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AOMEI Partition Assistant All Editions v10.6.0 77MB Professional, Technician, Unlimited, Server verzió választási lehetőség. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés. Partíció visszaállító varázsló, hordozható és indítható Windows készítés (két módszer bootolható Windows USB meghajtó létrehozására). MBR GPT-be, NTFS FAT32-re, elsődleges partíciót logikaiba vagy fordítva alakít. Legyalulja a partíciót vagy akár a teljes merevlemezt ha akarjuk a biztonság kedvéért, képes meghajtó betűjelet váltani, elrejteni vagy láthatóvá tenni partíciókat, hibás szektorokat és partíciókat ellenőrizni, Master Boot Recordot újraépíteni és még sok-sok mindenre képes. AOMEI Partition Assistant, especially designed to meet the needs of small and medium sized business, not only includes all features to make the best use of disk space while minimizing server downtime, but also provides comprehensive solution to disk-related issue. With intuitive and easy-to-use interface, anyone, even non-technical users, can maximize the performance of servers in minutes without having to need an expert. Our stable and robust server partition software is priced at only $160 available for two servers as well as free lifetime upgrades. Top Benefits - Allow unlimited usage within one company to save money. - Safe - no data loss, fast - no reboot, easy - no professional skill. All-in-one Hard Disk Partition Manager - Extend NTFS system partitionwithout rebooting computer to reduce downtime. - Resize/move a partition or dynamic volume to maximize utilization of storages. - Easily allocate free space from one partition to another without losing data. - Merge adjacent two partitions into one, or merge unallocated space to a partition. - Partition alignment optimizes the drive for performance, especially for SSD. - Erase all data permanently so that it cannot be recovered any more. System and Data Migration - Migrate OS from hard disk to solid-state drive (SSD), supporting MBR and GPT disk. - Upgrade storages with disk to disk copy, no need to reinstall Windows and applications. - Copy a partition from one hard drive to another for backing up data. Magic and Safe Converter - Change disk style - safely convert an MBR basic or dynamic disk into GPT, and vice versa. - Change disk type - safely convert a dynamic MBR or GPT disk into basic, and vice versa. - Change partition type - safely convert a primary partition into logical, and vice versa. - Change file system - safely covert NTFS file system to FAT32, and vice versa. Step-by-step Handy Wizards - Extend Partition Wizard - solve “low disk space” of C drive by taking unused space from other partitions. - Partition Recovery Wizard - retrieve valuable information from lost or deleted partitions. - Make Windows PE Bootable Media - troubleshoot problems, or recover data when system fails to boot. - Windows To Go Creator - build a portable and fully functional Windows 8 system on USB flash drive. The latest version (10.6.0) includes optimizations for the user interface of "Wipe Hard Drive" and "Wipe Partition" features, improved cloning logic for system partitions, and fixes for SSD detection issues[4]. AOMEI Partition Assistant supports various disk types, file systems, and can handle disks up to 4TB in size. https://katfile.com/yomuq2tlt0r6/aopae106.7z.html portable Technician 54MB https://katfile.com/wowur0llpjts/aopae106po.7z.html jelszó:1060 ****************** AOMEI PartIition Assistant Technician v10.6.0 WinPE 649MB Operációs rendszer nélkül futtaható lemezképfájl, megfelelő programmal lemezre vagy pendrivera rakható. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés és partíció visszaállító varázsló. https://katfile.com/63vigybr7lfs/aopae106techwpe.7z.html jelszó:1060
TreeSize Professional Multilingual 40MB Merevlemez elemző program , megtudhatod mi foglalja a legtöbb helyet, a magyar nyelv támogatott. A TreeSize Professional egy hatékony és rugalmas merevlemez-területkezelő, akár több elgondolás szerint is csoportosítható jelentést biztosít a számítógépen található fájlok méretéről. - A lemezterület hatékony kezelése és megtisztítása - A lemezhasználat vizualizálása - Részletes elemzés, egészen a legalacsonyabb könyvtárszintekig - Felesleges fájlok keresése és eltávolítása - Számos exportálási és jelentéstételi lehetőség - A sokoldalú duplikált fájlok keresése TreeSize Professional is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager for all windows. Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover megabytes on your disks. TreeSize Professional shows you the size, allocated and wasted space, the number of files, 3D charts, the last access date, the file owner and permissions, the NTFS compression rate and much more information for several folders or drives you choose. It also lets you search drives, entire servers or the entire network for old, big, temporary and duplicate files. The search results can be moved, deleted or exported. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like user interface, it is fast and multi-threaded and supports Unicode and scheduled scans. You can print detailed reports or export the collected data to Excel and to an HTML, XML or text file. TreeSize Professional can be started from the context menu of every folder or drive. Why TreeSize Professional - Manage and clean up disk space efficiently - Visualize disk usage - Detailed analysis, right down to the lowest directory levels - Find and remove redundant files - Numerous export and reporting options - The versatile duplicate file search Manage disk space and scan your hard disks Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover precious disk space. Use TreeSize as a hard disk cleanup tool: find space hogs and remove them. Graphical analyses provide a quick visualization of disk space usage. TreeSize Professional shows you folder size and allocated disk space as well as owner and permissions, the last access date, the NTFS compression rate, and much more information for selected folders or drives. Search for Redundant Files The integrated versatile file search helps you find old, big, temporary, and duplicate files on drives, entire servers or the entire network. Search results can be moved, deleted or exported to a ZIP file. Print, Export, or Compare Results You can print detailed reports and charts or export the collected data to many different formats such as XML, XLS, TXT, CSV and many more. Compare XML reports or take shapshots of your disk space usage to track its development over time. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like user interface and supports drag and drop operations. It is fast, multi-threaded, and supports Unicode- and NTFS-specific features. TreeSize Professional can be started from the context menu of every folder or drive. Efficient Disk Space Management from all perspectives - See the size of all folders including their subfolders and break it down to the file level. - Visualize disk usage in the pie or bar chart. - Tree maps visualize hierarchies and sizes of subfolders in the selected directory. - Detailed view with single files and additional information (e.g. date of last access). - Statistics about file types and file owners for every branch. - Filter the file system tree on the left by a certain user or file type. - See a list of the 100 largest files. - Distribution of occupied disk space by file age. - Scan FTP, WebDAV, and SharePoint servers. - Disk Space Management on smartphones and mobile devices. Versatile File Search - Integrated file search. - Fully customizable file search. - Archive, copy, or move the results of the TreeSize File Search, for instance lar, old, or temporary files or files of a certain type. - Search multiple drives, whole servers and even your entire network neighborhood. - Search results can be exported, moved, deleted or passed to any executable file or script. - TreeSize offers a powerful duplicate file search, optionally with MD5 or SHA256 checksums. TreeSize also enables you to easily deduplicate files using hardlinks. Exporting and Reporting - TreeSize enables you to export scan results (showing the directory structure) to many different formats such as Excel, XML, HTML, text/CSV file, clipboard, or email. - Export a list of all files in the scanned folder and its subfolders, for example for use in a database. Track Growth - Save the data to an XML file and load it again later. - See which folders have grown: Compare a saved XML file to a current version of the file system branch, TreeSize Professional displays the difference between the two scans. - Take snapshots of the current state of disk space usage and compare them with snapshots Windows takes automatically. Customized Analyses & Views - Configure displayed columns for the details view, Excel export, text file and printed reports. - Include and exclude certain files or folders in your scans. Scheduled Scans - Command line options allow automatic and scheduled scans of your hard disk (e.g. overnight) and generating reports. - Comfortable interface simplifies creation and editing of scheduled scans and exports as Windows tasks. High Performance thanks to Multithreading - Browse the results during scanning. - Scan and view several folders at the same time. - Automatic adjustment of the number of threads that are used for a scan. Full NTFS Support - Unicode file and folder names are supported. - File based NTFS compression. - Hardlinks and Alternate Data Streams (ADS). - File paths longer than 255 characters will be found and processed correctly. - Analyse NTFS permissions. Perfect Integration with the Windows Explorer - Explorer context menu supported inside the TreeSize window. - TreeSize Professional can be started from within the Windows Explorer. - Drag and Drop is enabled. - On a Windows Core Server TreeSize can serve as a graphical user interface. Full Network Support - TreeSize Professional offers full support for network drives and scans UNC paths like Servershare. https://katfile.com/m9b0qnb4t3op/tsp930.7z.html portable 47MB https://katfile.com/i6xvc0wdu44m/tsp930po.7z.html jelszó:tree
Bitsum ParkControl Pro Multilingual 4MB A "magparkolás" egy alvó állapot (C6), amelyet a legtöbb újabb x86-os processzor és a Windows újabb kiadásai támogatnak. A Core Parking dinamikusan letiltja a CPU-magokat, hogy energiát takarítson meg üresjáratban. A letiltott magok újra bekapcsolódnak, amint a CPU-terhelés ismét növekszik. Ez a technológia nagyon hasonlít a frekvenciaskálázáshoz, mivel a CPU-t üresjáratban igyekszik visszafogni. A probléma az, hogy a Window alapértelmezett energiaprofiljai túlságosan agresszívan vannak beállítva a magok parkolását illetően. Érdekünk az energiatakarékosság volt, még akkor is, ha ez a teljesítmény csekély mértékű csökkenésével járt. Számos összetett paraméter szabályozza, hogy egy magot mikor kell parkolni, és a Microsoft erősen az energiatakarékosságra hangolt. A Windowsban a magok parkolási beállításai a teljesítménytervek (más néven teljesítményprofilok) paramétereiként vannak megvalósítva. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például letilthatja a magok parkolását a Nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági terv esetében, de a többi terv esetében engedélyezve hagyhatja. És a legtöbb felhasználó pontosan ezt a módosítást szeretné elérni: a parkolást csak a nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági tervekben kell kikapcsolni. Introduction to CPU Core Parking CPU Parking is a low-power sleep state (C6) supported by most modern processors and operating systems. It dynamically disables CPU cores in an effort to conserve power when idle. Unfortunately, this power saving comes at a price: Latency when CPUs need unparked to execute code. Initially, core parking was controlled entirely by the operating system. The aggressive core parking of Windows led to a great deal of inefficiency during bursting CPU loads. Intel moved core parking control onto the chip in the Skylake generation, and AMD followed, but still the parameters of the Windows power plans are set to aggressively park CPU cores. Even the default ‘High Performance’ power plan is not immune. The new ‘Ultra Performance’ power plan copies what Bitsum did with our own ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ power plan and finally disables core parking entirely. ParkControl (and Process Lasso) not only let one more easily configure CPU core parking and frequency scaling, but also allow for dynamic entrance into a higher performance power plan. For instance, with Process Lasso, you can automatically enter ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ will you start a game, then go back to ‘Balanced’ when you exit. ParkControl has Dynamic Boost to allow you to set active and idle power plans. Process Lasso has a similar feature with its IdleSaver. Efficacy Empirical evidence shows that disabling core parking can make a real difference in system performance. There are many factors that will determine precisely how effective it will be for a given situation. However, generally, Windows is too aggressive in its core parking, resulting in high latency during bursting CPU loads, stemming from the CPU cores needing to be unparked to handle the load. Since bursting CPU loads are the most common type for many workloads, core parking can be a substantial drag on system performance and responsiveness. How to Restore Defaults Any changes you make with ParkControl are easily reverted. To restore the default power plan settings: Click ‘Power Options’ in the ParkControl app Select the Power Profile you modified Click ‘Restore default settings for this plan’ Repeat for all modified power plans ParkControl – Tweak CPU Core Parking and More ParkControl is free software to display and tweak CPU core parking settings in real-time, among other features. Tame unruly background processes Set persistent CPU affinities and priorities Automate power plans Changelog: v5.3.0.4 – Dec 10, 2024 (3) GUI: Fix an issue where a manually initiated update check would not report an available update under certain conditions (1) GUI: Don't automatically enable Dynamic Boost when its settings dialog is opened https://katfile.com/3yskwg6pnpj8/pcp530.7z.html jelszó:5304
