatic events. Epileptic seizures associated with increased sensitivity to light are possible. Some people may experience seizures when exposed to flashes of light and flashing images that appear in video games. People who have not previously experienced such seizures may not be aware of their illness. A reasonable restriction of the gaming audience is recommended. Game Features: – The game is suitable for those who are looking for a dynamic horror; – The main genre of the game is "Walking Simulator"; – Gameplay close to realism; – The narrative unfolds through the notes and actions of the player; – The player controls one character, whose path will lead to a shocking ending; – Take your time, when exploring locations, secrets and plot notes can be hidden there; – Sound accompaniment will immerse you even more in the terrifying world of "Please, Forgive Me"; – The game is voiced by professional voice actors and dubbing actors. (Russian version) The game contains images of scenes of violence that can have a negative impact on the psyche. Some content items may not be suitable for certain age groups. A reasonable restriction of the audience of the game is recommended. Install: 1. Extract release 2. Mount ISO 3. Install the game 4. Copy crack from the TENOKE folder 5. Play! System Requirements: Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required) Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-3470 or AMD Ryzen™ 3 1200 Memory: 8 GB ??? GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760 2GB / AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 15 GB available space Additional Notes ˇ : 64- Recommended: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required) Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-3770 or AMD FX™-9590 or better Memory: 16 GB ??? GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480 with 3GB Video RAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 15 GB available space Additional Notes ˇ : 64- https://data.hu/get/13846011/Please_Forgive_Me-TENOKE.part1.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13846018/Please_Forgive_Me-TENOKE.part2.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13846031/Please_Forgive_Me-TENOKE.part3.rar?pid=3481667534
  6. Super Intern Story-TENOKE Developer: Blue Noise Games Publisher: Blue Noise Games Genre: Indie Size: 1.57 Gb Description: Have you ever wondered how video games are made? Is it your life long dream to work in the gaming industry? Today is your lucky day! We may have the perfect position for you. Come work for us in this "challenging" environment where everything that can go wrong will absolutely go wrong. We offer you valuable experience such as : Fixing other people’s mistakes Getting blamed for everything because you’re just an intern Having your butt kicked by heroes on a daily basis Each day is different here and you will have to face new problems that makes you wonder about your own sanity. I hope you will apply for the job and discover the secrets of the video games industry! Your future boss Features: -Every chapter is a new day with unique gameplay and challenges. You won’t get bored! -Beautiful environments that remind you that you’re stuck at work and – wait did that fake pyramid just fall on the floor? -Drama, joy, tragedy, nonsense… Just like your regular 9 to 5 job -Lots of side quests & secrets scattered all over the madhouse that is your office building -4 monster costumes each with different abilities and unique cuteness -A handful of coworkers to share a coffee with while listening to their complains -Great corporate meta humor that feels like a crying emoji in a powerpoint about why you are fired Install: 1. Extract release 2. Mount ISO 3. Install the game 4. Copy crack from the TENOKE folder 5. Play! System Requirements: Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 or later Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1 ghz or equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 680, AMD R9 280X or anything with at least 2GB of RAM and OpenGL 4.2 Storage: 3 GB available space Sound Card: any sound card https://data.hu/get/13845386/Super_Intern_Story-TENOKE.part1.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13845401/Super_Intern_Story-TENOKE.part2.rar?pid=3481667534
