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FL Studio Producer Edition 21.2.2 Build 3914 x64 All Plugins Edition & FLEX Extensions Build 20230808 1184MB (1786MB) FL Studio Producer Edition 21.2.2 Build 3914 x64 All Plugins Edition és opcionálisan telepíthető FLEX Extensions Build 20230808 Az FL Studio egy komplett zeneszerző szoftver. Zeneszerzést, rögzítést, szerkesztést, keverést és masterfunkciókat is tartalmaz. Lehetővé teszi a többsávos hangfelvételt, a tempóváltoztatást és a hangmagasság módosítását. Multi-track mixer, Automation control, VST plugin támogatás. Készíts virtuálisan minden hangot, úgy mint akkusztikus/szintetikus basszus, elektronikus gitár, energikus hegedű szimuláció, sampler eszközöket zongorával, általános sample visszajátszást, dob szeletelést és egy sor szintézis technikát (kivonó, modellező, FM, granuláris és hozzáadó). Az FL Studio legújabb eszközével, az FL Synthmaker-el, egy teljes moduláris eszközzel megalkothatod a saját FL hangszeredet, effektjeidet, dashboardjaidat anélkül, hogy kódokat írnál. Vegyél fel hangot egy énekestől vagy egy teljes szimfónikus zenekartól. egyszerre 64 sávnyi hangot tud felvenni. A lejátszási lista munkafelülete végtelen számú audió sávot tartalmazhat és lehetővé teszi számodra, hogy diszkrét audó eseményeket igazíts, bármely sorrendbe vagy pozícióba teljes rugalmassággal. Mindemellett a legtökéletesebb keverő a saját kategóriájában. FL Studio: Image Line FL Studio is software that provides an environment to produce and create music, open architecture, full-featured for computer. Image Line FL Studio owner, audio workstation digital this has everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master music in professional quality. With user interface graphics based on the music player FL Studio 20 is the fastest way to create any style of music with a kits and kits studio complete. The plugins, sounds and tools comes, the user can create complete songs, the backing tracks, loops or beats hot. This software offers VST (Virtual Studio Technology) help it is compatible with the machine station to another. FL Studio 20 will play any sample file yet (wav), the create (softsynth), VSTi and DXi) or midi instrumental you provide. You will create the tracks to wav, mp3 or midi or loops only minutes after launching. Or you can use FL Studio 20 keyboard for his ideas or to create music completely ready to publish. The features on FL Studio High quality sound engine, for professional sound quality Sophisticated interpolation algorithms (Hermite, sync) during real-time playback and during rendering DirectSound and ASIO enabled sound card for sound output and ASIO audio recording Open architecture that allows you to connect third-party tools Ability to function as a VSTi, DXi and ReWire client Ability to connect ReWire clients by itself Advanced sequencing methods allow you to quickly enter realistic drum parts and compose complex instrument parts Unique ability to change note properties (pitch, clipping, resonance, panning) Live multi-track audio recording, motion control and integrated automation event editor Multi-segment automation clips with unlimited complexity and an integrated LFO block Procedural control of parameters using dedicated control plug-ins Advanced mixer: 68 tracks (64 for insert and 4 for song send) with support for up to 8 FX plugins per track Send any mixer path to any other track and create complex mixing chains of virtually unlimited complexity Track recording with ASIO input support (for recording MIDI, vocals, etc.) Built-in parametric EQ, volume and pan for each track Many high quality integrated instruments: WaveTraveller, Sampler, TS404, 3xOSC, Plucked, MIDI Out, DX10, Scratcher, Wasp and more! Full set of high precision mastering and special filters, effects Expanded playlist and full featured audio tracks Press the delete button and equalize the volume to avoid crackling Import WAV, FLAC, OGG, MP3, MID, REX, SYN (SimSynth 1 & 2), DS, etc. as sample formats Export audio to 16 or 32 bit WAV, FLAC, MP3 or OGG files MIDI remote control of most parameters (VST plugins are also supported) Import MIDI sequences and controller events Export MIDI notes and controller events to a standard MIDI file Additional plugins: Stem extractor Windows FL Cloud mastering Windows FLEX Extensions Build 20230808 (1095MB) FLEX Extensions (Banks for FLEX) Drumful Treasure Essential Bass Guitars Essential Guitars Essential Pianos Essential Strings Essential Winds Histibe Electronica Olbaid Bass Utopia Olbaid Compendium Saif Sameer Synthwave SeamlessR Monster Sense Gemini Magnificence SH-1 Floor Shakers SH-1 Jump Up Repertoire MD5: 690ad9256fb42e6792d3314380de5b01 *flspe122.7z 900508db94bb02b49edbbe929d1258ec *flex0808.7z https://katfile.com/k5hh3j9ab4qh/flspe122.7z.html https://katfile.com/y1hnfkeevvo3/flex0808.7z.html jelszó:2122
MobiKin Transfer for Mobile 4.0.11 26MB Switch to a new phone and wish to move data from the old phone to the new one? Or simply wish to share something between two different devices? MobiKin Transfer for Mobile can help you finish the data transference easily. Transfer Files to Android Device with Ease Can't find an effective way to transfer data from old phone to your new Android device? Don't worry! MobiKin Transfer for Mobile makes it easy for you to copy data from one device (iDevice/Android) to another mobile phone without restrictions. All transmission can be done with 1 simple click and risk-free. Android to Android Transfer: copy contacts, text messages, call logs, music, videos, photos, documents and apps between two Android phones. iOS to Android Transfer: sync contacts, SMS, music, videos, photos and books from iOS device to an Android phone. Clear Data before Copying: remove the saved data on your destination Android phone before you transfer the data. Switch to A New iDevice with One Click Getting a new iPhone/iPad/iPod and can't wait to enjoy the wonderful device? Just see here! MobiKin Transfer for Mobile can help you switch to the new iDevice with one simple click. In addition, the transfer is very fast and no any quality will be lost during the moving process. Now just see what this program can do for you: Android to iOS Transfer: support to transfer contacts and books from Android phone to an iDevice. iOS to iOS Transfer: support to copy contacts, calendars, notes, bookmarks and books between iOS devices. https://katfile.com/srxiklm7wiw9/mtm411.7z.html jelszó:4011
Network Notepad Enterprise 1.1.0 x64 6MB (9MB) Az Enterprise Edition tartalmazza a Professional Edition összes funkcióját, valamint új vezérlőelemeket, amelyek olyan felhasználók számára készültek, akiknek szükségük van a megosztott meghajtón tárolt diagramokon való együttműködésre (további információkért lásd itt), valamint egy 64 bites opciót, amely a memória korlátok leküzdésével 4x nagyobb oldalméretet tesz lehetővé. Kompatibilitás - A Microsoft .NET-et használó jelentős átdolgozás, így jobb kompatibilitást és stabilitást kínál a legújabb Windows operációs rendszerekkel a szabad szoftveres kiadáshoz képest. Includes all the features of Network Notepad Professional Edition plus new controls which enables multiple users to collaborate on network diagrams and a 64-bit option for larger diagrams. Network Notepad Enterprise Edition Features: The Enterprise Edition has all the features of the Professional Edition plus new controls aimed at users who need the option of collaborating on diagrams stored on a shared drive (For more information see here), plus a 64 bit option which overcomes memory limitations to allow a 4x larger page size. Compatibility - It's a major rewrite using Microsoft .NET, so it offers