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  1. Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out - The Frosty Planet Pack v642695 7zip | 1142MB | kolónia menedzser, túlélő 20241121-i kiadás. Novemberi Quality Of Life update, Spaced oOut és The Frosty Planet Pack dlc-k engedélyezve , achievement overlay külső program hozzáadása nélkül (custom crack) Magyarítás és Quality Of Life modok mellékelve, a dokumentumok/Klei mappába kell másolni majd játékon belül egyéni igény szerint engedélyezni. Az unlocker feloldja a premium tapétákat, tárgy skineket és az öltözékeket. In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving... It’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations: Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost. Our focus for the past few months has been on improving performance for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We’ve been tweaking, fixing and changing lots of things: not all individually noticeable, but they add up to a faster, smoother gameplay experience. You’ll also be seeing some new faces at the watercooler. Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out! This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildings—including one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption action—we’ve also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONI’s new cosmetic skins! Whew. If you’re new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the roadmap here. Let’s dig in! New Buildings and Rooms We added a Conduction Panel that exchanges heat with buildings that it overlaps with, offering a new way to cool down space industry buildings—or whatever else you’ve decided to build in the glorious vacuum of your asteroid’s surface. The Mission Control Station broadcasts guidance data that ramps up a rocket’s speed during flight. It needs to be built inside one of the new rooms (the Laboratory) with a line of sight to space in order to function. The Laboratory also enables the use of the Geotuner… We like making things go “boom” as much as anyone else, and the Geotuner is built to do just that: aim it at an analyzed geyser anywhere on your asteroid, send a Duplicant over to compile some amplification data, and your targeted geyser will automatically get a little extra juice (heat- and output-wise) the next time it’s erupting. Are we nostalgic for our old science-fair days? Maybe. Duplicants are now rewarded with an extra large morale boost when they are given a Private Bedroom. The Private Bedroom requires a single comfy bed, a fully constructed backwall, and a few decor items to make your Duplicants comfortable. Story Trait: Mysterious Hermit The Mysterious Hermit is the star of our latest story trait. Convince him to join your colony (and let you repurpose his old haunt) by completing some tasks, like delivering tasty, tasty food to his curious domicile. The Frosty Planet Pack DLC is out on Steam TODAY! This DLC features a frozen new world filled with brand-new biomes, oddly adorable new critters, new buildings, blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), plants, resources and deliciously deep-fried foods! We've even recruited a new Duplicant! The DLC can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam! It'll be available on WeGame and Epic soon, too. If you dug into this glittering new icescape during our free beta period, rest assured (or alarmed) that there's plenty more to explore in the full version—including a big engineering project deep down at the planet's core. There's also a Blasted Ceres option in the Lab for the thrillseekers who want an extra-challenging version of this new starting world. Sure, the whole colony's complaining about frostbite, but wait 'til they discover the hot new ways to stay warm! Just don't let those snow tiles melt... We've revised temperature mechanics for Duplicants and critters to make things simpler and more interesting. We've also introduced the option to mix in asteroids and biomes from one or more DLCs when making a new game, so you can scramble the cosmos at will! The "Scramble DLC" tool works for The Frosty Planet Pack and future additions to the ONI universe. patch notes Features All versions Added Canister Drainer building. Added Bottle Drainer building. Added Bottle Filler building. The Frosty Planet Pack Added new Regal Bammoth morph. Added new Spaced Out!-style Mini Ceres Mantle cluster. Changes and Improvements All versions Schedule changes Schedules can now be configured to last multiple cycles. Revised schedule screen UI allowing for multi-cycle schedules, schedule duplication, and easier schedule block shifting. Morale bonus from Recreation schedule blocks now accumulates and diminishes gradually as Duplicants experience their schedules. Power Plant room Revised Power Plant room requirements. Power Plants no longer specifically require a Power Control Station: any two eligible power buildings will suffice so long as at least one of them is a heavy-duty generator. Increased the maximum Power Plant room size to 120 tiles. Added Microchip tune-up indicator animation to heavy-duty generators when they are boosted in a Power Plant. Microchips can now be stored in storage bins. Manual Generators are no longer microchip tinkerable. Microchip production time is increased, while generator microchip application time is reduced. Power Control Stations in a room do not need to be operational in order for the generators in that room to be tuned up with microchips, as long as the microchip tools have already been manufactured elsewhere. Added "Allow Tinker" user menu toggle to tinkerable buildings when they are in their correct room type. Adjusted livable temperature range for Hatches and Pips to prevent them from freezing in cold environments. Duplicants will now occasionally slip while walking over ice or puddles of oil. Pause menu The "Save" button in the pause menu now reads "Already Saved" if the game has just been saved. Added "Save and Quit" option to the confirm quit game dialog. Small adjustments to Duplicant errands list UI. Duplicant’s Equipment and Assignables are now represented in their side screen Config tab. All menus and overlays are now enabled while sandbox mode is active. Added visible horizontal scroll bar to the Consumables screen when many columns are unlocked. Renamed “Move to” to “Relocate to” for pickupables. The Plastic Monomer database entry now lists the elements in that category. Oxygen Masks and Atmo Suit recipes no longer appear in fabricator sidescreens if their ingredients are not discovered. Added new artwork for the Pyrotechnics skill hat. The research screen is now prevented from zooming when the mouse is not over the game window. Bed diagnostic now evaluates bed assignment and reachability. Tweaked the Crafting Table sound. Allowed sublimating elements to emit gas to adjacent tiles in situations that would otherwise delete mass. Increased capacity of the Canister Filler to 200kg. Added sidescreen slider to control Canister Filler's desired canister fill size. Adjusted visual delivery offsets of the Canister Emptier and Bottle Emptier. Added new pickup animation to Canister Filler. Bottle Emptier animation now displays the bottle of the element being emitted. Revised skill screen icon for skill-granted traits. Research screen button's tooltip now shows information about what is currently being researched. Critter body temperature tooltip now mentions the temperatures at which critters will start taking damage. Minor art changes to Crafting Station to hide wall plug. Spaced Out! Sweetles and Grubgrubs can now apply their plant growth effects to plants in Planter Boxes. Asteroid toilet diagnostics now monitor Duplicants and toilets inside landed rockets. Asteroid bed diagnostics now monitor Duplicants and beds inside landed rockets. The Frosty Planet Pack Bammoths can now eat Nosh Beans, Nosh Sprout, and Plume Squash Fries. Floxes can now eat Bristle Blossoms and Bristle Berries. Spigot Seals can now eat Sucrose ore. Pips can now eat Bonbon Tree branch growth. Shine Bugs (and some of their morphs) can now eat Pikeapples and Pikeapple Skewers. Adjusted Bammoth navigation so they require the area above a ledge to be clear in order to hop up/down. Added Pikeapple seeds to care packages. Fixes All versions Fixed issue causing Duplicants to repeatedly play the Water Cooler’s “drink water” animation when using other buildings. Fixed a number of bugs related to sim heat transfer from materials that became debris or entered/exited storage recently. (E.g. incorrectly updating the overall temperature of a pile of debris whose composition has recently changed.) Updated localizations and included missed translation fixes from previous hotfix. Fixed a crash that happens when loading a save containing a plant that was in the process of being destroyed. Fixed a bug where Spicy food was not actually providing immunity to chilly surroundings. Fixed various animations in the Supply Closet. Fixed Duplicants not using the correct eye symbol when blinking. Duplicants that are incapacitated can no longer talk to other Duplicants. Fixed Mac OS Sonoma input issue while playing in windowed mode. Added germ source indicator to various plants, critters, and buildings on the germs overlay. Fixed Canister Filler replaying filling animation on load when already full. Changed Signal Counter to not pulse output signal when on reset in advanced mode. It still pulses when reaching the desired count. Fixed issue on the Research screen where panning with a controller/Steam Deck would also move the game camera. Fixed sparks animation on Crafting Table. Food diagnostic adjusted to consider custom game settings for hunger. Fixed tutorials not triggering after save/load. Lockers, Vending Machines and other buildings which drop items can now be prioritized and remember pending errands on save/load. Biobots can no longer be marked using the Sweep tool. Fixed a bug where the research button was not showing the progress of the current research when researching more advanced tech. Fixed a bug where sometimes the research button would stop displaying the icons of the current research. Fixed an issue which could sometimes cause ore to calculate temperature incorrectly. Fixed Plant Pulverizer not playing 'build complete' sound. Fixed Duplicants missing their suit helmets when using the Brackwax Gleaner. Decor plants that contribute to ambient decor in the same way all describe that contribution in the same words. The Decor database entry now lists debris as a factor in lowering decor. Fixed issue where closing the welcome message before it finishes playing would leave it stuck on the screen. Spaced Out! Fixed lander exhaust appearing on other worlds. Fixed crash that could occur when reordering a Trailblazer module after deconstructing its contents. Rovers can no longer be marked using the Sweep tool. The Frosty Planet Pack Fixed an issue where a geo vent could get stuck when the solid mass remaining was too small to emit. Fixed a crash that would occur when unblocking a geo vent that existed on a world without the Full Steam Ahead imperative using debug/mods. Edited blocked geo vent description to specify that hot liquids must be pumped through in order to melt the obstruction. Fixed carried Lumen Quartz appearing in front of Duplicants. Fixed Carved Lumen Quartz still emitting light when in storage containers. Blueprints Increased cosmetic blueprint drop rate. Increased filament rate from recycling blueprints. Increased speed of blueprint claiming process when claiming more than one at a time. Added "unclaimed blueprints" count label to the Claim Blueprints screen. Performance Duplicants now prioritize finding new errands after they finish the previous one. On late-game saves this means they don't stand around for as long between tasks. Reworked Chore Precondition system to allow a limited set of preconditions to be evaluated in a multi-threaded context. Improved performance of pathfinding where multithreading lock contention was the limiting factor. Improved performance of NavGrid Updates and reduced memory allocations. UpdateOffset tracker now runs in parallel where possible. Fixed performance issue where the "See All" colony diagnostics screen was still updating data and graphs while closed. Modding Notes Upgraded game to Unity 2022.3.45f1 Mods should target .NET Framework 4.8 to match Unity's supported .NET profile. Existing mods targeting 4.7.1 will still work. Specifying DLC requirements in IBuildingConfig has changed. Deprecated GetDlcIds. Added virtual methods GetRequiredDlcIds and GetForbiddenDlcId. RegisterBuilding detects deprecated usage of GetDlcIds and converts to the new format so existing mods should continue to work. How to update your modded building configs: AVAILABLE_ALL_VERSIONS -> Remove GetDlcIds AVAILABLE_VANILLA_ONLY: Replace GetDlcIds with "public override string[] GetForbiddenDlcIds() => DlcManager.EXPANSION1;" AVAILABLE_EXPANSION1_ONLY: Replace GetDlcIds with "public override string[] GetRequiredDlcIds() => DlcManager.EXPANSION1;" Specify DLC requirements for TechItems has changed. Deprecated TechItem.dlcIds Added TechItem.requiredDlcIds and TechItem.forbiddenDlcIds Deprecated TechItem constructor with single dlc list. It converts dlcIds to requiredDlcIds and forbiddenDlcIds so existing mods should continue to work. Deprecated DbTechItems.AddTechItem with DLCIds argument, use the one with requiredDlcIds and forbiddenDlcIds instead. IEntityConfigs have not been refactored yet and will be changed in a future update. Duplicant cheek shape now matches mouth shape instead of head shape. Worker class was refactored. StandardWorker now implements the behaviors previously implemented by Worker. MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 (64 bit) Processzor: Dual Core 2 GHz Memória: 4 GB RAM Grafika: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent) DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás - loader futtatása vagy -tetszőleges crack (experimental crack vagy custom crack) használata -OxygenNotIncluded.exe futtatása https://katfile.com/rff7mwfxq3l3/onisef642.7z.html jelszó:oxygen