  7. Fobia St Dinfna Hotel - DOGE Developer: Pulsatrix Studios Publisher: Maximum Games Genre: Indie Size: 3.67 Gb Description: Treze Trilhas is home to the St. Dinfna Hotel, a decadent site that is the subject of numerous rumors including mysterious disappearances and paranormal activity. Hoping to break the story, amateur journalist Roberto Leite Lopes travels to Santa Catarina following a tip from his friend Stephanie. His investigative skills will be needed not only to uncover the truth but to survive when reality is turned upside down with his discovery of a camera that reveals different timelines, a fanatical cult, human experiments, and apparitions roaming the halls. Solve puzzles and scavenge for anything to stop their hunt as the past, present and future collide. Features: • Explore a Grand Hotel – The Unreal Engine brings terrifyingly realistic visuals to this first-person horror experience. • Survive the Horrors – Scavenge for supplies while you run, hide, or fight the monsters that stalk the corridors. • Unravel the Mystery – Worlds collide in a twisting narrative full of puzzles and conspiracies. • Look to the past and the future – Interact with different timelines using an enigmatic camera that connects parallel realities to uncover the many secrets hidden in the walls of the hotel. Install: 1. Extract release 2. Mount ISO 3. Install the game 4. Copy crack from the DOGE folder 5. Play! System Requirements: Minimum: OS: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (64-BIT Required) Processor: Core i3 9100 or Ryzen 3 2300X Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB or Radeon RX 6400 4GB DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 10 GB available space Additional Notes ˇ : With these requirements, it is recommended that the game is played on Low quality settings. Recommended: OS: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (64-BIT Required) Processor: Core i5 8600 or AMD Ryzen 5 3600X Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or Radeon RX 580 8GB DirectX: Version 12 Storage: 10 GB available space https://data.hu/get/13507923/Fobia_St_Dinfna_Hotel_-_DOGE.part1.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13507937/Fobia_St_Dinfna_Hotel_-_DOGE.part2.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13507938/Fobia_St_Dinfna_Hotel_-_DOGE.part3.rar?pid=3481667534 https://data.hu/get/13508661/Fobia_St_Dinfna_Hotel_-_DOGE.part4.rar?pid=3481667534
  8. Freakscene - The Story Of Dinosaur Jr (2022, Blu-ray) Title: Freakscene - The Story Of Dinosaur Jr Year of release: 2022 Genre: Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, Documentary Released: Al!ve AG Cast: Freakscene Tracklist: Homage of one of the most influential bands on the American East Coast, which inspired the rock scene - an emotional, tragically funny and sometimes noisy roller-coaster ride by a dysfunctional family - Dinosaur Jr. Philipp Reichenheim- Freakscene: The Story Of Dinosaur Jr. Cameraman - Lee Ranaldo, Liviana Davi, Peter Domsch, Philipp Reichenheim Featuring - Bob Mould, Henry Rollins, J Mascis, Kim Gordon, Lou Barlow, Murph, Thurston Moore Film Director - Philipp Reichenheim Film Editor - Maria Bergmann, Philipp Reichenheim, Stephan Holl Film Producer - Philipp Reichenheim, Stephan Holl Bonus 2 Dinosaur Jr.- Live PC69 Bielefeld - Gun Club Tour 1987 3 Various- Freakscene Bonus Interviews 4 Dinosaur Jr.- Best of Dinosaur Jr. Live in the Middle East 2005 5 Philipp Reichenheim- Freakscene Trailer Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 20976 kbps / 1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio / Englisch / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1746 kbps / 16-bit Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio / German / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 861 kbps / 16-bit (Bonus) Total Size: 23.87 GB Total Time: 01:22:21, 01:48:30 Download Hoster: hitfile.net, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/4F28EE583C.html Pass: 689
  9. Alt-J - Live at Red Rocks (2016, Blu-ray) Title: Alt-J - Live at Red Rocks Year of release: 2016 Genre: Alternative rock, indie pop Released: PIAS Cast: Joe Newman, Thom Green, Unger-Hamilton, Cameron Knight Tracklist: A great career retrospective and proof of alt-J's incredible live qualities all in one: "alt-J: Live At Red Rocks" is the first official live recording of the young British alternative rockers, and it comes in both picture and sound. Recorded at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, City and County of Denver, 27th July 2015 1. Hunger of the Pine 2. Fitzpleasure 3. Something Good 4. Left Hand Free 5. Dissolve Me 6. Matilda/Interlude 2 7. Bloodflood 8. Bloodflood Pt. II 9. Interlude 10. Tessellate 11. Every Other Freckle 12. Taro 13. Warm Foothills 14. The Gospel of John Hurt 15. Lovely Day 16. Nara 17. Leaving Nara 18. Breeze Blocks Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 26410 kbps / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit Total Size: 16.00 GB Total Time: 01:14:56 Download Hoster: hitfile.net, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/34BF76F283.html Pass: 689
