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Snarky Puppy and Metropole Orkest - Sylva (2024, Blu-ray) Title: Snarky Puppy And Metropole Orkest - Sylva. Live At Het Energiehuis Dordrecht Netherlands Year of release: 2024 Genre: Jazz, Fusion, Funk Released: GroundUP Music Cast: VA Tracklist: 1 Sintra 2 Flight 3 Atchafalaya 4 The Curtain 5 Gretel 6 The Clearing 7 Credits Special Features 8 The Making Of Sylva 9 The Curtain (Alternate Take) 10 The Clearing (Reprise) 11 Trailer Quality: Blu-ray Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 23,211 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 Audio: English / Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio / 7.1 / 48 kHz / 5446 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -31dB Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps / DN -31dB Total Size: 21.70 GB Total Time: 00:54:58, 00:35:27 Download Hoster:,, Pass: 689
Genre: Electronic, Funk / Soul, Pop Style: Eurodance, Europop, Funk, Vocal Juventus Mix Vol. 1 (Official Audio) (2020 Remastered) Tracklist: 1. INTRO 2. UFO: Akarok Egy Férfit 3. Animal Cannibals: 1 X 1 4. Baby Sisters: Még Egy Tánc 5. Carpe Diem: Álomhajó 6. Unisex: Szebb holnap... 7. Back II Black: Szerelmbomba 8. C'est La Vie: Vár Ránk A Nyár 9. Baby Sisters: Szeress 10. Fresh: Itt Vagyunk 11. V.I.P.: Miért Kell, Hogy Elmenj 12. Unisex: Száguldj Velem 13. Bon-Bon: Hétvégi Királylány 14. Amadeus: Delta 15. Skyland: Érezd A Ritmust 16. Hip Hop Boyz: A Hegyekbe Fönn... 17. Hip Hop Boyz: Megbántottak* 18. Fresh: Táncolj Még 19. DNS feat. Letta: Earth Move 20. Bionic: Út A Fénybe 21. Soho Party: Nem Számít A Pénz 22. TNT: Titkos Üzenet 23. Bon-Bon: Szabad A Gazdag 24. Ganxsta Zolee & Kartel: Keleti Oldal - Nyugati Oldal 25. Emergency House: Dübörög A Ház 26. Császár Előd: Tiltott Szerelem 27. Szerda Délután: Szerda Délután 29. Ladánybene 27: Ha Van Még A Világon 30. 4 F Club: Balatoni Láz 31. Erica C & Robby D: Tiszta Őrület 32. Bon-Bon: Holnaptól Nem... 33. Orsi: Ha Lemegy A Nap 34. Animal Cannibals: Takarítónő 35. 4 F Club: Tanga 36. Bea És A Big Band: Jókedvű Nap 37. Ámokfutók: Bújj Mellém 38. Animal Cannibals: Ezittaz 39. Back II Black: Akár Péntek, Akár Szombat 40. Hip Hop Boyz: Ragadom, Dagadom, Dagad-e 41. Bestiák: A Reggel Túl Messze Van 42. Shy Gys: Hello 43. Happy Gang: Fiatal Szerelem 44. C'est La Vie: Akarom 45. Bestiák: Álmodj Néha Rólam Juventus Mix Vol. 1 (Official Audio) (2020 Remastered).mp3 Format : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Length : 132 MiB for 57 perc 32 mp 880emp Audio #0 : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Infos : 2 csatorna, 48,0 kHz Juventus Mix Vol. 2000 (Official Audio) (2020 Remastered) Tracklist: 1. Intro (Ha Túl Hangosa Hallgatod Károsíthatja A Hangszórókat!!!) 2. Baby Sisters: Szeresd A Testem 3. C'est la Vie: Múljon Hát! (Club Mix) 4. TNT: Sírni Tudnék (Dance Mix) 5. Neoton Família: Santa Maria 2000 6. Cotton Club Singers: Úgy Szeress, Mint Én (Radio Mix) 7. Bestiák: Fáj Még Ha Néha Felhívsz 8. a/ Animal Cannibals: Kérek Egy Puszikát (Acapella) 8. b/ Soho Party feat. Betty Love: Az Éjjel Soha Nem Ér Véget 9. Groovehouse: Ollá Ollá (Suta's Remix) 10. Happy Gang: Várj Még (Dance Mix) 11. Neo: Pink Panther Theme 12. Skyland: My Banana 13. Back II Black: A Szerelem Betege Lettem (Suri - Hauber Remix) 14. Bon-Bon: Érezd Magad Jól 15. Up!: Nap 16. a/ Remix: Rólad Szól Az Élet 16. b/ Skyland: Kapd El Az Ütemet (Acapella) 17. UFO: Tarzan 18. Happy Gang: Sokáig Voltam Távol (Sörsátor Remix) 19. a/ Ámokfutók: A Hold Dala 19. b/ Soho Party feat. Betty Love Gyere Táncolj (Acapella) 20. Betty Love: Repülj Tovább 21. Kiwi: Hol Jár? 22. Fresh: Boogie Nights 23. a/ Skyland: Fenn A Kéz (Acapella) 23. b/ Unisex: Játssz Velem! (Dance Mix) 24. O-Zone: Nem Számít A Baj 25. DJ Junior: Rappers In The House 26. Soho Party feat. Betty Love: Kéz A Kézben 27. UFO: Nyár Van (Jorgos Mix) 28. Kiwi: Ne Szólj! 29. Kozmix: Valami Bizarr Dolog 30. Infinity: Olimpia 31. Ladánybene 27: Kell Egy Ház 32. Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel: Blow-Feld vs. O.J. Bond 33. Warpigs: Monte Carlo 34. Fekete Vonat: Hol Van Az A Lány 35. Pain: A Szex Vajon Mi? 36. Not For Sale: Vedd Könnyedén 37. Auth Csilla & Szolnoki Péter: Féltelek (Remix) 38. Happy Gang: Kérek Egy Kulcsot A Szívedhez 39. G-Play: Ess Eső, Ess 40. DJabe: Coffe Break Part I (Dance Version) 41. Emberek: Kaviár 42. Bon-Bon: A Sexepilem 43. Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel: A Jó, A Rossz És A Kartel 44. A.D. Stúdió: Páratlan Páros 45. Jazz + Az: Jól Vagyok 46. Csütörtök 12.: Angyali Vallomás 47. Hip Hop Boyz: Ott Várok Rád 48. V-Tech: Várj! 49. Pa-Dö-Dö: Fáj A Fejem 50. Back II Black: Szombat Esti Láz 51. Unisex: Újra Itt A Nyár 52. Levy T.: Itt A Nyár 53. Animal Cannibals: Két Hétig Egyedül (Remix) 54. Shy Gys: Gyere Velem Bonus Track: 55. Neoton Família: Santa Maria 2000 (Radio Edit) Juventus Mix Vol. 2000 (Official Audio) (2020 Remastered) (320kbps).mp3 Format : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Length : 159 MiB for 1 óra 9 perc 18 mp 406emp Audio #0 : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Infos : 2 csatorna, 44,1 kHz Juventus Mix Vol. 3 (Official Audio) (2021 Remaster) Tracklist: 1. Reklám... 2. Betty Love: Olyan, Mint A Méz 3. Bon-Bon: Amíg A Zene Szól 4. Crystal: Két Utazó (F.O.F. Club Mix) 5. Zoltán Erika: Veled Oly Szép 6. Romantic: Tűzmadár 7. Inflagranti: Te + Én 8. Help: Létezel 9. Back II Black: Úgy Vártalak 10. Bon-Bon: Gengszter Dal 11. Splash: Tedd Fel A Kezedet 12. Náksi vs. Brunner present. Balage: Soha Ne Mondd 13. Help: Igazi Szerelem 14. Venus: Régi Nyár (New Winter Radio Edit) 15. TNT: Holnap Hazautazom 16. Kiwi: Neked Adom (Club Mix) 17. Platinum: Hazudós Lány 18. Splash: Húzz Magadhoz Ha Fázol 19. Groovehouse: Párizsi Lány (Late Nite Worx Radio) 20. Bubble Gum: Nem Adlak Kölcsön 21. TNT: Lakatlan Sziget 22. United: Hófehér Jaguár 23. Venus: Kockahas (Dance Mix) 24. Fresh: Add Meg Magad 25. Betty Love: Itt Vagyok Veled (Náksi vs. Brunner Radio Edit) 26. Fekete Vonat: El Kell Mennem 27. Sub Bass Monster: Nincs Nő, Nincs Sírás 28. Sub Bass Monster: 4 Ütem 29. Kicsi G.: Remegő Kezű Agysebész (NagyMber Remix) 30. Sub Bass Monster: Gyulafirátót 31. Auth Csilla: Költözés (Hausz Remix) 32. Auth Csilla: Jól Vagyok És Pont (Funky Remix) 33. V.I.P.: Tedd Meg Velem 34. Robby D.: Electric Boogie (Radio Funk Version) 35. V.I.P.: Keresem A Lányt 36. Ágnes Vanilla: Most Jó 37. Shy Gys: Nem A Te Hibád 38. United: Hárman Párban 39. V-Tech: Nem Szabad Sírni 40. Unisex: Jön 2000! 