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  1. Adobe Indesign Cs 3 Az InDesign CS - kiadványszerkesztő az új Creative Suite csomagok egyik komponense, de különállóan is elérhető. A legizgalmasabb újdonságok közül fontos megemlíteni a Separation Preview palettát, mely lehetővé teszi a színkivonatok képernyőn történő megjelenítését és az esetleges hibák feltárását, kijavízását még a levilágítás előtt. A Story Editor, beépített szövegszerkesztőként, egyszerűsíti a több frame-es és oldalas szövegek szerkesztését. A javított teljesítmény ami például a Photoshop, Word-Excel fájlok beolvasásánál érzékelhető, gyorsabb munkát szavatol... Letöltés: http://download.adobe.com/pub/adobe/magic/indesign/win/3.x/idcstryENG.exe Serial: Szolgátató által törölve!
  2. Akvis Plugins Bundle 2015 for Adobe Photoshop (2015.03) Multilingual RELEASE INFO: Akvis Plugins Bundle 2015 for Adobe Photoshop (2015.03) Multilingual |3.13 GB Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Russian. Akvis specializes in development of image processing software and scientific research. The company was founded in 2004 by IT professionals having considerable experience in programming and software development. The company offers a number of products for photographers with bundle and single application products. All of Akvis' products are available as standalone or plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro etc. Collection Includes: AKVIS Neon 1.0 AKVIS AirBrush 2.5 AKVIS ArtSuite 10.5 AKVIS ArtWork 8.1 AKVIS Chameleon 8.5 AKVIS Charcoal 1.0 AKVIS Coloriage 9.5.1 AKVIS Decorator 3.0 AKVIS Draw 2 AKVIS Enhancer 14.0 AKVIS HDRFactory 4.0 AKVIS Lightshop 4.0 AKVIS Magnifier 7.1 AKVIS MakeUp 3.5 AKVIS MultiBrush 8.0 AKVIS NatureArt 6.0 AKVIS Noise Buster 9.0 AKVIS Oil 3.0 AKVIS Pastel Version 1.0 AKVIS Refocus 5.1 AKVIS Retoucher 7.0 AKVIS Sketch 16.0 AKVIS SmartMask 6.0 AKVIS Points 1.0 UPDATED 28.03.2015: AKVIS Points v1.0 Home Page http://akvis.com DOWNLOAD LINKS: Rapidgator http://rapidgator.net/file/b34789b9062d3ac851cdea5673b17c0e/xidau123_Akvis.28.0315.part1.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/c01fa299d977fb1ab971d00de0087341/xidau123_Akvis.28.0315.part2.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/011ea5fd639e9eba3f4214e8ecea83de/xidau123_Akvis.28.0315.part3.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/85e4a6ac7eef7b14b6c90dc5955015d0/xidau123_Akvis.28.0315.part4.rar.html
  3. Flaming Pear Complete Package of Plugins for Adobe Photoshop Flaming Pear Complete Package of Plugins for Adobe Photoshop Aetherize 1.88 | Flexify 2.73 | Flood 1.64 | Freebies 2012 | Glitterato 1.62 | Hue Cry 1.64 | India Ink 1.997 LunarCell 1.92 | Melancholytron 1.64 | Mr. Contrast 1.64 | SolarCell 1.92 | SuperBladePro 1.80 | 104 MB Complete package of commercial plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop from the company Flaming Pear Software. that will allow you to create all sorts of effects, such as simulating lens for panoramic images, spheres, hemispheres, Law, pyramids and many options about geometric figures, simulating reflection in the water. You can adjust the filter settings, built-in effects. With a set of tools from Flaming Pear quite easy to turn an ordinary photo into a work of art. Aetherize 1.88 Flexify 2.73 Flood 1.64 Freebies 2012 Glitterato 1.62 Hue Cry 1.64 India Ink 1.997 LunarCell 1.92 Melancholytron 1.64 Mr. Contrast 1.64 SolarCell 1.92 SuperBladePro 1.80 Download Links: http://rapidgator.net/file/41691d446948dcd736b630da6f32f8aa/k8n55.Flaming.Pear.Complete.Package.of.Plugins.for.Adobe.Photoshop.rar.html
  4. Redfield Plugins Bundle 2007-2015 for Adobe Photoshop (23.03.2015) Redfield Plugins for Adobe Photoshop. Redfield mostly specializes in 3D special effects for graphic designers. Redfield Plugins offers a family of plug-ins that meet the needs of a diverse spectrum of designers and digital photographers. Included Plugins: - Fractalius 2.29 (New!) - ATX 1.25 - iEmboss 1.50 - Perfectum 2.01 - SketchMaster 3.35 - Umatrix 1.85 - Face Control 2.0 - Face Control 1.25 - Redfield ++ 1.1 - Seamless Workshop 1.20 - Ripples Magic 1.40 - Water Ripples 1.40 - Expressionist 1.20 - Texturation 3D 1.50 - Craquelure 3D 1.70 - Jama 3D v.1.8 - Jama2000 1.80 - Lattice XP 1.80 - Plasteroid 1.43 - Emblazer 1.70 - FineTouch 3.25 - Sharpinion 1.70 - Sharpinion HD 2.0 Redfield Plugins Bundle 2007-2015 for Adobe Photoshop (23.03.2015)- Full : 31.77 MB http://rapidgator.net/file/84608f7c73acbf12d427f48f5d1564d0/
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