better compatibility and stability with the latest Windows operating systems compared to the freeware edition. Zoom - Work with and edit diagrams at any zoom level. Resolution - Draft, Fine and Superfine modes for improved graphics and printing. Rotate - Rotate text and rotate objects to any angle. Drag-and-Rotate. Workspace - Supports larger workspace bitmap / larger diagrams. Multi-page diagrams - Add as many pages to a diagram/ document as you wish and access the pages instantly using the onscreen page tabs. Custom shapes - Create your own customizable shapes inside of Network Notepad Professional Edition. Grouping and Locking - Combine two or more objects to make composite objects. Auto-align links - Can be enabled for a link style or for an individual link so that connection alignment is maintained horizontally and vertically. Library Search - Find objects in all of your libraries using keywords. Save the result as a new library. Enhanced Link Styles - New lightning and curve link styles. Template Diagrams - When you start a new diagram, select from the list of templates to set the page size, orientation, link styles, and any default drawing such as a title block and border. Unlimited user-defined function "buttons" and an unilimited number of toolsets. Print Preview. https://katfile.com/b9ujkucnk5y2/nne11064.7z.html jelszó:v110
Epic Pen Pro 3.12.39 111MB Az Epic Pen egy szórakoztató alkalmazás, amely lehetőséget ad arra, hogy tollal rajzoljon a képernyőre, függetlenül a környezettől, például az asztaltól, az aktív alkalmazástól, a Start menütől, a tálcától vagy bármi mástól. Támogatja a kiemelőt, radírt, képernyőfotó-felvevőt és a billentyűparancsokat is. Grafikai szoftverekkel kapcsolatos korábbi tapasztalatokra nincs szükség. Epic Pen is a fun application that gives you the possibility to draw on the screen with a pen, regardless of the environment, such as desktop, active application, the Start menu, taskbar, or anything else. It also supports a highlighter, eraser, screenshot grabber, and keyboard shortcuts. No previous experienced with graphic software is necessary. Designed with care What makes Epic Pen the worlds leading live annotation tool? EASY TO USE No complicated menus Simple interface with a clean visual style and no confusing buttons or options. Epic Pen is for everyone! HOTKEY SUPPORT Customise to suit you Fully supports custom hotkeys that can be used in conjunction with standard software hotkeys. LIGHTWEIGHT INSTALL With no performance impact Tiny lightweight installer with no hidden junk, perfect for businesses and academic computers. CLICK-THROUGH Move seamlessly between software Once you've made an edit to the screen you can easily return to your desktop. PEN PRESSURE Great for Wacom devices Has full pen pressure support for brush size when used with drawing tablets and other pressure input devices. TOUCH COMPATIBLE Multi-touch input The ultimate companion for touch-enabled devices including interactive whiteboards and Windows tablets. https://katfile.com/l1rh9srkud4u/epp312.7z.html jelszó:312
Boom 3D v1.5.9000 x64 30Mb (37MB) A Boom 3D for Mac & Windows egy díjnyertes profi hangjavító alkalmazás, amelyet arra terveztek, hogy hihetetlen 3D effektusokkal játssza le médiatartalmait MINDEN fejhallgatón, bármilyen lejátszóról, bármilyen médiáról, streaming szolgáltatásról vagy játékról. skálázható 3D térhatás, EQ , ambience, fidelity, night, spatial és pitch módok. A beépített keverő segítségével opcionálisan egymáshoz balanszolhatók a különféle forráasok. Boom 3D for Mac & Windows is an award-winning pro audio enhancement app designed to play your media content with incredible 3D effects on ANY headphones, from any player, any media or streaming services. You would not need expensive headphones or surround sound boosters to feel your music! Features that make your world go BOOM! Tweak your system-wide audio with Boom's world-class audio enhancement features 3D Surround Experience movies, games, and music with 3D Surround technology that offers a mind-blowing virtual surround sound without any special headphones or expensive surround sound boosters to turn up the volume. Equalizer Presets An advanced 31-band equalizer for precise audio tuning. Boom 3D for Mac & Windows also provides a range of presets carefully handcrafted to match different genres and individual tastes of listening. Apps Volume Controller Boom 3D allows you to manage individual application audio levels & volumes and seamlessly have an uninterrupted movie/game/music experience. State of the Art Audio Player Play your locally stored songs with unbeatable Boom effects with our full-fledged audio player and create playlists to organize your music collections, just like your very own personal music player app. 20,000+ Radio Stations Join Boom to enjoy free access to more than 20k local and international internet https://katfile.com/war7hu3i2n1n/bm3d150.7z.html jelszó:boom
Ant Download Manager Pro 2.11.0 Build 86784 88MB (101MB) Felhasználóbarát, rengeteg extra eszközzel kipróbálható letöltésvezérlő program amivel sokkal hatékonyabb módon lehet a nagyobb méterrel rendelkező fájlokat letölteni ahol akár böngésző kiegészítő funkcióként lehet használnunk. Az Ant Download Manager multimédiás tartalmak letöltéséhez, illetve konvertáláshoz is futtatható. A szoftver több módszerrel támogatja, hogy a használt böngészők integrált letöltés kezelő eszközét le tudjuk cserélni egy modernebb megoldásra amivel akár a nagyobb mérettel rendelkező tartalmakat akár időzíthetően lényegesebb paraméterekkel tudjuk eltárolni. letöltésvezérlő program Torrent tartalmakhoz böngésző integráció sávszélesség korlátozás videók letöltéshez videó konvertáló időzíthető feladat lista konfigurációt is tartalmaz Magyar nyelv Ant Download Manager (AntDM) is a quick download manager for any Internet file, that fully integrates with all popular browsers. AntDM allows to download free streaming video and audio from numerous web sites, supports P2P peer-to-peer protocol. AntDM supports downloading files from the most popular Premium Link Generators (Debrids). Ant Download Manager (AntDM) - is a tool that allows you to repeatedly increase the speed of file downloads due to multiple download streams, resume, schedule downloads, capture and download audio and video streams. Automatically processes download errors, recovers from temporary network errors, reconnects in case of server response delays, has the ability to resume interrupted downloads due to loss of connection, network problems, computer shutdown, or unexpected power outages. The standard GUI for softwares of this class makes AntDM friendly and easy to use. It has two screens - the first is more common for regular downloads and the second is using video preview for easy tracking of video downloads. Has download queues, which allows you to accumulate download links at a convenient or scheduled time for the user. Supports proxy-servers, HTTP and FTP file protocols and their protected versions of HTTPS and FTPS, as well as the main streaming protocols for audio and video content M3U8, MPEG-DASH, VIMEO-STREAM, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, processing of audio and video content. Supports BitTottrent a P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing protocol. Can be easily integrated into the main popular browsers Microsoft EDGE (Chromium-based), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and their numerous clones: 360Chrome, Brave, CCleaner, Chedot, CocCoc, Comodo Dragon, Comodo IceDragon, Maxthon6, Opera, Slimjet, SRWare Iron, Torch, UC Browser, Vivaldi, Yandex, Waterfox, etc. The integration of extension into browsers is used