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SketchUp Pro 2023 v23.0.419.179 x64 879MB (882MB) A SketchUp egy 3D-s modellező számítógépes program, amely a rajzolási alkalmazások széles skálájához használható, például építészeti, belsőépítészeti, tájépítészeti, építő- és gépészeti, valamint film- és videojáték-tervezéshez. Épületek, bútorok, belső terek, tájképek 3D modelljeit készítheti el. Testre szabhatja a SketchUp kezelőfelületét, hogy az tükrözze az Ön munkamódszerét. Ossza meg a 3D modelleket bejárható animációként, jelenetként vagy nyomtatásként, valósághű fényekkel és árnyékokkal. A modellt akár ki is nyomtathatja 3D nyomtatón. Importálhat fájlokat más 3D modellező programokból vagy eszközökből, vagy exportálhatja a SketchUp fájlt más népszerű modellező és képszerkesztő szoftverekkel való használatra. Eszközök a 3D modellezés eszköztárához: SketchUp Pro for Desktop Gyors, egyszerű 3D modellezés bármihez, amit csak el tud képzelni. SketchUp for Web Nagy teljesítményű webes modellezőnk, minden olyan funkcióval, amire szüksége van ahhoz, hogy terveit valósággá alakítsa. SketchUp iPad-re Gyorsan rögzítheti a tervezési inspirációt, hatékonyan dolgozhat együtt, és könnyedén jelölheti ki a modelleket - bárhol is folyik a munka. Professzionális, előre elkészített 3D modellek Gyorsítsa fel tervezési munkafolyamatát a 3D Warehouse több száz, gyártók által jóváhagyott modelljével. Korlátlan felhőtárolás Ossza meg, működjön együtt és tárolja projektjeit a felhőben. Szerezzen rugalmasságot és nyugalmat. 2D tervdokumentáció Készítsen méretezett rajzkészleteket 2D-ben a LayOut segítségével. VR-modell megtekintése Nyűgözze le ügyfeleit a projektjük végigjárásával Microsoft HoloLens, HTC Vive vagy Oculus konzolon, telefonján vagy táblagépén. Továbbfejlesztett tervezési kutatás Gyors betekintést nyerhet a tervezési kutatáshoz, mielőtt 3D-ben elkezdené. Kapjon tervezési ajánlásokat az időjárás és az épület típusa alapján. SketchUp is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film and video game design. Ceate 3D models of buildings, furniture, interiors, landscapes, and more. Customize the SketchUp interface to reflect the way you work. Share 3D models as walkthrough animations, scenes, or printouts, with realistic light and shadows. You can even print a model on a 3D printer. Import files from other 3D modeling programs or tools, or export your SketchUp file for use with other popular modeling and image-editing software. Tools for your 3D modeling toolbox SketchUp Pro for Desktop Fast, easy 3D modeling for anything you can imagine. SketchUp for Web Our powerful web modeler, with all the features you need to turn your designs into real things. SketchUp for iPad Quickly capture design inspiration, collaborate efficiently, and mark up models with ease — wherever work happens. Professional, pre-made 3D models Speed up your design workflow with hundreds of manufacturer-approved models from 3D Warehouse. Unlimited cloud storage Share, collaborate, and store your projects in the cloud. Gain flexibility and peace of mind. 2D design documentation Create scaled drawing sets in 2D with LayOut. VR model viewing Wow your clients with a walkthrough of their project on Microsoft HoloLens, HTC Vive, or Oculus, on your phone or tablet. Enhanced design research Access quick insights for design research before you start in 3D. Get design recommendations based on weather and building type. https://katfile.com/l457519ybhoy/sup230x64.7z.html jelszó:2023
Gunner, HEAT, PC! v20230905 Early Access 2883MB (12015MB) tank szimulátor The tank game you've been waiting for It's a weird time for fans of modern tank combat games. The straight-shooting simulator titles from the turn of the millennium are no more. As tank nerds, we need a game that gets right to the good stuff - modern tanks, realistic system and damage models, and a focus on fun over all. With Gunner, HEAT, PC! we aim to make that dream a reality. GHPC will blend game and simulation in just the right amounts, providing awesome fire control and ballistics simulation behind deceptively simple controls. This core feature set serves as the foundation for a rich single player campaign mode, skirmish missions, and (eventually) cooperative multiplayer modes: a satisfying option for every taste. And let's not forget about infantry and support units - tanks weren't built to fight alone. AI-controlled combined arms forces will round out the tactical environment and let armored units shine the way they were meant to. We're making a great tank game because that's what we want to play. GHPC Update 20230905 GHPC Early Access has been updated to version 20230905. This is a regular update, introducing new features, adjustments, and bug fixes. New content includes a new Instant Action mission, a set of vehicle training missions, icons for tracking which missions have been attempted and completed, and detailed post-mission stats in the AAR mode. This update comes on the eve of a significant milestone for us: one year in early access! Keep an eye out for a dev log post soon, detailing our thoughts on the game's progress and future plans. As always, you can get additional info on what's coming to the game in the future using our Discord server and YouTube channel. Links are on the GHPC website. Changelog Added a new instant action mission to the North Fields map Added several new dedicated vehicle training missions in Grafenwoehr Tank Range Added icons to track which missions are unplayed and which ones have been won, color coded by team Added mission results summary to AAR mode Added more stats to mission results summary Removed mission results summary after campaign missions (replaced by the one in AAR mode) Added new sound effects for aircraft rocket launches Added doppler effect to CAS planes Added decals to Mi-8 Reduced RAM burden of AAR data by discarding unimportant shots rather than saving them Made map icons and text scale based on zoom level Set default map position and zoom level to focus on player position Removed fuel lines from T-55 X-ray model, as these did not do anything and do not represent our standard level of detail Changed default AAR mode to "shots involving player" instead of "player shots" in order to show the full story with less unwanted data to sort through Mission category headers will no longer appear in Instant Action lists for categories with no matching missions Increased BMP-1 and BMP-1P AI aim error Slightly lowered AI vision range in or through forests Restored munition loads to some flyover jets (non-CAS flights) Increased suspension damping on M1 and M1IP Fixed some weather system settings that were causing frame rate issues on some systems Fixed weather changing too fast Fixed an issue that caused RAM usage to climb forever every time a new AAR shot was viewed Fixed an issue that caused some vehicles to be invisible to enemy AI from some angles (this especially affected the M2 Bradley) Fixed some fire effects visibly traveling and rotating with thrown turrets Fixed unit and crew losses no longer being counted after the mission was won or lost Fixed various small issues in missions (thanks for making detailed reports on Discord and Github!) Fixed T-55 fuel tanks not being set to volumetric mode, causing them to be OP against HEAT rounds and ATGMs in some cases Fixed an issue where BTR-60 crew could float in midair in some situations Fixed an issue where armor from despawned vehicles could remain in play Fixed PT-76B tracks clipping into the ground Fixed naming issues on PT-76B Fixed mission timer starting too early in Rally challenge MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 or later Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: Dedicated GPU DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 11 GB szabad hely Egyéb megjegyzések: Laptop or compact line GPUs may have some difficulty achieving high performance. AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 or later Memória: 16 GB RAM Grafika: Dedicated desktop GPU, GTX 1060 or better DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 12 GB szabad hely Egyéb megjegyzések: A strong CPU will have the biggest effect on performance for most users. md5: 6a6f51db9a0ad34e74775a2341131849 *GPC.7z.001 cfa70144c701ecb6dd976c2069aa6768 *GPC.7z.002 https://katfile.com/ebthpxcfzv9b/GPC.7z.001.html https://katfile.com/5ugs7u0aze3o/GPC.7z.002.html jelszó:20230905
Print2CAD 2024 AI x64 v24.16a 121MB Tökéletes PDF DWG/DXF konvertálás A Print2CAD 2024 AI minden PDF elemet teljes mértékben szerkeszthető CAD elemmé alakít át. Minden PDF vonal, polivonal, spline, szöveg, kör, ív, réteg natív DWG/DXF elemmé konvertálódik. Felismeri a vonaltipusokat, szimbórumokat, rétegeket, natív és nem natív kiegészítő szövegeket. Perfect PDF to DWG/DXF conversion Print2CAD 2024 AI converts all PDF elements into full editable CAD elements. All PDF lines, polylines, splines, texts, circles, arcs, layers will be converted into native DWG/DXF entities. Print2CAD 2024 AI vectorizes all PDF raster pictures as DWG/DXF vectors or solids using "Center Line Tracing", "Outline Tracing" or "Solidization" as vectorization methods. Print2CAD 2024 AI uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) Methods for H/V line recognition, right corner recognition, solid walls recognition, symbol recognition and OCR of text. Print2CAD 2024 AI applies Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to all kind of text (line, hatch or raster) and with all inclination angles. AI PDF Raster 2 Vector and OCR of Text Print2CAD 2024 AI offers vectorization of PDF raster pictures as DWG vectors or solids using special vectorization and contourization methods. Raster image preprozessor with filling of small holes and connection of broken pixel traces corrects automatic raster pictures before vectorization and OCR of Text. Alternative vectorization as center line, outline or solid. Separation of parts of a raster picture (homogenization) and applying of appropriate raster to vector method on separated pictures. https://katfile.com/xkp29piaat66/p2c16i.7z.html jelszó:2416
AOMEI FoneTool Technician v2.4.1 206MB (222MB) iPhone adatok biztonsági mentése és átvitele. Mentse az iPhone/iPad/iPod fényképeket, videókat, zenéket, névjegyeket stb. Könnyen átviheti az adatokat egy másik iOS eszközre vagy számítógépre. Rugalmasan kezelheti az iDevice tárhelyét és adatait. FoneTool - Backup & Transfer Your iPhone data for Free .Quickly backup iPhone/iPad/iPod photos, videos, music, contacts, etc. Easily transfer data to another iOS device or computer. Manage iDevice storage and data flexibly. Backup & Transfer Your iPhone data • Quickly backup iPhone/iPad/iPod photos, videos, music, contacts, etc. • Easily transfer data to another iOS device or computer • Manage iDevice storage and data flexibly • Works on Win 11/10/8/7 and fully compatible with iOS 16, 15 Protect iPhone data and transfer iPhone to iPhone Worry about data loss? Backup is your insurance. Switch to new iPhone? Transfer data by one click. Make iPhone backup to keep data safe FoneTool is a free iPhone backup software. You can make full or partial iPhone backup or other iOS backup to save important data to safe places. • Backup photos and videos to save memories of your life • Backup contacts to keep the connection of all important person • Backup messages to retain crucial information • Backup music to enjoy them anytime and anywhere Transfer data to PC or new iPhone FoneTool makes it easy to do iPhone transfer and release iPhone storage. It requires only simple clicks to transfer iPhone to iPhone or iPhone to PC. • Quickly transfer files and apps that you want • Free release your iPhone storage • Transfer everything at the superfast speed • Safely transfer all the iPhone data by one click Useful utilities to manage iOS data FoneTool integrates various tools helping you flexibly manage your iPhone/iPad/iPod data. • Delete duplicate and similar photos on an iPhone or a computer. • Free convert HEIC photos to JPG/JPEG/PNG without reducing the quality. • Permanently erase all iPhone data to protect personal data. Minimum Hardware requirements 1 Ghz x86 or compatible CPU 256MB RAM Mouse or another pointing device (recommended) 300 Mb of available disk space of installation Supported Windows Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 11 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 7 (Service Pack 1, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (all editions) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (all editions) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (all editions) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 (all editions) Microsoft Windows Home Server (WHS) 2011 Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Supported iOS Devices iPhone 4s/5/5s/6/6s/6 Plus/6s Plus/SE/7/7 Plus/8/8 Plus/X/XS/XS Max/XR/11/ 11 Pro/11 Pro Max/SE2/12 mini/12/12 Pro/12 Pro Max/13 mini/13/13 Pro/13 Pro Max/SE3/14/14 Pro/14 Pro Max/14 Plus iPad /iPad mini/iPad Air/iPad Pro iPod touch 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 https://katfile.com/7q9r8gx8je7q/fott41.7z.html jelszó:v241