Internet Download Manager v6.42 Build 26 Final 15MB Az Internet Download Manager segítségével időzíthetően, szakadás mentesen tölthetünk le nagyobb méretű fájlokat is, sávszélesség korlátozási lehetőséget, várólisták használatát is támogatja. Videók, audiók letöltésénél AVI, MP3 illetve számos népszerű fájl formátumot ismer a fájlok gépre történő lementéséhez. Minden ismertebb böngészőhöz javasolt. Támogatott fájlkiterjesztések: Rengeteg fájltípust támogat: 3GP 7Z AAC ACE AIF ARJ ASF AVI BIN BZ2 EXE GZ GZIP IMG ISO LZH M4A M4V MKV MOV MP3 MP4 MPA MPE MPEG MPG MSI MSU OGG OGV PDF PLJ PPS PPT QT R0* R1* RA RAR RM RMVB SEA SIT SITX TAR TIF TIFF WAV WMA WMV Z ZIP Letöltés kliens szoftver szakadt folyamatok újbóli indítása automatikusan integrálódik a legnépszerűbb böngészőkhöz vírus keresési lehetőségek fájl előnézeti lehetőség még a letöltés előtt videó letöltő YouTube támogatás FTP támogatás magyar nyelvű felületó I really want to know who comes up with this title addition Super Clean. Wow my and all other versions are dirty muhahaha Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Features: All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications. Easy downloading with one click When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols. Download Speed Acceleration Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance. Download Resume Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off. YouTube grabber Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video. Simple installation wizard Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager. Drag and Drop You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager. Automatic Antivirus checking Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans. Advanced Browser Integration When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature. Built-in Scheduler Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done. IDM includes web site spider and grabber IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes. IDM supports many types of proxy servers For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers. IDM supports main authentication protocols Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password. Download All feature IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature. Customizable Interface You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window. Download Categories Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories. Quick Update Feature Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week. Download limits Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc. IDM is multilingual IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages. What's new in version 6.42 Build 26 (Released: Dec 10, 2024) Fixed issues with displaying the download panel on some sites https://katfile.com/hiceiti6kj95/idm64226.7z.html jelszó:internet
DipTrace v5.1.0.0 7zip | 584MB 32-64bites verzió + magyar nyelvi fájl Komplett PCB, nyomtatottáramkör-tervező, beépített layout, auto-router, pattern és komponens-szerkesztővel, valamint adatbázis-modullal rendelkezik. Egyéb beépített lehetőségek: DXF export, lépésről-lépésre tervezés, könnyű kezelhetőség. Modulok: PCB Elrendezés — PCB tervezés könnyen használható routing eszközökkel, auto-router és auto-placer. Vázlat szerkesztő — Vázlat Capture és exportáló PCB-re vagy Spice-ra. Minta szerkesztő — Segítségével lehetőség van rész nyomatok készítésére. Alkatrész szerkesztő — Lehetővé teszi részek rajzolását és alkatrészek készítését. Könnyen megtanulható felhasználói interfész. Egy kapcsolási rajz tervezéséhez, egyszerűen válassza ki és helyezze az alkatrészeket a dokumentumra és kapcsolja össze őket drót vagy bus eszközök használatával. Többlapos tervek is kivitelezhetőek. Ezek után válassza ki a menüből "Convert to PCB" a vázlat PCB-re történő átalakításához. Az elrendezés bármikor frissíthető a Vázlatból néhány klikkeléssel. Kiemeléssel segíti a munkát objektumok kialakításánál vagy átszerkesztésénél. Intelligens elhelyezés és auto-elhelyezés funkciók Miután a kapcsolási rajzot átkonvertálja PCB elrendezésre, helyezze el a lap keretét és rendezze el az alaktrészeket. Ezek után használja a "placement by list" az integrált áramkörökre/csatlakozókra és auto-elhelyezést más komponensekre, ezek után perceken belül láthatja az eredményt és kezdheti a telepítést. Könnyen használható útmutató és nagy teljesítményű automatikus telepítés A DipTrace PCB szoftver tartalmaz egy fejlett automatikus routert, amely képes egy vagy többrétegű táblák telepítésére. Ez elérhető "rip-up and retry'algoritmussal. Az autorouter nagy számban képes megoldani a telepítéseket, mivel visszamenőleg is átnézi a hálózatokat, hogy ezáltal helyet tudjon teremteni kapcsolódásoknak, amik addig nem léteztek. Az intelligens manuális telepítő eszközök lehetőséget teremtenek arra, hogy kialakíthasson és szerkeszthessen nyomvonalakat 90 vagy 45 fokban esetleg limit nélkül. Nem látható via-k esetén használható automatikus vagy manuális telepítés. Bármely méretű tábla elfogadott. DipTrace is quality Schematic Capture and PCB Design software that offers everything to create simple or complex multi-layer boards from schematic to manufacturing files. DipTrace is first of its kind intuitive CAD software, featuring: Easy to learn User Interface Multi-sheet and hierarchical schematics Shape-based autorouter Smart manual routing tools Wide import/export capabilities High-speed signaling Advanced verifications and Real-time DRC Real-time 3D PCB preview & STEP export Manufacturing output Commitment to the future After a couple of hours you become productive with simple boards and then improve your skills step-by-step. Basic features are enough for simple projects and advanced capabilities should be used for complex circuit boards. All DipTrace modules share similar interface conceptions and design basics. The tutorial contains detailed instructions for all stages of the board design. It is included in the DipTrace installation package. Schematic Capture Advanced schematic tool with the support of multi-sheet and multi-level hierarchical design that allows the engineer to connect pins visually, without wires, using net ports, buses, or logically. Electrical Rule Check and hierarchy verification work from the earliest stages of design till the work is done. Schematic supports import and export of different EDA/CAD and netlist formats. PCB Layout High-quality board-level design tool that features smart placement and routing tools, shape-based autorouter, copying hierarchical blocks, smart project structure, and verification features that ensure accuracy even for the most complex projects with high-speed signals. Real-time DRC allows for fixing errors on the fly and increases quality all the way to the project completion. Import and export various EDA, CAD, netlist, and manufacturing formats. Library Creation Cross-module library management system with component and pattern editors and direct import from outside the DipTrace design environment. Component and Pattern editors support smart library structure and fast creation of components and patterns with integrated templates. Bulk pin naming, pad numbering, and editing features allow the designer to build multi-part complex components and patterns with hundreds of pins faster than ever before. 3D Modeling Works as a part of the PCB Layout and Pattern Editor. The 3D module allows the designer to preview the board with installed components on any design stage, rotate and move it in real-time with hardware acceleration. Board 3D model can be exported to mechanical CAD (STEP, VRML). DipTrace imports 3DS, VRML, STEP, and IGES files as 3D models. 11,000+ models are supplied free of charge. Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 Version 5.1 (November 19, 2024) - Push and Shove Router: push of vias is now optional (separately for static and trace vias); connecting to pushed "trace/via of routed net" is now possible. - SPICE Simulator has been improved: redesigned parser to support some digital models where standard NG Spice parser fails; corrections in UI and storing project/global settings. - Displaying net names for pads and traces in PCB Layout. - Export G-code for Solder Paste Dispensing. - Import ODB++ - Import PADS VX ASCII - Improved check of hierarchy errors in Schematic (merged differential pairs). - Size of hierarchical blocks and connectors depends on pin names. https://katfile.com/81w91jzg0et1/ditre51.7z.html jelszó:trace
AIDA64 v7.50.7200 All Edition portable 51MB Extreme, Engineer, Business, Network Audit verziók, keygen mellékelve ha esetleg kulcs feketelistára kerülne. AIDA64 Extreme Vezető diagnosztikai és teljesítménymérő alkalmazás otthoni felhasználóknak. A PC-rajongók körében etalonnak számító rendszerinformációs szoftver, mely részletes információkat szolgáltat a hardverkomponensekről és a telepített programokról, képes a gép teljesítményének mérésére, és segíti a hibák felderítését. AIDA64 Engineer Egy üzleti Windows-felhasználóknak szánt rendszerinformációs, -diagnosztikai és sebességmérő alkalmazás mérnökök részére. A szoftver a kategóriájában páratlan hardverfelismerő motorral rendelkezik, részletes adatokat szolgáltat a telepített szoftverekről, valamint támogatja a hibakeresést és a tuningot. A benchmarkok segítségével a PC-nk teljesítménye összevethető más konfigurációkéval, az érzékelők valós idejű figyelésével pedig felügyelhető a számítógép stabil működése. AIDA64 Business Teljes körű megoldás hálózati leltár készítéséhez, az IT-eszközök kezeléséhez és felügyeletéhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. A díjnyertes AIDA64-motorra épülő üzleti szoftver, mely részletes hardver- és szoftverleltárt készít a céges gépparkról, valamint távoli funkciókkal teszi egyszerűbbé a gépek karbantartását. A termék statisztikai adatokkal támogatja az IT-döntéshozatalt, és így segíti az informatikai költségek csökkentését. Az AIDA64 Businesst nem szükséges minden vállalati számítógépre egyenként feltelepíteni, elég csupán egy központilag megosztott könyvtárból futtatni. Network Audit Teljes körű megoldás hálózati hardver- és szoftverleltár készítéséhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. December 10, 2024 The new AIDA64 update introduces SensorPanel Core template, AVX2 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Arrow Lake processors, and supports the latest graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by AMD, Intel and nVIDIA. SensorPanel Core template AVX2 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Core Ultra 200 Arrow Lake CPU Improved support for Intel Panther Lake SoC Irish localization Preliminary support for Intel Diamond Rapids and Nova Lake processors GPU details for Intel Arc B570 and Arc B580 GPU details for nVIDIA H200 NVL New features & improvements CheckMate benchmark utilizing AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for AMD Ryzen AI Strix APU Improved support for Intel Panther Lake CPU GPU details for AMD Granite Ridge Retired Queen benchmark What’s new since AIDA64 v7.00 Dark Mode with 3 dark themes Revamped user interface with configurable toolbar Icelandic Iceland localization AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7000 Series processors AVX2 optimized benchmarks for Intel Meteor Lake SoC Enhanced support for AMD TR5 socket motherboards Chipset information for AMD TRX50 and WRX90 Improved support for Intel Arrow Lake and Lunar Lake SoC NZXT Kraken 2023 and Kraken Elite sensor support Gskill WigiDash LCD support Microsoft Windows 11 2023 Update support Preliminary support for Intel “Clearwater Forest” and “Panther Lake” CPU ACPI 6.5 support GPU details for AMD Radeon RX 6750 GRE 12GB, Radeon RX 7600 XT GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 4000 Super Series CheckMate Benchmark This cutting-edge 64-bit multi-threaded benchmark focuses on the branch prediction capabilities and the misprediction penalties of the CPU. It finds the solutions for the classic "Queens problem" on a 16x16 chessboard. At the same clock speed, theoretically, the processor with the shorter pipeline and smaller misprediction penalties will attain higher benchmark scores. The CheckMate benchmark uses integer MMX, SSE2, SSSE3, AVX, AVX2, and AVX512 optimizations to ensure comprehensive performance testing. Additionally, it scales much better for multi-core CPUs than the previous Queen benchmark, taking full advantage of modern processors' parallel processing capabilities. For legacy systems, the benchmark is available in a 32-bit version fully optimized for older processors like AMD K5, K6, K7, K8, K10, as well as the entire Intel Pentium family. The heavily outdated Queen benchmark has been retired from the main set of AIDA64 benchmarks. AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for AMD Ryzen AI Strix APU AIDA64 CPUID Panel, Cache & Memory Benchmark panel, GPGPU Benchmark panel, and all cache, memory and processor benchmarks are fully optimized for AMD Zen 5 based Ryzen AI Strix desktop and mobile APUs, utilizing AVX-512, AVX2, FMA3, AES-NI and SHA instructions. Detailed chipset information for AMD 800-Series chipsets, as well as the integrated memory controller and integrated south bridge of Ryzen AI processors. Enhanced support for Socket AM5 motherboards. Release notes: Version: 7.50.7200 stable (Dec 10, 2024) SensorPanel Core template AVX2 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Core Ultra 200 Arrow Lake CPU Improved support for Intel Panther Lake SoC Irish localization Preliminary support for Intel Diamond Rapids and Nova Lake processors GPU details for Intel Arc B570 and Arc B580 GPU details for nVIDIA H200 NVL https://katfile.com/xcqd2yqr44tg/a64extreme750_portable.7z.html https://katfile.com/hc12xjzes4sx/a64engineer750_portable.7z.html https://katfile.com/64pziehq828x/a64business750_portable.7z.html https://katfile.com/m0fqvumttxq5/a64networkaudit750_portable.7z.html jelszó:aida