to automatically capture file or media links and download them. Also you can not integrate AntDM extensions into your browsers, but use AntDM autonomously. For example, drag and drop download links from a browser into AntDM, download any single links manually, in a list or in batch mode from a file. Allows not only downloading audio files, but also extracting audio tracks from video files, converting them to the popular MP3 format and adding basic accompanying information to them. Supports most popular Generators Premium Links (Debrids): alldebrid.com, cocoleech.com, debrid-link.fr, ffdownloader.com, linksnappy.com, mega-debrid.eu, real-debrid.com, premium.rpnet.biz, simply-debrid.com, premiumize.me, etc. Other features include multilingual support, download categories, download log, priorities and changes of download speed, task scheduler, sounds of various events, CHM User Guide, virus protection when download completion and many more. Current version: 2.11.0 Build 86784 (26 Dec 2023 16:31) updated YouTube parser added YouTube Multi-Language support fixed memory leaks (libcurl.dll problem) fixed mp3 conversion refactoring and bug fix https://katfile.com/bskjdjy07f4g/adm211.7z.html Portable 94MB (193MB) https://katfile.com/sr8dumy5nkow/adm211po.7z.html jelszó:ant
PassFab 4WinKey v8.4.1.7 38MB (43MB) USB és CD/DVD meghajtót használó windows jelszó-visszaállító eszköz amivel azonnal visszanyerheti a hozzáférést a számítógépéhez. Tiltja vagy visszaállítja az elfelejtett rendszergazdai vagy felhasználói jelszavakat Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2000 és Windows Server rendszereken adatvesztés nélkül. Create Windows password reset USB/CD/DVD drive, and regain access to your PC instantly. Disable or reset forgotten administrator or user passwords on Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2000, and Windows Server with no data loss. Except for a factory reset for Windows systems, you can also get your password back using this Windows password lock software and then access your PC again. No need to reinstall your operating system, no data loss or damage. Alternatively, you can use this fancy Windows password recovery tool to burn new passwords on Windows or Mac system without any trouble. With strong compatibility, you can bypass Windows passwords on laptops, 2-in-1s, LTE-enabled laptops, gaming PCs, desktops and all-in-one without a hitch. Key Features of 4WinKey: Great feature to unlock your computer Windows Password Recovery Tool - Simple and Safe Remove Windows password: Remove password Reset Windows Password Remove Windows Account Create a Windows Account Create Windows Password Reset Disk - Fast and Fluent Compatible with all windows operating systems. https://katfile.com/3svj0ftdnp8j/pf4w417.7z.html jelszó:8417
Cloanto C64 Forever Plus Edition v10.2.9 136MB (138MB) válogatott és előre konfigurált commodore emulátor, c64 játék (drm free) és demogyűjtemény C64 Forever is part of Cloanto's RetroPlatform project, which aims to preserve and provide easy access to classic computing systems, applications and content. The C64 Forever team at Cloanto has been actively developing Commodore/Amiga software since the 1980s, and worked on this project with great passion and attention to detail. The C64 Forever developers are, first of all, C64 Forever users themselves, and enjoy helping other C64 enthusiasts and sharing bits and bytes of C64 culture and history. C64 Forever would not have been possible without the help of numerous contributors. Most important of all, this project is kept alive thanks to your support. Thank you for joining us in this effort, and for spreading the word, which too makes a big difference. Features: • Emulation of C64 hardware (allows you to run C64 software on your PC) • Additional emulation of related systems: PET 2001, CBM 3032, CBM 4032, CBM 8032, VIC 20, CBM 610, C16, Plus/4 and C128 • More than 200 preinstalled games and demoscene productions • One-click play support for thousands of downloadable C64 and other 8-bit games, demos and applications • RetroPlatform Library includes title and configuration data for more than 5,000 C64 games, with online updates • RP9 Manager to convert between RP9 and other popular formats (D64, T64, etc.) • Preconfigured and enhanced VICE emulation engine with auto-updates • Special features and gallery of items of historical interest Top Benefits: C64 Forever shares the same RetroPlatform family player, database and content management components as the very successful Amiga Forever series. As such, it also embodies more than 12 years of experience and refinements and a tradition of innovation and long-term continuity and support. Compared to other solutions for different systems, C64 Forever stands out for features which include the following: • Smooth setup: it takes only a few mouse clicks to install and run (no additional downloads required) Intuitive, simple and refined user interface, in which player, content, database and search are seamlessly integrated (not a "front end" that launches an external emulator) • Built-in RetroPlatform Library database featuring thousands of titles, with online updates • As some projects kept adding options year after year, C64 Forever strived to keep options to a minimum, as RetroPlatform components take sophisticated decisions behind the scenes • If you know how to use Amiga Forever you are instantly familiar with C64 Forever, and vice versa • Support for revolutionary RP9 format (one click to play, one file per title, no need to zip or unzip games or manage multiple disk images, etc.) • Support and recognition of other popular disk, tape, cartridge and save state formats, with options to identify uncataloged similar variants (not a simple "checksum" approach) • Built-in search-as-you-type for installed content and custom one-click internet search for games and demoscene productions https://katfile.com/ut93m3z8bxzb/cc4f129pe.7z.html jelszó:cloanto
Proxyman Pro for Windows v2.9.0 103MB A Proxyman lehetővé teszi a fejlesztők számára, hogy megtekinthessék az alkalmazások és tartományok HTTP/HTTPS kéréseit Don't let cumbersome web debugging tools hold you back. With Proxyman's Windows app, you can capture, inspect, and manipulate HTTP/HTTPS traffic with ease. Modern Windows app Intuitive, thoughtful, built with meticulous attention to detail. All you'd expect from a great Windows app: Familiar UI, Universal Shortcuts Keys, and easy to use. Complete suite of networking debugging tools Dive into the network level to diagnose and fix problems with reliable and powerful tools. Proxyman acts as a man-in-the-middle server that capture the traffic between your applications and SSL Web Server. With built-in macOS setup, so you can inspect your HTTP/HTTPS Request and Responses in plain text with just one click. SSL Proxying Proxyman acts as a man-in-the-middle server that capture the traffic between your applications and SSL Web Server. With built-in macOS setup, so you can inspect your HTTP/HTTPS Request and Responses in plain text with just one click. Multiple Filters Narrow down your search with Proxyman's Multiple Filters. You can combine complex filtered criteria like Protocol, Content-Type, URL, Request Header, Response Header, Body, etc that find exact what you're looking for. GraphQL Debugging Easily debug GraphQL Request by defining a matching rule with a particular GraphQL QueryName. Works with Breakpoint, Map Local, Map Remote, and Scripting Tool. Breakpoint Tool Breakpoint Tool helps you to modify Requests/Responses Data on the fly without changing any client code. Supports URL, Headers, Body, Status Code, Raw Message, etc. Map Local Tool Map Local Tool allows developers to mock a Response with a local file. Boost development speed up by directly modifying the response with Status Code, Header, and Body without waiting for the backend. Spot your bugs with ease Quickly find the differences between requests/responses with built-in Diff Tool Side-by-Side or Unified Display, with Light/Dark Github Theme. Proxyman Windows: 2.9.0: Introduce Network Condition Tool to simulate slow networks Release date: 12 Dec 2023 Features Introduce a Network Condition tool that helps developers to simulate slow networks. Support various profiles, e.g 3G, 4G, 5G, 100% drop, etc Bugs Fixed: Could not decrypt HTTPS from Firefox due to invalid certificate https://katfile.com/oqxwrky06m6z/pxan29.7z.html jelsző:proxy