MiPony v3.3.0 Pro + DataBase 214 7zip | 21MB (27MB) MiPony v3.3.0 Pro with DataBase 214 Sokoldalú letöltésvezérlő ami a directlinkektől kezdve a youtube és torrent tartalomakon át a titkosított linkes és debrid oldalakig a támogatja a letöltést, utóbbiaknál kezeli a prémium fiókokat is. A legfissebb adatbázis mellékelve. With this download manager you will enjoy comfortable features when it comes to downloading files by avoiding host sites inconveniences. Mipony is in charge of everything, it accesses the web where the file is hosted, it waits the required time and starts downloading them one by one. Put the addresses of the files in Mipony and the program will be in charge of everything to have the files downloaded as fast as possible. Mipony's features: Fully AUTOMATIC download. It optimizes your connection. Works with PREMIUM accounts. Pro features Unlimited torrents download No ads (pop ups and banners) Download videos in high quality Download only audios "Browse and download" is optional Home Page customizable Download attempts If by any chance the file shows an error during the download, Mipony will be in charge of performing the necessary attempts automatically until the file is downloaded. Continuous download Once the link has been added to the download list, the files will be downloaded while you navigate and if you close the download program, the downloads will be restarted when you start the program again. Update of the data base of supported sites Automatic update of the data base with the sites supported. Mipony updates automatically to keep working with files download sites and it is constantly adding new sites to the supported websites. See the sites supported Unrestrictors supported Mipony manages "unrestrictor" servers like Alldebrid, Realdebrid, etc. It also supports "link encryption" sites, after adding "encrypted" links Mipony will access the files. Mipony 3.3.0 Changelog D.B. v214 : MIPONY VERSION 3.3.0 September 1, 2023 -Fixed capthca was not showed. Web Sites Database updated 213 August 29, 2023 -Updated Youtube https://katfile.com/6w1erhcezybe/mp214.7z.html Portable 13MB (42MB) https://katfile.com/3iyne4iooq9d/mp214po.7z.html jelszó:pony
TreeSize Professional v9.0.3.1852 35MB Merevlemez elemző program , megtudhatod mi foglalja a legtöbb helyet, a magyar nyelv támogatott. A TreeSize Professional egy hatékony és rugalmas merevlemez-területkezelő, akár több elgondolás szerint is csoportosítható jelentést biztosít a számítógépen található fájlok méretéről. - A lemezterület hatékony kezelése és megtisztítása - A lemezhasználat vizualizálása - Részletes elemzés, egészen a legalacsonyabb könyvtárszintekig - Felesleges fájlok keresése és eltávolítása - Számos exportálási és jelentéstételi lehetőség - A sokoldalú duplikált fájlok keresése TreeSize Professional is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager for all windows. Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover megabytes on your disks. TreeSize Professional shows you the size, allocated and wasted space, the number of files, 3D charts, the last access date, the file owner and permissions, the NTFS compression rate and much more information for several folders or drives you choose. It also lets you search drives, entire servers or the entire network for old, big, temporary and duplicate files. The search results can be moved, deleted or exported. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like user interface, it is fast and multi-threaded and supports Unicode and scheduled scans. You can print detailed reports or export the collected data to Excel and to an HTML, XML or text file. TreeSize Professional can be started from the context menu of every folder or drive. Why TreeSize Professional - Manage and clean up disk space efficiently - Visualize disk usage - Detailed analysis, right down to the lowest directory levels - Find and remove redundant files - Numerous export and reporting options - The versatile duplicate file search Manage disk space and scan your hard disks Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover precious disk space. Use TreeSize as a hard disk cleanup tool: find space hogs and remove them. Graphical analyses provide a quick visualization of disk space usage. TreeSize Professional shows you folder size and allocated disk space as well as owner and permissions, the last access date, the NTFS compression rate, and much more information for selected folders or drives. Search for Redundant Files The integrated versatile file search helps you find old, big, temporary, and duplicate files on drives, entire servers or the entire network. Search results can be moved, deleted or exported to a ZIP file. Print, Export, or Compare Results You can print detailed reports and charts or export the collected data to many different formats such as XML, XLS, TXT, CSV and many more. Compare XML reports or take shapshots of your disk space usage to track its development over time. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like user interface and supports drag and drop operations. It is fast, multi-threaded, and supports Unicode- and NTFS-specific features. TreeSize Professional can be started from the context menu of every folder or drive. Efficient Disk Space Management from all perspectives - See the size of all folders including their subfolders and break it down to the file level. - Visualize disk usage in the pie or bar chart. - Tree maps visualize hierarchies and sizes of subfolders in the selected directory. - Detailed view with single files and additional information (e.g. date of last access). - Statistics about file types and file owners for every branch. - Filter the file system tree on the left by a certain user or file type. - See a list of the 100 largest files. - Distribution of occupied disk space by file age. - Scan FTP, WebDAV, and SharePoint servers. - Disk Space Management on smartphones and mobile devices. Versatile File Search - Integrated file search. - Fully customizable file search. - Archive, copy, or move the results of the TreeSize File Search, for instance lar, old, or temporary files or files of a certain type. - Search multiple drives, whole servers and even your entire network neighborhood. - Search results can be exported, moved, deleted or passed to any executable file or script. - TreeSize offers a powerful duplicate file search, optionally with MD5 or SHA256 checksums. TreeSize also enables you to easily deduplicate files using hardlinks. Exporting and Reporting - TreeSize enables you to export scan results (showing the directory structure) to many different formats such as Excel, XML, HTML, text/CSV file, clipboard, or email. - Export a list of all files in the scanned folder and its subfolders, for example for use in a database. Track Growth - Save the data to an XML file and load it again later. - See which folders have grown: Compare a saved XML file to a current version of the file system branch, TreeSize Professional displays the difference between the two scans. - Take snapshots of the current state of disk space usage and compare them with snapshots Windows takes automatically. Customized Analyses & Views - Configure displayed columns for the details view, Excel export, text file and printed reports. - Include and exclude certain files or folders in your scans. Scheduled Scans - Command line options allow automatic and scheduled scans of your hard disk (e.g. overnight) and generating reports. - Comfortable interface simplifies creation and editing of scheduled scans and exports as Windows tasks. High Performance thanks to Multithreading - Browse the results during scanning. - Scan and view several folders at the same time. - Automatic adjustment of the number of threads that are used for a scan. Full NTFS Support - Unicode file and folder names are supported. - File based NTFS compression. - Hardlinks and Alternate Data Streams (ADS). - File paths longer than 255 characters will be found and processed correctly. - Analyse NTFS permissions. Perfect Integration with the Windows Explorer - Explorer context menu supported inside the TreeSize window. - TreeSize Professional can be started from within the Windows Explorer. - Drag and Drop is enabled. - On a Windows Core Server TreeSize can serve as a graphical user interface. Full Network Support - TreeSize Professional offers full support for network drives and scans UNC paths like Servershare. https://katfile.com/xg8r4uvgqvco/tsp903.7z.html Portable 30MB (118MB), host-block.bat fájl hozzáadva https://katfile.com/dy4ib0f1t72o/tsp902po.7z.html jelszó:v903
HyperSnap 9.3.1 40MB (43MB) A HyperSnap a leggyorsabb és legegyszerűbb módja a képernyőfelvételek készítésének a Windows képernyőjéről, valamint a szövegfelvételek készítésének (TextSnap™) olyan helyekről, ahol a normál szövegmásolás nem lehetséges. A HyperSnap egyesíti egy első osztályú képernyőfelvételi alkalmazás és egy fejlett képszerkesztő segédprogram teljesítményét - egyetlen könnyen használható eszközbe csomagolva! Tökéletesen alkalmas olyan képek rögzítésére, amelyeket a súgórendszerbe, online oktatóanyagokba, kézikönyvekbe, képzési kézikönyvekbe, prezentációkba, marketinganyagokba, weboldalakba, e-mailekbe és még sok másba szeretne beépíteni. A HyperSnap segítségével gyorsan megoszthatja a képernyőn megjelenő bárminek a tökéletes képi megjelenítését. A HyperSnap sokoldalú és rendkívül könnyen használható. A menüket és eszköztárakat gyorsan testreszabhatja az igényeinek megfelelően. Rendeljen hozzá saját billentyűparancsokat, hozzon létre azonnali eszköztárakat, és akár hangutasításokkal is vezérelheti a HyperSnapot! HyperSnap is the fastest and easiest way to take screen captures from Windows screen, and text capture (TextSnap™) from places where normal text copy is not possible. HyperSnap combines the power of a first-class screen capture application with an advanced image editing utility - wrapped into one easy-to-use tool! It's perfect for capturing images that you want to include in your Help system, online tutorials, manuals, training handouts, presentations, marketing materials, Web pages, emails and more. Use HyperSnap to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen. HyperSnap is versatile and extremely easy-to-use. You can quickly customize menus and toolbars to fit your needs. Assign your own keyboard shortcuts, create instant toolbars, and even control HyperSnap with voice commands! Top Features: · TextSnap feature to capture editable text from almost anywhere on the screen. Can also capture tab-delimited data for easy paste into MS Excel. · New & powerful image capture, editing, annotation and manipulation tools. · Snags also those difficult-to-grab screens from DirectX and Glide games. · Image stamps, frames, drop shadow, free-hand capture, FTP server uploads, more! · Automatic color substitution! · Non-rectangular window capture! · Button Capture - perfect for professional technical writers who need to snap and document dozens of buttons! · Auto-scrolls and concurrently captures long web pages and other. documents, enabling it to grab more than is visible on the screen. · Tightly integrates with the MS Windows clipboard to automate repetitive tasks - will even automatically PASTE capture images where needed! · Automatically saves your captures to graphics files. · Doubles as effective image viewer, format converter (over 20 image formats supported). · Fully customizable user interface. Rearrange menus and toolbars any way you want, assign any keyboard shortcuts you like, tear off menus to create instant toolbars, even control HyperSnap with voice commands! · Extended Window Capture function when running on Windows XP? . Resizes a window to be much bigger than the screen before the capture - in one quick step, no auto-scrolling! https://katfile.com/3p3kqucox7le/hys31.7z.html jelszó:v931
