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All Image Downloader Pro v2.0 28MB (42MB) Tömeges képletöltés bármely weboldalról. Használhatja képletöltőként, Goolge képek letöltőjeként, Pinterest és Instagram képek/videók letöltőjeként. Gyors és egyszerű Az összes kép kinyerése pont és kattintással. Nincs szükség kódolásra. Csak egyetlen URL és kulcsszó. Az összes weboldallal foglalkozik A rendszerünk lekaparja és elemzi az összes képet, amely olyan fájlokban van elrejtve, mint a html, css, js, php... Eredmények letöltése Egyetlen gombra kattintva letöltheti az összes feltérképezett képet, például jpg, png, svg, webp, gif... vagy videót, például mp4... Bulk download all images from any website. You can use it as an image downloader, Goolge images downloader, Pinterest images/videos downloader and Instagram images/videos downloader. Fast and Easy Extract all images with point and click. No coding needed. Just one single URL and keyword. Deal with All Websites Our system will scrape and analyze all images hidden in files like html, css, js, php... Download Results Click one button to download all scraped images like jpg, png, svg, webp, gif... or videos like mp4... Download All Images In 3 Steps All Image Downloader is everything you need for automatic images extraction. Scrape images from web pages quickly. 1. Paste URL or enter keyword You can select to download images from a URL, or from Pinterest, Instagram specifically. Paste the link to download the images. If you choose Google to download the images, you need to enter a keyword. 2. Start scraping pages and extract images Click the "Search" button and our tool will send the request to our cloud server. Our system prepares the crawler to analyze the web page. Download when finding the images. 3. Preview and download the extracted images When the scraping process finished, All Image Downloader will show all images in the list view. You can preview each of them. Select the images you want to download, or click the "Select All" and download them in one click. https://katfile.com/0adihiwyb9il/alidp2.7z.html jelszó:v200
Security Task Manager 2.4 6MB A Security Task Manager leleplezi az ismert Windows-folyamatoknak álcázott vírusokat és trójaiakat, amelyek problémákat okozhatnak vagy lelassíthatják a számítógépet. Megmutatja, hogy mely folyamatok feleslegesek a számítógépen, vagy jelenthetnek biztonsági kockázatot. A Windows Feladatkezelővel minden egyes futó folyamathoz a következőket is láthatja: biztonsági értékelést Más felhasználók megjegyzései Szakértőink megjegyzései Az összes vezető víruskeresővel végzett vizsgálat eredményei melyik szoftvertermékhez tartozik az egyes folyamat Kiadó és weboldal CPU-használati grafikon teljes könyvtár elérési útvonal és fájlnév beágyazott rejtett funkciók (pl. billentyűzetfigyelés, böngészőfelügyelet vagy -manipuláció) a folyamat típusa (pl. látható ablak, systray program, DLL, IE-plugin, indítási szolgáltatás) a magyar nyelv támogatott Security Task Manager exposes viruses and Trojans that may be disguised as known Windows processes, and that can cause problems or can slow down your computer. Security Task Manager shows you which processes on your computer are unnecessary or could present a security risk. In contrast to Windows Task Manager, for each running process, you also see: a cutting-edge security evaluation Comments from other users Comments from our experts Results of scans by all the leading virus scanners which software product each process belongs to Publisher and website CPU usage graph full directory path and file name embedded hidden functions (e.g. keyboard monitoring, browser supervision or manipulation) process type (e.g. visible window, systray program, DLL, IE-plugin, startup service) "Security Task Manager tells you exactly what programs are running on your computer - and it gives you answers to the obvious ensuing questions, such as where these programs reside, who makes them, what they are called, whether they include hidden components, and what all this means to your computer." Security Task Manager shows all active processes on your computer. You can easily recognize the endangering potential of each process. No other Task Manager or Process Viewer has this feature. The unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of a process being potential spyware, malware or a Trojan. The rating is purely based on behaviour and code analysis, and does not use any signature files. Furthermore you can put a process into quarantine or search the internet for information about that process. Free online scan with all known Antivirus engines Examine every process in a matter of seconds against the 50 largest virus databases, such as Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, Bitdefender, etc. Security hints Discover the causes of many Windows problems and failures, and prevent manipulative browser attacks like injections and hijacking. Security Task Manager also checks the current version and configuration of your firewall, your anti-virus and anti-spyware solutions, your browsers, Windows Update, User Control settings, Windows security settings and those software products that are most often the targets of malware. Rid yourself of malicious browser extensions, toolbars, start page and search engine manipulators, as well as super cookies like DOM storage and Flash cookies that cannot be deleted by the Chrome, Firefox, IE or Edge browsers. SpyProtector SpyProtector deletes history, disables keyboard monitoring and warns you when registry is changed. You can easily monitor your autostart / startup registry entries. https://katfile.com/04ibt8l6b30y/stm242.4.7z.html jelszó:v240
eM Client Pro v9.2.2157 116MB (136MB) Profi e-mail kliens. Integrálja az e-mailt, a naptárat, a névjegyeket és a feladatokat. Az eM Client a piacon elérhető legátfogóbb naptárfelületeket kínálja, így a felhasználók egyszerre több forrásból származó naptárat is megtekinthetnek. Az eM Client optimalizálva van a Gmail vagy bármely más levelezőszerverrel való teljes szinkronizálásra. Támogatja az MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail vagy Thunderbird teljes importálását. Az Active Sync segítségével online vagy bármely mobileszközre mentheti vagy szinkronizálhatja az összes e-mailjét, névjegyét, naptárát és feladatát. eM Client integrates E-mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks... eM Client delivers the most comprehensive calendar interfaces on the market, giving users the ability to simultaneously view multiple calendars from multiple sources. eM Client is optimized to fully synchronize with Gmail or any other mail server. eM Client supports full import from MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird. You can backup or synchronize all your e-mails, contacts, calendars and tasks on-line or to any mobile device using Active Sync. E-mail features: • eM Client supports all standard protocols • Fully secure communication (SSL/TLS) • Sign and encrypt your messages (S/MIME) • Super-fast full-text search • Signatures and templates • Categories/Tags for messages • Global folders and search folders • E-mail Rules • Automatic account setup • Translate messages to other languages directly inside your e-mail editor Calendar features: • Full featured calendar Interface • eM Client allows you to share calendars and tasks • Various calendar views • Google Calendar Synchronization • Full-text search in events and tasks • Invite to events or confirm attending a meeting (IMIP/ITIP) • Schedule meetings using Free/busy Contact features: • Custom contact views • Share your contacts with others • Synchronize your contacts with Gmail • Organize your contacts in folders and categories • Instant messaging • Support for ICQ, MSN, Facebook chat, Yahoo chat, AOL and others • Add multiple IM accounts • Full XMPP (Jabber) protocol support • Contact roster detachable to separate window Import options: • Advanced import from MS Outlook • Import from MS Outlook Express • Import from MS Windows Mail • Import from MS Windows Live Mail • Import from Mozilla Thunderbird • Import .eml files • Import from The Bat! • Import events from iCalendar (.ics) • Import contacts from vCard (.vcf) • Import contacts from CSV (.csv) • Import contacts from Facebook Other features: • Customizable Widgets • RSS Widget • Skype integration • Multi-language support https://katfile.com/ztqlnpvfsza2/ecp922.7z.html jelszó:9221