O&O Defrag Professional v29.1.11203 58MB Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! New: O&O Defrag supports Windows Compact OS: Many new things have been added to the O&O Defrag engine that make using it, especially under Windows 10, even better. That‘s why version 24 now supports the Windows 10-integrated feature for compressing system files so that more space can be kept free. New function “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The program selects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, slow system and program starts or system crashes while playing can be very frustrating. Periodic defragmentation often works wonders in bringing new life to a PC. New SOLID method By customer request, O&O Software has developed the defragmentation method SOLID in order to offer the user a choice adapted to his or her needs: SOLID/Complete and SOLID/Quick. Both methods sustainably extend the life of the SSD but differ in terms of the duration and protection of the hardware. O&O DiskCleaner The brand new in-built O&O DiskCleaner searches for and removes temporary and unnecessary files that are taking up memory and increasing fragmentation. O&O DiskCleaner also increases the security of your data, as private content (e.g. Thumbs.db, copies of documents, drafts of emails, Dumps) will no longer be kept as copies in unnecessary system files. Benefits of a clearly laid out hard disk Whenever it saves data, Windows scatters file fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down access times considerably. Defragmentation reverses this by rearranging data and speeding up access times dramatically. This not only saves the user time, it also reduces wear on hard disks and extends their life expectancy. Defragmentation can even make the difference if you lose important data because chances of full recovery are better on a defragmented disk. Why? After defragmentation, it’s easier for data recovery software such as O&O DiskRecovery to restore files when they’re not scattered across multiple areas of a hard disk. Automatic background defragmentation Automatic defragmentation can be configured with just three clicks and optimizes your disks behind the scenes with no negative impact on your computer’s performance. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation at a certain level of fragmentation, on particular days of the week, or whenever your screensaver is being used. Defragmentation can be paused and resumed whenever you want because O&O Defrag automatically recognizes where defragmentation was interrupted. Recommended use We recommend manual defragmentation for PCs that are being used heavily because only a user can decide when the time is right to give up the performance needed for running defragmentation. On computers using video editing or graphics applications, O&O Defrag can be configured to not start automatic optimization while certain programs are running. The default settings in O&O Defrag are more than adequate for ordinary desktop PCs running mainly internet or office applications. O&O Defrag is also perfect for notebooks. Whenever an external power supply is disconnected, O&O Defrag automatically goes into pause mode to save energy Product features: “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The programselects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system SOLID/Quick: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, performs a superficial optimization of the SSD, such as erasing the free space. This method is gentler and faster. SOLID/Complete: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, is a thorough optimization of the SSD. ClusterView with SSDs: In order to represent the degree of fragmentation of an SSD, the ClusterView now maps the logical structure of an SSD so that, accordingly, 6 blocks are combined into one. Fragment Filter to identify the most fragmented files on a drive O&O DiskCleaner Time View to see which defragmentation activity results in which successful optimization Easy-to-Use: Ideal for Beginners and Professionals Even faster system and program starts Defragmentation time reduced by up to 40% Defragmentation of locked files Lifetime Performance Statistics Optimizing systems with Thin Provisioning OS: Windows 11/10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 https://katfile.com/4xz3b5pb7j6p/oosf29203.7z.html jelszó:defrag
AnyBurn Pro 6.3 8MB AnyBurn is a light weight but professional CD / DVD / Blu-ray burning software that everyone must have. It provides a free and complete solution for burning and disc imaging. It is completely free for both home and business use. Main Features: Burn all CD / DVD / Blu-ray disc image files. Backup or add files and folders to CD, DVD, or Bluray disc Burn Audio CD which can be played in regular CD player from mp3, m4a, ape, flac, wma files... Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, WAV files. Copy disc using sector by sector method. Create image files from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs. Convert disc image files between various formats. Create bootable USB drive for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or Linux. Test disc sectors. Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. https://katfile.com/1e3dqxbpwzei/ABP63.7z.html burn
ProfiCAD 12.4.6 Multilingual 11MB A ProfiCAD elektromos és elektronikus diagramok, kapcsolási rajzok, vezérlési kapcsolási rajzok rajzolására készült, valamint pneumatika, hidraulika és egyéb műszaki diagramok készítésére is alkalmas. A legegyszerűbb CAD elektromos áramkörökhöz. Ezernél több szimbólumot tartalmaz, de könnyedén létrehozhatja saját szimbólumait a szimbólumszerkesztőben. Támogatja a szimbólumok automatikus számozását, hálózati listák, vezetéklisták, anyagjegyzékek generálását, csíkos vezetékek rajzolását és további fejlett funkciókat. A program támogatja a kereszthivatkozásokat a vezetékek és az egy komponenshez tartozó szimbólumok között (pl. relé tekercs + érintkezők). A program hálólistát és anyagszámlát generál. Az electronikai szimbólumok automatikusan számozódnak. DXF formátumban menthető diagrammok. A rajzok könnyen beilleszthetők a Microsoft Office és más programokba. A magyar nyelv támogatott. ProfiCAD is designed for drawing of electrical and electronic diagrams, schematics, control circuit diagrams and can also be used for pneumatics, hydraulics and other types of technical diagrams. Features: The easiest CAD for electrical circuits. Maximum care was paid to ergonomics and ease of use. Just place electrical symbols into the drawing and attach the wires. Ships with more than one thousand symbols. You can easily create your own symbols in the symbols editor or have them drawn for you for a fee. Supports automatic numbering of symbols, generation of netlists, lists of wires, bills of material, drawing of striped wires and further advanced features. The program supports cross references between wires and between symbols belonging to one component (e.g. relay coil + contacts). A linked symbol on a different page can be accessed by clicking on the cross reference. Changelog ProfiCAD 12.3.2 Variables The Variables tab in the document settings displays the variables of the current title block. ProfiCAD 12.3.1 10/24/2023 Symbol blocks Related symbols can be combined into blocks. Blocks of symbols are bounded by a rectangle that has its own label (reference). The block reference is displayed in print reports (bill of material, list of connections, etc.) in the "block reference - symbol reference" format. Example: symbol HL1 in block DSA1 is displayed as DSA1-HL1. To create a block: Draw a rectangle around the group of symbols. In the Properties panel, enter the block reference. The block can be removed by deleting the rectangle. pdf with hyperlinks Cross-references in PDF When exporting a drawing to PDF format, cross-references are also preserved. https://katfile.com/0vfopib4yhxd/pcd1246m.7z.html jelszó:profi
FastStone Capture v10.9 15MB A FastStone Capture egy egyszerű mégis teljes funkcionalitású képernyőfelvételi- és képernyő videófelvevő. Lehetővé teszi, hogy könnyedén rögzítsen a bármit a képernyőn, beleértve az ablakokat, objektumokat, menüket, teljes képernyőt, téglalap alakú / szabadkézi / rögzített területeket, valamint görgethető ablakokat. Továbbá a görgethető weboldalakat aktuális teljes tartalmát egy képként történő lementését. FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool and screen video recorder. It allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular / freehand / fixed regions as well as scrolling windows / web pages. It also allows you to record all screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from microphone, audio from speakers, webcam, mouse movements and clicks into highly compressed video files. You can choose to send captures to editor, file, clipboard, printer, email, OneNote / Word / Excel / PowerPoint document or upload them to your website. Editing tools include annotating (texts, arrowed lines, highlights), resizing, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, applying edge effects and many more. Other features include image scanning, global hotkeys, automatic filename generation, support for external editors, a color picker, a screen magnifier, a screen crosshair and a screen ruler. FastStone Capture saves images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, FSC and PDF formats. Built-in screen recorder saves videos in MP4 and WMV formats. Features A handy Capture Panel that provides quick access to its capture tools and output options Capture windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand/fixed-size regions and scrolling windows/web pages Capture multiple windows and objects including multi-level menus Record screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from microphone, audio from speakers, webcam, mouse movements and clicks into highly compressed video files (MP4 and WMV) Screen Recorder has a built-in video editor that allows you to draw annotations, apply zoom effects and cut unwanted sections. Videos can even be converted to animated gifs Screen Recorder provides a "Convert to MP4" tool that converts or resizes video files (MP4 and WMV) under various resolution and quality options Options to specify output destination (internal editor, clipboard, file, printer ...) Draw annotation objects such as callouts, straight/curved text, arrowed lines, highlights, watermarks, rectangles, circles, step numbers, emojis and much more Apply effects such as spotlight, drop-shadow, frame, torn-edge and fade-edge Blur selected area Add image caption Resize, crop, rotate, sharpen, brighten, adjust colors Undo/Redo Support tabs that allow you to capture and edit multiple screenshots simultaneously Organize and group tabs in multiple workspaces (optional). Each workspace remembers its last-used folder and works like a separate instance of the internal editor Support external editors Save images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF formats Save images in FSC (FastStone Capture) format, a proprietary and loss-less format that preserves annotation objects together with image data for future re-editing Save videos in MP4 and WMV formats Acquire images from scanner Convert images into a single PDF file Combine images into a single image file Print multiple images in batch mode Send captured images by email Send captured images to OneNote, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents Send captured images to a Web (FTP) server Auto capture screen repeatedly at user-specified time intervals Screen Color Picker Screen Magnifier Screen Crosshair Screen Focus Screen Ruler Support multiple monitors Support high-DPI/high-resolution/4K monitors Support touch interface (tap, swipe, pinch) Global hotkeys to activate screen capturing instantly Run when Windows starts (optional) Minimize to System Tray area Small footprint in memory And much more ... Version 10.9 (November 28, 2024) Added support for multiple desktops in Windows 10/11 Other improvements and bug fixes Version 10.8 (October 14, 2024) Enhanced "Pin to Screen" Added "Text Box" in Draw Mode Added "Press Spacebar to" (Hide at Top, Actual Size, Draw Mode) to Options Added "Send to Editor" (Current Image, All Images) to right-click menu You can now hold the Ctrl key and drag your mouse along the borders to quickly expand or shrink the image canvas Added "Copy to Clipboard" to "Combine" tool preview Added "Sharp YUV (Slower but higher qua https://katfile.com/j2fbqt567whq/fsc109.7z.html Portable 10MB (38MB) https://katfile.com/imcnz3i7tlda/fsc109po.7z.html jelszó:v109
Active Directory Pro Toolkit v2.0.13 73MB Simplify Active Directory Management The AD Pro Toolkit is a collection of Active Directory Tools to streamline Active Directory management and reporting. Save hours of manual work. Key Features Easy to Use, Save Hours of Work Avoid the administrative gaps created by native tools and skip the time-consuming challenges of PowerShell with the all-in-one toolkit created to manage critical Microsoft AD environments and make your job simpler. User Creation Tool Bulk create user accounts, add users to groups. Create user from templates and more. Learn More Bulk Modify Users Easily bulk update user account attributes and user account settings. Learn More AD Cleanup Tool Find stale and inactive accounts in Active Directory. Cleanup Active Directory. Learn More User Unlock Tool Quickly find all locked users, reset passwords, troubleshoot lockouts. Learn More User Offboarding Automate the removal of user accounts, permissions and account settings. Learn More Export User Tool Export all users, users from an OU, groups or specific users to CSV, Excel or PDF. Learn More User Templates Create users from templates. Create your own templates to streamline account creation. AD Group Management Easily add or remove users to multiple groups, bulk modify and more. Lockout Troubleshooter Find the source of accounts lockouts, get lockout events from all DCs. User Management Quickly get account details, enable, disable, move, modify groups, unlock and reset. Update ProxyAddresses Bulk add, update and remove user proxyaddresses and other attributes. Bulk Reset Passwords Bulk reset all user password or specific users. Change password at next logon. AD Pro Toolkit is a collection of Active Directory Tools to automate and simplify Active Directory management. - 19-in 1 Active Directory Toolkit - No PowerShell scripting - Easy to use AD Tools - Automated email reports 2.0.12 (11-21-2024) Fixed – Group members report was not showing nested groups. Fixed – Recently deleted users report was including computers. Added – Password never expires option to Bulk User Import Added – Clear Email Attribute to offboarding user tool https://katfile.com/4gvur9wgy6n6/aspt213.7z.html jelszó:2013
VueScan Pro 9.8.40 Multilingual 24MB Szkennelő program JPG, PNG és PDF kimeneti formátummal. Meghajtóprogramtól függetlenül saját kompatibilitási listával rendelkezik, ezért a lehető legtöbb szkennert kezeli (7400 db). A magyar nyelv támogatott. VueScan is a powerful scanning application that allows you to acquire high-quality images using a flatbed or film scanner. If you are not satisfied with the software delivered by the scanner vendor or if you want to improve it with new functions you should try this program. Scan Documents Whether you need to scan a single page or a hundred page book, VueScan has the tools to help you. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) Scan to PDF (Single and Multipage) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Automatic Color Detection Small document file sizes Automatic document deskewing Scan Photos Do you have a box full of photos in your drawer? Use VueScan to get them on your computer, and off your to-do list. Scan to JPG or TIFF Whether you're saving a few snapshots or archiving boxes of prints, VueScan has the tools you need to output your scans at either the highest possible quality or a large number of good quality scans. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) VueScan supports over 3000+ different scanners from 35 manufacturers, even scanners that don't have drivers from their manufacturers anymore. Preset photo sizes for faster scans VueScan improves one of the slowest parts about scanning by scanning only the part of the flatbed where your photo is. So you can spend less time scanning, and more time enjoying your photos. Scan multiple photos on the flatbed Scanning multiple photos with VueScan is very simple. Just put them in the corners of the flatbed, do a preview, and manually crop each of the photos without needing to do another scan. Automatic file naming for faster scans Don't waste time manually naming every photo, use VueScan's auto naming feature to include dates, numbers, or other prefixes and suffixes in your file names. Remove fading and correct colors Stay out of photoshop and save the best version possible of your photos with VueScan's built in features to remove fading, and correct colors. Scan Film and Slides VueScan is the ultimate tool for all your film and slide scanning needs. Works with almost all film/slide scanners Scan to JPEG/TIFF/RAW Infrared Dust Removal Color correction IT8 Calibration Photoshop Integration https://katfile.com/s3gl70ostfi9/vsp984.7z.html jelszó:scan