Total Commander 11.01 final 10MB | fájlkezelő telepítő+kulcsfájl Total Commander a legnépszerűbb kétpaneles fájlkezelő Windows rendszerekhez Fájlkezelés · fájlkeresés · csoportos átnevezés · FTP kliens · tömörített állományok · beépített megjelenítő · beépülők támogatása · összehasonlítás tartalomra, stb New functions in Total Commander 11.00: General: Show searchable list of all open tabs with Ctrl+Shift+A (as in the Chrome browser) or right clicking on the rightmost edge of the tab headers Ignore list now supports entries for file system plugins and FTP servers (separate syntax) Search with "Everything": Support search in indexed subfolders Show full path with all parents in nested virtual folders, e.g. when accessing a phone Show free and total space of Android devices in the base folder Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories relative to the current location, e.g. %WinDir%\explorer.exe ..\..\content Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes the "Start" menu or button bars In place rename, command line: Stop on Ctrl+Left/Right at extra non-alphanumeric characters Standalone Lister, search, compare and synchronize dirs can be started maximized and minimized New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% inserts current date and time in 24 hour format, supports template like %$DATE:YMD% Multi-rename tool: New placeholder or [I1] to ignore dots in folder names: Entire name in [N], [E] is empty. File operations: High speed packing and unpacking of ZIP and GZ files with modified libdeflate library Change compression rate for ZIP, GZ and TGZ directly in the pack dialog F5 copy: New overwrite mode "Rename older target files, skip newer" F5 copy, ftp/plugin transfers: Show transfer speed of the entire copy operation in the second progress bar when available File system plugins and FTP: Show new option "Finish copying the current file" when aborting copying Unpack ZIP files with ZSTD (by Facebook) compression Unpack .zst (ZSTD) and .br (BROTLI) files 7z.exe or 7zg.exe can now also be used as an external zip packer Directory history: New style directory history list which is no longer based on a Windows menu Quick search and quick filter support Quick search in whole path by starting search strings with an asterisk Right click context menu support with many options like opening the directory in the other panel or a new tab Context menu, option to copy path to clipboard Context menu, option to remove entries from history Context menu, option to show all items when history thinning is enabled Keep track of most frequently used directories and show them in the directory history in addition to the history entries Keep list of frequently used directories synchronized between multiple Total Commander instances on the same PC New page "History" in the main settings dialog Lister: Hex mode: highlighting in both text and hex representation of file content Copy the selection to the clipboard as hexadecimal characters, with Ctrl+Shift+C or via the right-click menu Internal commands: cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut, cm_PackFiles, cm_UnpackFiles and cm_Edit support parameters to set dialog box options New tab commands: cm_RenameTab, cm_SetTabOption*, cm_SetAllTabsOption*, cm_OpenNewTabOther, cm_OpenNewTabBgOther New quick search commands: cm_QuickSearch, cm_QuickFilter, cm_QuickFilter 1 (restore last quick filter) New drive commands: cm_DriveContextMenu, cm_OpenDriveByIndex New command line commands: cm_ShowCmdLineHistory, cm_AddFileNameToCmdline, cm_AddPathAndFileNameToCmdline New internal command OPENBARMENU opens the passed .bar file as a dropdown menu Hotkeys defined via Configuration - Options - Misc now support commands with parameters Use internal commands in internal associations, .e.g. ***CM_LIST %1 Command line parameters in button bar/start menu: 01.09.23 Release Total Commander 11.01 official release 31.08.23 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Do not re-read other panel if it shows the result of a search in an archive, or a plugin or ftp connection (32/64) 31.08.23 Fixed: Couldn't use hotkeys with Alt (e.g. Alt+Q) to show list of open tabs (cm_SrcTabsList) - it would close immediately (32/64) 31.08.23 Fixed: F7 new folder: Do not re-read other panel if it shows the result of a search in an archive (32/64) 31.08.23 Fixed: FTP: Access violation in directory read progress dialog (without progress bar) when clicking on "Abort" (32) 30.08.23 Fixed: Do not allow to lock a tab which is showing the results of a search within an archive (32/64) https://katfile.com/l03bizssu485/tot101f.7z.html portable 28MB https://katfile.com/p4n0et77p09e/tot101fpo.7z.html jelszó:total
TuneBrowser v5.3.2 build 1699 AVX2 x64 + portable
topic válaszolt coolink témájában itt: Programok (DL)
crack2 az alapkövetelmény ugyanaz csak win11-hez kapott javítást https://katfile.com/0shui4pf15z6/crk2.7z.html jelszó:tune -
UVK Ultra Virus Killer 26MB Az UVK egy hatékony víruseltávolító és Windows javító eszköz. Az egyszerű és intuitív kezelőfelülettel az UVK lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára, hogy felismerjék és töröljék a rosszindulatú és kémprogramok minden típusát a fertőzött rendszerekből. Emellett rengeteg eszközt tartalmaz a kártevők eltávolítása utáni esetleges javításhoz. UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection. changelog: v11.10.8.1 Check Code improvements, bug fixes and definition updates. https://katfile.com/dd3iwonktj2w/UVK1081.7z.html Portable 12MB (24MB) https://katfile.com/2qhy02yc56ni/UVK1081po.7z.html jelszó:111081
TuneBrowser v5.3.2 build 1699 AVX2 x64 42MB (45MB) A TuneBrowser egy olyan zenelejétszó szoftver, amely nagyszámú zenei dallamfájlt kezel a lemezen. Támogatja a nagy felbontású (Hi-Res) PCM és DSD források natív lejátszását ASIO és WASAPI segítségével. Bit-perfect lejátszási mód is támogatott. kozvetlen VST3 plugin támogatása. A törés jelenleg csak AVX2-t és 64bites oprendszert támogat. TuneBrowser is the software that manages a large number of music tune files on the disk. TuneBrowser is supporting native playback of high resolution (Hi-Res) PCM and DSD sources by ASIO and WASAPI. Features Supporting file types are: DSD, FLAC, TTA, MP3, AAC, ALAC, Ogg Vorbis, WavPack, Wave, AIFF, APE, WMA and Opus. Supporting playback with WASAPI Exclusive mode/Shared mode and ASIO drivers. It is possible to control external UPnP Renderer from Version 5.2 (Operation is not guaranteed with all UPnP Renderers). Using own playback engine. Supporting gapless playback in all formats including DSD. Supporting VST3 plugins. Dynamic and smooth graphic rendering by DirectX (Direct2D). Supporting OpenHome. You can control the TuneBrowser with tablets or smartphones. C ++ template and internal structure utilizing CRTP, low CPU load. Associative search is easily possible under various conditions such as artist, composer, performer, content name and so on. Considering not only rock and jazz but also classical music to be able to adequately manage. Full Unicode support. Supporting Last.fm Scrobble. Operating Environment TuneBrowser supports the following OS: Microsoft® Windows® 11 Microsoft® Windows® 10 To play music, playback device (DAC) compliant with ASIO or WASAPI is necessary. For the DSD native playback, device compatible with DSD playback by ASIO 2.1 or DoP 1.1, is necessary. https://katfile.com/h5pul48cuk7r/tuber34.7z.html Portable 23MB (29MB) https://katfile.com/x6evbkfvnehc/tuber34po.7z.html jelszó:tune
EaseUS Partition Master All Editions v17.9.0 Build 20230825
coolink posted a topic in Programok (DL)
EaseUS Partition Master All Editions v17.9.0 Build 20230825 75MB Professional-Unlimited-Server-Technician verziók, az alkalmazott patch-regfájl határozza meg a végleges verziót. Az EaseUS Partition Master egy minden egyben partíciós megoldás és lemezkezelő szoftver. Lehetővé teszi a partíció bővítését, a lemezterület egyszerű kezelését, az MBR és GPT lemezek alacsony lemezterületének megoldását. Funkciók: NTFS rendszerpartíció bővítése újraindítás nélkül a számítógép teljesítményének maximalizálása érdekében. Dinamikus lemez átalakítása alaplemezzé és FAT átalakítása NTFS fájlrendszerré. Elsődleges partíció átalakítása logikai partícióvá és fordítva. Két szomszédos partíció biztonságos egyesítése egy nagyobb partícióvá adatvesztés nélkül. Elsődleges kötet átalakítása logikai partícióvá, hogy egy ötödik kötetet hozzon létre egy olyan lemezen, amelyen 4 meglévő elsődleges kötet van. Linux partíciókezelés. Könnyen törölheti, létrehozhatja, formázhatja, helyreállíthatja az EXT2, EXT3 partíciót stb. WinPE mentőlemez létrehozása. Gyorsítsa fel számítógépét defragmentálással. Támogatja az összes hardvert. RAID, cserélhető tárolóeszköz, merevlemez, GPT lemez és FAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3 fájlrendszer. BIOS-alapú és UEFI-alapú hardvereken egyaránt működik. MBR-ről GPT lemezre, és GPT-ről MBR lemezre konvertálás adatvesztés nélkül. OS költöztetése másik meghatóra SSD 4K Alignment EaseUS Partition Master is a all-in-one partition solution and disk management software. It allows you to extend partition (especially for system drive), manage disk space easily, settle low disk space problem on MBR and GPT disk. EASEUS is one of the leading brands of disk management utilities. It got there by constantly raising the stakes and keeping the users more than pleased. The demands being met, all they had to do is take it up a notch. Partition Master Free Edition addresses the home users and brings three powerful and precise tools to the table: Partition Manager, Partition Recovery Wizard and Disk & Partition Copy. EaseUS Partition Master Server Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE Windows Server partition manager and reliable disk management toolkit. It performs needed hard disk partition maintenance and provides powerful data protection and disaster recovery. Moreover, it minimizes server downtime to increase the efficiency of Windows-based system administration. EASEUS Partition Master Unlimited Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and reliable PC and Server disk management toolkit. Especially for large enterprise users. It allows unlimited usage within your company. EASEUS Partition Master Technician Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and reliable PC and Server disk management toolkit. It offers technical services with unlimited usage for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians and consultants. Features: Extend NTFS system partition without rebooting to maximize PC performance. Convert dynamic disk to basic disk and convert FAT to NTFS file system. Convert primary partition to logical partition and vice versa. Safely merge two adjacent partitions into a bigger one without data loss. Convert a primary volume to logical to create a fifth volume on a disk with 4 existed primary volumes. Linux partition management. Easily delete, create, format, recover EXT2, EXT3 partition, etc. Create WinPE rescue disk for booting sickly computer. Speed up your computer by defragmentation. Support all hardware. RAID, removable storage device, hard disk, GPT disk and FAT, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3 file system. Work on both BIOS-based and UEFI-based hardware. Convert MBR to GPT disk, and convert GPT to MBR disk without data loss. Disk and Partition Copy Wizard: Migrate OS to SSD without reinstalling Windows Copy partition with fast file-by-file copy to protect your data Clone entire hard disk to another without Windows reinstallation Upgrade system disk to a bigger one with one-click. Safely copy dynamic volume to basic disk and resize the basic disk, etc. Partition Recovery Wizard: Recover deleted or lost partitions from unallocated space due to any PC failure or virus attack. Recover deleted or lost partitions after repartitioned hard drive. Two recovery modes in Partition Recovery Wizard. Automatic recovery mode and Manual recovery mode. Supports FAT, NTFS, EXT2 and EXT3 partition recovery. https://katfile.com/4b6fakn2qttm/epm179.7z.html Jelszó:1790 -
