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Minden tőle: tigriske2003

  1. File size: 112 MB SameMovie HBOMax Video Downloader is a versatile downloader that helps users quickly download no ads HBO Max movies and TV shows to enjoy an unlimited, free viewing experience even if you are an HBO Max With Ads subscriber. To meet users' different needs, SameMovie provides various options to select the output format, size, quality, language and type of audio tracks and subtitles. With its powerful searching engine, you can search for the HBO videos simply by entering names or copy and pasting the URL on the search box. In no time, the related titles will be listed for you. Save HD HBO Max Videos as MP4/MKV Format SameMovie HBOMax Video Downloader empowers users to fastly download their favourites with multiple qualities and save the videos in the most popular video formats–MP4 and MKV format with ease. When it has been successfully saved by SameMovie, you can transfer these downloaded hit movies, exclusive originals, addictive series, and family favourites from your computer to any other devices, like Smart TV, Android Phone, iPad and so on. Retain Multi-language Subtitles and Dolby 5.1 Sound SameMovie HBOMax Video Downloader makes you effortlessly retain any available subtitles and audios tracks(Up to Dolby 5.1 Sound) that satisfy your different needs. You can choose whether to download videos embedded with subtitles or to preserve subtitles as an editable external file, which can be added to the video anytime you want. Apart from saving the subtitles as vtt, ttml and smi files, SameMovie supports H.264 video codecs along with AAC, EAC3 formats natively. These amazing features would be helpful for you to download your desired video files and edit videos. Support Download in Batch Fastly SameMovie HBOMax Video Downloader can download videos in batch seamlessly with just one click, which makes the video downloads easier and time-free. SameMovie also offers the ability to choose the length and size of a title before downloading HBO Max videos and accelerate the downloading process with computer hardware. SameMovie's delightfully intuitive interface makes it easy for you to check the fast download process with clear figures. After generating the videos you want, you can find and manage them on the "Library" tab easily. https://data.hu/get/13249773/SameMovie_HBOMax_Video_Downloader_1.0.7_Multilingual.zip
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Amikor örökbeadott fia, Henry felkeresi Emmát, még ő is szkeptikusan áll az egészhez, amikor azonban belecsöppen az érintett kisváros életébe, egyre inkább ott ragad. 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  8. Nitro Pro (x64) Enterprise + Patch-soda | 207.57 MB Create, edit and convert PDF files effortlessly with the help of this intuitive program that also allows users to accurately extracting text from PDFs thanks to its OCR function. Nitro Pro is one of the most advanced PDF creating and editing software solutions, providing basically all the tools you would ever need to help you in this regard. Although it's called 'Professional,' the application has been developed to be aimed at beginners and advanced users alike, so you won't find it too difficult to use. Features: Create PDFs and Combine Files Create PDFs from virtually any document, image, or file type Drag and drop to create and combine PDFs Insert, delete, and organize pages in a PDF Combine multiple files and file types into one PDF Deep integration with Office 365, SharePoint 365, OneDrive for Business, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive Copy and paste selected parts of a PDF file with formatting intact Batch-create PDF files Convert Files to and from PDF Convert Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files to editable PDFs Convert PDFs into editable Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files Convert scanned documents into editable, searchable PDFs Convert PDFs to JPEG, TIFF, or PNG image formats Convert web pages to interactive PDFs, complete with links Convert CAD files to PDFs Convert any PDF file to PDF/A 1 and 2 Extract text and images Postscript-based document conversion Apply and Request Electronic Signatures Request secure, legally binding electronic signatures Lightweight eSignature workflows, designed for speed and ease of use Apply your own electronic signature Digitally sign and certify documents Send, track, and confirm electronic signatures with real-time notifications and analytics Easy mobile signing optimized for smartphones and tablets eSignature templates for frequently used forms Easily add documents and templates that your whole team can access Edit PDF files Insert and edit text and images Insert and edit fonts, layouts, and pages Optimize, shrink, and repair PDF files Visual rotation of images and pages Insert and edit bookmarks, links, headers, numbering, and watermarks Insert and edit Bates Numbering Create searchable and editable PDFs from scans with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Smart Alignment tool Copy and paste between applications Automatic text reflow and resize Scanned image detection with automatic deskew Keep PDFs Secure Add password protection and permissions to PDFs Redact to permanently remove sensitive information from PDFs Create protected PDF files that restrict copying and editing Secure PDFs with Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS) 2.0 Encryption support for 64-, 128-, and 256-bit (with R6 support) Work with digital signatures, including Chain of Trust support Manage digital signature profiles and certificates Create and manage digital IDs Batch security Document version tracking Build and Fill PDF Forms Static XFA form support PDF form creation and editing Easily create, fill, sign, send, and store forms Review, Mark up, and Annotate PDFs Highlight, cross out, and underline text with annotations Create annotations using sticky notes, text boxes, call-outs, pencil, and shapes Attach entire files as annotations Sort, manage, filter, and summarize comments Apply dynamic stamp annotations, which auto-populate specific information Spell check Compare PDF files Advanced search allows for increased precision and contextual results Smart guidelines for Object Tool aligns shapes to ensure content is arranged properly User-Friendly Interface Familiar Microsoft Office-style interface for easy adoption Access your documents from your desktop, browser, or mobile device Functional on touch-enabled devices Integrated Microsoft Office toolbar and shortcuts Outlook plugin to create PDFs from email Print reduction suggestions Smart Tips and onboarding product tour Customizable Home tab View Optional Content Group (OCG) layers Floating toolbar for easier access to editing tools Drag and drop documents into multiple windows Preview PDF files in Windows Explorer, Outlook, and web browsers Easy IT Deployment and Management (Available in Business and Enterprise plans only) Lightweight deployment with thin, server, and desktop options Support for App-V and managed servers Nitro Analytics for insights into printing activity and document workflows Manage licenses, users, and services via Nitro Admin NIST 800-53, HIPAA, SOC2 Type 2 certified https://data.hu/get/12866048/Nitro_Pro_Enterprise_v13.38.0.739_x64__Fix.zip
