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  1. Total Commander 10.52 Final 9MB A legnépszerűbb kétpaneles fájlkezelő Windows rendszerekhez Fájlkezelés · fájlkeresés · csoportos átnevezés · FTP kliens · tömörített állományok · beépített megjelenítő · beépülők támogatása · összehasonlítás tartalomra · magyar felület és súgó New functions in Total Commander 10.52: Command line parameters: option /O now supports a parameter, e.g. /O0 to never open a new instance in any case New hotkey F9 in "Compare by content" to toggle visibility of the two line compare box at the bottom Internal associations: New command **path\filename.bar opens the given button bar file as a menu Button command LOADLIST0 loads list of files without any error messages when files cannot be found Command line parameters now support value LOADLIST:path\listfile.txt instead of a directory name to load list file into file panel Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: New hotkey Ctrl+Z to clear search text The following internal commands now support parameters: cm_Exit, cm_UnloadPlugins, cm_*ActivateTab*, cm_50percent New method to open virtual folders via button or command line, with command cd shell:Folder name (e.g. cd shell:Fonts) Changelog 26.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 final 26.10.22 Fixed: Refresh file lists after call to functions showing/hiding separate trees like cm_SwitchSeparateTree (32/64) 25.10.22 Fixed: Main configuration: Increased distances a bit on some tabs to avoid overlaps at 120 dpi (125% size) (32/64) 24.10.22 Fixed: Lister configuration: Increased distances a bit on the first tab to avoid overlaps at 120 dpi (125% size) (32/64) 24.10.22 Fixed: Quick search with search dialog: Only ignore certain Ctrl+A/EM_SETSEL events when input language is set to Chinese, Japanese, or Korean to avoid problems with IME (64) 24.10.22 Fixed: Tree: Ignore left mouse button up after second click of double click on expand/collapse icon (64) 23.10.22 Fixed: Set focus manually on active panel after resizing it to 0 width with cm_50Percent -100 and then via mouse to visible width (32) 23.10.22 Fixed: Windows 11: cm_VisFlatDriveButtons and change via Configuration - Options - Layout didn't keep the flat button look for the pressed drive button (32/64) https://katfile.com/5ogsyplwg7xg/tc52F.7z.html jelszó:1052
  2. TomTom Navigation NDS v3.4.21-latam Multi 166MB TomTom Navigáció offline térképek, online élmény. Takarítson meg adatokat, vezessen biztonságosabban. Requirements: 5.0+ Overview: Offline maps, online experience. Save data, drive more safely. STAY CONNECTED SDL connection: Connects the phone to the car to see and control the application from the screen. TomTom Traffic: Get smart routes to avoid traffic in real time. * Traffic cameras: Advanced warnings notify you about upcoming transit cameras. * Search online: Search for any destination on the go with our updated database. * Share the estimated time of arrival: Inform your time of arrival and location with any message channel you want. SAVE YOUR DATA Offline global maps: Download global maps offline and save mobile data. ** Weekly updates: Get the latest changes in maps related to blocked streets, track direction and speed. ** No advertising: Enjoy an ad-free experience that does not consume your data. ENJOY DRIVING Points of interest: Find where to stop to eat, load gas and get cash, all available offline on the route or at your destination. Alternative routes: Observe the alternative routes to reach your destination. Mobile lane guidance: Get close to exits and crossings with ease and know exactly which lane you should be in. Drive to where your contacts and photos: Plan a route with ease using contacts and photos with geographic labels stored on your phone. MAPS Years of experience and passion in map design gathered on offline maps, regularly updated for more than 150 countries in order to provide you with an impeccable navigation experience. What's New: Bug fixes and improvements This app has No advertisements https://katfile.com/0spaqsfksy74/tomtom.nds_3.4.21.apk.html
  3. Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 6.01 Build 12540 7zip | 35M 49MB | rendszereszköz A Hard Disk Sentinel egy több operációs rendszert támogató merevlemez ellenőrző és felügyelő alkalmazás, melynek célja: merevlemez problémák és teljesítmény csökkenés felderítése, várható meghibásodás előrejelzése és megelőzése. A merevlemez állapotát a lehető legrészletesebben kijelzi és átfogó szöveges értékelést készít. Számos listázási, riasztási és teszt funkció gondoskodik a maximális adatbiztonságról. Nincs szükség különböző szoftverek használatára, mivel a Hard Disk Sentinel egymagában képes felügyelni a belső- és külső merevlemezek, SSD-k, SCSI/SAS lemezek és RAID tömbök - valamint a hálózatban használt (NAS) eszközök állapotát is. A Hard Disk Sentinel egyedülálló módon deríti fel ezen felül a szalagos meghajtók (tape drive), ipari SD memóriakártyák és a tabletekben használatos eMMC SSD-k állapotát is. A Hard Disk Sentinel alkalmazás folyamatosan