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EaseUS Disk Copy v5.5 Build 20230614 All Editions 7zip | 64MB Editions: Workstation - Pro - Server - Technician Az EaseUS Disk Copy-val könnyen frissítheti merevlemezét a régi lemezről egy új lemezre, vagy klónozhatja az MBR lemezt GPT lemezre vagy a GPT lemezt MBR-re. Emellett lehetővé teszi a HDD SSD-re történő klónozását is a jobb teljesítmény érdekében. Tulajdonságok: - Másolja az összes merevlemezét: Bootolható CD/DVD létrehozása, lehetővé teszi a teljes lemez másolását ismeretlen/nem saját fájlrendszerek esetén. - Partíció másolása: Lehetővé teszi egy partíció másolását egy másik kívánt partícióra. - Lemezmásolás: Lehetővé teszi, hogy egy lemezt szektoronként klónozzon egy másikra. - Szektoronkénti másolás: A merevlemezek és partíciók fizikai 1:1 arányú másolatát (klónozását) készíti el. Ez biztosítja az eredetivel való 100%-os azonosságot. - Biztonságos, egyszerű és gyors: Nagyon gyors és egyszerű módja annak, hogy egy merevlemez egészét vagy egy részét átmásolja egy másik merevlemezre a Disk Copy segítségével. - Támogatja az elérhetetlen lemezmásolást - Támogatja a CD/DVD-ről való indítást - Barátságos grafikus felhasználói felület - Lemezterület átadása elégtelen célállomás esetén EaseUS Disk Copy can easily upgrade your hard drive from the old disk to a new one or clone MBR disk to GPT disk or GPT disk to MBR. Also, it allows you to clone HDD to SSD for better performance. Features: • Copy all of your hard drive: Creating a bootable CD/DVD, it allows you to copy entire disk in case of unknown/proprietary file systems. • Partition copy: Enables you to copy one partition to another partition you want. • Disk copy: Enables you to clone one disk to another sector by sector. • Sector by sector copy: Makes physical 1:1 copies (clones) of hard disks and partitions. This ensures 100% identity to the original. • Safe, simple and fast: It is a very fast and easy way to copy all or part of a hard drive to another hard drive with Disk Copy. • Supports inaccessible disk copy • Supports booting from CD/DVD • Friendly graphical user interface • Relay disk space for insufficient destination Fast A faster cloning speed than other tools, requiring less time to clone a hard drive. Flexible Clone only OS or clone only used sectors of the source disk to a smaller SSD. Safe Your computer can be booted from the cloned disk successfully. Upgrade Hard Drive Without Losing Data To resolve a low disk space issue on a computer, nothing is more helpful than replacing the current hard drive with a newer and bigger HDD/SSD. Cloning a disk ensures a smooth upgrade from one hard drive to another as it copies files, programs and OS as they were. Migrate Windows 10/11 Without Reinstalling No one is willing to spend time and money to reinstall an operating system, particularly when Windows 10/11 takes forever to startup. The disk cloning software can easily migrate Windows installation from HDD to SSD, or SSD to another SSD of SATA/M.2/NVMe type. Replace Failing Hard Drive for Complete Data Recovery Losing access to data on a failing hard drive? The expert approved way to recover data from a failing or even dead hard drive is to create a disk image of the bad one to a new healthy drive with the help of disk cloning software. Clone An Old HDD/SSD to A New Computer When you build a new PC, it's a great idea to clone all data, files and OS on your old computer's hard drive to another, and boot your new computer from the cloned hard drive to avoid a new round of reinstallation. Transfer Data from One Drive to Another in Your Pocket Here's a common scene: you heavily rely on a drive partition for your study, work or entertainment but it's located in a computer. Taking a laptop is not possible but you can clone this part of computer drive partition to another external device to carry along. Create A Complete Backup for Instant Restore You can clone your hard drive to serve as a backup. If the original hard drive fails, you can swap it out with the backup drive immediately. Without the time-consuming data restore process, everything remains there and all looks farmilar on the original drive. System Requirements The list below shows the necessary requirements needed by Disk Copy. CPU: at least with X86 or compatible CPU with main frequency 500 MHz. Disk space: 1GB or higher memory. CD/DVD ROM. PS/2 or USB mouse. PS/2 or USB keyboard. RAM: at least 1GB Supported Operating System Windows XP x86/x64 Windows Vista x86/x64 Windows 7 x86/x64 Windows 8 x86/x64 Windows 8.1 x86/x64 Windows 10 Windows 11 Supported Files System FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/NTFS Supported Hardware Disk Copy can be used to copy data among the following types of devices: IDE HDD, SSD, USB HDD, SCSI HDD, SATA HDD, Fire wire (IEEE 1394) HDD, etc. https://katfile.com/g51fagu6595p/edc55.7z.html jelszó:20230614
PDF Replacer Pro v1.8.7.0 52MB A PDF Replacer egy Windows alapú PDF szöveghelyettesítő szoftver segédprogram. Ezzel a praktikus eszközzel könnyedén kicserélheti a szöveget több PDF-dokumentumban új szöveggel, és módosíthatja a kicserélt szöveg betűtípusát és a szövegdíszítéseket, mint például a félkövér, dőlt, aláhúzás és áthúzás. Ha a teljes PDF dokumentum helyett csak néhány PDF oldal szövegét szeretné kicserélni, a PDF Replacer az oldaltartomány opciót is biztosítja, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy csak a kiválasztott oldalakat cserélje ki könnyedén. Az angol, német és francia nyelveken kívül a PDF Replacer támogatja a szinte minden ország több mint 50 nyelvén létrehozott PDF-eket is. Szövegek cseréje PDF-ekben az Ön új szövegével Az eredeti PDF elrendezések megtartása Támogatja a korlátozott és zárolt PDF dokumentumokat PDF oldaltartomány cseréje Több szó sorozatos cseréjének támogatása PDF-ekben Batch mód PDF fájlok tömeges cseréje A PDF szöveg betűtípusának és díszítésének módosítása 'Érzékeny szavak' kötegelt cseréje PDF-ben Támogatás 50+ nyelvek A magyar nyelv támogatott PDF Replacer is a PDF text replacing software utility based on Windows. With this handy tool, you can easily replace text in multiple PDF documents with new text, and also you can modify the replaced text font and text decorations such as bold, italic, underline and linethrough. If you only want to replace the text in some PDF pages instead of the whole PDF document, PDF Replacer also provide you the page range option, which can enable you to replace only your selected pages essily. In addition to English, German, and French languages, PDF Replacer also supports PDFs created in more than 50 languages of almost all countries. Features: Replace Text in PDFs with Your New Text Maintain Original PDF Layouts Support Restricted & Locked PDF Documents Replace PDF Page Range Support Batch Replacing Multiple Words in PDFs Batch Mode Replaces PDF Files in Bulk Change the PDF Text Font & Decoration Support 50+ Languages 4 Striking Examples of PDF Replacer could be Used for Batch Replace sensitive words in PDF If your PDF document contains sensitive words you don't want to be viewed by readers, you can use PDF Replacer to replace the word with a "*" or a blank space " ". Batch replace a person or a brand name in the PDF For example, if you need to replace a person's name or a company brand name in all PDF files, you only need to enter the name in the Find field, and then enter the new name in the Replace With field and click "Replace Now" button. Change the date and time in the PDF content in bulk PDF Replacer also enables you to easily update the date and time text in PDF files. Enter the old date and time in the Find field (of course, please match the date and time text in the PDF file), then enter the latest date and time in the "Replace With" field, then, start replacing. Delete a word or a sentence from PDFs in bulk Enter a word or sentence in the "Find" text box and leave it blank in the "Replace With" and start the task to erase the word or sentence. Pro Version 100% PDF Text Replacing Unlimited PDF Files Personal / Home Use Commercial Use No Watermark on Small PDF Files No Watermark on Large PDF Files Windows 7/Win 8/Win 10 or later (32/64 bit) https://katfile.com/uk3r3iitt2rn/prp187.7z.html jelszó:1870
Macrium Reflect Server Plus v8.1.7544 x64 7zip | 207MB (237MB) Adatmentő alkalmazás, ami partíciókról, vagy teljes meghajtókról egyfájlos mentéseket készít, és vissza tudja állítani azokat. A szoftverrel akár klónozási lehetőségek, vagyis merevlemezről merevlemezre való másolási feladatok is elvégezhetőek. Ha a cél-hardware nagyobb tárhellyel rendelkezik, mint a mentett forrás, a klónozás során kihúzható a kiválasztott partíció mérete a szabadon maradt területre anélkül, hogy abban sérülnének az adatok. A magyar nyelvi fájl mellékelve. Macrium Reflect is a complete backup and disaster recovery solution. Reflect can backup files and folders into a compressed mountable archive file or your entire PC into a single image. Using this image you can restore the entire disk, partition or individual files and folders. You can create full, differential and incremental images to optimize backup speed and disk space requirements. Backup & Restore Features: File Backup - Create a single backup file of one or more folders on your hard disk - Include and exclude filter ensures that you only backup relevant files. - Browse the backup file as a virtual FAT32 hard drive in Windows Explorer. - Files in use by Windows (such as Outlook .pst files) are backed up even when locked! - Multiple compression levels. - Backup files can be saved to local or network drives or optical storage (CD, DVD) - Optionally exclude system and hidden files. - Supports Incremental and Differential backups. - Password protect backups to prevent unauthorized access. - Restore specific files or the entire backup. - Restore to any location. Disk Imaging - Create a single backup file of a complete hard disk - Create a single backup file of one or many partitions - Restore a partition to a different type. e.g. a logical partition can be restored as a bootable primary partition - Resize the restored partition. A hard disk upgrade can easily be performed by increasing the partition to fill the new disk. - Track 0 (The Master Boot Record) is saved with all backups. - Backup files can be saved to local or network drives or optical storage (CD, DVD). - Disk image can be created whilst Windows is in use. A special driver ensures that the disk image represents an exact point in time and will not be affected by disk access that may occur during the backup process. - Verify images. Images (Backup files) can be separately verified or automatically verified before restore. - System files such as 'pagefile.sys' and 'hiberfil.sys' are not included in the image. This reduces the final backup file size. - Three compression levels can be selected to optimize between file size and speed. - Password protect images to prevent unauthorized access. - AES 256 bit encryption for ultimate security. - Set image filenames automatically. XML - Save your backup definitions as XML files