DiskGenius Professional Multilingual 62MB Particiokezelő,adatmentő-helyreállító DiskGenius (old PartitionGuru) - is a very useful, easy to use application specially designed to offer users a partition management and data recovery software. In addition to partition management functions such as creating, deleting, formatting partitions, it also provides more powerful functions like recovering lost files, recovering lost partitions, clone partition to image file, partition clone, disk clone, quick partition etc. Very useful, easy-to-use application specially designed to manage disk partitions, and restore data on it. In addition to functions for managing partitions, such as deleting, creating, formatting partitions. The program provides an even more powerful features, such as restoring lost partitions, restore lost files, backup, partitions, partition cloning, cloning drive, advanced file operations, etc. The application also supports VMware, VirtualBox and Virtual PC virtual disk files. Supports SCSI, IDE, SATA drives and USB drives, memory cards. Supported file systems FAT12 / FAT16 / FAT32 / NTFS / EXT3. Features: File Recovery and Partition Recovery Powerful and effective function for file recovery and partition recovery helps you solve all sorts of data loss issues. PartitionGuru is capable of recovering lost data from various storage devices, including hard drive, USB flash drive, SSD, external hard drive, memory card, memory stick, virtual disk and more. It can construct virtual RAID and recover data from virtual RAID just like from local disks. Efficient Partition Manager The best partition manager provides all-sided functions for disk and partition utitilies. With PartitionGuru, you can create, format, delete, hide, resize, split, clone and backup partition, rebuild MBR, convert dynamic disk to basic disk, operate virtual disks, etc. Safely resize or split partition without losing data; Convert partition table type MBR to GUID without damaging data and vice versa; Support dynamic disks volume management and converting dynamic disk to basic disk; Check 4K sector alignment for partitions and support 4K sector advanced formatting hard drives. Disk & Partition Backup Mighty backup and restore function is built in the program to guarantee data security, and no complicated operating steps are required. Backup partition to image file or restore partition from image file; Clone partition to another partition by file or copy by sectors; Clone the entire hard drive to another disk by file or by sectors; Clone virtual disk and its partitions. More Useful Functions The program offers all-around functions to improve computer performance. Check and repair bad sectors for all kinds of storage devices, such as, hard drive, external hard drive, USB flash disk .etc. Delete files permanently so that files can’t be recovered by any methods or tools; Create bootable USB flash disk in case of Windows crash, and support USB-FDD, USB-ZIP and USB-HDD modes; Edit sectors just like WinHex, which is preferred by computer professionals; PartitionGuru Dos version is embedded with same interface and functions. Release Notes Changes Made in the Latest Version [ Ver ] Enhanced 1. When using the Delete Files Permanently feature, if the partition cannot be locked after selecting the "Delete Directory Entry" option, the software will restart into WinPE and then perform the operation. 2. To ensure the smooth completion of operations such as formatting partitions, cloning partitions, and cloning disks, the BitLocker encryption status of the target partition will be removed if it is a BitLocker encrypted partition. 3. For features that require restarting and entering WinPE to execute, if a BitLocker encrypted partition is involved, the software will temporarily turn off the encryption status and restore it after the operation is completed. 4. Optimize the file recovery effect for exFAT partitions. 5. The resizing of partitions within dynamic volumes is not allowed. Fixed 1. Fixed the issue that the software did not refresh after inserting a USB disk. 2. Fixed the issue that the exFAT and FAT32 partitions were displayed as damaged in some cases. 3. Fixed the issue that the capacity of USB drives containing an ISO partition was displayed incorrectly. https://katfile.com/0gd52dwp7vxl/digipro56.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/xp856fz8fe2o/digipro56po.7z.html jelszó:5611
IsoBuster Pro Enterprise x86 10MB Támogatja az összes adathordozótípust, beleértve a CD/DVD, BD/HD DVD, merevlemezek, SSD, USB flash meghajtók, Zip meghajtók, Jaz meghajtók, floppy lemezek, stb. Mentse meg az elveszett fájlokat egy rossz vagy tönkrement CD-ről, DVD-ről vagy Blu Ray lemezről. Törölt fájlok visszaállítása merevlemezről, memóriakártyáról vagy flash adathordozóról, amelyről a Windows szerint formázni kell ! Mentsd meg a fontos dokumentumokat, értékes képeket vagy videókat a családtól, az egyetlen rendszermentésed,... IsoBuster for Windows Supporting ALL types of media, including CD/DVD, BD/HD DVD, Hard Drives, SSD, USB flash drives, Zip drives, Jaz drives, floppies etc. Rescue lost files from a bad or trashed CD, DVD or a Blu Ray disc. Recover deleted files from a Hard Drive, Memory card or of from flash media that Windows says needs to be formatted ! Save important documents, precious pictures or video from the family, your only system backup,... Changes / New: Windows 11 tested, improved, ready Support for ReplayTV 1000, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3020, 3030, 3060, 4000, 4040, 4080, 4160, 4320, 4500, 4504, 4508, 4516, 4532, 5000, 5040, 5060, 5080, 5160, 5320, 5500, 5504, 5508, 5516 and 5532 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Support for ShowStopper PV-HS1000, ShowStopper PV-HS2000 and ShowStopper PV-HS3000 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Support for Thomson DTH7000 / RCA DRS7000 "Scenium" and Thomson DTH7500 / RCA DRC7005 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Roxio, Prassi, Sonic *.gi image file CD-Text support Ability to keep certain attributes ('Read Only', 'System', 'Hidden' and/or 'Archive') when extracting files Ability to auto-complete a managed IBP/IBQ image file in a loop, until stopped or completed. Look for a checkbox on the various dialogs, before creating, when opening an incomplete image, after first creation or completion etc. The check box is pre-checked if this has been set in Options Read Error dialog's [Retry] button will now automatically be clicked, again and again, with a 10 second interval, so that after an error the process can continue automatically if the sector could be read afterall The [Retry] button (and hence automatic execution) is not the default button on the RETRY-SELECT-ABORT error dialog, but it can be via a setting in Options Improvements: Find orphaned/deleted PS2 MC card folders (if the PS2-MC-FAT is still OK) Also scan for PS2 APA partitions when a GPT partition scheme has already been found Append "[Deleted]" to the filename of deleted files and folders in the PS2 MC file system (if the deleted files/folders are located in a not-deleted folder) Detect PS2 APA boot.kelf files even if they're not referenced from the header Show what is selected in the Options (left pane) TreeView, even when the control is not in focus Updated a number of icons Improved algorithm to Extract while filtering only mpeg frames on DVD Improved finding all VOB files via the DVD-VFR IFO files Improved the /ef: command to incorporate wildcard search functionality to find a particular file before extracting it Improvement to make sure CUE files of CD-i discs, as created with IsoBuster, are still recognized as CD-i discs Always write out CD-Text data to the *.CUE, even if a *.CDT could be created. This way the CD-Text data is also easily readable via a text file (the *.cue) Improved detecting generic split image files based on their extension (Added *.00 and *_00.pdi variants) Added *.00 to Open Image file filter Improved *.gi parsing to deal with certain variants Improved showing file icons in the (right pane) ListView when the OS is super slow to respond Sector View now also 'understands' "start", "end", "first", "last" and "mid" to read the first, last or middle sector of the selected object Sector View "start", "end", "first", "last" and "mid" can be followed by a + or - value, which is then taken in account (e.g. "last-32" will show the 32nd sector before the Last LBA of the selected object) Improved GPT partition table parsing, making use of its backup, to still find partitions on a HDD/SSD or USB stick Use the GPT Partition Entry name/label to name partitions found via the GPT Improved ability to interrupt building a report Do not display edit window if building a report was cancelled The Pause dialog that can be called on several functions now has a checkbox to auto-resume the process again in 60 seconds Improved Progress bar behaviour Various GUI tweaks were made for best compatibility with Windows 11 Checking for errors (Surface Scan, Check if all files are physically readable) defaults to normal generic reading again instead of mostly raw reading. This makes for a more accurate real life test. Improved detecting exceptional CD media (CD-i, VCD) that needs to be read and verified raw Improved High Contrast mode (for the visually impaired), especially on Window 10 and higher Plenty of other improvements, a few changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality Various other GUI improvements Fixes: Fix when extracting Raw2User. In certain rare occassions there could be slightly more data in the file Fixed GUI issue when doing a manual retry while reading from a managed (*.ibp/ibq) image file. A new dialog would be created on every manual retry. Fixed issues that, under certain conditions, prevented a DVD IFO -VFR folder to be expanded Fixes: [IsoBuster 4.9.1] Fixed an Exception Error that could happen while parsing certain IFO file systems on DVD Fixed a Stack Overflow (IsoBuster would simply shut down) on highly fragmented files in the UDF file system https://katfile.com/o67bn4wux8mw/ibpe5410.7z.html jelszó:buster
VCap Downloader Pro 85MB A VCap Downloader (VCapDL) egy univerzális szoftver, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy videót és hangot rögzítsen internetes oldalakról. A szoftver felülete hasonlít egy hagyományos böngészőéhez, ami megkönnyíti a felhasználó számára a szoftver megismerését és a vele való munkát. A felhasználónak csak be kell másolnia a videó url-jét a kedvenc böngészőjéből, és át kell vinnie a VCap Downloader programba. A VCap Downloader rögzíti a videót, és elérhető minőségben kínálja a letöltést. A hangsávot is kiveheti bármely videóból, és MP3 formátumba konvertálhatja. A VCap Downloader egyik előnye az egyszerű beépített videószerkesztő, amely lehetővé teszi a leggyakoribb műveletek elvégzését, mint például a videók vágása vagy méretének módosítása. VCap Downloader (VCapDL) is a universal software that allows you to capture video and audio from internet sites. The software interface resembles that of a regular browser, which makes it easier for the user to get to know and work with this software. The user just needs to copypast the video url from favorite browser and transfer it to VCap Downloader. VCap Downloader will capture the video and offer available quality for downloading. You can also extract audio track from any video and convert it to MP3 format. One of the advantages of VCap Downloader is a simple built-in video editor. It allows you to do simple most common actions like trimming, cropping or resizing videos. Simple and Easy Familiar browser interface Simple and user-friendly interface Easy access to download the files Drag&Drop Multilanguage Support of 4K monitors Fast and Effective Downloading files quickly on how much your Internet connection allows Multithreaded downloading Supports media stream M3U8, MPEG-DASH, VIMEO-STREAM protocols Automatic MP3 conversion Simple video editor Changelog (21.09.2024) add new seting "Sets the web server datetime for the downloaded file" updated YouTube downloader for some types videos updated adding subtitles to the video file refactoring and bug fix https://katfile.com/2wpqu6dv3wnb/vcp124.7z.html Portable https://katfile.com/9sbk0sp9jkzh/vcp124po.7z.html jelszó:vcap
Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out - The Frosty Planet Pack v643502 7zip | 1143MB | kolónia menedzser, túlélő 20241125-i kiadás. Novemberi Quality Of Life update, Spaced oOut és The Frosty Planet Pack dlc-k engedélyezve , achievement overlay külső program hozzáadása nélkül (custom crack) Magyarítás és Quality Of Life modok mellékelve, a dokumentumok/Klei mappába kell másolni majd játékon belül egyéni igény szerint engedélyezni. Az unlocker feloldja a premium tapétákat, tárgy skineket és az öltözékeket. In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving... It’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations: Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost. Our focus for the past few months has been on improving performance for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We’ve been tweaking, fixing and changing lots of things: not all individually noticeable, but they add up to a faster, smoother gameplay experience. You’ll also be seeing some new faces at the watercooler. Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out! This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildings—including one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption action—we’ve also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONI’s new cosmetic skins! Whew. If you’re new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the roadmap here. Let’s dig in! New Buildings and Rooms We added a Conduction Panel that exchanges heat with buildings that it overlaps with, offering a new way to cool down space industry buildings—or whatever else you’ve decided to build in the glorious vacuum of your asteroid’s surface. The Mission Control Station broadcasts guidance data that ramps up a rocket’s speed during flight. It needs to be built inside one of the new rooms (the Laboratory) with a line of sight to space in order to function. The Laboratory also enables the use of the Geotuner… We like making things go “boom” as much as anyone else, and the Geotuner is built to do just that: aim it at an analyzed geyser anywhere on your asteroid, send a Duplicant over to compile some amplification data, and your targeted geyser will automatically get a little extra juice (heat- and output-wise) the next time it’s erupting. Are we nostalgic for our old science-fair days? Maybe. Duplicants are now rewarded with an extra large morale boost when they are given a Private Bedroom. The Private Bedroom requires a single comfy bed, a fully constructed backwall, and a few decor items to make your Duplicants comfortable. Story Trait: Mysterious Hermit The Mysterious Hermit is the star of our latest story trait. Convince him to join your colony (and let you repurpose his old haunt) by completing some tasks, like delivering tasty, tasty food to his curious domicile. The Frosty Planet Pack DLC is out on Steam TODAY! This DLC features a frozen new world filled with brand-new biomes, oddly adorable new critters, new buildings, blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), plants, resources and deliciously deep-fried foods! We've even recruited a new Duplicant! The DLC can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam! It'll be available on WeGame and Epic soon, too. If you dug into this glittering new icescape during our free beta period, rest assured (or alarmed) that there's plenty more to explore in the full version—including a big engineering project deep down at the planet's core. There's also a Blasted Ceres option in the Lab for the thrillseekers who want an extra-challenging version of this new starting world. Sure, the whole colony's complaining about frostbite, but wait 'til they discover the hot new ways to stay warm! Just don't let those snow tiles melt... We've revised temperature mechanics for Duplicants and critters to make things simpler and more interesting. We've also introduced the option to mix in asteroids and biomes from one or more DLCs when making a new game, so you can scramble the cosmos at will! The "Scramble DLC" tool works for The Frosty Planet Pack and future additions to the ONI universe. patch notes Changes and Improvements All versions Added strings for the schedule morale effect shown when hovering over Morale when selecting a Duplicant. Shift break bonuses are now called Downtime Bonuses to clarify that they are directly associated with the number of Downtime schedule blocks assigned to a Duplicant. Schedule screen height starts smaller and grows when a second schedule is added. Fixes All versions Fixed issue causing morale acquired from Downtime schedule blocks to disappear on save/load. Fixed issue playing video on final screen of a colony imperative victory sequence. Frosty Planet Pack Fixed Full Steam Ahead achievement not working. MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 (64 bit) Processzor: Dual Core 2 GHz Memória: 4 GB RAM Grafika: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent) DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás - loader futtatása vagy -tetszőleges crack (experimental crack vagy custom crack) használata -OxygenNotIncluded.exe futtatása https://katfile.com/kbb287qheqmi/onisefo643502.7z.html jelszó:oxygen
Internet Download Accelerator Pro Multilingual 8MB A Download Accelerator segítségével a letöltéseket vezérelhetjük, gyorsíthatjuk, illetve biztonságossá tehetjük. A program szolgáltatása: megszakadt letöltések folytatása, a több szálon történő letöltések (multiszerver) használata. Használhatjuk Internet Explorer és Firefox és Chrome alapú böngészőkhöz, a böngészőbe épülő plugint opcionálisan telepíti. IDA AVCInternet Download Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and BitTorrent protocols. The acceleration is achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts and downloading these parts at the same time. Internet Download Accelerator resumes broken downloads from where they left off from both HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and BitTorrent servers. To increase usability Internet Download Accelerator integrates with Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, Yandex.Browser, Vivaldi and others, replacing the standard download modules. Moreover, the program monitors the system clipboard and detects URLs in the clipboard. With IDA you can download and save video from popular video services. Whatever your connection type, Internet Download Accelerator will use the bandwidth of your connection most effectively and download files extremely fast. Power and useful tool for management of download categories. Possibility of automatic file type detection with automatic file placement to the specified categories. Unlimited number of categories and hierarchy levels. Features Easy to use - intuitive, user-friendly, and customizable user interface; - download lists support with rich sorting options; - the floating window including download speed indicator, active downloads indicators, cart for dragging links; - original Advanced Visual Cart Active Visual Cart technology which lets you to work with IDA without opening the main program window; - support for plug-ins; - skins support; - Fast Update - check for availability of new versions of the program; - multilingual support. Full set of necessary functions - dynamic multi-threaded download; - download files using BitTorrent protocol (.torrent and magnet links); new - resumes interrupted downloads from where they were stopped, from HTTP, HTTPS, FTP servers, and BitTorrent; - scheduled operation, PC shutdown, sleep or stand-by after completing download; - optimal settings for work with various connection types (dial-up, ISDN, ADSL, LAN) at various speed; - FTP Explorer; - support for download mirrors. Searching for and adding download mirrors; - ability to download video and mp3 from popular video services; new - ability to download 8K, 4K and FullHD video from popular videoservices; - ability to download 180° and 360° spherical videos; - download video with subtitles; new - sending links to download from messengers (Telegram); new - watch video while downloading; new - power and useful tool for management of download categories; - work with ZIP archives: option to preview the contents of ZIP archives before download, option to download only files selected from an archive, option to check ZIP archives and recover corrupted files as well as option to unpack archives; - work with RAR archives: option to check RAR archives, option to unpack archives; - detailed log-file for every download; - site manager for passwords and download folders management; - download speed control, automatic mode for the most comfortable browsing on the Web. Manual mode for dynamic control of download speed; - option to set priorities for downloads; - possibility to download html-pages with images; - download entire folders (including subfolders) via FTP; - content recognition when working through HTTP; - work with command-line; - dial for dial-up connection; - search for files, programs, archives and documents in MyTopFiles.com file catalog; - Smart Pause/Start. Ability to temporarily stop current downloads with option to start them later in the same order and state; - rich options of tuning connection parameters HTTP, HTTPS and FTP; - work behind HTTP and FTP proxy-servers, support for NTLM and NTLM-proxy authentication. IDA can automatically detect and use your browser's proxy-server settings; - support for FTP over SSL/TSL; - option to play streaming audio and video files while they are being downloaded. Automatic receipt of information about MP3 files when starting download; - downloads history; - option of dragging selected text from browser or another program onto the floating window. IDA will find links in the text and offer you to start download; - ability to drag download description text from another programs. Automatic insertion of the text selected on a page opened in IE into the download description. - search in the download list; - option of automatic synchronization of files on servers and your computer (autoupdate); - checking downloaded files for updates (manually or automatically); - marking downloaded files as unread; - wide download list export/import options. Supported formats: *.txt, *.txtd, *.lst, *.urls, *.ion; - ability to check MD5 sum of downloaded files. Highest download speed - intellectual multi-section download. Internet Download Accelerator dynamically splits a file being downloaded into several sections and downloads all the sections at the same time. It increases the speed of download up to 500%; - automatically restarts download when download speed decreases which helps to avoid stoppage; - download speed control with automatic mode making web-surfing more comfortable. Rich options of integration - integration with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge New!, Apple Safari, Vivaldi New!, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Yandex.Browser and others; - monitoring the clipboard; - integration with anti-virus programs; - toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox New!. The program also contains: - FTP Explorer; - site manager for password and download folders management; - scheduler; - download speed control, automatic mode for the most comfortable browsing on the Web; - dial for dial-up connection; - search for files, programs, games, and music; - IDA Bar - a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox. https://katfile.com/y0jfqs17ebk5/idap713.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/xojkraroixm0/idap713po.7z.html jelszó:download
SoftPerfect AllInOne Soft 10 in 1 Patch-Keygen v2.4.6.9 126MB SoftPerfect AIO pack 10 in 1 , telepítős és portable verziók az aktuális védelemnek megfelelő patch-keygen-nel. SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.2.11 https://www.softperfect.com/products/bandwidth/logo.svg Bandwidth limiter and traffic shaper for Windows Are your Internet usage or costs unexpectedly high? Does inappropriate use of the network or the Internet have an adverse effect on your business performance? Did the Internet access bandwidth become a major bottleneck in your network? If your network has any of these problems, SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager will provide a cost-effective solution. The software monitors your network traffic and limits bandwidth in whatever manner you specify. The result is an immediate increase in the efficiency of your network together and a reduction in your overall bandwidth requirements while allowing important Internet applications to run at full speed. SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is a full-featured traffic management tool for Windows that offers cost-effective bandwidth control and quality of service based on built-in prioritised rules. These rules can specify a bandwidth limit for each Internet user. The software of this kind is otherwise known as bandwidth limiter or traffic shaper. With its help, you can apply speed-throttling rules to specified IP and MAC addresses, ports and even network interfaces with no changes to your existing network infrastructure. The rich feature set of SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager software is easily managed via the intuitive Windows GUI. Key features Centralised configuration from a single network location. Flexible, prioritised, bidirectional rules to specify maximum data rates and usage allowances. Rules for IP and MAC addresses, protocols, ports (for TCP/IP) and network interfaces. Transparency for end users with no client software installation required in most cases. Quotas, scheduler, email notifications and comprehensive usage reports. NetWorx 7.2.1 https://www.softperfect.com/products/networx/logo.svg Bandwidth monitoring and data usage reports for Windows, macOS and Linux NetWorx is a simple yet versatile tool that helps you monitor your Internet connection. It can collect usage data, monitor connection quality and measure the speed of your Internet. It can also assist in identifying possible sources of network problems, ensuring that you do not exceed your ISP usage limits and tracking down suspicious network activity. NetWorx allows you to monitor a local network adapter or your router, or track the applications on your computer that access the Internet. Collected historical usage statistics are organised into daily, weekly and monthly reports. Real time connection usage is represented by an elegant and highly customisable graph, accompanied by a list of applications accessing the Internet. Built-in connection Speed Test can run on demand or on a schedule, so you can see if you are getting the promised speeds from your provider. In addition, there is a Connection Monitor that tracks downtime and monitors your ping time throughout the day. Both these features allow you to make sure you are getting a quality Internet connection. Key features Historical usage reports by day, week and month. Close supervision of uploads and downloads in real time. Monitoring the applications accessing the Internet. Support of local network adapters and remote SNMP and UPnP devices. Configurable actions when the network activity exceeds a certain level. Speed Meter for testing Internet connection speed. Connection Monitor for regular connection status checks. With NetWorx you can: Find out and monitor how fast your Internet connection is and how much data you consume. Verify whether your ISP charges your Internet usage fairly. Detect a suspicious network activity on your computer. Monitor connection quality by tracking downtime and ping. Be notified about excessive Internet usage. SoftPerfect Connection Emulator 1.8.2 https://www.softperfect.com/products/connectionemulator/logo.svg Controlled environment for network application testing SoftPerfect Connection Emulator iconSoftPerfect Connection Emulator (SCE) is a WAN environment emulator for network application developers, system administrators and network engineers. Software developers creating network-enabled applications, especially time-critical ones like VoIP software or real time protocols, need to thoroughly test their products in a range of environments. Most applications work well on broadband connections, but what if your application will also be used on low-speed communication links such as GPRS or Satellite? This is where SCE comes in handy. It imitates a network connection with low bandwidth limits, latency and losses. With SCE you can test how well your application performs on slow or long-distance connections to ensure the quality of your software product. SCE runs on any PC with Windows, allowing you to selectively apply bandwidth limits, introduce