felügyeli a telepített merevlemezek állapotát, kondícióját, hőmérsékletét és valamennyi S.M.A.R.T. (Self- Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology - azaz Önellenőrző Értékelő és Hibajelentő Technológia, melyet minden modern merevlemez támogat) értékét. Továbbá folyamatosan figyeli a merevlemezek átviteli sebességét, mely valós időben leolvasható és felhasználható sebességmérésre és esetleges teljesítménycsökkenés vizsgálatára. A Hard Disk Sentinel folyamatosan fut a háttérben és felügyeli a merevlemezek állapotát. Amint problémát vagy váratlan viselkedést észlel, figyelmezteti a felhasználót a jelenlegi helyzetről (és további műveletet is végrehajthat, pl. automatikus adatmentést). Általában a merevlemezek állapota lassan, napról-napra romlik. A S.M.A.R.T. technológia segít abban, hogy a közeledő meghibásodást előre jelzi azáltal, hogy a merevlemez állapotáért felelős értékeket folyamatosan figyeli. Más szoftverekkel ellentétben a Hard Disk Sentinel feltárja a merevlemez valódi problémáit valamint azok mennyiségét, mely jóval érzékenyebb módszer, mint az érték-küszöb ellenőrzés. Hard Disk Sentinel 6.01 (15/3/2022) fixed Health % display for some Sandisk SDSSDH3 solid state drives Hard Disk Sentinel 6.00 (8/3/2022) Improvements and new features: new function: Disk menu -> Surface test -> Quick Fix (targeted repair of problematic sectors) Verify which area(s) of the disk drive reported problems and written recently then diagnose, repair specifically those (and nearby) sectors and critical system areas. The test forces the disk drive to repair any problematic (pending, weak) sectors: restore the status to good or reallocate (replace from spare area) if required to prevent further use of the original sector (Pro version only) new function for advanced users (PRO version only): Disk menu -> Device Specific Information to detect and display additional details including: - Power on time when last error detected/logged by the hard disk/SSD (registered version only) - Time since last error detected/logged by the hard disk/SSD (registered version only) - Sector(s) where errors happened previously and their location by block number on the disk surface map (registered version only) - ATA error log: last known errors, their description, registers, error details, last commands before error - ATA self test log: last disk self tests, self test results and details (registered version only) - ATA drive statistics: lifetime details, errors, temperature statistics - ATA drive statistics: rotating media statistics (hard disk drives) or solid state device statistics (SSDs) - ATA drive disk utilization and absolute limits for amount of reads/writes and temperature limits (if defined by the manufacturer) - ATA drive temperature statistics, last known recorded temperature values - ATA drive additional features and functionality supported by the hard disk drive/SSD - NVMe error log - NVMe self test log: last disk self tests, test results and possible error details (registered version only) - SCSI/SAS defect list information - SCSI/SAS background scan status information, protocol specific port information Device Specific Information recorded and can be re-loaded to review previous statistics Device Specific Information automatically shows the changes of most important values compared to previous data (registered version only) Extended S.M.A.R.T. detection: detect additional details / information for more accurate status/health reporting by detection of Ext. S.M.A.R.T. attributes added option to perform hardware self test on NVMe SSDs (if supported): Disk menu -> Short Self Test, Disk menu -> Extended Self Test functions can be used on NVMe SSDs when available. The Information page confirms if Device Self Test feature is supported by the SSD. NVMe self test is possible with - Windows Standard NVMe controller driver (may prevent too frequent self tests) - Intel NVMe controller driver or Intel Volume Management Device NVMe RAID controller driver - Samsung NVMe controller driver - Micron NVMe controller driver - JMicron USB-NVMe adapters/external NVMe-USB enclosures with JMicron chipsets option to schedule short / extended self test on NVMe SSDs too (registered Hard Disk Sentinel Pro version) new buttons in the button bar to open Windows Disk Management and Windows Device Manager display Windows Drive Index (Physicaldriveindex) on the Information page if RAID array(s) present display/report NVMe Maximum Power use in mW units on the Information page improved disk surface test performance for NVMe SSDs: much faster Disk menu -> Read test possible on NVMe SSDs (in memoriam Neduddki) improved Disk Repair test: counts and displays the amount of sectors successfully repaired and failed to repair amount of disk status history increased to allow logging and check back additional of historical status/health/temperature statistics improved write disk testing, Disk Contents Inspector and general support of SAS drives with 520 or 528 bytes/sector sizes Improved hardware support: added support of AMD NVMe RAID solution: detect