PLC-Lab Pro 2.4 47MB (50MB) A PLC-Lab alkalmas PLC-oktatásra és a profi felhasználók számára építés előtti tervezésehez vagy a meglévő rendszer lemásolása után szimulációhoz és hibakereséshez. Az objektumokhoz fizikai tulajdonságok rendelhetők, amelyek aztán befolyásolják az objektumok viselkedését a szimuláció során. Például az objektumok függhetnek a gravitációtól és lehetnek mágnesesek. Ezenkívül olyan paramétereket is beállíthat, mint a sűrűség, a felületi súrlódás és a rugalmasság. Az integrált fizikamotor biztosítja az objektumok valósághű szimulációját. A PLC-Lab felhasználói felülete és rajzfelülete teljes mértékben vektororientált. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a PLC-Lab objektumai minőségromlás nélkül nagyíthatók vagy kicsinyíthetők. A felhasználói felület nagy felbontású képernyőkön (pl. 4K) is borotvaélesen jelenik meg. A rendszer vagy tesztkörnyezet beállítása egyszerű. A PLC-Lab használata olyan programokon alapul, mint például a Microsoft PowerPoint. With PLC-Lab you can create your own simplified digital twin for PLC training or to find all logical bugs in your PLC program. The objects in PLC-Lab offer extensive design and setting options, so the variety of project types that can be implemented with PLC-Lab is very high. The objects can be assigned physical properties, which then influence the behavior of the objects during simulation. For example, objects can be depend on gravity and be magnetic. In addition, you can set parameters such as density, surface friction and elasticity. An integrated physics engine ensures the realistic simulation of the objects. The user interface and the drawing area of PLC-Lab are entirely vector-oriented. This means that the objects in PLC-Lab can be enlarged or reduced in size without any loss of quality. The user interface is also displayed razor sharp on high-resolution screens (e.g. 4K). The setup of a system or test environment is straightforward. Use of PLC-Lab is based on programs such as PowerPoint by Microsoft. From simple to complex The complexity of creating your digital twin is up to you. You can just use buttons, lamps and a few cylinders, or you can create a virtual scene as realistic as possible using real photos of the installation or images created by a designer. The goal should be that the virtual system delivers the same signals to the PLC and reacts to the outputs as the real system. Differences to Factory I/O Factory I/O is 3D and PLC-Lab is 2D. But much more important: Factory I/O is designed for PLC training and it can be used to build certain and simplified machine types. The visual representation of the created scenes in 3D and the real-time sound ensures a wow effect. If you can build your desired scene with the parts of Factory I/O, it is the perfect product for you. However, if you want to digitize an existing hardware model or have exact requirements for a virtual scene, then PLC-Lab is the right choice. PLC-Lab is suitable for PLC training and for professional users. Whats New: Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version. Target systems PLC-Lab can be connected to many different systems: Software systems: PLCSIM-S7300 (Simatic Manager) PLCSIM-S7300 (TIA PORTAL) PLCSIM-1200 (TIA PORTAL) PLCSIM-1500 (TIA PORTAL) PLCSIM-Advanced Intern Memory (IM, Flags) WinSPS-S7 Grafcet-Studio Hardware systems: S7-300 (Siemens AG) S7-400 (Siemens AG) S7-1200 (Siemens AG) S7-1500 (Siemens AG) LOGO! (Siemens AG) Furthermore, systems that support OPC/UA can also be used - for example CODESYS V3 based soft- and hardware PLCs. System Requirements and languages support Operating system Windows 7 SP1+ or higher When using PLC-Lab with TIA PORTAL Min. 16 GB RAM, CPU Core™ i5 3.4 GHz or better When using PLC-Lab with WinSPS-S7, Grafcet-Studio Min. 8 GB RAM or better, CPU: Core™ i3 3.2 GHz or better .NET Framework 4.5.2 and 4.6.2. https://katfile.com/vyyx60aldfvs/plp4.7z.html jelszó:plc24
CAD Exchanger Lab 3.22.0 94MB (99MB) CAD, BIM és 3D adatok megtekintése, konvertálása és elemzése Töltse be és konvertálja a modelleket Windows, Mac és Linux rendszereken anélkül, hogy drága CAD-rendszerekkel kellene foglalkoznia. Dolgozzon a CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, STEP, JT, IFC és sok más formátummal. View, Convert and Analyze CAD, BIM and 3D data Load and convert models on Windows, Mac and Linux without having to deal with expensive CAD systems. Work with CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, STEP, JT, IFC and many more formats. Perfect for Your 3D Data Workflow Connect different software Exchange data between incompatible 3D and CAD software. Get a productivity boost with fast and accurate conversions. Design review Study designs made in any major CAD package: explore structure and properties, sectioned and exploded views. Model inspection Inspect models' dimensions and mass properties, perform measurements to compare against manufactured samples. CAD data preparation Convert models to standard formats, generate fine-tuned meshes from CAD geometry for downstream applications. Supported formats Neutral formats 3D PDF Collada glTF OBJ STEP USD 3DS DXF IGES PLY STL VRML 3MF FBX JT PRC U3D X3D Kernel formats ACIS Open CASCADE Parasolid Rhino Native formats CATIA V5 CATIA V6 (3D XML) DWG Inventor PTC Creo Siemens NX Solid Edge SOLIDWORKS https://katfile.com/vdhubsi3edmc/cdex22.7z.html jelszó:v322
PassMark MemTest86 Pro 10.6 Build 3000 Multilingual 12MB-1033MB A 10.6os verzió októberi javított kiadása. Memóriadiagnosztikai szoftver amely alaposan teszteli a számítógép memóriájának jelenlegi állapotát. A MemTest86 nem igényel operációs rendszert a memória teszt futtatásához. Ehhez azonban szükség van egy operációs rendszerre, hogy a programot elindítsa a rendszerindító eszközre . Ezt megteheti a Windows bármely verziójával, valamint a Mac vagy a Linux operációs rendszerrel. INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS MEMTEST86 is the original, free, stand-alone memory testing software for x86 and ARM computers. BOOTS from USB flash drives to test the RAM in your computer for faults. UTILIZING algorithms that have been in development for over 20 years. Industry standard since 1994. Features PassMark MemTest86 supports all current technologies: 13 different RAM testing algorithms - including row hammer fault detection* All RAM types supported (DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, DDR5, SODIMM, XMP, ECC) Self-booting off USB or Network (PXE)* boot, without needing DOS, Linux nor Windows Optimized for UEFI-based x86/ARM systems Native 64-bit code (since version 5) ECC error detection & injection* Secure Boot verified – Code signed by Microsoft Graphical interface with mouse input Save logs and create customizable HTML reports Full test automation via configuration file Support for memory blacklisting in Windows (badmemorylist) and Linux (BADRAM) Multi-language support (Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish & more) Version 10.6 (Build 3000) 11/Oct/2023 New Features Added support for CFGDEFAULT tag for multi-config files to specify the default configuration Added support for CFGTIMEOUT tag for multi-config files to specify the timeout in seconds Fixes/Enhancements Fixed possible divide by zero error when displaying file system info of attached disks Fixed system address to UMC decoding for AMD Ryzen chipsets Fixed incorrect transfer speed obtained for Alder Lake/Raptor Lake chipsets https://katfile.com/j9qbxeohqxna/pmt_163.7z.html jelszó:memtest
MITCalc 2.02 69MB A MITCalc a mérnöki, gyártási és műszaki számítások gyűjteménye, amelynek célja, hogy a mindennapi mérnöki feladatokat jelentősen gyorsabbá és egyszerűbbé tegye. Minden számítást úgy terveztünk, hogy megbízhatóan, pontosan és gyorsan vezesse a felhasználókat a mechanikai alkatrészek tervezésének számos lépésén keresztül. A teljes gyűjtemény lehetővé teszi számos műszaki probléma és mérnöki számítás megoldását szakértői tudás nélkül. Tartalmazza számos CAD-rendszer támogatását közvetlen 2D és 3D kimenettel. MITCalc is a collection of engineering, manufacturing, and technical calculations designed to make day-to-day engineering tasks significantly faster and easier. All calculations have been designed to guide users reliably, precisely, and quickly through numerous steps of designing mechanical components. The entire collection allows for solving of many technical problems and engineering calculations without the need for expert knowledge. Included is support for many CAD systems with direct 2D and 3D output. CAD support 2D CAD systems: Most of the calculations allow direct output to major 2D CAD systems. Just choose your CAD system in the calculation and select the desired view (a projection type). A drawing is then saved directly in the CAD system with the correct scale and system of layers. Supported CAD systems at this time: DXF file, AutoCAD (12-2019), AutoCAD LT (95-2019), IntelliCAD, Ashlar Graphite, TurboCAD. The design is fully open, customer can connect other CAD systems or define new drawing templates based on the calculated values. 3D CAD systems: These are installed in the form of individually installed plug-ins containing relevant parametric models and an interface between Excel and the selected CAD system. An assembly may consist of not only individual components but also groups of components (subassemblies). For example, you can insert one complete solution of a belt gear at once, which is fully associative, and the dimensions of the inserted component (sub-assembly) will change automatically in case you make changes to the calculation parameters later. Supported CAD systems: - Autodesk Inventor ver.: 5.3, 6.0, 7.0 …… 2016, 2017 … 2023 and next - SolidWorks ver.: 2001 Plus; 2003; 2004 ..… 2016, 2017…2023 and next - Solid Edge ver.: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ST2, ST3 …. 2023 and next - Pro/ENGINEER, PTC Creo Installation Notes: MITCalc is translated by an automatic translator for another 15 languages (ES, FI, HU, IT, JP, KO, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SK, SL, SV, TR). Every installation contains all translations. *) Microsoft Excel (version XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365) including VBA support (A full installation of Microsoft Office is recommended). *) The safety settings in MS Excel must be set to allow launching of embedded VBA applications. MS Excel XP,2003: Excel ->Menu Tools->Macro->Security MS Excel 2007: Office button->Excel Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Setting->Macro Settings MS Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 365: Menu File->Excel Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Setting->Macro Settings **) SolidWorks / Autodesk Inventor / Solid Edge must be installed correctly for correct functioning of MITCalc calculations. **) After the installation of MITCalc is completed, a macro will automatically launch an additional installation of a connection add-in into SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, or Solid Edge. Please enable the macro to run if you are prompted so. Installation of the connection into CAD system may also be started manually from the Start menu -> MITCalc -> SolidWorks / Inventor / Solid Edge Add-In Installation. bemutató: https://katfile.com/gbcuw29dfe4n/mtc02.7z.html jelszó:calc
