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Turbo Studio v24.6.3 167MB Turbo Studio (korábbi nevén Spoon Studio) - ezzel az alkalmazással az alkalmazás futtatásához szükséges fájlokat egy telepítés nélkül használható csomagban egyesítheti. Az alkalmazás lehetővé teszi egy virtuális konténer létrehozását és a programok futtatását virtuális környezetben, telepítés és a rendszerleíró adatbázisban és a rendszerben történő módosítások nélkül. Turbo Studio (formerly known as Spoon Studio) - with this app you can combine files needed to make an app run into a package that is ready for use without deployment. The application allows you to create a virtual container and run programs in a virtual environment without the installation and make changes in registry and system. Since driver and system updates are constantly developed to reduce the possibilities of errors to occur, applications might need to be rooted to your system and registries so they can keep up the pace. However, with the help of utilities like Spoon Virtual Application Studio you can combine files needed to make an app run into a package that is ready for use without deployment. Work fast with a customizable wizard In case you don't want to spend too much time with configuring files needed for packing content, you can run a wizard with several options available. The wizard enables you to quickly build a virtual application from provided or downloaded media, scan your desktop for applications and choose the one to process, handle third-party apps using a snapshot, as well as manually configuring wizard settings. Manually set deployment options Additionally, you can dive directly into the abundance of features the main window gives you access to. A side panel lets you navigate through major areas such as filesystem, registry, settings, components, setup, as well as expiration. Depending on the chosen category, your workspace provides a large variety of dedicated settings. You are able to insert new files you consider need to be included in the package. What's more, isolation can be set either to full or merge, with the possibility to also hide components, make them read only or disable synchronization. Easily include required components Switching to the registry tab lets you add values and keys or modify existing ones so that the application you want processed does not need to change the host registry. All settings and files can easily be bundled up in a basic MSI setup package that deploys your custom settings, as well as file associations and shortcuts on the target computer. Furthermore, the application lets you select a runtime environment your product is dependent of, snatching system configurations so it won't require them on the PC it is deployed. Once finished, a few clicks create the setup package in a custom directory. A few last words Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Spoon Virtual Application Studio promises and manages to change the way your applications are deployed. It can be used to eliminate the need for any other third-party requirements or simply migrate whole applications and ongoing projects to a new machine. https://katfile.com/l1kk455kdk87/tbs2463.7z.html Portable 23MB https://katfile.com/r208hcowr4l0/tbs2463po.7z.html jelszó:turbo
Directory Opus Pro v13.7 24MB Üdvözöljük a Directory Opus-ban, a Windows fájlkezelőben. A Directory Opus négy célt tart szem előtt: Könnyű használat: Az Opus a lehető legnagyobb mértékben úgy működik, mint az Explorer. Az Opus használatához nem kell bonyolult szkripteket vagy nem szabványos egértechnikákat megtanulnia. Ha valaha is használtad az Explorert egy fájl másolására, akkor már pontosan tudod, hogyan kell ezt az Opusban is megtenni. Konfigurálhatóság: Hiszünk abban, hogy a felhasználónak joga van megválasztani, hogyan működjön a számítógépe. Az Opus szinte minden aspektusa megváltoztatható - az eszköztáron lévő gomboktól kezdve a tömörített fájl hátterének rajzolásához használt színig. Hatékonyság: Az Opus-t úgy tervezték, hogy a lehető leghatékonyabb legyen. Az egész program a többszálú futás lehetőségét használja, hogy soha ne kelljen várnia egy művelet befejezésére, mielőtt egy másikat elkezdene. Kompatibilitás: Az Explorer helyettesítőjeként fontos, hogy az Opus ugyanúgy jelenjen meg (a rendszer számára), mint az Explorer. A Microsoft által meghatározott korlátokon belül az Opus ezt eléri, és a legtöbb olyan szoftver, amely csak az Explorerrel készült, az Opus telepítésével is jól fog működni. Túl sok funkció van ahhoz, hogy mindet felsoroljuk, de hogy csak néhányat említsünk: Egy vagy két fájlmegjelenítés, egy vagy két fával, így a fájlok navigálása és kezelése gyerekjáték. A mappa lapok segítségével több mappát tarthat nyitva, és gyorsan válthat közöttük. Az egyedülálló Explorer Replacement mód a Windows Explorer teljes körű helyettesítését biztosítja. Az integrált megjelenítő ablaktábla lehetővé teszi számos gyakori kép- és dokumentumfájl-formátum előnézetét Fájl metaadatok (EXIF, MP3, PDF stb.) megtekintése és szerkesztése A rendezés, csoportosítás, szűrés és keresés még soha nem volt ilyen egyszerű Színkódolás vagy állapotikonok, csillagok, címkék és leírások hozzárendelése a fájlokhoz és mappákhoz, hogy könnyebben megtalálhatók legyenek. Kötegelt átnevezés, beleértve a könnyen használható billentyűzetmakrókat, valamint a metaadatok felhasználásával történő, teljesen szkriptelt átnevezés lehetőségét. FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR és számos más archívumformátum támogatása. Tartalomhoz való hozzáférés hordozható eszközökön, például telefonokon, táblagépeken és fényképezőgépeken Beépített eszközök, többek között szinkronizálás, duplikátumkereső, képkonvertáló és feltöltő stb. Mappalisták nyomtatása vagy exportálása, fájllisták másolása a vágólapra, mappák méretének kiszámítása. Több fájlmásolat sorba állítása a jobb teljesítmény érdekében CD/DVD-írás támogatása A Windows legújabb funkcióinak támogatása, beleértve az ugrási listákat és az indexelt keresést is A legújabb Windows funkciók támogatása, beleértve az indexelt keresést is Teljesen konfigurálható felhasználói felület - a színek, betűtípusok, eszköztárak, billentyűzet gyorsbillentyűk és sok minden más az Ön igényeihez igazítható. A teljes szkriptkészítő felület támogatja a VBScript, a JScript vagy bármely kompatibilis telepített Active Scripting nyelvet. Hatékony, többszálú, modern kialakítás - natív 32 és 64 bites változatok A nagy DPI felbontású monitorok natív támogatása - éles, tiszta felület 4K vagy 5K felbontásban, elmosódás vagy apró ikonok nélkül. Támogatja a Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 és Windows 11 (beleértve a Server verziókat is) rendszereket Welcome to Directory Opus, the File Manager for Windows! Directory Opus is designed with four goals in mind: Ease of use: As far as possible, Opus works just like Explorer does. You don't have to learn any complicated scripting or non-standard mouse techniques to use Opus. If you've ever used Explorer to copy a file, you already know exactly how to do it in Opus as well. Configurability: We believe in the user's right to choose how their computer operates. You'll find that almost every aspect of Opus can be changed - from the buttons on the toolbar to the color used to draw the background of a compressed file. Efficiency: Opus is designed to be as efficient as possible. The entire program makes use of multi-threading to ensure that you should never have to wait for one operation to complete before beginning another. Compatibility: As an Explorer Replacement it's important that Opus appears (to the system) just like Explorer does. Within the limits set by Microsoft, Opus achieves this and most software written with only Explorer in mind will still work fine with Opus installed. There are far too many features to list them all here, but to name a few: Single or dual file displays, with single or dual trees, make navigating and manipulating files a breeze Folder tabs let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them Unique Explorer Replacement mode provides a full replacement for Windows Explorer Integrated viewer pane lets you preview many common image and document file formats View and edit file metadata (EXIF, MP3, PDF, etc) Sorting, grouping, filtering and searching has never been easier Color code or assign status icons, star ratings, tags and descriptions to your files and folders to make them easier to find Batch renaming including easy-to-use keyboard macros, and the option for a fully scripted rename using metadata Support for FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR and many other archive formats Access content on portable devices like phones, tablets and cameras Built-in tools including synchronize, duplicate file finder, image converter and uploader and more Print or export folder listings, copy file listings to the clipboard, calculate folder sizes Queue multiple file copies for improved performance Support for CD/DVD burning Support for the latest Windows features including jumplists and indexed search Fully configurable user interface - colors, fonts, toolbars, keyboard hotkeys and much more can be tailored to suit your needs Full scripting interface supports VBScript, JScript or any compatible installed Active Scripting language Efficient, multi-threaded, modern design - native 32 and 64 bit versions Supports high DPI monitors natively - crisp, clear interface in 4K or 5K without blurring or tiny icons Supports Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 (including Server versions) Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and Server versions. https://katfile.com/hrt5i4k9n2vx/dop137.7z.html jelszó:opus
PVsyst v7.4.7.37278 268MB Hatékony szoftver a fotovoltaikus rendszerekhez. A PVsyst-ot építészek, mérnökök és kutatók számára tervezték, de emellett nagyon hasznos oktatási eszköz is. Részletes súgó menüt tartalmaz, amely elmagyarázza a használt eljárásokat és modelleket, és felhasználóbarát megközelítést kínál egy útmutatóval a projekt kidolgozásához. A PVsyst képes meteo-, valamint személyes adatokat importálni számos különböző forrásból. PVSyst Package is the complete software for studying, size, simulation and analysis of PV system. This software is designed for use by architects, engineers and researchers and is a very useful educational tool. The program has a detailed contextual help menu that explains the methods and models used and provides a user-friendly, guided approach to developing a project. PVsyst is able to import meteorological data from various sources and personal information. Features and Features of PVSyst Software: Specify the desired power or area available Select PV module from internal database Reverse selection from internal database Suggest an array and system configuration to perform a preliminary simulation Shows the I / V curve of the PV array, along with the MPPT range, voltage, power, and current limiting inverter View the annual distribution of array power Provides specialized tools for assessing wiring losses (and other losses such as module quality), module mismatches, thermal behavior due to mechanical installation, system unavailability, etc. Total MWh / y power generation to evaluate PV system profitability Specific kWh / kWp power generation index based on available radiation (location and orientation) Demonstrate core energy and achievements / losses caught in the simulation Powerful tool for fast analysis of system behavior and potential improvement in design Direct search for a place using Google Maps Calculate the electrical circuit at the input of each inverter Improved Project Management: Parameter Access, Copy, Template Parameter optimization tool Operating System: All Windows client versions currently supported by Microsoft: Windows 8, Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) Up-to-date Windows 7 systems Other OS like MAC OS X (see here) and LINUX are supported through the use of a virtual machine running Windows (VirtualBox successfully tested). OS not supported: Windows servers, Application servers (Citrix, ZenDesktop, ZenApp,…) Other requirements: At least 1 GB of RAM At least 1 GB of free hard drive space Minimal screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels .NET 4.5 framework (installed by Windows Update) Graphics card supporting OpenGL 2.0 or higher PVsyst workspace does not support shared or remotely synced drives / folders (including OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc…). Files and workspaces can be synced as a separate task, once PVsyst has been closed. https://katfile.com/tv5wetnzhjum/pvs74.7z.html jelszó:7473