random or fixed delays on data flows, and simulate packet loss to mimic a low-grade communication channel. SoftPerfect Connection Emulator is available as an unlimited duration trial, however maximum simulation session is limited to 30 seconds. Purchasing a licence will remove this limitation and allow running lengthy simulations. Key features Runs on any PC with Windows 7 or higher. Restricts connection speed. Imitates fixed or variable latency. Simulates individual and sequential packet loss, corruption, duplication and reordering. Displays live packet simulation chart. Supports multiple simulation profiles. Connection Quality Monitor 1.1 https://www.softperfect.com/products/qualitymonitor/logo.svg Internet connection status tracking Connection Quality Monitor iconConnection Quality Monitor is a software package that monitors the health of your Internet connection. It periodically checks whether the connection is online, and records ping time, jitter and downtime. Additionally, it periodically performs a speed test and records the measured upload and download speeds. This information is presented in a chart, making it easy to spot any intermittent connection issues and verify if download/upload speeds are stable and up to your Internet service provider promises. Connection Quality Monitor can be used in multiple locations, for example in several offices connected via VPN, and all its instances can be managed from a single point, such as a network administrator workstation. NetGenius 1.1.2 https://www.softperfect.com/products/netgenius/logo.svg Internet connection optimisation and application control NetGenius iconNetGenius is a modern Internet connection monitoring, control and optimisation tool. It lets you watch the apps using your Internet in real-time, control their access, and get detailed usage reports. Bandwidth-sensitive applications like voice calls, videos or games can be prioritised. Less important applications like software updates, file downloads or cloud backups can be restricted to and prevented from occupying your entire connection. Finally, the applications that should not be going online can be blocked from accessing the Internet, which is important for better privacy and security. Key features Internet usage monitoring in real-time. Bandwidth prioritisation for important apps. Bandwidth caps on less important apps. Firewall functionality that blocks Internet for selected apps and folders. Comprehensive usage reports for any time period. Additionally NetGenius is Capable of excluding LAN traffic and handling up to 1 Gbps speed. Built atop the Windows Filtering Platform and fully supports Windows 7 to Windows 10. Able to manage multiple computers from one place. SoftPerfect Network Scanner 8.2.3 https://www.softperfect.com/products/networkscanner/logo.svg Powerful multipurpose network administration tool for Windows, macOS and Linux SoftPerfect Network Scanner iconThis fast, highly configurable IPv4/IPv6 scanner can streamline many of your network support procedures. Its well-designed interface, light weight and portability coupled with an extensive range of options and advanced features make SoftPerfect Network Scanner an invaluable tool, whether you are a professional system administrator, someone providing occasional network maintenance, or a general user interested in computer security. SoftPerfect Network Scanner can ping computers, scan ports, discover shared folders and retrieve practically any information about network devices via WMI, SNMP, HTTP, SSH and PowerShell. It also scans for remote services, registry, files and performance counters; offers flexible filtering and display options and exports NetScan results to a variety of formats from XML to JSON. Key features Fully supports both IPv4 and IPv6 discovery. Performs a ping sweep and displays live devices. Detects hardware MAC-addresses, even across routers. Discovers writable and hidden shared folders. Detects internal and external IP addresses. Retrieves any system information via WMI, remote registry, file system and service manager. Scans for listening TCP ports, some UDP and SNMP services. Retrieves currently logged-on users, configured user accounts, uptime, etc. Supports remote SSH, PowerShell and VBScript command execution. Launches external third party applications. Supports Wake-On-LAN, remote shutdown and sending network messages. Exports results to HTML, XML, JSON, CSV and TXT. Integrates with Nmap for OS discovery, vulnerability tests, and much more. Can be run from a USB flash drive without installation. RAM Disk for Windows and macOS 4.4.2 https://www.softperfect.com/products/ramdisk/logo.svg Increase computer performance and SSD lifespan SoftPerfect RAM Disk iconSoftPerfect RAM Disk is a high-performance RAM disk application that lets you have a disk on your computer stored entirely in its memory. As the memory is much faster than physical hard disks, storing temporary data on a fast in-memory disk achieves a higher performance. Whatever your job is, read on to find out what a RAM disk can offer you. SoftPerfect RAM Disk creates a virtual disk residing in the computer RAM accessible in Windows Explorer and other applications, allowing you to store any temporary information on this disk. Furthermore, Windows can be configured to use the RAM disk for temp files, so that the system and most other applications would use the fast in-memory disk for their temporary data. As Windows and other third-party applications often create a large number of temporary files for a short time only, using a RAM disk will extend the lifespan of your hard disk by sparing it from excessive reading and writing. This is particularly valuable for solid-state drives (SSD), which have a limited number of writes. Modern computers are equipped with many gigabytes of RAM, and most of the time there is a lot of unused memory that could be used as a high-performance alternative to the slower HDD storage. This product lets you create any number of virtual RAM disks limited only by the available memory. You can also work with on-disk images and RAM disks associated with on-disk files to preserve your data between sessions. While regular users will benefit from moving web-browser cache and Windows temporary files to a RAM disk, IT professionals may find even more advantages. For example, programmers can speed-up the development process by redirecting intermediate compiler output to a RAM disk, database administrators can improve performance by using a RAM drive for things like tempdb, and so on. Key features Any number of RAM disks. In practice, up to 26 disks due to the number of drive letters available. Any RAM disk size on 64-bit systems with Intel, AMD and ARM64 processors. Persistent RAM disks with associated on-disk images and smart sync. Volatile RAM disks whose content disappears on shutdown. Built-in disk image manipulation tools. Five very good reasons to use the RAM Disk Higher computer performance. Provided you have a sufficient amount of RAM, using a fast in-memory disk for temporary data will boost the computer performance. Reduced wear-and-tear of the physical disk. Because temporarily files are not written to the hard disk, there will be fewer read/write cycles, which is especially important for prolonging the life of solid-state drives (SSD) commonly installed in laptops. Less junk on the hard disk. Many software applications create temporary files that remain undeleted although no longer needed. The contents of RAM disks is cleared every time the computer is restarted or switched off, so the unneeded files won’t clutter your hard drive. Reduced file system fragmentation. The file system on your HDD/SSD will be far less fragmented as the temporary files will never be written to the hard disk. Enhanced security. Temporary sensitive data can be stored on a RAM disk, which is completely erased when the computer is turned off or restarted. SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper 3.1.10 https://www.softperfect.com/products/portmapper/logo.svg Easy network switch port identification for Windows, macOS and Linux Switch Port Mapper iconThe SoftPerfect Switch Port Mapper tool works with managed network switches and reports what is connected to switch ports, and which ports are not connected. For every connected port, the port mapper lists the MAC address, IP address and host names of the computers associated with that port. Additionally, the software can display each client’s network card vendor, port speed, device type, VLAN assignments and statistics for every port. This can be of good assistance when troubleshooting network connectivity issues. Key features Discovers managed switches by scanning your network. Shows what is connected to every switch port in a simple table format. Pulls ARP table from a router to display IP information of connected clients. Scans the current subnet for MAC-to-IP address mappings if there is no router. Comes in two editions: a GUI application and a console application for using in scripts. Fully supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3, including bulk operations. SoftPerfect WiFi Guard 2.3.3 https://www.softperfect.com/products/wifiguard/logo.svg Security of your Wi-Fi network for Windows, macOS and Linux SoftPerfect WiFi Guard icon, owlSoftPerfect WiFi Guard is an essential tool for everyone running a small wireless network and striving to keep it safe and secure. Generally, modern Wi-Fi networks are well protected, but there are a number of weaknesses that can compromise your Wi-Fi password; this includes vulnerabilities in encryption and brute force attacks. As a result, someone can gain unauthorised access to your Internet connection and LAN and exploit them while staying unnoticed. Perhaps, you can say: “No big deal, I have unlimited Internet traffic!”, but what about someone reading your personal emails, stealing private information or breaking the law online while using your Internet connection? WiFi Guard will alert you if your network is used without your knowledge. It is a specialised monitoring application that runs through your network at set intervals and reports immediately if it has found any unrecognised connected devices that could possibly belong to an intruder. Key features Pings computers and other network devices and displays those online. Detects firewalled computers that do not respond to ping. Scans your network at a specified interval. Immediately alerts you if an unknown device is found. Print Inspector 7.0.10 https://www.softperfect.com/products/pinspector/logo.svg Printer usage tracking software Print Inspector iconPrint Inspector is a powerful print monitoring, management and auditing solution for your corporate network. It records detailed information about all printed documents, including the document name, date, number of pages, name of the user who printed the document, name of the computer from which the document was sent to the printer, and more. In addition, Print Inspector lets you manage the print jobs queued to a printer. You can pause or cancel any job, view the printed document properties, resume the job or restart it, and automatically suspend newly submitted jobs for selective printing, which can be useful in a busy environment like a library or an Internet cafe. A built-in notification mechanism lets you be notified and act on specific events or queued documents. For example, you can set it up to receive an email if the printer appears to be jammed, or automatically prevent large documents from being printed. The reporting tool lets you create various reports, from a simple list of all printed jobs to aggregated statistics for a specified period of time. You can export all data to CSV or HTML format and analyse it in another application. Print Inspector is a flexible and effective solution designed to help you maximise the return on your printer investment and minimise the total cost of printer ownership. It can be used for managing print jobs and provides comprehensive statistics on printer usage and users’ printing habits. Key features Recorded details about all jobs sent to the printer. Print queue management. Notifications and automatic actions. Built-in reporting and cost-computing tools. Fast and lightweight fully Unicode-enabled core. URL : https://www.softperfect.com Release type: Patch/Keygen Protection : Rsa 1024 to 4096 / Sha1 + Custom Protection Cracked by: DeltaFoX OS : Win-All https://katfile.com/dpcw5h7jlvn4/SoftPerfectAIO469.7z.html jelszó:perfect
Bitsum ParkControl Pro Multilingual 2MB A "magparkolás" egy alvó állapot (C6), amelyet a legtöbb újabb x86-os processzor és a Windows újabb kiadásai támogatnak. A Core Parking dinamikusan letiltja a CPU-magokat, hogy energiát takarítson meg üresjáratban. A letiltott magok újra bekapcsolódnak, amint a CPU-terhelés ismét növekszik. Ez a technológia nagyon hasonlít a frekvenciaskálázáshoz, mivel a CPU-t üresjáratban igyekszik visszafogni. A probléma az, hogy a Window alapértelmezett energiaprofiljai túlságosan agresszívan vannak beállítva a magok parkolását illetően. Érdekünk az energiatakarékosság volt, még akkor is, ha ez a teljesítmény csekély mértékű csökkenésével járt. Számos összetett paraméter szabályozza, hogy egy magot mikor kell parkolni, és a Microsoft erősen az energiatakarékosságra hangolt. A Windowsban a magok parkolási beállításai a teljesítménytervek (más néven teljesítményprofilok) paramétereiként vannak megvalósítva. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például letilthatja a magok parkolását a Nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági terv esetében, de a többi terv esetében engedélyezve hagyhatja. És a legtöbb felhasználó pontosan ezt a módosítást szeretné elérni: a parkolást csak a nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági tervekben kell kikapcsolni. Introduction to CPU Core Parking CPU Parking is a low-power sleep state (C6) supported by most modern processors and operating systems. It dynamically disables CPU cores in an effort to conserve power when idle. Unfortunately, this power saving comes at a price: Latency when CPUs need unparked to execute code. Initially, core parking was controlled entirely by the operating system. The aggressive core parking of Windows led to a great deal of inefficiency during bursting CPU loads. Intel moved core parking control onto the chip in the Skylake generation, and AMD followed, but still the parameters of the Windows power plans are set to aggressively park CPU cores. Even the default ‘High Performance’ power plan is not immune. The new ‘Ultra Performance’ power plan copies what Bitsum did with our own ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ power plan and finally disables core parking entirely. ParkControl (and Process Lasso) not only let one more easily configure CPU core parking and frequency scaling, but also allow for dynamic entrance into a higher performance power plan. For instance, with Process Lasso, you can automatically enter ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ will you start a game, then go back to ‘Balanced’ when you exit. ParkControl has Dynamic Boost to allow you to set active and idle power plans. Process Lasso has a similar feature with its IdleSaver. Efficacy Empirical evidence shows that disabling core parking can make a real difference in system performance. There are many factors that will determine precisely how effective it will be for a given situation. However, generally, Windows is too aggressive in its core parking, resulting in high latency during bursting CPU loads, stemming from the CPU cores needing to be unparked to handle the load. Since bursting CPU loads are the most common type for many workloads, core parking can be a substantial drag on system performance and responsiveness. How to Restore Defaults Any changes you make with ParkControl are easily reverted. To restore the default power plan settings: Click ‘Power Options’ in the ParkControl app Select the Power Profile you modified Click ‘Restore default settings for this plan’ Repeat for all modified power plans ParkControl – Tweak CPU Core Parking and More ParkControl is free software to display and tweak CPU core parking settings in real-time, among other features. Tame unruly background processes Set persistent CPU affinities and priorities Automate power plans Changelog: v5.2.1.4 – Sept 3, 2024 (1) GUI: Fix an issue where, under certain conditions, a switch of the power mode wasn't reflected on the main window (1) Translation updates https://katfile.com/t8tq1qla573q/parco521.7z.html jelszó:5214