GoldWave v6.77 x64 15MB Sokoldalú hangszerkesztő és -digitalizáló a wav- és MP3-adatok szerkesztésére, illetve az ezeken elvégzett effektusok előállítására alkalmas. A Goldwave Pro verzió újdonsága: MP3-opciók kibővítése, újabb effektusok, többféle grafikus megjelenítés, külső felvételek javítása, illetve felvételiszint-szabályzó. GoldWave is is a top rated, a comprehensive digital audio editor. GoldWave is ideal for people who work with audio for CD editing, archive restoration, speech analysis, radio and TV, Java and Web pages, games, or just for fun. You can use it to make everything from elaborate answering machine messages to professional, high quality CD audio content. GoldWave can do: • Play, edit, mix, and analyze audio • Record audio from cassettes, vinyl records, radio, etc. through your computer's line-in • Record dictation through a microphone or play dictation back at a slower speed for transcription • Record and edit audio for podcasting • Apply special effects, such as fade, equalizer, doppler, mechanize, echo, reverse, flanger, and more • Digitally remaster and restore old recordings with noise reduction and pop/click filters • Make perfect digital copies of audio CD tracks using the CD Reader tool and save them in wma, mp3, ogg files • Edit music for dance programs, figure skating, gymnastics • Analyze human speech, bird song, whale song • Demonstrate digital signal processing with filter effects and the expression evaluator tool • View a variety of real-time visuals and VU meters • Convert files to/from different formats, such as wav, wma, mp3, ogg, aiff, au, vox and even raw binary data General Features: • Multiple Document Interface for working with many files in one session • Huge file editing: 4GB and beyond (NTFS only) • Configurable RAM or hard drive editing • High quality: 24 bit, 192kHz • Real-time visuals: bar, waveform, spectrogram, spectrum, VU meter, ... • Fast non-destructive editing. Cut, copy, delete, and undo take only a fraction of a second, regardless of the file size • Multiple undo levels • Many effects: distortion, doppler, echo, filter, mechanize, offset, pan, volume shaping, invert, resample, equalizer, time warp, pitch, reverb, volume matcher, channel mixer, ... • Effect previewing and presets • Audio restoration filters: noise reduction, pop/plick, smoother • Supported file formats (wav, mp3, ogg, aiff, au, vox, mat, snd, voc, raw binary data, text data, and more) • File format plug-ins for the next generation of audio compression, such as WMA, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC. • DirectX Audio Plug-in hosting • Effect chain editor • Audio CD Reader • Batch processing and conversion • Drag-and-drop cue points, with auto-cue and file splitting features. • Direct waveform editing with the mouse • Customizable tool bars • Customizable waveform colours • Several built-in accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts Features Playback/Recording This version of GoldWave contains significant changes to the playback and recording code. By default, the new Windows Vista/7 Core Audio/WASAPI is used. Previous versions of GoldWave used DirectX (DirectSound) for all audio input and output. However DirectX has been the source of many problems and has been deprecated on Windows Vista/7 where it no longer provides direct access to the audio hardware. DirectSound support is still included as an option in GoldWave and is used by default for Windows 2000/XP. Media Foundation This version of GoldWave uses the new Media Foundation in Windows 7 to access system decoders to handle a wider range of audio and video files. Previous versions of GoldWave used DirectShow to access system decoders. That functionality has not been removed but it is used only if Media Foundation is unable to open a file or on older versions of Windows that do no have Media Foundation. iTunes M4A GoldWave can now open and save iTunes M4A files through Media Foundation on Windows 7. Currently there appears to be a flaw in the way Media Foundation handles cover art and copyright metadata. Although cover art can be read from a file, any attempt to write cover art results in all metadata being wiped from the file. To avoid this problem, the only metadata GoldWave writes is text. Cover art cannot be saved in an M4A file for now. Covert Art Cover art is shown under File | Information. Click on the image to replace the artwork with another image. Open URL A new File | Open URL command has been added to open a file directly from a website using Media Foundation on Window 7. Window Layering In previous versions of GoldWave, windows and dialogs could appear on top of other applications. Changes have been made to avoid that. However further testing is needed to ensure that windows and dialogs appear correctly on top of GoldWave's Main window and not behind it, which would make the program appear frozen. GoldWave v6 requires Windows 7 64 bit or later. It will not run or install on any older or 32 bit versions of Windows. GoldWave v6 is a major update to with many changes across the entire program, primarily for multichannel support for up to 8 channels and 64 bit executable for accessing more than 2 GB of memory. The WhatsNew file located in the folder where GoldWave is installed lists all the changes. Larger tool bar buttons, themes, and many other interface changes have been made to improve usability. The old compiled help system and manual have been replaced with a unified help file in standard HTML format. v6.77 ------- Added language info in About form. Added confirmation when dragging-and-dropping more than 10 files. Added ISO-8859-1 / ANSI option to CD ID form to allow proper reading of older non-UTF8 CD database entries. Reworked Multi Device Recorder to resolve numerous issues. Added cue export prompt to File Merger. Integrated BPM Counter plug-in as Tempo visual and added difference calculation between two tempos. Fixed bugs: 'Skip' settings translation, Digital Time alignment, clipboard rate in some effects. https://katfile.com/0d5kmjidelpj/gw7764.7z.html Portable 12MB (40MB) https://katfile.com/othnpn04ec93/gw7764po.7z.html jelszó:v677
ABBYY FineReader PDF Corporate Multilingual 751MB (774MB) FineReader PDF 16 Release 3 Update 2, érintetlen telepítő + crack ( a bat fájlal a licence server szolgáltatás törölhető) Köszöntjük a dokumentumdigitalizálás és PDF-szerkesztés világában Dolgozzon könnyedén PDF fájlokkal A FineReader PDF segítségével könnyen alakíthat át, szerkeszthet, hasonlíthat össze és kommentálhat bármilyen dokumentumot. Szerkessze könnyedén a PDF dokumentumokat – az elírások javításától a teljes bekezdések újraírásán át az elrendezés módosításáig. Dolgozzon együtt másokkal, ossza meg a visszajelzéseket és tegye közzé megjegyzéseit jelölések és hozzáfűző eszközök használatával. Lássa el a dokumentumokat digitális aláírás tanúsítványokkal vagy egyszerűen illessze be saját aláírásának képét. Használjon jelszótitkosítást és szerkesztő eszközöket az érzékeny információk megóvásához. Hasonlítson össze különböző formátumú dokumentumot gyorsan és egyszerűen (Csak a corporate verzióban) Hasonlítsa össze dokumentuma különböző változatait, hogy gyorsan beazonosíthassa a különbségeket. Vitassa meg és véglegesítse dokumentumát könnyedén, megjegyzésekként kiexportálva a változásokat egy PDF vagy Word dokumentumba, a változások követésével együtt. Alakítson át összetett dokumentumokat a továbbfejlesztett OCR szerkesztővel Válassza ki az ideális beállításokat, hogy dokumentumát a legjobb módszerrel alakítsa át a kívánt formátumba. Ellenőrizze a felismert szöveg pontosságát a kiemelt szimbólumok átnézésével, mielőtt elmentené dokumentumokat. Scanners & MFPs FineReader PDF supports TWAIN- and WIA-compatible scanners, multi-function peripherals (MFPs) and all-in-one devices when using in scanning mode. You can find such scanners among the popular models offered by: Avision Brother Canon Epson Fujitsu HP Kodak Lexmark Microtek Mustek OKI Panasonic Plustek Ricoh Visioneer VuPoint Xerox Nonetheless, ABBYY does not guarantee any scanner to be fully compatible with ABBYY software products. Due to this fact, ABBYY assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages - commercial or otherwise - arising from the use of the information stated above. Recommended requirements for digital cameras 5 megapixel sensor Flash disable feature Manual aperture control or aperture priority mode Manual focusing An anti-shake system or the use of a tripod is recommended Optical zoom Interface languages Bulgarian Chinese simplified Chinese traditional Czech Danish Dutch English French German Greek Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazilian) Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Supported file formats Input formats PDF (2.0 or earlier), including PDF/A, PDF/UA Image formats: TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JBIG2, PNG, BMP, PCX, GIF, DjVu, XPS*, SVG*** Editable formats**: DOC(X), XLS(X), PPT(X), VSD(X), HTML, RTF, TXT, ODT, ODS, ODP * Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or newer. ** Microsoft® Office or LibreOffice is required. *** Create PDF from SVG format. Export file formats PDF, including PDF/A (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u, 3a, 3b, 3u), PDF/UA Image formats: TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JBIG2, PNG, BMP, PCX, DjVu Editable formats: DOC(X), XLS(X), PPTX, HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV, ODT E-book formats: EPUB®, FB2 Supported barcodes Aztec Code Check Code 3 of 9 Check Interleaved 2 of 5 Codabar Code 128 Code 3 of 9 Code 3 of 9 without asterisk Code 93 Data Matrix EAN 13 EAN 8 IATA 2 of 5 Industrial 2 of 5 Interleaved 2 of 5 Matrix 2 of 5 Patch Code PDF417 Postnet QR Code UCC-128 UPC-A UPC-E Supported applications Microsoft Word 365, 2019, 2016 (16.0), 2013 (15.0), 2010 (14.0), 2007 (12.0) Microsoft Excel 365, 2019, 2016 (16.0), 2013 (15.0), 2010 (14.0), 2007 (12.0) Microsoft PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016 (16.0), 2013 (15.0), 2010 (14.0), 2007 (12.0) Microsoft SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Server 2013, 2016, 2019, Online Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1 LibreOffice Writer 5.2, 6.1 MS Office 2021 Professional Plus Microsoft Azure Storage Account (for storing Azure licenses for FineReader PDF) If any application is missing from this list, it has either not yet tested or not supported. To ensure better compatibility, we recommend installing the latest updates and upgrades available for the above applications. Recognition languages ABBYY FineReader PDF 16 supports 198 recognition languages in all combinations. 