  2. Iperius Backup Full 8.3.3 109MB Adatmentő szoftver. Forrás- és célmappa (helyi, FTP stb.) közt inkrementális, akár automatizált, vagy tömörített mentésre képes. Céges környezetben is használható, szinkronizál és felhő alapú tárhelyeket is kezel. Az Iperius Backup az egyik legrugalmasabb és legteljesebb szoftver a fájlok és a fenntartott adatok biztonsági mentéséhez és védelméhez. Szalagos biztonsági másolat szoftver, DAT biztonsági mentés, LTO biztonsági másolat szoftver, NAS biztonsági mentés, RDX meghajtók, USB biztonsági mentés, zip tömörítés, AES 256 bites titkosítás, virtuális gépek VMWare ESXi backup, online backup, adatbázis biztonsági mentés (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), FTP backup, FTP letöltés és szinkronizálás, honlap biztonsági mentés, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive (távoli biztonsági mentés), telepíthető a Windows szolgáltatás, szinkronizálás és a biztonsági mentés. Windows 8 és Server 2012 kompatibilis. tartalmaz egy webkonzolt, amely figyeli az összes biztonsági mentést, távolról futtatja a biztonsági mentési feladatokat, és távolról frissíti a programot. Az Iperius Backup biztonsági másolatot készíthet a Google Drive-ra, a OneDrive-ra és a Dropboxra. A felhőalapú biztonsági mentés konfigurációja csak néhány kattintást igényel, és garantálja az automatikus távoli biztonsági mentések biztonságát. https://katfile.com/nuw94qkp8b9n/ipbf833.7z.html jelszó:backup
  3. ImgDrive Pro 2.1.8 Multilingual 4MB Az ImgDrive egy egyszerű, megbízható meghajtó emulátor, amely lehetővé teszi számukra a különböző formátumokban mentett lemezképfájlok csatlakoztatását. Tartalmazza a portable verziókat is. ImgDrive is a application for users who need a simple, reliable drive emulator that enables them to mount disc image files saved to various formats. It is very easy to use and does a good job of staying out of your way, as it rests in the system tray and is integrated into the Windows context menu. Translated to more than 10 languages Features Supports image files: .ccd, .cue, .iso, .isz, .mds and .nrg formats. Mount folder Mount CUE+WAV as Audio CD Mount CUE+APE as Audio CD (16-bit/44.1kHz) Mount CUE+FLAC as Audio CD Mount multisession disc images (.ccd/.mds/.nrg) Command line interface Hide unmounted drive Create images from a folder Copy disc to image file Integrated into Windows Explorer Support up to 9 virtual drives at the same time Translated to more than 20 languages Does not require rebooting after installation Runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11 Pro Supports image files: ASHDISC, CDI, PDI, BWT, B5T, B6T, MDX and UIF formats Pro Mount CUE+M4A as Audio CD Pro Mount CUE+TTA as Audio CD Pro Mount CUE+WV(WAVPACK) as Audio CD Supported file types: CCD - CloneCD image files CUE - Cue sheets files of ape,flac,m4a,tta,wav,wv,bin ISO - Standard ISO image files ISZ - Compressed ISO image files MDS - Media descriptor image files NRG - Nero image files Pro ASHDISC - Ashampoo Pro CDI - Instanct Copy Pro PDI - DiscJuggler Pro BWT - BlindWrite 4 Pro B5T/B6T - BlindWrite 5/6/7 Pro MDX - Alcohol 120%/Daemon Tools Pro UIF - MagicISO ImgDrive Version History Version 2.2.0 2024-11-16 Added dark mode Version 2.1.9 2024-09-03 Fixed unable mount some .ashdisc images Fixed nothing happened when clicking next if one or more of the intermediate folders do not exist Changed dialog font from "MS Shell Dlg" to "Segoe UI" Added preview and reset button in "Customize Context Menu" dialog Added read the VID from .ini or .vid file to emulate the AACS protection https://katfile.com/qzfozxrqx3af/idp22.7z.html jelszó:drive
  4. Internet Download Manager v6.42 Build 25 Final 15MB Az Internet Download Manager segítségével időzíthetően, szakadás mentesen tölthetünk le nagyobb méretű fájlokat is, sávszélesség korlátozási lehetőséget, várólisták használatát is támogatja. Videók, audiók letöltésénél AVI, MP3 illetve számos népszerű fájl formátumot ismer a fájlok gépre történő lementéséhez. Minden ismertebb böngészőhöz javasolt. Támogatott fájlkiterjesztések: Rengeteg fájltípust támogat: 3GP 7Z AAC ACE AIF ARJ ASF AVI BIN BZ2 EXE GZ GZIP IMG ISO LZH M4A M4V MKV MOV MP3 MP4 MPA MPE MPEG MPG MSI MSU OGG OGV PDF PLJ PPS PPT QT R0* R1* RA RAR RM RMVB SEA SIT SITX TAR TIF TIFF WAV WMA WMV Z ZIP Letöltés kliens szoftver szakadt folyamatok újbóli indítása automatikusan integrálódik a legnépszerűbb böngészőkhöz vírus keresési lehetőségek fájl előnézeti lehetőség még a letöltés előtt videó letöltő YouTube támogatás FTP támogatás magyar nyelvű felületó I really want to know who comes up with this title addition Super Clean. Wow my and all other versions are dirty muhahaha Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Features: All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications. Easy downloading with one click When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols. Download Speed Acceleration Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance. Download Resume Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off. YouTube grabber Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video. Simple installation wizard Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager. Drag and Drop You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager. Automatic Antivirus checking Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans. Advanced Browser Integration When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature. Built-in Scheduler Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done. IDM includes web site spider and grabber IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes. IDM supports many types of proxy servers For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers. IDM supports main authentication protocols Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password. Download All feature IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature. Customizable Interface You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window. Download Categories Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories. Quick Update Feature Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week. Download limits Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc. IDM is multilingual IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages. Released: Nov 17, 2024) Resolved problems with video recognition on several web sites Fixed the problem when IDM did not show all types of video streams on some web sites Fixed bugs https://katfile.com/5bc1nswky9kb/idman64225f.7z.html jelszó:internet
  5. Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 v14.0.5 550MB DAW zeneszerkesztő szoftver, továbbfejlesztett MIDI Remote integráció, szerkesztő funkciók, komplett mastering Highlights Modulators Modulate any parameter of a track or channel, such as an LFO, envelope follower and much more… Pattern Sequencer Program thrilling beats with just a few clicks, randomize your grooves, and explore new rhythmic… Channel Strip (Advanced) The channel strip modules are the very heart of our exceptional sound. Carefully crafted in close… Channel Strip (Basic) In the basic channel strip version, just like in the advanced version, you can assign modules… Chord Pads This inspiring tool helps you compose music quickly and creatively. It is very easy to get “stuck”… Sampler Track 2 Take any piece of audio and use it to create a Sampler Track. You can then play the sample… Vocal Chain Vocal processing is an art of its own, taking a lot of expertise and experience to master the… General Next-generation audio engine The award-winning Cubase audio engine features crystal-clear, 64-bit floating-point resolution at… MediaBay MediaBay helps you to find and organize your content. When working with many files, you want to… Advanced Audio Export Sync your export selection to the selection in your project. You can export the full signal path… ARA support With Audio Random Access (ARA) Extensions, you can edit your audio even more easily. ARA allows… MIDI Remote MIDI controllers are essential to every music production setup. MIDI Remote Scripts will help to… AudioWarp The Free Warp tool lets you edit your audio recordings and correct timings directly in the Project… Colorized Mixer Channels Colorize complete mixer channels in the MixConsole with track colors. This allows you to… Composing Chord Track The global Chord Track facilitates working with chords in a project context, enabling transform… Chord Pads This inspiring tool helps you compose music quickly and creatively. It is very easy to get “stuck”… Scale Assistant Set your song’s scale in the Key Editor and follow its lead, quantize a solo to the scale or play… Score Editor Based on state-of-the-art Dorico technology, the Score Editor let's you produce performance… Note Expression This is a very intuitive and accurate way of controller editing. As an alternative to working with… Audio to MIDI chords Convert audio to MIDI chord progressions, by simply dragging your audio recordings to the Chord… Chord Assistant You don't have to be a musical genius to create beautiful melodies, thanks to the powerful Chord… Recording Control Room Control Room is a unique recording and monitoring environment, which seamlessly integrates… Comping Create the perfect version of a recording from multiple takes. Few performers are skilled enough… Audio Pre-Record This allows you to record audio during playback or in stop mode. Never again miss that perfect… Retrospective Record This feature allows you to capture any MIDI notes that you play in Stop mode, or during playback… Punch In/Punch Out These are a pair of markers which determine the record start (punch in) and record stop (punch… Metronome Click (Advanced) The Click Pattern Editor allows you to compose custom metronome patterns with up to four different… Metronome Click (Basic) The basic metronome ensures you to stay in time when you are recording your music. It offers… Sequencing Key Editor The Key Editor is a very powerful-yet-transparent facility which opens up virtually limitless… Drum Editor This is a formidable tool for constructing and reworking beats, rhythms and grooves, with a… Pattern Sequencer Program thrilling beats with just a few clicks, randomize your grooves, and explore new rhythmic… Global Tracks With Global Tracks in the Key Editor, you stay in sync even better and you don't have to jump… Logical Editor This is a key feature that combines filter conditions with actions to create complex procedures … MPE Support MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) is supported in Nuendo. The most common MPE controllers are… Chord Editor Here you can define, change and add new chord events. Audio Editing Modulators Modulate any parameter of a track or channel, such as an LFO, envelope follower and much more… VariAudio 3 VariAudio offers fully-integrated vocal editing and pitch change of individual notes in monophonic… Audio Alignment This tool allows you to automatically match the timing of audio events that you want to play back… Direct Offline Processing Apply any kind of process offline for single or multiple selected events — with the feel of… Audio Warp Quantize Warp-quantize multiple audio tracks at once using the convenient Quantize panel. By creating warp… Audio Parts Audio Parts are containers for audio events. If you want to treat several audio events as one unit… Group Editing This is a simple and efficient time-saving tool which ties together tracks that belong together… Mixing MixConsole Cubase's MixConsole excels not only in terms of usability, look and feel, but also sounds like a… Channel Strip (Advanced) The channel strip modules are the very heart of our exceptional sound. Carefully crafted in close… Channel Strip (Basic) In the basic channel strip version, just like in the advanced version, you can assign modules… MixConsole History Have you ever wanted to compare different mixes with just one mouse click? MixConsole History… MixConsole Snapshots An incredibly versatile tool, the Snapshots facility will fundamentally change and improve the way… Easy side-chaining This commonly-used technique is very popular in contemporary music production and has a wide range… SuperVision A fully-customizable, multimeter audio analyzer for professional productions, SuperVision lets you… Virtual Instruments Groove Agent SE Possibly the most comprehensive drum production software instrument ever produced, Groove Agent… Halion Sonic 7 With a massive sample content library, in combination with powerful synthesizer engines and… Retrologue 2 This flexible, intuitive instrument emulates the warmth and fatness of classic