  9. https://data.hu/get/13484229/DVDFab.12.rar DVDFab is the most powerful and flexible DVD or Blu-ray copying, ripping, creating and burning software. Also it's a fantastic file converter which can rip and convert DVD/Blu-ray movies or transfer your files to various portable devices. DVDFab supports all popular video and audio formats, HD video and almost all multimedia devices. This software is simply the easiest way to copy a DVD/ Blu-ray movie. It can copy any DVD or Blu-ray disc with Cinavia watermark, and create a protected disc (BDMV-REC) to disable Civania for playback on PS3. Your entire movie - including menus, trailers and special features - is copied to a single DVD/ Blu-ray with just one click, and everything happens automatically. Backup your entire DVD/ Blu-ray - including menus, trailers, and special features - onto one or multiple discs. DVD Copy makes backup DVDs in an easy and fast manner. Copy, rip, clone, split, merge, burn, customize, and more. Blu-ray Copy backs up Blu-rays easily and fast. Copy, rip, clone, burn, write data and more. DVD Ripper can rip or convert any DVD movie for playback on popular portable and mobile devices, smart phones, tablets, and more. Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) can rip or convert any Blu-ray movie to various formats that are compatible with portable and mobile devices, smart phones, tablets, and more. DVD Creator allows you to create your own DVD discs/ ISO files/ folders from a variety of videos downloaded from Internet, taken by camcorders, etc. Blu-ray Creator converts nearly all sorts of videos into Blu-ray format and saves them as Blu-ray ISO files and folders, and even into BDs. Video Converter can convert videos from one format into almost any other standard format, so that you can view them on different devices. 2D to 3D Converter working together with DVD Ripper, Blu-ray Ripper or Video Converter, converts 2D DVD/Blu-ray/video into 3D format. DVDFab Technology: * The BluPath analysis tool can quickly and precisely find the right playlist and region code for Blu-ray. * StealthyClone will help users backup/clone BDs regardless of Sony DADC Screen Pass and other structural protections. * Lightning Shrink - world's most efficient GPU-acceleration based Blu-ray compressing technology to rip or convert Blu-rays within one hour. * DVDFab can solve playback problem of the copy of Cinavia protected Blu-ray on PS3 * Lightning-Recoding technology is the homebrew of DVDFab applied in Blu-ray Copy * .miniso file can be produced by Blu-ray Copy and mounted by Virtual Drive to simulate ISO image * Intel Quick Sync makes DVDFab quicker at video decoding/encoding during copy/ripping/conversion * NVIDIA CUDA and AMD APP accelerate DVDFab's speed in DVD/Blu-ray/video conversion * BD Shrink technology enables DVDFab Blu-ray Copy to compress Blu-ray (3D) movies to smaller sizes to fit on blank BD 25/BD 9/BD 5 discs. * BDInfo will help you get the detailed information on the Blu-ray you are backing up. * DVDFab supports 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) videos to help you enjoy ultra high definition experience. * H.265 codec compresses video files to the half size with the same video quality as the original and DVDFab supports it all roundly. https://data.hu/get/13484229/DVDFab.12.rar
  10. CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 19.0.1724.62 RePack by qazwsxe Languages: Русский / English | File Size: 326 MB The Most Complete Multimedia Player for Home Theaters & PCs. PowerDVD plays more than just DVD and Blu-ray discs. It is an all-round multimedia player for downloads, movies, videos, audio, photos, VR 360° content, and even YouTube or Vimeo. Enjoy all your favorite movies and premium videos in better-than-original quality in your own home theater with support for popular media casting devices, plus most file formats and codecs. For those who like to be on the cutting-edge of entertainment PowerDVD 19 also delivers the most immersive 360° VR experience possible with new spatial audio support. Extreme Video & Audio Quality Enjoy all your favorite movies and premium videos in better-than-original quality in your own home theater. Better-than-Original Quality Audio & Video Playback (Now for 4K Video!) CyberLink's unique TrueTheater audio-visual enhancement technology is exclusive tech that instantly upgrades the quality of all videos, including Blu-ray, HD and 360? content you watch so that you can truly enjoy them on your home theater system. It can even make Ultra HD 4K video look even better! Superior Definition Entertainment (Now support 8K Video!) The next wave in ultra-high definition entertainment is here with 8K video. PowerDVD brings the latest in high-resolution video technology right into your living room to ensure you can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience in Ultra HD 4K, HDR & now 8K on your big screen TV. The Ultimate Cinema-grade Sound at Home PowerDVD lets you get the most out of your home audio setup with support for master-quality sound technology from the leaders in professional digital audio-Dolby and DTS. Enjoy the acoustic difference of specialized multichannel audio and lossless audio formats such as FLAC and DSD. Play & Cast Your Favorite Media One player to play virtually any type of media including movie files, discs, ISO, and photos on your PC or cast to TV. Wireless Entertainment Made Easy Stream directly from PowerDVD to your TV using leading media casting devices - Roku®, Apple TV®, Chromecast™ and Fire TV™. You can even improve the video and audio quality of any content in real time with CyberLink's unique TrueTheater enhancements! Play & Cast Almost Anything! Enjoy the Ultra HD videos shot on your GoPro, or iPhone photos in full quality as soon as you get home, even if you're running Windows 10. PowerDVD ensures playback for a wide range of file types and formats, including HEVC/H.265 video & HEIC image files, without the need to install any extra plugins. With PowerDVD 19, you can even cast a wide range of media formats and codecs to your TV, even if they are not natively supported by your Roku®, Apple TV®, Chromecast™, or Fire TV™ device. Enjoy Incredible HDR Video (Enhanced GPU Support!) HDR (High -dynamic-range) video delivers deeper blacks, brighter whites, and greater color depth compared to regular video. With PowerDVD you can enjoy this next level in entertainment quality with our TrueTheater HDR enhancements & expanded GPU support for HDR video playback that removes the need to run in Windows Exclusive Mode. Play Ultra HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray & DVD Play it all, no matter if you want to enjoy the latest Hollywood blockbuster or relive a classic from your collection. Even upscale while you watch with TrueTheater. External Subtitle Support for Discs (Enhanced!) Watch your favorite titles on Ultra HD Blu-ray, or Blu-ray, in any language, even with custom subtitle files you've downloaded. True Full Screen for Blu-ray Watch your favorite Hollywood movie classics on widescreen TVs without any letterboxing or black bars while using your 4K video player. Cutting Edge VR & Online Playback Immerse yourself in a media that's as good as being there, and enjoy YouTube streaming in better-than-original quality. 