  10. The The - The Comeback Special Live (2021, Blu-ray) Title: The The - The Comeback Special Live At The Royal Albert Hall Year of release: 2021 Genre: Indie Rock Released: earMUSIC Cast: The The Tracklist: In 2018, The The went on a big "Comeback Special" tour with several concerts around the globe. The British rock band also made a stop in London, where the rejuvenated formation with singer and songwriter Matt Johnson, former members James Eller on bass, DC Collard on keyboards and Earl Harvin on drums as well as new member Barrie Cadogan on guitar played a total of three gigs within one week. 1 Global Eyes 2 Sweet Bird Of Truth 3 Flesh & Bones 4 Heartland 5 Beat(en) Generation 6 Armageddon Days (Are Here Again) 7 A Long Hard Lazy Apprenticeship 8 We Can't Stop What's Coming 9 Phantom Walls 10 Love Is Stronger Than Death 11 Dogs Of Lust 12 Helpline Operator 13 This Is The Night 14 This Is The Day 15 Soul Catcher 16 Bugle Boy 17 Beyond Love 18 Slow Emotion Replay 19 (Like A) Sun Rising Thru My Garden 20 Global Eyes 21 Infected 22 I've Been Waiting For Tomorrow (All Of My Life) 23 True Happiness 24 Uncertain Smile 25 Lonely Planet 26 End Credits Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 17969 kbps / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: LPCM Audio / English / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio / English / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 5071 kbps / 24-bit Total Size: 23.22 GB Total Time: 01:59:35 Download Hoster: hitfile.net, rapidgator.net, turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/BA7C2D256E.html Pass: 689
  11. Artist: The Innocence Mission Title: Glow Year Of Release: 1995 Label: A&M Records Genre: Alt Rock, Indie Pop, Dream Pop, Folk Rock Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (tracks) Total Time: 40:29 Total Size: 115/285 Mb (scans) Tracklist: 01. Keeping awake 02. Bright as yellow 03. Brave 04. That was another country 05. Speak our minds 06. Happy, the end 07. Our harry 08. Go 09. Everything's different now 10. Spinning 11. There 12. I hear you say so Line-up:: Bass, Vocals, Vibraphone [Vibes] - Mike Bitts Drums, Tambourine - Steve Brown Guitar, Organ - Don Peris Vocals, Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Organ - Karen Peris The Innocence Mission is an indie folk band composed of Karen Peris (née McCullough), her husband (and fellow guitarist) Don Peris, and Mike Bitts (on bass guitar). The band was formed in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, when the members met during a Catholic school production of Godspell. Although all members of the band have contributed to their music, Karen Peris is their main writer. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/272093ef502b3cc25815a095fee0243f/losslessdl_080820Glw_b_ThIncncMis.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/8247013A9E8EA37/losslessdl_080820Glw_b_ThIncncMis.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/3e904b193d6e5f30927221c4b15d1e04/losslessdl_080820ThIncncMis_Glw.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/EC5061F61F16B15/losslessdl_080820ThIncncMis_Glw.rar
  12. Artist: AaRON Title: We Cut the Night Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Wagram Music - Cinq 7 Genre: electronic, french, indie pop, indie rock, singer-songwriter Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue+.log) Total Time: 43:55 Total Size: 268 MB Sous le nom d'AaRON, le parolier de langue anglaise Simon Buret accompagné d'Olivier Coursier, compositeur, sont devenus célèbres en 2006 quand leurs chansons « U-Turn (Lili) » et « Mister K » ont été utilisées pour la bande originale de l'énorme succès « Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas », Buret ayant passé une démo au réalisateur Philippe Lioret à l'occasion d'une audition pour un second rôle. Après le succès du film, « U-Turn » est devenu un petit phénomène sur Internet, à la suite de quoi le duo a sorti son premier album en 2007. Avec des textes autobiographiques, un son rock éthéré quelque part entre Tom McRae et Keane, et une reprise plaintive de « Strange Fruit », l'album s'est classé numéro huit des charts français. 01. AaRON - Blouson Noir (4:38) 02. AaRON - Magnetic Road (4:35) 03. AaRON - The Leftlovers (5:24) 04. AaRON - Ride On (3:54) 05. AaRON - Maybe On The Moon (4:41) 06. AaRON - Onassis (3:39) 07. AaRON - Invisible Stains (4:46) 08. AaRON - We Cut The Night (4:15) 09. AaRON - Shades Of Blue (3:59) 10. AaRON - 2:22 (4:03) Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/5d6a7bf49fef1d03ee1499227b13a96b/losslessdl_2707202015_We_Cut_The_Night_CD-Rip.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/CFF3481DAC3AF2E/losslessdl_2707202015_We_Cut_The_Night_CD-Rip.rar