O&O Defrag Professional v27.0.8042 x64 73MB (79MB) Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! New: O&O Defrag supports Windows Compact OS: Many new things have been added to the O&O Defrag engine that make using it, especially under Windows 10, even better. That‘s why version 24 now supports the Windows 10-integrated feature for compressing system files so that more space can be kept free. New function “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The program selects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, slow system and program starts or system crashes while playing can be very frustrating. Periodic defragmentation often works wonders in bringing new life to a PC. New SOLID method By customer request, O&O Software has developed the defragmentation method SOLID in order to offer the user a choice adapted to his or her needs: SOLID/Complete and SOLID/Quick. Both methods sustainably extend the life of the SSD but differ in terms of the duration and protection of the hardware. O&O DiskCleaner The brand new in-built O&O DiskCleaner searches for and removes temporary and unnecessary files that are taking up memory and increasing fragmentation. O&O DiskCleaner also increases the security of your data, as private content (e.g. Thumbs.db, copies of documents, drafts of emails, Dumps) will no longer be kept as copies in unnecessary system files. Benefits of a clearly laid out hard disk Whenever it saves data, Windows scatters file fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down access times considerably. Defragmentation reverses this by rearranging data and speeding up access times dramatically. This not only saves the user time, it also reduces wear on hard disks and extends their life expectancy. Defragmentation can even make the difference if you lose important data because chances of full recovery are better on a defragmented disk. Why? After defragmentation, it’s easier for data recovery software such as O&O DiskRecovery to restore files when they’re not scattered across multiple areas of a hard disk. Automatic background defragmentation Automatic defragmentation can be configured with just three clicks and optimizes your disks behind the scenes with no negative impact on your computer’s performance. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation at a certain level of fragmentation, on particular days of the week, or whenever your screensaver is being used. Defragmentation can be paused and resumed whenever you want because O&O Defrag automatically recognizes where defragmentation was interrupted. Recommended use We recommend manual defragmentation for PCs that are being used heavily because only a user can decide when the time is right to give up the performance needed for running defragmentation. On computers using video editing or graphics applications, O&O Defrag can be configured to not start automatic optimization while certain programs are running. The default settings in O&O Defrag are more than adequate for ordinary desktop PCs running mainly internet or office applications. O&O Defrag is also perfect for notebooks. Whenever an external power supply is disconnected, O&O Defrag automatically goes into pause mode to save energy Product features: “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The programselects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system SOLID/Quick: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, performs a superficial optimization of the SSD, such as erasing the free space. This method is gentler and faster. SOLID/Complete: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, is a thorough optimization of the SSD. ClusterView with SSDs: In order to represent the degree of fragmentation of an SSD, the ClusterView now maps the logical structure of an SSD so that, accordingly, 6 blocks are combined into one. Fragment Filter to identify the most fragmented files on a drive O&O DiskCleaner Time View to see which defragmentation activity results in which successful optimization Easy-to-Use: Ideal for Beginners and Professionals Even faster system and program starts Defragmentation time reduced by up to 40% Defragmentation of locked files Lifetime Performance Statistics Optimizing systems with Thin Provisioning OS: Windows 11/10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 changelog Version 27.0.8042 Optimal configuration status is no longer displayed Tray window can no longer be opened after rebooting / shutting down the computer Error during O&O IntensiveOptimize creation when installation location is changed ModernUI crashes on analyze/cleanup when drives are encrypted and locked with Bitlocker https://katfile.com/7gygl12gyp0w/oo042.7z.html jelszó:defrag
DxO PhotoLab 7.0.1 build 76 x64 Elite multilingual 821 MB (827MB) Profi képszerkesztő szoftver A DxO PhotoLab ELITE Edition új mércét állít a képminőség terén. A szoftver páratlan objektív korrekciókat, valamint mesterséges intelligencián alapuló pixeltelenítő és képzaj csökkentő technológiákat kínál. A felhasználók számára teljes művészi kifejezési lehetőséget biztosítanak anélkül, hogy a képminőségben kompromisszumot kötnéne Produce RAW and JPEG images with the best image quality, effortlessly: DxO PhotoLab provides a complete set of smart assisted corrections that you can manually fine-tune at any time. Take control on every aspect of your photos: effectively remove noise, get rid of light constraints, recover color details, apply sophisticated optical corrections, and enhance details. Unparalleled image quality DxO’s unique DeepPRIME denoising and exceptional color science raise the bar for RAW processing. Legendary optical corrections Market-leading corrections built on 20 years of research, giving you sharper images, free of imperfections. Innovative creative tools Master color and tone with powerful, creative editing tools that you won’t find anywhere else. Intuitive local adjustments With DxO’s exclusive U Point™ technology you can make targeted edits without tricky masks. Powerful photo management Search and sort your photos with simple, effective tags, keywords, and project hierarchies. New features in DxO PhotoLab - Introducing DxO Wide Gamut working color space: Harness the potential of the latest printers and monitors with DxO's new color space. Avoid clipping in highly saturated areas and ensure accuracy across your workflow. Easily switch between the legacy color space (for all images coming from previous versions of DxO PhotoLab) and the new DxO Wide Gamut working color space (for your new images loaded in DxO PhotoLab 6); - New Soft Proofing mode: For beautiful, accurate reproduction, whatever the screen or print type. Preparing your images for different output has never been easier. Achieve accurate color at every stage of your workflow; - New DeepPRIME XD denoising option: Alongside DeepPRIME, DeepPRIME XD adds another level of performance when required. Expect less noise, more detail and smoother bokeh; - New ReTouch tool: The brand-new ReTouch Tool gives you unprecedented control when cloning and repairing. Rotate, flip, or transform source points, and edit source areas for absolute precision; - New nested Projects: Organize your virtual collections of images more efficiently with the new hierarchy of Projects. Create Projects and groups of Projects and simply organize them by drag-and-drop; - Crop tool improvement: You can now rotate your images when in Crop mode; - Embedded Perspective tools: Perspective correction tools (keystoning) are now natively available in the ELITE version; - New Color labels support: Identify, classify, and cull your images more easily with the new Color tags; - New Exif & IPTC fields: For complete metadata management; - Keyword tokens improvement: Keyword tokens now show the full hierarchy if children have the same name; - More than 77,000 camera/lens combinations are now available. Minimum system configuration: Any CPU supporting SSE 4.1 8 GB RAM 4 GB available disk space Microsoft® Windows® 10 version 20H2 or higher (64-bit, and still supported by Microsoft®) Recommended system configuration: Intel® Coreprocessor with 6+ cores or better, or AMD Ryzen 16 GB RAM 6 GB available disk space NVIDIA RTX 2060, AMD Radeon, RX 6600 or better with latest drivers md5:32722E681E9FDC7423F3389485A84E33 https://katfile.com/frndh814nqma/ph7el.7z.html Jelszó:701