Royal TS 7.02.50424.0 x64 275MB A Royal TS hatékony, egyszerű és biztonságos hozzáférést biztosít távoli rendszereihez. Tökéletes eszköz szerver adminok, rendszermérnökök, fejlesztők és IT fókuszú informatikusok számára, akiknek folyamatosan hozzá kell férniük távoli rendszerekhez különböző protokollokkal (mint például RDP, VNC, SSH, HTTP/S és még sok más). Biztonságos kapcsolatmegosztás A hitelesítő adatot a hitelesítő adat nevének megadásával rendelheti hozzá a kapcsolatokhoz. Ez lehetővé teszi egy olyan dokumentum megosztását, amely csak kapcsolatokat tartalmaz, míg a személyes hitelesítő adatai egy jelszóval védett, privát dokumentumban tárolódnak. Dokumentum-szinkronizálás A Royal TS képes kezelni a több felhasználó által egyszerre megnyitott dokumentumokat, és lehetővé teszi a dokumentumváltozások szinkronizálását SQL adatbázis háttérrendszer nélkül! Egyszerűen használjon hálózati megosztást vagy felhőalapú tárhelyszolgáltatást (például Dropbox). Külső hitelesítő források A Royal TS szorosan integrálódik a LastPass és a KeePass szolgáltatásokkal. Az ezen jelszókezelő rendszerek használatával létrehozott dokumentumok megnyithatók, és a bennük lévő hitelesítő adatok ugyanúgy használhatók, mint a hagyományos Royal TS hitelesítő adatok. Platformokon átívelő A Royal TS dokumentumok teljes mértékben felcserélhetők és kompatibilisek a Royal TS (Windowshoz), Royal TSX (macOS-hez), Royal TSi (iOS-hez) és Royal TSD (Androidhoz) dokumentumokkal. Royal TS provides powerful, easy and secure access to your remote systems. It's the perfect tool for server admins, system engineers, developers and IT focused information workers who constantly need to access remote systems with different protocols (like RDP, VNC, SSH, HTTP/S, and many more. Safe Connection Sharing You can assign a credential to connections by specifying the name of the credential. This allows you to share a document containing only connections while your personal credential is stored in a private document, protected by your password. Document Synchronization Royal TS can handle documents opened by multiple users at the same time and allows you to synchronize document changes without the need for a SQL database back-end! Simply use a network share or cloud storage service (such as Dropbox). External Credential Sources Royal TS tightly integrates with LastPass and KeePass. Documents created using these password management systems can be opened and the contained credentials can be used just like regular Royal TS credentials. Cross-Platform Royal TS documents are fully interchangeable and compatible with Royal TS (for Windows), Royal TSX (for macOS), Royal TSi (for iOS) and Royal TSD (for Android). https://katfile.com/hysobysyeebk/rts7025.7z.html jelszó:royal
IsoBuster Pro 6MB Támogatja az összes adathordozótípust, beleértve a CD/DVD, BD/HD DVD, merevlemezek, SSD, USB flash meghajtók, Zip meghajtók, Jaz meghajtók, floppy lemezek, stb. Mentse meg az elveszett fájlokat egy rossz vagy tönkrement CD-ről, DVD-ről vagy Blu Ray lemezről. Törölt fájlok visszaállítása merevlemezről, memóriakártyáról vagy flash adathordozóról, amelyről a Windows szerint formázni kell ! Mentsd meg a fontos dokumentumokat, értékes képeket vagy videókat a családtól, az egyetlen rendszermentésed,... IsoBuster for Windows Supporting ALL types of media, including CD/DVD, BD/HD DVD, Hard Drives, SSD, USB flash drives, Zip drives, Jaz drives, floppies etc. Rescue lost files from a bad or trashed CD, DVD or a Blu Ray disc. Recover deleted files from a Hard Drive, Memory card or of from flash media that Windows says needs to be formatted ! Save important documents, precious pictures or video from the family, your only system backup,... Changes / New: Windows 11 tested, improved, ready Support for ReplayTV 1000, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3020, 3030, 3060, 4000, 4040, 4080, 4160, 4320, 4500, 4504, 4508, 4516, 4532, 5000, 5040, 5060, 5080, 5160, 5320, 5500, 5504, 5508, 5516 and 5532 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Support for ShowStopper PV-HS1000, ShowStopper PV-HS2000 and ShowStopper PV-HS3000 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Support for Thomson DTH7000 / RCA DRS7000 "Scenium" and Thomson DTH7500 / RCA DRC7005 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Roxio, Prassi, Sonic *.gi image file CD-Text support Ability to keep certain attributes ('Read Only', 'System', 'Hidden' and/or 'Archive') when extracting files Ability to auto-complete a managed IBP/IBQ image file in a loop, until stopped or completed. Look for a checkbox on the various dialogs, before creating, when opening an incomplete image, after first creation or completion etc. The check box is pre-checked if this has been set in Options Read Error dialog's [Retry] button will now automatically be clicked, again and again, with a 10 second interval, so that after an error the process can continue automatically if the sector could be read afterall The [Retry] button (and hence automatic execution) is not the default button on the RETRY-SELECT-ABORT error dialog, but it can be via a setting in Options Improvements: Find orphaned/deleted PS2 MC card folders (if the PS2-MC-FAT is still OK) Also scan for PS2 APA partitions when a GPT partition scheme has already been found Append "[Deleted]" to the filename of deleted files and folders in the PS2 MC file system (if the deleted files/folders are located in a not-deleted folder) Detect PS2 APA boot.kelf files even if they're not referenced from the header Show what is selected in the Options (left pane) TreeView, even when the control is not in focus Updated a number of icons Improved algorithm to Extract while filtering only mpeg frames on DVD Improved finding all VOB files via the DVD-VFR IFO files Improved the /ef: command to incorporate wildcard search functionality to find a particular file before extracting it Improvement to make sure CUE files of CD-i discs, as created with IsoBuster, are still recognized as CD-i discs Always write out CD-Text data to the *.CUE, even if a *.CDT could be created. This way the CD-Text data is also easily readable via a text file (the *.cue) Improved detecting generic split image files based on their extension (Added *.00 and *_00.pdi variants) Added *.00 to Open Image file filter Improved *.gi parsing to deal with certain variants Improved showing file icons in the (right pane) ListView when the OS is super slow to respond Sector View now also 'understands' "start", "end", "first", "last" and "mid" to read the first, last or middle sector of the selected object Sector View "start", "end", "first", "last" and "mid" can be followed by a + or - value, which is then taken in account (e.g. "last-32" will show the 32nd sector before the Last LBA of the selected object) Improved GPT partition table parsing, making use of its backup, to still find partitions on a HDD/SSD or USB stick Use the GPT Partition Entry name/label to name partitions found via the GPT Improved ability to interrupt building a report Do not display edit window if building a report was cancelled The Pause dialog that can be called on several functions now has a checkbox to auto-resume the process again in 60 seconds Improved Progress bar behaviour Various GUI tweaks were made for best compatibility with Windows 11 Checking for errors (Surface Scan, Check if all files are physically readable) defaults to normal generic reading again instead of mostly raw reading. This makes for a more accurate real life test. Improved detecting exceptional CD media (CD-i, VCD) that needs to be read and verified raw Improved High Contrast mode (for the visually impaired), especially on Window 10 and higher Plenty of other improvements, a few changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality Various other GUI improvements Fixes: Fix when extracting Raw2User. In certain rare occassions there could be slightly more data in the file Fixed GUI issue when doing a manual retry while reading from a managed (*.ibp/ibq) image file. A new dialog would be created on every manual retry. Fixed issues that, under certain conditions, prevented a DVD IFO -VFR folder to be expanded Fixes: [IsoBuster 4.9.1] Fixed an Exception Error that could happen while parsing certain IFO file systems on DVD Fixed a Stack Overflow (IsoBuster would simply shut down) on highly fragmented files in the UDF file system https://katfile.com/jdjzwg7x24ib/ibp491.7z.html jelszó:buster
Cache Viewer 3.1.2 9MB A Cache Viewer egy Windows-alkalmazás a webböngésző gyorsítótárában tárolt videó-, hang- és képfájlok keresésére, megtekintésére, kinyerésére és mentésére. Átvizsgálja a böngésző gyorsítótárát, és megtalálja az összes gyorsítótárazott videó-, hang-, kép- és flashfájlt. A gyorsítótárazott fájlok megtekintése/lejátszása közvetlenül az alkalmazás gyorsítótárából. A gyorsítótárban tárolt fájlok kinyerése és mentése a helyi lemezre, hogy a jövőben is megnézhesse őket. Támogatja a drag and drop funkciót. Egyszerűen húzza a gyorsítótárazott fájlokat egy mappába a mentéshez. Támogatja az IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera és más népszerű webböngészők használatát. Cache Viewer is a Windows app to find, view, extract, and save cached video, audio, and image files in your web browser caches. Scan your browser cache, and find all cached video, audio, image, and flash files. View/play cached files directly from your application cache. Extract and save cached files to your local disk for watching them in the future. Support drag and drop. Simply drag and drop cached files to a folder to save them. Support IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and other popular web browsers. https://katfile.com/wlnphcv548hg/cv312.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/8fj2ug66vdma/cv312po.7z.html jelszó:cache
Iobit Uninstaller Pro 37MB Nem kívánt szoftverek, Windows alkalmazások és böngésző-bővítmények teljes eltávolítása Az IObit Uninstaller egy eltávolító program, amely segít a nehezen eltávolítható programok eltávolításában a Windows számítógépéről. Az alkalmazások maradványait is eltakarítja, amelyek eltávolításuk után is hagynak maguk után dolgokat a készülékének rendszerleíró adatbázisában. Hosszú történet röviden, ez az eszköz segít a trükkös szoftverprogramok eltávolításában. Completely Uninstall Unwanted Software, Windows Apps & Browser Plug-ins IObit Uninstaller is an uninstaller program that helps you uninstall hard-to-uninstall programs from your Windows computer. It also cleans up the leftovers of applications that leave behind things in the registry of your device even after they’ve been uninstalled. Long story short, this tool helps uninstall tricky software programs. Supports Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP https://katfile.com/8o2l4nleuwpr/iup136.7z.html jelszó:iobit