the status (health, temperature, lifetime writes, complete self-monitoring details) of NVMe M.2 PCIe SSDs managed by AMD RAID (both standalone and RAID configurations) Requires AMD RAID driver 9.3.0-00266 or newer version. Note: if the detection does not seem working immediately, a reboot / power cycle may be required added support of Adaptec SmartRAID 3102E-8i controller: detect status information about hard disks / SSDs in RAID or standalone configuration added detection of hard disks / SSDs configured as RAID on LSI LIBERATOR (LSI 9750-8i) controller, detect complete disk information / S.M.A.R.T. status of SATA / SAS hard disks / SSDs added support of LSI MegaRAID (MegaSR) / Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology II SATA RAID controller: detect status information of SATA disk drives in RAID configuration (if possible by the driver) added support of Apricorn Fortress L3 and Padlock 3 external hard disk drives and Apricorn ASK3 or ASK3z Secure Key pendrives: in addition to the robust design and security functions the hard disk drives and pendrives supported by Hard Disk Sentinel: complete health, temperature, self-monitoring S.M.A.R.T. status detected and displayed. added support of SSK USB 3.1 / 3.2 Gen 2 (10 Gbps) NVMe adapter: detect NVMe SSD status added support of Kingston XS2000 SSD, Goodram CX400 G2, Zadak SSD improved support of some Acer SSDs, Sandisk SSDs, Lite-on SSDs improved status reporting with FreeCom Public-disk external hard disk drives improved detection with Intel Optane configurations improved compatibility with Intel VROC NVMe SSD RAID improved health detection and reporting of various Sandisk and Crucial SSDs added support of Kingston Design-In SSDs (OMSP0S3, OM4P0S3, OM8P0S3, OCP0S3) improved compatibility and disk status reporting with Orico NS500RU3 3.5 inch 5 Bay USB 3.0 Hard Drive Enclosure improved health/status reporting for PNY SATA SSDs improved display of power on time, health, status of newer WD / Hitachi SAS hard disk drives improved compatibility with LSI controller with multiple arrays and higher number of hard disks / SSDs configured improved compatibility with Promise Supertrak 8350 SATA RAID controller improved compatibility with older SD/micro SD card readers improved compatibility with some Kingston, Toshiba, Micron SSDs improved text description of NVMe SSDs upon different problems / error conditions adjusted calculation and reporting lower health on failing / problematic NVMe SSDs improved detection with ASMEDIA ASM236x series USB-NVMe adapters improved detection with Adaptec / Microsemi SAS RAID controllers and HBAs improved detection with LSI / IBM / Intel SAS RAID controllers, improved dedicated hot spare reporting improved support of Seagate Firecuda drives improved support of Crucial CT2000MX500SSD1 SSD, Patriot P200 SSD, Micron SSDs, WDC PC SA530 SSDs improved power on time display for SAS hard disk drives, SAS SSDs improved display of stored file at a sector during disk surface test improved Disk menu -> Surface test -> Disk Repair test improved support of Sandisk X600 SSDs, Transcend SSDs, MemKing SSDs improved compatibility and detection with LSI/Avago/Broadcom 9400 series SAS HBA improved support of HP SATA/SAS HBA controllers improved support of some Micron SATA SSDs, Plextor SATA SSDs, Kingston SATA SSDs improved disk surface test performance log added support of DELL SD1-U0250 SSD, YGC-SA3-128G SSD, Netac SSD, Sandisk SD8SBBU480G1122, added support of ProGrade PG05.5 CFExpress memory card reader added support of Crucial X6 SSD: detect temperature, self-monitoring status, health, S.M.A.R.T. details added support of Patriot Supersonic Rage Prime pendrive: detect temperature, self-monitoring status, health, S.M.A.R.T. details added support of Team Group TC21231TBB01 pendrive: detect temperature, self-monitoring status, health, S.M.A.R.T. details added support of Swissbit U-50n, U-56n series industrial pendrives: detect temperature, self-monitoring status, health, and extended S.M.A.R.T. data improved support/compatibility with Intel SSDPE2MD400G4 added/improved support of some HIKVISION SSDs improved database saving and option to re-load last known status of offline disks improved support of some Micron/Crucial SATA SSDs added support of Kingston SDCIT2 industrial (micro) SD cards added support of i-tec MySafe 2x2.5" USB 3.1 enclosure: detect S.M.A.R.T. status of both drives in RAID0/RAID1/JBOD mode added support of Walram SATA SSD improved detection of RAID / Hot spare drive(s) with older Intel RST drivers improved support of some Kingston, Sandisk, Patriot SSDs improvements for ADATA SD Express cards improvements for AMD RAID with high number of SATA hard disks/SSDs and NVMe SSDs Bug fixes, further modifications: minor improvements on non-English languages service mode improvements improved WMI functionality support minor changes for Windows 11 https://katfile.com/671ubcuzuuq3/hd601.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/5w1rp0j78q4q/hd601po.7z.html pw:sentinel
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