PVSol Premium 2023 R7 (2023.7.21212.0) 387MB A PV*SOL premium, a fotovoltaikus tervezőprogramok iparági szabványa segítségével a modern fotovoltaikus rendszerek minden típusát megtervezheti és szimulálhatja. A néhány modult tartalmazó kis tetőrendszertől a gazdasági- és ipari épületek tetejein elhelyezett közepes méretű rendszereken át a nagy napelemparkokig - a PV*SOL premium számos tervezési és szimulációs eszközzel támogatja Önt. Az egyedülálló 3D-s vizualizáció a PV*SOL premium csúcspontja. Minden elterjedt rendszertípust 3D-ben megjeleníthet, legyen szó tetőbe integrált vagy tetőre szerelt rendszerekről, legyen szó kis szögletes tetőkről, nagy ipari csarnokokról vagy nyitott terekről - akár 7500 szerelt modullal vagy akár 10 000 tetővel párhuzamosan elhelyezett modullal, és 3D objektumok alapján kiszámíthatja az árnyékolást. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy a legnagyobb megbízhatóságot érje el a bevételi előrejelzések tekintetében - mivel a pontos bevételi számításhoz elengedhetetlen a környező objektumokból származó árnyékolás reális ábrázolása. A PV*SOL összes többi tervezési típusa természetesen a PV*SOL prémiumban is az Ön rendelkezésére áll. Legyen szó önfogyasztás számításáról, akkumulátortárolók tervezéséről vagy elektromos járművek integrálásáról - a PV*SOL segítségével minden ügyfél kívánságát pillanatok alatt megvalósíthatja és bemutathatja. With PV*SOL premium, the industry standard for photovoltaic design programs, you can design and simulate all types of modern PV systems. From the small rooftop system with a few modules to medium-sized systems on commercial roofs to large solar parks - PV*SOL premium supports you with numerous tools for design and simulation. The unique 3D visualization is the highlight of PV*SOL premium. You can visualize all common types of systems in 3D, whether roof-integrated or roof-mounted, whether on small angled roofs, large industrial halls or open spaces - with up to 7,500 mounted modules or up to 10,000 roof-parallel modules, and calculate the shading based on 3D objects. This enables you to achieve the highest reliability for your earnings forecast - because for an accurate income calculation, a realistic representation of the shading from surrounding objects is essential. All other design types from PV*SOL are of course also available to you in PV*SOL premium. Whether calculating self-consumption, designing battery storage or integrating electric vehicles - with PV*SOL you can implement and present all customer wishes in no time at all. You can use our extensive product database at any time. It currently includes over 21,900 PV modules, 5,500 inverters, 2,600 battery systems and many other products such as electric vehicles and performance optimizers. It is updated regularly by the product manufacturers themselves, so that you can always work with the latest data. bővebb info: https://valentin-software.com/en/products/pvsol-premium/ Changelog August 10th, 2023 PV*SOL premium 2023 Release 7 The following new features and changes are included: When editing configurations with many inverters, the list no longer jumps to the beginning. When using DC-coupled battery systems, previously combined configurations in the 3D planning are separated to enable targeted coupling. Serbian as project report language. Improvement of translations in the Turkish language. The following bugs have been fixed: Crash when loading and displaying the project image when the file is used by another process. Crash in project comparison when accessing the clipboard. Crash in the updater of the consumption database. 3D: Projects that used a very small, non-zoomable 3D object as the last coverable object could no longer be loaded. K2 interface: Here instead of Umpp -> Umax was set. Frequency distribution dialog: The slider for the assignment of the middle color no longer worked. The value for the "real minimum" was set incorrectly. Disabled DPI awareness switch in the WPF interface library to minimize problems on high resolution monitors. Partial crash when simulating configurations with power optimizers with 2x1 configuration on multiple module surfaces. The main window can now be positioned again using the Windows and arrow keys. PV*SOL premium Internet connection Processor: Intel i3 or higher RAM: 4 GB Hard disk memory: 850 MB Resolution display: mind. 1.024 x 768 Pixel Operating system: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (latest service packs required), Windows 11 Graphics: DirectX compatible (at least Version 9.0c), 2 GB, OpenGL Others: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 Redistributable Package https://katfile.com/hlo6fp6ofs4l/pvpr7.7z.html jelszó:2023
abylon EXIF-CLEANER 2023.6 41MB (46MB) Egyszerre törli az EXIF képinformációkat egy vagy több kép- vagy grafikus fájlból (Termékcsoport: Alkalmazások és eszközök) Számos fényképezőgépgyártó és grafikai program EXIF formátumban további információkat tárol a létrehozott képeken és a rögzített fotókon. Ezek a metaadatok tartalmazzák a fényképezőgép modelljét és sorozatszámát, megjegyzéseket, szerzői jogokat, kamrabeállításokat, szerkesztőprogramokat, miniatűröket vagy GPS-koordinátákat. Ez nagyon hasznos lehet az archiválás és a képelemzés során. Az abylon EXIF-CLEANER szoftver áttekintést nyújt a benne lévő adatokról. Ezenkívül ezek a metainformációk egyetlen kattintással teljesen eltávolíthatók. A képfájlok tisztításával a személyes ujjlenyomat eltávolításra kerül, így a kereszthivatkozások vagy a visszakövetés többé nem lehetséges. Ez például akkor hasznos, ha a képeket az internetre (képarchívumokba, közösségekbe vagy közösségi hálózatokba) töltik fel. Deletes EXIF image information from one or more image or graphic files in one go (Product group: Apps & Tools) Many camera manufacturers and graphics programs store additional information in EXIF format in created images and captured photos. This meta data includes camera model and serial number, comments, copyrights, chamber settings, editing programs, thumbnails or GPS coordinates. This can be very helpful for archiving and image analysis. The software abylon EXIF-CLEANER offers an overview of all contained data. In addition, this meta information can be completely removed with one click. By the cleaning of the image files your personal fingerprint is removed, so that cross-references or a backtracing is no longer possible. This is useful, for example, if the images are uploaded to the Internet (image archives, communities or social networks). New version 23.60.3 and 2023.6 Various optimizations in handle management (allocate and share), as well as the window update in the progress bar in the File Explorer context. Some virus scanners see problem copying the CG.Animations.DLL file to the Windows directory. This will be taken care of by the setup program in the future. Problems with critical sections fixed! https://katfile.com/25g5spkedhw4/exif.7z.html jelszó:2023
Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office 28.1.1 Build 40713 Multilingual Bootable iSO 655MB (700MB) A korábbi Acronis True Image továbbfejleszett csomagjának operációs rendszer nélkül futtatható rendszer- és fájlmentő-visszaállító szoftvere. md5:F65811AB94EE04E29B1F5052B76FFD3A https://katfile.com/ocqodq10p0nw/acbot713.7z.html jelszó:40713
eBook Converter Bundle v3.23.10822.451 145MB eBook átalakító szoftver. Kindle, Nook, Google Play, Sony, Kobo és más online eBook áruházak eBook-jainak dekódolása és konvertálása 1 kattintással. kimeneti formátum PDF, Kindle, ePub, Word, Text eBook Converter Bundle is tools decrypt and convert eBooks purchased from Kindle, Nook, Google Play, Sony, Kobo and other online eBook stores in batch with 1-click. it is the most easy-to-use eBook conversion software ever, convert ebook to PDF / ePub / Kindle / Word / Html / Text format with 1-click, it is award-winning and a "must-have" tool for all eBook reader. 100% safe with no adware, spyware, or viruses. Feature - Decrypt and convert Kindle, Adobe digital editions, NOOK eBook. - Support Kindle, Adobe ADE, NOOK DRM protection. - Support Google ebook, Kobo eBook, Sony eBook, kepub format. - Support Public library eBook. - Convert eBook to PDF, ePub,Kindle, Word, HTML, Text - Easy to use, 1-click converter. New Update Support kindle new book published in 2023. Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11 https://katfile.com/f7onz95rm5ec/bcb323.7z.html jelszó:book