Apowersoft ApowerREC Multilingual 53MB (61MB) Az ApowerREC bármit rögzíthet a képernyőjén, beleértve az asztali tevékenységeket, élő streaming videókat, webes megbeszéléseket és így tovább. Rögzítheti tevékenységét a teljes képernyőn vagy a kijelző egy speciálisan beállított, testreszabott régióján belül a hanggal együtt, és nagyszerűen képes a videókat a hanggal szinkronban tartani. Emellett a webkamera felvétele vagy a képernyő rögzítése a webkamerával együtt is megvalósítható, és ezzel a képernyőfelvevő szoftverrel videochatet rögzíthet vagy oktatóvideót készíthet. ApowerREC can record anything on your screen including your desktop activities, live streaming videos, web meetings, and so on. You can capture your activity on the full screen or within a specifically set, customized region on your display along with audio, and it has a great ability to keep videos synchronized with audio. Besides, recording webcam or capturing screen together with webcam is also feasible, and you can record a video chat or make a tutorial video with this screen recording software. Edit Videos Make real-time editing during the recording or deploy advanced editing and add effects after the recording. Record Webcam Record webcam only or record webcam along with your screen simultaneously. Task Recording Create scheduled tasks to record PC screen/webcam automatically or follow a running application to record. Convert Video Convert the recorded videos into different formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, etc. Take Screenshots Take a screenshot with one click and it will be saved automatically. Record Audio Adjust the volume and customize the audio sources from sound card or microphone. Apart from the functions above, ApowerREC also comes with other easy but highlighted features, including features such as the flexible overlay toolbar, visual recording settings, high output quality, and so on. Seamless Screen Recording Experience in All Devices Aside from being a powerful Windows/Mac screen recorder. ApowerREC also provides screen recording for your mobile devices, it captures screen activities from your iOS or Android devices. For iOS users, simply mirror your phone screen to PC and record iOS screen as a video with high quality; for Android users, you can record Android screen with or without a PC. Use ApowerREC for Cost-effective Work and Productivity Increase Business use Make a demonstration video for your app or capture web conference for backup and later review. Voice commentary and webcam are also supported to be included in the recording. Teaching & Training Record online class lecture for e-learning and add some annotations to it for better illustration. This video recording software can make your presentation become more vivid. Studying You can create stunning studying material and showcases. This can be achieved by recording live streaming lectures, online webinars and other similar events. Gaming Record your finest gaming moments smoothly with HD quality, take screenshots of certain segments and share these awesome gameplay experience with others. General Use Other general use offered by this PC screen recorder includes saving the wonder video chat moment, recording a short video clip for troubleshooting and customer support, etc. Share with the World Share the wonderful moment you are living through via capturing as images or videos with your friends, family or even subscribers from all over the world regardless of where you live. Host your screencasts in ShowMore website for backup and it gives you complete control over managing and sharing videos.Create a new FTP connection as you wish and access to the FTP server in order to upload and download files in an effective way.One-click upload your recorded videos to YouTube directly for instant sharing with subscribers. No further ado is needed.Easily upload screenshots to free cloud space provided by screenshot.net and share them with your friends via the link. https://katfile.com/dtwuvhhylsjd/arec1621.7z.html jelszó:16821
FileZilla Pro v3.66.4 7zip | 26MB | FTP kliens A FileZilla a legnépszerűbb FTP protokollt használó alkalmazás, amely távoli szervereken elérhető fájlok és adatállományok átvitelét, le- és feltöltését, szerkesztését teszi lehetővé a felhasználók számára. Welcome to the homepage of FileZilla®, the free FTP solution. The FileZilla Client not only supports FTP, but also FTP over TLS (FTPS) and SFTP. It is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License. We are also offering FileZilla Pro, with additional protocol support for WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure Blob and File Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. FileZilla Features Overview FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface. Features Among others, the features of FileZilla include the following: Easy to use Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Cross-platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, macOS and more IPv6 support Available in many languages Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB Tabbed user interface Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue Bookmarks Drag & drop support Configurable transfer speed limits Filename filters Directory comparison Network configuration wizard Remote file editing Keep-alive HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy support Logging to file Synchronized directory browsing Remote file search crack_INFO: Transfer files from your computer via FTP / SFTP / FTPS and Cloud Services: Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Box, Dropbox, Google Cloud, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, OpenStack Swift and WebDAV. https://katfile.com/nqxxgyzntnqg/fzp366.7z.html Portable 26MB (95MB) https://katfile.com/irob2n56ben7/fzp366po.7z.html jelszó:3664