and execute them with a single click from your desktop. - Includes VBScript integration and a VBScript generator for unparalleled control of the backup process. Scheduling Features - Schedule daily, weekly or monthly. - Unattended completion. - Automatic incremental / differential images. - Automatic disk space management for local / remote hard drives. - Full logging of all backup operations. HTML log reports are generated and can be viewed using Reflect's built in browser. Drives Supported IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB & IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Filesystems supported NTFS (All versions), FAT16, FAT32 & Ext2/3FS CD DVD Formats -CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL & Blu-Ray Reflect 8 What`s New Macrium is known for creating reliable and scalable software that exceeds personal and business needs, but we don’t rest on reputation. Reflect 8 was created with you - and the future - in mind. What’s New Instant Virtualization for everyone Oracle VirtualBox, as an alternative to Microsoft Hyper-V, for instant image virtualization includes a USB pass-through virtual device that enables USB drives, including flash, to be accessible from inside the Virtual Machine. Automatic partition resizing Restore and Clone Partition Layout boosts our already amazing Rapid Delta Clone and Rapid Delta Restore features by automatically resizing if the target disk is a different size. Removable flash media and exFAT support Backup SD cards and flash memory sticks. By utilizing intelligent sector copy, Macrium Image Guardian and Changed Block Tracker, these users will benefit from smaller file sizes, faster recovery, and removable flash media backup. Improved UI and dark mode High DPI and dark mode support, plus new restore and file-and-folder backup interface. Reduce eye strain with one of our most-requested features - Dark Mode. You’ll also notice an improved UI with high DPI, plus new restore and file-and-folder backup interface. Windows ReFS support Increase data availability, improve scalability, all while maintaining data integrity against corruption. ReFS stands to become a more dominant filesystem and is essential in future-proofing Macrium Reflect. Users can now enjoy the benefits of Windows ReFS supported backup. Intra daily backups Schedule high frequency backups to protect rapidly changing data. Dynamic and fast-changing data needs regular and consistent backups at intervals of hours, not days. That's why we've been working hard to make intra daily backups part of Reflect 8. Supports Windows 11 back to XP MBR and GPT disk support. What`s New: Macrium Reflect.. v8.1.7544 - 6th June 2023 Bug fixes and Improvements... Disk Images Image backups could fail with 'Insufficient system resources' if 'Alternate locations' were used. This has been resolved. Exchange After Exchange Granular Recovery loads the backup and populates the mailbox names, you can click the arrow to expand the mailbox. Sometimes, this caused a crash. This has been resolved. Macrium Image Guardian MIG could incorrectly block the data deduplication process 'FSDMHOST.EXE'. This has been resolved. CBT Formatting a new partition or resizing an existing partition could result in a BSoD. This has been resolved. General Reflect could freeze when Enter Key is pressed while the focus on text area of the restore/clone scroll window. This has been resolved. On some Windows 7 systems, due to third party DLL injection, Reflect could get into hang state. This has been resolved. On some systems, Windows could fail to provide a default GUI font and Reflect would crash. This has been resolved. Various Various other minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect. https://katfile.com/rtykk6v80txm/macrec7544.7z.html Macrium Reflect v8.1.7544 Portable Server Plus Pre-Activated 78MB https://katfile.com/nmuf4vr9ma9j/macrec7544po.7z.html Macrium Reflect Server Plus v8.1.7469 Win11 WinPE x64 341MB Op.rendszer nélkül futtatható verzió Win11 WinPE lemezkép https://katfile.com/os9s023nzm3h/macrec11pe.7z.html jelszó:macrium
Smart Driver Manager Pro 6.4.974 7MB A Smart Driver Manager gyors, egyszerű és biztonságos megoldást kínál az illesztőprogramok automatikus kezelésére és frissítésére. A program átvizsgálja a számítógépet és az összes kapcsolódó hardvereszközt, és listát ad az összes frissítendő illesztőprogramról. Egyetlen kattintással a Smart Driver Manager biztonságosan telepíti az egyes frissítéseket a számítógépére. Végül, az adatbázis illesztőprogramok tartalmaz több mint 1.200.000 illesztőprogramok és folyamatosan frissül, hogy mindig letöltse a legújabb illesztőprogramok. Jellemzők és előnyök Tartsa eszközeit teljesen optimalizálva A hardvergyártók folyamatosan frissítik a termékillesztőprogramokat, hogy javítsák a problémákat vagy javítsák a teljesítményt. A Smart Driver Managerrel végzett rendszeres vizsgálatokkal biztosíthatja, hogy mindig a legfrissebb illesztőprogram-frissítések legyenek telepítve. A Windows 10-re frissítő felhasználók egyik legnagyobb problémája az, amikor a meglévő hardverük nem kompatibilis az új operációs rendszerrel. A Smart Driver Manager megoldhatja ezeket a problémákat a problémás illesztőprogramok azonosításával és a Windows 10 számára megfelelő verzió letöltésével. Gyors és biztonságos módja az illesztőprogramok frissítésének A Smart Driver Manager több mint 1 200 000 illesztőprogramot tartalmazó adatbázissal rendelkezik. Folyamatosan frissítjük és szerkesztjük az adatbázist, hogy a legjobb illesztőprogram-frissítéseket biztosítsuk. A Smart Driver Manager felhasználójaként folyamatosan hozzáférhet az összes adatbázis-frissítéshez, hogy mindig a legjobb illesztőprogramokat használhassa a rendszeréhez. Biztonsági mentés és visszaállítás Ha frissíti az operációs rendszerét, vagy csak újra kell telepítenie a Windows-t, a Smart Driver Manager képes biztonsági másolatot készíteni a számítógépén vagy laptopján lévő összes illesztőprogramról. Az illesztőprogram biztonsági mentése egy zip-fájlba tömörítve lesz, amelyet könnyű exportálni és újratelepíteni. Végül a Smart Driver Manager mentési és újratelepítési funkciói órákig tartó keresgélést és az egyes eszközillesztők telepítését takaríthatják meg. Könnyen használható Célunk mindig az egyszerű, könnyen használható megoldások kialakítása. A Smart Driver Manager egyetlen kattintással elemzi a számítógépét és a csatlakoztatott hardvereszközöket. A vizsgálat azonosítja az elavult illesztőprogramokat, és megtalálja a megfelelő új illesztőprogramokat, amelyekkel lecserélheti őket. A Smart Driver Managerrel még akkor is könnyedén megtalálhatja, kicserélheti, biztonsági mentést készíthet és visszaállíthatja az illesztőprogramokat, ha Ön kezdő számítógép-felhasználó. A beépített ütemező azt jelenti, hogy beállíthatja és elfelejtheti! Egyszerűen állítsa be a beépített ütemezőt úgy, hogy a keresés automatikusan induljon el indításkor vagy egy tetszőleges időpontban, akár naponta, hetente vagy havonta. Az Intelligens illesztőprogram-kezelő tájékoztatja Önt, ha új illesztőprogram-frissítések állnak rendelkezésre a rendszeréhez, így mindig a lehető legjobb illesztőprogramokkal rendelkezik. Smart Driver Manager provide solution fast, easy, and secure way to automatically manage and update your drivers. The program scans your computer and all hardware devices that related and provide a list of all the drivers need to be updated. With just a click, Smart Driver Manager will safe installation each update on your PC. Finally, the database drivers contain over 1,200,000 drivers and is constantly updated to ensure that you always download the latest drivers. Features & Benefits Keep your devices fully optimized Hardware manufacturers are constantly updating their product drivers in order to fix problems or improve performance. By running regular scans with Smart Driver Manager you can make sure you always have the latest driver updates installed. Some of the biggest problems faced by users upgrading to Windows 10 is when their existing hardware is not compatible with their new operating system. Smart Driver Manager can fix these issues by identifying the problem drivers and downloading the correct version for Windows 10. Fast & safe way to update your drivers Smart Driver Manager has a database of over 1,200,000 drivers. We are constantly updating and editing the database to make sure that we have the best driver updates available. As a Smart Driver Manager user, you will have ongoing access to all database updates to ensure that you are always running the best drivers for your system. Backup and Restore If you’re upgrading your operating system or just need to reinstall Windows, Smart Driver Manager can backup all the drivers on your PC or laptop. The driver backup will be compressed into a zip file that is easy to export and reinstall. In the end, Smart Driver Manager’s backup and reinstall features can save you hours of searching for and installing individual device drivers. Easy to use Our goal is always to design simple easy to use solutions. With just one click Smart Driver Manager will analyze your PC and any attached hardware devices. The scan identifies outdated drivers and finds the correct new drivers to replace them with. With Smart Driver Manager even if you’re a novice computer user you will be able to easily find, replace, backup and restore your drivers. Built-in Scheduler means that you can set it and forget it! Simply set the built-in scheduler to run a scan automatically at start-up or at a convenient time either daily, weekly or monthly. Smart Driver Manager lets you know when new driver updates are available for your system so that you always have the best possible drivers https://katfile.com/26p1qkyk4fqb/sdmp964.7z.html Portable 3MB https://katfile.com/i2zxyg3fx1es/sdmp964po.7z.html jelszó:64974