360° VR Video with Spatial Audio (NEW!) Experience the most immersive 360? VR video experience with spatial audio. Whether you're watching on your PC or with a headset you can now experience audio that flows around you in a truly 360? world. Don't Miss a Moment in 360? Watch 360? video from every angle simultaneously, even without a headset, and never miss a moment. This PowerDVD is perfect if you're watching 360? content on a smaller screen. VR Mode for Popular Headsets Immerse yourself in VR with support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets in PowerDVD, making it the best 4k video player for next-generation multimedia entertainment. Better Online Entertainment Enjoy all your favorite online content from YouTube without being tied to your web browser. Always on Top Mini View Never miss a moment of your favorite YouTube Live streams with this minimalist viewing mode. Pin Videos to Watch Offline (Enhanced!) You don't even need the internet to watch your favorite YouTube clips. Pin them to watch offline or on the road. RELEASE NOTES: - May include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. Operating System: - Ultra HD Blu-ray: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit with Fall Creators Update 2017 Oct. updates) - HDR10: Windows 10 (64-bit with October 2018 Update) - 8K Video Playback: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit with Fall Creators Update 2017 Oct. updates) - 4K Video Playback with TrueTheater: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit with Fall Creators Update 2017 Oct. updates) - Blu-ray Disc, DVD, and TrueTheater 3D Playback: Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 7 with Service Pack 1 - VR Mode: Windows 10/8.1/7 with Service Pack 1 Repacking features: - interface language is only Russian and English (other languages ??are removed from the distribution) - Does not require registration (VL activation) - Microsoft Visual C ++ 2012, 2017 Redistributable Package, present in the assembly - deleted: CLUpdater, OLRSubmission - added reset "Region Code" ("Region Code"). If you have ended "Region Code" ("Region Code") on your previously installed PowerDVD 19, then it is enough to reinstall this assembly of PowerDVD 19, "Region Code" ("Region Code") should be reset In order to install PowerDVD in a quiet version, you must run the installation package with the / S key For example, like this CyberLink_PowerDVD_Ultra_19.0.1724.exe / S The key is case-sensitive, and therefore we only use / S, not / s If the key was specified incorrectly or not specified at all, then the usual installation will take place with all the dialogues and indication of the installation. https://data.hu/get/11841900/CyberLink_PowerDVD_Ultra_19.0.1724_24.05.2019.rar
  11. CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra v19.0.1511.62 CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 19.0.1511.62 Multilingual | 347.6 MB The Most Complete Multimedia Player for Home Theaters & PCs. PowerDVD plays more than just DVD and Blu-ray discs. It is an all-round multimedia player for downloads, movies, videos, audio, photos, VR 360? content, and even YouTube or Vimeo. Enjoy all your favorite movies and premium videos in better-than-original quality in your own home theater with support for popular media casting devices, plus most file formats and codecs. For those who like to be on the cutting-edge of entertainment PowerDVD 19 also delivers the most immersive 360? VR experience possible with new spatial audio support. https://data.hu/get/11787589/cyBpdvdU.19.0.1511.62.rar
  12. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2021.001.20142 Multilingual | 968.1 Mb https://data.hu/get/12825101/Adobe_Acrobat_Pro_DC_2021_v21.001.20142__Fix_CracksHash.rar
  13. ABBYY FineReader 14 v14.0.107.212 Standard / Corporate / Enterprise Editions (x86/x64) ABBYY FineReader 14 v14.0.107.212 Standard / Corporate / Enterprise Editions (x86/x64) | 1.63 GB ABBYY FineReader 14 is a universal solution for working with paper and PDF documents, which allows managers to get rid of daily routine tasks, increasing business efficiency. ABBYY FineReader 14 v14.0.107.212 Standard / Corporate / Enterprise Editions (x86/x64) https://data.hu/get/11591804/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.001 https://data.hu/get/11591806/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.002 https://data.hu/get/11591807/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.003 https://data.hu/get/11591805/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.crc
  14. tigriske2003

    ABBYY PDF Transformer+

    ABBYY FineReader 14 v14.0.107.212 Standard / Corporate / Enterprise Editions (x86/x64) ABBYY FineReader 14 v14.0.107.212 Standard / Corporate / Enterprise Editions (x86/x64) | 1.63 GB ABBYY FineReader 14 is a universal solution for working with paper and PDF documents, which allows managers to get rid of daily routine tasks, increasing business efficiency. ABBYY FineReader 14 v14.0.107.212 Standard / Corporate / Enterprise Editions (x86/x64) https://data.hu/get/11591804/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.001 https://data.hu/get/11591806/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.002 https://data.hu/get/11591807/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.003 https://data.hu/get/11591805/ABBYY_FineReader_14_v14.0.107.212_Final_Ml_Rus.crc
  15. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.008.20081 Multilingual Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.008.20081 Multilingual | 1.2 GB Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is the leading PDF converter and much more. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC software lets you deliver professional PDF communications. It's packed with smart tools that give you even more power to communicate. Create and edit PDF files with rich media included, share information more securely, and gather feedback more efficiently. https://data.hu/get/11520162/ACR.2019.008.20081.rar