Mitov Visuino Pro v8.0.0.101 7zip | 219MB (298MB) A Visuino a Mitov Software legújabb innovatív szoftvere. Egy vizuális programozási környezet, amely lehetővé teszi az Arduino kártyák programozását. Jelenleg támogatja a hivatalos Arduino lapokat, Raspberry Pi, Teensy, Femto IO, ESP8266, ESP32, Controllino, Goldilocks Analogue, FreeSoC2, chipKIT, micro:bit, Maple Mini, és számos Arduino klónt, azonban nem korlátozódik csak ezek támogatására. A szoftverrel gyakorlatilag programkód írása nélkül is működő funkciókkal láthatjuk el a megépített projektünket, hiszen a szofverben csak össze kell kötmi az egyes elemeket és megadni, hogy milyen eseményre mit csináljanak. A projectek egy kattintással Arduino IDE-be exportálhatók. Learn how to build amazing Arduino projects using drag and drop interface without any programming skills! All you need to do is drag and drop components and Connect them together. Visuino will create the working code for you so you don’t have to waste time on creating the code. It will do all the hard work for you fast and easy! Visuino is perfect for all kind of projects, you can easily build complex projects in no time! What’s new? changelog v8.0.0.101 Improved IDE performance Added option to Import and Export Sub Diagrams. Added option to set icons for Sub Diagrams. Added option to arrange the position of the sub diagram tabs. Improved Sub Diagram support. Added Arduino Nano ESP32 support Added M5Stack CoreS3 support Added Arduino Opta Lite, RS485, and WiFi PLCs Added support for Adafruit QT Py ESP32-C3 Added initial JPEG support Improved I2C support Added support for LCJ Serial Port Anemometer Added ILI9342 SPI display support STM32 Updated to use the latest platform libraries Added ESP32 Long Range WiFi and ESPNow support Improved Seeed XIAO ESP32 C3 implementation Added Adafruit Metro ESP32-S2 support Added Generic ESP32-S2 support Added Generic ESP32-S3 support Added M5Stack Atom Base support Added MMC interface MicroSD support Added ESP32Cam support Added support for I2C speed for platforms that support it Added support for Sub Diagrams custom icons Improved EEPROM support Improved replacing of elements – automatically changing the name when applicable Added WriteReceived to the Modbus Holding Registers and Coils Added IgnoreDC to FFT Improved FFT implementation Added support for LTR-553ALS-WA/LTR-556ALS-WA LITE-ON Light and Proximity Sensor(I2C) Improved Modbus support for ESP32 Added Analog Array To Text and Complex Array To Text converters Added support for XY-LPWM/VHM-800/HW-753 PWM Signal Generator Module Added support for XY-LPWM3 – 3 channel PWM Signal Generator Module Added Olimex ESP32-POE Ethernet board support Added Bosch BMI270 Accelerometer Gyroscope support Added Elegoo Smart Car V4 ESP32 Camera support Added Adafruit Kee Boar KB2040 support Added Waveshare RP2040-Matrix RGB 5×5 support Added Adafruit GEMMA M0 support Added Awinic AW9523 GPIO Expander and LED Driver support Added Sharp Optical Dust Sensor GP2Y1010AU0F/Ks0196 Keyestudio support Added Sharp Reflective Optical Distance Meter GP2Y0A02YK0F/GP2Y0A21YK0F/GP2Y0A710K0F/GP2YA41SK0F support Added stand alone General Vision Neuro Shield Neurons (SPI) component allowing the shield to be used as a module Added support for displaying video and images on the graphics displays Added Change Image Format component Added Image to JPEG component Added Image Snapshot Improved support for all RP2040 boards Improved support for Arduino Portenta H7 – Added RTC support Improved Seeed XIAO ESP32 C3 support Added Audio Snapshot component https://katfile.com/oawck2kaysdq/mivinop8101.7z.html jelszó:800101
Hex Editor Neo Ultimate 22MB A Hex Editor Neo a HHD Software Ltd. által kifejlesztett leggyorsabb, nagyméretű fájlokra optimalizált bináris fájlszerkesztője Windows platformra. Kiterjedten használhatja a következő alapvető funkciókat: Type, Cut, Copy, Paste, Fill, Delete, Insert, Import és Export, sőt, kipróbálhat néhány speciális funkciót is. A felülírási és beszúrási módok támogatottak. A vágólapon keresztül bináris hexadecimális adatokat is cserélhet más alkalmazásokkal. Korlátlan visszavonás/visszavonás; GoTo Offset; Műveleti előzmények mentése/betöltése; 32bit/64bit-es javítás létrehozása; Keresés/helyettesítés hex/decimális/oktális/float/dupla adatok és bináris kódok esetén; Csoportosítás bájtok, szavak, dupla szavak, négy szavak szerint; A Hex Editor Neo rendkívül hasznos az extra nagy fájlok és lemezek hexadecimális adatainak megtekintéséhez, módosításához és elemzéséhez. Például, ha megpróbál keresni és helyettesíteni a szöveg/hex/decimális/bináris adatmintát 1GB - 1TB fájlban, egyszerűen nem talál versenytársat a termékünknek. A portable verzió opcionálisan létrehoszható a telepítőből. Hex Editor allows you to set colors of almost every editor windows element. Select an element in a list and then select a color using color picker control. You can also set the color to "automatic". The sample window layout below immediately reflects changes you make. Pressing Apply button also immediately applies your current coloring scheme to all opened editor windows. HexEdit can be successfully used for editing binary files of any size at highest speed searching and replacing your data in a binary file writing your microcode programs researching the functionality of any executable file streamlining your work using Undo/Redo and other features HexEdit can be successfully used by software developers private users beta-testers university students coders Changelog Version Released on 2023. 12. 18. Bug Fixes Crash when opening process window The application could crash or hang when a running process window was opened. Version Released on 2023. 11. 24. New Features Added new option to force application into Dark or Light theme A new option has been added (Tools » Settings » General) which allows the user to force the Hex Editor Neo into Dark or Light color theme. The default mode remains to follow the system setting. Updated Features Improved dark mode and localization support Hex Editor Neo no longer uses standard system message box windows, as they do not support dark theme and do not support localization. New custom windows are now used instead with full support for dark theme, custom color themes and also feature localized buttons. Bug Fixes Reset Settings command does not work Regression in the previously released version broke the Tools » Settings » Settings, Reset Settings command. Modifying nibbles does not mark the document as modified Fixed a bug when modifying only part of a cell (nibble) did not mark the document as modified. Crash in Replace/Replace All commands in regular expressions mode Application could crash during execution of Replace and Replace All commands when both search and replace patterns were regular expressions. File Comparison Filter window does not allow entering hexadecimal values You may now use hexadecimal numbers when entering filter expressions. Reset sorting in File Comparison window Column sort order may now be toggled between ascending, descending and "no sort" modes. https://katfile.com/4qz416yu04ev/henu7410.7z.html jelszó:741
Coolmuster Android Assistant 5.0.79 26MB A Coolmuster Android Assistant egy könnyű alkalmazás, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy néhány kattintással exportálja a fontos adatokat a mobileszközéről a számítógépére megőrzés céljából. Lehetővé teszi, hogy böngészni számos típusú adatok a mobil eszközön, akkor, nevezetesen az alkalmazások, kapcsolatok, SMS, zene, zene, fotók, videók , és könyvek. Abban az esetben, ha nem tudja a kívánt rész tartalmának előnézetét, akkor ezt a kis kellemetlenséget a gyermekmappához való hozzáféréssel javíthatja. a kapcsolódáshoz szükséges az Android apk mellékelve Coolmuster Android Assistant is a lightweight application that allows you to export the data important from your mobile device to your computer for safekeeping just in few clicks. Coolmuster Android Assistant allows you to browse a number of types of data on your mobile device, you, namely the apps, contacts, SMS, music, photos, videos , and books. In case you can't preview the contents of the desired part, then you can fix this minor inconvenience by access to the child folder of it. Coolmuster Android Assistant also allows you to install and uninstall Android apps directly from your computer. You can also view the video files inside the phone and the gallery images inside the software. In addition, Coolmuster Android Assistant also has the ability to view and edit contacts, text messages, library and other parts of the phone. Moreover, you can view, edit, add, and delete new contact in your address book, or transfer photos and videos to your PC. Features Coolmuster Android Assistant Backup files, photo