ApowerEdit Pro Multilingual 66MB ApowerEdit Javítsa fel videóit, keltse életre történeteit A magyar nyelv támogatott. Látványos videók bármilyen elképzelés szerint Az ApowerEdit különböző audio- és videóeffektusának segítségével könnyedén professzionális hatású videókat vagy szórakoztató saját készítésű filmeket készíthet, akár kifejezetten komplex felvételeket is. Az elkészült videók oktatáshoz, prezentációhoz, megosztáshoz vagy egyszerűen szórakozáshoz is felhasználhatók. Mindössze egy kis fantáziára van szüksége ahhoz, hogy a felvételeket többek között vágással, körülvágással, szétválasztással, összeolvasztással, fordítással és keveréssel dobja fel, különböző effektusokat alkalmazzon, esetleg felgyorsítsa vagy lelassítsa a lejátszás sebességét. Kreatívan feldolgozott mindennapi videók/fotók Ami látható, az át is alakítható. A filmszerkesztő program lehetővé teszi a számítógép merevlemezén tárolt, valamint a kamerákkal, DV-kamerákkal, vidiconokkal, webkamerákkal, okostelefonokkal stb. készített médiafájlok importálását is. Élete bármely pillanatát személyes mesterművé formálhatja. Az emlékezetes pillanatokat képkockáról képkockára szabhatja testre. Szerkesszen fantáziája szerint, legyen kreatív Egyértelműsítheti és stílusossá is teheti a videókat például látványos címekkel. Egyszerűen készíthet szöveges animációkat, amelyekhez hátteret állíthat be és stílusos betűtípust választhat, majd a feliratokat akár el is fordíthatja. Keltse életre személyes alkotását A videószerkesztő segítségével számos különböző célra készíthet videótartalmakat. Szabadon létrehozhat oktatóanyagokat, szoftverismertetőket, osztálytermi segédanyagokat, nyilvános filmeket, marketinges videókat és így tovább. A vizuális effektusok segítségével színeket és animációs filtereket adhat a felvételhez. Mutassa meg mesterművét barátainak, családjának és az egész világnak A videószerkesztés befejezését követően minden barátjával és családtagjával megoszthatja alkotását. Olyan felvételt mutathat nekik, amely hűen tükrözi a valóságot. A videószerkesztő szoftver lehetővé teszi, hogy a szerkesztett formátumot a kívánt formátumban exportálhassa, hogy lejátszhassa iPhone XS Max, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, HTC vagy más készülékeken. Emellett DVD-re is írhatja, és közvetlenül fel is töltheti a videókat a YouTube-ra, a Facebookra, a Twitterre stb. Technikai adatok Rendszerkövetelmények Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS X 10.11 vagy újabb, iOS 9 vagy újabb. Támogatott videó- és audióformátumok Videó: avi, mpeg, wmv, mp4, mov és sok más. Audió: wav, mp3, m4a, mid, flac, aac, wma, au, aiff, ogg és sok más. Támogatott képformátumok bmp, jpg, png, gif, tif, heic és sok más. Támogatott készülékek Hordozható eszközök: Apple, Samsung, HTC, SanDisk, Sony, LG, Huawei, BlackBerry, Amazon és így tovább. Windows Media Player 11 vagy újabb a WMV videók lejátszásához. DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0c vagy újabb. https://katfile.com/xv66k54k9vua/apep179.7z.html jelszó:17931
Nitro Pro Enterprise v14.3.1.193 7zip | 239MB Hozz létre PDF fájlokat, szerkessz, vagy konvertáld azokat sokkal népszerűbb fájlformátumba a Nitro Pro nevű alkalmazással, rengeteg hasznos elengedhetetlen funkciót biztosít, amik mindenképp szükségesnek tekinthetőek, az adott fájl széleskörű kezeléséhez. A segítségével World, Excel, vagy képformátumokba konvertálhatja PDF fájljaid, a pdf fájlból az utólagosan hozzáadott logók és vízjelek is eltávolíthatóak vele. System Requirements for Nitro Pro Enterprise Operating System: Windows 10/8/7 Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher https://katfile.com/idm2glbh5unm/nipoent14x86.7z.html https://katfile.com/7bznec0xvdpt/nipoent14x64.7z.html Portable x64 (284MB) https://katfile.com/nuv7r2drjvoa/nipoent14po.7z.html jelszó:1431
MiPony v3.2.2 Pro + DataBase 210 FIXED 7zip | 21MB MiPony v3.2.2 Pro with DataBase 210 Javított adatbázisfájl! Sokoldalú letöltésvezérlő ami a directlinkektől kezdve a youtube és torrent tartalomakon át a titkosított linkes és debrid oldalakig a támogatja a letöltést, utóbbiaknál kezeli a prémium fiókokat is. A legfissebb adatbázis mellékelve. With this download manager you will enjoy comfortable features when it comes to downloading files by avoiding host sites inconveniences. Mipony is in charge of everything, it accesses the web where the file is hosted, it waits the required time and starts downloading them one by one. Put the addresses of the files in Mipony and the program will be in charge of everything to have the files downloaded as fast as possible. Mipony's features: Fully AUTOMATIC download. It optimizes your connection. Works with PREMIUM accounts. Pro features Unlimited torrents download No ads (pop ups and banners) Download videos in high quality Download only audios "Browse and download" is optional Home Page customizable Download attempts If by any chance the file shows an error during the download, Mipony will be in charge of performing the necessary attempts automatically until the file is downloaded. Continuous download Once the link has been added to the download list, the files will be downloaded while you navigate and if you close the download program, the downloads will be restarted when you start the program again. Update of the data base of supported sites Automatic update of the data base with the sites supported. Mipony updates automatically to keep working with files download sites and it is constantly adding new sites to the supported websites. See the sites supported Unrestrictors supported Mipony manages "unrestrictor" servers like Alldebrid, Realdebrid, etc. It also supports "link encryption" sites, after adding "encrypted" links Mipony will access the files. Mipony 3.2.2 List of changes: -Improved Youtube download speed. -Added send.cm -Updated takefile.link -Updated filespace.com -Updated mega.nz -Improved bittorrent downloads. -Fixed, some bittorrent trackers did not work. -Fixed issues with files or paths with long names. -It is possible now to remove folders in the download folders history. -Fixed visualization errors with the torrents panel in HDPI screens. -Improved visualization with the black theme. -The installer looks better on HDPI screens. -Do not execute Mipony as administrator after the installation. -Updated Japanese language (Thanks to Tilt). -Updated Italian language (Thanks to tfr). Changelog D.B. v210 : May 16, 2023 -Fixed, files could download one by one even with premium accounts. -Added pixeldrain.com -Added filerice.com -Updated gofile.io -Updated filejoker.net -Updated send.cm https://katfile.com/d8la705pabbb/m210fix.7z.html Portable 13MB (42MB) https://katfile.com/8p8akdpbum0l/m210fixpo.7z.html jelszó:pony
AdGuard Premium v7.13.4266.0 34MB Install+Adguard Trial Reset Az AdGuard megbízható és kezelhető védelmet nyújt Önnek, amely azonnal és az Ön részvétele nélkül kiszűri a betöltődő weboldalakat. Az AdGuard eltávolítja az összes zavaró hirdetést, blokkolja a veszélyes weboldalak betöltését, és nem engedi, hogy bárki nyomon kövesse az Ön internetes tevékenységét. Az általános reklámblokkolók böngészőbővítményként vannak implementálva, míg az AdGuard hálózati szinten működik, és nem vonatkozik rá minden olyan korlátozás, amelyet a böngésző a bővítményeire szab. Az AdGuard funkciói: Hirdetési és nyomkövetési kérések blokkolása, Az oldal kozmetikai feldolgozása, Webhely HTML kód szűrése, Minden böngésző támogatása, Védelem a rosszindulatú hirdetésekkel szemben, Hirdetések szűrése olyan alkalmazásokban, mint a Skype és az uTorrent, és még sok más. Mit tud az AdGuard? - Hirdetésblokkoló. Mindenféle hirdetés blokkolása, a háttérben zajló forgalom kiváló minőségű szűrése. A hirdetések eltávolítása még azelőtt, hogy az oldalak betöltődnének a böngészőben. - Böngészés biztonsága. Védelem az adathalász és rosszindulatú weboldalak ellen. Az AdGuard adatbázisaink segítségével minden oldalt ellenőriz rosszindulatú tartalmakra, és blokkolja a potenciálisan veszélyes oldalak kéréseit. - Lopakodó üzemmód. Ez a modul nem engedi, hogy bárki nyomon kövesse az Ön internetes tevékenységeit. Harmadik féltől származó cookie-k blokkolása, IP-cím elrejtése és egyéb funkciók a személyes adatok védelme érdekében. - Szülői felügyelet. A gyermekek online védelme. Blokkolja a nem megfelelő webhelyekhez való hozzáférést, eltávolítja az obszcén anyagokat a keresési eredményekből és még sok más. Miért az AdGuard? - Az AdGuard minden böngészőben működik. Safari, Chrome - nevezd meg, amit akarsz. Nincs kivétel. - Könnyen telepíthető. Néhány kattintás, és a számítógépét máris megvédi a reklámoktól. Nem kell túlbonyolított beállításokkal küszködnie - csak szörfözzön a neten, és az AdGuard elvégzi az összes munkát. - Videóhirdetések blokkolása. Bármilyen videohirdetés, bármilyen webhelyen - az AdGuard blokkolja. - Alkalmazásszűrés. Az AdGuard blokkolja a hirdetéseket, bármilyen fajtát, és nemcsak az összes böngészőben, hanem a programokban is! Még a Windows UI alkalmazásokban (Windows Store-ból származó alkalmazások) is. - Az AdGuard intuitív és egyszerű felhasználói felülettel rendelkezik, olyan kiegészítő funkciókkal, mint az AdGuard Assistant, a Szűrőszerkesztő és a Szűrési napló. - Naponta frissített reklámszűrők és adathalász adatbázisok. A magyar nyelv támogatott. Hirdetésblokkolás Az AdGuard hirdetésszűrő mindenféle hirdetést blokkol. Felugró ablakok, videohirdetések, szalaghirdetések és hasonlók — ezek mind eltűnnek. Az észrevehetetlen, háttérben történő szűrés és kozmetikai feldolgozás eredményeképpen csak tiszta oldalakat fog látni, azt a tartalmat, amit keresett. Biztonságos webes szörfözés Védelem az adathalászat és a veszélyes webhelyek, valamint a rosszindulatú hirdetések ellen. Az AdGuard minden oldalt megvizsgál az adatbázisunk alapján, hogy nincs-e benne rosszindulatú tartalom, és blokkolja a potenciálisan veszélyes lekéréseket. Adatvédelem Az AdGuard küzd mindenféle nyomkövető és elemző rendszerrel, amelyek Ön után kémkednek. A program blokkolja a harmadik féltől származó sütiket, elrejtheti az IP-címét, és rengeteg egyéb funkcióval rendelkezik az Ön személyes adatainak védelme érdekében. Szülői felügyelet Az AdGuard védi gyermekeit az online térben. Letiltja a nem megfelelő weboldalakhoz való hozzáférést, eltávolítja az obszcén anyagokat a keresési eredményekből, és a szülők számára testreszabható tiltólistát biztosít, hogy gyermekeik számára a legbiztonságosabb webes élményt szabhassák. Védje adatait Manapság az interneten szinte minden megpróbálja ellopni az adatait. Az AdGuard rendelkezik egy olyan dedikált modullal, amely megakadályozza ennek bekövetkezését. Álcázza magát online Az online profil egyszerű elrejtése helyett megváltoztathatja azt oly módon, hogy valaki másként jelenjen meg, és névtelenül böngészhessen. AdGuard is the world's most advanced Internet filter and ad blocker. AdGuard provides you with a reliable and manageable protection that immediately and without your participation filters the loading web pages. AdGuard removes all the annoying ads, blocks loading of dangerous websites, and will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet. Common ad blockers are implemented as browser extensions, while AdGuard works on a network level and is not subject to all limitations which a browser impose on its extensions. AdGuard features Blocking of ad and tracking requests, Cosmetic processing of the page, Website HTML code filtering, Support for all browsers, Protection from malicious ads, Ad filtering in applications like Skype and uTorrent and a lot more. What can AdGuard do? - Ad Blocker. Blocking of all kinds of ads, high-quality filtering of traffic on the background. Ads are removed even before pages are loaded in the browser. - Browsing Security. Protection from phishing and malicious websites. AdGuard checks every page for any malicious content using our databases, and blocks requests from potentially dangerous ones. - Stealth Mode. This module will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet. Blocking of third-parties cookies, hiding IP address and other features for protection of your personal data. - Parental Control. Protection of children online. Blocks access to inappropriate websites, removes obscene materials from search results and much more. Why AdGuard? - AdGuard works in all browsers. Safari, Chrome — you name it. No exceptions. - Easy to install. A couple of clicks, and your PC is protected from ads. You don’t have to struggle with overcomplicated settings — just surf the net and AdGuard will do all the work. - Blocking video ads. Any video ad, on any site — AdGuard will block it. - Application filtering. AdGuard blocks ads of any kinds and not only in all browsers, but in programs as well! Even in Windows UI applications (apps from Windows Store). - AdGuard has intuitive and simple UI with such additional features like AdGuard Assistant, Filter editor and Filtering log. - Daily ad filters and phishing databases updates. https://katfile.com/kvvnosjz0zn9/agpre713.7z.html jelszó:7134
WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe 49MB A szoftver alapvetően konvertálási feladatokra lett tervezve, itt nem csak a merevlemezen tárolt multimédiás fájlok megnyitására szorítkozik, hanem Online tárolt videókat, audió fájlokat is kezel, legyen az akár a YouTube-on megosztott tartalom. A különlegessége, hogy YouTube videók esetén a letöltés és konvertálás előtt azokat vághatod is, ez az opció természetesen a számítógépen tárolt fájlok esetén is biztosított. Műsoros DVD lemezeket is támogat. WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe is software to convert formats for video files, the program has the ability to change the video format like mp4, mov... WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe allows you to convert / compress video Ultra HD, the download video online (YouTube) and video editor to control every video file resolution SD, HD and 4K on your PC. With technology hardware acceleration, it allows multiple CPU cores simultaneously use QSV and CUDA / NVENC to encode and decode video, help you convert video in the blink of an eye. Software WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe offers to users the HD video format different for transitions such as BDAV, M2TS, MKV, AVCHD, HDTV, MPEG-TS. Not only that, the software also has the ability to convert HD videos to the format compatible with the device laptop popular today such as iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Zune, PDA, Blackberry, Nokia, Android, Zen... This software perfectly support the high resolution video, multi-track 1080p MKV, HEVC, M2TS, AVCHD, MOD, content is filmed by many cameras / drone videos, Blu-ray and MP4, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, VOB, FLV, RMVB, WebM, Google TV, etc. It has more than 410 preset profiles to convert movies and videos to SD / HD / UHD (e.g. MKV to MP4) for playback on Apple (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iTunes), Android (Samsung, Huawei, LG), Microsoft (Xbox, Surface), Chromecast, Sony devices, etc. online anytime anywhere. The functions of WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe Convert 4K video, HD & SD in One Go With more than 36 video decoders and audio integrated, allowing you to rest assured that all kinds of video, HD and UHD standard can be converted or compressed perfectly to fit the media your a easy, for example, MKV to AVI / MP4, MTS / M2TS to MOV / MPEG, MP4 to AVI, WMV to H264, and extract music from video to MP3, just to name a few. Fast paced world no. 1, 5 times faster than others By supporting Intel QSV, MMX-SSE, Nvidia CUDA / NVENC, hyper-threading and AMD 3DNow the world's most advanced! technology, WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe significantly speed up the conversion speed, turning it into the video converter CUDA fastest way to convert video 4K / 1080p and download at video online. According to that, your PC is enabled to play games, browse the web without have to bear the burden in the transition process. More than 410 profile preset for Android devices, Apple Most people would have thought playing videos in the journey, but no mobile phone can play all HD videos like M2TS and MKV. With the conversion this HD video for Windows (10), you can make any videos compatible with your console / player mobile to enjoy them on iPhone, iPad, Xbox, Windows Phone, Android tabs, phones, etc. The download at online and transition videos with advanced tools download at videos online, it allows you to download the video 2160p / 4K sharp and video files / audio pop from YouTube, Yahoo, Facebook, DailyMotion, Vimeo, Vevo, SoundCloud, etc on the 300 website videos in 30 seconds and convert them into AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, etc for offline playback, further editing or DVD creation. https://katfile.com/y5ihmbyrk7s0/whvcd518.7z.html jelszó:5180
sPlan v7.0 8MB Az sPlan egy könnyen kezelhető és kényelmes CAD-szoftver, amelyet elektronikus és elektromos áramköri rajzokhoz fejlesztettek ki. Az alkatrészek húzása és áthelyezése a könyvtárból a diagramra a lehető legegyszerűbb, és az alkatrészek pontosan illeszkednek a rácshálóra. Minden alkatrész és rajzelem szabadon szerkeszthető az áramköri diagramon. Csoportokat hozhat létre, mozgathatja, elforgathatja, kivághatja, másolhatja, beillesztheti, törölheti,... Az sPlan rengeteg funkcióval rendelkezik, mint például az automatikus alkatrészszámozás és az alkatrészlisták automatikus generálása. Az sPlan kiváló minőségű nyomtatásokat készít, amelyek előnézetben megtekinthetők a nyomtatás méretarányának és pozíciójának beállításához. Minden módosítás azonnal érvénybe lép az előnézetben. A jól rendszerezett könyvtár rengeteg alkatrészt, komponenst és szimbólumot tartalmaz. A könyvtárat tetszés szerint bővítheti saját alkatrészeivel. Sok időt fordítottunk egy könnyen kezelhető szoftver létrehozására. Egy rövid beszoktatási időszak után látni fogja, milyen egyszerű lehet tökéletes áramköri rajzokat készíteni. sPlan is a software with already many thousands enthusiastic users. You need a software to design your schematic circuit diagrams easy and fast? You won’t get pass sPlan! No matter if you only want to sketch a little circuit diagram or if you need to design a big project with several pages. The new version 7.0 is the consistent further development of the reliable predecessor. Many new and improved features helps you to create your schematics easy and clean. As always, we have set great store of a logical and simple use of the software. With sPlan you will design your schematics after a short time very easily. Even beginners will create perfectly designed circuit diagrams within minutes. With sPlan, you get an easy-to-use tool that has proven itself in engineering, crafts, education, research and teaching. It also has become a helpful tool for many private users. Create professional plans in a very short time, from a simple schematic diagram to complex plans. Highlights: Extendable symbol library Individual page designs with form sheets Components list Automatic component numbering Convenient drawing tools https://katfile.com/gcd83qs96g3s/san70.7z.html jelszó:sv70
FoneLab for Android 5.0.16 Multilingual 59MB FoneLab Android adatmentés és visszaállítás Biztonsági másolat készítése és visszaállítás az Android-adatokról telefonról és SD-kártyáról Windows vagy Mac rendszeren. Az Android Névjegyek, Üzenetek, Hívásnaplók, Galéria, Videók, Hang, Dokumentumok visszaállítása. Az Android adatok előnézete a helyreállítás előtt. Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Sony, Google, HUAWEI stb. Támogatja az Android OS 5.0 és újabb verziókat. A régi és az új biztonsági fájlok mindig ott lesznek. Biztonsági másolatot készíthet vagy visszaállíthat bizonyos vagy minden adatot. Biztonságos és könnyen használható. magyar nyelv támogatott FoneLab for Android is one of the best Android Data Recovery software. Android Data Recovery is great data recovery software for android users that helps you to recover deleted Text Messages, lost Messaging Attachments, lost Contacts, cleared Call History and Photos, Pictures, Videos, Music, Documents on your Android phone, tablet and SD card. No matter you lost your files due to wrong deletion, rooting, upgrading, memory card formatting, virus attacking, or because you crashed, smashed, broke or dropped your device into water, this Android recovery software can rescue the important data in your device. For existing messages, contacts, photos and other files, you can also use the Android Data Recovery to make backups. Main Features: - Recover deleted text messages, contacts, call history from Android phones/tablets and SD cards - Recover deleted photos, videos, music and document files on Android phones/tablets and SD Cards (Pro version only) - Rescue your Android data from wrong deletion, water damage, etc. - Support Samsung/LG/HTC/Sony/Huawei/ZTE phones/tablets - The simplest, fastest and safest Free Android data recovery software ever Recoverable Android Data Includes: - You can restore the name, job title, phone number and email of each contact on your Android device and save them in VCF/CSV/HTML formats to your computer. - With the android sms recovery function you can recover the detailed information of each deleted text messages, including the content, the sender and the sending date information. - Apart from recovering text messages itself, this app also helps you to find the lost messaging attachments in deleted messages, including images, videos, audio files, etc. - Get back your call history from Android phone easily including phone number, name, date, calling type and duration. - If you still wonder how to recover deleted photos from Android, FoneLab for Android is your best choice. This photo recovery can handle all the things to retrieve deleted pictures from Android. (Coming soon) - It supports recovering the voice memos and music on your Android phones/tablets. (Coming soon) - No matter the video is downloaded, recorded or got elsewhere, its video recovery function is able to help you find the videos back on your android devices. (Coming soon) - Notes app on Android enables users to write down everything anywhere and anytime, this recovery software can recover deleted or lost notes on Android easily. (Coming soon) - If you lost important files that saved in your Android, don't worry. This Android File Recovery can help you recover the lost documents in Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, HTML, Zip, RAR or other formats. System Requirement: Supported OS: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP CPU/RAM: 1GHz (32 bit or 64 bit) 256 MB or more of RAM (1024MB Recommended) Hard Disk Space: 200 MB and above free space https://katfile.com/0suk4ovfo0s1/fand016.7z.html jelszó:fone