Process Lasso Pro v15.0.3.22 10MB Tartalmazza a Process Lasso Pro Server Editiont is. Egyes, gépünkön futó folyamatok fontosabbak a többinél. Van, akinek a böngésző működése az elsődleges, más az erőforrás-igényes játékok vagy az internetes streamelés közben várja el PC-jétől a legjobb teljesítményt. A Windows önmagában nem túl hatékony az alacsonyabb prioritással rendelkező folyamatok erőforrásigényeiből eredő lassulások kezelésében. Ha szeretnénk a számunkra legfontosabb folyamatokat jelentősen felgyorsítani, akkor külső segédprogramra lesz szükségünk, például a Process Lassóra. A segédprogrammal reszponzívabbá tehetjük gépünket, valód időben optimalizálva a processzor működését és a folyamatokat, miközben a szoftver a futó programok és szolgáltatások naplózásával és korlátozásával is boldogul. Az úgynevezett ProBalance mód már alapértelmezésben is aktív. Ez állítja át a folyamatok prioritását a rendszerben automatikus módon, és ennek köszönhetően lesz kezesebb a gépünk még akkor is, ha egyébként erőforrás-igényes alkalmazásokat futtatunk. A Main menüben további módokat is találunk. A Game mode például egy olyan energiaséma, amely a maximális teljesítmény érdekében jelentősen korlátozza a háttérappokat, miközben a processzor teljes erejét segít a játékokra koncentrálni. A játékfolyamatokat egyébként külön kijelölhetjük a program számára, ha azok nem kötődnek a Steamhez. A SmartTrim mód a memóriaoptimalizálásról gondoskodik, azonban a RAM felszabadítását nem kényszeríti ki. A negyedik, IdleSaver névre hallgató mód pedig arról gondoskodik, hogy munka közben maximális teljesítményt adjon a PC, tétlen állapotban azonban egyből energiatakarékos módra kapcsoljon. Process Lasso is Windows process automation and optimization software. From tuning algorithms like ProBalance to user-created rules and persistent settings such as CPU affinities and priority classes, Process Lasso enables full control over running applications! Our famous ProBalance algorithm maintains system responsiveness during high CPU loads. This proprietary algorithm dynamically adjusts the priorities of running programs to keep problematic background processes in check. With ProBalance, no longer will single, or multiple, processes be able to bring your system to a virtual stall. Process Lasso will let you keep interacting with your computer, even when it is under a heavy CPU load. Try our CPUEater Demo to experience ProBalance for yourself. Process Lasso also allows users to automate and tweak how applications are run through a number of unique and helpful functions. These include persistent priority classes, persistent CPU affinities, disallowed processes, per-process power profiles, a process watchdog for advanced rules, process instance count limits, multiple instance balancing and much more! Process Lasso is the ultimate Windows CPU affinity changer. The CPU affinity specifies the set of CPU cores an application is able to execute on. With Process Lasso, you can control this with a persistent setting that applies every time the application is run, or change it dynamically while Process Lasso Features Prevent processes from monopolozing the CPUs ProBalance dynamic priority optimization CPU throttling new Save process priorities for future instances Save process CPU affinity Now with CPU Sets Compatible with Windows 7-11, Windows Server 2012-2022 Changelog v15.0.3.22 – Nov 25, 2024 Minor fixes and enhancements (1) GUI: Fix an issue saving Watchdog launch actions with command lines whose first character was a hyphen (11) GUI: Add up/down buttons to Config Profile Switcher rules dialog to allow rules to be ordered (17) GUI: Add support for undocumented “lowest” memory priority since it can be enforced by registry (only) (19) GUI: Remove “%” from title of CPU and RAM load graphs, now implied https://katfile.com/ab4416i6fkhl/prola1503.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/ph9tfs3rd5wz/prola1503po.7z.html jelszó:lasso
Iperius Backup Full 8.3.4 109MB Adatmentő szoftver. Forrás- és célmappa (helyi, FTP stb.) közt inkrementális, akár automatizált, vagy tömörített mentésre képes. Céges környezetben is használható, szinkronizál és felhő alapú tárhelyeket is kezel. Az Iperius Backup az egyik legrugalmasabb és legteljesebb szoftver a fájlok és a fenntartott adatok biztonsági mentéséhez és védelméhez. Szalagos biztonsági másolat szoftver, DAT biztonsági mentés, LTO biztonsági másolat szoftver, NAS biztonsági mentés, RDX meghajtók, USB biztonsági mentés, zip tömörítés, AES 256 bites titkosítás, virtuális gépek VMWare ESXi backup, online backup, adatbázis biztonsági mentés (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), FTP backup, FTP letöltés és szinkronizálás, honlap biztonsági mentés, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive (távoli biztonsági mentés), telepíthető a Windows szolgáltatás, szinkronizálás és a biztonsági mentés. Windows 8 és Server 2012 kompatibilis. tartalmaz egy webkonzolt, amely figyeli az összes biztonsági mentést, távolról futtatja a biztonsági mentési feladatokat, és távolról frissíti a programot. Az Iperius Backup biztonsági másolatot készíthet a Google Drive-ra, a OneDrive-ra és a Dropboxra. A felhőalapú biztonsági mentés konfigurációja csak néhány kattintást igényel, és garantálja az automatikus távoli biztonsági mentések biztonságát. https://katfile.com/pix8vw3p9qpu/ipb344.7z.html jelszó:backup
ReclaiMe Pro Build 3970 118MB A ReclaiMe egy könnyen használható, egyszerű de ha szükséges akkor széles körben is konfigurálható hatékony adat-visszaállítási alkalmazás, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy segítsen a véletlenül törölt fájlokkal. A programhoz a felhasználónak szinte semmilyen döntést nem kell hoznia és egyáltalán nem kell műszaki ismeretekkel rendelkeznie. ráadásul a ReclaiMe számos fájlrendszerrel (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, RAW) működik, ami univerzálissá teszi. Képes nagy mennyiségű adat feldolgozására, mi több, a program jól kezeli az erősen sérült adatokat is. Ha úgy gondolja, hogy fizikai sérülés érte a lemezt vagy csak valamilyen okból kifolyólag nem akar közvetlenül ezzel a lemezzel dolgozni a helyreállítás során, a ReclaiMe képes létrehozni egy lemezképfájlt, csak azért, hogy az eredeti lemez érintése nélkül állítsa helyre az adatokat róla. All-in-one highly configurable data recovery software! - Multiple Filesystems ReclaiMe Pro recovers data from most filesystems: Windows: FAT, exFAT, NTFS (including deduplication), ReFS, Linux: EXT2/3/4, XFS, BTRFS, MacOS: APFS, HFS and HFS+, VMware: VMFS. - Disk Editor Visualizes most known partition and filesystem objects: boot sectors, superblocks, partition headers in structured view. Search for hex patterns or text in any given encoding. Low-level data editing for extra leverage. - Partition Recovery Reads LDM, LVM, MD, Drobo BeoyndRAIDTM, Storage Spaces, and more. Finds lost partitions based on various filesystem structures in unpartitioned space. - RAID Analysis and Recovery With ReclaiMe Pro, you can reassemble RAID automatically or manually. Supports RAID0, RAID10, RAID5, RAID6, HP EVA vRAID layouts. Content analysis and entropy visualization. - Disk Imager Highly configurable high-speed imager, suitable for slight to moderate bad block cases. Sector-by-sector, VHD, and VHDX output. - Forensic Capability Provides verifiable and repeatable forensic file traces by mapping file content and metadata to its source on disks. Eliminates unnecessary files by cross-referencing well-known hash databases. Built-in file integrity testing. Basic system requirements are: 64-bit Windows and .NET 4.7; At least 8GB RAM, 16GB recommeneded; Permanent or nearly permanent internet connection. https://katfile.com/9bps1mqtoqxh/reclap970.7z.html jelszó:3970
EaseUS Partition Master All Editions v19.2.0 147MB Professional-Unlimited-Server-Technician verziók, az alkalmazott regfájl határozza meg a végleges verziót. Az EaseUS Partition Master egy minden egyben partíciós megoldás és lemezkezelő szoftver. Lehetővé teszi a partíció bővítését, a lemezterület egyszerű kezelését, az MBR és GPT lemezek alacsony lemezterületének megoldását. Funkciók: NTFS rendszerpartíció bővítése újraindítás nélkül a számítógép teljesítményének maximalizálása érdekében. Dinamikus lemez átalakítása alaplemezzé és FAT átalakítása NTFS fájlrendszerré. Elsődleges partíció átalakítása logikai partícióvá és fordítva. Két szomszédos partíció biztonságos egyesítése egy nagyobb partícióvá adatvesztés nélkül. Elsődleges kötet átalakítása logikai partícióvá, hogy egy ötödik kötetet hozzon létre egy olyan lemezen, amelyen 4 meglévő elsődleges kötet van. Linux partíciókezelés. Könnyen törölheti, létrehozhatja, formázhatja, helyreállíthatja az EXT2, EXT3 partíciót stb. WinPE mentőlemez létrehozása. Gyorsítsa fel számítógépét defragmentálással. Támogatja az összes hardvert. RAID, cserélhető tárolóeszköz, merevlemez, GPT lemez és FAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3 fájlrendszer. BIOS-alapú és UEFI-alapú hardvereken egyaránt működik. MBR-ről GPT lemezre, és GPT-ről MBR lemezre konvertálás adatvesztés nélkül. OS költöztetése másik meghatóra SSD 4K Alignment EaseUS Partition Master is a all-in-one partition solution and disk management software. It allows you to extend partition (especially for system drive), manage disk space easily, settle low disk space problem on MBR and GPT disk. EASEUS is one of the leading brands of disk management utilities. It got there by constantly raising the stakes and keeping the users more than pleased. The demands being met, all they had to do is take it up a notch. Partition Master Free Edition addresses the home users and brings three powerful and precise tools to the table: Partition Manager, Partition Recovery Wizard and Disk & Partition Copy. EaseUS Partition Master Server Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE Windows Server partition manager and reliable disk management toolkit. It performs needed hard disk partition maintenance and provides powerful data protection and disaster recovery. Moreover, it minimizes server downtime to increase the efficiency of Windows-based system administration. EASEUS Partition Master Unlimited Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and reliable PC and Server disk management toolkit. Especially for large enterprise users. It allows unlimited usage within your company. EASEUS Partition Master Technician Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and reliable PC and Server disk management toolkit. It offers technical services with unlimited usage for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians and consultants. Features: Extend NTFS system partition without rebooting to maximize PC performance. Convert dynamic disk to basic disk and convert FAT to NTFS file system. Convert primary partition to logical partition and vice versa. Safely merge two adjacent partitions into a bigger one without data loss. Convert a primary volume to logical to create a fifth volume on a disk with 4 existed primary volumes. Linux partition management. Easily delete, create, format, recover EXT2, EXT3 partition, etc. Create WinPE rescue disk for booting sickly computer. Speed up your computer by defragmentation. Support all hardware. RAID, removable storage device, hard disk, GPT disk and FAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3 file system. Work on both BIOS-based and UEFI-based hardware. Convert MBR to GPT disk, and convert GPT to MBR disk without data loss. Disk and Partition Copy Wizard: Migrate OS to SSD without reinstalling Windows Copy partition with fast file-by-file copy to protect your data Clone entire hard disk to another without Windows reinstallation Upgrade system disk to a bigger one with one-click. Safely copy dynamic volume to basic disk and resize the basic disk, etc. Partition Recovery Wizard: Recover deleted or lost partitions from unallocated space due to any PC failure or virus attack. Recover deleted or lost partitions after repartitioned hard drive. Two recovery modes in Partition Recovery Wizard. Automatic recovery mode and Manual recovery mode. Supports FAT, NTFS, EXT2 and EXT3 partition recovery. https://katfile.com/m6bpu7jerxxw/epm192M.7z.html Jelszó:1920 EaseUS Partition Master v19.2.0 Emergency Disk 555MB Operációs rendszer nélkül futtatható hardverfüggetlen bootolós verzió. Az EaseUS Partition Master egy minden egyben partíciós megoldás és lemezkezelő szoftver. Lehetővé teszi a partíció bővítését, a lemezterület egyszerű kezelését, az MBR és GPT lemezek alacsony lemezterületének megoldását. Funkciók: NTFS rendszerpartíció bővítése újraindítás nélkül a számítógép teljesítményének maximalizálása érdekében. Dinamikus lemez átalakítása alaplemezzé és FAT átalakítása NTFS fájlrendszerré. Elsődleges partíció átalakítása logikai partícióvá és fordítva. Két szomszédos partíció biztonságos egyesítése egy nagyobb partícióvá adatvesztés nélkül. Elsődleges kötet átalakítása logikai partícióvá, hogy egy ötödik kötetet hozzon létre egy olyan lemezen, amelyen 4 meglévő elsődleges kötet van. Linux partíciókezelés. Könnyen törölheti, létrehozhatja, formázhatja, helyreállíthatja az EXT2, EXT3 partíciót stb. WinPE mentőlemez létrehozása. Gyorsítsa fel számítógépét defragmentálással. Támogatja az összes hardvert. RAID, cserélhető tárolóeszköz, merevlemez, GPT lemez és FAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3 fájlrendszer. BIOS-alapú és UEFI-alapú hardvereken egyaránt működik. MBR-ről GPT lemezre, és GPT-ről MBR lemezre konvertálás adatvesztés nélkül. OS költöztetése másik meghatóra SSD 4K Alignment https://katfile.com/d37lblh1894g/epm192ed.7z.html jelszó:1920