ProfiCAD 12.2.7 Multilingual 11MB A ProfiCAD elektromos és elektronikus diagramok, kapcsolási rajzok, vezérlési kapcsolási rajzok rajzolására készült, valamint pneumatika, hidraulika és egyéb műszaki diagramok készítésére is alkalmas. A legegyszerűbb CAD elektromos áramkörökhöz. Ezernél több szimbólumot tartalmaz, de könnyedén létrehozhatja saját szimbólumait a szimbólumszerkesztőben. Támogatja a szimbólumok automatikus számozását, hálózati listák, vezetéklisták, anyagjegyzékek generálását, csíkos vezetékek rajzolását és további fejlett funkciókat. A program támogatja a kereszthivatkozásokat a vezetékek és az egy komponenshez tartozó szimbólumok között (pl. relé tekercs + érintkezők). A program hálólistát és anyagszámlát generál. Az electronikai szimbólumok automatikusan számozódnak. DXF formátumban menthető diagrammok. A rajzok könnyen beilleszthetők a Microsoft Office és más programokba. A magyar nyelv támogatott. ProfiCAD is designed for drawing of electrical and electronic diagrams, schematics, control circuit diagrams and can also be used for pneumatics, hydraulics and other types of technical diagrams. Features: The easiest CAD for electrical circuits. Maximum care was paid to ergonomics and ease of use. Just place electrical symbols into the drawing and attach the wires. Ships with more than one thousand symbols. You can easily create your own symbols in the symbols editor or have them drawn for you for a fee. Supports automatic numbering of symbols, generation of netlists, lists of wires, bills of material, drawing of striped wires and further advanced features. The program supports cross references between wires and between symbols belonging to one component (e.g. relay coil + contacts). A linked symbol on a different page can be accessed by clicking on the cross reference. https://katfile.com/534emggj2534/pcd27mu.7z.html jelszó:1227
Affinity Photo 2 v2.2.0 portable 502MB (1358MB) Az innovatív, szupergyors kép/fotószerkesztő alkalmazás nagy népszerűségre tett szert a grafikusok körében, több rangos díjat kapott és ma már az Adobe Photoshop elsőszámú kihívójaként ismert. A Photo 2-ben a RAW módosításon kívül van Live mask, Compound Mask, Live Mesh Warp és az ecsetek is javultak. Sok esetben jobban átgondolt, hatékonyabb munkát biztosító megoldásokkal találkozhatunk. Fontos még megemlíteni a kiváló PSD fájl import/export támogatását. Dream photo editor Affinity Photo is the only full-featured photo editor integrated across macOS, Windows and iPad, and it's the first choice for millions of creative and photography professionals around the world. With great speed, functionality, and precision, this award-winning software has everything you need to edit and retouch images, create multi-layer compositions, or beautiful raster paintings, and more. Plus, it has hundreds of time-saving tools and a completely redesigned UI to give you a smoother editing experience than ever before. Windows 11, Windows 10 May 2020 Update (2004, 20H1, build 19041) or later Windows-based PC (64 bit) with mouse or equivalent input device Hardware GPU acceleration (Direct3D level 12.0-capable card) DirectX 10-compatible graphics cards and above 8GB RAM recommended 1GB of available hard drive space; more during installation 1280x768 display size or larger md5:33A0BC269B9E96C6E2E6275875BFF249 https://katfile.com/xgz72nczd3v4/affphopo22.7z.html jelszó:v220
Affinity Designer 2 v2.2.0 portable 415MB (1253MB) Affinity Designer: az Adobe Illustrator megfizethető alternatívája. Az Affinity Designer természetesen rendelkezik az Illustrator-ból már jól ismert “pen” és “shapes” eszközökkel, melyek segítségével egyszerűen készíthetőek el a komplexebb vektoros grafikák is. A szoftver nagyon barátságos kezelői felülettel rendelkezik, aki már dolgozott Adobe termékekkel, annak nem lesz probléma megtalálnia a megszokott feature-ök nagy részét, sőt az Illustratorhoz workspaces-hez hasonlóan itt is személyre szabhatja az Affinity Designer felhasználói felületeit. Az Affinity Designer tartalmaz egyedi dolgokat is az Illustrator-hoz képest, ezek a perszóna eszköztárak. A perszónák segítségével külön vannak választva a vektor, a pixel és az exporteszközök, három különálló készletre. Ha valaki például vektor elemeket szeretne szerkeszteni, akkor egyszerűen átvált a vektor perszónára és csak a vektorokkal kapcsolatos eszközöket fogja látni, ha a pixelekkel akar harcolni, akkor a pixel perszónát fogja választani. A perszónák érdekessége, hogy szabadon váltogathatóak a munkafolyamatok megszakítása nélkül. Make the most beautiful illustrations and designs Affinity Designer is award-winning vector graphics software that sets a new industry standard for the design community. This app for Windows, macOS, and iPad is smooth and feature-rich, making it the perfect choice for thousands of professional illustrators, designers, and other creatives who want to create high-quality concept art, print projects, logos, icons, UI designs, mockups, and more. Windows 11, Windows 10 May 2020 Update (2004, 20H1, build 19041) or later Windows-based PC (64 bit) with mouse or equivalent input device Hardware GPU acceleration (Direct3D level 12.0-capable card) DirectX 10-compatible graphics cards and above 8GB RAM recommended 1GB of available hard drive space; more during installation 1280x768 display size or larger md5:3102868A8D73F9FEDF3670E6E45B3EA4 https://katfile.com/y5x0pqp8czy0/affdepo22.7z.html jelszó:v220
Affinity Publisher 2 v2.2.0 portable 404MB (1246MB) Az Affinity egy újgenerációs kiadványszerkesző szoftvernek - a fejlesztők célja az oldaltervezés technikájának, folyamatának újragondolása volt -modern kezelőfelülettel, széleskörű fájltípus támogatással, egyszerűen használható, hatékony funkciókkal rendelkező DTP szoftvert álmodtak meg. A powerful platform for page layout and design Do you think you know about publishing software? Please think again. Optimized for the latest technologies in Windows, Mac and iPad, and named Apple App of the Year for Mac, Affinity Publisher is the next generation of professional page layout software. From books, magazines, and marketing materials to social media templates and website mockups, this incredibly fluid, intuitive app lets you combine images, graphics, and text to create beautiful layouts for publication. Windows 11, Windows 10 May 2020 Update (2004, 20H1, build 19041) or later) Windows-based PC (64 bit) with mouse or equivalent input device Hardware GPU acceleration (Direct3D level 12.0-capable card) DirectX 10-compatible graphics cards and above 8GB RAM recommended 1GB of available hard drive space; more during installation 1280x768 display size or larger md5:EDC7676ED8B81A2DEAD712531F64707E https://katfile.com/91284mvxrs5n/affpupo22.7z.html jelszó:v220
IObit Smart Defrag Pro 9.1.319 20MB Az IObit Smart Defrag megoldása egy remekül konfigurálható, akár időzítve is futtatható töredezettség mentesítő amivel több megközelítésből lehet teljesítmény javulást elérni. Boot idő gyorsítás… Az IObit Smart Defrag használata során Boot idő gyorsításra is lehetőség van. Ezzel a funkcióval rövidebbé tehető az operációs rendszer betöltődése. A szoftver telepítése után automatikusan végzi el a töredezett mentesítést, lecseréli az operációs rendszer ezen jellegű beépített szolgáltatását, erről értesítést jelenít meg, tehát az is konfigurálható, így nem kötelező. Időzíthető töredezettség mentesítés, a használata… Manuálisan be lehet állítani, hogy milyen időpontban végezze el a töredezettség mentesítést, fájlokhoz is hozzá lehet rendelni, ezt a Boot idő töredezettség mentesítés menüponton belül lehet kiválasztani ahol további lehetőségek állnak rendelkezésre. accelerates the whole system with fast and efficient disk defragment. Based on IObit latest disk defrag engine and “Boot Time Disk Defrag” technology, Smart Defrag is created with the world’s leading defragmentation ability. It not only provides defragmentation, but also intelligently streamlines your files based on using frequency, thus accelerating disk speed and the whole system for top performance! IObit Smart Defrag works fast, automatically and quietly in the background and is suitable for large hard drives. It helps defragment your hard drive more efficiently than any other product on the market – free or not. It is known that disk fragments has been a primary cause of slow and unstable PC performance. IObit Smart Defrag is such a FREE tool that provides extremely fast and efficient defragmentation to your hard drives intelligently for faster file loading and high disk performance. With “install it and forget it” feature, the program works automatically and quietly in the background on your PC, keeping your hard disk running at its top speed. Key Benefits: Extremely Fast and Efficient Defragmentation – Enhanced Using IObit’s latest defrag engine and the new “Boot Time Defrag” technology, Smart Defrag 5 has not only the world’s fastest defragmenting speed but also the most advanced defragmenting ability. It’s been specially designed for modern, large hard drives, which eliminates the long waiting time. Designed for Top Disk Performance – Enhanced The program doesn’t just provide simple defragmentation. It also streamlines your file system, places the frequently used files and directories into the fastest area of the disk, enabling your computer to run at top speed with the most stability. Always-on Automatic Defragment – Enhanced The program works automatically and quietly in the background, so it continually and constantly keeps your computer fragment-free. “Boot Time Defrag” Technology – New! The new “Boot Time Defrag” technology allows you to defrag files during the system boot process, while these files cannot be defragged or are not safe to move after the system is already boot-up. Guaranteed Data Safety and Disk Stability – Enhanced Unlike other “Automated” Defragmenters, Smart Defrag 5 does NOT constantly perform analysis and defrag, which damages your hard drive and shorten its life. It has a “Safe Intelligence” technology that can assure the health of your disk by deciding When and How to execute defragmentation. On-schedule Disk Defragment – Enhanced Your PC’s performance is better maintained when it is defragged on a regular basis. The program offers a flexible way that allows you to schedule disk defragmentation according to your needs. Extremely Easy to Use – Enhanced Smart Defrag 5 has taken on a new look. While it’s still intuitive and easy to navigate, the new interface is undoubtedly more exquisite and professional, making it the ideal utility for complete computer novice. Advantage of Smart Defrag PRO Up to 200% Faster File Access Speed. Boot Time Defragment for Quicker PC Startup. Automatically & Intelligently Defragment Fragmented Files. Customizing Defrag Mode & Disks/Files to Be Defragged. DMA Applied for Better, Faster & More Stable Data Transfer. Auto Update to the Latest Version. Free 24/7 Technical Support on Demand. Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit). https://katfile.com/2rdpf8wtky4u/sd913.7z.html portable (27MB (66MB) https://katfile.com/ysutnxsudl82/sd913po.7z.html jelszó:defrag