analog… Drum Machine Harness the powerful synthesis of the new Drum Machine to design your own drum sounds, or import… Sampler Track 2 Take any piece of audio and use it to create a Sampler Track. You can then play the sample… Verve A felt piano that is so beautiful and warm, so dreamy and melancholic, so detailed and… Padshop 2 This granular synth is perfect for high tension atmospheres and unusual effects, thanks to having… Sounds, Loops, Presets Hard Knocks Grammy-winner Beat Butcha has produced a sizzling pack of hip hop heat. Noir Hollywood sound designer Robert Dudzik has produced the Noir library for cinematic trailers. Nightcall Synthwave Black Octopus Sound have produced this 80’s Synth Wave sample pack. Dancefloor Tech House Black Octopus Sound have produced this Dancefloor Tech House sample pack. Lofi Dreams Black Octopus Sound have produced this Lo-fi hip hop sample pack. Bloom Black Octopus Sound have produced this Vocals sample pack. Analog Techno Berlin-based Florian Meindl has produced the deep, grooving Analog Techno library with his modular… Effects VST Amp Rack Steinberg’s reference virtual guitar tone suite features seven legendary amp models, sixteen… VST Bass Amp Featuring a comprehensive collection of amps, speaker cabinets and stomp boxes, VST Bass Amp… Quadrafuzz 2 Letting you dial in anything from a dark, fat fuzz with huge bit-crushing distortion and delay, to… Magneto 2 This effect simulates the saturation and compression of recording on analog tape machines. Soft Clipper This is a soft clipper with independent 2nd and 3rd harmonics controls. Bit Crusher The perfect tool for getting into lo-fi sound, Bit Crusher offers the possibility of decimating… Distroyer Distroyer’s asymmetric distortion adds extra body, character and harmonics, whether it’s for… MIDI EffectsArpache 5 An arpeggiator which accepts a chord as input and plays back each note in the chord separately… Arpache SX An advanced, versatile arpeggiator, capable of creating anything from traditional arpeggios to… Auto LFO This effect works like an LFO in a synthesizer, allowing you to send out continuously changing… Beat Designer Beat Designer is a MIDI pattern sequencer that allows you to quickly and easily create your own… Chorder Chorder is a MIDI chord processor, which allows you to assign complete chords to single keys in a… Compressor This MIDI compressor is used for evening out or expanding differences in velocity. Context Gate Context Gate allows for selective triggering/filtering of MIDI data. This effect features two… Collaboration VST Connect SE 5 VST Connect is a complete remote recording solution that lets you collaborate with any musician… Video Video Import Compatible video files can be imported into a project, creating a video track with a video event. Video Export Render videos as MP4s with H.264 video compression and 16-bit audio in 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. Export… Video Player The Video Player window provides different size options for video playback on your computer screen… Virtual Reality production suite Cubase’s VR production suite includes a number of plug-ins and integrated functions, such as a… Video Track The Video Track is used to play back video events. Extract Audio from Video When video is imported, the audio stream can be extracted. It is added to the project as a new… Support for MOV, MPEG-4 and AVI Cubase supports MOV, MPEG-4 and AVI video formats. Video Follows Edit Mode The Video Follows Edit Mode allows you to edit audio while the video display provides continuous… minimum system: 64-bit Windows 11 Version 23H2 (or higher), 64-bit Windows 10 Version 22H2 (or higher) a működéshez szükséges Root Certificate és Steinberg Silk Emulator v1.3 hozzáadva, ezek elsődleges telepítése, ha telepítve van korábbi Steinberg Silk Emulator azt előbb el kell távolítani. Az utóbbit célszerű cserélni mert AVX2 optimalizációt kapott. -csomagolt fájlok kibontása -lemezkép csatolás vagy iso lemezlépfájl kibontása majd telepítése https://katfile.com/3cd1x1h25ssr/stecup1405.7z.html jelszó:cubase
  6. Nitro PDF Pro v14.32.0.15 7zip | 262MB Hozz létre PDF fájlokat, szerkessz, vagy konvertáld azokat sokkal népszerűbb fájlformátumba a Nitro Pro nevű alkalmazással, rengeteg hasznos elengedhetetlen funkciót biztosít, amik mindenképp szükségesnek tekinthetőek, az adott fájl széleskörű kezeléséhez. A segítségével World, Excel, vagy képformátumokba konvertálhatja PDF fájljaid, a pdf fájlból az utólagosan hozzáadott logók és vízjelek is eltávolíthatóak vele. Nitro Pro gives you everything you need to create, convert, edit, sign, and share standard PDF files. It’s simple, straightforward, and intuitive to use – so you can work more productively, your way. With Nitro Pro you can share your files with others, no matter what platform or device they’re on, and Nitro Pro 10 makes conversion easy. FEATURES: · Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file. · Convert and merge files into a single PDF document. · Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch. · Scan paper documents to PDF. · One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. · Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs. Copying & Exporting PDF: · Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. · Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose. · Extract all text and images from PDF documents. · Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats. · Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size. Editing PDF: · Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more. · Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract. · Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution. · Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace. · Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure. · Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document. · Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents. · Add and edit bookmarks and links. · Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings. · Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers. · Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents. · Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): · Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving. · Create fully compliant PDF/A documents. · Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature. · Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode. · Flexible multi-language support. Reviewing & Marking Up PDF: · Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools. · Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations. · Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool. · Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds. · Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations. · Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages. · Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups. · Sort and manage comments. · Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more. · Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing. PDF Security: · Secure documents with passwords and certificates. · Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security. · Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents. · Create and apply re-usable security profiles. · Digitally sign and certify PDF files. PDF Forms: · Fill in, save, print and submit forms. · Design forms. · Add, edit and run javascript. What's New In-App Software Update with Automatic Check for New Versions: Nitro PDF Pro now allows for checking for new updates from within the PDF Pro application, as well as automatically checking for new updates on startup. This functionality is disabled within our Enterprise build and may be disabled for other builds. Windows 11 Compatibility: Nitro PDF Pro now supports Windows 11. IE add-in removed from .msi and .exe installers: Effective from version 14.23 onwards, the add-in for Internet Explorer will no longer be available in PDF Pro installers. Fixed Issues & Improvements: SharePoint Extension Enabled for all builds: SharePoint Online extension can be used with all build types of PDF Pro for Windows. Resolved an issue related to difficulty viewing PDF documents with graphical content created in Catia V5. Resolved an issue where data entered in AcroForm-based documents was being reset unintentionally. Resolved an issue where text in some specific documents was being rendered as random characters. Resolved an issue in which some Japanese fonts appear as squares and do not render correctly, even after the appropriate font is installed. Made improvements to resolve some instances of unwanted boxes appearing when documents are opened in PDF Pro. Improved the appearance of redaction marks when redacting multiple lines of text. To increase performance, Digital Signatures statuses may be re-validated manually and automatic revalidation occurs less frequently. Start-up performance has been improved. Issue Resolved: The ”Import Bookmarks” option in Preferences no longer disappears on mouse-over. System Requirements for Nitro Pro Enterprise Operating System: Windows 10/8/7 Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher https://katfile.com/2qhd5qwcyj4e/nitpdfP1432.7z.html jelszó:nitro
  7. Office 2013-2024 C2R Install & Lite v7.7.7.7 7zip | 56MB Online office telepítő és aktivátor szelektív telepítés, kulcsok-licenszek törlése, retail-VL konverter, szükség esetén ISO formátum készítése vagy letöltése This program designed for on-line installation and activation Microsoft Office 2013/2016/2019/2021/2024 C2R. You also can create custom installation of Office off-line for using later. How to use the program: 1. Uninstall Office 2016 via (Control panel) applet "Add or remove Programs". 2. Uninstall Office 2016 using the "Force Remove Office" and restart your computer. 3. Install Office by clicking the "Install Office" button. 4. Go to "Utilities" tab and do the conversion "Office RETAIL => VL". 5. Then click "Activate Office" button. or 6. Start KMSAuto Net 2015 and click "Activate Office". How to use Bookmark Download Office: Bookmark Download Office serves to create the off-line installation varying versions and editions of Microsoft Office with the possibility for the subsequent installation of the product without receiving files from outside.. 1. Select the appropriate version of Office, bit and language. I recommend to make a full x86-x64 distribution. To do this, select the tab-width All (the lowest). Click the Download button and choose a folder to the distribution files. You can select the folder of the previous session of the program to further develop distribution, or will start a new session. 2. If you want to make multilingual distribution - after complete loading of the first language, switch to the pre- Executive language, click the Download button, and select the same download folder. 3. After downloading all required bit and spoken recommend creating ISO-image office suite. To do this, click Create ISO. 4. As a result, in the selected folder you will see a ready to use off-line installer Microsoft Office chosen version. In one session, downloading files does not use different versions of MS Office 2016 and 2013. It is possible to manipulate with x86-x64 and languages, but not versions. Or use a different folder assignment is. Otherwise you will get unusable distribution. 5. Now you can create multiple projects distributions of return, additions and corrections have downloaded. You can choice the versions builds. For Office 2013 Branch-choice and does not matter. Always will be download the most current build. For Office 2016, you can choose the source of download (branch). Button Check version has been added to check the build number the selected Branch. https://katfile.com/9oiabg8g97xx/O1324cr2f.7z.html jelszó:7777
  8. IObit Driver Booster Pro portable 49MB A szoftver megkeresi a számítógépedhez megfelelő Drivereket majd tájékoztat arról hogy szükséges e azt frissíteni, vagy hiányzik e valamelyik. Természetesen ebben is kínál megoldást mivel vele is le lehet tölteni. Uninstallálhatod vele a régieket, így könnyebben telepíthetőek fel az új példányok. Játék fanatikusoknak lehet hasznos a szoftver játék gyorsító funkciója amivel jobb teljesítményt lehet kihozni, illetve megfelelő környezet hozható létre nagyobb erőforrással rendelkező grafikusabb játékoknak. Drivers that need updating can significantly slow down your computer's performance and slow down your gameplay or even cause system crashes. Driver Booster was created to automatically detect drivers that require updating and to download and install the correct drivers for various PCs. All you need is one click. Moreover, it is a must-have tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers an easy and convenient way to customize drivers for games. Outdated drivers may heavily affect your PC performance and may ruin game experience, or even lead to system crashes. Driver Booster is designed to automatically figure out outdated drives, and download and install the most correct drivers for different PCs. All you need to do is just one click. What's more, it's an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster provides a much easier way to tweak drivers for the best gaming experience. Update outdated drivers quickly and in a timely manner • Automatically detects outdated drivers • 1-click update for maximum hardware performance • Driver tuning for game performance • Fast, safe and easy to use Drivers that need updating, can significantly reduce the performance of your computer and slow gameplay, or even lead to system failures. Driver Booster was created for automatic detection requiring driver updates, download and install the appropriate drivers for different PCs. All you need to do one click. Moreover, this is an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers a simple and convenient way to set up drivers for games. Driver Booster Pro? Outdated drivers can significantly affect your computer's performance and result in system crashes. Driver Booster Pro scans and detects the outdated drivers automatically downloads and installs updates with a single click, saving you time. Moreover, it is specifically designed for configuring the drivers for better performance in games. Is the right tool for PC protection from hardware failures, conflicts and system failures. portable https://katfile.com/wfvnkdqcb9se/dribop121po.7z.html jelszó:driver