AquaSoft Video Vision 14.2.06 (x64) Multilingual 405MB Az AquaSoft SlideShow Ultimate programból AquaSoft Video Vision lett. Élje át a fényképes pillanatokat családjával és barátaival. Alakítsa át a fényképeket, videókat, szövegeket és zenéket lenyűgöző filmélménnyé, és ossza meg emlékeit ragyogó minőségben. Fotóit ámulatba ejti - Ilyen szépnek még nem látta a képeit. Mindig a megfelelő vágást helyezze a jelenetbe, és gondoskodjon a megfelelő rekeszértékről a Wow-effektusok eléréséhez. Természetesen a videóiddal is. Képbemutatók átmenetekkel és kamerapásztázásokkal - Több száz átmenet, finoman állítható (például időtartam, irány, animáció stb.) - Használjon átmeneteket be- és kikapcsolásként - Képek tökéletes minőségben - egyetlen pixel sem megy kárba. - Képek megjelenítése teljes méretben vagy kollázsként - Válassza ki a képkivágást a kamera pásztázásával és zoomolásával. Animált útvonalak szárazföldön, vízen és levegőben Mutassa meg, hogy hol járt. Nemcsak Ön fog jobban emlékezni a nyaralási célpontjára, hanem a nézők is valódi hivatkozást kaphatnak az útvonalra, ha megmutatja nekik az utat a térképen. We have long overtaken the topic of photo presentation. For years, our programs have been able to do much more than the name SlideShow could express. Along with the new version 13, the new name was changed to AquaSoft Vision. Vision is thus the direct successor to the popular AquaSoft slide show program. AquaSoft SlideShow Ultimate becomes AquaSoft Video Vision. Experience your photo moments with family and friends. Transform photos, videos, text and music into a fascinating movie experience and share your memories in brilliant quality. Your photos for amazement - You have not seen your pictures this beautiful. Always put the right cut in the scene and make sure you have appropriate aperture for Wow effects. Of course, with your videos as well. Image presentations with transitions and camera pans - Hundreds of transitions, finely adjustable (for example duration, direction, animation, etc.) - Use transitions as fade-ins and fade-outs - Images in perfect quality - no pixel gets wasted. - Display images full size or as collage - Select the image section using a camera pan and zoom. Animated routes by land, water and air Show where you were. Not only will you remember your holiday destination better, but your viewers can also make a real reference to your travel itinerary by showing them the way on the map. - Map Wizard for retrieving maps in all zoom levels from the Internet - Various map styles such as road map or satellite image - Describe any path with a "Running line" - Can be combined with vehicle graphics (custom graphics can be used) - Animation is created live, instantly playable, and can be customized at any time - Use your own maps - Photos, texts and videos can be displayed on maps Your pictures come alive Do images always have to be rigid? Not only to give boredom no chance, but above all to be able to deal with your motifs exactly, you use a wide range of animations. Whether subtle or direct, humorous or playful - a plethora of opportunities - Images, text, videos: you can move and rotate everything along paths. This is how you create your own animations. - You can animate camera pans. Thus, e.g. a "Ken Burns" effect or zooming to specific image details are possible. - A powerful particle system allows you to have a wide range of animations: from the smoke of a steam locomotive to subtle moving background, rain or gently trickling snow. - Use a curve to determine the transparency for each element of your project. Picture in Picture Collages bring even more life into your presentation. You combine several images, place them on backgrounds or decorate them. Now, if you animate collages as a whole as well as their individual components, you'll have your own animation studio. - Create collages with any number of tracks in the Timeline - Picture in Picture effects - Timeline can be structured with chapters and collages, so that complex animations remain clear - A number of immediately usable design elements are available, such as, e.g., forms or even speech bubbles. Everything under control There has to be tidiness, and large projects can not be realized without it. Organize your show in chapters and manage multi-hour slideshows with thousands of pictures. - Project can be divided into chapters and sub-chapters so that you can comfortably denote your vacation with "Getting there", "Day 1", "Day 2", etc. Finished chapters can simply be collapsed. - Storyboard view for easy viewing and sorting of images - No limitation for the maximum number of images or duration of the project - Archiving of the entire project, including all materials used (images, videos, music, fonts, etc.), so that you can have a project that can be completely edited after years. Effect kit for your ideas Would you like to give your images and videos a little boost, sometimes? A huge flexible effect palette is ready for you to realize your ideas. - Live effects that affect even animated content and videos, e.g. masks, blur, soft shadows, color corrections, sepia, displacement mapping, halftone effects, mosaic, etc. - Object effects that automatically animate or arrange your images, e.g. a transition using a soft "Ken Burns" effect, or a scroll in a filmstrip - Other effects like "old film", camera shake, etc. - Image effects like frames and shapes Image and video editing Almost every image and especially video material needs some adaptation. With video editing functions and image corrections, you bring your material into the right shape. - Non-destructive image processing allows image corrections without changing your original images. - Various processing possibilities, from cropping over color correction to rotation - Effect system to create complex effects by yourself How about a picture that gently reflects downwards? - Videocut: split, crop, truncate your videos - Video speed can be changed (for example, for slow motion or time lapse) Your message will come across A word says more than a thousand pictures? You know the saying for sure. Titles and credits as well as picture captions and texts provide for a better understanding, wit and just look good. - Adding captions/titles to images - Free text formatting, such as color, size, font, orientation - Various formatting possible within a text (Rich Text) - Text animations for fading in and out, even single letters - Text effects such as shadow and outline - Using placeholders for inserting image information, such as e.g. the recording date - Automatically adjusts font size to accommodate available space - Credits as in the movies All doors are open to you Reach everyone! No matter which device or medium, the versatile output options offer the suitable for every purpose and also for further processing. - Burn to Blu-ray and DVD - Upload directly to YouTube and Vimeo - Export as video file in all popular formats: MP4, WMV, MPG, etc. - Export as animated GIF or as a sequence of images - Export including player software for (also interactive) presentation on PC - Multiple projects with menu for PC and DVD player Presentations in no time You want to create a slideshow suited to a topic in just a few minutes? Use intelligent templates that automatically arrange and animate everything. - Automatically created animations from your images, videos and texts - Combine templates with your own ideas - Many topics available: birthday, wedding, holiday, school, Christmas, silent film, etc. - Neutral animations are available too - Templates are used at runtime, so the content - i.e. your pictures, videos and texts - can be adapted and is interchangeable and extendable at any time. System Requirements - Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10 64-bit only - Processor: multi-core processor recommended - Graphics card: DirectX 9c, min. 1Gb memory - RAM: 4 GB What's new • official site does not provide any info about changes in this version. https://katfile.com/lch0kpg66k1r/ASViVi.7z.html jelszó:aqua
StartAllBack v3.6.4.4672 x64 36MB Ha Ön azok közé tartozik, akik nem szeretik elfogadni az új felhasználói felületet, de nem hajlandók feladni a Windows 11 rendszert? Akkor StatAllBack jelentheti a megoldást az alternatív tálcára. Restore and improve taskbar Show labels on task icons Adjust icon size and margins Move taskbar to top, left or right edges Drag and drop stuff onto taskbar Center task icons but keep Start button on the left Split into segments, use dynamic translucency Separate corner icons with Windows 7/10 UI Restore and improve File Explorer UI Ribbon and Command Bar revamped with translucent effects Details pane on bottom Old search box (the one which works) Dark mode support for more dialogs Restore and improve context menus All new look with rounded acrylic menus Fast and responsive taskbar menus New fonts, better touch support Restore and improve start menu Launch apps and go to system places in one click Navigate dropdown menus like a boss Enjoy fast and reliable search Finally, lightweight styling and UI consistency Enjoy Windows 7, Windows 10 and third-party taskbar and start menu styles Fix UI inconsistencies in Win32 apps Don't be blue: recolor UI in all windows apps Negative resource usage: fewer RAM used, fewer processes started Requirements: Windows 11 https://katfile.com/09bj1mbnbb4y/stallb36.7z.html jelszó:start
Angry Birds Space v2.1.0 7zip | 73MB | ügyességi, logkai A napi küldetések és az achievementek engedélyezve. The #1 mobile game of all time blasts off into space! Play over 300 interstellar levels across 10 planets! Whether it’s the icy orbs of Cold Cuts, the volcanic explosiveness of Red Planet, Utopia – a planet made entirely of junk food, or the new Brass Hogs episode ruled by evil Hektor Porko, each episode offers intergalactic fun at every turn! And the low-gravity environment of space results in spectacular gameplay ranging from slow-motion puzzles to lightspeed destruction. With brand new birds, special abilities, and a whole galaxy to explore, the sky is no longer the limit! This game may include: - Direct links to social networking websites that are intended for an audience over the age of 13. - Direct links to the internet that can take players away from the game with the potential to browse any web page. - Advertising of Rovio products and also products from select partners. - The option to make in-app purchases. The bill payer should always be consulted beforehand. What's New in version 2.1.0: Face off against the villainous Hektor Porko in an all new episode: Brass Hogs! - 30 new unlockable Brass Hogs levels! - Daily missions! - Enter the Mirror World! Three-Star levels to play their Mirror World counterpart. Multi-dimensional pig-popping! - The Wingman makes his debut in Space with a new special ability! PLEASE NOTE: Xbox controller is currently not supported. Key Features: Over 300 interstellar levels! New playable characters! Unique special abilities for each bird! Zero-gravity space adventures! Trick shots using planets’ gravity! Hidden bonus levels! Beautifully detailed backgrounds! Daily Missions! MINIMUM: OS: XP SP2 Processor: 1 GHz Memory: 512 MB RAM Graphics: OpenGL 1.3 compatible Hard Drive: 54 MB HD space Sound: required Other Requirements: Broadband Internet connection -kibontás -loader futtatása https://katfile.com/l3byswc3sif5/birds.7z.html jelszó:space