41. A.D. Stúdió: Nyári Eső (Radio Edit) 42. Emergeny House: Ez Legalább Szex 43. Bery: Ébredj Velem! 44. Picasso Branch: Álmodj Rólam 45. Bon-Bon: Viva Espana 46. B-Boys: Szerelem Volt 47. Shy Gys: Vágyom Rád 48. Baby Sisters: Lesz, Ami Lesz 49. Sziasztok Lányok: Szőke (Old School Mix) 50. Ámokfutók: Neked Adom 51. Ámokfutók: Ne Sírj 52. Betty Love: Fáj Még A Szó (Dance Radio Edit) 53. BST: Szabad A Pálya 54. Romantic: Dal A Távolból 55. Kozmix: Kozmix A Házban 56. Kozmix: Kis Világ (Actual 2000 Mix) Bonus Tracks: 57. Juventus Mix VOL. 3 Radio Edit 58. Kicsi G.: Remegő Kezű Agysebész (NagyMber Radio Edit) Juventus Mix Vol. 3 (Official Audio) (2021 Remaster) (320kbps).mp3 Format : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Length : 146 MiB for 1 óra 3 perc 58 mp 876emp Audio #0 : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Infos : 2 csatorna, 44,1 kHz Juventus Mix Vol. 4 (Official Audio) (2021 Remaster) Tracklist: 1. Intro 2. Hit Project: Get On! (Sax It Up) 3. Skyland: Kelj Fel! 4. Auth Csilla: Vigyél El 5. Venus: A Világ Közepén (Volume 1) 6. Jay Project: Túl Jó (Hit Project Latino Mix) 7. Inflagranti: Bármit Megtennék 8. TNT: Bolond Aki Sír...! 9. Platinum: Álmodj Velem (Náksi vs. Brunner Remix) 10. Fiesta: Bonita 11. Bery & Váczi Eszter: Egyedül (Radio Version) 12. Crystal: Ezer Hold (F.O.F. Club Mix) 13. Draft: Dombok Felett 14. Náksi vs. Brunner feat. Myrtill: Gyere Velem 15. Kozmix: Angyal 16. Sterbinszky: 1492/ Fly Away With Me (Album Re-Edit) 17. Jamie Winchester & Hrutka Róbert: It's Your Life (Sterbinszky & Teanzident Mix) 18. Crystal: Vigyázz Rám (Náksi vs. Brunner Remix) 19. Brooklyn Bounce: Club Bizarre 20. Náksi vs. Brunner feat Myrtill: Szállj! 21. Plastic: Rólad Álmodom 22. Bomfunk MC's: Freestyler (Album Version) 23. Bon-Bon: Valami Amerika 24. United: Hajnalban Még A Nap Is Más 25. Groovehouse: Hol Vagy Nagy Szerelem (Jocó's Extended Version) 26. Bubble Gum: Rád Gondolok 27. Bonanza Banzai: Induljon A Banzáj 2000 (DJ Junior & Brunner Zsolt Remix) 28. Bubble Gum: Angyalt Küldtem Érted (Italo 2002 Club Mix) 29. Groovehouse: Hadadi 30. Unisex: Hív A Nagyvilág (Bengaboy Remix) 31. Daddy DJ: Daddy DJ (Original Radio Edit) 32. Desperado: Tanár Úr (Dance Version) 33. Ámokfutók: Nem Akarok Sírni Többé Már... (Latin Lovers In The Night Dancemix Version) 34. Bery Darabokban Hever A Szívem 35. V-Tech: Miért 36. Animal Cannibals: Hangya A Gatyában (LateNite Works Mix) 37. Neo: Aiiaiiiyo 38. TNT: Tiltott Perc (Radio Edit) 39. V-Tech: Álmodoztam 40. Unisex: Úgy Szeress '98 41. Back II Black: Álomszép '98 42. United: Coctail (Radio Edit) 43. Ooops!: Érzem (Funkhouse Mix) 44. C'est la vie: Csak Rám Vár (Filter Funk Mix) 45. Crystal: Amíg Csak Élek (Jazzy Mix) 46. Fiesta: Angelina (Latin Radio Version) 47. Paola & Chiara: Vamos A Bailar (Esta Vida Nueva) (Remix Radio Version) 48. Romantic: Vágyom Rád 49. Go!: Semmi Más 50. Bery: Édes Érintés 51. Krisz Rudolf: Keresem A Szót Juventus Mix Vol. 4 (Official Audio) (2021 Remaster) (320 kbps).mp3 Format : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Length : 144 MiB for 1 óra 3 perc 3 mp 480emp Audio #0 : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Infos : 2 csatorna, 48,0 kHz Juventus Mix 5. (Official Audio) (Remastered 2022) Tracklist: Tracklista: 00:00 DanceMix 1. Intro 2. Desperado: Gyere És Álmodj! (Radio Edit) 3. Bubble Gum: Aj Aj Aja 4. Crystal: Fújja El A Szél 5. A.D. Stúdió: A Nap Szerelmese Spirit Dance 2001 (LateNite Works) 6. TNT: Nem Jön Álom A Szememre (Radio Dance Version) 7. Betty Love: Vigyázz Rám (Radio Edit) 8. Groovehouse: Hajnal (Disco) 9. Baby Gabi: Van-e Helyem? (Kozmix Lala Club Mix) 10. Romantic: Rólad Szól (Spigiboy vs. Pietro Dancemix) 11. Groovehouse: Hadadi (Disco Version) 12. Kozmix: Bízd Magad Ránk! (Trance „Radio”) 13. Groovehouse: Vándor (Album Version) 14. Sterbinszky: Discography 15. Betty Love: Tõled Szép (Extended Mix) 16. Sugar & Spice: Szíved Börtönében (Náksi vs. Brunner Clubmix) 17. Jay Project: Mást Játszom (Club Version) 18. V-Tech: Ne Múljon El (Bin-G Product By D.S. from Zsenya) 19. Fiesta: Hola Mi Amor (Club Mix) 20. Ízis: Ragyogj! (Lepe Mix Video Cut) 21. Adrien: Futok A Szívem Után (Sterbinszky & Tranzident Radio Mix) 22. Sterbinszky: Gates Of Mind (Radio Edit) 23. V-Tech: Búcsúzz El (Latenite Works Mix) 24. TNT: …Miért Vagy Szomorú? (Náksi vs. Brunner Dance Radio Edit) 25. Kozmix: Létezem (Original) 26. Náksi vs. Brunner feat. Myrtill: Sunshine (Airplay Mix) 27. Náksi vs. Brunner feat. Myrtill: Nézz Az Ég Felé (Parade Video Edit) 35:21 PopMix 28. Neo: Diskhead (Radio Edit) 29. Back II Black: NáNéNáNé (Radio Edit) 30. Neo Tones: Holnap Hajnalig (FKK vs. Works Mix) 31. Inflagranti: El Nem Mondott Szó (Sinthmix) 32. Krisz Rudolf: A Szerelem Neked Egész Más (Pacsai New Radio Edit) 33. Unique: Csillagtenger (Album Version) 34. Baby Gabi & Lányi Lala: Õrült Szerelem (White House Mix) 35. Back II Black: Várj (Radio Edit) 36. Császár Elõd: Butitájm 37. Unique: Mi Van A Nevedben? (Cleargo Mix) 38. Ákos: Mindenki Táncol (Rádió Mix) 39. United: Keserû Méz 48:53 CoolMix 40. Romantic: Homokszem 41. Zsédenyi Adrienn: Valahol Egy Férfi Vár (Superboy Cocktail Mix) 42. TNT: Kicsi Gesztenye (Radio Edit) 43. Animal Cannibals: É.J. 44. Sub Bass Monster: Tovább Is Van, Mondjam Még? 45. Király Linda: Clubsong featuring Pain 46. Too Close: Csináld Úgy (Too Close Dance Club Remix feat. DJ O.G.) 57:54 OldiesMix 1 47. Fõcím 48. Dolly Roll: Simogass, Napsugár! 49. Neoton Família: Pago Pago 50. Neoton Família: Hegyirabló 51. Hernádi Judit: Sohase Mondd 52. R-Go: Létezem 53. Soltész Rezsõ: Szóljon Hangosan Az Ének 54. Bergendy: Iskolatáska 55. Máté Péter: Zene Nélkül Mit Érek Én? 56. Szûcs Judit: Táncolj Még 57. Beatrice: Gyere Kislány, Gyere 58. R-Go: Bombázó Juventus Mix 5. (Official Audio) (Remastered 2022) (320kbps).mp3 Format : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Length : 167 MiB for 1 óra 12 perc 55 mp 431emp Audio #0 : MPEG Audio at 320 kb/s Infos : 2 csatorna, 44,1 kHz Jelszó:Megköszönni nem szégyen!!