  13. Artist: The National Title: Juicy Sonic Magic, Live in Berkeley, September 24-25, 2018 Year Of Release: 2019 Label: 4AD Genre: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock Quality: Mp3 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 237:47 min Total Size: 566 MB / 1,6 GB Tracklist: CD1: 01. Nobody Else Will Be There (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 02. The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 03. Walk It Back (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 04. Guilty Party (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 05. Don't Swallow the Cap (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 06. Bloodbuzz Ohio (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 07. I Need My Girl (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 08. Green Gloves (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 09. Brainy (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 10. Slow Show (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 11. All The Wine (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 12. I'll Still Destroy You (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 13. Dark Side of the Gym (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 14. Day I Die (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 15. Carin at the Liquor Store (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 16. Graceless (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 17. Rylan (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 18. Fake Empire (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 19. Light Years (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 20. Mr. November (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 21. Terrible Love (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) 22. Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks (Live at Berkeley 9/24/18) CD2: 01. Light Years (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 02. The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 03. Walk It Back (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 04. Guilty Party (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 05. I Should Live in Salt (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 06. Don't Swallow the Cap (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 07. Afraid of Everyone (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 08. I Need My Girl (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 09. This Is the Last Time (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 10. Wasp Nest (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 11. Born to Beg (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 12. Sorrow (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 13. Apartment Story (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 14. Pink Rabbits (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 15. England (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 16. Day I Die (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 17. Rylan (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 18. Fake Empire (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 19. About Today (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 20. Lemonworld (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 21. Mr. November (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 22. Terrible Love (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) 23. Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks (Live at Berkeley 9/25/18) Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/dc22f7cac5b92081deb1d03c2d12d2b2/losslessdl_200720The_National_-_Juicy_Sonic_Magic__Live_in_Berkeley__September_24-25__2018_2019.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/886205D3B88F700/losslessdl_200720The_National_-_Juicy_Sonic_Magic__Live_in_Berkeley__September_24-25__2018_2019.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/4d96a3f6dee77881be3f67fb90f30b01/losslessdl_200720The_National_-_Juicy_Sonic_Magic__Live_in_Berkeley__September_24-25__2018_2019_FLAC.part1.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/6f3ef3bb5e670efa1d71c03a3b8c55bb/losslessdl_200720The_National_-_Juicy_Sonic_Magic__Live_in_Berkeley__September_24-25__2018_2019_FLAC.part2.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/942D8E132ABFF72/losslessdl_200720The_National_-_Juicy_Sonic_Magic__Live_in_Berkeley__September_24-25__2018_2019_FLAC.part1.rar https://nitroflare.com/view/3F827AEBEB465F1/losslessdl_200720The_National_-_Juicy_Sonic_Magic__Live_in_Berkeley__September_24-25__2018_2019_FLAC.part2.rar