gallery, videos, text messages, telephone directory, and more Backup and restore with just one click Graphical environment, simple and attractive The ability to view the files inside the computer The ability to send SMS through application Connect to your phone via usb or wifi Windows OS: Windows 7 or newer Android: Android 4.0 above (Android 13 included) CPU/Processor: Win: 1GHz (32 bit or 64 bit) or above Mac: 1GHz Intel or above, M1 Supported Devices Samsung: Galaxy Note 20 & Note 20 Ultra, Galaxy S20/S10, Galaxy S9 & S9+, S7/S7 Edge, S6/S6 Edge/ S5/S4/S3, Galaxy Note 5/Note 4/Note 3/Note 2, Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc. HTC: U11+, U11, 10 M10H, A9W, M9W, M9Et, Desire, Hero, One S, Sensation,Wildfire, etc. Motorola: Motorola Moto Z, Motorola Moto Z Play, Motorola Moto Z2 Force, Motorola Moto Z2 Play, Motorola G5, Motorola G5 Plus, etc. LG: LG G8 ThinQ,LG G7 ThinQ,LG G7 One,LG G6 Astro Black H870,LG G6, LG G5 SE, LG G5, etc Sony: Sony Xperia XZ, Sony Xperia XZ Premium, Sony Xperia X Compatc, Sony Xperia Z5, Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, etc. ZTE: N600, RACER, RACER II, SKATE, U880, Z990, a5, Avail, BASE lutea, BASE Lutea 2, Blade, Blade S, BLADEII, C N600 , C R750, Carl, Cordyceps Kdrncr, Fury, joe, KPN Smart 200, Kyivstar Spark, Light, Light Tab, Light Tab 2, Light Tab Pro, etc. Huawei: Huawei P40, Huawei P40 Lite, Huawei P40 Pro, Huawei P40 Pro+, Huawei P20, Huawei P20 Pro, Huawei Mate 40, etc. Xiaomi: Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max, Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro, Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro, Xiaomi Redmi Note 8, Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro, Xiaomi Note 7, Xiaomi Redmi 8A, Xiaomi Mi Note Pro, etc. Oppo: Oppo Find X3, Oppo Find 7/5, Oppo Neo 5, Oppo R9s/R9 Plus, Oppo P15/P13, Oppo P10S, etc. Oneplus: Oneplus 8 Pro, Oneplus 8, Oneplus 7 Pro, Oneplus 7T Pro, Oneplus 7T, Oneplus 7 Pro, Oneplus 7, etc. Other Phones: DELL, Acer, Google, Asus, Amazon, Apanda, ALCATEL, Casio, Coolpad, Fujitsu, Gigabyte , GSmart , Lenovo, K-Touch, Kyocera, NEC, NOVO, Orange, Panasonic, Pandigital, Pantech, SHARP, Softbank, TCL, Toshiba, T-Mobile, ViewSonic , Xiaomi, Xiaomi mi2s, etc. Note: Android Assistant is fully compatible with Android phones and tablets, including the latest ones. For Android users, if you can't find your device on the list below, please take a free trial on it at first. Supported File Types Text Content: Contacts, Messages, Call Logs, Message Attachment Media File: Photos, Music, Videos, Documents, Apps https://katfile.com/xu4if7xfgx03/caa50.7z.html jelszó:5079
FastStone Capture v10.4 8MB A FastStone Capture egy egyszerű mégis teljes funkcionalitású képernyőfelvételi- és képernyő videófelvevő. Lehetővé teszi, hogy könnyedén rögzítsen a bármit a képernyőn, beleértve az ablakokat, objektumokat, menüket, teljes képernyőt, téglalap alakú / szabadkézi / rögzített területeket, valamint görgethető ablakokat. Továbbá a görgethető weboldalakat aktuális teljes tartalmát egy képként történő lementését. FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool and screen video recorder. It allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular / freehand / fixed regions as well as scrolling windows / web pages. It also allows you to record all screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from microphone, audio from speakers, webcam, mouse movements and clicks into highly compressed video files. You can choose to send captures to editor, file, clipboard, printer, email, OneNote / Word / Excel / PowerPoint document or upload them to your website. Editing tools include annotating (texts, arrowed lines, highlights), resizing, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, applying edge effects and many more. Other features include image scanning, global hotkeys, automatic filename generation, support for external editors, a color picker, a screen magnifier, a screen crosshair and a screen ruler. FastStone Capture saves images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, FSC and PDF formats. Built-in screen recorder saves videos in MP4 and WMV formats. Features A handy Capture Panel that provides quick access to its capture tools and output options Capture windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand/fixed-size regions and scrolling windows/web pages Capture multiple windows and objects including multi-level menus Record screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from microphone, audio from speakers, webcam, mouse movements and clicks into highly compressed video files (MP4 and WMV) Screen Recorder has a built-in video editor that allows you to draw annotations, apply zoom effects and cut unwanted sections. Videos can even be converted to animated gifs Screen Recorder provides a "Convert to MP4" tool that converts or resizes video files (MP4 and WMV) under various resolution and quality options Options to specify output destination (internal editor, clipboard, file, printer ...) Draw annotation objects such as callouts, straight/curved text, arrowed lines, highlights, watermarks, rectangles, circles, step numbers, emojis and much more Apply effects such as spotlight, drop-shadow, frame, torn-edge and fade-edge Blur selected area Add image caption Resize, crop, rotate, sharpen, brighten, adjust colors Undo/Redo Support tabs that allow you to capture and edit multiple screenshots simultaneously Organize and group tabs in multiple workspaces (optional). Each workspace remembers its last-used folder and works like a separate instance of the internal editor Support external editors Save images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF formats Save images in FSC (FastStone Capture) format, a proprietary and loss-less format that preserves annotation objects together with image data for future re-editing Save videos in MP4 and WMV formats Acquire images from scanner Convert images into a single PDF file Combine images into a single image file Print multiple images in batch mode Send captured images by email Send captured images to OneNote, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents Send captured images to a Web (FTP) server Auto capture screen repeatedly at user-specified time intervals Screen Color Picker Screen Magnifier Screen Crosshair Screen Focus Screen Ruler Support multiple monitors Support high-DPI/high-resolution/4K monitors Support touch interface (tap, swipe, pinch) Global hotkeys to activate screen capturing instantly Run when Windows starts (optional) Minimize to System Tray area Small footprint in memory And much more ... Version 10.4 (December 21, 2023) Enhanced Screen Recorder: Simplified the Start Recording window. Switch between simplified mode and detailed mode with just a single click Enable/disable devices like Microphone, Speaker, and Webcam directly within the Start Recording window Enhanced Eraser in Draw tool: Show a circular cursor to indicate the area to be erased. Right click mouse to pick a screen color Scroll mouse wheel to adjust eraser size Enhanced the Save dialog in the Scan tool with improved functionality and user interface. Added "Save All (same name)" option (Ctrl+Alt+S) to the File menu in FastStone Editor, allowing you to save multiple images with the same name and a sequential number Many other small enhancements and bug fixes https://katfile.com/clnmr146rw6y/fsc104.7z.html Portable 10MB (38MB) https://katfile.com/qqel763s8ka0/fsc104po.7z.html jelszó:v104