AquaSoft Video Vision 15.2.06 x64 513MB Az AquaSoft SlideShow Ultimate programból AquaSoft Video Vision lett. Élje át a fényképes pillanatokat családjával és barátaival. Alakítsa át a fényképeket, videókat, szövegeket és zenéket lenyűgöző filmélménnyé, és ossza meg emlékeit ragyogó minőségben. Fotóit ámulatba ejti - Ilyen szépnek még nem látta a képeit. Mindig a megfelelő vágást helyezze a jelenetbe, és gondoskodjon a megfelelő rekeszértékről a Wow-effektusok eléréséhez. Természetesen a videóiddal is. Képbemutatók átmenetekkel és kamerapásztázásokkal - Több száz átmenet, finoman állítható (például időtartam, irány, animáció stb.) - Használjon átmeneteket be- és kikapcsolásként - Képek tökéletes minőségben - egyetlen pixel sem megy kárba. - Képek megjelenítése teljes méretben vagy kollázsként - Válassza ki a képkivágást a kamera pásztázásával és zoomolásával. Animált útvonalak szárazföldön, vízen és levegőben Mutassa meg, hogy hol járt. Nemcsak Ön fog jobban emlékezni a nyaralási célpontjára, hanem a nézők is valódi hivatkozást kaphatnak az útvonalra, ha megmutatja nekik az utat a térképen. We have long overtaken the topic of photo presentation. For years, our programs have been able to do much more than the name SlideShow could express. Along with the new version 13, the new name was changed to AquaSoft Vision. Vision is thus the direct successor to the popular AquaSoft slide show program. AquaSoft SlideShow Ultimate becomes AquaSoft Video Vision. Experience your photo moments with family and friends. Transform photos, videos, text and music into a fascinating movie experience and share your memories in brilliant quality. Your photos for amazement - You have not seen your pictures this beautiful. Always put the right cut in the scene and make sure you have appropriate aperture for Wow effects. Of course, with your videos as well. Image presentations with transitions and camera pans - Hundreds of transitions, finely adjustable (for example duration, direction, animation, etc.) - Use transitions as fade-ins and fade-outs - Images in perfect quality - no pixel gets wasted. - Display images full size or as collage - Select the image section using a camera pan and zoom. Animated routes by land, water and air Show where you were. Not only will you remember your holiday destination better, but your viewers can also make a real reference to your travel itinerary by showing them the way on the map. - Map Wizard for retrieving maps in all zoom levels from the Internet - Various map styles such as road map or satellite image - Describe any path with a "Running line" - Can be combined with vehicle graphics (custom graphics can be used) - Animation is created live, instantly playable, and can be customized at any time - Use your own maps - Photos, texts and videos can be displayed on maps Your pictures come alive Do images always have to be rigid? Not only to give boredom no chance, but above all to be able to deal with your motifs exactly, you use a wide range of animations. Whether subtle or direct, humorous or playful - a plethora of opportunities - Images, text, videos: you can move and rotate everything along paths. This is how you create your own animations. - You can animate camera pans. Thus, e.g. a "Ken Burns" effect or zooming to specific image details are possible. - A powerful particle system allows you to have a wide range of animations: from the smoke of a steam locomotive to subtle moving background, rain or gently trickling snow. - Use a curve to determine the transparency for each element of your project. Picture in Picture Collages bring even more life into your presentation. You combine several images, place them on backgrounds or decorate them. Now, if you animate collages as a whole as well as their individual components, you'll have your own animation studio. - Create collages with any number of tracks in the Timeline - Picture in Picture effects - Timeline can be structured with chapters and collages, so that complex animations remain clear - A number of immediately usable design elements are available, such as, e.g., forms or even speech bubbles. Everything under control There has to be tidiness, and large projects can not be realized without it. Organize your show in chapters and manage multi-hour slideshows with thousands of pictures. - Project can be divided into chapters and sub-chapters so that you can comfortably denote your vacation with "Getting there", "Day 1", "Day 2", etc. Finished chapters can simply be collapsed. - Storyboard view for easy viewing and sorting of images - No limitation for the maximum number of images or duration of the project - Archiving of the entire project, including all materials used (images, videos, music, fonts, etc.), so that you can have a project that can be completely edited after years. Effect kit for your ideas Would you like to give your images and videos a little boost, sometimes? A huge flexible effect palette is ready for you to realize your ideas. - Live effects that affect even animated content and videos, e.g. masks, blur, soft shadows, color corrections, sepia, displacement mapping, halftone effects, mosaic, etc. - Object effects that automatically animate or arrange your images, e.g. a transition using a soft "Ken Burns" effect, or a scroll in a filmstrip - Other effects like "old film", camera shake, etc. - Image effects like frames and shapes Image and video editing Almost every image and especially video material needs some adaptation. With video editing functions and image corrections, you bring your material into the right shape. - Non-destructive image processing allows image corrections without changing your original images. - Various processing possibilities, from cropping over color correction to rotation - Effect system to create complex effects by yourself How about a picture that gently reflects downwards? - Videocut: split, crop, truncate your videos - Video speed can be changed (for example, for slow motion or time lapse) Your message will come across A word says more than a thousand pictures? You know the saying for sure. Titles and credits as well as picture captions and texts provide for a better understanding, wit and just look good. - Adding captions/titles to images - Free text formatting, such as color, size, font, orientation - Various formatting possible within a text (Rich Text) - Text animations for fading in and out, even single letters - Text effects such as shadow and outline - Using placeholders for inserting image information, such as e.g. the recording date - Automatically adjusts font size to accommodate available space - Credits as in the movies System Requirements - Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit only - Processor: multi-core processor recommended - Graphics card: DirectX 9c, min. 1Gb memory - RAM: 4 GB https://katfile.com/gstzd7e3m75r/asvv15206x64.7z.html jelszó:aqua
AquaSoft Photo Vision 15.2.06 x64 502MB A népszerű AquaSoft SlideShow Premiumból AquaSoft Photo Vision lett. Élje át fotóinak pillanatait családjával és barátaival. Alakítsa át a fényképeket, videókat, szövegeket és zenéket lenyűgöző filmélménnyé, és ossza meg emlékeit ragyogó minőségben. Fotóit ámulatba ejti - Ilyen szépnek még nem látta a képeit. Mindig a megfelelő vágást helyezze a jelenetbe, és gondoskodjon a megfelelő rekeszértékről a Wow-effektusok eléréséhez. Természetesen a videóiddal is. Your photos for amazement - You have not seen your pictures this beautiful. Always put the proper cut in the scene and ensure you have the appropriate aperture for Wow effects. Of course, with your videos as well. Collages bring even more life into your presentation. You combine several images, place them on backgrounds or decorate them. Now, if you animate collages as a whole and their components, you'll have your animation studio. Features of AquaSoft Photo Vision Hundreds of transitions, finely adjustable (duration, direction, animation, etc.) Use transitions as fade-ins and fade-outs Images in perfect quality - no pixel get wasted. Display images full size or as collages Select the image section using a camera pan and zoom. Map Wizard for retrieving maps in all zoom levels from the Internet Various map styles, such as road maps or satellite image Describe any path with a "Running line." Can be combined with vehicle graphics (custom graphics can be used) Animation is created live, instantly playable, and can be customized at any time Use your maps Photos, texts, and videos can be displayed on maps Create collages with any number of tracks in the Timeline Picture-in-Picture effects The timeline can be structured with chapters and collages to clarify complex animations. Many immediately usable design elements, such as e.g. forms or speech bubbles, are available. Storyboard view for easy viewing and sorting of images No limitation on the maximum number of images or duration of the project Non-destructive image processing allows image corrections without changing your original images. Various processing possibilities, from cropping over color correction to the rotation Adding captions/titles to images Free text formatting, such as color, size, font, orientation Various formatting possible within a text (Rich Text) Text animations for fading in and out, even single letters Text effects such as shadow and outline Burn to Blu-ray and DVD Upload directly to YouTube and Vimeo Export as a video file in all popular formats: MP4, WMV, MPG, etc. Automatically created animations from your images, videos, and texts Combine templates with your ideas Many topics are available: birthdays, weddings, holidays, schools, Christmas, silent films, etc. Shows with transitions and music Image and video animations with 3D rotation, zoom, panning, and effects Technical Details and System Requirements Operating systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8 (64-bit) Processor: 2 GHz, multi-core processor recommended Graphics card: DirectX 9c, min. 256MB memory RAM: 2 GB Optional: CD/DVD/BD writer https://katfile.com/fm8pkd80mer6/asp15206x64.7z.html jelszó:aqua
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic v1.0 3071MB (11028MB) 20240620-i kiadás. Help for Ukraine és Biome DLC-k hozzáadva, achievementek engedélyezve. Köztársaságod minden aspektusát kezelheted e szovjet témájú városépítőben. A tervgazdaságban a nyersanyagbányászattól az árutermelésen át a szolgáltatásokig mindent te vezérelsz – döntéseiddel hatalmadban áll úgy alakítani polgáraid mindennapi életét, hogy hűek legyenek az államhoz. Az építkezéseket, tömegközlekedést, kereskedelmet, egészségügyet, oktatást, szórakoztatást, turizmust és számtalan más városi funkciót kezelve rajtad áll, hogy mi mennyire, hogyan és milyen minőségben elérhető. Birkózz meg a globális ellátási láncok mély szimulációjával, miközben termékeny talajt, ércteléreket és nemzetépítésre megfelelő területeket keresel – rádióállomások énekeljék meg nagyságodat, míg polgáraid dicső szovjet köztársaságuknak örvendenek. Mély és realisztikus szimulációk Többféle összetett szimuláció együttműködve kelti életre a városaidat a Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic világában – legyen szó a világpiaci árakról, a megfelelő áram- és vízellátásról, vagy a téli hónapok fűtésigényéről, a megfelelő tevékenységekkel minden kézben tartható. A játék egyes területeinek bonyolultságát kedved szerint szabályozhatod – a mérnökök, várostervezők, közgazdászok és szimulációrajongók mind megtapasztalhatják az általuk kedvelt mechanikákat. Államodat rubelekkel és dollárokkal is táplálhatod egyszerre, megkeresve az egyensúlyt a keleti és nyugati piacok között, kereskedve a vasfüggöny mindkét oldalán levő országokkal, hogy értékes valutát, nyersanyagokat és technológiát szerezhess. Habár szovjet stílusú tervgazdaságban működsz, egy el nem kötelezett állam van születőben – így szabadon kereskedhetsz a nyugati országokkal és a keleti blokk államaival. Lehetsz hű valamelyik oldalhoz, de ha az egyik piacot elárasztod áruiddal, bevételeid csökkenni fognak, és ha elkerülöd a másik oldalt, előfordulhat, hogy elzárnak a hasznos műszaki fejlődéstől. Ismerkedj meg az élethű ellátáslánc-kezelés fortélyaival több mint 30 beszerezhető, gyártható és szállítható árun keresztül. A nyersanyagoknak, feldolgozott áruknak és hulladékoknak külön tárolási helyei vannak, szállításukhoz különleges járművek, be- és kirakodáshoz specifikus szerkezetek szükségesek. A folyadékokat és gázokat tartályokban tárolják, csövekkel és szivattyúkkal mozgatják, vagy tartályjárművekbe rakják. A