  14. Artist: Battles Title: Mirrored Year Of Release: 2007/2019 Label: Warp Records Genre: Electronic, Rock, Math Rock, Experimental, Indie Rock Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 00:51:57 Total Size: 349,04 MB Tracklist: [4:51] 01. Battles - Race : In [7:07] 02. Battles - Atlas [2:34] 03. Battles - Ddiamondd [7:43] 04. Battles - Tonto [2:48] 05. Battles - Leyendecker [8:11] 06. Battles - Rainbow [5:18] 07. Battles - Bad Trails [0:52] 08. Battles - Prismism [1:59] 09. Battles - Snare Hangar [7:04] 10. Battles - Tij [3:30] 11. Battles - Race : Out AllMusic Review by Thom Jurek It's official: in 2007, it's all come full circle. Prog rock has made its way into the indie scene. Battles' Mirrored, their debut full-length after three EPs, makes that plain. Messrs. John Stanier of Helmet and Tomahawk, guitarist/keyboardist Ian Williams of Don Caballero and Storm & Stress, guitarist David Konopka of Lynx, and avant solo musician Tyondai Braxton have constructed an album that combines the best of Van Der Graaf Generator, Magma, Krautrock, and math rock, while coming up with something that stands so far out on the fringe that it is in a league of its own. That so much of this music is created via the magic of software and combined with one- or two-note keyboard and guitar patterns makes it the Philip K. Dick equivalent of modern rock. The intro, "Race: In," comes flying out of the box with a series of rim shots and repetitive guitar lines before Braxton comes whistling into the front end. This is a Disney tune for Snow White by the Seven Dwarfs run amok. The abstract patterns introduced by the keyboards and bassline serve to underscore the melody, complex though it may be, and the sampling sound of hammers creates, at least momentarily, the image of "Whistle While You Work" before the guitars enter full bore and transform it into a full-blown prog jam with tight turns, momentary riffs all the while keeping a motorik drumbeat whether on a snare or a tom-tom. The whistling and wordless vocals that reflect another set of keyboard sounds add depth, humor, and warmth to this underground rainbow. On "Atlas," the title track from the band's last EP, the sound is one of futuristic dragon music à la the conceits of T. Rex without the clever lyrics. Here, the drum shuffle of so many great T. Rex tunes introduces a single guitar riff, warped by sonics and growled vocals that sound like a pig snorting. The intoxication of rhythm is inescapable, even as the David Seville Chipmunk-style vocals -- which could be backmasked -- create a progression for the tune to lift off from. It's tribal and slick, both at the same time. There is even a manipulated -- via the wonders of electronics -- "oo-ay-oo" from The Wizard of Oz scene where the evil Wicked Witch of the West henchmen sing as they march in guard formation around her dark palace. But this music is anything but dark. It's insistent, playful, and planned down to the distorted bass loop and pulsing guitar and keyboard notes that are layered on top in single- or double-note formations. Indeed, Mirrored is the place -- the very terrain -- where nerd science meets rock, and it's a gas. It's the amalgam of "merry melodies" that grabs the listener, even to the point of forgetting how many different arrays of percussion and electric string and keyboard instruments are being played on each and every tune. The sprint that is "Ddiamondd" could be in Christian Vander's Zeuhl dialect, with some of nastiest keyboard bass since the Beastie Boys' "Party's Gettin' Rough." One can hear strains of Gentle Giant in the way vocal harmonies are carefully layered to provide a counterpoint to the knotty riffs being executed. "Tonto" is an exception, where Asian, early American folk melody, and contrapuntal interplay create a long journey into some instrumental netherworld where rhythm and sound don't so much come to a conclusion as collide in variations of tempo and modal changes. "Rainbow" is the albums's longest and most chaotic track, yet it's utterly infectious listening as guitars roar and whoosh