Turbo Studio v23.11.19.272 167MB (175MB) Turbo Studio (korábbi nevén Spoon Studio) - ezzel az alkalmazással az alkalmazás futtatásához szükséges fájlokat egy telepítés nélkül használható csomagban egyesítheti. Az alkalmazás lehetővé teszi egy virtuális konténer létrehozását és a programok futtatását virtuális környezetben, telepítés és a rendszerleíró adatbázisban és a rendszerben történő módosítások nélkül. Turbo Studio (formerly known as Spoon Studio) - with this app you can combine files needed to make an app run into a package that is ready for use without deployment. The application allows you to create a virtual container and run programs in a virtual environment without the installation and make changes in registry and system. Since driver and system updates are constantly developed to reduce the possibilities of errors to occur, applications might need to be rooted to your system and registries so they can keep up the pace. However, with the help of utilities like Spoon Virtual Application Studio you can combine files needed to make an app run into a package that is ready for use without deployment. Work fast with a customizable wizard In case you don't want to spend too much time with configuring files needed for packing content, you can run a wizard with several options available. The wizard enables you to quickly build a virtual application from provided or downloaded media, scan your desktop for applications and choose the one to process, handle third-party apps using a snapshot, as well as manually configuring wizard settings. Manually set deployment options Additionally, you can dive directly into the abundance of features the main window gives you access to. A side panel lets you navigate through major areas such as filesystem, registry, settings, components, setup, as well as expiration. Depending on the chosen category, your workspace provides a large variety of dedicated settings. You are able to insert new files you consider need to be included in the package. What's more, isolation can be set either to full or merge, with the possibility to also hide components, make them read only or disable synchronization. Easily include required components Switching to the registry tab lets you add values and keys or modify existing ones so that the application you want processed does not need to change the host registry. All settings and files can easily be bundled up in a basic MSI setup package that deploys your custom settings, as well as file associations and shortcuts on the target computer. Furthermore, the application lets you select a runtime environment your product is dependent of, snatching system configurations so it won't require them on the PC it is deployed. Once finished, a few clicks create the setup package in a custom directory. A few last words Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Spoon Virtual Application Studio promises and manages to change the way your applications are deployed. It can be used to eliminate the need for any other third-party requirements or simply migrate whole applications and ongoing projects to a new machine. https://katfile.com/f3nqqablat8p/tbs2311.7z.html jelszó:231119272
Aiseesoft iPhone Unlocker 2.0.30 Multilingual 7ip | 63MB (66MB) Az Aiseesoft iPhone Unlocker eltávolítja a különböző képernyőzárolási jelszavakat (4-6 számjegyű, Touch ID és Face ID)és könnyen feloldja a zárolt iPhone-t. Apple ID eltávolítása másodpercek alatt (Apple ID az App Store, az iCloud, az iMessage, a FaceTime és a többi eléréséhez szükséges belépő.) Visszaállíthatja és eltávolíthatja a Screen Time jelszót adatvesztés nélkül. Az MDM (Mobile Device Management) eltávolítása iPhone/iPadről gyorsan. Törölje az iTunes biztonsági mentés titkosítási beállításait iPhone/iPadről egyetlen kattintással. Creating a passcode for iPhone can protect your privacy. But there are various reasons for you to lose control of the lock screen passcode. How to get into a locked iPhone? Aiseesoft iPhone Unlocker will remove the various lock screen passcode from 4-digit, 6-digit, Touch ID and Face ID, and unlock the locked iPhone easily. Forgot Apple ID or Password? Remove Apple ID in Seconds Apple ID is a pass to accessing App Store, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, and more. If you forgot the Apple ID or password, you will lose access to many Apple services. Even trying the security questions and rescue emails in iForgot, but still fail to recover the password, you should try iPhone Unlocker. It can remove the forgotten Apple ID and let you change a new Apple ID account to activate your iPhone. Unlock iPhone, iPad and iPod by wiping passcode. Remove Apple ID if you forgot Apple ID or password. Recover and remove Screen Time passcode without data loss. Remove MDM (Mobile Device Management) from iPhone/iPad quickly. Clear iTunes backup encryption settings from iPhone/iPad with one click. https://katfile.com/hk8sy98c3bso/apkerker203.7z.html jelszó:2030
Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 6.10.7b beta 37MB | rendszereszköz A Hard Disk Sentinel egy több operációs rendszert támogató merevlemez ellenőrző és felügyelő alkalmazás, melynek célja: merevlemez problémák és teljesítmény csökkenés felderítése, várható meghibásodás előrejelzése és megelőzése. A merevlemez állapotát a lehető legrészletesebben kijelzi és átfogó szöveges értékelést készít. Számos listázási, riasztási és teszt funkció gondoskodik a maximális adatbiztonságról. Nincs szükség különböző szoftverek használatára, mivel a Hard Disk Sentinel egymagában képes felügyelni a belső- és külső merevlemezek, SSD-k, SCSI/SAS lemezek és RAID tömbök - valamint a hálózatban használt (NAS) eszközök állapotát is. A Hard Disk Sentinel egyedülálló módon deríti fel ezen felül a szalagos meghajtók (tape drive), ipari SD memóriakártyák és a tabletekben használatos eMMC SSD-k állapotát is. A februári stabil változat óta bővűlt a támogatott hardverek listája (raid vezérlők és ssd-k) és javítottak a régi USB 2.0 kártyaolvasók kompatibilitásán, bűvült a bugfixek száma is. Changelog: Hard Disk Sentinel Pro beta version 6.10.7b - added new alert option: Configuration -> Alerts -> When custom threshold reached right click on any attribute on the S.M.A.R.T. page to define custom alert threshold condition: when Value or Data field is lower, lower or equal, higher, higher or equal, equal or not equal compared to configured threshold - added new alert option: Configuration -> Alerts -> When disk added/connected specify disk drive(s) by wildcards or select drives to trigger alert - added new alert option: Configuration -> Alerts -> When disk removed/disconnected specify disk drive(s) by wildcards or select drives to trigger alert - added support of Oyen Digital MiniPRO RAID V4: detect status of both hard disks / SSDs in standalone, RAID0, RAID1, JBOD modes - added support of ServeRAID C100 / C105: Raid controller: detect S.M.A.R.T. status in RAID configuration - added support of Kingston SEDC600 SSD, ADATA SE920 SSD - improved status detection when AMD RAID used with Microsoft Storage Spaces configuration - improved status detection and compatibility with password protected WD My Book external drives - improved compatibility with USB3.0 Super Speed external SATA disk drive enclosure - improved support of Sabrent NVMe USB adapter - improved status and Health % reporting for DELL(tm) SSDs Hard Disk Sentinel Pro beta version 6.10.6b - added support of CISCO UCS C240 M4 12G Modular Raid controller: detect S.M.A.R.T. status in RAID configuration - added support of Inateck SA03001 USB 3.0 to IDE/SATA adapter: detect complete status of all 2.5" , 3.5" IDE/ATA and SATA drives - added support of Lexar E6 USB-NVMe adapter - surface test functions can be used for SAS 4Kn drives formatted to 4160 bytes/sector, 4224 bytes/sector - improved