Sygic Map Downloader 202309 (aka TMPeConsoleDownloader202309) 7zip | 6MB (12MB) Térkép letöltő szoftver az alábbi offline térképekkel dolgozó navigációs eszközökhöz. (a moddolt androidos sygic szoftver is kezeli) Az alap GNU Wget mellett megtalálhatók a frissített 32-64bites verziók, az igény és a használt oprendszernek megfelelően cserélhetők. Ez a verzió az android app-hoz van kihegyezve és csak a térképeket tartalmazza, más navigációs eszköz esetén a komplett csomaghoz tartozó hangokat az 20230802-es verzióval lehet letölteni. Update: TOMTOM 2023.09 SYGIC 20 TOMTOM 2023.09 SYGIC 20.X.X TOMTOM 2021.09 HERE 2023.06 TOMTOM 2023.06 v9 https://katfile.com/geqrzrc300gi/symad2309.7z.html jelszó:202309
StreamFab v6.1.4.2 x64 7zip | 390MB (397MB) Mentsd el kedvenc videóidat, mielőtt elhagyják a streaming szolgáltatást. Bár a streamingszolgáltatások kínálnak natív offline megtekintési funkciót, amely tulajdonképpen lehetővé teszi a videók letöltését az offline megtekintéshez, ez a funkció számos korlátozással jár. - A letöltött videók egy bizonyos idő, általában 30 nap után lejárnak. - Egy videó megtekintését 48 órán belül be kell fejeznie, miután elkezdte azt nézni. - Nem minden videó tölthető le, és csak mobilra töltheti le őket. - A letöltéseket nem tudod átvinni más eszközökre, hogy más lejátszókkal nézhesd. FYI: Az Amazon Prime Video, a Netflix, a Hulu és a Hulu Japan offline megtekintési korlátozásai. A StreamFab segítségével azonban ezek a feltételek és szabályok megszűnnek, a letöltött videókat tartósan megőrizheti, és bármilyen eszközre átviheti őket, hogy bármikor és bárhol megnézhesse őket. A beépített böngésző jobb letöltési élményt nyújt Míg más videóletöltők arra kérik, hogy illessze be az asztali webböngészőből másolt videó URL-címét, a StreamFab rendelkezik beépített webböngészővel, amely megspórolja a videó URL-címének másolásával járó fáradságot. The most comprehensive video downloading solution allows you to download videos from Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO, and over 1000 other streaming websites. On-demand videos come and go on streaming services Most on-demand videos on a streaming service, including Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max, and many others, come and go due to the licensing agreements between the streaming service and the studios that produce them. The movies, TV shows, and other videos will be removed if the licensing agreement is due and not renewed. What’s more, if a title is gone, no one knows for sure whether or not it will come back in the future. It could be gone forever. Save your favorite videos before they leave the service Although streaming services offer their native offline viewing feature that actually allows you to download videos to watch offline, that feature comes with many limitations. · The downloaded videos will expire after a certain time period, usually 30 days. · You have to finish watching a video within 48 hours once you start watching it. · Not all the videos are downloadable and you can only download them to mobiles. · You cannot transfer the downloads to other devices to watch with other players. FYI: Offline viewing limitations of Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, and Hulu Japan. With StreamFab, however, all of these terms and rules are gone, you can keep the downloaded videos permanently, and transfer them to any device you have to watch anytime and anywhere. Inbuilt browser features better download experience While other video downloaders ask you to paste the video URL copied from your desktop web browser, StreamFab features its inbuilt web browser that saves your trouble copying video URLs. That’s to say, from browsing the target video sharing website or streaming service to downloading your target videos, you can do all things inside the StreamFab downloader software. Download videos from all major streaming services StreamFab is a born streaming video downloader targeted for all the major on-demand streaming services, including but not limited to Netflix, Amazon Prime video, Disney+, Hulu, HBO, and more. Hence, as long as those streaming services are available in your country, and you’re a paid subscriber of a specific service, then you can download videos from it with this downloader. Choose your preferred video and audio quality Quality-wise, StreamFab downloaders give you multiple choices to choose from. So you can decide on your own what video resolution and audio quality you prefer. To be specific, you have two options regarding video quality, 720p HD or 1080p Full HD. In terms of audio quality, EAC3 5.1, AC3 5.1, and AAC 2.0 are available. So, be your own boss. Save the downloaded VOD videos in MP4 format If you’re concerned about the playback compatibility issue of the downloaded videos, then you don’t have to. The downloaded streaming videos are saved as the common MP4 file. The biggest advantage of the MP4 format is that it is compatible with almost all the operating systems, smartphones, tablets, digital media players, and game consoles out there. That said, you still have an extra option to save the output as MKV files if necessary.Remove annoying ads while downloading videos Movies are meant to be savored with your eyes, ears, and mind, but if you're bombarded with a jumble of ads, a pleasant viewing experience can get totally ruined. With StreamFab downloaders, however, your downloaded streaming videos contain no ads as they are cut out automatically during the download process. So, pure enjoyment! No ads!Download audios & subtitles in your mother tongue Audios and subtitles are the basic means to understand the movie content. Movies and TV shows nowadays usually contain multiple audio tracks and subtitle streams of different languages. So, when it comes to your specific needs, you can either choose to download only the audios and subtitles of your native language or, you can also download them in other languages. Remux subtitles into videos or save as SRT files When it comes to how the subtitles are handled, StreamFab downloaders offer two options for you to choose according to your own needs under different circumstances. You can either remux the subtitles directly into the videos or, output the downloaded subtitles separately as SRT files. The choice is yours! So, choose freely. Auto-download newly released episodes at scheduled time Fans of TV shows all know that new episodes are always aired at a scheduled time, periodically. It would be nice if you can download the future episodes as soon as they are released. With this downloader software, you can have that. Just add all your favorite TV shows to the Scheduled queue, it will download all the new episodes automatically, based on your schedules, weekly, or daily. Download multiple videos concurrently and fast Downloading performance matters a lot when you plan to download a TV show or, a movie series, such as the Avenger series. With StreamFab downloaders, there is no need to panic. You can add multiple movies or even all the episodes of a TV show season to download in one go. On top of that, super-fast download speed is ensured, too. Just 10-20 minutes per movie. Download media server friendly Meta information Managing a myriad of media library can be tough with your media server. However, StreamFab can download all the metadata info, such as movie, season and episode title, cast, synopsis, poster, etc. All such information can make it extremely easy for media servers like DVDFab Player 6, Plex, Kodi, and others alike to sort and organize your downloaded movies and shows in a better way. More so, if you are using DVDFab Player 6 as your media managing and playback software, StreamFab can also import your downloads directly to your media library. 2023-09-14 StreamFab Changelog Fix: A problem that not all episodes are analyzed when downloading TV shows from Amazon Prime Video. Fix: A problem that the downloaded TV show episodes from Amazon Prime Video are incorrectly numbered. Fix: A problem that the downloaded episodes of certain TV shows from Amazon Prime Video contain the same content. Fix: A failure problem when downloading certain Max videos. Fix: A failure problem when analyzing other single OnlyFans videos after cancelling an existing task. Fix: A failure problem when downloading Fanza videos. Fix: A failure problem when downloading videos from bet.plus website. System Requirements: - Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 - Intel i3 or above - 4GB of RAM or above - 40GB of free hard disk space or above - Live Internet connection required https://katfile.com/u5ifoi7jd86x/sfb142.7z.html jelszó:6142