through the top of the mix. Rhythmic invention undercuts them and directs the shifts in tempo and even key. In contrast, "Bad Trails," with its synth loop providing a hypnotic inroad into Braxton's singing and shifting strands of guitar, bass, and synth lines, is a bona fide song. "Race: Out," the album's final cut, begins largely as an electronically manipulated exercise is backward tape manipulation; but this is all digital, folks, until the drums enter full bore announcing in short rolls on the toms that something else is about to occur -- and it does. Everything shifts into forward motion again on a dime and the instruments engage each other in a labyrinthine dance of cheap keyboard themes and tight, knotty guitar inventions. Pattern after pattern is introduced, played until it becomes rote, and then shifts itself, by only a couple of notes, into something entirely different as sounds, soundscapes, and instruments engage one another in call-and-response until a fade into silence. Mirrored is unlike any recording out there at the moment. It's loud, funny, and astonishingly sophisticated, and doesn't feel pretentious in the least. Never has the wall of electronic futurism sounded so organic or musical. The album's many influences offer only guide posts, as Battles have their own unique image of a sound universe that one can play in as well as be awed by. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/de6421f92c625ac35c1f6ad50e2fe968/losslessdl_20072004289-MP3-Mirrored.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/8EFA62DD65BBEF0/losslessdl_20072004289-MP3-Mirrored.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/bffc46cb76c76b8e710c224f9113463c/losslessdl_20072004289-FLAC-Mirrored.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/222DA9AF1326AC3/losslessdl_20072004289-FLAC-Mirrored.rar
  15. Artist: Richard Hawley Title: Hollow Meadows Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Parlophone UK Genre: Indie & Alternative Quality: Mp3 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) / 24bit-44.1kHz FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 49:02 Total Size: 112 / 279 / 533 MB Tracklist: 1. I Still Want You (4:06) 2. The World Looks Down (3:43) 3. Which Way (2:58) 4. Serenade of Blue (4:07) 5. Long Time Down (5:38) 6. Nothing Like a Friend (5:04) 7. Sometimes I Feel (5:35) 8. Tuesday Pm (3:30) 9. Welcome the Sun (6:17) 10. Heart of Oak (4:26) 11. What Love Means (3:38) Following the success of his hugely acclaimed 2012 Top Three album, 'Standing at the Sky's Edge', Richard Hawley releases his eighth studio album 'Hollow Meadows' via Parlophone Records. Recorded at Sheffield's Yellow Arch Studio in spring 2015, 'Hollow Meadows' sees Hawley return to the classic, sophisticated songwriting and subtle arrangements that made him so widely loved and revered in the first place. Meditating on such themes as ageing, fallibility and relationships, much of the album shares a brooding, yet wistful and romantic atmosphere in keeping with early albums 'Late Night Final' and 'Lowedges', as well as touches of 2009's Truelove's Gutter ('Nothing Like a Friend') and Standing at the Sky's Edge ('Which Way', 'Welcome the Sun'). Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/e61a9d656b4986ac4718bfa753268630/losslessdl_190620Richard_Hawley_-_Hollow_Meadows_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/38DC756515B619E/losslessdl_190620Richard_Hawley_-_Hollow_Meadows_FLAC.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/0236ed8ae1db4416c7382e9a763a8600/losslessdl_190620Richard_Hawley_-_Hollow_Meadows_Hi-Res.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/6A5E4DC6892E947/losslessdl_190620Richard_Hawley_-_Hollow_Meadows_Hi-Res.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/29dc3ef9144d04202878084013c028f8/losslessdl_190620Richard_Hawley_-_Hollow_Meadows_MP3.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/BE6D7F45BEF489B/losslessdl_190620Richard_Hawley_-_Hollow_Meadows_MP3.rar