bányászott érceket tárolókban tárolják, szállítószalagokkal, platós teherautókkal és vagonokkal szállítják. A feldolgozott árukat fedett teherautókban és vagonokban szállítják, és raktárakban tárolják. Szervezz targoncákat rövid távra fuvarozáshoz, építs bonyolult szállítószalag-hálózatokat, hogy minimálisra csökkentsd a járművektől való függést, vagy küldj vonattal árut egyik városból a másikba – az ellátási láncok kezelése a nemzet működésének szerves része, és a teherszállító repülőgépektől a tehervonatokon át a szállítóhelikopterekig mindenre szükséged lesz a zökkenőmentesen működtetéshez. Minden út, híd, lakóépület és gyár az alapoktól a projekt méretét tükröző nyersanyagköltséggel épül fel. Fizess piaci árat a nyersanyagokért, ha gyors építkezésre van szükség külföldi munkaerővel, vagy alapíts építőirodákat, és adj munkát a lakosságnak, amely az építkezésekre indulva mindent helyben beszerzett nyersanyagokból húz fel. Az épületekhez az előregyártott panelektől az acélgerendákig, kavicsig, betonig és egyebekig mindenre szükség van – ezeket előállíthatod és kiszállíthatod helyben, de az egyszerűsítés kedvéért importálhatod is őket. Önfenntartó köztársaság leszel, vagy kihasználod a nemzetközi piacot a gyors terjeszkedés érdekében? RENDSZERKÖVETELMÉNYEK MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows® 10 (64-bit) Processzor: Intel® Pentium® G3250 (dual-core) / AMD® FX-Series™ FX-9590 (quad-core) Memória: 6 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 (2 GB) / AMD® Radeon™ HD 7770 (2 GB) DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 9 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows® 10 (64-bit) Processzor: Intel® Core™ i3-4160 (dual-core) / AMD® Ryzen™ 3 2200G (quad-core) Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760 (2 GB) / AMD® Radeon™ HD 7870 (2 GB) DirectX: Verzió: 12 Tárhely: 9 GB szabad hely -kibontás -crack1 vagy crack 2 -SETUPAPPLICATION SOVIET.exe vagy SOVIET*.exe MD5: 9a7752d2ee4bef39de0ecc0b9210b256 *workrs10.7z.001 cd4de2acf76d1da5ea3e338b646131b7 *workrs10.7z.002 https://katfile.com/7ly7svjr0d6a/workrs10.7z.001.html https://katfile.com/cudtwcz72kd4/workrs10.7z.002.html jelszó:workers
Internet Download Manager v6.42 Build 12 Final 15MB Az Internet Download Manager segítségével időzíthetően, szakadás mentesen tölthetünk le nagyobb méretű fájlokat is, sávszélesség korlátozási lehetőséget, várólisták használatát is támogatja. Videók, audiók letöltésénél AVI, MP3 illetve számos népszerű fájl formátumot ismer a fájlok gépre történő lementéséhez. Minden ismertebb böngészőhöz javasolt. Támogatott fájlkiterjesztések: Rengeteg fájltípust támogat: 3GP 7Z AAC ACE AIF ARJ ASF AVI BIN BZ2 EXE GZ GZIP IMG ISO LZH M4A M4V MKV MOV MP3 MP4 MPA MPE MPEG MPG MSI MSU OGG OGV PDF PLJ PPS PPT QT R0* R1* RA RAR RM RMVB SEA SIT SITX TAR TIF TIFF WAV WMA WMV Z ZIP Letöltés kliens szoftver szakadt folyamatok újbóli indítása automatikusan integrálódik a legnépszerűbb böngészőkhöz vírus keresési lehetőségek fájl előnézeti lehetőség még a letöltés előtt videó letöltő YouTube támogatás FTP támogatás magyar nyelvű felületó I really want to know who comes up with this title addition Super Clean. Wow my and all other versions are dirty muhahaha Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Features: All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications. Easy downloading with one click When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols. Download Speed Acceleration Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance. Download Resume Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off. YouTube grabber Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video. Simple installation wizard Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager. Drag and Drop You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager. Automatic Antivirus checking Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans. Advanced Browser Integration When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature. Built-in Scheduler Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done. IDM includes web site spider and grabber IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes. IDM supports many types of proxy servers For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers. IDM supports main authentication protocols Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password. Download All feature IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature. Customizable Interface You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window. Download Categories Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories. Quick Update Feature Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week. Download limits Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc. IDM is multilingual IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages. What's new in version 6.42 Build 12 (Released: Jun 19, 2024) Fixed "403 Forbidden" error on some web sites. Chrome and Edge users should ensure first that "IDM integration module" extension has been updated to "6.42.11" version. Firefox users will still need to wait until new version of the extension is approved by Mozilla Fixed "An unknown error" for some video streams Fixed bugs https://katfile.com/nu41wv4h505h/idman4212.7z.html jelszó:internet
Reg Organizer v9.45 24MB A Reg Organizer teljes körű szolgáltatást biztosít a regisztrációs adatbázis kezeléséhez, azt tisztítani is képes, de akár szerkeszthetővé is válnak az ott található értékek. Ha arra tartanál igényt, azt töredezettség mentesíteni is tudod. Ezek a lehetőségek természetesen támogatottak a merevlemez esetén is ahol a Temp fájlok kitakarításán kívül a régi naplófájlok, a többször is előforduló fölösleges fájlok törölhetőek. A magyar nyelvi fájlt kiválasztás és aktív internetkapcsolat mellett letölti. Karbantartó alkalmazás Windows gyorsítási lehetőségek Hordozható változatban is elérhető Registry tisztító, optimalizáló, töredezettségmentesítő Merevlemez tisztító Startup Manager Uninstaller Reg Organizer is a feature-rich application designed to edit, clean and maintain registry, fix errors in the system, and improve computer performance. The deep registry search feature lets you find all registry keys related to a specific application. The program helps you to edit registry files (.reg) and view their content directly from Windows Explorer. There is also a built-in application uninstaller, allowing you to uninstall redundant applications from the system completely. Another set of features will be useful to administrators, as well as ordinary users. Main Features: Registry editor for viewing and editing the system registry, manipulating the registry keys and values, exporting, importing, copying them, etc. The registry cleaner of Reg Organizer can detect many types of registry errors. These include searching the registry for invalid references to files, folders and DLLs; invalid uninstallation data; finding obsolete and invalid file extensions and other issues. Reg Organizer can repair many of these registry problems. Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certain application and delete them, if necessary. This feature can be useful if you manually delete some application that has no uninstall feature. In this case its keys can be left in the registry interfering with the normal operation of other programs. Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find even those keys, that wouldn't be identified by other similar programs. Defragmenting and compressing the registry: Increase the performance of the registry and consequently the overall performance of your system. Ablilty to change many undocumented Windows settings (tweaks). In particular, it can accelerate the work of your system by sending the system a command to increase cache memory size or by unloading unused libraries, etc. Ability to get information about any selected registry key and monitor changes of the specific keys. Preview of the registry files (*.reg) before adding their contents to the system registry. The files can be viewed directly from Windows Explorer. Reg Organizer presents the file contents in the tree-like form, helping to visualize all keys that will be imported into the registry. Functional registry file editor, allowing you to edit keys and values, add and delete data containing in the .reg files. Provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Reg Organizer, you can inspect, edit, or disable such programs. Registry search and replace mode offers you a variety of options for searching the registry and replacing the records matching the specified criteria. Built-in software uninstaller. It can take snapshots before and after application installs and eradicate ALL system changes made by an app like it was never installed. Besides, this feature can be used for displaying changes made by the application to each of the system components. Disk Cleanup tool lets you automatically remove unnecessary files from the hard drive of your computer, and to search for and fix invalid shortcuts. Reg Organizer Version History v. 9.45 17/06/2024 Applications Tool: The Modify command is now available in the context menu for certain applications, allowing you to add or remove application components. Automatic Reg Organizer update. Improvement of certain visual elements, such as displaying cleanup part titles in two lines on the main screen within the Privacy section to prevent them from being truncated. Undo Changes Center: It is possible to resize the internal parts of the window. Bugs fixed: If the background cleanup is enabled, the Reg Organizer window could appear without information about the cleanup performed. the program could fail to unload from memory after using the rarely used programs search function. If you press Enter in the program renaming window in the Applications tool, its deletion would start spontaneously. When exiting the bulk startup applications changing mode, the service icons disappeared from the applications’ list. When counting the number of deleted applications whose traces were found in the system, user excluded items were also taken into account. Main window flickering when resizing under the dark theme. Applications Tool: Some applications installed using the Windows Installer technology could not be uninstalled. System Requirements Microsoft Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) RAM: from 256Mb Disk space: 50Mb Administrator rights https://katfile.com/tizusqr5aixq/ro945.7z.html Portable 27MB https://katfile.com/m5xq0qet69k8/ro945po.7z.html jelszó:v945