  9. Directory Opus Pro v13.11 x64 24MB Üdvözöljük a Directory Opus-ban, a Windows fájlkezelőben. A Directory Opus négy célt tart szem előtt: Könnyű használat: Az Opus a lehető legnagyobb mértékben úgy működik, mint az Explorer. Az Opus használatához nem kell bonyolult szkripteket vagy nem szabványos egértechnikákat megtanulnia. Ha valaha is használtad az Explorert egy fájl másolására, akkor már pontosan tudod, hogyan kell ezt az Opusban is megtenni. Konfigurálhatóság: Hiszünk abban, hogy a felhasználónak joga van megválasztani, hogyan működjön a számítógépe. Az Opus szinte minden aspektusa megváltoztatható - az eszköztáron lévő gomboktól kezdve a tömörített fájl hátterének rajzolásához használt színig. Hatékonyság: Az Opus-t úgy tervezték, hogy a lehető leghatékonyabb legyen. Az egész program a többszálú futás lehetőségét használja, hogy soha ne kelljen várnia egy művelet befejezésére, mielőtt egy másikat elkezdene. Kompatibilitás: Az Explorer helyettesítőjeként fontos, hogy az Opus ugyanúgy jelenjen meg (a rendszer számára), mint az Explorer. A Microsoft által meghatározott korlátokon belül az Opus ezt eléri, és a legtöbb olyan szoftver, amely csak az Explorerrel készült, az Opus telepítésével is jól fog működni. Túl sok funkció van ahhoz, hogy mindet felsoroljuk, de hogy csak néhányat említsünk: Egy vagy két fájlmegjelenítés, egy vagy két fával, így a fájlok navigálása és kezelése gyerekjáték. A mappa lapok segítségével több mappát tarthat nyitva, és gyorsan válthat közöttük. Az egyedülálló Explorer Replacement mód a Windows Explorer teljes körű helyettesítését biztosítja. Az integrált megjelenítő ablaktábla lehetővé teszi számos gyakori kép- és dokumentumfájl-formátum előnézetét Fájl metaadatok (EXIF, MP3, PDF stb.) megtekintése és szerkesztése A rendezés, csoportosítás, szűrés és keresés még soha nem volt ilyen egyszerű Színkódolás vagy állapotikonok, csillagok, címkék és leírások hozzárendelése a fájlokhoz és mappákhoz, hogy könnyebben megtalálhatók legyenek. Kötegelt átnevezés, beleértve a könnyen használható billentyűzetmakrókat, valamint a metaadatok felhasználásával történő, teljesen szkriptelt átnevezés lehetőségét. FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR és számos más archívumformátum támogatása. Tartalomhoz való hozzáférés hordozható eszközökön, például telefonokon, táblagépeken és fényképezőgépeken Beépített eszközök, többek között szinkronizálás, duplikátumkereső, képkonvertáló és feltöltő stb. Mappalisták nyomtatása vagy exportálása, fájllisták másolása a vágólapra, mappák méretének kiszámítása. Több fájlmásolat sorba állítása a jobb teljesítmény érdekében CD/DVD-írás támogatása A Windows legújabb funkcióinak támogatása, beleértve az ugrási listákat és az indexelt keresést is A legújabb Windows funkciók támogatása, beleértve az indexelt keresést is Teljesen konfigurálható felhasználói felület - a színek, betűtípusok, eszköztárak, billentyűzet gyorsbillentyűk és sok minden más az Ön igényeihez igazítható. A teljes szkriptkészítő felület támogatja a VBScript, a JScript vagy bármely kompatibilis telepített Active Scripting nyelvet. Hatékony, többszálú, modern kialakítás - natív 32 és 64 bites változatok A nagy DPI felbontású monitorok natív támogatása - éles, tiszta felület 4K vagy 5K felbontásban, elmosódás vagy apró ikonok nélkül. Támogatja a Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 és Windows 11 (beleértve a Server verziókat is) rendszereket Welcome to Directory Opus, the File Manager for Windows! Directory Opus is designed with four goals in mind: Ease of use: As far as possible, Opus works just like Explorer does. You don't have to learn any complicated scripting or non-standard mouse techniques to use Opus. If you've ever used Explorer to copy a file, you already know exactly how to do it in Opus as well. Configurability: We believe in the user's right to choose how their computer operates. You'll find that almost every aspect of Opus can be changed - from the buttons on the toolbar to the color used to draw the background of a compressed file. Efficiency: Opus is designed to be as efficient as possible. The entire program makes use of multi-threading to ensure that you should never have to wait for one operation to complete before beginning another. Compatibility: As an Explorer Replacement it's important that Opus appears (to the system) just like Explorer does. Within the limits set by Microsoft, Opus achieves this and most software written with only Explorer in mind will still work fine with Opus installed. There are far too many features to list them all here, but to name a few: Single or dual file displays, with single or dual trees, make navigating and manipulating files a breeze Folder tabs let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them Unique Explorer Replacement mode provides a full replacement for Windows Explorer Integrated viewer pane lets you preview many common image and document file formats View and edit file metadata (EXIF, MP3, PDF, etc) Sorting, grouping, filtering and searching has never been easier Color code or assign status icons, star ratings, tags and descriptions to your files and folders to make them easier to find Batch renaming including easy-to-use keyboard macros, and the option for a fully scripted rename using metadata Support for FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR and many other archive formats Access content on portable devices like phones, tablets and cameras Built-in tools including synchronize, duplicate file finder, image converter and uploader and more Print or export folder listings, copy file listings to the clipboard, calculate folder sizes Queue multiple file copies for improved performance Support for CD/DVD burning Support for the latest Windows features including jumplists and indexed search Fully configurable user interface - colors, fonts, toolbars, keyboard hotkeys and much more can be tailored to suit your needs Full scripting interface supports VBScript, JScript or any compatible installed Active Scripting language Efficient, multi-threaded, modern design - native 32 and 64 bit versions Supports high DPI monitors natively - crisp, clear interface in 4K or 5K without blurring or tiny icons Supports Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 (including Server versions) Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and Server versions. https://katfile.com/pjoclntzm6n7/dirop131.7z.html jelszó:opus
  10. eM Client Pro v10.1.4588 136MB Profi e-mail kliens. Integrálja az e-mailt, a naptárat, a névjegyeket és a feladatokat. Az eM Client a piacon elérhető legátfogóbb naptárfelületeket kínálja, így a felhasználók egyszerre több forrásból származó naptárat is megtekinthetnek. Az eM Client optimalizálva van a Gmail vagy bármely más levelezőszerverrel való teljes szinkronizálásra. Támogatja az MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail vagy Thunderbird teljes importálását. Az Active Sync segítségével online vagy bármely mobileszközre mentheti vagy szinkronizálhatja az összes e-mailjét, névjegyét, naptárát és feladatát. eM Client integrates E-mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks... eM Client delivers the most comprehensive calendar interfaces on the market, giving users the ability to simultaneously view multiple calendars from multiple sources. eM Client is optimized to fully synchronize with Gmail or any other mail server. eM Client supports full import from MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird. You can backup or synchronize all your e-mails, contacts, calendars and tasks on-line or to any mobile device using Active Sync. E-mail features: • eM Client supports all standard protocols • Fully secure communication (SSL/TLS) • Sign and encrypt your messages (S/MIME) • Super-fast full-text search • Signatures and templates • Categories/Tags for messages • Global folders and search folders • E-mail Rules • Automatic account setup • Translate messages to other languages directly inside your e-mail editor Calendar features: • Full featured calendar Interface • eM Client allows you to share calendars and tasks • Various calendar views • Google Calendar Synchronization • Full-text search in events and tasks • Invite to events or confirm attending a meeting (IMIP/ITIP) • Schedule meetings using Free/busy Contact features: • Custom contact views • Share your contacts with others • Synchronize your contacts with Gmail • Organize your contacts in folders and categories • Instant messaging • Support for ICQ, MSN, Facebook chat, Yahoo chat, AOL and others • Add multiple IM accounts • Full XMPP (Jabber) protocol support • Contact roster detachable to separate window Import options: • Advanced import from MS Outlook • Import from MS Outlook Express • Import from MS Windows Mail • Import from MS Windows Live Mail • Import from Mozilla Thunderbird • Import .eml files • Import from The Bat! • Import events from iCalendar (.ics) • Import contacts from vCard (.vcf) • Import contacts from CSV (.csv) • Import contacts from Facebook Other features: • Customizable Widgets • RSS Widget • Skype integration • Multi-language support 10.1.4588.0 Thursday, November 7, 2024 eM Client 10.1 Service Update - Added multiselect for local rules - Added option to create temporary alias with Ctrl-Shift-N in compose window - Visual improvements in chat/multichat - Fixed export of IMAP subaccounts - Fixed a few issues with read only calendar folders - A lot of other fixes, mainly in chat and multichat -install -crack -host fájl szerkesztése emclient.com ha egy hónap után hibát dobna akkor Instructions.txt-ben leírt módon írd felül a folder fájlt és app restart https://katfile.com/lyonpb5ujj1z/emcip14588.7z.html jelszó:client
  11. GoldWave v7.01 x64 15MB Sokoldalú hangszerkesztő és -digitalizáló a wav- és MP3-adatok szerkesztésére, illetve az ezeken elvégzett effektusok előállítására alkalmas. A Goldwave Pro verzió újdonsága: MP3-opciók kibővítése, újabb effektusok, többféle grafikus megjelenítés, külső felvételek javítása, illetve felvételiszint-szabályzó. GoldWave is is a top rated, a comprehensive digital audio editor. GoldWave is ideal for people who work with audio for CD editing, archive restoration, speech analysis, radio and TV, Java and Web pages, games, or just for fun. You can use it to make everything from elaborate answering machine messages to professional, high quality CD audio content. GoldWave can do: • Play, edit, mix, and analyze audio • Record audio from cassettes, vinyl records, radio, etc. through your computer's line-in • Record dictation through a microphone or play dictation back at a slower speed for transcription • Record and edit audio for podcasting • Apply special effects, such as fade, equalizer, doppler, mechanize, echo, reverse, flanger, and more • Digitally remaster and restore old recordings with noise reduction and pop/click filters • Make perfect digital copies of audio CD tracks using the CD Reader tool and save them in wma, mp3, ogg files • Edit music for dance programs, figure skating, gymnastics • Analyze human speech, bird song, whale song • Demonstrate digital signal processing with filter effects and the expression evaluator tool • View a variety of real-time visuals and VU meters • Convert files to/from different formats, such as wav, wma, mp3, ogg, aiff, au, vox and even raw binary data General Features: • Multiple Document Interface for working with many files in one session • Huge file editing: 4GB and beyond (NTFS only) • Configurable RAM or hard drive editing • High quality: 24 bit, 192kHz • Real-time visuals: bar, waveform, spectrogram, spectrum, VU meter, ... • Fast non-destructive editing. Cut, copy, delete, and undo take only a fraction of a second, regardless of the file size • Multiple undo levels • Many effects: distortion, doppler, echo, filter, mechanize, offset, pan, volume shaping, invert, resample, equalizer, time warp, pitch, reverb, volume matcher, channel mixer, ... • Effect previewing and presets • Audio restoration filters: noise reduction, pop/plick, smoother • Supported file formats (wav, mp3, ogg, aiff, au, vox, mat, snd, voc, raw binary data, text data, and more) • File format plug-ins for the next generation of audio compression, such as WMA, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC. • DirectX Audio Plug-in hosting • Effect chain editor • Audio CD Reader • Batch processing and conversion • Drag-and-drop cue points, with auto-cue and file splitting features. • Direct waveform editing with the mouse • Customizable tool bars • Customizable waveform colours • Several built-in accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts Features Playback/Recording This version of GoldWave contains significant changes to the playback and recording code. By default, the new Windows Vista/7 Core Audio/WASAPI is used. Previous versions of GoldWave used DirectX (DirectSound) for all audio input and output. However DirectX has been the source of many problems and has been deprecated on Windows Vista/7 where it no longer provides direct access to the audio hardware. DirectSound support is still included as an option in GoldWave and is used by default for Windows 2000/XP. Media Foundation This version of GoldWave uses the new Media Foundation in Windows 7 to access system decoders to handle a wider range of audio and video files. Previous versions of GoldWave used DirectShow to access system decoders. That functionality has not been removed but it is used only if Media Foundation is unable to open a file or on older versions of Windows that do no have Media Foundation. iTunes M4A GoldWave can now open and save iTunes M4A files through Media Foundation on Windows 7. Currently there appears to be a flaw in the way Media Foundation handles cover art and copyright metadata. Although cover art can be read from a file, any attempt to write cover art results in all metadata being wiped from the file. To avoid this problem, the only metadata GoldWave writes is text. Cover art cannot be saved in an M4A file for now. Covert Art Cover art is shown under File | Information. Click on the image to replace the artwork with another image. Open URL A new File | Open URL command has been added to open a file directly from a website using Media Foundation on Window 7. Window Layering In previous versions of GoldWave, windows and dialogs could appear on top of other applications. Changes have been made to avoid that. However further testing is needed to ensure that windows and dialogs appear correctly on top of GoldWave's Main window and not behind it, which would make the program appear frozen. GoldWave v6 requires Windows 7 64 bit or later. It will not run or install on any older or 32 bit versions of Windows. GoldWave v6 is a major update to with many changes across the entire program, primarily for multichannel support for up to 8 channels and 64 bit executable for accessing more than 2 GB of memory. The WhatsNew file located in the folder where GoldWave is installed lists all the changes. Larger tool bar buttons, themes, and many other interface changes have been made to improve usability. The old compiled help system and manual have been replaced with a unified help file in standard HTML format. v7.01 ------- Improved accessibility with Audio Transcription tool and settings. Transcriptions bar not shown by default if screen reader is active. Fixed bugs: automatic transcriptions exception, main window title after Save As, VST icons in Chain Editor. https://katfile.com/z2xplg7otnv3/gw701.7z.html Portable 13MB https://katfile.com/9u0bzodxf871/gw701po.7z.html jelszó:701
  12. Metal Slug Tactics v1.0.0 1032MB | körökre osztott stratégia 20241105-i kiadás, achievementek hozzáadva Metal Slug Tactics brings the explosive charm and nostalgic fun of the cult METAL SLUG series to the tactical scene! Get ready for an intense ride through the best of both worlds: classic arcade action and roguelite tactical thrills. Jump into the combat zone and revive your METAL SLUG nostalgia in a whole new way! TACTICAL RPG WITH ROGUELIKE ELEMENTS Metal Slug Tactics offers a fresh perspective on the iconic battles of the METAL SLUG series. Lead your squad to victory through strategic guile and superior firepower in a perfect blend of classic action and tactical depth. Unleash powerful special attacks and shape the outcome of each encounter! Accumulate experience after each battle to unlock new weapons or bonus perks to upgrade your team's firepower and tactical skills. Assemble your team and rewrite the rules in this modern tribute to a cult classic! GET YOUR GEAR, SOLDIERS! MISSION START! Choose between iconic brothers-in-arms from across the METAL SLUG series and create the perfect team to stop Morden's devious plans. Determine the best weapon loadouts and mods to maximize combo efficiency on the battlefield. Launch simultaneous attacks with the "SYNC" mechanic to deal massive damage to the enemy! And if your team is in trouble, you can always call in some reinforcements and watch the big guns at work: heavy artillery, airstrikes, the glorious METAL SLUG itself - you name it, you get it! FIGHT YOUR WAY TO VICTORY Embark on an exalting campaign through beautiful, hand-crafted maps to end the war and defeat the infamous Rebel Army once and for all! You're going to face many challenges, so brace yourself for countless deaths, but don’t give up and push through. Whether you're a skilled veteran or a new recruit, play and replay your favorite missions, learn precious strategic insight from each adventure and hone your skills with each hard-fought victory. Gain experience, level up your operatives, adapt to your enemies, and remember: every defeat is a lesson, yet triumph awaits those who refuse to surrender! Donald Morden is back! After years of hiding in a country opposed to the World Government, the devious General patiently staged a coup. Now, he is finally ready to take revenge upon the World with the army he has secretly gathered throughout the years. The Peregrine Falcons Squad will have to do everything in their power to make it through the enemy lines and take down General Morden before the war escalates into catastrophe! ● Discover the first tactical RPG in the METAL SLUG franchise ● Experience a huge replayability with its die-and-retry roguelite progression ● Enjoy amazing pixel art graphics, a heartfelt tribute to the series ● Battle Morden’s Army in 110 hand-crafted maps and 20 different mission types ● Bring the perfect setup for every mission with 36 different weapons and 176 weapon mods ● Choose between 9 iconic characters from the series and create the perfect team ● Experiment with 36 loadouts and combos to outsmart your enemies ● Challenge iconic bosses from the METAL SLUG universe ● Headbang all the way with an amazing soundtrack by Tee Lopes Minimum: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 Processzor: Intel Core i5-2550k or AMD FX-6300 Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730, 2GB or AMD Radeon HD 7570, 1GB DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely Ajánlott: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 Processzor: Intel Core i5-4570 or Ryzen 5 1400 Memória: 12 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 2 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770, 1GB DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely -kibontás -Metal Slug Tactics.exe https://katfile.com/wfdo5pdy9lkq/mesot10.7z.html jelszó:metal
  13. CademPVD v23.03 21MB CademPVD - A nyomástartó edény tervező szoftver A CademPVD a legintelligensebb és legkönnyebben használható CADEM szoftver nyomástartó edények, tárolótartályok, hőcserélők, reaktorok, keverők, keverőedények mechanikai tervezéséhez. Ez egy integrált szoftver, amely számos nemzeti és nemzetközi tervezési szabályzatot lefed. CademPVD - The Pressure Vessel Design Software CademPVD is the most intelligent and easy to use CADEM software for the mechanical design of pressure vessels, storage tanks, heat exchangers, reactors, agitators, mixing vessels. It is an integrated software which covers various national & international design codes. https://katfile.com/6p14u2fh91v2/CPVD2303.7z.html jelszó:2303
  14. LightBurn v1.6.0.1 x64 78MB Lézervágó- és lézerglavírozóhoz való vezérlő szoftver. A LightBurn segítségével importálhatja a rajzokat a legelterjedtebb vektorgrafikus és képformátumokban (beleértve az AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP formátumokat). Olyan beállítások alkalmazása, mint a teljesítmény, sebesség, átmenetek száma, vágási sorrend, fényerő és kontraszt, dithering mód és még sok minden más. Az eredményt közvetlenül a lézervágógépre küldheti LightBurn is layout, editing, and control software for your laser cutter. With LightBurn you can: - Import artwork in a variety of common vector graphic and image formats (including AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP) - Arrange, edit, and even create new vector shapes within the editor, with powerful features like offsetting, boolean operations, welding, and node editing - Apply settings like power, speed, number of passes, cut order, brightness & contrast, dithering mode, and much more - Send the result directly to your laser cutter Designed to Work With Your Laser LightBurn talks directly to your laser, without the use of additional software. We currently support most Ruida, Trocen, TopWisdom, and GCode based controllers. Supported GCode controllers,include Grbl, Smoothieware, Grbl-LPC, and Marlin. Supported Ruida controllers include the RDC6442G/S, RDC6445G, RDC6332G, RDLC-320A, and R5-DSP. Supported Trocen controllers include the AWC708C, AWC608, and TL-3120. More controllers will be added soon, so if you don't see yours listed, send us a message - maybe we're already working on it! If your controller is GCode, Ruida, Trocen, or TopWisdom based, even if it's not listed it might be supported already - Download the free trial and try it for yourself. If it doesn't work, sometimes it only takes a day or two to make the required changes to support a new board in these existing families. Please note that LightBurn does not support the stock M2-Nano board in the popular K40 laser. This board does not offer control of power through software - we recommend upgrading the board to take full advantage of LightBurn. Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11 (64-bit only) Changelog: LightBurn 1.7.03 Patch Release October 24, 2024 We’ve released LightBurn version 1.7.03, featuring a couple of very small changes (listed below). Download version 1.7.03 here. Bugfix: Galvo rotary / continuous marking would freeze because of an incomplete state setting Fix some mis-translated shortcuts for some of the languages https://katfile.com/qf74p2dzjaut/libu170m.7z.html jelszó:1703
  15. DipTrace v5.0.0.1 x64 Eng RePack 7zip | 126MB Komplett PCB, nyomtatottáramkör-tervező, beépített layout, auto-router, pattern és komponens-szerkesztővel, valamint adatbázis-modullal rendelkezik. Egyéb beépített lehetőségek: DXF export, lépésről-lépésre tervezés, könnyű kezelhetőség. Modulok: PCB Elrendezés — PCB tervezés könnyen használható routing eszközökkel, auto-router és auto-placer. Vázlat szerkesztő — Vázlat Capture és exportáló PCB-re vagy Spice-ra. Minta szerkesztő — Segítségével lehetőség van rész nyomatok készítésére. Alkatrész szerkesztő — Lehetővé teszi részek rajzolását és alkatrészek készítését. Könnyen megtanulható felhasználói interfész. Egy kapcsolási rajz tervezéséhez, egyszerűen válassza ki és helyezze az alkatrészeket a dokumentumra és kapcsolja össze őket drót vagy bus eszközök használatával. Többlapos tervek is kivitelezhetőek. Ezek után válassza ki a menüből "Convert to PCB" a vázlat PCB-re történő átalakításához. Az elrendezés bármikor frissíthető a Vázlatból néhány klikkeléssel. Kiemeléssel segíti a munkát objektumok kialakításánál vagy átszerkesztésénél. Intelligens elhelyezés és auto-elhelyezés funkciók Miután a kapcsolási rajzot átkonvertálja PCB elrendezésre, helyezze el a lap keretét és rendezze el az alaktrészeket. Ezek után használja a "placement by list" az integrált áramkörökre/csatlakozókra és auto-elhelyezést más komponensekre, ezek után perceken belül láthatja az eredményt és kezdheti a telepítést. Könnyen használható útmutató és nagy teljesítményű automatikus telepítés A DipTrace PCB szoftver tartalmaz egy fejlett automatikus routert, amely képes egy vagy többrétegű táblák telepítésére. Ez elérhető "rip-up and retry'algoritmussal. Az autorouter nagy számban képes megoldani a telepítéseket, mivel visszamenőleg is átnézi a hálózatokat, hogy ezáltal helyet tudjon teremteni kapcsolódásoknak, amik addig nem léteztek. Az intelligens manuális telepítő eszközök lehetőséget teremtenek arra, hogy kialakíthasson és szerkeszthessen nyomvonalakat 90 vagy 45 fokban esetleg limit nélkül. Nem látható via-k esetén használható automatikus vagy manuális telepítés. Bármely méretű tábla elfogadott. DipTrace is quality Schematic Capture and PCB Design software that offers everything to create simple or complex multi-layer boards from schematic to manufacturing files. DipTrace is first of its kind intuitive CAD software, featuring: Easy to learn User Interface Multi-sheet and hierarchical schematics Shape-based autorouter Smart manual routing tools Wide import/export capabilities High-speed signaling Advanced verifications and Real-time DRC Real-time 3D PCB preview & STEP export Manufacturing output Commitment to the future After a couple of hours you become productive with simple boards and then improve your skills step-by-step. Basic features are enough for simple projects and advanced capabilities should be used for complex circuit boards. All DipTrace modules share similar interface conceptions and design basics. The tutorial contains detailed instructions for all stages of the board design. It is included in the DipTrace installation package. Schematic Capture Advanced schematic tool with the support of multi-sheet and multi-level hierarchical design that allows the engineer to connect pins visually, without wires, using net ports, buses, or logically. Electrical Rule Check and hierarchy verification work from the earliest stages of design till the work is done. Schematic supports import and export of different EDA/CAD and netlist formats. PCB Layout High-quality board-level design tool that features smart placement and routing tools, shape-based autorouter, copying hierarchical blocks, smart project structure, and verification features that ensure accuracy even for the most complex projects with high-speed signals. Real-time DRC allows for fixing errors on the fly and increases quality all the way to the project completion. Import and export various EDA, CAD, netlist, and manufacturing formats. Library Creation Cross-module library management system with component and pattern editors and direct import from outside the DipTrace design environment. Component and Pattern editors support smart library structure and fast creation of components and patterns with integrated templates. Bulk pin naming, pad numbering, and editing features allow the designer to build multi-part complex components and patterns with hundreds of pins faster than ever before. 