WinToUSB v8.2 All Editions Multilingual 25MB 26MB Enterprise / Professional / Technician az aktivált verziót a patch határozza meg A program segítségével, néhány egyszerű lépésben, hordozható Windows telepítést készíthetünk (Windows 11/10/8/7/vista/2019/2016/2012/20081 operációs rendszerekhez), windows telepítőt hozhatunk létre USB meghajtóra, klónozhatjuk is a telepített rendszerünket USB meghajtóra vagy akár egy önállóan futtaható WinPE környezetet is rátrehetünk az USB stickre. A magyar nyelv támogatott. WinToUSB (also called Windows To USB) is the best free Windows To Go (WTG) Creator which allows you to install and run a fully-functional Windows on external hard drive, USB flash drive or Thunderbolt drive. It is so easy and efficient, with just 3 steps and a few minutes, you can create your first portable Windows 11/10/8/7 or Windows Server directly from an ISO, WIM, ESD, SWM, VHD, VHDX file or CD/DVD drive, or you can clone existing Windows installation to USB or Thunderbolt drive as portable Windows. WinToUSB also supports creating Windows installation USB flash drive from Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows Server installation ISO, with it you can install Windows from the USB flash drive easily. Windows To Go (Portable Windows) Creator WinToUSB allows you to install & run fully-functional Windows on an external HDD/SSD, USB flash drive or Thunderbolt drive, which means you can carry the portable Windows drive to anywhere and use it on any computer. Use any version of Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows Server to create Windows To Go Workspace Creation of Windows To Go from an ISO, WIM, ESD, SWM, VHD(X) image file or CD/DVD drive Clone existing Windows installation to USB drive or Thunderbolt drive as portable Windows Creation of Windows To Go on Non-Certified Windows To Go drive Hot clone Windows without restarting the source computer to be cloned Create BitLocker encrypted Windows To Go WorkspaceNew Support for creating VHD/VHDX-based Windows To Go Workspace Windows Installation USB Creator WinToUSB releases a feature called "Windows Installation USB Creator" which allows you to create a Windows installation USB flash drive from a Windows 11/10/8/7/vista/2019/2016/2012/2008 installation ISO file with a few simple steps, with this feature you can create a bootable Windows installation USB drive to install Windows on both Traditional BIOS and UEFI computers by using the same USB drive. Windows PE Bootable USB Creator WinToUSB also supports creating a bootable Windows PE USB drive, it can help you transfer the contents of a Windows PE image to a USB drive and make the USB drive bootable. Version 8.2 (9/12/2023) Fixed bug: Failed to clone Windows in some cases Fixed bug: Cloned Windows cannot start properly Fixed bug: Program crash issue Fix other minor bugs https://katfile.com/hu3fpmqcxjxw/wtu82.7z.html jelszó:v820
IObit Driver Booster Pro v11.0.0.21 35MB A szoftver megkeresi a számítógépedhez megfelelő Drivereket majd tájékoztat arról hogy szükséges e azt frissíteni, vagy hiányzik e valamelyik. Természetesen ebben is kínál megoldást mivel vele is le lehet tölteni. Uninstallálhatod vele a régieket, így könnyebben telepíthetőek fel az új példányok. Játék fanatikusoknak lehet hasznos a szoftver játék gyorsító funkciója amivel jobb teljesítményt lehet kihozni, illetve megfelelő környezet hozható létre nagyobb erőforrással rendelkező grafikusabb játékoknak. Drivers that need updating can significantly slow down your computer's performance and slow down your gameplay or even cause system crashes. Driver Booster was created to automatically detect drivers that require updating and to download and install the correct drivers for various PCs. All you need is one click. Moreover, it is a must-have tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers an easy and convenient way to customize drivers for games. Outdated drivers may heavily affect your PC performance and may ruin game experience, or even lead to system crashes. Driver Booster is designed to automatically figure out outdated drives, and download and install the most correct drivers for different PCs. All you need to do is just one click. What's more, it's an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster provides a much easier way to tweak drivers for the best gaming experience. Update outdated drivers quickly and in a timely manner • Automatically detects outdated drivers • 1-click update for maximum hardware performance • Driver tuning for game performance • Fast, safe and easy to use Drivers that need updating, can significantly reduce the performance of your computer and slow gameplay, or even lead to system failures. Driver Booster was created for automatic detection requiring driver updates, download and install the appropriate drivers for different PCs. All you need to do one click. Moreover, this is an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers a simple and convenient way to set up drivers for games. Driver Booster Pro? Outdated drivers can significantly affect your computer's performance and result in system crashes. Driver Booster Pro scans and detects the outdated drivers automatically downloads and installs updates with a single click, saving you time. Moreover, it is specifically designed for configuring the drivers for better performance in games. Is the right tool for PC protection from hardware failures, conflicts and system failures. OS: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP Whats New in version 11.0: Expanded driver database - Escalated database for more driver updates Driver roll back feature - Easily restore drivers to previous version once unexpected happens Faster download speed - Available for both PRO and FREE users, faster than any previous version https://katfile.com/nmjqoynzucqi/driboop11.7z.html portable 33MB (115MB) https://katfile.com/hjdsf2uto3ql/driboop11po.7z.html jelszó:booster
WeMod v8.11.2 115MB (120MB) Több mint 2500 PC játékot támogató cheat program. (Steam, GOG, Epic, Xbox, EA) Eredeti és 'steam-emulátoros törésű' játékokkal tökéletes működik, tört release-knél attól függ mennyire változtatták meg az eredeti exe-t. Personalize your gaming experience Thousands of free mods and trainers for your favorite single-player PC games — all in one place. Supporting mods in over 2,500+ single-player games -install -close the application (from system bar). -extract the crack to the following location: %LocalAppData%/WeMod/app-8.3.15/resources -It may ask for an account. Just make some random one. Auto update is disabled https://katfile.com/821f5yuulkow/wmd812.7z.html jelszó:8112
PowerISO 8.6 Multilingual 9MB A PowerISO egy könnyen kezelhető magyar nyelvű program, mellyel minden lemezképekhez kapcsolódó művelet elvégezhető, az összeállítástól, az íráson át a virtuális lemezmeghajtók kezeléséig. A program támogatja a legnépszerűbb lemezkép-fájl típusokat. PowerISO is a powerful image processing and file compression tool. It allows you to create, extract, compress, edit and convert ISO/BIN image files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. And most of all, the compressed files can be used directly without decompressing. The program can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do every thing with your ISO files and disc image files. PowerISO support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA and so on). Note: DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, … PowerISO Main Features: Support almost all CD / DVD / BD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA and so on). Open and extract ISO file. You can extract ISO file with a single click. Burn ISO file to CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc. With this tool, you can create Audio CD, Data CD, Data DVD, Video DVD or VCD. The program also supports Blu-Ray burning. Burn Audio CD from MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. Create ISO file or BIN file from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs. Edit ISO image file directly. Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. PowerISO can mount all popular disc image files to built-in virtual drive. Convert image files between ISO / BIN and other formats. PowerISO can not only convert BIN to ISO, but also convert almost all image file formats to standard ISO image file. Create bootable USB drive. The program allows you to setup Windows through USB drive. Make bootable ISO file and create bootable CD, DVD disc. Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Can be used easily. PowerISO supports shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste… Supported operating systems: 32-bit Windows: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 64-bit Windows: Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Supported languages: English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Kazakh PowerISO 8.6 (September 12, 2023) +) Can create GPT UEFI bootable USB drive. *) Some minor bug fixes and enhancements. PowerISO 8.5 (May 18, 2023) +) Support dark mode. +) Support pkg file. *) Some minor bug fixes and enhancements. https://katfile.com/vmb9py1uf709/piso86.7z.html jelszó:v860