  16. CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate Suite 15.0.2509.0 Multilingual | 5.6 GB 360-degree Video Editing - View Designer NEW - Import, Edit and Produce 360-degree video NEW - Color Correction for 360-degree video NEW - Titles, Transitions & PiP Objects for 360-degree video NEW Action Camera Center - Stop Motion NEW - Pan & Zoom NEW - Speed Adjustment - Video Stabilizer - Freeze Frame - Correct Distortions (lens, color) Design Tools - Mask Designer NEW - Video Blending Modes NEW - Motion Tracking ENHANCED - Transition Designer - Theme Designer - Menu Designer - Title Designer ENHANCED - PiP Designer ENHANCED - MultiCam Designer - 100-track MultiCam Audio Sync Video Editing and Design Studio Tools - 360-degree video import, editing & export NEW - Vertical video import, editing & export NEW - Produce 120/240fps High Frame Rate Video - Express Projects - Apply Video Effects on Titles - Chroma Key - Motion Blur for PiP and Titles - 100-track Timeline - Content-aware Editing - TrueTheater Color Enhancements NEW - TrueTheater Stabilizer - One-click Color Presets ENHANCED - Subtitle Room/ Import and Export SRT - Screen Recorder (30fps) with Audio Productive Interface - Customizable Hotkey - Dual Screen Support - Dockable Preview Window - Full HD Quality Preview - Media Library Search - High DPI Mode ENHANCED Format Support - 2K Export/Import - 4K Import/Export - XAVC-S Import/Export - H.265 (HEVC) Import/Export - H.264 Import/Export - AVCHD 3D/Progressive - Import, Edit and Produce 120/240fps Video - FLAC Audio Support - .AAC Audio File Support NEW - DTS 5.1 Producer - DVD Authoring - Blu-ray Authoring - AVCHD Disc Authoring System Requirements: - Microsoft Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7 (64 bit OS recommended) - 1024 x 768, 16-bit color or above - RAM 2GB required (6GB or above recommended) - CPU Intel Core i-series or AMD Phenom II and above - 128 MB VGA VRAM or higher https://data.hu/get/10498482/PDUS1502509.part1.rar https://data.hu/get/10498483/PDUS1502509.part2.rar https://data.hu/get/10498481/PDUS1502509.part3.rar https://data.hu/get/10498478/PDUS1502509.part4.rar https://data.hu/get/10498479/PDUS1502509.part5.rar https://data.hu/get/10498477/PDUS1502509.part6.rar
  17. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC.6.10 Multilingual Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 6.10 Multilingual | 1.0 GB Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC - Capture the full range of light. Create amazing images from challenging high-contrast scenes. New HDR Merge lets you combine multiple photos taken with different exposure settings into a single high dynamic range image. Advanced Healing Brush Don't let dust spots, sDescriptionches, or other distractions and flaws get in the way of a great shot. With the Advanced Healing Brush in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you can not only change the brush size but also move it in precise paths. Unwanted scene elements - even those with irregular shapes such as threads - just disappear. Upright Straighten tilted images with a single click. The new Upright™ tool analyzes images and detects skewed horizontal and vertical lines, even straightening shots where the horizon is hidden. Radial Gradient Emphasize important parts of your image with more flexibility and control. The Radial Gradient tool lets you create off-center vignette effects, or multiple vignetted areas within a single image Smart Previews Easily work with images without bringing your entire library with you. Just generate smaller stand-in files of your full-size images. Any adjustments or metadata additions you make to these files will automatically be applied to the originals. and mauch more .. Language : Multilingual https://data.hu/get/10449373/PhotoshLightroomCC6.10Multilingual.part1.rar https://data.hu/get/10449376/PhotoshLightroomCC6.10Multilingual.part2.rar
  18. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Master Collection CC 2017 Update 1 by m0nkrus Adobe Master Collection CC 2017 Update 1 by m0nkrus | 16.19 Gb | 5.11 Gb As you know, Adobe Master Collection CC 2017 does not exist in nature, Adobe never released it. But, nevertheless, it is in front of you! The author tried to ensure that this package was born. It is a collection of programs of the Creative Cloud 2017 line, united by an old good installer with the ability to select the components and language of the installed programs. It looks all very similar to the well-proven Adobe Master Collection CS6 in the past. Is that the program the current package includes significantly more than its namesake Creative Suite 6. And the versions of the programs themselves, mostly, fresher. Package Content: Disc 1 * Adobe Acrobat DC Professional 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe After Effects CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Animate CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Audition CC 2017 64-bit (English only) * Adobe Bridge CC 2017 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Bridge CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Character Animator CC 64-bit (English only) * Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC 32-bit (English only) * Adobe Extension Manager CC 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Fuse CC 2015 32-bit (English only) * Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe InCopy CC 2017 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe InCopy CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe InDesign CC 2017 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe InDesign CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Muse CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 32-bit (English only) * Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6 64-bit (English only) * Adobe Prelude CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Premiere Professional CC 2017 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Scout CC 64-bit (English only) * Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015 64-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Acrobat Distiller DC 32-bit (Russian and English) Drive 2 * Adobe Audition CS6 32-bit (English only) * Adobe Encore CS6 64-bit (English only) * Adobe Fireworks CS6 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 32-bit (English only) * Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 64-bit (English only) * Adobe Flash Professional CS6 32-bit (Russian and English) * Adobe Prelude CS6 32-bit (English only) * `Adobe Bridge CS6 32-bit (Russian and English) * `Adobe Bridge CS6 64-bit (Russian and English) * `Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS6 32-bit (English only) * `Adobe Extension Manager CS6 32-bit (Russian and English) * `Adobe Media Encoder CS6 32-bit (Russian and English) * `Adobe Media Encoder CS6 64-bit (Russian and English) * Exchange Panel for CS6 (English Only) List of changes made: - The original distributions are reworked and merged within the framework of the good old installer, following the example of Adobe Master Collection CS6. - The resulting package does not include the installer of the Creative Cloud service, which is installed by default distributions without fail. - A number of original installer files are replaced with patched (cracked PainteR). - All the language packs, except Russian and English, are removed from the source distributions as far as possible. - The distribution is integrated with an update for Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 32-bit to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 64-bit to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 32-bit to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 64-bit to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 32-bit to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 64-bit to version - The distribution is integrated with an update for Adobe Premiere Professional CC 2017 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe After Effects CC 2017 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Acrobat DC Professional to version 15.023.20070. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Animate CC 2017 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Muse CC 2017 version 2017.0.2.60. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Prelude CC 2017 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Audition CC 2017 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015 to version - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6 to version 6.9. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Extension Manager CC to version 7.3.2. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Camera Raw for CC to version 9.9.101. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Preview CC x86 to version 1.3.1. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Preview CC x64 to version 1.3.1. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Encore CS6 to version 6.0.2. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to version 12.0.2. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Fireworks CS6 to version 12.0.1. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Prelude CS6 to version 1.0.3. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Audition CS6 to version 5.0.2. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Bridge CS6 32-bit to version 5.0.2. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Bridge CS6 64-bit to version 5.0.2. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Media Encoder CS6 32-bit to version 6.0.3. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Media Encoder CS6 64-bit to version 6.0.3. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Extension Manager CS6 to version 6.0.8. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Camera Raw for CS6 to version 9.1.88. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe CSXS Infrastructure for CS6 to version 3.0.3. - The distribution is integrated with the update for Adobe Dynamic Link Media Server for CS6 to version 1.0.1. - The distribution is integrated with the updated Adobe Air version - Fixed a problem with the availability of plug-ins in Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 while using 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the program. - Adobe Extension Manager CC is patched in a special way, so that it now recognizes and can work with the latest versions of Adobe products. - Distributions are integrated with a stub preventing the mandatory installation of a spyware update for Adobe Application Manager up to the version of Update 14. - The installer has been corrected, allowing you to bypass the problem of the conflict of the installed and installed version of Visual C ++ 2015 Redistributable. - The package is divided into two conditional disks. The first one contains the most popular and developing products. On the second - products that are still distributed on the channels of the Creative Cloud, but have not been developed or updated for a long time. Disks are two independent distributions. - In the folder Crack of each disc there is a toolkit and instructions that allow you to install and register Adobe Master Collection CC 2017. - To the original installer added a menu, similar to the Box-version. It is made in the image and likeness of a similar menu for Adobe Master Collection CS4. https://data.hu/get/10392499/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part01.rar https://data.hu/get/10392501/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part02.rar https://data.hu/get/10392494/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part03.rar https://data.hu/get/10392498/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part04.rar https://data.hu/get/10392493/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part05.rar https://data.hu/get/10398835/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part06.rar https://data.hu/get/10392497/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part07.rar https://data.hu/get/10392496/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part08.rar https://data.hu/get/10392500/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part09.rar https://data.hu/get/10392495/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part10.rar https://data.hu/get/10387304/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part11.rar https://data.hu/get/10387306/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part12.rar https://data.hu/get/10387302/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part13.rar https://data.hu/get/10398685/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part14.rar https://data.hu/get/10389352/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part15.rar https://data.hu/get/10389348/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part16.rar https://data.hu/get/10389342/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part17.rar https://data.hu/get/10389350/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part18.rar https://data.hu/get/10392418/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part19.rar https://data.hu/get/10392416/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part20.rar https://data.hu/get/10392409/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part21.rar https://data.hu/get/10392419/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part22.rar https://data.hu/get/10392415/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part23.rar https://data.hu/get/10392413/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part24.rar https://data.hu/get/10392412/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part25.rar https://data.hu/get/10386971/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part26.rar https://data.hu/get/10386977/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part27.rar https://data.hu/get/10392410/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part28.rar https://data.hu/get/10386964/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part29.rar https://data.hu/get/10398687/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part11.rar https://data.hu/get/10386961/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part30.rar https://data.hu/get/10386968/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part31.rar https://data.hu/get/10386959/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part32.rar https://data.hu/get/10386975/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part33.rar https://data.hu/get/10386967/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part34.rar https://data.hu/get/10386966/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol1.part35.rar https://data.hu/get/10386972/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part01.rar https://data.hu/get/10386960/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part02.rar https://data.hu/get/10386978/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part03.rar https://data.hu/get/10386962/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part04.rar https://data.hu/get/10386963/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part05.rar https://data.hu/get/10386970/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part06.rar https://data.hu/get/10386973/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part07.rar https://data.hu/get/10386969/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part08.rar https://data.hu/get/10386965/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part09.rar https://data.hu/get/10386974/Adobe.Master.Collection.CC.2017.u1.RU-EN.vol2.part10.rar