Bulk Image Downloader 6.45 Multilingual 33MB A Bulk Image Downloader egy speciális eszköz, amelyet arra terveztek, hogy automatikusan letöltse és elmentse a képeket a miniatűr képgalériákból, megkerülve minden idegesítő felugró ablakot és reklámot. Képinformációkat tud kinyerni normál szöveges fájlokból (például elmentett html oldalakból vagy linkeket tartalmazó egyszerű szöveges fájlokból) és olyan weboldalakból is, ahol a képlinkek egyszerű szövegként vannak felsorolva. Szinte az összes népszerű képtárhelyet támogatja, és a beépített képkereső AI képes megtalálni a teljes méretű képet a legtöbb weboldalon, függetlenül az elrendezéstől. Az Internet Explorer, a Firefox és az Opera programba a jobb klikkes kontextusmenü segítségével integrálható a még egyszerűbb letöltés érdekében. Azoknak is nagy segítség akik több GB-os háttérkép pakkokat akarnak lementeni. Jellemzők Képgazdák támogatása - A BID szinte az összes népszerű képgazdálkodási oldallal működik, mint például a flickr, imagevenue, imagefap, imageshack, imagebam stb. Közösségi oldalak - A BID támogatja az albumok letöltését olyan oldalakról, mint a facebook, myspace és a twitterhez kapcsolódó tárhelyek, mint a tweetphoto.com, twitpic.com, yfrog.com. Teljes méretű képek - A BID egy fejlett heurisztikus pontozási módszert használ a teljes méretű képek felkutatására. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a BID a legtöbb galériában automatikusan működik, felhasználói konfiguráció nélkül. Kötegelt letöltés - Automatikus letöltés a galéria URL-címek hatalmas listáiról az integrált várólistakezelőn keresztül. Webböngésző integráció - A BID integrálódik az IE, Opera, FireFox és Chrome böngészőkbe. Csak kattintson a jobb gombbal a böngészőablakon belül, és válassza a "Jelenlegi oldal megnyitása a BID-del" lehetőséget. Webes fórumtámogatás - A BID képes többoldalas fórumtémákat átvizsgálni és gyorsan kinyerni az összes képlinket. Többoldalas galériák letöltése - A BID képes felismerni és letölteni a legnépszerűbb többoldalas webgalériákból. Jelszóval védett weboldalak - A BID kéri a felhasználóneveket és jelszavakat, ha a weboldal megköveteli azokat. Videó letöltés - Nem csak képekhez - a BID támogatja a VIDEÓ letöltését is a közvetlenül kapcsolódó videófájlokból (.avi, .wmv, .mpeg, .mov, .flv, .mp4, stb.). Bulk Image Downloader is a specialized tool designed to automatically download and save images from thumbnailed image galleries, bypassing all annoying popups and adverts. It can also extract image information from regular text files (such as saved html pages or plain text files containing links) and web pages where image links are listed as plain text. Almost all popular image hosting sites are supported and the built in image locator AI can locate the full sized image in most web pages no matter what the layout. It integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera via the right click context menu for even easier downloading. Features Image Host Support - BID works with almost all popular image hosting sites, such as flickr, imagevenue, imagefap, imageshack, imagebam, etc. Social Networking Sites - BID supports album downloading from sites such as facebook, myspace, and twitter related hosts like tweetphoto.com, twitpic.com, yfrog.com Full Sized Images - BID uses an advanced heuristic scoring method to locate full sized images. This means BID can work on most galleries automatically, with no user configuration necessary. Batch Downloading - Automatically download from huge lists of gallery URLs via the integrated Queue Manager. Web Browser Integration - BID integrates with IE, Opera, FireFox and Chrome. Just right click inside your browser window and select "Open current page with BID" Web Forum Support - BID can scan multi page forum threads and quickly extract all image links Multi Page Gallery Downloads - BID can detect and download from most popular multi page web galleries out of the box. Password Protected Websites - BID will prompt for user names and passwords if the web site requires them. Video Downloading - It's not just for images - BID also supports VIDEO downloading from directly linked video files (.avi, .wmv, .mpeg, .mov, .flv, .mp4, etc) Embedded images - Apart from locating and downloading full sized imaged, BID can also download images embedded on a page Sequenced image filenames (fusker) - BID supports 'ranged' URLs for sequenced image downloading. e.g. mysite/pics/image[001-100].jpg Image Validation - BID checks every image to make sure it's been downloaded correctly. Invalid images are retried automatically. Resume Downloads - BID will resume downloads from the point at which the connection was broken. Multi Threaded Downloading - BID can download up to 50 images at once. Download those galleries quickly! Redirection Resolution -Some sites use image redirection "services" like imagecash, urlcash etc. to display adverts before redirecting to the imagehost. BID automatically resolves these types of links. File name unmangling - BID will retrieve the correct file name from image hosts that scramble filenames (where possible), such as imagevenue, imagefap. Generate File names - Optionally create your own sequenced file names for image hosts that scramble the file names, Export Galleries to HTML or BB Code - Quickly generate gallery code suitable for pasting into web forums. Advanced Configuration - BID has many advanced settings for things like Javascript processing, redirection handling, and more for those tricky galleries that thwart BID's download attempts. We're happy to help out with these settings if you get stuck - just contact us. What's new in 10 June 2024 Instagram support updated to handle latest site changes. Previous versions of BID will no longer locate instagram images correctly - please upgrade to this version. Remember to log BID into Instagram by using the BID Site Login (Ctrl+Alt+L) function before trying to download anything. What's new in 5 June 2024 Reminder: For sites that require you to log in to access content (such as instagram, facebook, deviantart, etc), please use the "BID Site Login" function (Ctrl+Alt+L or click the browser icon in the BID toolbar) to open the site using BID's internal browser. Log into the site (enable any "remember me" or similar options), and then close this special browser window before trying to scan any pages from the site. support for x.com (previously twitter) added. Note you'll have to log into x.com using the BID Site Login (Ctrl+Alt+L) function to enable BID to download correctly _girlsreleased.com support updated _smeltzerauctions.com / hansenandyoung.com support updated - will now just download the first image per item from pages like To get ALL images, append #all to the URL, like this: _ska.ru support added _imdb.com support updated _prompthero.com support added _oneclickchicks.com forum support added (requires BID Site Login Ctrl+Alt+L to log into the site using BID's internal browser) https://katfile.com/o671dj1zfqnf/bid645.7z.html jelszó:bulk
Process Lasso Pro v14.1.1.16 10MB Tartalmazza a Process Lasso Pro Server Editiont is. Egyes, gépünkön futó folyamatok fontosabbak a többinél. Van, akinek a böngésző működése az elsődleges, más az erőforrás-igényes játékok vagy az internetes streamelés közben várja el PC-jétől a legjobb teljesítményt. A Windows önmagában nem túl hatékony az alacsonyabb prioritással rendelkező folyamatok erőforrásigényeiből eredő lassulások kezelésében. Ha szeretnénk a számunkra legfontosabb folyamatokat jelentősen felgyorsítani, akkor külső segédprogramra lesz szükségünk, például a Process Lassóra. A segédprogrammal reszponzívabbá tehetjük gépünket, valód időben optimalizálva a processzor működését és a folyamatokat, miközben a szoftver a futó programok és szolgáltatások naplózásával és korlátozásával is boldogul. Az úgynevezett ProBalance mód már alapértelmezésben is aktív. Ez állítja át a folyamatok prioritását a rendszerben automatikus módon, és ennek köszönhetően lesz kezesebb a gépünk még akkor is, ha egyébként erőforrás-igényes alkalmazásokat futtatunk. A Main menüben további módokat is találunk. A Game mode például egy olyan energiaséma, amely a maximális teljesítmény érdekében jelentősen korlátozza a háttérappokat, miközben a processzor teljes erejét segít a játékokra koncentrálni. A játékfolyamatokat egyébként külön kijelölhetjük a program számára, ha azok nem kötődnek a Steamhez. A SmartTrim mód a memóriaoptimalizálásról gondoskodik, azonban a RAM felszabadítását nem kényszeríti ki. A negyedik, IdleSaver névre hallgató mód pedig arról gondoskodik, hogy munka közben maximális teljesítményt adjon a PC, tétlen állapotban azonban egyből energiatakarékos módra kapcsoljon. Process Lasso is Windows process automation and optimization software. From tuning algorithms like ProBalance to user-created rules and persistent settings such as CPU affinities and priority classes, Process Lasso enables full control over running applications! Our famous ProBalance algorithm maintains system responsiveness during high CPU loads. This proprietary algorithm dynamically adjusts the priorities of running programs to keep problematic background processes in check. With ProBalance, no longer will single, or multiple, processes be able to bring your system to a virtual stall. Process Lasso will let you keep interacting with your computer, even when it is under a heavy CPU load. Try our CPUEater Demo to experience ProBalance for yourself. Process Lasso also allows users to automate and tweak how applications are run through a number of unique and helpful functions. These include persistent priority classes, persistent CPU affinities, disallowed processes, per-process power profiles, a process watchdog for advanced rules, process instance count limits, multiple instance balancing and much more! Process Lasso is the ultimate Windows CPU affinity changer. The CPU affinity specifies the set of CPU cores an application is able to execute on. With Process Lasso, you can control this with a persistent setting that applies every time the application is run, or change it dynamically while Process Lasso Features Prevent processes from monopolozing the CPUs ProBalance dynamic priority optimization CPU throttling new Save process priorities for future instances Save process CPU affinity Now with CPU Sets Compatible with Windows 7-11, Windows Server 2012-2022 Changelog v14.1.1.16 – June 14, 2024 Minor fixes and enhancements (1) Core: Fix month placeholder variable in sampling output filename format, now %MM% (3) GUI: Change menu item ‘Options/Power/Keep Awake’ to ‘Prevent Sleep’ for consistency (5) GUI: To all rule config dialogs add query user to save if OK button is pressed process edit control is populated (9) GUI: Fix an issue on some dialogs where rule ordering could be lost during save (15) GUI: Translation updates https://katfile.com/n2gflva4byy7/prolap141116.7z.html jelszó:lasso
Nitro PDF Pro Enterprise-Retail v14.26.0.17 666MB Hozz létre PDF fájlokat, szerkessz, vagy konvertáld azokat sokkal népszerűbb fájlformátumba a Nitro Pro nevű alkalmazással, rengeteg hasznos elengedhetetlen funkciót biztosít, amik mindenképp szükségesnek tekinthetőek, az adott fájl széleskörű kezeléséhez. A segítségével World, Excel, vagy képformátumokba konvertálhatja PDF fájljaid, a pdf fájlból az utólagosan hozzáadott logók és vízjelek is eltávolíthatóak vele. Nitro Pro gives you everything you need to create, convert, edit, sign, and share standard PDF files. It’s simple, straightforward, and intuitive to use – so you can work more productively, your way. With Nitro Pro you can share your files with others, no matter what platform or device they’re on, and Nitro Pro 10 makes conversion easy. FEATURES: · Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file. · Convert and merge files into a single PDF document. · Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch. · Scan paper documents to PDF. · One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. · Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs. Copying & Exporting PDF: · Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. · Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose. · Extract all text and images from PDF documents. · Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats. · Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size. Editing PDF: · Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more. · Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract. · Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution. · Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace. · Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure. · Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document. · Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents. · Add and edit bookmarks and links. · Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings. · Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers. · Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents. · Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): · Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving. · Create fully compliant PDF/A documents. · Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature. · Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode. · Flexible multi-language support. Reviewing & Marking Up PDF: · Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools. · Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations. · Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool. · Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds. · Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations. · Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages. · Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups. · Sort and manage comments. · Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more. · Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing. PDF Security: · Secure documents with passwords and certificates. · Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security. · Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents. · Create and apply re-usable security profiles. · Digitally sign and certify PDF files. PDF Forms: · Fill in, save, print and submit forms. · Design forms. · Add, edit and run javascript. What's New In-App Software Update with Automatic Check for New Versions: Nitro PDF Pro now allows for checking for new updates from within the PDF Pro application, as well as automatically checking for new updates on startup. This functionality is disabled within our Enterprise build and may be disabled for other builds. Windows 11 Compatibility: Nitro PDF Pro now supports Windows 11. IE add-in removed from .msi and .exe installers: Effective from version 14.23 onwards, the add-in for Internet Explorer will no longer be available in PDF Pro installers. Fixed Issues & Improvements: SharePoint Extension Enabled for all builds: SharePoint Online extension can be used with all build types of PDF Pro for Windows. Resolved an issue related to difficulty viewing PDF documents with graphical content created in Catia V5. Resolved an issue where data entered in AcroForm-based documents was being reset unintentionally. Resolved an issue where text in some specific documents was being rendered as random characters. Resolved an issue in which some Japanese fonts appear as squares and do not render correctly, even after the appropriate font is installed. Made improvements to resolve some instances of unwanted boxes appearing when documents are opened in PDF Pro. Improved the appearance of redaction marks when redacting multiple lines of text. To increase performance, Digital Signatures statuses may be re-validated manually and automatic revalidation occurs less frequently. Start-up performance has been improved. Issue Resolved: The ”Import Bookmarks” option in Preferences no longer disappears on mouse-over. System Requirements for Nitro Pro Enterprise Operating System: Windows 10/8/7 Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher https://katfile.com/ujbi2uknl6yu/nppe1426.7z.html jelszó:nitro
PassMark MemTest86 Pro 11.0 Build 1000 Multilingual 22MB Memóriadiagnosztikai szoftver amely alaposan teszteli a számítógép memóriájának jelenlegi állapotát. A MemTest86 nem igényel operációs rendszert a memória teszt futtatásához. Ehhez azonban szükség van egy operációs rendszerre, hogy a programot elindítsa a rendszerindító eszközre . Ezt megteheti a Windows bármely verziójával, valamint a Mac vagy a Linux operációs rendszerrel. INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS MEMTEST86 is the original, free, stand-alone memory testing software for x86 and ARM computers. BOOTS from USB flash drives to test the RAM in your computer for faults. UTILIZING algorithms that have been in development for over 20 years. Industry standard since 1994. Features PassMark MemTest86 supports all current technologies: 13 different RAM testing algorithms - including row hammer fault detection* All RAM types supported (DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, DDR5, SODIMM, XMP, ECC) Self-booting off USB or Network (PXE)* boot, without needing DOS, Linux nor Windows Optimized for UEFI-based x86/ARM systems Native 64-bit code (since version 5) ECC error detection & injection* DIMM-level/chip-level error detection* Reporting of configured RAM parameters including clock speed, timings, channel mode and voltages Secure Boot verified – Code signed by Microsoft Graphical interface with mouse input Save logs and create customizable HTML reports Full test automation via configuration file Support for memory blacklisting in Windows (badmemorylist) and Linux (BADRAM) Multi-language support (Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish & more) Version 11.0 (Build 1000) 13/Jun/2024 New Features Added new configuration file parameter CHECKMEMSPEED for verifying whether the configured memory speed is consistent with one of the SPD profiles or an arbitrary minimum speed specified by the user. If this check fails, an error message is displayed and the memory test will not start. This is useful for confirming that the memory tests are carried out at the maximum speed supported by the RAM. Added new configuration file parameter TCPREQUESTLOCATION for specifying the URL request path (and cloud API key) for PassMark Management Console integration Added new configuration file parameter TCPGATEWAYIP for setting the default gateway route IP address to allow for connections outside the local network for PassMark Management Console integration Added new configuration file parameter SPDREPORTEXTSN for specifying whether to use the module’s extended, 18-digit serial number or standard 8-digit JEDEC serial number in reports. The extended serial number encodes additional manufacture information (including the manufacture ID, date and location) and is more likely to match the serial number printed on the label of the RAM module. Added new configuration file parameter DISABLESPD for disabling SPD collection. This is a workaround to prevent throttling of memory speeds, which results in increased test times. This occurs when reading SPD data interferes with the chipset’s Closed-Loop Thermal Throttling (CLTT) mechanism. CLTT is used on a small number of server motherboards to reduce the speed of RAM access when temperatures are too high. But in this case the throttling was seen to be incorrectly activated, due to what we suspect is a BIOS bug. Added new configuration file parameter TSODPOLL to enable/disable polling of DIMM temperature sensors (if available). Polling is on by default. Preliminary address module decoding support for Intel Meteor Lake/Arrow Lake chipsets. This can help pinpoint the physical location of a memory error. Support for collecting memory timings periodically during the test session. When the test completes, the lowest/highest memory speeds are reported. Some motherboard vary timings in a dymanic fashion. Added support for reporting AMD EXPO profiles in DDR5 SPD. EXPO allows for running the RAM at faster than normal speeds without manual overclocking. As always, MemTest86 never changes the BIOS settings. This is just a change to report what profiles are available. Fixes/Enhancements Added TLS (encrypted data) support for PassMark Management Console integration. This is only used when sending test results to the central database for record keeping. Added DNS support for PassMark Management Console integration Added support for new DDR5 form factors "CDIMM", "CSODIMM" and "CAMM2" for CHIPMAP configuration file parameter. This is to support the new clocked (CUDIMM/CSODIMM) and compact (CAMM2/LPCAMM2) DDR5 form factors supported by newer chipsets (eg. Intel Arrow Lake). Increased maximum string length of chip labels to 6 for CHIPMAP configuration file parameter. This is to support longer names used in CUDIMM, CSODIMM and CAMM2 component labels such as “DAR0B0”. Fixed bug in address module decoding on Intel Comet Lake chipsets Fixed incorrect channel mode detection for the following chipsets: AMD Ryzen Intel Coffee Lake Intel Comet Lake Intel Ice Lake Intel Rocket Lake Intel Tiger Lake Intel Elkhart Lake Fixed incorrect memory timings detection for the following chipsets: AMD Ryzen Intel Meteor Lake Intel Arrow Lake Intel Ice Lake-SP Intel Emerald Rapids-SP chipsets Fixed incorrect clock speed detection for the following chipsets: Intel Rocket Lake Intel Ice Lake Intel Tiger Lake Intel Alder Lake Intel Meteor Lake Intel Arrow Lake Intel Elkhart Lake Intel Ice Lake-SP Intel Emerald Rapids-SP Preliminary support for obtaining memory settings for the following AMD chipsets: AMD K8 AMD K10 AMD Bulldozer AMD Piledriver AMD Steamroller AMD Excavator AMD Jaguar AMD Puma Preliminary support for multithreading on ARM64, which was previously unavailable due to UEFI BIOS limitations Fixed issue with reading DDR5 SPD when the SPD page has not been reset to zero Fixed ECC injection option not available on AMD Ryzen Zen 3 chipsets. Note that in general ECC injection is not a feature that is normally accessible by end-users and typically requires a custom BIOS. Fixed In-band ECC (IBECC) capability detection on the following chipsets: Intel Tiger Lake Intel Alder Lake Intel Meteor Lake Intel Arrow Lake Intel Elkhart Lake Fixed ECC capability detection on Intel Ice Lake-SP and Emerald Rapids-SP chipsets Fixed reporting of invalid DIMM temperatures by adding checks for valid Temperature Sensor on DIMM (TSOD) raw data Added support for retrieving Intel Meteor Lake and Arrow Lake CPU information Updated Chinese and Japanese localization strings (courtesy of Nagisa) Updated blacklist to work around specific mainboards/BIOSes with known UEFI multithreading and other issues https://katfile.com/wp10ybnrr08f/pmmi110b1000.7z.html jelszó:memtest
Apowersoft ApowerREC Multilingual 73MB Az ApowerREC bármit rögzíthet a képernyőjén, beleértve az asztali tevékenységeket, élő streaming videókat, webes megbeszéléseket és így tovább. Rögzítheti tevékenységét a teljes képernyőn vagy a kijelző egy speciálisan beállított, testreszabott régióján belül a hanggal együtt, és nagyszerűen képes a videókat a hanggal szinkronban tartani. Emellett a webkamera felvétele vagy a képernyő rögzítése a webkamerával együtt is megvalósítható, és ezzel a képernyőfelvevő szoftverrel videochatet rögzíthet vagy oktatóvideót készíthet. ApowerREC can record anything on your screen including your desktop activities, live streaming videos, web meetings, and so on. You can capture your activity on the full screen or within a specifically set, customized region on your display along with audio, and it has a great ability to keep videos synchronized with audio. Besides, recording webcam or capturing screen together with webcam is also feasible, and you can record a video chat or make a tutorial video with this screen recording software. Edit Videos Make real-time editing during the recording or deploy advanced editing and add effects after the recording. Record Webcam Record webcam only or record webcam along with your screen simultaneously. Task Recording Create scheduled tasks to record PC screen/webcam automatically or follow a running application to record. Convert Video Convert the recorded videos into different formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, etc. Take Screenshots Take a screenshot with one click and it will be saved automatically. Record Audio Adjust the volume and customize the audio sources from sound card or microphone. Apart from the functions above, ApowerREC also comes with other easy but highlighted features, including features such as the flexible overlay toolbar, visual recording settings, high output quality, and so on. Seamless Screen Recording Experience in All Devices Aside from being a powerful Windows/Mac screen recorder. ApowerREC also provides screen recording for your mobile devices, it captures screen activities from your iOS or Android devices. For iOS users, simply mirror your phone screen to PC and record iOS screen as a video with high quality; for Android users, you can record Android screen with or without a PC. Use ApowerREC for Cost-effective Work and Productivity Increase Business use Make a demonstration video for your app or capture web conference for backup and later review. Voice commentary and webcam are also supported to be included in the recording. Teaching & Training Record online class lecture for e-learning and add some annotations to it for better illustration. This video recording software can make your presentation become more vivid. Studying You can create stunning studying material and showcases. This can be achieved by recording live streaming lectures, online webinars and other similar events. Gaming Record your finest gaming moments smoothly with HD quality, take screenshots of certain segments and share these awesome gameplay experience with others. General Use Other general use offered by this PC screen recorder includes saving the wonder video chat moment, recording a short video clip for troubleshooting and customer support, etc. Share with the World Share the wonderful moment you are living through via capturing as images or videos with your friends, family or even subscribers from all over the world regardless of where you live. Host your screencasts in ShowMore website for backup and it gives you complete control over managing and sharing videos.Create a new FTP connection as you wish and access to the FTP server in order to upload and download files in an effective way.One-click upload your recorded videos to YouTube directly for instant sharing with subscribers. No further ado is needed.Easily upload screenshots to free cloud space provided by screenshot.net and share them with your friends via the link. https://katfile.com/9yc1k3qqsgrs/arec170.7z.html jelszó:apower