  16. Artist: Emerson Hart Title: 32 Thousand Days Year Of Release: 2019 Label: Pasquo House Records Genre: Alternative, Indie Rock, Singer-Songwriter Quality: 320 / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 49:10 Total Size: 118 / 344 Mb Tracklist: 1. Lucky One (4:00) 2. First to Love (3:14) 3. It's True (3:13) 4. She Makes It Rain (3:09) 5. I Get You (3:02) 6. Island (4:19) 7. Lights Out (4:08) 8. When I Had You (3:21) 9. Amen (3:32) 10. Ageless (3:00) 11. Disposable (2:55) 12. Old Friend (3:34) 13. Kids (3:21) 14. 32 Thousand Days (4:20) Sincerity in music generally cuts two ways; too much can sound schlocky and pompous, too little and the artist seems removed or disengaged. It's a tricky tightrope to traverse, one that Emerson Hart is only partially successful navigating. The Tonic frontman's third solo effort is sonically analogous to his first two. According to the publicity notes, it's a song cycle of sorts concerning Hart's grandfather, who lived for the titular 32,000 days. Without knowing that though, it's difficult to glean the concept from the lyrics of these songs, many dealing with universal concepts of broken relationships ("Lights Out"), getting older ("Ageless"), and endless love ("Island"). Musically they exhibit the professionalism you would expect from a veteran singer-songwriter with Hart's experience. These 14 mid-tempo folk-rockers are never less than emotional, honest and, well, sincere. Many like the opening "Lucky One" boast arena-sized, hook-laden choruses. They work off Hart's acoustic guitar which is overlaid with drums and electric riffs providing heft and an anthemic, melodic approach that's powerful and pulsating. But as much as many of these ballads reverberate effectively on their own, 50 minutes of them, most with comparable tempos, instrumentation and structure, dampens and dilutes the effect. Each starts with a strumming acoustic guitar and gradually builds from there. Add Emerson's sober but limited voice that drips with earnestness and by the time you get to the Tom Petty-styled closing title track, one of the disc's finest, the effect is numbing. A good, objective co-pilot could have worked wonders with these songs, but as artist and producer, Hart doesn't do himself any favors. All but one track is co-written. Some are shared by as many as three others along with Hart so it's hard to say who is to blame when the lyrics turn overly obvious as in "Disposable," where each line starts with a letter of the title ("D, is the distance, I for the insult, S for the sorry we never said" etc.) or "Amen"'s oblique "Let time erase what fear has become." Still, there are moments like on the ringing "She Makes it Rain" that show Emerson Hart to be a talented singer-songwriter who constructs solid melodies and choruses. But between the similar musical makeup of the songs and a sound that too often leans towards affected, he gets in his own way. It makes the well-crafted 32 Thousand Daysonly fitfully effective when, with perhaps a better producer to bring more diversity and crispness to the overall sound, it could have been much more successful. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/59380bacc7d090ffa562e205773d2e14/losslessdl_260520Emerson_Hart_-_32_Thousand_Days.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/9271927C0CD18A3/losslessdl_260520Emerson_Hart_-_32_Thousand_Days.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/4dd4958463fb395ef1b91ce48bf21d4b/losslessdl_260520Emerson_Hart_-_32_Thousand_Days_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/97E98F149439D1B/losslessdl_260520Emerson_Hart_-_32_Thousand_Days_FLAC.rar
  17. Artist: BENEE Title: Stella & Steve Year Of Release: 2019 Label: Republic Records Genre: Indie Pop, R&B Quality: FLAC (tracks) / FLAC (tracks) 24bit-44.1kHz Total Time: 17:24 Total Size: 111 / 200 Mb Tracklist: 1. Find an Island (3:13) 2. Supalonely (3:43) 3. Monsta (3:42) 4. Drifting (3:24) 5. Blu (3:22) Auckland's Stella "BENEE" Bennett released her first two EPs before hitting age 20, so it's no surprise she oozes confidence on these five songs, starting with the slow and easy bounce of the catchy opener "Find an Island". Beyond colourful touches like the affectionate nod to Arabic music's double harmonic scales on "Monsta", these tracks' grooves are spiked with emotional resonance that draws equally from Bennett's vulnerable singing and scathing lyrics. "I know I f**ked up/I'm just a loser," she breezily intones on "Supalonely" against a sticky beat, a couched disco vibe and a suave guest verse from New York singer Gus Dapperton. It's the sort of self-aware DIY pop that recalls Tones and I as much as it does The Cardigans. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/f3d6a956ef6514114b7647e9e62b8312/losslessdl_260520BENEE_-_Stella__Steve_FLAC.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/076BD4F280EABA2/losslessdl_260520BENEE_-_Stella__Steve_FLAC.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/da2f9a50b390e8a00dba4a646c279431/losslessdl_260520BENEE_-_Stella__Steve_Hi-Res.rar.html https://nitroflare.com/view/A0712043BD0EEBD/losslessdl_260520BENEE_-_Stella__Steve_Hi-Res.rar