  19. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat XI v11.0.19 Professional Multilingual Adobee Acrobat XI v11.0.19 Professional Multilingual | 779 MB "Adobe Acrobat XI v11.0.19 Professional Multilingual" Adobe Acrobat XI Pro - is not just a popular Converter PDF. It includes smart features that provide additional opportunities for interaction. Easy, fast, professional. This is the perfect tool for technical and marketing professionals. Year / Release Date: 2017 Version: 11.0.19 Developer: Adobe The author builds: m0nkrus Bit depth: 32bit Language: Multilingual (Russian present) Medicine: Present System requirements: * Processor with a clock speed of 1.3 GHz or higher * Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) or SP2 (64-bit); Windows Server 2003 R2 (32- and 64-bit); Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32- and 64-bit); Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit); Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit versions) * 512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended) * 1.85 GB of free hard disk space * Screen resolution of 1024x768 * DVD-ROM drive * Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9 or 10; Firefox Extended Support Release; Chrome * Video hardware acceleration (optional) https://data.hu/get/10324614/Adobe_Acrobat_Pro_v11_0_19_Multilingual.rar
  20. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.16 Multilingual | 768 MB Adobe Acrobat XI Pro is more than just the leading PDF converter. Its packed with smart tools that give you even more power to communicate. Easily, seamlessly, brilliantly. "Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.16 Multilingual"NEW Edit text and images Make minor changes in PDFs as easily as you do in other applications using a new point-and-click interface. NEW Convert PDF files to PowerPoint Get a head start on new projects by saving a PDF file as a fully editable PowerPoint presentation. NEW Create new PDF and web forms Customize professional templates or design from scratch with the Adobe FormsCentral desktop app included in Acrobat XI Pro. IMPROVED Standardize routine PDF tasks Make it easy to create PDFs consistently. Guide people through the correct series of steps with Actions. Edit PDF files With Adobe® Acrobat® XI Pro, you can make minor edits to text and images right in your PDF file without requiring the original document or graphic. Create and analyze forms Cut the time you spend creating forms, rekeying data, and correcting errors. Distribute forms online, and then collect responses and analyze results in real time. Customizing PDF Portfolios Quickly assemble content into PDF Portfolios using the new PDF Portfolio Wizard. Customize using new layouts, visual themes, and color palettes. Import custom PDF Portfolio layouts and themes developed by third-party developers and designers. Simplify reviews and approvals Stop sorting through paper and email trails. Automate review and approval cycles with Acrobat. Multiple reviewers can see and build on each other's comments so you can meet your deadline. http://data.hu/get/9711140/AcrUpd.11016.rar
  21. ABBYY PDF Transformer+ Multilingual | 421.67 MB Heres the new updated release of ABBYY PDF Transformer Plus. This is the multilingual interface version. "ABBYY PDF Transformer+ Multilingual" ABBYY PDF Transformer+ is an easy-to-use, versatile tool that lets you create, edit, comment on, and convert PDF files to other editable formats such as DOCX and XLSX. ABBYY PDF Transformer+ can convert paper documents to searchable PDF files, merge files of various formats into a single PDF document, add or remove pages from a document and change their order, or edit text and copy pictures and text from PDF files to other applications, all without the need to convert PDF documents to an editable format. It also has a number of features for commenting, discussing documents, and creating document archives. ABBYY PDF Transformer+ can convert PDF documents to two popular ebook formats: EPUB and FB2. You can read these ebooks on your iPad, tablet, or other mobile device. Open and View: - Work with any type of PDF. You can open and start working with any PDF document right away there is no need to think of its type and source, or whether will it be compatible or not, thanks to the integrated Adobe PDF Library technology. - Enjoy intuitive navigation. Conveniently browse the PDF content using intuitive navigation tools. You can quickly jump from page to page, zoom in or out, or just use the fit to width option. Extract and Convert: - Convert to editable formats. Easily convert PDF documents, including scanned PDFs, into editable formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel and OpenOffice Writer, preserving the original layout and formatting. PDF Transformer+ software is based on ABBYYs award-winning OCR technology which provides up to 99.8 text recognition and PDF conversion accuracy. - Extract and quote text. Copy and paste text from a PDF file to any application without losing the original formatting. ABBYY PDF Transformer+ allows you to convert paper documents into electronic text effortlessly just scan them straight to PDF, no additional steps required. - Benefit from comprehensive language support. With ABBYY OCR technology and exceptional language support, you can efficiently convert and reuse documents in 189 languages in any combination. Create and Merge: - Scan to searchable PDF. Scan your paper document and create PDF files that is easily reusable or accessible via search, thanks to ABBYY OCR technology and its ability to accurately retrieve text from images. - Create PDF. Create PDFs from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Apache OpenOffice, or any application with print function in order to share with others and protect it with a password to set access rights. Save time by creating multiple PDF files simultaneously. - Create one PDF file from multiple files. Quickly merge documents of different file formats into one single PDF file. You can rearrange the pages of the newly created PDF document, and remove or add new pages. Review and Comment: - Comment and annotate. Collaborate with colleagues when creating or reviewing PDF documents: Use the convenient commenting and annotation tools, such as sticky notes, strikethrough, underline, add text, highlight to mark up text, or give feedback. A separate comments section gives a clear overview