AIDA64 v6.92.6600 All Edition portable 100MB Extreme, Engineer, Business, Network Audit verziók, plusz kulcsok hozzáadva a keys.txt fájlhoz. AIDA64 Extreme 7zip 61MB (100MB) Vezető diagnosztikai és teljesítménymérő alkalmazás otthoni felhasználóknak. A PC-rajongók körében etalonnak számító rendszerinformációs szoftver, mely részletes információkat szolgáltat a hardverkomponensekről és a telepített programokról, képes a gép teljesítményének mérésére, és segíti a hibák felderítését. AIDA64 Engineer 7zip 61MB (100MB) Egy üzleti Windows-felhasználóknak szánt rendszerinformációs, -diagnosztikai és sebességmérő alkalmazás mérnökök részére. A szoftver a kategóriájában páratlan hardverfelismerő motorral rendelkezik, részletes adatokat szolgáltat a telepített szoftverekről, valamint támogatja a hibakeresést és a tuningot. A benchmarkok segítségével a PC-nk teljesítménye összevethető más konfigurációkéval, az érzékelők valós idejű figyelésével pedig felügyelhető a számítógép stabil működése. AIDA64 Business 7zip 61MB (100MB) Teljes körű megoldás hálózati leltár készítéséhez, az IT-eszközök kezeléséhez és felügyeletéhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. A díjnyertes AIDA64-motorra épülő üzleti szoftver, mely részletes hardver- és szoftverleltárt készít a céges gépparkról, valamint távoli funkciókkal teszi egyszerűbbé a gépek karbantartását. A termék statisztikai adatokkal támogatja az IT-döntéshozatalt, és így segíti az informatikai költségek csökkentését. Az AIDA64 Businesst nem szükséges minden vállalati számítógépre egyenként feltelepíteni, elég csupán egy központilag megosztott könyvtárból futtatni. Network Audit 7zip 32MB (50MB) Teljes körű megoldás hálózati hardver- és szoftverleltár készítéséhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. The latest AIDA64 update supports the latest AMD and Intel CPU platforms as well as the new graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by AMD, Intel and nVIDIA. Corsair H60i Elite, H100i Elite, H115i Elite, H150i Elite liquid cooler sensor support Improved support for Intel Sapphire Rapids CPU MSI MEG Ai1000P és Ai1300P power supply unit sensor support Preliminary support for Intel Arrow Lake and Lunar Lake-M/P processors Enhanced support for LGA-4677 motherboards GPU details for Intel Arc A300, A500, A700 Series GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti and GeForce RTX 4000 Laptop Series AIDA64 v6.90 Press Release AMD Radeon RX 7600 and GeForce RTX 4060 Monitoring BUDAPEST, Hungary - Jul 18, 2023 - FinalWire Ltd. today announced the immediate availability of AIDA64 Extreme 6.90 software, a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking tool for home users; the immediate availability of AIDA64 Engineer 6.90 software, a professional diagnostic and benchmarking solution for corporate IT technicians and engineers; the immediate availability of AIDA64 Business 6.90 software, an essential network management solution for small and medium scale enterprises; and the immediate availability of AIDA64 Network Audit 6.90 software, a dedicated network audit toolset to collect and manage corporate network inventories. The new AIDA64 update supports the latest AMD and Intel CPU platforms as well as the new graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by AMD, Intel and nVIDIA. AIDA64 v6.92 Press Release Sapphire Rapids Optimizations and AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT Monitoring BUDAPEST, Hungary - Sep 12, 2023 - FinalWire Ltd. today announced the immediate availability of AIDA64 Extreme 6.92 software, a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking tool for home users; the immediate availability of AIDA64 Engineer 6.92 software, a professional diagnostic and benchmarking solution for corporate IT technicians and engineers; the immediate availability of AIDA64 Business 6.92 software, an essential network management solution for small and medium scale enterprises; and the immediate availability of AIDA64 Network Audit 6.92 software, a dedicated network audit toolset to collect and manage corporate network inventories. The latest AIDA64 update introduces AVX-512 optimized benchmarks for Intel Sapphire Rapids processors, and supports the latest AMD and Intel CPU platforms as well as the new graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by AMD, Intel and nVIDIA. New features & improvements AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Sapphire Rapids and Emerald Rapids processors Further optimized AVX-512 Julia and Mandel benchmarks Improved support for AMD Zen 5 processors MSI CoreLiquid AIO LCD support Support for PCI Express 6.0 controllers and devices GPU details for AMD Radeon RX 7700 XT, RX 7800 XT, RX 7900 GRE FMAC methods for FLOPS and IOPS GPGPU benchmarks GPU details for Intel Xe and Xe Max Support for multiple Intel GPUs GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 16GB CSV and XML report formats are now supported by AIDA64 Engineer What’s new since AIDA64 v6.00 Microsoft Windows 11 2022 Update and Windows 10 22H2 2022 Update support Microsoft Windows Server 2022 support SHA3-512 cryptographic hash benchmark utilizing AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 AVX-512 and AVX2 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Alder Lake and Raptor Lake processors AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for AMD Zen 4 based Ryzen 7000 Series processors AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Ice Lake, Rocket Lake, Tiger Lake processors AVX-512 optimized stress testing for AMD Zen 4 based Ryzen 7000 Series processors AVX2 and FMA accelerated 64-bit benchmarks for AMD 4700S Cardinal CPU AVX2 and FMA accelerated 64-bit benchmarks for AMD Zen 2 Matisse and Renoir processors AVX2 and FMA accelerated 64-bit benchmarks for AMD Zen 3 Vermeer and Cezanne processors AVX2 optimized benchmarks for Intel Alder Lake-N and Raptor Lake Refresh processors AVX accelerated 64-bit benchmarks for Zhaoxin ZX-C+, Zhaoxin KaiXian KX-5000, KaiXian KX-6000 processors SSE4 accelerated benchmarks for Intel Jasper Lake and Lakefield processors Further optimized SHA3-512 cryptographic hash benchmark Optimized AVX-512 stress testing of Intel Skylake-X, Cannon Lake, Ice Lake, Tiger Lake, Rocket Lake, Alder Lake and Raptor Lake processors Enhanced support for AMD Epyc 7003 Milan CPU Improved support for Intel Meteor Lake, Arrow Lake, Lunar Lake CPUs Improved support for Zhaoxin Yongfeng processor Art.Lebedev Optimus Popularis, Asus ROG Ryujin II EVA, BeadaPanel, Elgato Stream Deck, EVGA Z10 RGB, Matrix Orbital EVE3, Matrix Orbital EVE4, SmartCool, VoCore LCD display support Enhanced SmartCool LCD display support Improved LCD display support for Crystalfontz CFA Series SteelSeries Apex 5, Apex 7, Apex 7 TKL, Apex Pro, Apex Pro TKL, Rival 710 OLED display support Monitoring of Corsair H60i, H60i Elite, H100i, H100i Elite, H100i Platinum, H115i, H115i Elite, H115i Platinum, H150i Elite, H150i RGB Pro XT liquid coolers Corsair HX1000i 2022, Corsair HX1500i, Gigabyte Aorus, MSI MEG Ai1000P, MSI MEG Ai1300P power supply unit sensor support Enhanced RGB LED monitoring module Cooler Master MP750 RGB LED mousepad support Aqua Computer High Flow Next, Aqua Computer LeakShield, Aqua Computer Octo, Corsair Obsidian 1000D, EVGA iCX2, EVGA iCX3, Farbwerk 360, NZXT GRID+ V3, NZXT Kraken X53/X63/X73/Z63/Z73, NZXT Smart Device sensor support Full support for Hygon C86 Mukti/Dhyana CPU Improved support for processors with 64 or more cores Improved support for 3rd generation AMD Threadripper processors Improved support for Intel Raptor Lake and Sapphire Rapids CPUs and DDR5 memory modules Preliminary support for Intel Arrow Lake, Lunar Lake, Meteor Lake processors Enhanced support for LGA-1700 and LGA-4677 motherboards Enhanced support for Socket AM5, B760 and Z790 chipset motherboards Improvements for AMD A520, B550, X570 chipset based motherboards Support for PCI Express 4.0 controllers and devices Support for DDR5 EXPO and XMP 3.0 memory profiles Advanced support for LSI RAID controllers NVMe 1.4, OpenCL 3.0, SMBIOS 3.6.0, WDDM 3.1 support Support for VMware Workstation v16 Ramaxel AM620 and AV310 SSD support GPU details for AMD Radeon Pro W5500, Radeon RX 590 GME, Radeon RX 5500, Radeon RX 5600 XT, Radeon RX 5700, Radeon RX 6000, Radeon RX 7000, Radeon VII Series GPU details for Intel Arc A300, A500, A700 Series GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce GT 1010, GeForce GTX 1600, GeForce GTX 1630, GeForce GTX 1650 Ti, GeForce MX330, GeForce MX350, GeForce MX450, GeForce RTX 2000 Super, GeForce RTX 2060 Series, GeForce RTX 3000 Series, GeForce RTX 4000 Series Fixed handling of per-core HyperThreading (Intel Comet Lake-S) Fixed lockup at startup on systems with multiple CPU groups Fixed SMTP TLS 1.2 support Retired SHA1 and VP8 benchmarks https://katfile.com/h0t88jy88332/aida64extreme692.7z.html https://katfile.com/95gbaas8275r/aida64engineer692.7z.html https://katfile.com/4z094n8zwble/aida64business692.7z.html https://katfile.com/c8ms8hmaqbs2/aida64networkaudit692.7z.html jelszó:v692