  18. Artist: Caesars Palace Title: Cherry Kicks Year Of Release: 2000 Label: Virgin/Dolores Recordings Genre: Alt Rock, Garage Rock, Post Punk, New Wave, Indie Pop Quality: Mp3 320 / Flac (tracks) Total Time: 40:06 Total Size: 98/286 Mb Tracklist: 01. Right About Time 02. Subhuman Girl 03. Crackin' Up 04. One Good Night 05. Spill Your Guts 06. Since You've Been Gone 07. Oh Yeah? 08. Punkrocker 09. Fun & Games 10. From The Bughouse 11. Only You 12. Cherry Kicks Line-up:: Bass - David Lindqvist Drums, Percussion, Organ [Farfisa] - Nino Keller Guitar, Vocals - Joakim Åhlund Lead Vocals - César Vidal "Cherry Kicks" continues where the last album, "Youth Is Wasted on the Young", began. It's maybe a bit more pure pop now, but still very catchy and likable. More electronics are being used as well, which adds to an even more innovative music mix. Jocke Åhlund, also member of Teddybears Sthlm, has claimed that old krautrock and similar music always has meant a lot to him. César Vidal may not have the purest of voices, but it has a fair amount of personality and is just the type of vocals that fit this type of sound. The small "but" of this review involves an occasional harmlessness, but it's almost relaxing not to have to pay wholehearted attention all the time. Download links: https://rapidgator.net/file/0e5d24a89d3526a4cbda91c5d3cdff8f/losslessdl_170420ChKic_b_CaesPal.rar.html https://rapidgator.net/file/60f3f0d6e64cc08071f1b0b806c06726/losslessdl_170420CaesPal_ChKic.rar.html
  19. R.E.M. - Monster Road Movie (Anniversary Edition) (2019, Blu-ray) Title: R.E.M. - Monster Road Movie (Anniversary Edition) Year of release: 1994 (2019) Genre: Indie, Alternative, Rock Released: Craft Recordings Cast: R.E.M. Tracklist: Monster - 5.1 Surround Sound & Hi-Resolution Audio 01. What's The Frequency, Kenneth? 02. Crush With Eyeliner 03. King Of Comedy 04. I Don't Sleep, I Dream 05. Star 69 06. Strange Currencies 07. Tongue 08. Bang And Blame 09. I Took Your Name 10. Let Me In 11. Circus Envy 12. You Road Movie (Concert Film) 01. I Took Your Name 02. What's The Frequency, Kenneth? 03. Crush With Eyeliner 04. Undertow 05. The Wake-Up Bomb 06. Revolution 07 Losing My Religion 08. Binky The Doormat 09. Orange Crush 10. Strange Currencies 11. Tongue 12. Man On The Moon 13. Country Feedback 14. Find The River 15. The One I Love 16. Star 69 17. Let Me In 18. Everybody Hurts 19. Its The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) Music videos 01. What's The Frequency, Kenneth? 02. Crush With Eyeliner 03. Star 69 04. Strange Currencies 05. Tongue 06 Bang And Blame Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 19948 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4890 kbps / 24-bit Total Size: 33.35 GB Total Time: 00:48:59, 01:55:55 Download Hoster: fileshark.pl, rapidu.net, hitfile.net, turbobit.net Download via fileshark.pl https://filecrypt.cc/Container/58AB7F274F.html?mirror=0 Download via rapidu.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/58AB7F274F.html?mirror=1 Download via turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/58AB7F274F.html?mirror=2 Download via hitfile.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/58AB7F274F.html?mirror=3 Pass: 689
  20. Bilderbuch - Live in Schoenbrunn (2020, Blu-ray) Title: Bilderbuch - Live in Schoenbrunn Year of release: 2020 Genre: Indie Pop, Indie rock Released: Universal Music Cast: Bilderbuch Tracklist: May 24 & 25, 2019: The four "boys from the picture book", picture book, play an open air concert in the Schonbrunn Palace Theater, where otherwise only the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is allowed to play. 1 Mr. Supercool 2 Mein Herz bricht 3 Memory Card 4 Softdrink 5 Bungalow 6 Frisbee 7 Ich hab Gefuhle 8 Vernissage My Heart 9 Europa 22 10 Baba 11 Maschin 12 Spliff 13 Plansch 14 Checkpoint (Nie Game Over) 15 Led Go 16 Mr. Refrigerator 17 Sneakers4free 18 Schick Schock 19 OM Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 19999 kbps / 1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1243 kbps / 16-bit Total Size: 19.19 GB Total Time: 01:59:02 Download Hoster: fileshark.pl, rapidu.net, hitfile.net, turbobit.net Download via fileshark.pl https://filecrypt.cc/Container/617AC26798.html?mirror=3 Download via rapidu.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/617AC26798.html?mirror=0 Download via turbobit.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/617AC26798.html?mirror=1 Download via hitfile.net https://filecrypt.cc/Container/617AC26798.html?mirror=2 Pass: 689
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