53 languages include dictionary support (marked with ×): NATURAL LANGUAGES Abkhaz Adyghe Afrikaans Agul Albanian Altai Arabic (Saudi Arabia)× Armenian (Eastern)× Armenian (Grabar)× Armenian (Western)× Avar Aymara Azeri (Cyrillic) Azeri (Latin)× Bashkir× Basque Belarusian Bemba Blackfoot Breton Bugotu Bulgarian× Buryat Catalan× Cebuano Chamorro Chechen Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chukchee Chuvash Corsican Crimean Tatar Croatian× Crow Czech× Dakota Danish× Dargwa Dungan Dutch× Dutch (Belgian)× English× Eskimo (Cyrillic) Eskimo (Latin) Estonian Even Evenki Faroese Fijian Finnish× French× Frisian Friulian Gagauz Galician Ganda German× German (Luxembourg) German (new spelling)× Greek× Guarani Hani Hausa Hawaiian Hebrew× Hungarian× Icelandic Indonesian× Ingush Irish Italian× Japanese× Jingpo Kabardian Kalmyk Karachay-Balkar Karakalpak Kashubian Kawa Kazakh Khakass Khanty Kikuyu Kirghiz Kongo Korean× Korean (Hangul)× Koryak Kpelle Kumyk Kurdish Lak Latin× Latvian× Lezgi Lithuanian× Luba Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malinke Maltese Mansi Maori Mari Maya Miao Minangkabau Mohawk Romanian (Moldova) Mongol Mordvin Nahuatl Nenets Nivkh Nogay Norwegian (Bokmal)× Norwegian (Nynorsk)× Nyanja Ojibway Ossetian Papiamento Polish× Portuguese× Portuguese (Brazil)× Occitan Quechua (Bolivia) Rhaeto-Romance Romanian× Romany Rundi Russian× Russian (old spelling)× Russian with accent× Rwanda Sami (Lappish) Samoan Scottish Gaelic Selkup Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Latin) Shona Slovak× Slovenian× Somali Sorbian Sotho Spanish× Sunda Swahili Swazi Swedish× Tabasaran Tagalog Tahitian Tajik Tatar× Thai× Tok Pisin Tongan Tswana Tun Turkish× Turkmen (Cyrillic) Turkmen (Latin) Tuvinian Udmurt Uighur (Cyrillic) Uighur (Latin) Ukrainian× Uzbek (Cyrillic) Uzbek (Latin) Vietnamese× Welsh Wolof Xhosa Yakut Yiddish Zapotec Zulu OLD EUROPEAN LANGUAGES AND GOTHIC FONTS Old English× Old French× Old German× Old Italian× Old Spanish× Latvian Gothic Read more about old fonts recognition › ARTIFICIAL LANGUAGES Esperanto Ido Interlingua Occidental FORMAL LANGUAGES Basic C/C++ COBOL English Phonetic Transcriptions Numbers Fortran Java What's new: Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 11 / 10 (64-bit) For working with localized interfaces corresponding language support is required Centralized deployment and virtualization The operation of ABBYY FineReader PDF 16 has been tested for the following configurations: Microsoft Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 (including the use with Remote Desktop, RemoteApp and Remote Desktop Web Access) Citrix Workspace App 1808 (using installed application accessed from a server), Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Hardware Minimum requirements: PC with 1 GHz x64 processor 2 GB of RAM; in multiprocessor systems, an additional 512 MB of RAM is required for each additional processor. 1.6 GB of hard disk space for typical program installation and 1.6 GB free space for optimal program operation Video card with 1024x768 resolution or higher An Internet connection is required to activate your serial number. Keyboard, mouse or other pointing device Recommended configuration: 1.5GHz or faster x64 Intel® or AMD processor 4 GB of RAM 1.6 GB of hard disk space for typical program installation and 1.6 GB of free space for optimal program operation Video card and monitor supporting a resolution 1024x768 or higher An Internet connection is required to activate your serial number Keyboard, mouse or other pointing device https://katfile.com/tzzwpfjncmi8/finreer95.7z.html jelszó:7295
Total Commander 11.00 Final 10MB | fájlkezelő telepítő+kulcsfájl Total Commander a legnépszerűbb kétpaneles fájlkezelő Windows rendszerekhez Fájlkezelés · fájlkeresés · csoportos átnevezés · FTP kliens · tömörített állományok · beépített megjelenítő · beépülők támogatása · összehasonlítás tartalomra, stb New functions in Total Commander 11.00: General: Show searchable list of all open tabs with Ctrl+Shift+A (as in the Chrome browser) or right clicking on the rightmost edge of the tab headers Ignore list now supports entries for file system plugins and FTP servers (separate syntax) Search with "Everything": Support search in indexed subfolders Show full path with all parents in nested virtual folders, e.g. when accessing a phone Show free and total space of Android devices in the base folder Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories relative to the current location, e.g. %WinDir%\explorer.exe ..\..\content Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes the "Start" menu or button bars In place rename, command line: Stop on Ctrl+Left/Right at extra non-alphanumeric characters Standalone Lister, search, compare and synchronize dirs can be started maximized and minimized New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% inserts current date and time in 24 hour format, supports template like %$DATE:YMD% Multi-rename tool: New placeholder or [I1] to ignore dots in folder names: Entire name in [N], [E] is empty. File operations: High speed packing and unpacking of ZIP and GZ files with modified libdeflate library Change compression rate for ZIP, GZ and TGZ directly in the pack dialog F5 copy: New overwrite mode "Rename older target files, skip newer" F5 copy, ftp/plugin transfers: Show transfer speed of the entire copy operation in the second progress bar when available File system plugins and FTP: Show new option "Finish copying the current file" when aborting copying Unpack ZIP files with ZSTD (by Facebook) compression Unpack .zst (ZSTD) and .br (BROTLI) files 7z.exe or 7zg.exe can now also be used as an external zip packer Directory history: New style directory history list which is no longer based on a Windows menu Quick search and quick filter support Quick search in whole path by starting search strings with an asterisk Right click context menu support with many options like opening the directory in the other panel or a new tab Context menu, option to copy path to clipboard Context menu, option to remove entries from history Context menu, option to show all items when history thinning is enabled Keep track of most frequently used directories and show them in the directory history in addition to the history entries Keep list of frequently used directories synchronized between multiple Total Commander instances on the same PC New page "History" in the main settings dialog Lister: Hex mode: highlighting in both text and hex representation of file content Copy the selection to the clipboard as hexadecimal characters, with Ctrl+Shift+C or via the right-click menu Internal commands: cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut, cm_PackFiles, cm_UnpackFiles and cm_Edit support parameters to set dialog box options New tab commands: cm_RenameTab, cm_SetTabOption*, cm_SetAllTabsOption*, cm_OpenNewTabOther, cm_OpenNewTabBgOther New quick search commands: cm_QuickSearch, cm_QuickFilter, cm_QuickFilter 1 (restore last quick filter) New drive commands: cm_DriveContextMenu, cm_OpenDriveByIndex New command line commands: cm_ShowCmdLineHistory, cm_AddFileNameToCmdline, cm_AddPathAndFileNameToCmdline New internal command OPENBARMENU opens the passed .bar file as a dropdown menu Hotkeys defined via Configuration - Options - Misc now support commands with parameters Use internal commands in internal associations, .e.g. ***CM_LIST %1 Command line parameters in button bar/start menu: New parameter %y (lowercase) keeps other parameters and skips only list file parameters if the list is empty New parameter %a (lowercase) includes all selected files from both panels in list parameters like %L New parameter %|envvar| inserts environment variable envvar, e.g. %|windir| or %|$DESKTOP| https://katfile.com/6s45q2ls8z4m/tocom11fl.7z.html jelszó:total
ABBYY FineReader PDF Corporate v16.0.14.6564 691MB (706MB) Köszöntjük a dokumentumdigitalizálás és PDF-szerkesztés világában Dolgozzon könnyedén PDF fájlokkal A FineReader PDF segítségével könnyen alakíthat át, szerkeszthet, hasonlíthat össze és kommentálhat bármilyen dokumentumot. Szerkessze könnyedén a PDF dokumentumokat – az elírások javításától a teljes bekezdések újraírásán át az elrendezés módosításáig. Dolgozzon együtt másokkal, ossza meg a visszajelzéseket és tegye közzé megjegyzéseit jelölések és hozzáfűző eszközök használatával. Lássa el a dokumentumokat digitális aláírás tanúsítványokkal vagy egyszerűen illessze be saját aláírásának képét. Használjon jelszótitkosítást és szerkesztő eszközöket az érzékeny információk megóvásához. Hasonlítson össze különböző formátumú dokumentumot gyorsan és egyszerűen (Csak a corporate verzióban) Hasonlítsa össze dokumentuma különböző változatait, hogy gyorsan beazonosíthassa a különbségeket. Vitassa meg és véglegesítse dokumentumát könnyedén, megjegyzésekként kiexportálva a változásokat egy PDF vagy Word dokumentumba, a változások követésével együtt. Alakítson át összetett dokumentumokat a továbbfejlesztett OCR szerkesztővel Válassza ki az ideális beállításokat, hogy dokumentumát a legjobb módszerrel alakítsa át a kívánt formátumba. Ellenőrizze a felismert szöveg pontosságát a kiemelt szimbólumok átnézésével, mielőtt elmentené dokumentumokat. Scanners & MFPs FineReader PDF supports TWAIN- and WIA-compatible scanners, multi-function peripherals (MFPs) and all-in-one devices when using in scanning mode. You can find such scanners among the popular models offered by: Avision Brother Canon Epson Fujitsu HP Kodak Lexmark Microtek Mustek OKI Panasonic Plustek Ricoh Visioneer VuPoint Xerox Nonetheless, ABBYY does not guarantee any scanner to be fully compatible with ABBYY software products. Due to this fact, ABBYY assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages - commercial or otherwise - arising from the use of the information stated above. Recommended requirements for digital cameras 5 megapixel sensor Flash disable feature Manual aperture control or aperture priority mode Manual focusing An anti-shake system or the use of a tripod is recommended Optical zoom Interface languages Bulgarian Chinese simplified Chinese traditional Czech Danish Dutch English French German Greek Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazilian) Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Supported file formats Input formats PDF (2.0 or earlier), including PDF/A, PDF/UA Image formats: TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JBIG2, PNG, BMP, PCX, GIF, DjVu, XPS*, SVG*** Editable formats**: DOC(X), XLS(X), PPT(X), VSD(X), HTML, RTF, TXT, ODT, ODS, ODP * Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or newer. ** Microsoft® Office or LibreOffice is required. *** Create PDF from SVG format. Export file formats PDF, including PDF/A (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u, 3a, 3b, 3u), PDF/UA Image formats: TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JBIG2, PNG, BMP, PCX, DjVu Editable formats: DOC(X), XLS(X), PPTX, HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV, ODT E-book formats: EPUB®, FB2 Supported barcodes Aztec Code Check Code 3 of 9 Check Interleaved 2 of 5 Codabar Code 128 Code 3 of 9 Code 3 of 9 without asterisk Code 93 Data Matrix EAN 13 EAN 8 IATA 2 of 5 Industrial 2 of 5 Interleaved 2 of 5 Matrix 2 of 5 Patch Code PDF417 Postnet QR Code UCC-128 UPC-A UPC-E Supported applications Microsoft Word 365, 2019, 2016 (16.0), 2013 (15.0), 2010 (14.0), 2007 (12.0) Microsoft Excel 365, 2019, 2016 (16.0), 2013 (15.0), 2010 (14.0), 2007 (12.0) Microsoft PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016 (16.0), 2013 (15.0), 2010 (14.0), 2007 (12.0) Microsoft SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Server 2013, 2016, 2019, Online Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1 LibreOffice Writer 5.2, 6.1 MS Office 2021 Professional Plus Microsoft Azure Storage Account (for storing Azure licenses for FineReader PDF) If any application is missing from this list, it has either not yet tested or not supported. To ensure better compatibility, we recommend installing the latest updates and upgrades available for the above applications. Recognition languages ABBYY FineReader PDF 16 supports 198 recognition languages in all combinations. 