Artist: Michael Raphael Title: Funk It Up Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Sonoton Music Genre: Jazz Fusion, Jazz Rock, Funk Quality: mp3 320 kbps / flac lossless / flac 24bits - 48.0kHz Total Time: 00:31:29 Total Size: 78 / 205 / 384 mb Tracklist 01. What up G 02. Pick Comb 03. Funk It Up 04. Silk Sheets 05. Rage 06. Back It Up 07. 70S Twerk 08. Nice Tush 09. Yo Yo Mon 10. Mellow Guitars 11. Slow Sweet Love 12. Smooth Skin 13. Pick Comb (Instrumental Version) 14. Back It Up (Instrumental Version) 15. 70S Twerk (Instrumental Version) Download links:
Artist: Bill Evans Title: Push Year Of Release: 1994 Label: Lipstick Records[LIP 89022-2] Genre: Jazz, Crossover Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks + .cue,log,scans) | MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 60:38 Total Size: 418 MB(+3%) | 144 MB(+3%) Tracklist 1 Push 05:27 2 Road To Ruin 05:10 3 If Only In Your Dreams 04:45 4 London House 05:21 5 Night Wing 05:37 6 Stand Up And Do Something 05:01 7 The Hobo 04:58 8 You Gotta Believe 05:28 9 Life Is Dangerous 04:34 10 U R What U Hear 05:10 11 A Simple Life 02:24 12 Matter Of Time 06:35 personnel : Benny Adler - Vocals (bckgr) Margot Adler - Vocals (bckgr) Victor Bailey - Bass Chris Botti - Trumpet Barry Bryson - Brass Porter Carroll, Jr. - Vocals Cliff Carter - Keyboards Michael Colina - Keyboards, Drum Programming, Brass Michael Davis - Trombone Chris Minh Doky - Bass Mark Egan - Bass Bill Evans - Piano, Keyboards, Saxophone, Sax (Alto), Sax (Soprano), Sax (Tenor), Vocals (bckgr), Fender Rhodes K.C. Flight - Vocals (bckgr), Rap, Drums Jeff Golub - Guitars Conrad Herwig - Brass Bruce Hornsby - Piano Hilary James - Piano, Wood Chuck Loeb - Guitars Marcus Miller - Bass Nick Moroch - Guitar Max Risenhoover - Bass, Percussion, Drums, Guitar Gary Smulyan - Brass Dave Stahl - Brass Bill Ward - Drums Download links:
Artist: Various Artists Title: Eccentric Soul: Omnibus Year Of Release: 2012 Label: Numero Group Genre: Soul, R&B, Funk Quality: mp3 320 kbps / flac lossless Total Time: 04:48:41 Total Size: 694 mb / 1.5 gb Tracklist --------- CD1 01. Hard to Be in Love - 13th Amendment 02. The Stretch - 13th Amendment 03. A Child Is Born - The Aggregation 04. Can You Feel It - The Aggregation 05. When We Get Together Soon - Black Fur 06. Feel the Shock - Black Fur 07. Party Time - Black Soul Express 08. When I Left You - Black Soul Express 09. A Friend - Crystal's Image 10. Crystals Image (C.C.T) - Crystal's Image 11. Tracking Down Jody - Darker Shades Ltd. 12. Tracking Down Jody, Pt. 2 - Darker Shades Ltd. 13. Do It Again - Deep Heat 14. She's a Junkie (Who's the Blame) - Deep Heat 15. Feel It in Your Bones - The Directory 16. World and Creation - The Directory 17. Jody Is Gone - Duracha 18. Ghet-to Funk - Duracha CD2 01. Together, Pt. 1 - Elements of Peace 02. Together, Pt. 2 - Elements of Peace 03. You Make Me Nothing - Energettics 04. Rainy Days and Monday - Energettics 05. (Loose Booty) Is a Real Thing - Everyday People 06. Get Next to You - Everyday People 07. This Time - Family Connection 08. Lost Her Love - Family Connection 09. Disco-TNT - Flack and Company 10. Been Loving You So Long (Don't Want to Stop) - Flack and Company 11. Just Jammin - Free Mind 12. After We're Gone (The World Keeps Turning) - Free Mind 13. Hifidelics Groove - Hifidelics 14. Quiptown - Hifidelics 15. Four Times the Love - Hot Snow 16. Me & You - Hot Snow 17. Everyday - Inbassador 18. Everybody's Doing It - Inbassador CD3 01. Dig It (Shovel) - The Intentions 02. Blowing With the Wind - The Intentions 03. Funky Monkey Right On - Curtis Liggins Indications 04. What It Is? - Curtis Liggins Indications 05. Take Back All Those Things - Majestees 06. Let Her Go - Majestees 07. Gotta Go Home - Mixed Breed 08. Wise - Mixed Breed 09. Hey Girl - Morning After 10. Disco-Tick - Morning After 11. Land of Now - Now 12. Lovin' You Is Easy - Now 13. Magic Mirror - Procedures 14. Give Me One More Chance - Procedures 15. The Max - Prophets of Peace 16. You Can Be - Prophets of Peace 17. Patience - Rokk 18. Don't Be No Fool - Rokk CD4 01. Don't Be so Jive - Sag War Fare 02. Girl You Better Change - Sag War Fare 03. Don't Be Afraid - Sky's The Limit 04. Don't Be Afraid (Instrumental) - Sky's The Limit 05. Can I Say It Again - Soul Walkers 06. Stay Ahead - Soul Walkers 07. Bad-Bad-Bad - Super Soul Movement 08. Bad-Bad-Bad, Pt. 2 - Super Soul Movement 09. Fever in Your Hot Pants - Suspicious Can Openers 10. Tuesday in the Rain - Suspicious Can Openers 11. Get Technified - The Techniques 12. When You're Away - The Techniques 13. Mother Nature - Third Generation 14. Love Is Gonna Rain Down on Me - Third Generation CD5 01. Face It Man - Three Days Ahead 02. Rollin Love, Pt. 2 - Three Days Ahead 03. Reach Out (And Give Me Your Hand) - Tickled Pink 04. Never Can Say Goodbye - Tickled Pink 05. Black Is Beautiful - The Trinikas 06. Remember Me - The Trinikas 07. Funk Power - The Trust 08. Explosion - The Trust 09. I'm Sure - Two Plus Two 10. Look Around - Two Plus Two 11. Strike - Union 12. Come Over to My House for Lunch - Union 13. I've Never Been so In Love - Volumes 14. I'm Gonna Miss You - Volumes 15. Life of Tears - Walter & the Admerations 16. Man Oh Man (What Have I Done) - Walter & the Admerations 17. The Grade A - Clifton White 18. Ain't No Love - Clifton White 19. I'm Tired of What People Say or Do - Soul Walkers 20. Never Say You Don't Have It - Soul Walkers Download links:
Artist: Johnnie Taylor Title: Taylored In Silk Year Of Release: 1973/1994 & 2011 Label: Stax [SCD-8588-2] / [STX-32875] Genre: Soul, Funk, Rhythm & Blues Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks+cue,log) Total Time: 54:07 Total Size: 123/150 mb / 298/324 mb :: TRACKLIST :: 1 We're Getting Careless With Our Love 4:01 2 Starting All Over Again 4:13 3 Cheaper To Keep Her 3:25 4 Talk To Me 5:42 5 I Believe In You (You Believe In Me) 5:07 6 One Thing Wrong With My Woman 3:55 7 I Can Read Between The Lines 3:55 8 This Bitter Earth 4:29 Bonus Tracks 9 Hijackin' Love 3:18 10 Love In The Streets (Ain't Good As The Love At Home) 2:47 11 Standing In For Jody 3:47 12 Shackin' Up 2:45 13 Doing My Own Thing (Part 1) 3:30 14 Doing My Own Thing (Part 2) 2:33 Download links:
Artist: Jasper Van'T Hof Title: The Selfkicker Year Of Release: 2015 Label: MPS Genre: Jazz Rock, Jazz Funk, Fusion Quality: flac lossless / flac 24bits - 88.2kHz Total Time: 00:37:51 Total Size: 228 / 726 mb Tracklist --------- 01. The Selfkicker 02. Pas de deux 03. Associations 04. Hang Out 05. Night After the Day Before 06. Refillable 07. Home Again Download links:
Artist: VA Title: Wanted Afrobeat: From Diggers to Music Lovers Year Of Release: 2017 Label: Wagram Music Genre: Funk, Soul, Afrobeat Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 01:40:31 Total Size: 235 mb | 530 mb Tracklist: 1. Roger Damawuzan - Wait For Me 2. Pat Thomas - Yamona 3. Wallias Band - Muziqawi Silt (Instrumental) 4. Girma Beyene - Ené Nègn Bay Manèsh 5. Mulatu Astatke - Yègellé Tezeta 6. Ebo Taylor - Love And Death 7. Peter King - African Dialects 8. Livy Ekemezie - Delectation 9. Max Cilla - La Flûte Des Mornes 10. Orlando Julius - Disco Hi-Life 11. Pat Thomas - Awurade Mpaebo 12. Jimi Tenor - Cella's Walk 13. Mulatu Astatke - Yèkermo Sèw 14. Mahmoud Ahmed - Mar Teb Yelal Kafesh 15. Hirut Beqele & Police Orchestra - Ewnètègna Feqer 16. Alemayehu Eshete - Tchero Adari Nègn 17. Samuel Belay - Aynotchesh Yerèfu 18. Ogyatanaa Show Band with Pat Thomas - Yaa Amponsah 19. International Orchestra Safari Sound - Homa Imenizidia 20. C.K Mann & His Carousel 7 - Do Me Ma Mondo Wo Bi Download links:
- MP3
(and 3 more)
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Artist: VA Title: Bag Of Goodies Year Of Release: 1992 Label: Luv N' Haight Genre: Soul-Jazz, Jazz-Funk, Latin Jazz Quality: mp3 / Flac (tracks+.cue,log,scans) Total Time: 31:12 Total Size: 73,6 / 224,4 Mb Tracklist 01 Ivan 'Boogaloo Joe' Jones - Sweetback [07:45] 02 Soul Machine - Bag Of Goodies [02:39] 03 The Explosions - Hip Drop (Part 1) [02:36] 04 The Explosions - Hip Drop (Part 2) [02:45] 05 Soul Tornadoes - Hot Pants Breakdown [03:00] 06 Mickey & The Soul Generation - Iron Leg [02:16] 07 Weldon Irvine - Turkish Bath [06:57] 08 Tempo 70 - El Galleton [03:10] Download links:
Artist: Magoo Title: Let's Have a Boogie Year Of Release: 2019 Label: Funkysize Records Genre: Boogie, Funk, Contemporary R&B, Disco Quality: 320 / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 1:27:21 Total Size: 202 / 610 Mb Tracklist: 1. No Favors (7:41) 2. Let's Have a Boogie (4:35) 3. We Are One (4:38) 4. Still Really Love (4:59) 5. You Came in Time (3:40) 6. We Can Make It Better (3:58) 7. The Games of Love (5:26) 8. Party Down (4:36) 9. What I'm Searching For (4:37) 10. On the Other Side of the World (4:10) Extra Bonus tracks 11. Have Fun (Bonus Track) (5:21) 12. Can't Get Enough (Bonus Track) (3:48) 13. Searching for so Long (Bonus Track) (5:16) 14. The Way You Make Me Feel (Bonus Track) (6:17) 15. Not Too Late (Too Make It Right) (Bonus Track) (4:50) 16. Free Your Mind (Bonus Track) (4:06) 17. Now That You're My Lady (Bonus Track) (5:10) 18. Don't Stop (Bonus Track) (4:12) Download links:
- Electronic
- Disco
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Artist: Paul Humphrey Title: Supermellow Year Of Release: 2005 Label: P-Vine Records Genre: Jazz, Funk / Soul Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue, log) Total Time: 34:48 Total Size: 220.3 MB Tracklist: 01. Supermellow (5:16) 02. Hot Ice Cream (3:22) 03. Do The Buzzard (2:53) 04. St. Thomas (3:22) 05. Boo-A-Cha (4:12) 06. Got It Together (4:10) 07. Grapefruit Juice (2:19) 08. Poppa Charlie And Chip (3:31) 09. Everything I Do Is Going To Be Stupid (2:56) 10. Macho (2:47) Paul Nelson Humphrey (born October 12, 1935, Detroit, Michigan, United States) is an American jazz and funk/R+B drummer He worked as a session drummer in the 1960s for jazz artists such as Wes Montgomery, Les McCann, Kai Winding, Charles Mingus, Lee Konitz, Blue Mitchell and Gene Ammons. As a bandleader, he recorded under the name Paul Humphrey and the Cool Aid Chemists, with Clarence MacDonald, David T. Walker, and Bill Upchurch. He also recorded with Steely Dan, Frank Zappa, Jerry Garcia, Jimmy Smith, The Four Tops, Al Kooper, Jackie DeShannon, Natalie Cole, Albert King, Quincy Jones, Dusty Springfield, Jean-Luc Ponty, Michael Franks, Maria Muldaur, Marc Bolan and others. Humphrey was one of the drummers on Marvin Gaye's album "Let's Get It On". Not "Supermellow", but super dope one of the grooviest albums ever from drummer Paul Humphrey, and a sweet batch of laidback electric funky jazz cuts! Paul's working here with a bit more keyboards and guitar than before all nicely compressed into the grooves that are directed by his tight work on drums often stepping around in a really badass mode that we totally love, and which moves past a simple approach to funky rhythms. Humphrey clearly knows that he's got to complicate things a bit more than usual to keep the ears of the increasingly sophisticated 70s listener by going for hipper changes and timings, while still keeping the tight core funky groove intact. He's helped strongly in his efforts here by players who include Joe Sample, Wilton Felder, and Arthur Adams all playing in a more laidback, less studio mode than on other sets and even the arranger Nick Decaro manages to play some groovy accordion on a few tracks! Titles include "Boo A Cha", "Macho", "Do The Buzzard", "Hot Ice Cream", and "Got It Together". Download links:
Artist: Various Artists Title: Funk Experience Collection Year Of Release: 2006-2011 Label: Nascente Genre: Funk, Soul, R&B, Jazz, World Quality: FLAC (image + .cue, log, artwork) Total Time: 11:42:37 Total Size: 4.53 GB Disc 1: The Brazilian Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Meirelles - No Baixo Do Sepateiro 02. Os Devaneios - Embalo Diferente 03. Som Tres - Homenagem A Mongo 04. Elza Soares - Chove Chuva 05. Marcos Valle - Garra 06. Dóris Monteiro - Maita 07. Claudia - Baoba 08. Djavan - Nereci 09. Claudio Jorge - Trem Da Central 10. João Donato - Cala Boca Menino 11. Simone - Tudo Que Voce Podia Ser 12. Alaide Costa - Catavento 13. 14 Bis - Bola De Meia, Bola De Gude 14. Djavan - Aquele Um 15. Elis Regina - Sai Dessa 16. Dóris Monteiro - Se E Questao De Adeus Alte Logo 17. Joyce - Banana 18. Marcelo - Algo No Ar 19. Toninho Horta - Aquelas Coisas Todas (Sanguessuga) 20. Evinha - Que Bandeira Disc 2: Cuban Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Manteca - Abacua 02. Orquestra Riverside - En Casa Del Trompo No Bailes (Si Para Usted) 03. Los Reyes 73 - Un Lamento Hecho Cancion 04. Grupo Monumental - Yo Si Que Estoy A La Moda 05. Ray And His Court - De Eso Nada Monado 06. Pello El Afrokan - Las Jardineras 07. Irakere - Taka Taka Ta 08. Los Van Van - Pero A Mi Manero 09. Coke - Na Na 10. Luis Santi - Los Feligreses 11. Irakere - Quindiambo 12. Grupo Algo Nuevo - Rompe Cocorioco 13. Peter Fernandez - Borriquito 14. Los Van Van - Llegué Llegué 15. Grupo Monumental - Hasta Las Cuantes 16. Los 5 U 4 - Cosas Que Se Me Occuren 17. Oscar Pena - La Inflacion De Ofelia 18. Nelson Padron Featuring Paquito Hechevarria - Algo Sabroso 19. Hilario Durán - La Contrapartida 20. Grupo Raíces Nuevas - Con Mucha Manteca Disc 3: Tropical Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Spouge Explosion - Lunar 7 02. Let Me Get Stoned - Boo And The Tru Tones 03. Take The Funky Feeling - The Blue Rhythm Combo 04. Cissy Strut - De Boys An Dem 05. Fugitive Dub - The Skatalites 06. Don't Knock My Love - The Swingin' Stars Of Dominica 07. Black Water Gold - The Blue Rhythm Combo 08. Vehicle - Richard Stoute 09. Sweet Loving - Mighty Sparrow 10. Soul Makossa - Jablonski 11. Black Man's Cry - Gay Flamingoes 12. Smokey Feeling - The Organisation 13. Check It Out - Wildfire 14. Steppin' Up - Lynn Taitt 15. New Bag - The Exciters 16. Broasted Or Fried - St Vincents Latinaires 17. Jive Samba - Llans Thelwell And The Celestials 18. Latin Lips - The Invaders 19. Basa Bongo - Yoruba Singers 20. Back Home - Andre Tanker And The Mansa Musa Drummers Disc 4: Bollywood Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. SD Burman - Dance Music (Jewel Thief, 1967) 02. Kishore Kumar & Asha Bhosle - Typewriter Tip Tip Tip (Bombay Talkie, 1970) 03. Laxmikant Pyarelal - Soul Of Bobby (excerpt) (Bobby, 1973) 04. Chic Chocolate - Contessa (Akhri Khat, 1966) 05. Asha Bholse & Mahendra Kapoor - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Purab Aur Pachhim, 1970) 06. RD Burman - Unknown Incidental Music (Teesri Manzil, 1966) 07. Asha Bhosle & Kishore Kumar - Lekar Ham Diwana Dil (Yaadon Ki Baaraat, 1973) 08. Kalyanji Anandi - African Dance (Aamne Saamine, 1967) 09. Charanjit Singh - Chhailla Babu (Chhailla Babu, 1978) 10. RD Burman - Dance Music (Chandi Sona, 1976) 11. Salma Agha - Come Closer (Kasam Paida Karne Wale Ki, 1984) 12. Laxmikant Pyarelal - Theme Music (Karz, 1980) 13. RD Burman - Dance Music (Mukti, 1976) 14. RD Burman - Music (Aandhi, 1975) 15. Anuradha Paudwal - Mainne Kaun Koi Kya Jane (Cricketer, 1983) Disc 5: Tropical Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Ruffles - Victor Boa Y Sus Estrellas 02. Soul Cucaracha - The Soul Fantastics 03. Getting It Together - Mauricio Smith 04. Hiko-Iko - Little Francisco Greaves 05. Palo Bonito - Sugar Ice Tea 06. Bayesa - Wganda Kenya 07. El Lobo - Wganda Kenya 08. La Pava Congona - Afrosound 09. La Danza De La Tanga - Pianonegro 10. Full Salsa (Excerpt) - Fruko 11. Caracuche Che Che - Los Autenticos De Gamero 12. El Negro Lambio - Pedro Beltran 13. Te Clavo La.. Mano - La Banda Africana 14. Puyalo Ahi - Pedro Beltran 15. Muevela - Abelardo Carbonó Y Su Conjunto 16. Cumbia Africana - Son Palenque Disc 6: South African Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Oh Yea Soweto - Teaspoon & The Waves 02. Wozan Mahipi - Mahlathini & The Mahotella Queens 03. Sangoma - Malombo Jazz 04. Jabula Happiness - Jabula & Vicky Mhlongo 05. Intombi Ibhinca Isidwaba - Phuzushukela 06. Bayeza - Soul Brothers 07. MRA - Chris McGregor's Brotherhood Of Breath 08. Hula Hoop Jive - Kataki 09. Kikizelani - Nelcy Sedibe 10. Jive Soweto - Sipho Mabuse 11. Madyisa Mbitsi - J. Chauke 12. Baloyi - Dudu Pukwana & Spear 13. Malume - Abafakasi 14. African Jive - Dick Khoza 15. Asambeni Bafana - Mahotella Queens 16. Lily Express - Gwigwi's Band 17. Thululalele - Amaswazi Emvelo 18. Zandile Jive - Lulu & His Boys & Girls Disc 7: Salsa Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Grupo Fantasma - Bacalao Con Pan 02. Charlie Palmieri - Taxi Driver 03. Spiteri - I'm A Man 04. Gonzalez - Rissoled 05. Mongo Santamaria - Feelin' Alright 06. Eddie Palmieri - The Highest Good 07. Sabu Martinez - Will O'The Wisp 08. Sapo - It's The Music 09. Macondo - Almendra 10. Willie Bobo - Keep That Same Old Feeling 11. Barreto - Tumbao Africano 12. Yambu - Hippopotamus 13. Manteca - De Todo 14. The Harvey Averne Barrio Band - Struttin Slow 15. Armando Peraza - Funky Broadway 16. Cortijo & His Time Machine - La Verdad 17. Brownout - Homenaje 18. Ray Camacho - Let's Boogie Disc 8: French Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Bernard Estardy - Gang Train 02. Resonance - OK Chicago 03. P.A Dahan & Mat Camison - Pepper Drums 04. Bernard Estardy - Vertigo Leitmotiv 05. Pierre Dutour - Jungle Trompet 06. Manu Dibango - Africadelic 07. Pierre-Alain Dahan & Slim Pezin - Electronic Mutation 08. Alain Goraguer - Course De Ten 09. Bernard Estary - Bongo Ring 10. Sauveur Mallia - All The Bass 11. Guy Pederson - Indian Pop Bass 12. Big Jullien & His All Star - Wake The Monster 13. Pierre-Alain Dahan & Mat Camison - Long Playing Time 14. Bernard Estardy - Aubergine Time 15. Ludovic Decosne & Pierre Daubresse - Gloaming 16. Claude Engel - Belle Gueuse (A) (Long Version) 17. Raymond Guiot - Basse Duettino 18. Andre Ceccarelli - Funk No. 2 19. Pierre-Alain Dahan - Rythmiques No. 2 20. Tonio Rubio - Red Medium 21. Bernard Estardy - Riviera Express 22. The Peppers - Pepper Bo Disc 9: New Orleans Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Eddie Bo & Inez Cheetham - Lover & A Friend 02. Betty Harris - Mean Man 03. Gus The Groove Lewis - Let The Groove Move You 04. Bobby Williams - Boogaloo Mardi Gras 05. Oliver Morgan - La La Man 06. Roger & His Gypsies - Pass The Hatchet 07. Eddie Bo - What You Gonna Do 08. Zila Mays - All I Want Is You 09. Skip Easterling - Ooh Poo Pah Do 10. Chris Kenner - Come Back & See 11. Eskew Reeder - Undivided Love 12. Eldridge Holmes - The Book 13. Benny Spellman - Sinner Girl 14. Maurice Williams - Being Without You 15. Huey Piano Smith - Don't You Just Know It 16. Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs - Don't Ever Leave Me 17. Eddie Lang - Gonna Make You Eat My Words 18. Larry Darnell - Son Of A Slave 19. Clemon Smith - Brotherman, Sister Ann 20. Dave Batiste & The Gladiators - Funky Soul 21. Lee Dorsey - Gator Tail 22. Chris Kenner - Mini-skirts & Soul 23. Eddie Bo - Fence Of Love 24. Warren Lee - Star Revue Disc 10: NuYorican Funk Experience Tracklist: 01. Chico Alvarez - La Confianza 02. Eddie Palmieri - Condiciones Que Existen 03. Barrio Band - Cucaraca Macara 04. La Controversia - Vision Divina 05. The Joe Cuba Sextet - Mambo Of The Times 06. Orquesta Broadway - A Milo Mismo Me Da 07. Joe Quijano & Su Orquesta - Tema De Broadway 08. Cortijo - Carnaval 09. Machito Orchestra And Lalo Rodriguez - Mi Ritmo Llego 10. Ricardo Ray & Bobby Cruz - El Maton 11. Chocolate - Gozando El Guaguanco 12. Barrio Band - Heavy Duty 13. Chuito Velez Con Su Orquesta & Adalberto Santiago - A Kilo Traigo 14. Eddie Palmieri & Lalo Rodriguez - Kinkamache 15. Cortijo & Su Combo - Maria Teresa 16. Rene Granda Con Su Combo New York Y Frankie Rodri - Jugo De Mango 17. Coco All Stars - Macho 18. Charlie Palmieri - No Esta En Na 19. Celia Cruz - Chango Download links:
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Artist: VA Title: Voodoo Soul: Deep and Dirty New Orleans Funk Year Of Release: 2001 Label: Union Square Music / Metro Genre: Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Funk Quality: Flac (tracks, .cue, log) Total Time: 51:06 Total Size: 336 Mb (scans) Tracklist: 01. The Meters - Cissy Strut 02. Lee Dorsey - Everything I Do Gonh Be Funky 03. Betty Harris - Ride Your Pony 04. Clemon Smith - Brother Man, Sister Ann 05. The Meters - Here Comes The Metermen 06. Eddie Bo & Inez Cheatham - A Lover & A Friend 07. Skip Easterling - I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man 08. Lee Dorsey - Occapella 09. Willie West - Fairchild 10. Roger & The Gypsies - Pass The Hatchet 11. The Meters - Ease Back 12. Allen Toussaint - Louie 13. Robert Parker - Get Ta Steppin' 14. Sonny Jones - Sissy Walk 15. Backyard Heavies - Soul Junction 16. Eddie Bo - We're Doing It (Thang) A terrific collection of late-'60s/early-'70s funk singles that barely scraped the local charts, Voodoo Soul unearths a pile of gold in its 16 tracks. The Meters and Lee Dorsey loom large, but samples from the bygone careers of Clemon Smith, Skip Easterling, and the Backyard Heavies are every bit as great. There's barely a hit listed among these songs, and that's exactly the point; as Voodoo Soul proves, New Orleans was a hotbed of great music from the ground up. Download links:
Artist: The Reflex Title: Million Sellers Vol. 5 Year Of Release: 2017 Label: Self Released Genre: Disco, Funk, R&B, Soul Quality: CBR 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 1:11:42 Total Size: 167 mb / 501 mb :: TRACKLIST :: 1 -Archie Bell & The Drells - Strategy (The Reflex Revision) 9:35 2 -Sly & The Family Stone - Dance To The Music (The Reflex Revision) 6:55 3 -McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now (The Reflex Revision) 8:56 4 -Wham! - Everything She Wants (The Reflex Revision) 8:13 5 -Kool & The Gang - Celebration (The Reflex Revision) 7:20 6 -Stevie Wonder - Tuesday Heartbreak (The Reflex Revision) 6:04 7 -Fred Wesley & The JB's - Let The Music Take Your Mind (The Reflex Revision) 6:16 8 -Eddie Kendricks - Date With The Rain (The Reflex Revision) 6:56 9 -Wilson Pickett - Engine Number 9 (The Reflex Revision) 6:15 10 -Otis Redding - Dock Of The Bay (The Reflex Revision) 5:12 Download links:
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Artist: SUKISHA Title: Over the Rainbow Year Of Release: 2019 Label: SUKISHA x kiki vivi lily Genre: Boogie, Future Jazz, Nu-Disco, R&B, Swing Quality: FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 27:24 Total Size: 176 Mb Tracklist: 1. Departure (0:57) 2. Rainbow Town (3:58) 3. The Summer Storm Is Coming (1:06) 4. Blue in Green (4:41) 5. Falling Asleep (1:22) 6. Pink Jewelry Dream (4:02) 7. Winter Stroll (1:26) 8. Gray Spring (3:12) 9. Destination (0:59) 10. Rainbow Town (tofubeats remix) (5:40) A co-authored album created by the encounter between a resonating singer and a trackmaker. Download links:
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Artist: George McCrae Title: We Did It! Year Of Release: 1978 Label: T.K. Records Genre: Funk / Soul, Disco Quality: FLAC (tracks) [16/44,1] [Vinyl, LP] Total Time: 32:32 Total Size: 243.6 MB Tracklist: 01. You've Got My Love My Life My Soul (4:46) 02. Don't You Feel My Love (4:24) 03. Are You Looking For Love (2:55) 04. You Don't Know (3:43) 05. I Want You Around Me (3:19) 06. I Love You (4:08) 07. You Got Me Going Crazy (3:00) 08. We Did It (3:33) 09. Love, Life & Soul (2:44) Download links:
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Artist: The Reflex Title: Million Sellers Vol. 4 Year Of Release: 2016 Label: Self Released Genre: Disco, Fink, Soul, Pop Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 1:34:18 Total Size: 220 mb / 629 mb :: TRACKLIST :: 1 -Bobby Thurston - I Know You Feel (The Reflex Revision) 7:55 2 -Lionel Richie - All Night Long (The Reflex Revision) 7:07 3 -Michael Jackson - Rock With You (The Reflex Revision) 7:11 4 -Gladys Knight And The Pips - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (The Reflex Revision) 6:35 5 -Funk Inc. - Just Don't Mean A Thing (The Reflex Revision) 5:49 6 -Ashford & Simpson - Love Don't Always Make It Right (The Reflex Revision) 7:27 7 -Michael Jackson - I Can't Help It Demo (The Reflex Revision) 5:28 8 -Barry Manilow - Copacabana (The Reflex Revision) 8:28 9 -Linda Clifford - Repossessed (The Reflex Revision) 7:49 10 -Serge Gainsbourg - Sea, Sex & Sun (The Reflex Revision) 8:18 11 -Gil Scott-Heron - Angel Dust (The Reflex Revision) 6:57 12 -Michael Jackson - Rock With You (The Reflex Revision WIth Rod T Intro) 8:07 13 -Michael Jackson - Rock With You (The Reflex Instrumental Revision) 7:07 Download links:
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Artist: Various Artists Title: Defected Presents Glitterbox London Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Defected [DGLIB03CD] Genre: Disco, Soul/Funk, Boogie, House Quality: 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks+cue,log) Total Time: 3:48:15 Total Size: 525 mb / 1.51 gb :: TRACKLIST :: CD 1 01. Side Effect - Always there 02. Risse - Chain of fools [house mix] 03. Sharon Brown - I specialize in love [Original 12" mix] 04. Gwen Guthrie - It should have been you [12" single mix] 05. Strikers - Body music [12" version] 06. Chic - I want your love 07. Sheila Ford - Why can't you see [Louie Vega & DJ Spen Long version] 08. Third World - Now that we found love [disco mix] 09. Chantale Curtis - Get another love 10. The S.O.S. Band - Take your time do it right 11. Kings of Tomorrow - Burn so deep 12. Lucy Pearl - Don't mess with my man [Mood II Swing edit] 13. First Choice - The player 14. Carol Williams - Love is you [12" mix] 15. Northend - Tee's happy [12" mix] CD 2 01. Inner Life - Moment of my life 02. David Joseph - You can't hide your love from me [original 12" mix] 03. Black Ivory - I've got my eye on you 04. Donald Byrd - Love has come around 05. Patrice Rushen - Number one [12" version] 06. Gwen McCrae - Poyson 07. Blondie - Rapture [special disco mix] 08. Feel - I'd like to [12" mix] 09. The Original Salsoul Classics - Take some time out for love 10. Loose Ends - Hangin' on a string [Frankie Knuckles club mix] 11. Flush - Come back baby 12. Tom Misch - Beautiful escape 13. Breakbot - Baby I'm yours 14. Chesus - Special [HNNY edit] 15. DJ Gregory - Don't know malendro 16. Norma Jean - Saturday [Dimitri from Paris remix] CD 3 01. South Street Player - Who keeps changing your mind [Daniel Bovie & Roy Rox remix] 02. Starpoint - I want you you want me [def house mix] 03. Jamie Lewis - It's over [Jamie Lewis main mix] 04. Eddie Leader - Feel for you [Boris Dlugosch remix] 05. Moloko - Sing it back [Mousse T's feel love mix] 06. Boe & Zak - Looking for love 07. Ecstasy - Don't play me raw [Farley house mix] 08. Loleatta Holloway - Dreamin' [Jazz n Groove club mix] 09. Purple Disco Machine - L.O.V.E. 10. Gershon Jackson - Take it easy [Mike Dunn blackball ezee mixx] 11. Funky Green Dogs - Fired up 12. George Morel - Let's groove; Isuly 13. Copyright - Be together 14. Miss Honey Dijon - Burn step into the knight 15. Patrice Rushen - Haven't you heard [Joey Negro extended disco mix] 16. Octave One - Black water Download links:
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Artist: VA Title: Trippin' - The Groove Merchant Compilation Year Of Release: 1996 Label: Luv N' Haight Genre: Funk,Soul, Jazz Quality: mp3 / Flac (tracks+.cue,log) Total Time: 44:46 Total Size: 104,2 / 271,8 Mb Tracklist 01 Eugene Blacknell & The New Breed - Gettin' Down [02:40] 02 The Cals - Amazon Bossa Nova [02:52] 03 West Coast Revival - My Mind Is At Ease [03:59] 04 Damn Sam The Miracle Man & The Soul Congregation - B.J. [03:23] 05 David Baker - Le Miroir Noir [04:49] 06 Village Crusaders - Akiwawa [03:14] 07 Cal Green - Trippin' [05:00] 08 The Johnny Frigo Sextet - Scorpio [03:30] 09 Warm Excursion - Funk-I-Tus [03:13] 10 Dadisi Komolafe - Speak No Evil [05:36] 11 Esquires Now - Think [02:38] 12 Organization - Smokey Feeling [03:47] Download links:
Artist: VA Title: What It Is! Year Of Release: 1993 Label: Luv N' Haight Genre: Funk, Soul, Jazz Quality: mp3 / Flac (tracks+.cue,log,scans) Total Time: 32:39 Total Size: 77 / 203,3 Mb Tracklist 01 Apollis - What It Is - Part 1 & 2 [07:25] 02 Five Ounces Of Soul - Love Got A Piece Of Your Mind - Part 2 [02:37] 03 Johnny Lytle - Selim [03:33] 04 Soul Machine - Twitchie Feet [02:53] 05 Hilton Felton - Be Bop Boogie [08:54] 06 Leroy & The Drivers - The Sad Chicken [03:02] 07 Ricardo Marrero - Babylonia [04:13] Download links:
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Artist: Mezzoforte Title: Volcanic Year Of Release: 2010 Label: New World Music Ltd. Genre: Jazz, Funk Quality: FLAC (tracks) 24bit/44.1kHz Total Time: 01:02:52 Total Size: 716,45 MB Tracklist: [4:56] 01. Mezzoforte - It's A Funk Thing [5:36] 02. Mezzoforte - Berlin Boogie [5:31] 03. Mezzoforte - High Life [6:51] 04. Mezzoforte - Sleeping Volcano [4:16] 05. Mezzoforte - Stepping Out [5:35] 06. Mezzoforte - Jump Town [5:59] 07. Mezzoforte - Sea Breeze [4:51] 08. Mezzoforte - Bright And Early [5:12] 09. Mezzoforte - Hatton [4:23] 10. Mezzoforte - Down On Sunset [4:53] 11. Mezzoforte - So What's Up? [4:48] 12. Mezzoforte - Wandering Soul In the spring of 2008, five members of Mezzoforte travelled to a remote summer cabin in southern Iceland to start writing the music that would eventually become 'Volcanic', their first studio album for over seven years. During their stay the band were continually reminded of the awesome and unpredictable power that lay beneath them, especially when an earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Scale shook the wooden cabin so violently that they could barely keep their balance to run outside. Also visible from the cabin was Iceland's best known and most active volcano Hekla which sparked the idea for the track `Sleeping Volcano', and also the name for the album. The album will feature the four founding members, Asmundsson, Briem, Gunnarsson & Karlsson, as well as Oskar Gudjonsson, Sebastian Studnitzky, Bruno Mueller and Thomas Dyani. Download links:
Artist: VA Title: 100 Disco Year Of Release: 2019 Label: Warner Music Group - X5 Music Group Genre: Disco, Funk, Soul, Pop Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 08:05:05 Total Size: 1.1 gb | 3.1 gb Tracklist: 1. Tina Turner - Disco Inferno 2. Rod Stewart - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy 3. Sister Sledge - Funky Family 4. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman 5. Prince - I Feel for You 6. Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - December, 1963 (Oh What a Night!) 7. Cher - Strong Enough 8. Earth, Wind & Fire - I Can Feel It In My Bones 9. Grateful Dead - Shakedown Street 10. Afro-Dite - Black Is Black 11. Candi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free 12. Maxine Nightingale - Right Back Where We Started From 13. Ben E. King - Music Trance 14. Kc & The Sunshine Band - That's the Way (I Like It) 15. Carly Simon - Attitude Dancing 16. Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing 17. The Spinners - The Rubberband Man 18. Alberte - Disco Tango 19. Martin Mull - Bernie Don't Disco 20. Thelma Houston - Throw You Down 21. The Trammps - Disco Party 22. Cilla Black - Sugar Daddy 23. Wilson Pickett - Engine Number 9 24. Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd. Street Rhythm Band - Express Yourself 25. Al Jarreau - Easy 26. Dr. John - Right Place Wrong Time 27. Ragnar Grippe - Dancing Aztecs 28. Tower of Power - What Is Hip_ 29. Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - Touch and Go (7_ Version) 30. The Jimmy Castor Bunch - A Groove Will Make You Move 31. Ted Taylor - Ghetto Disco 32. Herbie Mann - Jisco Dazz 33. Osibisa - Happy Children 34. Randy Crawford - Street Life 35. The Antonelli Orchestra - September 36. The Braxtons - The Boss 37. Montana - I Love Music 38. Rose Royce - Is It Love You're After 39. LeBaron Disco-Go - Danube Disco Waves 40. Willie Hutch - Disco Thang 41. Slave - Feel My Love (Disco Mix) 42. Nicolette Larson - Lotta Love (Jim Burgess Disco Mix) 43. Faze Action - Space Disco 44. Dee Dee Bridgewater - Bad for Me 45. Apollonia - Since I Fell for You 46. Stuff - Honey Coral Rock 47. Hazell Dean - No Fool (For Love) [12'' Mix] 48. Atlantic Starr - Come Lover 49. BLOODSTONE - Do You Wanna Do a Thing 50. Keith Sweat - Make You Sweat 51. Louise - Let's Go Round Again 52. Chic - Le Freak 53. Womack & Womack - Baby I'm Scared of You 54. Shirley Bassey - Can't Take My Eyes Off You 55. Gwen McCrae - Keep the Fire Burning 56. T-Connection - Saturday Night 57. Love De-Luxe - Here Comes That Sound Again 58. Margie Joseph - Discover Me (And You Will Discover Love) 59. Mass Production - Turn up the Music 60. Miami - Disco Weekend 61. Sylvia St. James - Better Things 62. Stargard - High On the Boogie 63. Goody Goody - #1 Dee Jay (Single Version) 64. Frankie Valli - Grease 65. CeeLo Green - Tonight 66. Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up 67. Foxy - Hot Number 68. Blue Magic - Welcome to the Club 69. Donald Byrd - Love Has Come Around 70. Graham Central Station - Now D-U-Wanta Dance 71. Fat Larry's Band - Nighttime Boogie 72. Karyn White - Secret Rendezvous 73. K-Klass - Burnin' (Joey Negro's Direct Disco Mix) 74. Marshall Hain - Dancing In the City 75. The Three Degrees - You're the One 76. The Staple Singers - Showdown 77. Madleen Kane - Rough Diamond 78. The Natural Four - Try to Smile 79. Black Heat - The Jungle 80. Timmy Thomas - Touch to Touch 81. Lalo Schifrin - Dimelo 82. David Ruffin - Still In Love with You 83. Terry Callier - Disco In the Sky 84. Deodato - Whistle Bump 85. Peter Brown - Dance with Me 86. Aquarian Dream - You're a Star 87. Geoff Love & His Orchestra - Princess Leia's Theme (Disco Version) 88. Norma Jean Wright - Sorcerer (12_ Version) 89. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby (Extended Version) 90. Tasha Thomas - Shoot Me (With Your Love) 91. The Undisputed Truth - Let's Go Down to the Disco 92. Chicago - Street Player (Dance Mix) 93. Richie Havens - Going Back to My Roots 94. Stacy Lattisaw - Jump to the Beat 95. Larry Graham - Sooner or Later 96. The Meters - Disco Is the Thing Today 97. Kleeer - Tonight's the Night (Good Time) 98. Tony Wilson - I Like Your Style 99. Narada Michael Walden - Tonight I'm Alright 100. Gloria Jones - Drive Me Crazy (Disco Lady) Download links:
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Artist: VA Title: 100 Greatest 70's Hits Year Of Release: 2015 Label: The Beat In Your Feet - OMiP Genre: Pop, Soul, Funk, Disco, Pop Rock Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 06:07:57 Total Size: 868 mb | 2.3 gb Tracklist: 1. Rose Royce - Car Wash (Rerecorded) 2. Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive (Rerecorded) 3. Candi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free 4. The Trammps - Disco Inferno 5. Anita Ward - Ring My Bell (Rerecorded) 6. The Temptations - Papa Was a Rolling Stone 7. Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - If You Don't Know Me by Now 8. Desmond Dekker - You Can Get It If You Really Want 9. Amii Stewart - Knock on Wood 10. Tina Charles - I Love to Love 11. Mungo Jerry - In the Summertime 12. The Bellamy Brothers - Let Your Love Flow (Rerecorded) 13. Dawn - Knock Three Times 14. Badfinger - Come and Get It 15. The Guess Who - American Woman 16. Blackfoot Sue - Standing in the Road (Rerecorded) 17. Bad Manners - Black Night 18. The Sweet - Ballroom Blitz (feat. Brian Connelly) 19. Edwin Starr - Ain't No Stopping Us Now 20. G. C. Cameron - Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me) 21. Gloria Gaynor - I Never Can Say Goodbye 22. Brotherhood Of Man - Save Your Kisses for Me (Rerecorded) 23. Carole King - Jazzman 24. Johnny Bristol - Hang on in There Baby 25. Chicory Tip - Son of My Father (Rerecorded) 26. Ken Boothe - Everything I Own 27. Clarence Carter - Drift Away 28. Lynn Anderson - (I Never Promised You A) Rose Garden (Rerecorded) 29. Johnny Wakelin - Black Superman (Muhammed Ali) 30. Judge Dread - Rudy, A Message to You 31. Marmalade - Rainbow (Rerecorded) 32. The Rubettes - Sugar Baby Love 33. Odyssey - Native New Yorker 34. The Three Degrees - When Will I See You Again 35. Tavares - Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel 36. Rose Royce - Wishing on a Star 37. Paper Lace - The Night Chicago Died (Rerecorded) 38. Racey - Some Girls (Live) 39. Sham 69 - Hurry up Harry 40. Alvin Stardust - Jealous Mind 41. White Plains - All Right Now 42. Pilot - Magic 43. T. Rex - Get It On (Live) 44. Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side (Live) 45. Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes (Live) 46. Pilot - January 47. The Grass Roots - Sooner or Later 48. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Mr. Bojangles (Live) 49. Chic - Le Freak (Live) 50. Barry White - You See the Trouble with Me (Live) 51. Kool & The Gang - Ladies Night (Live) 52. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman (Live) 53. Sister Sledge - We Are Family (Live) 54. Edwin Starr - War (Live) 55. Christie - Yellow River (Rerecorded) 56. The Stylistics - You Make Me Feel Brand New (Live) 57. Sandler & Young - Love Story 58. Chaka Khan - Tell Me Something Good (Live) 59. Gallery - (It's So) Nice to Be with You 60. Atlantic Sound Orchestra - Theme from Shaft 61. Hamilton - Fallin' in Love 62. Heatwave - Boogie Nights 63. Jean Terrell - Nathan Jones 64. New Birth - The Long and Winding Road 65. The Trammps - Hold Back the Night 66. Joe Stubbs - Give Me Just a Little More Time 67. Andrea True - More, More, More 68. Althea & Donna - Up Town Top Ranking 69. The Detroit Emeralds - Feel the Need in Me (Rerecorded) 70. Syreeta - Band of Gold 71. Barry White - Just the Way You Are (Live) 72. Clarence Carter - Patches (Rerecorded) 73. Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) [Rerecorded] 74. Alexander O'Neal - Always and Forever 75. Rick Derringer - Hang on Sloopy 76. Amii Stewart - 137 Disco Heaven 77. Andrew Gold - Lonely Boy 78. Maria Muldaur - Midnight at the Oasis 79. Rufus Thomas - Do the Funky Chicken 80. Bay City Rollers - Bye Bye Baby 81. Faron Young - It's Four in the Morning 82. Bay City Rollers - Shang-a-Lang 83. Charlene - I've Never Been to Me 84. London Theatre Orchestra - Hopelessly Devoted to You (From _Grease_) 85. Alvin Stardust - My Coo-Ca-Choo 86. Badfinger - Day After Day 87. Billie Jo Spears - What I've Got in Mind (Rerecorded) 88. Dawn - Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree 89. Freda Payne - Band of Gold 90. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 91. The Three Degrees - Tsop (The Sound of Philadelphia) 92. Brian Connolly - Blockbuster 93. Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way 94. The 5th Dimension - Love Hangover 95. Amii Stewart - Jealousy 96. Judge Dread - Big Eight 97. Donna Summer - Back off Boogaloo 98. Marcia Griffiths - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 99. Mud - The Cat Crept In 100. Tony Christie - I Did What I Did for Maria Download links:
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Artist: VA Title: 100 Soul Hits Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Piros/Send Genre: Soul, Funk, RnB, Blues Quality: 320 kbps | FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 04:23:54 Total Size: 613 mb | 1.4 gb Tracklist: CD1 1. Aretha Franklin - Respect 2. Ben E. King - Stand By Me 3. Marthe Reeves - Dancing In The Street 4. The Driffters - Save The Last Dance For Me 5. Eddie Floyd - Knock on Wood 6. Ray Charles - Unchained Melody 7. Sam - Hold on I´m Coming 8. Percy Sledge - When a Man Loves a Woman 9. Jimmy Ruffin - What Becomes the Broken Hearted (Rerecorded) 10. The Driffters - Up on the Roof 11. Etta James - I´d Rather Go Blind 12. Isaac Hayes - Precious, Precious 13. Al Jarreau - Ain´t No Sunshine 14. Clarence Carter - Patches 15. Gladys Knight - Every Beat of My Heart 16. Jerry Butler - For Your Precious Lord 17. Lou Rawls - Sad Song 18. Debbie Gray - Drift Away 19. Sam Cooke - All of My Life 20. Ray Charles - Here We Go Again 21. Mary Wells - The One Who Really Love You 22. The Tams - Hey Girl Don´t Bother Me 23. Archie Bell - Tighten Upsanders 24. Wilson Pickett - If You Need Me 25. Brook Benton - It´s Just Matter of Time 26. Harold Melvin - If You Don´t Know Me by Now 27. Percy Sledge - Behind Closed Doors 28. Ben E. King - Spanish Harlem 29. Sam - Soul Man 30. Ray Charles - Unchain My Heart 31. Betty Everet - Getting Mighty Crowded 32. Clarence Henry - But I Do 33. Jan Bradley - Mama Didn´t Lie 34. Bobby Moore - Searching for My Love 35. Wilson Pickett - Land of 100 Dances 36. Ike & Tina Turner - Sugar Sugar 37. Wilson Pickett - Everybody Needs Somebody to Love 38. Ray Charles - Eleanor Rigby 39. Phil Philips - Sea of Love 40. Mary Wells - My Guy 41. Barbaralynn - You´ll Lose a Good Thing 42. Aaron Neville - Tell It Like It Is 43. Solomon George - Got to Get You off My Mind 44. Barbara George - I Know (You Don´t Love Me No More) 45. Martha Reeves - Jimmy Mark 46. Tyrone Davis - Turn Back the Hands of Time 47. Jerry Buttler - He Will Break Your Heart 48. Hank Ballard - Let´s Go, Let´s Go, Let´s Go 49. James Brown - I Got You (I Feel Good) CD2 1. Jerry Butler - Let It Be Me 2. The Driffters - Saturday Night at the Movies 3. Solomon Burke - Sweeter Than Swetness 4. Etta James - All I Could Do Was Crying 5. Joe Tex - Yum Yum 6. Gene Chandler - Just Be True 7. The Dells - Love Is Blue, I Can See a Rainbow 8. Chuck Jackson - I Keep Forgettin´ 9. Maxime Brown - Oh No Not My Baby 10. Ike & Tina Turner - We Need Understanding 11. The Isley Brothers - Nobody but Me 12. Fontella Bass - Recovery 13. James Brown - Please, Please, Please 14. The Driffter - On Broadway 15. The Dells - Always Together 16. Brook Benton - Thank You Pretty Baby 17. Otis Redding - Sittin´ on the Dock of the Bay 18. Wilson Pickett - Mustang Sally 19. Ray Charles - Yes Indeed 20. Dobie Gray - Feelings 21. George McCrae - Rock Your Baby 22. Betty Everet - The Shoop Shoop Song (It´s in His Kiss) 23. The Dixie Cups - Iko Iko 24. The Ad Libs - The from the New City 25. Yvonne Carroll - There He Goes 26. The Jelly Beams - I Wanna Love Him so Bad 27. Tracey Dey - Jerry (I´m Your Sherry) 28. Evie Sands - I Can´t Let Go 29. The Pearltters - Duchess of Heart 30. Linda Martell - A Little Tear (Was Falling from My Eyes) 31. Wilson Pickett - Sweet Soul Music 32. Aretha Franklin - Chain of Fools 33. James Brown - It´s a Man´s Man´s World 34. The Platters - Only You 35. Sam - Bring It on Home to Me 36. Joe Tex - I´ve Got to Do a Little Bit Better 37. Gene Handler - Daddy´s Home 38. Percy Sledge - Warm and Tender Love 39. Otis Redding - These Arms of Mine 40. The Platters - The Great Pretender 41. Jackie Wilson - Chain Gang 42. Otis Redding - Home in Your Heart 43. Rufus Thomas - Do the Funky Chicken 44. Diana Ross - Some Day We´ll Be Together 45. Otis Redding - Shake 46. Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World 47. James Brown - Gat Up 48. La Vern Baker - Saved 49. Otis Redding - Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay Download links:
Artist: The Reflex Title: Million Sellers Vol. 5 Year Of Release: 2017 Label: Self Released Genre: Disco, Funk, R&B, Soul Quality: CBR 320 kbps / FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 1:11:42 Total Size: 167 mb / 501 mb :: TRACKLIST :: 1 -Archie Bell & The Drells - Strategy (The Reflex Revision) 9:35 2 -Sly & The Family Stone - Dance To The Music (The Reflex Revision) 6:55 3 -McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now (The Reflex Revision) 8:56 4 -Wham! - Everything She Wants (The Reflex Revision) 8:13 5 -Kool & The Gang - Celebration (The Reflex Revision) 7:20 6 -Stevie Wonder - Tuesday Heartbreak (The Reflex Revision) 6:04 7 -Fred Wesley & The JB's - Let The Music Take Your Mind (The Reflex Revision) 6:16 8 -Eddie Kendricks - Date With The Rain (The Reflex Revision) 6:56 9 -Wilson Pickett - Engine Number 9 (The Reflex Revision) 6:15 10 -Otis Redding - Dock Of The Bay (The Reflex Revision) 5:12 Download links:
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