Macrium Reflect Server Plus v8.1.7469 x64 7zip | 189MB Adatmentő alkalmazás, ami partíciókról, vagy teljes meghajtókról egyfájlos mentéseket készít, és vissza tudja állítani azokat. A szoftverrel akár klónozási lehetőségek, vagyis merevlemezről merevlemezre való másolási feladatok is elvégezhetőek. Ha a cél-hardware nagyobb tárhellyel rendelkezik, mint a mentett forrás, a klónozás során kihúzható a kiválasztott partíció mérete a szabadon maradt területre anélkül, hogy abban sérülnének az adatok. Macrium Reflect is a complete backup and disaster recovery solution. Reflect can backup files and folders into a compressed mountable archive file or your entire PC into a single image. Using this image you can restore the entire disk, partition or individual files and folders. You can create full, differential and incremental images to optimize backup speed and disk space requirements. Backup & Restore Features: File Backup - Create a single backup file of one or more folders on your hard disk - Include and exclude filter ensures that you only backup relevant files. - Browse the backup file as a virtual FAT32 hard drive in Windows Explorer. - Files in use by Windows (such as Outlook .pst files) are backed up even when locked! - Multiple compression levels. - Backup files can be saved to local or network drives or optical storage (CD, DVD) - Optionally exclude system and hidden files. - Supports Incremental and Differential backups. - Password protect backups to prevent unauthorized access. - Restore specific files or the entire backup. - Restore to any location. Disk Imaging - Create a single backup file of a complete hard disk - Create a single backup file of one or many partitions - Restore a partition to a different type. e.g. a logical partition can be restored as a bootable primary partition - Resize the restored partition. A hard disk upgrade can easily be performed by increasing the partition to fill the new disk. - Track 0 (The Master Boot Record) is saved with all backups. - Backup files can be saved to local or network drives or optical storage (CD, DVD). - Disk image can be created whilst Windows is in use. A special driver ensures that the disk image represents an exact point in time and will not be affected by disk access that may occur during the backup process. - Verify images. Images (Backup files) can be separately verified or automatically verified before restore. - System files such as 'pagefile.sys' and 'hiberfil.sys' are not included in the image. This reduces the final backup file size. - Three compression levels can be selected to optimize between file size and speed. - Password protect images to prevent unauthorized access. - AES 256 bit encryption for ultimate security. - Set image filenames automatically. XML - Save your backup definitions as XML files and execute them with a single click from your desktop. - Includes VBScript integration and a VBScript generator for unparalleled control of the backup process. Scheduling Features - Schedule daily, weekly or monthly. - Unattended completion. - Automatic incremental / differential images. - Automatic disk space management for local / remote hard drives. - Full logging of all backup operations. HTML log reports are generated and can be viewed using Reflect's built in browser. Drives Supported IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB & IEEE 1394 (FireWire) Filesystems supported NTFS (All versions), FAT16, FAT32 & Ext2/3FS CD DVD Formats -CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL & Blu-Ray Reflect 8 What`s New Macrium is known for creating reliable and scalable software that exceeds personal and business needs, but we don’t rest on reputation. Reflect 8 was created with you - and the future - in mind. What’s New Instant Virtualization for everyone Oracle VirtualBox, as an alternative to Microsoft Hyper-V, for instant image virtualization includes a USB pass-through virtual device that enables USB drives, including flash, to be accessible from inside the Virtual Machine. Automatic partition resizing Restore and Clone Partition Layout boosts our already amazing Rapid Delta Clone and Rapid Delta Restore features by automatically resizing if the target disk is a different size. Removable flash media and exFAT support Backup SD cards and flash memory sticks. By utilizing intelligent sector copy, Macrium Image Guardian and Changed Block Tracker, these users will benefit from smaller file sizes, faster recovery, and removable flash media backup. Improved UI and dark mode High DPI and dark mode support, plus new restore and file-and-folder backup interface. Reduce eye strain with one of our most-requested features - Dark Mode. You’ll also notice an improved UI with high DPI, plus new restore and file-and-folder backup interface. Windows ReFS support Increase data availability, improve scalability, all while maintaining data integrity against corruption. ReFS stands to become a more dominant filesystem and is essential in future-proofing Macrium Reflect. Users can now enjoy the benefits of Windows ReFS supported backup. Intra daily backups Schedule high frequency backups to protect rapidly changing data. Dynamic and fast-changing data needs regular and consistent backups at intervals of hours, not days. That's why we've been working hard to make intra daily backups part of Reflect 8. Supports Windows 11 back to XP MBR and GPT disk support. What`s New: Bug fixes and Improvements v8.1.7469 - 18th April 2023 Disk Images We've improved the speed of mounting images in Windows File Explorer on some systems. When imaging a FAT32 partition with a very large FAT table, If the backup target ran out of space while saving the FAT table Reflect could crash. This has been resolved. Reflect now uses the improved Write method to calibrate the target disk write speed. While it may take slightly longer to perform the test than previously, the results are more realistic and closely match the image write performance. Drives encrypted with BitLocker would show as unformatted if the Windows BitLocker WMI component was not registered correctly. This has been resolved. Reflect could crash when an image restore was initiated from Explorer Context Menu, or via command line option. This has been resolved. SQL Backups SQL backups could sometimes not honor retention settings for password protected network shares and for unnamed SQL Server instances. This has been resolved. viBoot In extremely rare circumstances the MRVMDK driver could generate a buffer overflow. This has been resolved. viBoot may incorrectly display “No bootable drive detected error” when launched from Reflect. This has been resolved. CBT After resizing a volume, CBT will not re-enable on the volume until after a system restart. This has been resolved. MRCBT failed to attach to some partitions created with legacy MS-DOS tools. This has been resolved. General We've added a new theme that compliments the currently selected Windows theme. Take the ‘Other Tasks’ > ‘Change Theme…' menu option and select 'Windows Color Theme’ We've improved device driver compatibility with Microsoft DirectStorage. On some Windows 7 systems, due to third party DLL injection, Reflect could become unresponsive. This has been resolved. Email parameters {BACKUPFILENAME} and {BACKUPFILEPATH} would contain incorrect data for skipped backups as no file is generated. This has been resolved by replacing the parameters with empty text. The password ‘Reveal’ button has been removed from the default settings for the SMTP Server password field in the custom email configuration. This was highlighted as a potential security concern for our MSP customers that configured Macrium Reflect for their own customers. Various Various other minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect. https://katfile.com/ikext2g1ru83/macre8174.7z.html Macrium Reflect v8.1.7469 Portable Server Plus Pre-Activated 96MB https://katfile.com/x9oudewduo97/macre8174po.7z.html Macrium Reflect Server Plus v8.1.7469 Win11 WinPE x64 341MB Op.rendszer nélkül futtatható verzió Win11 WinPE lemezkép https://katfile.com/jwz8tsk86fcx/macre8174w11.7z.7z.html jelszó:817469
Glary Malware Hunter Pro Multilingual 99MB A Malware Hunter segít felkutatni a potenciális veszélyeket tartalmazó fájlokat a számítógépen. Több keresési módot, egyszerű áttekinthető kezelőfelületet biztosít. Megtalálja a Malware, trójai, és egy még ismeretlen vírusokat. Használhatsz kizárásokat a víruskeresés során. Víruskereső alkalmazás Trójai, Malware fertőzések megakadályozására több keresési lehetőség kizárások támogatása részletes jelentés a keresések végeztével a magyar nyelv támogatott Glary Malware Hunter PRO - detection of file malware on your computer and delete dangerous content, allowing you to run on-demand scan of the area, important system or specific files. As suggested by its name, Malware Hunter is designed to find and remove the files and components potential danger on your computer, keep it out of the virus and the type of threat other. Features Glary Malware Hunter PRO - Scan ultrasound helps you enjoy the scan speed faster. - Detect and remove malware stubborn against potential danger. - Malware Hunter is an award winning product that provides comprehensive protection against all types of threats, protecting your data, protects your privacy and ensures your PC remains virus free. https://katfile.com/nzmqp8n5gdhu/malhup64.7z.html jelszó:1164
DiskGenius Professional v5.5.0.1488 63MB Particiokezelő,adatmentő-helyreállító, magyar nyelv támogatott DiskGenius (old PartitionGuru) - is a very useful, easy to use application specially designed to offer users a partition management and data recovery software. In addition to partition management functions such as creating, deleting, formatting partitions, it also provides more powerful functions like recovering lost files, recovering lost partitions, clone partition to image file, partition clone, disk clone, quick partition etc. Very useful, easy-to-use application specially designed to manage disk partitions, and restore data on it. In addition to functions for managing partitions, such as deleting, creating, formatting partitions. The program provides an even more powerful features, such as restoring lost partitions, restore lost files, backup, partitions, partition cloning, cloning drive, advanced file operations, etc. The application also supports VMware, VirtualBox and Virtual PC virtual disk files. Supports SCSI, IDE, SATA drives and USB drives, memory cards. Supported file systems FAT12 / FAT16 / FAT32 / NTFS / EXT3. Features: File Recovery and Partition Recovery Powerful and effective function for file recovery and partition recovery helps you solve all sorts of data loss issues. PartitionGuru is capable of recovering lost data from various storage devices, including hard drive, USB flash drive, SSD, external hard drive, memory card, memory stick, virtual disk and more. It can construct virtual RAID and recover data from virtual RAID just like from local disks. Efficient Partition Manager The best partition manager provides all-sided functions for disk and partition utitilies. With PartitionGuru, you can create, format, delete, hide, resize, split, clone and backup partition, rebuild MBR, convert dynamic disk to basic disk, operate virtual disks, etc. Safely resize or