HD Tune Pro 6.00 Retai + Portable 23MB A HD Tune Pro egy nagy teljesítményű, Windows operációs rendszerekhez tervezett segédprogram. Átfogó eszközkészletet biztosít a belső és külső merevlemezek, szilárdtest-meghajtók (SSD-k), USB-meghajtók és egyéb tárolóeszközök teljesítményének és állapotának ellenőrzéséhez, teszteléséhez és karbantartásához. Az alábbiakban részletesen áttekintjük a funkcióit, funkcióit és előnyeit: Főbb jellemzők Benchmarking: Olvasási/írási teljesítménytesztek: A HD Tune Pro részletes teljesítményértékelő eszközöket kínál a tárolóeszközök olvasási és írási sebességének méréséhez. Ezek a tesztek betekintést nyújtanak abba, hogy az eszköz milyen jól teljesít különböző körülmények között. Átviteli sebesség: Megjeleníti a minimális, maximális és átlagos átviteli sebességet, lehetővé téve a felhasználók számára a szűk keresztmetszetek vagy teljesítményproblémák azonosítását. Egészségügyi felügyelet: S.M.A.R.T. elemzés: A szoftver képes az S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) adatok olvasására és értelmezésére a meghajtók egészségi állapotának értékeléséhez. Ez magában foglalja az olyan felügyeleti paramétereket, mint a hőmérséklet, a bekapcsolási órák és a hibaarányok. Egészségügyi mutatók: A felhasználók vizuális és numerikus állapotjelzőket kaphatnak, amelyek a meghajtó meghibásodásának lehetséges kockázatait vagy figyelmeztető jeleit mutatják. Egészségügyi mutatók: A felhasználók vizuális és numerikus állapotjelzőket kaphatnak, amelyek a meghajtó meghibásodásának lehetséges kockázatait vagy figyelmeztető jeleit mutatják. Hibakeresés: Felületi vizsgálat: A HD Tune Pro alapos felületi vizsgálatot végezhet a meghajtón található sérült vagy rossz szektorok felderítésére. Ez a funkció kulcsfontosságú a potenciális adatvesztési területek azonosításához. Tömbszintű szkennelés: Ez az opció a meghajtó fizikai szektorainak ellenőrzését végzi, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy minden rész helyesen működik. Fájl és lemez segédprogramok: Fájlok teljesítményértékelése: Elemzi a meghajtón végzett fájlműveletek teljesítményét, például a fájlok olvasását/írását és másolását. Lemezhasználati eszköz: A lemezhasználat vizuális megjelenítését biztosítja, kiemelve, hogy a különböző fájlok és mappák hogyan használják ki a helyet. Törlési funkció: Biztonságosan törli az adatokat a lemezről, ami hasznos a tárolóeszközök újrafelhasználásakor vagy ártalmatlanításakor. Extra tesztek: Random Access (véletlenszerű hozzáférés): A véletlenszerű hozzáférés teljesítményének tesztelése, ami különösen fontos az SSD-k esetében, ahol a hozzáférési idő kulcsfontosságú teljesítménymérő. Cache teszt: A meghajtó gyorsítótárának hatékonyságát értékeli, amely a gyakran használt adatok esetében befolyásolhatja a teljesítményt. Hőmérsékletfigyelés: Valós idejű felügyelet: Megjeleníti a meghajtók valós idejű hőmérsékleti adatait, ami segíthet megelőzni a túlmelegedést és az azt követő teljesítménycsökkenést vagy károsodást. HD Tune Pro is a powerful software utility designed for Windows operating systems. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for monitoring, testing, and maintaining the performance and health of both internal and external hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), USB drives, and other storage devices. Below is a detailed overview of its features, functionality, and benefits: Key Features Benchmarking: Read/Write Performance Tests: HD Tune Pro offers detailed benchmarking tools to measure the read and write speeds of your storage devices. These tests provide insights into how well your device performs under various conditions. Transfer Rate: Displays minimum, maximum, and average transfer rates, allowing users to identify bottlenecks or performance issues. Health Monitoring: S.M.A.R.T. Analysis: The software can read and interpret S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data to assess the health status of your drives. This includes monitoring parameters such as temperature, power-on hours, and error rates. Health Indicators: Users can get visual and numerical health indicators that show potential risks or warning signs of drive failure. Error Scanning: Surface Scan: HD Tune Pro can perform a thorough surface scan to detect damaged or bad sectors on a drive. This feature is crucial for identifying potential data loss areas. Block-level Scanning: This option checks the physical sectors of the drive to ensure that all parts are functioning correctly. File and Disk Utilities: File Benchmarking: Analyzes the performance of file operations on your drive, such as file read/write and copying. Disk Usage Tool: Provides a visual representation of disk usage, highlighting how space is utilized by different files and folders. Erase Function: Securely erases data from a disk, which is useful when repurposing or disposing of storage devices. Extra Tests: Random Access: Tests random access performance, which is particularly important for SSDs, where access times are a key performance metric. Cache Test: Evaluates the effectiveness of the drive's cache, which can impact performance for frequently accessed data. Temperature Monitoring: Real-time Monitoring: Displays real-time temperature data for your drives, which can help prevent overheating and subsequent performance degradation or damage. Advanced Error Detection: Disk Information: Provides detailed information about the drive, including firmware version, serial number, and more. Warning Alerts: Notifies users of potential problems with automatic alerts, helping to prevent data loss by taking action before failures occur. Power Management: Power-on Hours: Tracks the total time the drive has been operational, which can be helpful for maintenance and lifecycle management. Power Saving Modes: Allows users to configure power-saving features to extend the lifespan of the drives. Benefits User-Friendly Interface: HD Tune Pro offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible to both novice and experienced users. Comprehensive Analysis: With its wide range of features, the software provides a thorough analysis of a drive’s health and performance. Preemptive Maintenance: By identifying potential issues early, users can take preventive measures to safeguard data and ensure optimal drive performance. Cost-Effective Solution: As a one-time purchase, it offers a cost-effective solution for drive maintenance compared to some subscription-based services. System Requirements HD Tune Pro is compatible with most Windows versions, including Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. It supports a wide range of storage devices, making it versatile for personal and professional use. https://katfile.com/lwau1wr0gafg/hdtp6.7z.html jelszó:tune
Kerio Connect P1 290MB A Kerio Connect egy olyan e-mail és azonnali üzenetküldő kiszolgáló, amely többféle telepítési lehetőséget, Microsoft Outlook integrációt, webes e-mail hozzáférést és mobil eszköz hozzáférést kínál. A Kerio Connect egy díjnyertes, üzenetküldő és együttműködési megoldás, amely a kis- és középvállalkozások igényeit elégíti ki a robusztus funkciókészlettel. Az azonnali üzenetküldés a Kerio Connect segítségével rugalmas. Be van építve a Kerio Connect kliensbe, és támogatja az összes XMPP csevegőklienst is. Kínáljon a felhasználóknak zökkenőmentes és zökkenőmentes támogatást a választott mobileszközükön. Biztosítsa az üzleti felhasználók által kívánt rugalmasságot az általuk preferált üzenetküldő alkalmazás támogatásával. E-mail, naptár és egyéb kritikus funkciók egyszerű és hatékony kezelése. Védje az e-mail felhasználókat és a hálózatát a hatékony integrált biztonsági funkciókkal. A Kerio Connect többrétegű levélszűrést és védelmet tartalmaz, hogy a felhasználók biztonságban legyenek a rosszindulatú e-mailektől és a postaládát zsúfoló spamektől. Kifejezetten kis- és középvállalkozások (SMB-k) számára tervezték. A Kerio Connect egy levelezőszerver és egy minden egyben együttműködési eszköz, amelyet világszerte több mint 30 ezer vállalat alkalmaz. Többféle operációs rendszerre telepíthető, beleértve a Windows, Mac OS és Linux operációs rendszereket is. A Kerio Connect éppen megfelelő méretű a kisebb költségvetéssel és korlátozott IT-alkalmazotti létszámmal rendelkező kkv-k számára. Könnyen kezelhető, könnyen telepíthető és jellemzően kevesebbe kerül, mint a „nagy márkás” megoldások. Kerio Connect is an email and instant messaging server that features multiple deployment options, Microsoft Outlook integration, web based email access, and mobile device access. Kerio Connect is an award-winning, messaging and collaboration solution, that meets the needs of small and mid-sized businesses by offering a robust feature lineup. Instant messaging with Kerio Connect is flexible. It is built in to the Kerio Connect Client and also supports all XMPP chat clients. Offer your users smooth and seamless support for their mobile device of choice. Provide the flexibility business users want through support for their preferred messaging application. Administer email, calendaring and other critical functionality easily and efficiently. Protect email users and your network with powerful integrated security features. Kerio Connect includes multiple layers of mail filtering and protection to keep users safe from malicious emails and inbox cluttering spam. Designed specifically for small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) Kerio Connect is a mail server and an all-in-one collaboration tool deployed by more than 30-thousand companies around the world. It can be installed on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Kerio Connect is just the right size for SMBs with smaller budgets and limited IT staff. It’s easy to manage, easy to deploy and typically costs less than “big brand” solutions. Security Fixes: Security vulnerability in file upload process: Addressed a critical security flaw that could potentially allow malicious file uploads. Performance and Stability Improvements: Memory optimization in KOFF: Improved memory usage in Kerio Offline Connector (KOFF) for better performance. KOFF background process delay: Fixed an issue where the KOFF background process would close with a delay. Kerio Connect crashes after upgrading to version 10.0.5: Resolved crashes experienced by users post-upgrade. Email and Calendar Fixes: Incorrect TZID in CalDAV on macOS: Corrected time zone identifiers in CalDAV client responses. Multiple confirmation emails in Outlook for Mac (EWS): Fixed the issue of multiple confirmation emails being sent to the meeting invite sender. Rejected calendar invitations not showing comments: Comments in rejected calendar invitations are now properly displayed. Attachments missing in public calendar invites: Restored missing attachments in public calendar invitations. Old calendar cancellations triggered when folder deleted: Prevented old event cancellations from being sent when a calendar folder is deleted. Formatting issues in Teams invites: Corrected formatting problems with Teams invitations. Travel duration (X-APPLE-TRAVEL-DURATION) in iCal: Fixed invalid values in the travel duration property of iCal events. Webmail and Shared Folder Issues: Webmail not refreshing after deleting emails from shared folder: Fixed an issue where webmail wouldn’t refresh after emails were deleted from a shared user folder. Multiple emails deleted in shared folder: Corrected a problem where two emails were deleted when attempting to delete one from a shared folder. Issues deleting items from shared folders: Resolved issues when deleting items in shared folders. Sync issues in IMAP for shared folders (iOS): Addressed synchronization issues with shared folders over IMAP on iOS devices. Reply and forward emails not syncing via Exchange ActiveSync: Fixed the issue with reply and forward email synchronization through ActiveSync. KOFF (Kerio Offline Connector) Enhancements: Support for domain aliases and additional user emails: Added support for domain aliases and multiple email addresses in KOFF. Email formatting issues: Fixed email formatting issues in KOFF. Signature formatting issues: Resolved signature formatting issues in KOFF. SSL certificate errors with Let's Encrypt: Addressed SSL certificate validation errors in KOFF with Let's Encrypt certificates. Name resolution for alternative email addresses: KOFF no longer resolves names for alternative email addresses unnecessarily. KOFF update failure: Fixed failures during KOFF update, including the Error 1722 on Terminal Server. Outlook search slowness in KOFF: Improved performance of Outlook searches when using KOFF. HTTPS and SSL Fixes: HTTP to HTTPS redirection for IPv6: Fixed redirection issues when accessing Kerio Webmail or Webadmin over IPv6. Let's Encrypt auto-renewal failure: Resolved issues with the auto-renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates. SSL certificate validation errors: Fixed validation errors with SSL certificates, particularly affecting Let's Encrypt. User Experience and Miscellaneous Fixes: Send Feedback button in Webmail: Fixed the non-functioning "Send Feedback" button in Kerio Connect Webmail. Notarization of MacOS installers: Addressed issues with notarizing Connect installers on macOS. Synchronization with shared folders on IMAP for iOS: Improved the reliability of syncing shared folders on iOS devices over IMAP. Auto-correct altering date formats: Fixed the issue with auto-correct incorrectly changing date formats. Special characters in invitations: Corrected the display of special characters in invitation emails. Text visibility in Outlook appointments: Fixed text visibility at the bottom of appointments in series when opened individually in Outlook. Numbered list formatting in Webmail: Restored proper formatting of numbered lists pasted into webmail. Differential backup email loss: Resolved the issue of emails missing in differential backups. Exchange 2016 to Kerio migration issues: Fixed user migration issues from Exchange 2016 to Kerio. SMTP and Rule Handling: Domain forwarding in SMTP rules: Resolved issues where authentication was not considered in domain forwarding with conditional sender/recipient forwarding. Filter rules on DSN emails: Fixed issues where filter rules were not being applied to Delivery Status Notification (DSN) emails. Redirect rules applied to list emails: Redirect rules are now applied to users even if the email is addressed to a list they are part of. https://katfile.com/f448gvlxi7ae/keco100p.7z.html jelszó:kerio