O&O Defrag Professional v28.2 Build 10017 x64 73MB Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! New: O&O Defrag supports Windows Compact OS: Many new things have been added to the O&O Defrag engine that make using it, especially under Windows 10, even better. That‘s why version 24 now supports the Windows 10-integrated feature for compressing system files so that more space can be kept free. New function “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The program selects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, slow system and program starts or system crashes while playing can be very frustrating. Periodic defragmentation often works wonders in bringing new life to a PC. New SOLID method By customer request, O&O Software has developed the defragmentation method SOLID in order to offer the user a choice adapted to his or her needs: SOLID/Complete and SOLID/Quick. Both methods sustainably extend the life of the SSD but differ in terms of the duration and protection of the hardware. O&O DiskCleaner The brand new in-built O&O DiskCleaner searches for and removes temporary and unnecessary files that are taking up memory and increasing fragmentation. O&O DiskCleaner also increases the security of your data, as private content (e.g. Thumbs.db, copies of documents, drafts of emails, Dumps) will no longer be kept as copies in unnecessary system files. Benefits of a clearly laid out hard disk Whenever it saves data, Windows scatters file fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down access times considerably. Defragmentation reverses this by rearranging data and speeding up access times dramatically. This not only saves the user time, it also reduces wear on hard disks and extends their life expectancy. Defragmentation can even make the difference if you lose important data because chances of full recovery are better on a defragmented disk. Why? After defragmentation, it’s easier for data recovery software such as O&O DiskRecovery to restore files when they’re not scattered across multiple areas of a hard disk. Automatic background defragmentation Automatic defragmentation can be configured with just three clicks and optimizes your disks behind the scenes with no negative impact on your computer’s performance. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation at a certain level of fragmentation, on particular days of the week, or whenever your screensaver is being used. Defragmentation can be paused and resumed whenever you want because O&O Defrag automatically recognizes where defragmentation was interrupted. Recommended use We recommend manual defragmentation for PCs that are being used heavily because only a user can decide when the time is right to give up the performance needed for running defragmentation. On computers using video editing or graphics applications, O&O Defrag can be configured to not start automatic optimization while certain programs are running. The default settings in O&O Defrag are more than adequate for ordinary desktop PCs running mainly internet or office applications. O&O Defrag is also perfect for notebooks. Whenever an external power supply is disconnected, O&O Defrag automatically goes into pause mode to save energy Product features: “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The programselects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system SOLID/Quick: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, performs a superficial optimization of the SSD, such as erasing the free space. This method is gentler and faster. SOLID/Complete: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, is a thorough optimization of the SSD. ClusterView with SSDs: In order to represent the degree of fragmentation of an SSD, the ClusterView now maps the logical structure of an SSD so that, accordingly, 6 blocks are combined into one. Fragment Filter to identify the most fragmented files on a drive O&O DiskCleaner Time View to see which defragmentation activity results in which successful optimization Easy-to-Use: Ideal for Beginners and Professionals Even faster system and program starts Defragmentation time reduced by up to 40% Defragmentation of locked files Lifetime Performance Statistics Optimizing systems with Thin Provisioning https://katfile.com/bb62chzlocmv/oodp282x64.7z.html jelszó:defrag
PowerISO 8.8 Multilingual 10MB A PowerISO egy könnyen kezelhető magyar nyelvű program, mellyel minden lemezképekhez kapcsolódó művelet elvégezhető, az összeállítástól, az íráson át a virtuális lemezmeghajtók kezeléséig. A program támogatja a legnépszerűbb lemezkép-fájl típusokat. PowerISO is a powerful image processing and file compression tool. It allows you to create, extract, compress, edit and convert ISO/BIN image files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. And most of all, the compressed files can be used directly without decompressing. The program can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do every thing with your ISO files and disc image files. PowerISO support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA and so on). Note: DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, … PowerISO Main Features: Support almost all CD / DVD / BD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA and so on). Open and extract ISO file. You can extract ISO file with a single click. Burn ISO file to CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc. With this tool, you can create Audio CD, Data CD, Data DVD, Video DVD or VCD. The program also supports Blu-Ray burning. Burn Audio CD from MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. Create ISO file or BIN file from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs. Edit ISO image file directly. Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. PowerISO can mount all popular disc image files to built-in virtual drive. Convert image files between ISO / BIN and other formats. PowerISO can not only convert BIN to ISO, but also convert almost all image file formats to standard ISO image file. Create bootable USB drive. The program allows you to setup Windows through USB drive. Make bootable ISO file and create bootable CD, DVD disc. Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Can be used easily. PowerISO supports shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste… Supported operating systems: 32-bit Windows: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 64-bit Windows: Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Supported languages: English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Kazakh PowerISO 8.8 (April 26, 2024) +) Supports compressed image files (gz, bz, xz, and lzma formats) when creating bootable USB drive. *) Some minor bug fixes and enhancements. PowerISO 8.7 (December 10, 2023) +) Supports m3u files. *) Improves the function of creating bootable USB drive. *) Some minor bug fixes and enhancements. https://katfile.com/vgngdd3tnyn4/piso88.7z.html RePack & Portable 8MB https://katfile.com/juaqfno8dz6f/piso88RePo.7z.html jelszó:v880
LightBurn v1.6.0.1 x64 78MB Lézervágó- és lézerglavírozóhoz való vezérlő szoftver. A LightBurn segítségével importálhatja a rajzokat a legelterjedtebb vektorgrafikus és képformátumokban (beleértve az AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP formátumokat). Olyan beállítások alkalmazása, mint a teljesítmény, sebesség, átmenetek száma, vágási sorrend, fényerő és kontraszt, dithering mód és még sok minden más. Az eredményt közvetlenül a lézervágógépre küldheti LightBurn is layout, editing, and control software for your laser cutter. With LightBurn you can: - Import artwork in a variety of common vector graphic and image formats (including AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP) - Arrange, edit, and even create new vector shapes within the editor, with powerful features like offsetting, boolean operations, welding, and node editing - Apply settings like power, speed, number of passes, cut order, brightness & contrast, dithering mode, and much more - Send the result directly to your laser cutter Designed to Work With Your Laser LightBurn talks directly to your laser, without the use of additional software. We currently support most Ruida, Trocen, TopWisdom, and GCode based controllers. Supported GCode controllers,include Grbl, Smoothieware, Grbl-LPC, and Marlin. Supported Ruida controllers include the RDC6442G/S, RDC6445G, RDC6332G, RDLC-320A, and R5-DSP. Supported Trocen controllers include the AWC708C, AWC608, and TL-3120. More controllers will be added soon, so if you don't see yours listed, send us a message - maybe we're already working on it! If your controller is GCode, Ruida, Trocen, or TopWisdom based, even if it's not listed it might be supported already - Download the free trial and try it for yourself. If it doesn't work, sometimes it only takes a day or two to make the required changes to support a new board in these existing families. Please note that LightBurn does not support the stock M2-Nano board in the popular K40 laser. This board does not offer control of power through software - we recommend upgrading the board to take full advantage of LightBurn. Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11 (64-bit only) Changelog: https://lightburnsoftware.com/blogs/news/lightburn-1-6-user-and-vendor-bundles-rotatable-workspace-for-gcode-machines-negative-workspace-support-and-more https://katfile.com/oo34a30fy0ki/libu601.7z.html jelszó:1601
NetLimiter Multilingual 12MB A NetLimiter Pro egy hálózati forgalom figyelő, adminisztráló és kontrolláló szoftver egyben, vele akár szálanként lebontva tudod monitorozni, hogy mely alkalmazások milyen kapcsolatokat létesítenek IP címre, processre lebontva. Korlátozható számukra a sávszélesség, de akár tilthatóak az internet hozzáférésük is. Időzített munkafolyamat támogatással. Port, IP cím szerinti tiltásokhoz. Hálózat figyelő, monitorozó szoftver szálanként történő analízisek valós idejű adatok időzíthetőség szűrők támogatása sávszélesség korlátozás process internet hozzáférés blokkolás port, protokoll távoli IP cím kilistázása NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Windows. Finally, you will become master over your internet connection. NetLimiter gives you full network control over your computer. You will decide where your applications are allowed to connect and how fast these connections should be. Full traffic control Set exact download/upload speed limits to any application or give them higher priority to ensure that they always get enough bandwidth they need. Internet traffic monitoring You will not miss a single application connecting to the internet. You will also monitor how much data it transfers from or to internet. All also displayed in customizable charts. Connection blocker Using this simple and also interactive system of rules you will be allowed to specify which applications can connect to internet and under which conditions. Quotas Lets you set data transfer quotas for selected application/filter. If the quota is reached - limit, blocker rule or other rules could be enabled. Release Monday, June 10, 2024 11:08:04 AM This release brings a few important (mostly internal) updates. Thanks for your support and feedback. Release Wednesday, May 22, 2024 10:09:27 PM Our improvements in Connection Log continue as we added two new columns for received/sent data for a given connection. Thanks for your support and feedback. https://katfile.com/79p1sxo513b0/netlim314.7z.html jelszó:5314