3D Modeling Works as a part of the PCB Layout and Pattern Editor. The 3D module allows the designer to preview the board with installed components on any design stage, rotate and move it in real-time with hardware acceleration. Board 3D model can be exported to mechanical CAD (STEP, VRML). DipTrace imports 3DS, VRML, STEP, and IGES files as 3D models. 11,000+ models are supplied free of charge. Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 Version 5.0 (September 12, 2024) - Push and Shove Router (pushing traces and vias for manual routing). - Digital SPICE Simulator. - Plugins + documentation how to make plugins with any programming language. - Examples of plugins with source codes: Make solder mask openings for selected trace segments (Object Pascal, Delphi); Make dashed/dotted lines (C#). - PCB Calculator: Trace Width, Clearance, Current, Resistance; Transmission Line and Differential Pair Width, Gap, Impedance; Width, Length, Gap and Layer Stackup could be set by selected trace/layout settings or manually. - Planar Inductors: adjusting parameters and placing to layout or saving to library. - Cross Selection and Highlight between PCB and Schematic. - "Place selected by list" option in PCB Layout (allows to select blocks in Schematic and make component placement in PCB Layout by using cross selection feature). - Via Stitching for copper pours, polygons, board. - Via Shielding for traces. - Export Schematic and PCB to PDF directly. - IPC-2581 (revision C) export. - KiCAD Netlist Import/Export. - Updating PCB from Netlist of any third-party software. - Assigning any copper layer shape to pad in Pattern Editor. - Wire/Trace color transfer between PCB and Schematic (Convert to PCB / Update from Schematic / Back annotate). - Changing font size and type globally for connection without wires and displayed net names in Schematic. - New and updated component libraries: Capacitors (Film Axial Vertical, Film Radial); Diodes (Axial Vertical); Opto (Bar Graphs, Emitters LED Light Bars); Opto Displays (LCD, OLED, 7-Segment LED, Dot Matrix); Resistors (Axial Vertical); Objects (Pad Special, Plated Half-Holes, Digital Spice Models). - New and updated pattern libraries: Capacitors (Axial Vertical, Molded, Radial Dipped Rectangular); Diodes (Axial Vertical); Displays (LCD, 7-Segment LED, OLED, Dot Matrix); LED (DIP, SIP); Resistors (Axial Vertical); Objects (Pad Special, Plated Half-Holes). - New STEP models for Resistors (Axial Vertical). a magyar nyelvi fájl a hivatalos honlapról tölthető https://diptrace.com/download/language-packs/ https://katfile.com/qfiw2k1yv8x0/dite501x64.7z.html jelszó:5001
  16. NetBalancer v12.5.1.3962 37MB univerzális hálózati segédszoftver Ha rengeteg olyan alkalmazást futtatsz a háttérben amik munkafolyamata erősen összefüggésben van az internettel kisebb sávszélesség esetén eljuthatsz egy olyan pontra amikor jelentős lassulásokat fogsz tapasztalni már böngészés során is. A netbalancer elsősorban ezt a problémán tud segíteni és még számos egyéb funkcióval van ellátva -hálózati aktivitás figyelő -sávszélesség és prioritás korlátozások támogatása -mindenre kiterjedően tájékozódhatunk a háttér folyamatokról -letöltésvezérlőkhöz, online rádió vagy videó lejátszókhoz is ideális és a problémás streaming szolgáltatásoknál is hasznát lehet venni -külön is kezelhetjük hálózati kártyánkat -támogatja a szűrők használatát NetBalancer is a Windows application for local network traffic control and monitoring. Browse and do any internet activity comfortably on your PC even when your download manager or torrent client downloads huge files from internet - just lower their network priority with NetBalancer. Features: Priorities and limits Set download and upload network priorities or limits for any process. Automation support Use various command line commands and web APIs for complete automation. Rules and filters Define detailed traffic rules and filters for maximum control. Sync Sync your computers with NetBalancer Service and control them from the web control panel. Password secured Protect all settings and priorities with a password to prevent unauthorised changes. Monitor processes Show all system processes with their download and upload speeds up to connections level. View history Detailed download and upload traffic history for any process since first NetBalancer's install. System tray and toolbar Show network traffic and other info in a system tray icon or taskbar toolbar. Support for IPv6 NetBalancer has native IPv6 support for rules and filters. Tags and bulk commands Apply tags to your computers and control them with bulk commands like a Pro. Various traffic charts and statistics View detailed network traffic charts and statistics. Everything encrypted Everything in our system is encrypted: website traffic, sync traffic, all internal traffic, passwords and communications, all zeros and ones are encrypted and hashed with TLS and SHA2 for maximum security. NetBalancer 12.0 Adds VPN Support Wed, 06-Nov-2024 NetBalancer 12.5 Enhances Packet Filtering Performance and Latency https://katfile.com/ttvnfl5toi9g/netbal125.7z.html jelszó:1251
  17. reaConverter Pro v7.8.33 308MB A ReaConverter Pro egy képek szerkesztésére alkalmas rengeteg speciális opciót magában rejtegető szoftver. Ez a képkezelő program tudja a fotókat forgatni, vízjelezni, feliratozni, restaurálni, konvertálni és vágni is. Rugalmas, intelligens és nagyon gyors reaConverter egyszerűvé teszi a kötegelt konverziót és a gyakran előforduló képszerkesztést. A 7-es verzió teljesen új szintre emeli a funkcionalitást. Ultragyors többszálas konverzió A teljesen átdolgozott felhasználói felület Új képszerkesztési lehetőségek és grafikai szűrők Új formátumtámogatás, beleértve a CAD és MS Office dokumentumokat is A konverziós eredmény mentésének új módjai Új mappák figyelése funkció a mappák megfigyeléséhez és a feldolgozás automatikus alkalmazásához Új parancssori eszköz a szerveroldali és harmadik féltől származó megoldások egyszerű integrálásához Magyar nyelvű felület. Flexible, Smart and Very Fast. Understandable on a hunch, reaConverter makes batch conversion and oft-recurring image editing simple. Widest Range of Supported Formats Highly efficient software that makes it easy to convert millions of files and folders in a single operation. Convert between a great number of file formats, including archaic and rare ones. Version 7 puts the functionality to the whole new level Ultra-fast multi-threaded conversion The entirely reworked user interface New image editing options and graphic filters New formats support including CAD and MS Office documents New ways to save the conversion result New Watch Folders feature to monitor folders and automatically apply processing New command-line tool for simple integration to server-side and third-party solutions Pro edition: 677 supported file formats, powered by an extremely versatile and handy imaging system. Provides full command-line access to all of the features to automate processing via scripting. Támogatott formátumok Read 677 Regular Images: BMP, GIF, JFI, JFIF, JIFF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF Advanced Images: APNG, AVIF, BPG, CAL, CDR, CG4, CIN, CPT, DCX, DDS, DIB, DIS, FAX, FITS, FLIF, FPX, HEIC, HEIF, HRU, ICO, J2C, J2K, JP2, JPC, JPF, JPM, JPX, JXR, KRA, MAC, MIX, MPO, MTV, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PIC, PNM, PPM, PSD, PSP, QRT, RAD, RLA, SGI, SVS, TGA, WB1, WBC, WBP, WBZ, WEBP, WEBPLL, XBM, XCF, XPM Digital Cameras RAW Images: 3FR, ARI, ARW, BAY, BMQ, CAP, CINE, CR2, CR3, CRW, CS1, DC2, DCR, DCS, DNG, DRF, EIP, ERF, FFF, IA, IIQ, K25, KC2, KDC, MDC, MEF, MOS, MRW, NEF, NRW, OBM, ORF, PEF, PTX, PXN, QTK, R3D, RAF, RAW, RDC, RW2, RWL, RWZ, SR2, SRF, SRW, STI, X3F Adobe Vector Formats: AI, EPI, EPS, PDF, PDP, PS, SWF Microsoft Office Formats: DOC, DOCX, OXPS, RTF, VDX, VSD, VSDM, VSDX, XPS Microsoft Windows Metafiles: EMF, EMZ, WMF, WMZ CAD Formats: DGN, DWF, DWFX, DWG, DXF, PLT Gerber Formats: BOT, CMP, DRD, DRL, GBL, GBO, GBP, GBR, GBS, GBX, GKO, GM1, GPB, GTL, GTO, GTP, GTS, PLC, PLS, SMB, SMT, SOL, SSB, SST, STC, STS, TAP, TOP, XLN Vector Formats: AFF, CGM, DJVU, DRW, DST, HP2, HPG, MIF, NVA, OBJ, ORB, PCL, PCT, PRN, PRT, PXL, SK, SK1, SVG, SVGZ, WPG, XFIG 3D Formats: 3D, 3DS, 3MF, AC, AC3D, ACC, AMJ, ASE, ASK, B3D, BLEND, BVH, COB, CSM, DAE, ENFF, FBX, GLB, GLTF, HMB, HMP, IRR, IRRMESH, LWO, LWS, LXO, M3D, MD2, MD3, MD5, MDL, MESH, MOT, MS3D, NDO, NFF, OFF, OGEX, PK3, PLY, PMX, PRJ, Q3D, Q3O, Q3S, SCN, SIB, SMD, STEP, STL, STP, TER, UC, VTA, X3D, XGL, ZGL GIS Formats: 000, BNA, E00, GEOJSON, GML, GMT, GPX, GTM, GTZ, GXT, KML, KMZ, NTF, REC, SHP, TAB Rare Formats: !C, $C, $S, 001, 2BP, 2D, 301, 411, 4BT, 73I, 82I, 83I, 85I, 86I, 89I, 92I, A64, ABC, ABIC, ABS, ACE, ACORN, ADT, AFP, AFX, AIP, ALIAS, ALS, AMI, ANI, APX, ARF, ARN, ART, ATK, AVS, AWD, B&W, B16, BFL, BFLI, BFX, BGA, BIF, BIG, BLD, BLK, BM, BMF, BMG, BMX, BN, BOB, BPR, BRK, BRT, BS, BSG, BTN, BUM, BW, B_W, C4, CALS, CAM, CAN, CAR, CAT, CBM, CDU, CE, CE1, CE2, CEL, CIP, CIT, CLO, CLP, CMT, CMU, CMW, CMX, CP8, CPA, CPC, CPI, CRD, CRG, CT, CUT, CVP, DAT, DBW, DCM, DD, DOL, DOO, DPX, DRZ, DSI, DTA, ECC, EF3, EFX, EI, EIDI, EPA, ESM, EXR, F96, FAC, FACE, FBM, FCX, FI, FIT, FLC, FLI, FMF, FP2, FPG, FPR, FPT, FRE, FRM, FSY, FTF, FTS, FUN, FX3, FXD, FXM, FXO, FXR, FXS, G16, G3, G3N, G4, GAF, GB, GEO, GG, GIG, GIH, GM, GM2, GM4, GMF, GP4, GRAF, GRB, GRO, GRO2, GRO4, GUN, HDP, HDR, HDRU, HED, HF, HIR, HPI, HR, HRZ, I17, I18, IB7, IBG, ICA, ICB, ICL, ICN, ICNS, IDC, IF9, IFF, IFL, IIM, IIMG, IM1, IM5, IMA, IMG, IMI, IMT, INFO, IPG, IPH, IPT, IRIS, ISH, ISM, ISS, ITG, J6I, JBF, JBG, JBIG, JIF, JIG, JJ, JPS, JTF, KAP, KFX, KOA, KPS, KQP, LBM, LDA, LFF, LIF, LVP, LWI, M8, MAG, MAP, MBFAVS, MBFS, MBM, MGR, MH, MIC, MIFF, MIL, MIM, MNG, MPH, MPNT, MRF, MSK, MSP, NAP, NAV, NCD, NCR, NCT, NEO, NITF, NLM, NMP, NOL, NPM, NSR, OAZ, OCP, OFX, OIL, P64, P7, PAC, PAN, PAT, PAX, PBT, PC, PCC, PCP, PD, PDB, PDD, PDS, PDX, PE4, PFR, PG, PGC, PGF, PH, PHP, PI, PICIO, PICT, PIG, PIX, PIXAR, PM, PMG, PMP, PPP, PPS, PPT, PRC, PRF, PRI, PSA, PSB, PSE, PSF, PSPBRUSH, PSPFRAME, PSPIMAGE, PSPMASK, PST, PTK, PTOCA, PWP, PXA, PXB, PXR, PXS, PZL, PZP, Q0, QDV, QTI, QTIF, QTL, RAS, RAST, RGB, RGH, RIX, RLB, RLC2, RLE, RP, RPBM, RPM, RS, RSB, SAR, SC, SC2, SCI, SCR, SCT, SCX, SD0, SD1, SD2, SDG, SEQ, SFF, SFW, SI, SID, SIM, SIR, SJ1, SKN, SMP, SNA, SPC, SPS, SPU, SR, SSI, SSP, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7, ST8, STW, STX, SUL, SUN, SUNIFF, SYJ, SYN, SYNU, TAAC, TDI, TDIM, TEX, TG4, TIL, TIM, TJP, TM2, TN1, TN2, TN3, TNL, TNY, TRP, TSK, TUB, UNI, UPI, UYVY, V, VDA, VFF, VFX, VI, VIC, VICAR, VID, VIF, VIFF, VIT, VOB, VPB, VST, WAL, WB0, WDP, WFX, WZL, X, X11, XAR, XIF, XIM, XV, XWD, YUV, ZBR Write 67 Regular Images: BMP, GIF, JFI, JFIF, JIFF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF Advanced Images: APNG, AVIF, BPG, CAL, CG4, CIN, DCX, DDS, DIS, FAX, FITS, FLIF, HRU, ICO, JP2, JXR, MTV, PCX, PGM, PIC, PSD, QRT, RAD, RLA, SGI, TGA, WEBP, WEBPLL, XBM, XPM Adobe Vector Formats: AI, EPI, EPS, PDF, PS, SWF Windows Metafiles: EMF, WMF, WMZ CAD Formats: DGN, DWF, DWG, DXF, PLT Gerber Formats: GBR Vector Formats: CGM, DRW, MIF, PCL, PCT, SVG, SVGZ, WPG 3D Formats: GLB, GLTF, STEP, STL, STP GIF Formats: SHP System requirements Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 Server 2003 — 2022 https://katfile.com/4ffnciv45asq/reCP833.7z.html jelszó:7833