53 languages include dictionary support (marked with ×): NATURAL LANGUAGES Abkhaz Adyghe Afrikaans Agul Albanian Altai Arabic (Saudi Arabia)× Armenian (Eastern)× Armenian (Grabar)× Armenian (Western)× Avar Aymara Azeri (Cyrillic) Azeri (Latin)× Bashkir× Basque Belarusian Bemba Blackfoot Breton Bugotu Bulgarian× Buryat Catalan× Cebuano Chamorro Chechen Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chukchee Chuvash Corsican Crimean Tatar Croatian× Crow Czech× Dakota Danish× Dargwa Dungan Dutch× Dutch (Belgian)× English× Eskimo (Cyrillic) Eskimo (Latin) Estonian Even Evenki Faroese Fijian Finnish× French× Frisian Friulian Gagauz Galician Ganda German× German (Luxembourg) German (new spelling)× Greek× Guarani Hani Hausa Hawaiian Hebrew× Hungarian× Icelandic Indonesian× Ingush Irish Italian× Japanese× Jingpo Kabardian Kalmyk Karachay-Balkar Karakalpak Kashubian Kawa Kazakh Khakass Khanty Kikuyu Kirghiz Kongo Korean× Korean (Hangul)× Koryak Kpelle Kumyk Kurdish Lak Latin× Latvian× Lezgi Lithuanian× Luba Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malinke Maltese Mansi Maori Mari Maya Miao Minangkabau Mohawk Romanian (Moldova) Mongol Mordvin Nahuatl Nenets Nivkh Nogay Norwegian (Bokmal)× Norwegian (Nynorsk)× Nyanja Ojibway Ossetian Papiamento Polish× Portuguese× Portuguese (Brazil)× Occitan Quechua (Bolivia) Rhaeto-Romance Romanian× Romany Rundi Russian× Russian (old spelling)× Russian with accent× Rwanda Sami (Lappish) Samoan Scottish Gaelic Selkup Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Latin) Shona Slovak× Slovenian× Somali Sorbian Sotho Spanish× Sunda Swahili Swazi Swedish× Tabasaran Tagalog Tahitian Tajik Tatar× Thai× Tok Pisin Tongan Tswana Tun Turkish× Turkmen (Cyrillic) Turkmen (Latin) Tuvinian Udmurt Uighur (Cyrillic) Uighur (Latin) Ukrainian× Uzbek (Cyrillic) Uzbek (Latin) Vietnamese× Welsh Wolof Xhosa Yakut Yiddish Zapotec Zulu OLD EUROPEAN LANGUAGES AND GOTHIC FONTS Old English× Old French× Old German× Old Italian× Old Spanish× Latvian Gothic Read more about old fonts recognition › ARTIFICIAL LANGUAGES Esperanto Ido Interlingua Occidental FORMAL LANGUAGES Basic C/C++ COBOL English Phonetic Transcriptions Numbers Fortran Java What's new: Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 11 / 10 (64-bit) For working with localized interfaces corresponding language support is required Centralized deployment and virtualization The operation of ABBYY FineReader PDF 16 has been tested for the following configurations: Microsoft Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 (including the use with Remote Desktop, RemoteApp and Remote Desktop Web Access) Citrix Workspace App 1808 (using installed application accessed from a server), Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Hardware Minimum requirements: PC with 1 GHz x64 processor 2 GB of RAM; in multiprocessor systems, an additional 512 MB of RAM is required for each additional processor. 1.6 GB of hard disk space for typical program installation and 1.6 GB free space for optimal program operation Video card with 1024x768 resolution or higher An Internet connection is required to activate your serial number. Keyboard, mouse or other pointing device Recommended configuration: 1.5GHz or faster x64 Intel® or AMD processor 4 GB of RAM 1.6 GB of hard disk space for typical program installation and 1.6 GB of free space for optimal program operation Video card and monitor supporting a resolution 1024x768 or higher An Internet connection is required to activate your serial number Keyboard, mouse or other pointing device https://katfile.com/48ph9nk2tk8h/finecorp16.7z.html jelszó:16014
ReclaiMe Pro Build 3464 12MB (42MB) A ReclaiMe egy könnyen használható, egyszerű de ha szükséges akkor széles körben is konfigurálható hatékony adat-visszaállítási alkalmazás, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy segítsen a véletlenül törölt fájlokkal. A programhoz a felhasználónak szinte semmilyen döntést nem kell hoznia és egyáltalán nem kell műszaki ismeretekkel rendelkeznie. ráadásul a ReclaiMe számos fájlrendszerrel (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, RAW) működik, ami univerzálissá teszi. Kképes nagy mennyiségű adat feldolgozására, mi több, a program jól kezeli az erősen sérült adatokat is. Ha úgy gondolja, hogy fizikai sérülés érte a lemezt vagy csak valamilyen okból kifolyólag nem akar közvetlenül ezzel a lemezzel dolgozni a helyreállítás során, a ReclaiMe képes létrehozni egy lemezképfájlt, csak azért, hogy az eredeti lemez érintése nélkül állítsa helyre az adatokat róla. All-in-one highly configurable data recovery software! - Multiple Filesystems ReclaiMe Pro recovers data from most filesystems: Windows: FAT, exFAT, NTFS (including deduplication), ReFS, Linux: EXT2/3/4, XFS, BTRFS, MacOS: APFS, HFS and HFS+, VMware: VMFS. - Disk Editor Visualizes most known partition and filesystem objects: boot sectors, superblocks, partition headers in structured view. Search for hex patterns or text in any given encoding. Low-level data editing for extra leverage. - Partition Recovery Reads LDM, LVM, MD, Drobo BeoyndRAIDTM, Storage Spaces, and more. Finds lost partitions based on various filesystem structures in unpartitioned space. - RAID Analysis and Recovery With ReclaiMe Pro, you can reassemble RAID automatically or manually. Supports RAID0, RAID10, RAID5, RAID6, HP EVA vRAID layouts. Content analysis and entropy visualization. - Disk Imager Highly configurable high-speed imager, suitable for slight to moderate bad block cases. Sector-by-sector, VHD, and VHDX output. - Forensic Capability Provides verifiable and repeatable forensic file traces by mapping file content and metadata to its source on disks. Eliminates unnecessary files by cross-referencing well-known hash databases. Built-in file integrity testing. Basic system requirements are: 64-bit Windows and .NET 4.7; At least 8GB RAM, 16GB recommeneded; Permanent or nearly permanent internet connection. reclaime-pro.com https://katfile.com/mnod5fokpjyj/rmero464.7z.html jelszó:3464
HDD Regenerator 2024 v20.24.0.0 9MB Ha egy merevlemez rossz szektorok miatt sérül, a lemez nemcsak használatra válik alkalmatlanná, hanem a rajta tárolt információk elvesztését is kockáztatja. A HDD Regenerator képes a sérült merevlemezek javítására anélkül, hogy a meglévő adatokat befolyásolná vagy megváltoztatná. Ennek eredményeképpen a korábban olvashatatlan és hozzáférhetetlen információk helyreállnak. A full verzió aktiválása után elérhető a bootolható flash eszköz létrehozása is. Repair bad sectors on damaged drives without any loss of the existing data. It supports many types of drives and can be used with any file system including FAT, NTFS, EXT4, HFSX, APFS, etc. Unformatted and unpartitioned disks are also supported. + SSD. Fast hard drive problems detection. Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface. Ability to repair bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface using Hysteresis loops generator.* Installation OS: Windows 10, 11 Supported OS (with bootable media): any Supported drive types: HDD, SSD, NVMe Bootable mode: UEFI 64-bit, UEFI x86, legacy BIOS Bootable media: USB flash drive Windows modes: scan, test, refresh, regenerate, S.M.A.R.T. Bootable media modes (any operatig system): scan, test, refresh, regenerate, S.M.A.R.T. Supported file systems: any No data losses in any mode! Corrupted data recovery (making unreadable data readable) UEFI boot support Full SSD support SSD S.M.A.R.T. support Different speed tests Slow SSD problem correction Remote control through LAN User friendly intuitive interface Easy to use, no complex settings. You do not need to change a lot of complicated and unnecessary settings. We have already set up the product for you for best performance and results. The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks. Prescan mode (very useful for fast determination of bad sectors location, if a hard drive has a large number of bad sectors. Saves your time. Bad hard drives are scanned in this mode even faster than good drives!) Drive statistics Starting process directly under Windows 10/11 Bootable regenerating flash can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process. Working with any existing file system without losses of any data Working with any operating system without losses of any data (bootable regenerating flash should be used for non-Windows operating systems) Normal scan mode has faster scanning speed 4K sector size support Automatic process resume in any mode Multiple hard drives support Real-time hard drive state monitor. HDD Regenerator realtime monitor is more poweful and precise than ever in timely prediction of hard drive problems. Other enhancements (including drive life indicator, temperature indicator, convenient range of sectors selection, bad SMART status indication, overheating indication, etc.) Main benefits Hard disk drive is an integral part of every computer. It stores all your information. One of the most prevalent defects of hard drives is bad sectors on the disk surface. Bad sectors are a part of the disk surface which contains not readable, but frequently necessary information. As a result of bad sectors you may have difficulties to read and copy data from your disk, your operating system becomes unstable and finally your computer may unable to boot altogether. When a hard drive is damaged with bad sectors, the disk not only becomes unfit for use, but also you risk losing information stored on it. The HDD Regenerator can repair damaged hard disks without affecting or changing existing data. As a result, previously unreadable and inaccessible information is restored. How it works Almost 60% of all hard drives damaged with bad sectors have an incorrectly magnetized disk surface. We have developed an algorithm which is used to repair damaged disk surfaces. This technology is hardware independent, it supports many types of hard drives and repairs damage that even low-level disk formatting cannot repair. As a result, previously unreadable information will be restored. Because of the way the repair is made, the existing information on the disk drive will not be affected! Can the HDD Regenerator repair your drive? Almost 60 % of damaged hard disks can be repaired by regeneration. You can always download free demo version and try to regenerate the first found bad sector. The main purpose of the unregistered demo version is to display a report which contains information about the possibility to regenerate the entire disk by means of the registered full version. If the first found bad sector has been successfully regenerated, you can buy the product to regenerate all bad sectors on your hard drive. If the first bad sector has NOT been successfully regenerated, then replace your hard disk drive as soon as possible. HDD Regenerator's Delays Detected If you see delays under Windows, it is recommended to rescan the drive from a bootable regenerating CD or flash. If your hard drive is external, it is recommended that you connect it as an internal drive. Generally, 1-2 delays are not a problem. Permanent delays mean that the hard drive has sectors with long access time. A drive with permanent delays is actually a failing drive and may cause data losses. You can try to regenerate such sectors using the "Regenerate all sectors in a range" option. Also, the delays can be regenerated in the “scan and repair” mode, if the following both conditions are met: The hard drive has been completely scanned at least 1 time. The hard drive does not contain bad sectors. Important notes Since the program does not change the logical structure of a hard drive, the file system may still show some sectors marked earlier as "bad", and other disk utilities such as Microsoft's chkdsk will detect logical bad sectors even though the disk has been successfully regenerated and is no longer damaged by physical bad sectors. If you want to remove these marks, repartition the hard disk drive. https://katfile.com/1bd4gw1cuw9e/hregen24.7z.html jelszó:2024