of the comments and annotations within the document, where you can search and sort by author, date, or status. - Assign document approval status. Make the discussion and approval of a PDF document more effective and transparent by assigning statuses such as Accepted, Rejected, Canceled, or Completed to comments. You can even mark your PDF document with Approved, or Under consideration, or another custom stamp to adjust to your internal approval processes. - Save time with a powerful search. Quickly search for a keyword or phrase within text, comments, and metadata. Use Search and Highlight to find all instances of a word within a document and automatically highlight them. Edit and Modify: - Fix typos and make small text edits. Intuitive editing tools allow you to make minor changes or replace text within any PDF document including scanned PDFs. - Insert and remove text or images. Adjust the text font and background color of text boxes to match the original document styles. Quickly remove text or images from PDF documents via Edit Mode with the right-click menu or by using the Eraser tool. - Juggle with pages. Arrange pages in your PDF documents the way you need them to be: Add, delete, replace, flip left and right orientation, or create a blank page to add background information. - Work with simple or scanned PDF forms. Use the Text Box option to fill out simple PDF forms and questionnaires. After completing a form, you can save it to your hard drive for further use, print it or send it by email. You can even convert it to Word or Excel. Protect and Share: - Optimize your files size. Easily reduce the size of PDFs to send them via email, post them online, or to save them in searchable digital archives more efficiently. ABBYYs advanced compression technology enables you to shrink the size of files while maintaining their quality. - Protect documents from unauthorized use. Protect your PDFs with 128 or 256 bit AES- encryption passwords to control access to their content. Software also allows to set usage limitations or completely block unauthorized changes, including printing and text editing. - Redact sensitive information. Completely black-out and remove sensitive information, such as personal data, bank account numbers, etc. from the text or metadata before sending or publishing it online. By using the Search and Redact option, you can automatically remove confidential information from an entire document in one go. Whats New in ABBYY PDF Transformer+ 12: - Digitally sign your PDF documents. Sign electronic documents with a digital signature to ensure the authenticity and integrity of its content. - 100 Compitability with Adobe Acrobat - ISO Standard PDF (PDF/A) - Compatible with Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP - Compatible with Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003 - Compatible with Microsoft Server 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2003 - Compatible with Open Office 3 - Works with TWAIN and WIA scanning devices Install Notes: 1. Unpack, install the application. 2. Replace all files from FixFiles folder to default directory. 3. Confirm replacing. Run the included bat file to prevent server check. http://data.hu/get/9710355/Transformer12.0.104.225.zip
  22. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.13 Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.13 Multilingual | 755.2 MB Adobe Acrobat XI Pro is more than just the leading PDF converter. It's packed with smart tools that give you even more power to communicate. Easily, seamlessly, brilliantly. NEW Edit text and images Make minor changes in PDFs as easily as you do in other applications using a new point-and-click interface. NEW Convert PDF files to PowerPoint Get a head start on new projects by saving a PDF file as a fully editable PowerPoint presentation. NEW Create new PDF and web forms Customize professional templates or design from scratch with the Adobe FormsCentral desktop app included in Acrobat XI Pro. IMPROVED Standardize routine PDF tasks Make it easy to create PDFs consistently. Guide people through the correct series of steps with Actions. Edit PDF files With Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, you can make minor edits to text and images right in your PDF file without requiring the original document or graphic. Create and analyze forms Cut the time you spend creating forms, rekeying data, and correcting errors. Distribute forms online, and then collect responses and analyze results in real time. Customizing PDF Portfolios Quickly assemble content into PDF Portfolios using the new PDF Portfolio Wizard. Customize using new layouts, visual themes, and color palettes. Import custom PDF Portfolio layouts and themes developed by third-party developers and designers. Simplify reviews and approvals Stop sorting through paper and email trails. Automate review and approval cycles with Acrobat. Multiple reviewers can see and build on each other's comments so you can meet your deadline. Optimized viewing mode Maximize your screen for optimal reading and presentation of PDF files with the new Reading Mode. Menus and panels disappear, and a transparent floating toolbar appears, to help you navigate PDF files more easily. and much more... http://data.hu/get/9185180/AcrobatXIPro11013Win.rar
  23. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2015.008.20082 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2015.008.20082 Multilingual | 639 MB Acrobat DC (former Adobe Acrobat XI Pro) is the completely reimagined desktop version of the world’s best PDF solution. It includes a mobile app so you can fill, sign and share PDFs on any device. And with Document Cloud services, you can create, export, edit and track PDFs from anywhere — and stay connected to recent files across all your devices. Visualize this: A UI for users. Touch friendly and easy on the eyes, Acrobat DC has a beautiful new interface that works the way you think — with a design-your-own Tool panel so you can find what you need fast. This UI is so simple, you have to see it to believe it. Sign anywhere. It’s included. We’ve put e-signatures in everything, for everyone, from PDFs created in Acrobat DC to mobile apps. So now, you can securely send and track agreements that anyone can sign in seconds — on any device. And filling out forms is just as quick. Never lose track of documents again. Now, you can securely send and track your most important documents. Know who opened them, when — and even what time they were signed. Plus, you get the peace of mind that they’re protected — every step of the way. Acrobat DC works like magic. Edit any file, even a paper one. Just snap a photo with your phone, and then open it on your desktop. Before your eyes, Acrobat will magically transform it into a PDF you can edit on your tablet — complete with custom fonts that match the type in your original file. E-signatures. Everywhere. Acrobat DC brings e-signing to more than one billion devices around the world. Now anyone can legally sign documents with a finger on a touch-enabled device — or with a few quick clicks in a browser. More than just a signing app, Acrobat DC makes it easy to send, track and store signed documents, too. System Requirements 1.5 GHz or faster processor Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows Server 2012 (64 bit), or Windows Server 2012 R2 (64 bit) 1.0 GB of RAM (1GB recommended) 4.5 GB of available hard-disk space 1024x768 screen resolution Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10 (Windows 8 minimum), or 11; Firefox Extended Support Release Video hardware acceleration (optional) Language : Multilingual Home Page - ( - )szerk, ica http://data.hu/get/8932222/PDC2015008.part1.rar http://data.hu/get/8932187/PDC2015008.part2.rar