split partition without losing data; Convert partition table type MBR to GUID without damaging data and vice versa; Support dynamic disks volume management and converting dynamic disk to basic disk; Check 4K sector alignment for partitions and support 4K sector advanced formatting hard drives. Disk & Partition Backup Mighty backup and restore function is built in the program to guarantee data security, and no complicated operating steps are required. Backup partition to image file or restore partition from image file; Clone partition to another partition by file or copy by sectors; Clone the entire hard drive to another disk by file or by sectors; Clone virtual disk and its partitions. More Useful Functions The program offers all-around functions to improve computer performance. Check and repair bad sectors for all kinds of storage devices, such as, hard drive, external hard drive, USB flash disk .etc. Delete files permanently so that files can’t be recovered by any methods or tools; Create bootable USB flash disk in case of Windows crash, and support USB-FDD, USB-ZIP and USB-HDD modes; Edit sectors just like WinHex, which is preferred by computer professionals; PartitionGuru Dos version is embedded with same interface and functions. changelog: New Add support for reading ISO disc file system. The Sector Editor feature can jump to file system related structures and supports data template. Add support for reading ReFS file system, and the Sector Editor feature supports to jump to file system related structures. Add Turkish language pack. Enhanced The feature of searching for lost partitions supports ReFS partitions. The Quick Partition feature adds EXT4 partition format. Optimize the file copy speed after recovering files and intelligently loading partitions. Optimize the recovery effect of recovering files from NTFS partitions. Optimize the recovery effect of recovering files from exFAT partitions. Improve the accuracy of recovering MXF files by type. The System Migration feature temporarily stops supporting MBR disks booted in EFI mode. Fixed Fixed an issue that long volume label couldn't be entered during using Quick Partition feature. Fixed an issue that exception occurred when resizing partition of a large-capacity hard drive. Fixed an issue that the folder permission got changed after cloning the EXT4 partition. Fixed an issue that the block bitmap might have errors after cloning the EXT3 partition. Fixed an issue of parsing the file directory of exFAT partition used by some systems. Fixed an issue that the 64-bit version couldn't run due to the lack of Winhttp.dll under WinPE. Fixed an issue that the backup of BitLocker drive which was unlocked by system failed. Fixed an issue that the capacity of lost BitLocker partition was not displayed correctly when the partition was found but not unlocked. Fixed an issue for the Backup Disk To Image File feature that logical partitions were displayed incorrectly. Fixed an issue that sometimes partitions couldn't be switched by clicking the partition map area after restoring partition from image file. Fixed an issue that the "Go to sector offset" feature in Sector Editor did not jump according to the current position. Fixed an issue that errors occurred in reading Storage Space whose provisioning type is FIXED. https://katfile.com/s35fe8a5pafv/digipro55.7z.html Portable https://katfile.com/6o4ffyptgqxi/digipro55po.7z.html jelszó:5501488
Runtime NAS Data Recovery v4.02 7zip | 2MB XFS- vagy EXT-formátumú NAS-eszközök helyreállítása, pl. Buffalo, Seagate, Western Digital, DLink vagy Iomega. Támogatja az egy meghajtós, RAID-0, RAID-1 és RAID-5 konfigurációkat. Automatikusan megtalálja a NAS RAID paramétereit, például a kezdőszektort, a blokkméretet, a forgást és a meghajtó sorrendjét. Könnyen használható varázsló, nincs szükség felhasználói beavatkozásra, teljesen automatizált helyreállítás. NAS Data Recovery Recovery for XFS- or EXT-formatted NAS devices, e.g., Buffalo, Seagate, Western Digital, DLink, or Iomega. Supports single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, and RAID-5 configurations. Automatically finds NAS RAID parameters, such as start sector, block size, rotation, and drive order. Easy to use wizard, no user input required, fully automated recovery. Network Attached Storage (NAS) Recovery Software NAS Data Recovery recovers the entire content of your broken NAS. You will be able to copy the files and folders over to another disk. NAS Data Recovery NAS Data Recovery: Wizard's first step NAS Data Recovery works for all XFS- or EXT-formatted single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, or RAID-5 NAS stations from manufacturers such as Buffalo, Seagate, Western Digital, DLink, or Iomega. Remove the drives from your NAS station and attach them locally to your machine. Make sure the drives are all recognized by Windows Disk Management. If you are trying to recover a RAID-5, it is Ok to attach one drive less than the total number of drives in that NAS. NAS Data Recovery also works with images of your drives. Install NAS Data Recovery to your computer and start the program. A wizard will guide you through the recovery. A couple of minutes later, an Explorer-like window will show all recoverable files and folders. Now you can copy your data over to another disk. You can also view many file types before copying them, e.g., pictures, documents, etc. NAS Data Recovery is easy to use. It automatically finds all parameters needed for the recovery, such as RAID start sector, block size, rotation, and drive order. No data recovery background required. No need to buy any other software. Supported NAS Devices NAS Data Recovery supports the following NAS devices: Buffalo, DLink, Seagate, Western Digital, or Iomega NAS devices configured as single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, or RAID-5 XFS- or EXT-formatted NAS devices from other manufacturers, configured as single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, or RAID-5 https://katfile.com/d3rkbkb1hhvj/NASR.7z.html jelszó:Runtime
Runtime GetDataBack Pro v5.61 + portable 7zip | 16MB Adat-visszaállító szoftver. Villámgyors megoldás NTFS, FAT, exFAT, EXT, HFS+ és APFS rendszerekhez. Állítsa vissza elveszett adatait most. Our flagship product GetDataBack Pro is the most powerful Data Recovery software. Lightning fast, for NTFS, FAT, exFAT, EXT, HFS+, and APFS. Recover your lost data now! Highlights Recover ALL your drive's data Restore file names and directory structure Safe, read-only design Intuitive user interface Lightning-fast operation Supports all hard drives, SSD, flashcards, USB Native 64-bit application under 64-bit Windows Recovery of very large drives Redesigned and rewritten, using the newest technologies Supports Windows NTFS, FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT Supports Linux EXT, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 Supports Apple HFS+, APFS Free to try Free lifetime updates with purchase Run GetDataBack from the Runtime Live CD or a WinPE Boot Medium Redesigned and Rewritten GetDataBack Pro is a completely redesigned and rewritten Data Recovery solution for Windows, Mac, and Linux file systems. Our developers have combined decades of data recovery experience with the newest technologies. GetDataBack Pro Data Recovery GetDataBack Pro: Select drive or image GetDataBack Pro runs as a native 64-bit application under 64-bit Windows. Thus is can take full advantage of the x64 CPU. GetDataBack Pro is now faster and can handle huge drives. Under 32-bit Windows, GetDataBack runs the 32-bit version. GetDataBack Pro's clean interface guides you to your lost data and lets you recover it with just one click. GetDataBack Pro is the data recovery solution for professionals as well as inexperienced users. Start your data recovery now, no manual to read, no ostentatious options, no kidding. GetDataBack Pro combines recovery capabilities for NTFS, FAT, exFAT, EXT, HFS+, and APFS. You do not need to find out beforehand which files system your drive uses. GetDataBack Pro's recovery engine internally utilizes four distinguished sophistication levels that automatically escalate until it achieves good results. Free lifetime update promise GetDataBack comes with free updates for the lifetime of the software. Unlike competitors who require you to buy a new version every year, our first GetDataBack customers from 2001 are still enjoying the latest versions of our software! Customers who bought GetDataBack for FAT, GetDataBack for NTFS, or GetDataBack Simple in the past can use their existing license key for GetDataBack Pro. GetDataBack is more than an un-deleter or a system restore GetDataBack Pro recovers your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, directories, or other system areas are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted or re-partitioned, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, or files were accidentally deleted. GetDataBack Pro can recover your data if the operating system no longer recognized the drive. GetDataBack Pro works on hard drives, SSD, flashcards, USB sticks, etc. Get everything back, the safe, secure, and fast way GetDataBack Pro Data Recovery GetDataBack Pro: Recovered files in Explorer-style window Advanced algorithms put files and directories together as they were, restoring file names correctly. GetDataBack employs several approaches to your data, depending on the actual condition of the drive. Four different escalating sophistication levels ensure the recovery of your files. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will not attempt to "fix" or write to the drive you are about to recover. GetDataBack Pro's user interface is intuitive. It enables even inexperienced users to conduct their data recovery with just one click. Not only does GetDataBack Pro recover your data. It does it quickly. The first sophistication levels recover large drives in seconds or minutes. Copying the recovered data to another medium is similar to the speed of regular file copy operations. Version: V5.56, November 9, 2021 System Requirements: 4 GB RAM, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 32 or 64 bit https://katfile.com/im5qpwms59el/GDB61.7z.html Portable https://katfile.com/p546pujvjrjy/GDB61po.7z.html jelszó:Runtime
HEU KMS Activator 30.0.0 5MB Többféle módszerrel dolgozó Windows és Office aktivátor. Ezenkívül támogatja a Windows biztonsági mentését és visszaállítását, az MS Office kiadásának megváltoztatását, a kulcs manuális beállítását abban az esetben, ha megvásárolta az eredeti kulcsot. HEU KMS Activator is a quick Windows and Office activator with multiple methods like Digital License, KMS38, OEM and KMS. This tool takes advantage of building a KMS server inside your system, so it can easily activate both Windows and Office. In addition, it also supports Windows backup and restore, Change MS Office Edition, Key setting manually in case you purchased the original Key and more. Features of HEU KMS Activator Digital Trigger & KMS Office uninstallation support Backup and Restore License Windows Backup/Restore. Correct copyright notice & register when opening Office Activate Windows Server, Windows XP/Vista/7 /8.1/10/11 Activate Microsoft Office 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and Office 365... Set up KMS server on local system. Note: Disable anti-virus and should consider carefully before using. https://katfile.com/p1k7se8egx14/he30.7z.html jelszó:3000