CIMCO Edit 2023 23.01.08 x64 298MB (317MB) A CIMCO Edit a modern CNC programszerkesztés követelményeinek teljesítéséhez szükséges alapvető szerkesztőeszközök átfogó készletét nyújtja. Nincs programméret-korlátozás, és olyan CNC-kód-specifikus lehetőségeket tartalmaz, mint a sorszámozás/átszámozás, karakterkezelés és XYZ-tartománykereső. Emellett matematikai funkciókkal is rendelkezik, beleértve az alapmatematikát, a forgatás, a tükrözés, a szerszámkompenzáció és a fordítás funkciókat. A CIMCO Edit a szerkesztőtől elvárt összes funkciót kínál, beleértve a drag-and-drop szövegszerkesztést is. A legjobb az egészben, hogy a CIMCO Edit teljesen konfigurálható, és könnyen illeszthető bármely meglévő CNC programszerkesztő környezethez. - Gyorsabb szerkesztés az NC-Assistant segítségével Az NC-Assistant minden eddiginél gyorsabbá és egyszerűbbé teszi az NC-kód szerkesztését. Mutasson bármely M vagy G kódra, és az NC-Assistant azonosítja a kódot, lehetővé téve az értékek módosítását a CNC kódhoz kapcsolódó interaktív felület segítségével. Adja meg a kívánt értékeket bármelyik regiszterhez, és az NC-Assistant automatikusan frissíti a CNC-kódot. A CIMCO Edit NC-Assistant lehetővé teszi az összetett ciklusok és műveletek gyors beillesztését és szerkesztését. A CIMCO Edit beépített ciklusokat és makrókat tartalmaz a leggyakoribb műveletekhez, mint például a programindítás, programleállítás és szerszámcsere. Egyéni ciklusokat és makrókat is rögzíthet vagy létrehozhat a saját egyedi beállításaihoz és alkalmazásaihoz leggyakrabban használt műveletekhez. - Grafikus Backplotter A 3D Mill / 2D Lathe backplotter kezeli a 3 tengelyes maró és 2 tengelyes eszterga CNC-programokat lépéses és folyamatos előre- és hátrameneti ábrázolással. Szerkessze a CNC-programot, és a frissítés automatikusan megjelenik a plotban. Elemezze a plotot dinamikus zoom, pásztázás, forgatás és mérési funkciókkal. A CIMCO Edit támogatja az NC-kód szilárd vizualizálását szerszámtartó ütközésellenőrzéssel és vájatfelismeréssel. - Intelligens fájl-összehasonlítás A CIMCO Edit gyors és teljesen konfigurálható, egymás melletti fájl-összehasonlítással rendelkezik, amely lehetővé teszi a felhasználó számára a CNC programváltozások gyors azonosítását (látható a videóban 2:40-nél). A fájl-összehasonlítás azonosítja a módosított és törölt/beszúrt sorokat, de figyelmen kívül hagyja a triviális formátumváltozásokat, például a blokkok újraszámozását és a távolságot. A különbségek soronként, egyszerre vagy egymás mellé nyomtatva jelennek meg az offline áttekintéshez. A magyar nyelv támogatott. CIMCO Edit provides a comprehensive set of essential editing tools necessary for meeting the demands of modern CNC program editing. It has no program size limitations and includes CNC code specific options such as line numbering / renumbering, character handling and XYZ range finder. It also features math functions including basic math, rotate, mirror, tool compensation, and translate. CIMCO Edit offers all the functions expected from an editor including drag-and-drop text editing. Best of all CIMCO Edit is completely configurable and is easily adapted to any existing CNC program editing environment. - Faster Editing with NC-Assistant The NC-Assistant makes editing NC code faster and easier than ever. Point at any M or G code and the NC-Assistant will identify the code allowing you to modify values using an interactive interface linked to the CNC code. Input the desired values for any register and the NC-Assistant updates the CNC code automatically. The NC-Assistant in CIMCO Edit allows you to quickly insert and edit complex cycles and operations. CIMCO Edit includes built-in cycles and macros for the most common operations such as program start, program stop and tool change. You can also record or create custom cycles and macros for the operations most common to your own specific setups and applications. - Graphical Backplotter The 3D Mill / 2D Lathe backplotter handles your 3-axis Mill and 2-axis lathe CNC programs with step and continuous forward and reverse plotting. Edit the CNC program and the update is automatically reflected in the plot. Analyze the plot with dynamic zoom, pan, rotate and measuring functions. CIMCO Edit supports solid visualization of NC code with toolholder collision check and gouge detection. - Intelligent File Compare CIMCO Edit features a fast and fully configurable side-by-side file compare, allowing the user to quickly identify CNC program changes (shown at 2:40 in video). The file compare identifies changed and deleted / inserted lines, but ignores trivial format changes like block renumbering and spacing. Differences are displayed one line at a time, all at once or printed side-by-side for offline review. https://katfile.com/852bm2ybuj1n/cimc23.7z.html jelszó:2023
NIUBI Partition Editor All-Editions 9.7 13MB Az aktivált verziót az alkalmazott licenkulcs határozza meg. Ez a partíciókezelő szoftver kompatibilis a Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 és a Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP rendszerekkel. A helyi/eltávolítható merevlemez, VMware, Hyper-V és minden típusú hardveres RAID támogatott. Az egyedi Roll-Back adatvédelmi technológiát használ, amely képes automatikusan visszaállítani a számítógépet az átméretezés előtti állapotra, ha bármilyen hardveres probléma merül fel, így nem kell aggódnia az adatbiztonság miatt. Továbbá, a beépített egyedi fájlmozgató algoritmus segít a partíció átméretezésében 30% - 300%-kal gyorsabban, mint más eszközök. Egy licenckód korlátlan számú asztali számítógépen, munkaállomáson és szerveren regisztrálható, függetlenül a hálózat méretétől vagy architektúrájától. If you provide IT technical service to your clients and need a powerful disk partition management toolkit, NIUBI Partition Editor Technician Edition is the best choice. This partition manager software is compatible with Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 and Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP. Local/removable hard disk, VMware, Hyper-V and all types of hardware RAID are all supported. Better than other utilities, NIUBI Partition Editor integrated unique Roll-Back data protection technology, which is able to roll back the computer to the status before resizing automatically if any hardware issue occurred, so you don't need to worry about data safety. Furthermore, the built-in unique file-moving algorithm helps resize partition 30% - 300% faster than other tools. Time is important to you and your customer! NIUBI Partition Editor Technician Edition is the best cost-effective option for you to provide charged technical services for multiple companies and individuals. One license code can be registered on unlimited desktops, workstations and servers regardless of network size or architecture. https://katfile.com/t5wpe9hyj24v/npe97.7z.html jelszó:niubi
AOMEI Partition Assistant All Editions v10.10.0 7zip | 33MB Professional, Technician, Unlimited, Server verzió választási lehetőség. A magyar nyelv választható. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés. Partíció visszaállító varázsló, hordozható és indítható Windows készítés (két módszer bootolható Windows USB meghajtó létrehozására). MBR GPT-be, NTFS FAT32-re, elsődleges partíciót logikaiba vagy fordítva alakít. Legyalulja a partíciót vagy akár a teljes merevlemezt ha akarjuk a biztonság kedvéért, képes meghajtó betűjelet váltani, elrejteni vagy láthatóvá tenni partíciókat, hibás szektorokat és partíciókat ellenőrizni, Master Boot Recordot újraépíteni és még sok-sok mindenre képes. AOMEI Partition Assistant, especially designed to meet the needs of small and medium sized business, not only includes all features to make the best use of disk space while minimizing server downtime, but also provides comprehensive solution to disk-related issue. With intuitive and easy-to-use interface, anyone, even non-technical users, can maximize the performance of servers in minutes without having to need an expert. Our stable and robust server partition software is priced at only $160 available for two servers as well as free lifetime upgrades. Top Benefits - Allow unlimited usage within one company to save money. - Safe - no data loss, fast - no reboot, easy - no professional skill. All-in-one Hard Disk Partition Manager - Extend NTFS system partitionwithout rebooting computer to reduce downtime. - Resize/move a partition or dynamic volume to maximize utilization of storages. - Easily allocate free space from one partition to another without losing data. - Merge adjacent two partitions into one, or merge unallocated space to a partition. - Partition alignment optimizes the drive for performance, especially for SSD. - Erase all data permanently so that it cannot be recovered any more. System and Data Migration - Migrate OS from hard disk to solid-state drive (SSD), supporting MBR and GPT disk. - Upgrade storages with disk to disk copy, no need to reinstall Windows and applications. - Copy a partition from one hard drive to another for backing up data. Magic and Safe Converter - Change disk style - safely convert an MBR basic or dynamic disk into GPT, and vice versa. - Change disk type - safely convert a dynamic MBR or GPT disk into basic, and vice versa. - Change partition type - safely convert a primary partition into logical, and vice versa. - Change file system - safely covert NTFS file system to FAT32, and vice versa. Step-by-step Handy Wizards - Extend Partition Wizard - solve “low disk space” of C drive by taking unused space from other partitions. - Partition Recovery Wizard - retrieve valuable information from lost or deleted partitions. - Make Windows PE Bootable Media - troubleshoot problems, or recover data when system fails to boot. - Windows To Go Creator - build a portable and fully functional Windows 8 system on USB flash drive. https://katfile.com/f75ylhqk4fij/patall101.7z.html jelszó:1010
DipTrace v4.3.0.5 x64 7zip | 222MB Komplett PCB, nyomtatottáramkör-tervező, beépített layout, auto-router, pattern és komponens-szerkesztővel, valamint adatbázis-modullal rendelkezik. Egyéb beépített lehetőségek: DXF export, lépésről-lépésre tervezés, könnyű kezelhetőség. Modulok: PCB Elrendezés — PCB tervezés könnyen használható routing eszközökkel, auto-router és auto-placer. Vázlat szerkesztő — Vázlat Capture és exportáló PCB-re vagy Spice-ra. Minta szerkesztő — Segítségével lehetőség van rész nyomatok készítésére. Alkatrész szerkesztő — Lehetővé teszi részek rajzolását és alkatrészek készítését. Könnyen megtanulható felhasználói interfész. Egy kapcsolási rajz tervezéséhez, egyszerűen válassza ki és helyezze az alkatrészeket a dokumentumra és kapcsolja össze őket drót vagy bus eszközök használatával. Többlapos tervek is kivitelezhetőek. Ezek után válassza ki a menüből "Convert to PCB" a vázlat PCB-re történő átalakításához. Az elrendezés bármikor frissíthető a Vázlatból néhány klikkeléssel. Kiemeléssel segíti a munkát objektumok kialakításánál vagy átszerkesztésénél. Intelligens elhelyezés és auto-elhelyezés funkciók Miután a kapcsolási rajzot átkonvertálja PCB elrendezésre, helyezze el a lap keretét és rendezze el az alaktrészeket. Ezek után használja a "placement by list" az integrált áramkörökre/csatlakozókra és auto-elhelyezést más komponensekre, ezek után perceken belül láthatja az eredményt és kezdheti a telepítést. Könnyen használható útmutató és nagy teljesítményű automatikus telepítés A DipTrace PCB szoftver tartalmaz egy fejlett automatikus routert, amely képes egy vagy többrétegű táblák telepítésére. Ez elérhető "rip-up and retry'algoritmussal. Az autorouter nagy számban képes megoldani a telepítéseket, mivel visszamenőleg is átnézi a hálózatokat, hogy ezáltal helyet tudjon teremteni kapcsolódásoknak, amik addig nem léteztek. Az intelligens manuális telepítő eszközök lehetőséget teremtenek arra, hogy kialakíthasson és szerkeszthessen nyomvonalakat 90 vagy 45 fokban esetleg limit nélkül. Nem látható via-k esetén használható automatikus vagy manuális telepítés. Bármely méretű tábla elfogadott. DipTrace is quality Schematic Capture and PCB Design software that offers everything to create simple or complex multi-layer boards from schematic to manufacturing files. DipTrace is first of its kind intuitive CAD software, featuring: Easy to learn User Interface Multi-sheet and hierarchical schematics Shape-based autorouter Smart manual routing tools Wide import/export capabilities