IObit Driver Booster Pro Multilingual 34MB A szoftver megkeresi a számítógépedhez megfelelő Drivereket majd tájékoztat arról hogy szükséges e azt frissíteni, vagy hiányzik e valamelyik. Természetesen ebben is kínál megoldást mivel vele is le lehet tölteni. Uninstallálhatod vele a régieket, így könnyebben telepíthetőek fel az új példányok. Játék fanatikusoknak lehet hasznos a szoftver játék gyorsító funkciója amivel jobb teljesítményt lehet kihozni, illetve megfelelő környezet hozható létre nagyobb erőforrással rendelkező grafikusabb játékoknak. Drivers that need updating can significantly slow down your computer's performance and slow down your gameplay or even cause system crashes. Driver Booster was created to automatically detect drivers that require updating and to download and install the correct drivers for various PCs. All you need is one click. Moreover, it is a must-have tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers an easy and convenient way to customize drivers for games. Outdated drivers may heavily affect your PC performance and may ruin game experience, or even lead to system crashes. Driver Booster is designed to automatically figure out outdated drives, and download and install the most correct drivers for different PCs. All you need to do is just one click. What's more, it's an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster provides a much easier way to tweak drivers for the best gaming experience. Update outdated drivers quickly and in a timely manner • Automatically detects outdated drivers • 1-click update for maximum hardware performance • Driver tuning for game performance • Fast, safe and easy to use Drivers that need updating, can significantly reduce the performance of your computer and slow gameplay, or even lead to system failures. Driver Booster was created for automatic detection requiring driver updates, download and install the appropriate drivers for different PCs. All you need to do one click. Moreover, this is an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers a simple and convenient way to set up drivers for games. Driver Booster Pro? Outdated drivers can significantly affect your computer's performance and result in system crashes. Driver Booster Pro scans and detects the outdated drivers automatically downloads and installs updates with a single click, saving you time. Moreover, it is specifically designed for configuring the drivers for better performance in games. Is the right tool for PC protection from hardware failures, conflicts and system failures. OS: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP Whats New in version 11.0: Expanded driver database - Escalated database for more driver updates Driver roll back feature - Easily restore drivers to previous version once unexpected happens Faster download speed - Available for both PRO and FREE users, faster than any previous version https://katfile.com/t72ihtixp33v/driboop1185.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/bgwshqvygyno/driboop1185po.7z.html jelszó:driver
Boom 3D v1.6000 x64 88MB A Boom 3D for Mac & Windows egy díjnyertes profi hangjavító alkalmazás, amelyet arra terveztek, hogy hihetetlen 3D effektusokkal játssza le médiatartalmait MINDEN fejhallgatón, bármilyen lejátszóról, bármilyen médiáról, streaming szolgáltatásról vagy játékról. skálázható 3D térhatás, EQ , ambience, fidelity, night, spatial és pitch módok. A beépített keverő segítségével opcionálisan egymáshoz balanszolhatók a különféle forráasok. Boom 3D for Mac & Windows is an award-winning pro audio enhancement app designed to play your media content with incredible 3D effects on ANY headphones, from any player, any media or streaming services. You would not need expensive headphones or surround sound boosters to feel your music! Features that make your world go BOOM! Tweak your system-wide audio with Boom's world-class audio enhancement features 3D Surround Experience movies, games, and music with 3D Surround technology that offers a mind-blowing virtual surround sound without any special headphones or expensive surround sound boosters to turn up the volume. Equalizer Presets An advanced 31-band equalizer for precise audio tuning. Boom 3D for Mac & Windows also provides a range of presets carefully handcrafted to match different genres and individual tastes of listening. Apps Volume Controller Boom 3D allows you to manage individual application audio levels & volumes and seamlessly have an uninterrupted movie/game/music experience. State of the Art Audio Player Play your locally stored songs with unbeatable Boom effects with our full-fledged audio player and create playlists to organize your music collections, just like your very own personal music player app. 20,000+ Radio Stations Join Boom to enjoy free access to more than 20k local and international internet https://katfile.com/768ejjvxordv/b3d160.7z.html jelszó:boom
Cloanto C64 Forever Plus Edition v10.3.3 132MB válogatott és előre konfigurált commodore emulátor, c64 játék (drm free) és demogyűjtemény C64 Forever is part of Cloanto's RetroPlatform project, which aims to preserve and provide easy access to classic computing systems, applications and content. The C64 Forever team at Cloanto has been actively developing Commodore/Amiga software since the 1980s, and worked on this project with great passion and attention to detail. The C64 Forever developers are, first of all, C64 Forever users themselves, and enjoy helping other C64 enthusiasts and sharing bits and bytes of C64 culture and history. C64 Forever would not have been possible without the help of numerous contributors. Most important of all, this project is kept alive thanks to your support. Thank you for joining us in this effort, and for spreading the word, which too makes a big difference. Features: • Emulation of C64 hardware (allows you to run C64 software on your PC) • Additional emulation of related systems: PET 2001, CBM 3032, CBM 4032, CBM 8032, VIC 20, CBM 610, C16, Plus/4 and C128 • More than 200 preinstalled games and demoscene productions • One-click play support for thousands of downloadable C64 and other 8-bit games, demos and applications • RetroPlatform Library includes title and configuration data for more than 5,000 C64 games, with online updates • RP9 Manager to convert between RP9 and other popular formats (D64, T64, etc.) • Preconfigured and enhanced VICE emulation engine with auto-updates • Special features and gallery of items of historical interest Top Benefits: C64 Forever shares the same RetroPlatform family player, database and content management components as the very successful Amiga Forever series. As such, it also embodies more than 12 years of experience and refinements and a tradition of innovation and long-term continuity and support. Compared to other solutions for different systems, C64 Forever stands out for features which include the following: • Smooth setup: it takes only a few mouse clicks to install and run (no additional downloads required) Intuitive, simple and refined user interface, in which player, content, database and search are seamlessly integrated (not a "front end" that launches an external emulator) • Built-in RetroPlatform Library database featuring thousands of titles, with online updates • As some projects kept adding options year after year, C64 Forever strived to keep options to a minimum, as RetroPlatform components take sophisticated decisions behind the scenes • If you know how to use Amiga Forever you are instantly familiar with C64 Forever, and vice versa • Support for revolutionary RP9 format (one click to play, one file per title, no need to zip or unzip games or manage multiple disk images, etc.) • Support and recognition of other popular disk, tape, cartridge and save state formats, with options to identify uncataloged similar variants (not a simple "checksum" approach) • Built-in search-as-you-type for installed content and custom one-click internet search for games and demoscene productions https://katfile.com/vxt2q8get89d/cc4f1033pe.7z.html jelszó:cloanto
Kaspersky Plus HUN 9MB Kaspersky Plus Biztonság. Teljesítmény. Adatvédelem. Fokozza az internetes biztonságát A Kaspersky Plus következő generációs biztonsági eszközeivel magasabb szintre emelheti online világát. Fejlett biztonsági funkciók az adathalászat elleni védelemmel és tűzfallal együtt Teljesítménynövelő eszközök és a HDD állapotfigyelése segít az eszközöknek, hogy lépést tartsanak Önnel Korlátlan VPN + jelszókezelő gondoskodik digitális élete biztonságáról és magánszférája védelméről Privát és zavartalan böngészés Személyes és fizetési információk védelme Korlátlan és gyors VPN Merevlemez-tisztító és állapotfigyelő Teljesítményoptimalizálás Zavartalan szórakozás Teljes körű védelem a kiberfenyegetések ellen Háromrétegű védelmi rendszerünk a nap 24 órájában működik, hogy megvédje eszközeit és adatait. Olyan hétköznapi és komplex fenyegetéseket blokkol, mint a vírusok, rosszindulatú programok, zsarolóprogramok, kémalkalmazások és a legújabb hacker technikák. Vírusirtó A valós idejű vírusirtó megvédi Önt az olyan gyakori fenyegetésektől, mint a férgek és trójai vírusok, valamint az olyan kifinomultabb fenyegetésektől, mint a botnetek és az engedélyezetlen kiszolgálók. Kártékony programok elleni védelem A rosszindulatú programok elleni fejlett védelem blokkolja az olyan fenyegetéseket, mint a billentyűzetnaplózók, reklámprogramok, célzott adathalászat, komplex betörést álcázó programcsomagok és közbeékelődéses támadások. Hackerek elleni védelem A zsarolóvírusok elleni és hálózatbiztonsági felügyelet megakadályozza, hogy a hackerek beszivároghassanak az otthoni hálózatába és ellopják az adatait. Gyors teljesítmény az eszközei számára Merevlemez-tisztító és állapotfigyelő Megszabadítja számítógépét a duplikált és nagyméretű fájloktól, és felügyeli a merevlemez teljesítményét. Ne zavarjanak mód Lehetővé teszi, hogy a vírusvédelmi értesítések és az adatbázis-frissítések csökkentésével teljes mértékben a tevékenységére koncentrálhasson. Alkalmazaáskezelés Ellenőrzi, hogy elérhetőek-e szoftverfrissítések, és javasolja a ritkán használt alkalmazások törlését. Teljesítményoptimalizálás Lehetővé teszi az adatigényes alkalmazások gyors kikapcsolását és az induló alkalmazások kezelését, hogy felszabadítsa a számítógép erőforrásait. A VPN révén biztosítjuk online adatvédelmét és szabadságát Titkosítjuk adatait a kockázatos nyilvános Wi-Fi hálózatokon Elrejtjük az Ön IP-címét, még az internetszolgáltatója elől is Biztosítjuk online tevékenysége naplózásának mellőzését A világ minden tájáról származó tartalmak feloldás Védje pénzét és személyes adatait Fizetéseit egy titkosított böngészőn keresztül intézheti Állítsa le a bosszantó és rosszindulatú online hirdetéseket a számítógépén. Biztonságban tároljuk jelszavait egy privát széfben Töltse ki a cím- és kártyaadatait automatikusan és biztonságosan. Plus csomag Valós idejű vírusvédelem Online fizetésvédelem Teljesítményoptimalizálás Korlátlan szupergyors VPN Adatszivárgás-ellenőrző https://katfile.com/l5g2x6agw88w/saas21177hu.7z.html jelszó:kaspersky