Revo Uninstaller Pro v5.1.0 7zip | 17MB | rendszereszköz A Revo Uninstaller Pro a népszerű programeltávolító szoftver prémium változata, ami többek között telepítésfelügyeleti szolgáltatást, Autorun Managert, böngésző, illetve rendszerpucoló funkciót is tartalmaz. Maradéktalanul távolítja el a régi programjaidat. Újdonságok a Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.1.0 verziójában ✓Hozzáadva - A "Másolás a Vágólapra" parancs hozzáadása egyes eszközök környezeti menüjéhez ✓Kijavítva - Az egyéni felhasználói telepítési mappák észlelésére szolgáló algoritmus ✓Kijavítva - A Revo Uninstaller Pro csendes frissítése a háttérben ✓Kisebb fejlesztések a felhasználói felületen ✓Frissített nyelvi fájlok ✓Kisebb hibajavítások Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer easily! Even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet. Revo Uninstaller is a much faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Programs and Features (Add or Remove Programs)" applet! It has very powerful features to uninstall and remove programs. Main features of Revo Uninstaller: Uninstaller Forced Uninstall Real-Time Installation Monitor Multi-Level Backup System The other levels of the backup system are Hunter Mode Junk Files Cleaner Windows Tools Autorun Manager Browsers Cleaner MS Office Cleaner Windows Cleaner Evidence Remover Unrecoverable Delete System requirements: 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 and Windows Server Editions, 512MB RAM, 65MB HDD Free Space, 800MHz Pentium-Compatible CPU https://katfile.com/0a095jywz1kj/reup51.7z.html Portable 14MB (90MB) https://katfile.com/xem38c6gn8rx/reup51po.7z.html jelszó:510
Office 2013-2021 C2R Install & Lite v7.5.0.3 7zip | 27MB Online office telepítő és aktivátor szelektív telepítés, kulcsok-licenszek törlése, retail-VL konverter, szükség esetén ISO formátum készítése vagy letöltése This program designed for on-line installation and activation Microsoft Office 2013/2016/2019/2021 C2R. You also can create custom installation of Office off-line for using later. How to use the program: 1. Uninstall Office 2016 via (Control panel) applet "Add or remove Programs". 2. Uninstall Office 2016 using the "Force Remove Office" and restart your computer. 3. Install Office by clicking the "Install Office" button. 4. Go to "Utilities" tab and do the conversion "Office RETAIL => VL". 5. Then click "Activate Office" button. or 6. Start KMSAuto Net 2015 and click "Activate Office". How to use Bookmark Download Office: Bookmark Download Office serves to create the off-line installation varying versions and editions of Microsoft Office with the possibility for the subsequent installation of the product without receiving files from outside.. 1. Select the appropriate version of Office, bit and language. I recommend to make a full x86-x64 distribution. To do this, select the tab-width All (the lowest). Click the Download button and choose a folder to the distribution files. You can select the folder of the previous session of the program to further develop distribution, or will start a new session. 2. If you want to make multilingual distribution - after complete loading of the first language, switch to the pre- Executive language, click the Download button, and select the same download folder. 3. After downloading all required bit and spoken recommend creating ISO-image office suite. To do this, click Create ISO. 4. As a result, in the selected folder you will see a ready to use off-line installer Microsoft Office chosen version. In one session, downloading files does not use different versions of MS Office 2016 and 2013. It is possible to manipulate with x86-x64 and languages, but not versions. Or use a different folder assignment is. Otherwise you will get unusable distribution. 5. Now you can create multiple projects distributions of return, additions and corrections have downloaded. You can choice the versions builds. For Office 2013 Branch-choice and does not matter. Always will be download the most current build. For Office 2016, you can choose the source of download (branch). Button Check version has been added to check the build number the selected Branch. https://katfile.com/x4vzex2a24d7/off503.7z.html jelszó:7503
imyPass Windows Password Reset Ultimate v1.0.8 129MB Világszínvonalú Windows-jelszó-visszaállító eszköz a Windows Admin és Standard felhasználói fiók jelszavának visszaállításához Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista rendszeren adatvesztés nélkül. A jelszó visszaállítása mellett képes új fiók létrehozására CD/DVD-n vagy USB-meghajtón keresztül. A world-class Windows password reset tool to reset Windows Admin and Standard user account password on Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista without losing data. Besides resetting a password, it is capable of creating a new account via CD/DVD or USB drive. When You Will Need imyPass Windows Password Reset? A password is required in Windows computer login or making some changes. For one reason or another as below, you may need to reset or remove Windows password. That’s what imyPass Windows Password Reset can assistant you instantly. - Lost/Forgot Windows Login password Forgot or lost login password and cannot log in to Windows computer. - Log out of computer Log out of computer and cannot log in without a password on Windows. - Forgot Admin password Forgot Admin password and cannot make some changes on Windows computer. - Want to create a new account without administrator access Standard users without administrator access and want to create a new account. How imyPass Windows Password Reset Works: Without any complicated helpers or settings, imyPass Windows Password Reset offers you 2 ways to reset password on Windows via CD/DVD and USB flash drive. Support Windows computers which are equipped with BIOS or Legacy mode. - Create with CD/DVD Burn Windows password recovery disk with CD/DVD drive to boot up any locked Windows computer. - Create with USB Flash Drive Make a bootable USB flash drive from SanDisk, Kingston, Toshiba, Samsung, etc., to reset password. Support All Windows Types No matter what version your Windows computer is, this password cracker can remove and reset password easily, and help you create a new standard account conveniently. - Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Server 2019/2016/2012 (R2)/2008 (R2)/2003 (R2)/SBS 2011. - Support a wide range of brands of desktops and laptops, including Dell, HP, IBM, Sony, Samsung, Gateway, Lenovo, ASUS, Acer, Toshiba, etc. - Available for almost all file systems like FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5, etc. https://katfile.com/rmogov6wwqpl/wpass8.7z.html jelszó:v108
TreeCardGames 6in1 318MB A TreeCardGames windows-os kártyajátékai és a teljes vagy premium verziókat feloldó kulcsgenerátor. SolSuite Solitaire SolSuite is a high-quality collection of more than 790 solitaire card games! latest version 23.0 MahJong Suite MahJong Suite is a high-quality collection of MahJong solitaire games latest version 19.0 Sudoku Up Sudoku Up is a high-quality collection of Sudoku Puzzles latest version 12.0 Hearts Premium Hearts Premium is a beautiful version of the famous trick-taking card game latest version 3.3 Spades Premium Use your best strategy to win at least the number of tricks bid in each hand! (multi-language) latest version 3.0 Gin Rummy Premium A fun and modern version of the famous 'draw and discard' card game! (multi-language) new version 3.1 https://katfile.com/mq5xj11xfsmr/TCG61.7z.html jelszó:2023
DAEMON Tools Ultra v6.1.0.1753 28MB A programmal a virtuális meghajtókkal való munka lehetőségeinek hatalmas listáját kaphatja meg legyen az archiválás, egyszerű emulálás szerkesztés vagy akár a lemezre írás, mixed-audio lemezezképek tökéletes kezelése, bootolható USB-stickeket hozhat létre az operációs rendszer helyreállításához, RAM-lemezeket használhat a számítógép felgyorsításához, a megfeleó mobil alkalmazással társítva fájlküldés a pc és mobil között android vagy ios rendszeren, telefonok tartalmának böngészése stb. DAEMON Tools Ultra is the most powerful, ultimate and advanced imaging software we’ve ever created. Get the immense list of possibilities to work with virtual drives, create bootable USB-sticks for operating system recovery, use RAM disks to speed up your PC and evaluate the unique iSCSI Initiator that allows connecting to USB devices. Cutting-edge imaging tools Mount all types of image files including virtual hard disks and more Create virtual images from discs, files and audio tracks Emulate the unlimited number of DT, SCSI, IDE and HDD virtual drives Edit, convert, compress, split, protect and burn images Ultra-features Multitasking: Run more than one wizard simultaneously to reduce time Quick Mount: Forget about device creation GameSpace: Get an extra info about images you mount. Be in touch with the latest news of gaming industry Bootable USB devices Write bootable images to USB devices in a few clicks Create a fast, reusable, durable and handy device for OS recovery Boot to UEFI or BIOS; work with GPT or MBR partitions Create Live USB devices and Raspberry Pi OS cards Catch! Send files between DAEMON Tools Ultra and mobile apps Browse mobile devices via local Wi-Fi network Lightning speed. No mobile network usage. The highest security Use with iOS, Android or Mac apps RAM disks Create and mount virtual RAM disks that use a block of memory Keep your temporary files in the fastest storage to get the highest performance Forget about hard disk fragmentation caused by undeleted temporary files Evaluate the benefits of both volatile and persistent RAM disks VHDs and TrueCrypt files Create, mount and adjust different types of virtual hard disks Back up your data and host more than one OS on your PC Use TrueCrypt containers to protect the most sensitive data Mount TrueCrypt and VHD files created in other applications Back up files Back up any files to disk, VHD or TrueCrypt container Add and adjust backup tasks to run automatically Plan your own schedule for backups Turn on email notifications to monitor task progress iSCSI and USB sharing Use the upgraded iSCSI protocol to connect to USB devices Work with remote VHDs, images, USB and optical drives Connect to DAEMON Tools iSCSI Target or third-party servers Virtual Burner Create Writable Virtual Drive and burn files to images instead of discs Use Writable Virtual Drive with DAEMON Tools Ultra or any other applications Test your custom discs before burning them Minimize wear and tear of physical devices Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more https://katfile.com/im24t2lmn4wu/dtu610.7z.html jelszó:6101753