High-speed signaling Advanced verifications and Real-time DRC Real-time 3D PCB preview & STEP export Manufacturing output Commitment to the future After a couple of hours you become productive with simple boards and then improve your skills step-by-step. Basic features are enough for simple projects and advanced capabilities should be used for complex circuit boards. All DipTrace modules share similar interface conceptions and design basics. The tutorial contains detailed instructions for all stages of the board design. It is included in the DipTrace installation package. Schematic Capture Advanced schematic tool with the support of multi-sheet and multi-level hierarchical design that allows the engineer to connect pins visually, without wires, using net ports, buses, or logically. Electrical Rule Check and hierarchy verification work from the earliest stages of design till the work is done. Schematic supports import and export of different EDA/CAD and netlist formats. PCB Layout High-quality board-level design tool that features smart placement and routing tools, shape-based autorouter, copying hierarchical blocks, smart project structure, and verification features that ensure accuracy even for the most complex projects with high-speed signals. Real-time DRC allows for fixing errors on the fly and increases quality all the way to the project completion. Import and export various EDA, CAD, netlist, and manufacturing formats. Library Creation Cross-module library management system with component and pattern editors and direct import from outside the DipTrace design environment. Component and Pattern editors support smart library structure and fast creation of components and patterns with integrated templates. Bulk pin naming, pad numbering, and editing features allow the designer to build multi-part complex components and patterns with hundreds of pins faster than ever before. 3D Modeling Works as a part of the PCB Layout and Pattern Editor. The 3D module allows the designer to preview the board with installed components on any design stage, rotate and move it in real-time with hardware acceleration. Board 3D model can be exported to mechanical CAD (STEP, VRML). DipTrace imports 3DS, VRML, STEP, and IGES files as 3D models. 11,000+ models are supplied free of charge. Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 https://katfile.com/o0b4y1tye9y1/dtrac05.7z.html pw:4305
reaConverter Pro v7.7.90 304MB A ReaConverter Pro egy képek szerkesztésére alkalmas rengeteg speciális opciót magában rejtegető szoftver. Ez a képkezelő program tudja a fotókat forgatni, vízjelezni, feliratozni, restaurálni, konvertálni és vágni is. Rugalmas, intelligens és nagyon gyors reaConverter egyszerűvé teszi a kötegelt konverziót és a gyakran előforduló képszerkesztést. A 7-es verzió teljesen új szintre emeli a funkcionalitást. Ultragyors többszálas konverzió A teljesen átdolgozott felhasználói felület Új képszerkesztési lehetőségek és grafikai szűrők Új formátumtámogatás, beleértve a CAD és MS Office dokumentumokat is A konverziós eredmény mentésének új módjai Új mappák figyelése funkció a mappák megfigyeléséhez és a feldolgozás automatikus alkalmazásához Új parancssori eszköz a szerveroldali és harmadik féltől származó megoldások egyszerű integrálásához A magyar nyelv támogatott. Flexible, Smart and Very Fast. Understandable on a hunch, reaConverter makes batch conversion and oft-recurring image editing simple. Widest Range of Supported Formats Highly efficient software that makes it easy to convert millions of files and folders in a single operation. Convert between a great number of file formats, including archaic and rare ones. Version 7 puts the functionality to the whole new level Ultra-fast multi-threaded conversion The entirely reworked user interface New image editing options and graphic filters New formats support including CAD and MS Office documents New ways to save the conversion result New Watch Folders feature to monitor folders and automatically apply processing New command-line tool for simple integration to server-side and third-party solutions Pro edition: 677 supported file formats, powered by an extremely versatile and handy imaging system. Provides full command-line access to all of the features to automate processing via scripting. Támogatott formátumok Read 677 Regular Images: BMP, GIF, JFI, JFIF, JIFF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF Advanced Images: APNG, AVIF, BPG, CAL, CDR, CG4, CIN, CPT, DCX, DDS, DIB, DIS, FAX, FITS, FLIF, FPX, HEIC, HEIF, HRU, ICO, J2C, J2K, JP2, JPC, JPF, JPM, JPX, JXR, KRA, MAC, MIX, MPO, MTV, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PIC, PNM, PPM, PSD, PSP, QRT, RAD, RLA, SGI, SVS, TGA, WB1, WBC, WBP, WBZ, WEBP, WEBPLL, XBM, XCF, XPM Digital Cameras RAW Images: 3FR, ARI, ARW, BAY, BMQ, CAP, CINE, CR2, CR3, CRW, CS1, DC2, DCR, DCS, DNG, DRF, EIP, ERF, FFF, IA, IIQ, K25, KC2, KDC, MDC, MEF, MOS, MRW, NEF, NRW, OBM, ORF, PEF, PTX, PXN, QTK, R3D, RAF, RAW, RDC, RW2, RWL, RWZ, SR2, SRF, SRW, STI, X3F Adobe Vector Formats: AI, EPI, EPS, PDF, PDP, PS, SWF Microsoft Office Formats: DOC, DOCX, OXPS, RTF, VDX, VSD, VSDM, VSDX, XPS Microsoft Windows Metafiles: EMF, EMZ, WMF, WMZ CAD Formats: DGN, DWF, DWFX, DWG, DXF, PLT Gerber Formats: BOT, CMP, DRD, DRL, GBL, GBO, GBP, GBR, GBS, GBX, GKO, GM1, GPB, GTL, GTO, GTP, GTS, PLC, PLS, SMB, SMT, SOL, SSB, SST, STC, STS, TAP, TOP, XLN Vector Formats: AFF, CGM, DJVU, DRW, DST, HP2, HPG, MIF, NVA, OBJ, ORB, PCL, PCT, PRN, PRT, PXL, SK, SK1, SVG, SVGZ, WPG, XFIG 3D Formats: 3D, 3DS, 3MF, AC, AC3D, ACC, AMJ, ASE, ASK, B3D, BLEND, BVH, COB, CSM, DAE, ENFF, FBX, GLB, GLTF, HMB, HMP, IRR, IRRMESH, LWO, LWS, LXO, M3D, MD2, MD3, MD5, MDL, MESH, MOT, MS3D, NDO, NFF, OFF, OGEX, PK3, PLY, PMX, PRJ, Q3D, Q3O, Q3S, SCN, SIB, SMD, STEP, STL, STP, TER, UC, VTA, X3D, XGL, ZGL GIS Formats: 000, BNA, E00, GEOJSON, GML, GMT, GPX, GTM, GTZ, GXT, KML, KMZ, NTF, REC, SHP, TAB Rare Formats: !C, $C, $S, 001, 2BP, 2D, 301, 411, 4BT, 73I, 82I, 83I, 85I, 86I, 89I, 92I, A64, ABC, ABIC, ABS, ACE, ACORN, ADT, AFP, AFX, AIP, ALIAS, ALS, AMI, ANI, APX, ARF, ARN, ART, ATK, AVS, AWD, B&W, B16, BFL, BFLI, BFX, BGA, BIF, BIG, BLD, BLK, BM, BMF, BMG, BMX, BN, BOB, BPR, BRK, BRT, BS, BSG, BTN, BUM, BW, B_W, C4, CALS, CAM, CAN, CAR, CAT, CBM, CDU, CE, CE1, CE2, CEL, CIP, CIT, CLO, CLP, CMT, CMU, CMW, CMX, CP8, CPA, CPC, CPI, CRD, CRG, CT, CUT, CVP, DAT, DBW, DCM, DD, DOL, DOO, DPX, DRZ, DSI, DTA, ECC, EF3, EFX, EI, EIDI, EPA, ESM, EXR, F96, FAC, FACE, FBM, FCX, FI, FIT, FLC, FLI, FMF, FP2, FPG, FPR, FPT, FRE, FRM, FSY, FTF, FTS, FUN, FX3, FXD, FXM, FXO, FXR, FXS, G16, G3, G3N, G4, GAF, GB, GEO, GG, GIG, GIH, GM, GM2, GM4, GMF, GP4, GRAF, GRB, GRO, GRO2, GRO4, GUN, HDP, HDR, HDRU, HED, HF, HIR, HPI, HR, HRZ, I17, I18, IB7, IBG, ICA, ICB, ICL, ICN, ICNS, IDC, IF9, IFF, IFL, IIM, IIMG, IM1, IM5, IMA, IMG, IMI, IMT, INFO, IPG, IPH, IPT, IRIS, ISH, ISM, ISS, ITG, J6I, JBF, JBG, JBIG, JIF, JIG, JJ, JPS, JTF, KAP, KFX, KOA, KPS, KQP, LBM, LDA, LFF, LIF, LVP, LWI, M8, MAG, MAP, MBFAVS, MBFS, MBM, MGR, MH, MIC, MIFF, MIL, MIM, MNG, MPH, MPNT, MRF, MSK, MSP, NAP, NAV, NCD, NCR, NCT, NEO, NITF, NLM, NMP, NOL, NPM, NSR, OAZ, OCP, OFX, OIL, P64, P7, PAC, PAN, PAT, PAX, PBT, PC, PCC, PCP, PD, PDB, PDD, PDS, PDX, PE4, PFR, PG, PGC, PGF, PH, PHP, PI, PICIO, PICT, PIG, PIX, PIXAR, PM, PMG, PMP, PPP, PPS, PPT, PRC, PRF, PRI, PSA, PSB, PSE, PSF, PSPBRUSH, PSPFRAME, PSPIMAGE, PSPMASK, PST, PTK, PTOCA, PWP, PXA, PXB, PXR, PXS, PZL, PZP, Q0, QDV, QTI, QTIF, QTL, RAS, RAST, RGB, RGH, RIX, RLB, RLC2, RLE, RP, RPBM, RPM, RS, RSB, SAR, SC, SC2, SCI, SCR, SCT, SCX, SD0, SD1, SD2, SDG, SEQ, SFF, SFW, SI, SID, SIM, SIR, SJ1, SKN, SMP, SNA, SPC, SPS, SPU, SR, SSI, SSP, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7, ST8, STW, STX, SUL, SUN, SUNIFF, SYJ, SYN, SYNU, TAAC, TDI, TDIM, TEX, TG4, TIL, TIM, TJP, TM2, TN1, TN2, TN3, TNL, TNY, TRP, TSK, TUB, UNI, UPI, UYVY, V, VDA, VFF, VFX, VI, VIC, VICAR, VID, VIF, VIFF, VIT, VOB, VPB, VST, WAL, WB0, WDP, WFX, WZL, X, X11, XAR, XIF, XIM, XV, XWD, YUV, ZBR Write 67 Regular Images: BMP, GIF, JFI, JFIF, JIFF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF Advanced Images: APNG, AVIF, BPG, CAL, CG4, CIN, DCX, DDS, DIS, FAX, FITS, FLIF, HRU, ICO, JP2, JXR, MTV, PCX, PGM, PIC, PSD, QRT, RAD, RLA, SGI, TGA, WEBP, WEBPLL, XBM, XPM Adobe Vector Formats: AI, EPI, EPS, PDF, PS, SWF Windows Metafiles: EMF, WMF, WMZ CAD Formats: DGN, DWF, DWG, DXF, PLT Gerber Formats: GBR Vector Formats: CGM, DRW, MIF, PCL, PCT, SVG, SVGZ, WPG 3D Formats: GLB, GLTF, STEP, STL, STP GIF Formats: SHP System requirements Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 Server 2003 — 2022 https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d1e4fedc5aa61515e7814a79366ef6e113b2189ef87be35ec590fd164cf3a4ed https://katfile.com/57ozoy26mqb0/recon779.7z.html jelszó:7790
Adobe Audition 2023 v23.5.0.48 x64 438MB (463MB) Adobe Audition – Professzionális audio-munkaállomás Hangeffekteket készíthet, keverhet és tervezhet az iparágvezető digitális hangszerkesztő szoftverrel. Hanganyagokat szerkeszthet, rögzíthet és állíthat helyre Az Audition olyan átfogó eszközkészlet, amely többsávos, hullámformás és spektrális megjelenítést biztosít a hanganyagok létrehozásához, keveréséhez, szerkesztéséhez és helyreállításához. Ezzel a professzionális audio-munkaállomással felgyorsítható a videógyártás folyamata és a hang utómunkálata – és biztosítható a tökéletesre csiszolt eredeti hangzás. Mi az Audition? A hangszűrés és -helyreállítás, valamint a nagy pontosságú szerkesztés eszköze videók és podcastok készítéséhez, valamint hangeffektek tervezéséhez. funkciók Ez a részletes oktatóanyag az Adobe Audition sokoldalú audioeszköz-készletét ismerteti, beleértve az Adobe Premiere Pro alkalmazással együtt történő gördülékeny használatát. Tegye ütőssé hanganyagait Az Essential Sound panel segítségével professzionális hangminőséget érhet el – még akkor is, ha nem profi. Podcast létrehozása Ismerje meg az audiotartalom rögzítésének, keverésének és podcastba – vagy bármely más hangprojektbe – való exportálásának alapvető lépéseit. Illesztés újrakeveréssel Az Audition Remix eszközével könnyedén és automatikusan átrendezhet bármely zeneszámot, hogy tetszés szerinti időtartamba beférjen. Javítás és helyreállítás Megismerheti a hangjavítások legjobb gyakorlati megoldásait, köztük azt, hogy miként használható a spektrális frekvenciamegjelenítés, a diagnosztikai panel és más eszköz. https://katfile.com/uj7hhlbmbop4/adadit203.7z.html jelszó:235048
EaseUS Disk Copy Technician v5.5 Build 20230614 WinPE x64 628MB (563MB) Az EaseUS Disk Copy Technician WinPE környezetben futó bootolható lemezképe. Az EaseUS Disk Copy-val könnyen frissítheti merevlemezét a régi lemezről egy új lemezre, vagy klónozhatja az MBR lemezt GPT lemezre vagy a GPT lemezt MBR-re. Emellett lehetővé teszi a HDD SSD-re történő klónozását is a jobb teljesítmény érdekében. Tulajdonságok: - Másolja az összes merevlemezét: Bootolható CD/DVD létrehozása, lehetővé teszi a teljes lemez másolását ismeretlen/nem saját fájlrendszerek esetén. - Partíció másolása: Lehetővé teszi egy partíció másolását egy másik kívánt partícióra. - Lemezmásolás: Lehetővé teszi, hogy egy lemezt szektoronként klónozzon egy másikra. - Szektoronkénti másolás: A merevlemezek és partíciók fizikai 1:1 arányú másolatát (klónozását) készíti el. Ez biztosítja az eredetivel való 100%-os azonosságot. - Biztonságos, egyszerű és gyors: Nagyon gyors és egyszerű módja annak, hogy egy merevlemez egészét vagy egy részét átmásolja egy másik merevlemezre a Disk Copy segítségével. - Támogatja az elérhetetlen lemezmásolást - Támogatja a CD/DVD-ről való indítást - Barátságos grafikus felhasználói felület - Lemezterület átadása elégtelen célállomás esetén Supported Files System FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/NTFS Supported Hardware Disk Copy can be used to copy data among the following types of devices: IDE HDD, SSD, USB HDD, SCSI HDD, SATA HDD, Fire wire (IEEE 1394) HDD, etc. https://katfile.com/9mfqf3tpou4y/edct55wpex64.7z.html jelszó:20230614