  18. PingPlotter Professional 23MB Ezzel a hasznos eszközzel nyomon követheti és hibaelháríthatja hálózatait, információkat gyűjthet távoli állomáshelyekről, nyomon követheti a késleltetést, a csomagvesztést és egyebeket. Egy hálózat, szerver vagy webhely aktívan tartása azt jelenti, hogy folyamatosan figyelemmel kell kísérni a bejövő és kimenő csomagokat, hogy a kapcsolat hibátlan legyen. A PingPlotter Pro segítségével többek között több címet is gondosan figyelemmel kísérhet, és váratlan események bekövetkezésekor riasztásokat indíthat. Monitor and troubleshoot your networks, gather information about remote hosts, track latency, packet loss and others, with this useful tool. Network administrators need to be ready for various events that don't necessarily mean virtual attacks. Keeping a network, server or a website active means constantly monitoring incoming and outgoing packets to make sure connectivity is flawless. Amongst others, you can use PingPlotter Pro to carefully monitor multiple addresses and trigger alerts when unexpected events occur. Create and save custom workspaces The application's design is pretty intuitive, with adjustable panels so you can clearly view packets, timelines or project elements so you can quickly access them. What's more, you can save your workspace configuration to use for multiple tasks and this comes in handy because you can slightly customize the view with more or less tabs and sections. Configure connection settings and trace multiple targets A neat advantage is the possibility to simultaneously trace multiple addresses, with detail windows stored in tabs. Connecting to a target is easily done by manually writing down either the URL or IP address in a dedicated fields. All targets are saved in a list so you can quickly access them later on. Hitting the "Start" button is all it takes to send a few packets to the selected target. On the other hand, there are several settings to configure, depending on the testing scenario. For short-term analysis, the sampling number can be set, with the default value being unlimited, trace intervals can be specified in seconds, as well as the number of samples to include. Gather and save packet info As soon as the process is put in motion, all packets are displayed, with a timeline view updating in real time according to your specifications. Each element you select highlights all of its components for better view. Bringing up the context menu enables you to manage a few more settings like obtaining whois info, display summary, show graphs or even configure alerts. Set up alerts for various scenarios The notification system gives you the possibility to set up several parameters to be announced of any changes. As such, you can write down a custom name for easy identification, set the number of samples to examine, the method used which can either be for latency and packet loss or MOS, multiple target configurations, as well as the action to trigger when conditions are met. To sum it up On an ending note, PingPlotter Pro is a handy network administration tool with which you can constantly keep an eye on multiple targets and receive alerts whenever unexpected events occur. The clever design lets you quickly accommodate while tab support gives you the possibility to simultaneously monitor multiple URLs or IP addresses. https://katfile.com/6nivrwimnj4q/pipo525.7z.html jelszó:v525
  19. Macrium Reflect Server Plus 10.0.8366 x64 WinPE Win10-11 502MB, 766MB Op.rendszer nélkül futtatható verzió bootolható ISO lemezkép Win10-11 WinPE környezettel. Adatmentő-visszaállító alkalmazás, ami partíciókról, vagy teljes meghajtókról egyfájlos mentéseket készít, és vissza tudja állítani azokat. A szoftverrel akár klónozási lehetőségek, vagyis merevlemezről merevlemezre való másolási feladatok is elvégezhetőek. Ha a cél-hardware nagyobb tárhellyel rendelkezik, mint a mentett forrás, a klónozás során kihúzható a kiválasztott partíció mérete a szabadon maradt területre anélkül, hogy abban sérülnének az adatok. Redeploy and viBoot is ok. Win10PE 502MB https://katfile.com/sp2flp4pkvdj/macrecw10.7z.html MD5 AB01A9BA043BD5C2EBA590B8CB70BBC4 Win11PE 766MB https://katfile.com/33zd0vzn1wdk/macrecw11.7z.html MD5 4D4BF47AB151CF968E9AFE7B2338E85C jelszó:macrium
  20. GerbView 71MB A Gerbview egy hatékony megjelenítő és átalakító program, amely megjeleníti a tervét a képernyőn vagy nyomtatott formában. Többé nem kell várnia a prototípus áramköri lapra, hogy láthassa valódi tervét. A GerbView támogatja mind az RS-274D, mind az RS-274X Gerber formátumokat, és a régebbi Gerber fájlokat az új RS-274X kiterjesztett formátumba konvertálhatja vele. Az újabb kiterjesztett Gerber formátum beágyazott nyílásinformációkat tartalmaz, és minimalizálja a hibák kockázatát a NYÁK gyártása során. A GerbView PDF-ből CAD-be funkciójával Adobe PDF fájljait visszaalakíthatja szerkeszthető Gerber RS-274X és Autodesk DXF fájlokká. A GerbView képes rétegelt PDF, DXF és DWF fájlokat létrehozni, ahol minden betöltött fájl egy külön rétegnek felel meg a célfájlban. Nézze meg blogunkat, hogy többet megtudjon arról, hogyan hozhat létre rétegelt PDF-fájlokat a GerbView segítségével. Opcionálisan többoldalas fájlokat is létrehozhat, ahol minden egyes fájl vagy réteg a kimeneti fájlban saját oldalra kerül. Végül a betöltött rétegeket különálló fájlokká alakíthatja, rétegenként egy-egy fájlt. Ez nagyon hasznos a régebbi Gerber-fájlok új, kibővített Gerber-fájlokká történő átalakításakor. A GerbView segítségével exportálhatja az egyes rétegeket vagy a teljes munkaterületet a támogatott raszteres formátumok bármelyikébe, amelyek közé tartozik a TIFF, JPEG, PNG és BMP. Az átalakításhoz használt felbontást és a színek számát a felhasználó állíthatja be. PDF átalakítása Gerber, SVG, HPGL/2 és DXF formátumba PDF-ből CAD-be PDF átalakítása Gerberre, DXF, HPGL/2 és SVG formátumba A GerbView-ban egy munkaterülettel dolgozik, amely tartalmazhat egy vagy több fájlt (réteget) a támogatott fájlformátumok bármelyikéből. A munkaterület elmenthető későbbi használatra. A munkaterület hivatkozik a tervezési fájlokra, így csak a munkaterületet kell újratöltenie ahhoz, hogy a teljes tervet lássa. A munkaterület méretét beállíthatja az előre kiválasztott papírméretek egyikére, vagy egyéni méretre. A pontos mérőeszközökkel ellenőrizheti a távolságokat és területeket. Ellenőrizze a sávok és vakuk által használt nyílásokat a lekérdezés és a nyílások kiemelése eszközökkel. A munkaterülethez olyan jelölőelemek adhatók hozzá, mint szöveg, vonalkódok, QR-kódok, képek, nyilak, vonalak, szimbólumok, ellipszisek és sokszögek, amelyek a konvertálás és nyomtatás során is megjelennek. Minden típusú jelölőelem, például szöveg vagy vonalkód, „beégethető”, hogy a Gerber réteg állandó részévé váljon. Gerbview is a powerful viewer and converter that will visualize your design, on the screen or in hardcopy. You no longer have to wait for a prototype circuit board to see your true design. GerbView supports both RS-274D and RS-274X Gerber formats, and you can use it to convert your older Gerber files to the new RS-274X extended format. The newer extended Gerber format contains embedded aperture information and minimizes the risk for errors during the manufacturing of the PCB. With GerbView's PDF to CAD capability you can convert your Adobe PDF files back to editable Gerber RS-274X and Autodesk DXF files. GerbView can create layered PDF, DXF and DWF files where each loaded file will correspond to a separate layer in the destination file. Check out our blog to read more about how you can create layered PDF files with GerbView. You can optionally create multi-page files, where each file, or layer, will be placed on its own page in the output file. Finally, you can convert the loaded layers into individual files, one file per layer. This is very useful for converting older Gerber files into new extended Gerber files. With GerbView you can export individual layers, or the whole workspace, to any of the supported raster formats, which includes TIFF, JPEG, PNG and BMP. The resolution and number of colors used for the conversion can be set by the user. Convert PDF to Gerber, SVG, HPGL/2 and DXF PDF to CAD Convert PDF to Gerber, DXF, HPGL/2 and SVG In GerbView you work with a workspace that can contain one or more files (layers) of any of the supported file formats. The workspace can be saved for later use. The workspace will reference your design files, so only need to reload the workspace to see the whole design. You can set the size of this workspace to one of the preselected paper sizes, or to a custom size. Use the precise measurement tools to verify distances and areas. Check apertures used by tracks and flashes using the query and aperture highlight tools. Markup elements like text, barcodes, QR-codes, images, arrows, lines, symbols, ellipses and polygons can be added to the workspace, and will be included during conversion and printing. All types of markup elements, for example text or barcode, may be "burned-in" to become a permanent part of a Gerber layer. GerbView Key Features View, print, markup and convert Gerber, Adobe PDF, ODB++, Excellon, Autodesk DXF and HPGL/2. Convert to Autodesk DXF, PDF, DWF, Gerber and other formats. Convert multiple Gerber files to a single multi-layered PDF, DWF or DXF file. Convert ODB++ to individual Gerber, PDF, DXF or SVG files. Convert ODB++ to a multi-layered PDF file for documentation. Use the PDF to CAD capability to convert PDF files to editable Gerber, DXF, SVG or HPGL/2 files. Convert from older RS-274D format to RS-274X, also known as extended Gerber format. Compare Gerber and ODB++ layers and visualize any difference. Gerber X2 file and pads attributes are supported. Query for aperture and tool information in Gerber and Excellon files. Measure distances, areas and perimeters, with or without snapping to pads and tracks. Highlight selected apertures in Gerber and ODB++ files. List and highlight nets in ODB++ files. Display and export component reports for ODB++ files. View and export Gerber layers with or without transparency. Edit aperture shapes and sizes in Gerber files. Do support several aperture formats created by older PCB tools. Edit tool sizes for Excellon files. Delete items in a Gerber file based on aperture and usage selection. Delete a selection of items from a Gerber file. Replace apertures in Gerber files. Copper surface area calculation. Extract drill data from Gerber and DXF files. For DXF file circle entities will be used to define a drill hole. Add files of different formats as layers. An unlimited number of layers can be added to a workspace (only limited by memory). Copy a selected region to clipboard and paste into another application. Invert negative Gerber layers (e.g. power-plane) to positive for correct display and conversion. Rotate, mirror and scale layers. Visibility of all loaded files can be set individually. User defined header and footer can be added for printing. Color or Black & White Printing. Scaled print or fit to paper. Full mode print preview. Poster mode for printing big format drawings on multiple sheets. Save the whole workspace, or single layers, as low- or high-resolution raster files. Supported formats include: TIFF, CALS, Adobe PDF, WebP, Windows BMP, PNG and JPEG. Annotate your project using dimensions, lines, text, shapes, images, QR-codes, barcodes, symbols and more. Burn-in feature for converting annotation elements, for example text, into native Gerber data. This can be very useful if you want to add text to a Gerber layer without regenerating the Gerber file. Annotations are stored in a separate file and can be included during conversion to other formats. Mouse-controlled zoom in, zoom out, zoom area and panning. Command line interface for conversion and printing. Customizable user interface. GerbView can open the following Formats: Gerber RS-274D Gerber RS-274X (Extended Gerber) Gerber X2 Adobe PDF 1 2 ODB++ (zip and tgz) Excellon Drill format Autodesk DXF HPGL and HPGL/2 HP RTL TIFF JPEG PNG CALS BMP GerbView can convert to the following Formats: Gerber RS-274X (Extended) Gerber RS-274D (Legacy) Autodesk DWF 1 2 Autodesk DXF 1 Adobe PDF 1 2 Adobe PDF/A 1 2 Adobe Postscript CALS Type 1 CGM Binary HPGL/2 (PLT) JPEG PNG Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) TIFF WebP Image Format Windows BMP Windows Enhanced Metafile Windows Metafile Supported Operating Systems Windows XP Windows Vista, 32 and 64 bit Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit Windows 8, 32 and 64 bit Windows 8.1, 32 and 64 bit Windows 10, 32 and 64 bit Windows 11 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2022 Supports Terminal Server and Citrix https://katfile.com/qv24i669ittq/gv102.7z.html Portable 46MB https://katfile.com/w6wqyv504joo/gv102po.7z.html jelszó:1026
  21. Altair PollEx 2024.1 x64 726MB Az Altair PollEx egy teljes körű PCB szintű validációs eszköz, amely magában foglalja a tervezés felülvizsgálatának, a jelintegritás, a teljesítményintegritás és a gyártáshoz való tervezés elemzésének képességét. Gyorsan megjelenítheti, kereshet, mérhet, jelölhet és összehasonlíthatja az eredményeket. Az Altair portfólió többi eszközével kombinálva az elektronikus és elektromágneses elemzéshez a piacon elérhető legképzettebb megoldást nyújtja. Design and engineering require a system-level view of products and systems. The integrated design of mechanical behavior and electronics is a trademark of today’s product development. Based on a strong foundation of mechanical simulation software, Altair has expanded into areas of systems simulation and electromagnetics. Altair’s Pollex PCB solvers and verification tools extend these capabilities into a new domain, allowing Altair to provide software for system-level design decisions. Altair PollEx is the most comprehensive and integrated set of PCB design viewing, analysis and verification tools in the market for electrical, electronics and manufacturing engineers. PollEx is an open solution, which transfers data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments. While PCB design tools are traditionally reserved for PCB design engineers, engineers from other disciplines like hardware design, manufacturing, testing and mechanical need to also access, review and analyze the design and manufacturing data of PCBs and their Integrated Circuit (IC) packages. PollEx provides unsurpassed connectivity to all relevant ECAD systems and formats as well to third party PCB simulation software and brings Design for Excellence (DfX) through a common application and a powerful set of rule-based design checks addressing post-design process constraints in the early design stages. Its many features include query, measure, finding objects, and various reporting. PollEx operates in an open environment, which can transfer data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments. https://katfile.com/gziilgms48oc/alpolx64.7z.html jelszó:20241