  24. tigriske2003

    A Nagy Adobe Téma

    Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.12 Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.12 Multilingual | 733 MB Adobe® Acrobat® XI Pro is more than just the leading PDF converter. It's packed with smart tools that give you even more power to communicate. Easily, seamlessly, brilliantly. NEW Edit text and images Make minor changes in PDFs as easily as you do in other applications using a new point-and-click interface. NEW Convert PDF files to PowerPoint Get a head start on new projects by saving a PDF file as a fully editable PowerPoint presentation. NEW Create new PDF and web forms Customize professional templates or design from scratch with the Adobe FormsCentral desktop app included in Acrobat XI Pro. IMPROVED Standardize routine PDF tasks Make it easy to create PDFs consistently. Guide people through the correct series of steps with Actions. Edit PDF files With Adobe® Acrobat® XI Pro, you can make minor edits to text and images right in your PDF file without requiring the original document or graphic. Create and analyze forms Cut the time you spend creating forms, rekeying data, and correcting errors. Distribute forms online, and then collect responses and analyze results in real time. Customizing PDF Portfolios Quickly assemble content into PDF Portfolios using the new PDF Portfolio Wizard. Customize using new layouts, visual themes, and color palettes. Import custom PDF Portfolio layouts and themes developed by third-party developers and designers. Simplify reviews and approvals Stop sorting through paper and email trails. Automate review and approval cycles with Acrobat. Multiple reviewers can see and build on each other's comments so you can meet your deadline. Optimized viewing mode Maximize your screen for optimal reading and presentation of PDF files with the new Reading Mode. Menus and panels disappear, and a transparent floating toolbar appears, to help you navigate PDF files more easily. and much more... OS : Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3 for 32 bit or Service Pack 2 for 64 bit; Windows Server® 2003 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit) Language : Italiano, Portuguese (BR), Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Slovak (Windows only), Slovenian (Windows only), Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Home Page - http://www.adobe.com/ http://data.hu/get/8932186/AA.11.0.12.rar
  25. CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 12.0.4210 CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 12.0.4210 Multilingual | 1.0 GB PowerDirector 12 Ultimate provides the most comprehensive tools for high quality video productions, all with easy-to-use features. The new MultiCam editing support allows you to import up to 4 videos taken by different devices, and sync them by audio tracks so that you can easily pick the best shots. Theme Designer allows you to create 3D animated slideshows with your videos and photos. PowerDirector 12 Ultimate also includes worth over $400 in premium effects and templates to further enrich your video creation. Take Video Creation to a Whole New Level You are passionate about video creation, it's time to elevate your video creations to a whole new level! PowerDirector 12's new MultiCam Designer supports up to 4 camera editing, so you can easily import, sync and arrange your MultiCam shots. The new Theme Designer help you to generate pro-looking 3D animated videos with your videos and photos. MultiCam Designer The NEW MultiCam Designer allows you to simulate live camera switching from 4 cameras by selecting and editing the best camera angle and sequence from an event that you have simultaneously captured with your camcorder, DSLR, digital camera and Smartphone. Synchronize the tracks by audio, timecode or time taken. Easily switch between shots with hotkeys and instantly create multiclip track recording. Theme Designer The NEW Theme Designer is an easy and powerful tool for converting your videos and photos into stylish 3D-animated slideshow videos. Simply drag and drop your videos and photos to a selection of over 30 built-in animated design templates, and you’re ready to showcase your creation! Design Studio Tools PowerDirector's Design Studio tools give your more freedom to design and control the PiP, Title, Particle effects in your video projects. Use the precise keyframe controls and maximize on full screen editing panel to create your own effects. When your video editing is done, you can produce them to Blu-ray, DVD or AVCHD discs with stylish menus. Motion Blur Effect The NEW Motion Blur tool allows you to add and control blur length and density when setting the motion animation of PiP objects and text titles. This feature enriches the sense of speed and direction of moving PiP objects in your videos, to make them more realistic. Intuitive Editing Environment Whether you are skillful or novice video editor, PowerDirector 12 provides an easy yet powerful way to create video. With over 100 video editing tools, you can fully control your video creations in a professional way. If you are new to video editing, you can use the Easy Mode to create videos in minutes. Start Your Creation the Way You Like Upon starting PowerDirector, you can select from multiple editing modes to create your video. If you are skillful user and want to have more control of editing, you can choose the Full Feature Editor to use the 100-track timeline editing interface with precise keyframe control. If you are not a skillful video editor, or if you got no time to edit video, choose the Easy Editor mode to start editing with MagicStyle tool. Simply choose the videos and photos you want to use, select a template, then PowerDirector will handle the rest! Powerful Editing Tools If you are a skillful video editor, you will be happy with PowerDirector 12's complete range of powerful editing tools that are set in the most productive environment, providing you the utmost efficiency when producing videos. OS : Microsoft Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista and XP Language : Multilingual http://data.hu/get/8894422/PDUltimate.12.0.4210.part1.rar http://data.hu/get/8894421/PDUltimate.12.0.4210.part2.rar http://data.hu/get/8894420/PDUltimate.12.0.4210.part3.rar http://data.hu/get/8894419/PDUltimate.12.0.4210.part5.rar http://data.hu/get/8894418/PDUltimate.12.0.4210.part4.rar
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