  22. Plexim Plecs Standalone v4.8.6 x64 391MB Őnálló szoftvercsomag a teljesítményelektronikai rendszerek időtartománybeli szimulációjához. Ha fontos a más szimulációs platformoktól való függetlenség, a PLECS Standalone a mindenre kiterjedő megoldást kínálja az összetett elektromos áramkörök és bonyolult vezérlések egyetlen környezetben történő modellezéséhez. Optimalizált motorjának köszönhetően a PLECS Standalone sokkal gyorsabban fut, mint a PLECS Blockset. Az átfogó blokkkönyvtárral a PLECS Standalone költséghatékony, ugyanakkor nagy teljesítményű megoldást kínál a dinamikus rendszerek általános szimulációjához. The software developer Plexim is pleased to announce the availability of PLECS Standalone 4.8.6 is an autonomous software package for time-domain simulation of power electronic systems. Version 4.8 – February 2, 2024 - The PLECS Coder now supports code generation for targets with multiple processors. - PLECS now supports fixed-point data types to facilitate code generation for targets that do not support floating-point data types. - The Thermal Package Description now lets you characterize the thermal coupling between individual semiconductors with an impedance matrix. - PLECS now lets you choose between the classic light color theme and a new dark color theme designed to work well in a low-lit environment. - Selected power modules have been enhanced to support thermal simulations both in the "Switched" and "Sub-cycle average" configuration. - The improved error reporting using spotlights makes it easier to identify the erroneous components. In case of parameter evaluation errors, clickable links take you directly to the corresponding dialog box to fix the problem. - PLECS will now detect sample time conflicts between continuous and discrete blocks to help users avoid typical modelling mistakes. - PLECS now supports model references into the same model file. - PLECS now fully supports self-referencing libraries. In prior releases, self-references were permitted only if the library reference appeared after the original subsystem in the model file. - You can now limit the number of parallel computation threads that PLECS Standalone will use for an individual analysis or for the execution of parallel simulations or analyses. - PLECS now removes state-space equations for unused physical meters in order to avoid unnecessary calculations. PLECS Standalone is an autonomous software package for time-domain simulation of power electronic systems. If independence from other simulation platforms is important, PLECS Standalone provides the all-in-one solution for modeling complex electrical circuits and sophisticated controls in a single environment. Due to its optimized engine, PLECS Standalone runs much faster than PLECS Blockset. With the comprehensive block library, PLECS Standalone offers a cost-effective yet powerful solution for dynamic system simulation in general. Introduction to PLECS Standalone Tutorial https://katfile.com/4jo9ay1uup91/plcs486.7z.html jelszó:plex
  23. VueScan Pro 9.8.39 Multilingual 24MB Szkennelő program JPG, PNG és PDF kimeneti formátummal. Meghajtóprogramtól függetlenül saját kompatibilitási listával rendelkezik, ezért a lehető legtöbb szkennert kezeli (7400 db). A magyar nyelv támogatott. VueScan is a powerful scanning application that allows you to acquire high-quality images using a flatbed or film scanner. If you are not satisfied with the software delivered by the scanner vendor or if you want to improve it with new functions you should try this program. Scan Documents Whether you need to scan a single page or a hundred page book, VueScan has the tools to help you. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) Scan to PDF (Single and Multipage) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Automatic Color Detection Small document file sizes Automatic document deskewing Scan Photos Do you have a box full of photos in your drawer? Use VueScan to get them on your computer, and off your to-do list. Scan to JPG or TIFF Whether you're saving a few snapshots or archiving boxes of prints, VueScan has the tools you need to output your scans at either the highest possible quality or a large number of good quality scans. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) VueScan supports over 3000+ different scanners from 35 manufacturers, even scanners that don't have drivers from their manufacturers anymore. Preset photo sizes for faster scans VueScan improves one of the slowest parts about scanning by scanning only the part of the flatbed where your photo is. So you can spend less time scanning, and more time enjoying your photos. Scan multiple photos on the flatbed Scanning multiple photos with VueScan is very simple. Just put them in the corners of the flatbed, do a preview, and manually crop each of the photos without needing to do another scan. Automatic file naming for faster scans Don't waste time manually naming every photo, use VueScan's auto naming feature to include dates, numbers, or other prefixes and suffixes in your file names. Remove fading and correct colors Stay out of photoshop and save the best version possible of your photos with VueScan's built in features to remove fading, and correct colors. Scan Film and Slides VueScan is the ultimate tool for all your film and slide scanning needs. Works with almost all film/slide scanners Scan to JPEG/TIFF/RAW Infrared Dust Removal Color correction IT8 Calibration Photoshop Integration https://katfile.com/61nba0ylluld/vsp983964M.7z.html jelszó:scan
  24. Footprint Expert 24-10 38MB PCB Footprint szakértő - Készítsen NYÁK könyvtárakat 25 CAD formátumban! - Létrehozhatja és beállíthatja a preferenciáit további költségek nélkül! - Megfelel az IPC-7352, IPC-7351 és IPC J-STD-001 szabványoknak. Olyan eszközöket kínálunk, amelyekkel több millió lábnyom és 3D modell építése automatizálható. Ezenkívül intelligens NYÁK-könyvtárat is kínálunk, amely lábnyomatokat (25 CAD-formátum) és 3D-modelleket biztosít az Ön egyedi beállításaival: vonalszélesség, pad-formák, színek, forgatás és még több tucatnyi más. Keresse az egész iparágban a legjobb minőségű PCB könyvtárakat a legalacsonyabb áron, és a PCB Footprint Expertnél köt ki. PCB Footprint Expertünkkel könnyedén kiszámíthatja és generálhatja a kiváló minőségű alaprajzokat a CAD eszközkönyvtár-szerkesztővel történő létrehozásukhoz szükséges idő töredéke alatt. A PCB Footprint Expert elválasztja a statikus, stabil adatokat (alkatrészméretek) a folyamatosan változó adatoktól (könyvtártervezési szabályok). A program az alkatrészméreteket egy FPX nevű fájlban, a szabályokat pedig egy DAT nevű fájlban tárolja. Amikor az alkatrészméretek és a szabályok párosításra kerülnek, automatikusan generálódik egy PCB lábnyom. Ezért a felhasználó egyetlen adatbázisban rendelkezhet az alkatrészméretekkel, és ezeket tetszőleges számú különböző szabályfájllal párosíthatja, hogy sorozatban hozzon létre testreszabott könyvtárakat a különböző alkalmazásokhoz a legkülönbözőbb alkalmazásokhoz. A Footprint Expert teljes körű ellenőrzést biztosít az összes elképzelhető beállítás felett, hogy egy rendkívül személyre szabott könyvtárat hozzon létre; vagy használhatja az IPC-7351 által meghatározott alapértelmezett beállításokat. A létrehozható beállításfájlok száma nincs korlátozva. Egy vagy annyi „DAT” beállítási fájlt hozhat létre, amennyire csak szüksége van, hogy több, személyre szabott könyvtárat hozzon létre, amelyekkel Ön és minden egyes ügyfele elégedett lesz. Támogatott CAD szoftverek listája a honlapon https://www.pcblibraries.com/ We offer tools to automate building of MILLIONS of footprints and 3D models. In addition, we also offer an intelligent PCB library that gets you footprints (25 CAD formats) and 3D models with your own unique preferences: line widths, pad shapes, colors, rotation, and dozens more. Look throughout the industry for the highest quality PCB libraries at the lowest cost and you end up at our PCB Footprint Expert. Our PCB Footprint Expert lets you effortlessly calculate and generate high-quality footprints in a fraction of the time it would take you to create them using a CAD tool library editor. The PCB Footprint Expert separates static stable data (component dimensions) from the ever changing data (library design rules). The program stores component dimensions in a file called FPX and the Rules in a file called DAT. When the component dimensions are mated with the rules, a PCB footprint is auto-generated. Therefore a user can have a single database of component dimensions and pair them with any number of various rule files to batch create customized libraries for different applications for a variety of applications. The Footprint Expert offers complete control of all the settings you can imagine to create a highly personalized library; or you can use default settings that are defined by the IPC-7351. There is no limit on the number of preference files you can create. You can create one or as many "DAT" preference files as needed to produce multiple, customized libraries that will keep you and each of your customers happy. Fixes & Enhancements: Help > User Guide: Several updates were made to match the current Footprint Expert release FP Designer: Updated the pad stack and pad names for IPC-7352 version Pad Stack name updated for SMD edge connectors that require a Top & Bottom pad Options: Doubled the "Under Body Outward L Lead" Courtyard Excess for Height > 10 mm Updated the Terminals > SOP > Pitch from 0.65 to 0.625 to match the IPC-7351B table Calculators: QFN with no Thermal Pad - added longer Pin 1 and removed the "Set Pin 1" feature SOT23 - User notice added when Gullwing is automatically changed to Outward L. CAD Tool Interfaces: EAGLE changed to Autodesk Fusion/Eagle eCADSTAR - added Pad Naming option back for CR-5000 and IPC-7351 Cadence - fixed a typo for V16.5 (was 15.5) - MS-Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, or Vista (Windows XP may work, but is no longer supported by Microsoft) - The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (downloadable from Microsoft) - 50MB of hard drive space - Display resolution of 1024 x 768 - Internet connection is required for connecting to the Parts on Demand database - The Pro, POD Builder, and Enterprise Cloud editions require an internet connection https://katfile.com/rc9aoc6p2ui2/fex241s.7z.html jelszó:2410
  25. FileZilla Pro v3.68.1 7zip | 26MB | FTP kliens A FileZilla a legnépszerűbb FTP protokollt használó alkalmazás, amely távoli szervereken elérhető fájlok és adatállományok átvitelét, le- és feltöltését, szerkesztését teszi lehetővé a felhasználók számára. Welcome to the homepage of FileZilla®, the free FTP solution. The FileZilla Client not only supports FTP, but also FTP over TLS (FTPS) and SFTP. It is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License. We are also offering FileZilla Pro, with additional protocol support for WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure Blob and File Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. FileZilla Features Overview FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface. Features Among others, the features of FileZilla include the following: Easy to use Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Cross-platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, macOS and more IPv6 support Available in many languages Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB Tabbed user interface Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue Bookmarks Drag & drop support Configurable transfer speed limits Filename filters Directory comparison Network configuration wizard Remote file editing Keep-alive HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy support Logging to file Synchronized directory browsing Remote file search crack_INFO: Transfer files from your computer via FTP / SFTP / FTPS and Cloud Services: Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Box, Dropbox, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, OpenStack Swift and WebDAV. 3.68.1 (2024-11-04) New features: macOS: Fixed a build issue affecting App Notarization on arm64 Bugfixes and minor changes: Fixed issue with file synchronization if filters are not used Updated translations https://katfile.com/2wg7sabmehlt/fzp3681.7z.html Portable 26MB https://katfile.com/280hm7wdyg79/fzp3681po.7z.html jelszó:3681
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