detection/reporting of HOT SPARE drives on various LSI, AVAGO, BROADCOM, INTEL, DELL SATA/SAS controllers - improved support of some Kingston SATA SSDs, Sandisk SATA SSDs - improved support of UNIC2 / TXRUI SSDs - minor changes, updates, icon fixes - complete French help added (thanks for François MORTEAU) - added support of Crucial X9 Pro external SSD, Crucial X10 Pro external SSD - improved support / compatibility with Adaptec SAS/SATA HBAs - improved support of Sandisk Extreme Pro external SSDs: Disk menu -> Short self test, Extended self test functions are available - improved compatibility and support with MAXIO Technology SATA and PCIe SSDs - added support of HPE MR416i-a Gen10+ tri-mode SAS/SATA/NVMe RAID controller: detect S.M.A.R.T. status in RAID configuration - added support of newer combo NVMe/SATA -> USB adapters / docks / converters - added Slovenian language, thanks for Andraz Poje for the translation - improved compatibility with ATTO SAS/SATA HBA (non-RAID) controllers - improved compatibility with QNAP multi-drive RAID boxes / enclosures - improved support of some Samsung SATA SSDs, Kingspec SSDs - improved power on time reporting on WD SAS drives - added support of Silverstone DS223 2x SATA RAID box: detect status of both hard disks / SSDs in standalone, RAID0, RAID1, JBOD modes - improved support of MegaRAID 9540-8i, MegaRAID 9560-8i RAID controller: detection of drives in RAID configuration, arrays, hot spare drive(s), NVMe RAID support - improved support of Seagate Ironwolf SSD - improved support of Transcend SATA 1 TB SSD - improved support of various SATA SSDs from unknown/various manufacturers - improved health % detection of Sandisk SDSSDHII960G - advanced health % reporting of Micron SSDs with Lenovo firmware - advanced Disk Specific Information and error reporting of problematic / failing NVMe SSDs - improved reporting of HIKVISION SATA SSDs, ADATA SATA SSDs - added support of EGON T2, V Series SATA SSD, XSTAR SSD - added support of i-Tec MySafe 2x M.2 SATA RAID box support: detect status of both M.2 SSDs in standalone, RAID0, RAID1, LARGE modes - added support of Kingston Datatraveler Workspace pendrive: detect health, temperature, lifetime status / statistics - improved support of multiple Yottamaster 5 bay RAID enclosures, Oyen Digital Mobius RAID enclosures - improved support of HP SATA/SAS HBAs - improved reporting of some Kingston SSDs (some firmware versions may previously reported high number of communication errors) - improved reporting with RaidON InTank iR2622 - improved reporting of some SATA SSDs with LENOVO firmware - improved reporting of Crucial SATA SSD lifetime writes - improved reporting of various Silicon Power SPCC SSD, Hikvision SATA SSD, Micron SSD, Kingspec SSD, Suneast SSD, EGON SSD - improved reporting of various Samsung SSD, Sandisk SSD, Patriot P210 SSD, Patriot P220 SATA SSD - improved reporting of various Intel SSDs, DELL and HP OEM SSD: showing health, wearout, lifetime writes - improved power on time reporting of some older Fujitsu SATA hard disk drives - fixed backup projects with long file names / long paths - fixed System Management Information always saved to reports even if that option disabled at Configuration -> Message Settings page - fixed Polish language display during disk test - detection of disk status in RAID configurations when ARECA RAID controller used with 4Kn formatted SATA hard disk drives - improved detection with Cachecade configuration on LSI controllers - improved detection of Sandisk Ultra II SSDs with some USB adapters/docks/enclosures - improved support and reporting of Intel Pro 5400 SATA SSDs - improved support of Intel SSDs with DELL OEM firmware - detection and reporting of Set sector configuration log in the Device Specific Information section (if supported by the drive) - added support of ALLIED SATA SSD, FIKWOT SATA SSD - added detection of additional fake SSDs / pendrives - improved compatibility with some old USB 2.0 card readers - improved image quality on some high DPI scale settings - fixed tray icon images with some special custom scaling values https://katfile.com/wtnbyruuq2wv/hdsp6107b.7z.7z.html Portable 40MB https://katfile.com/2jd762hyp520/hdsp6107bpo.7z.html jelszó:sentinel
Office 2013-2024 C2R Install & Lite v7.7.7.4 7zip | 11MB Online office telepítő és aktivátor szelektív telepítés, kulcsok-licenszek törlése, retail-VL konverter, szükség esetén ISO formátum készítése vagy letöltése This program designed for on-line installation and activation Microsoft Office 2013/2016/2019/2021/2024 C2R. You also can create custom installation of Office off-line for using later. How to use the program: 1. Uninstall Office 2016 via (Control panel) applet "Add or remove Programs". 2. Uninstall Office 2016 using the "Force Remove Office" and restart your computer. 3. Install Office by clicking the "Install Office" button. 4. Go to "Utilities" tab and do the conversion "Office RETAIL => VL". 5. Then click "Activate Office" button. or 6. Start KMSAuto Net 2015 and click "Activate Office". How to use Bookmark Download Office: Bookmark Download Office serves to create the off-line installation varying versions and editions of Microsoft Office with the possibility for the subsequent installation of the product without receiving files from outside.. 1. Select the appropriate version of Office, bit and language. I recommend to make a full x86-x64 distribution. To do this, select the tab-width All (the lowest). Click the Download button and choose a folder to the distribution files. You can select the folder of the previous session of the program to further develop distribution, or will start a new session. 2. If you want to make multilingual distribution - after complete loading of the first language, switch to the pre- Executive language, click the Download button, and select the same download folder. 3. After downloading all required bit and spoken recommend creating ISO-image office suite. To do this, click Create ISO. 4. As a result, in the selected folder you will see a ready to use off-line installer Microsoft Office chosen version. In one session, downloading files does not use different versions of MS Office 2016 and 2013. It is possible to manipulate with x86-x64 and languages, but not versions. Or use a different folder assignment is. Otherwise you will get unusable distribution. 5. Now you can create multiple projects distributions of return, additions and corrections have downloaded. You can choice the versions builds. For Office 2013 Branch-choice and does not matter. Always will be download the most current build. For Office 2016, you can choose the source of download (branch). Button Check version has been added to check the build number the selected Branch. https://katfile.com/m9mnb0t610r4/oc2r77.7z.html jelszó:7774
Nik Collection by DxO v6.6.0.0 x64 951MB ( 1202MB ) Nik Collection by DxO v6.6.0.0 Nyolc nagy teljesítményű plug-in. Végtelen lehetőségek. Az önálló szoftverként is használható Nik Collection 5 egy olyan csomag, amely hatalmas fotográfiai lehetőségeket kínál. Építsen egyedi stílust az intuitív eszközöknek és az elegáns kezelőfelületnek köszönhetően, amelyek zökkenőmentesen illeszkednek a munkafolyamatba. Even More Possibilities for Even Greater Creativity. New interface, even more precise Control Points, and optimized tools for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom: Nik Collection 6 helps your creativity reach even greater heights. New Interface, New Experience The new interface of Nik Viveza and Nik Silver Efex is more modern, more appealing, and more functional. It also provides quicker access to all available tools and presets so you can concentrate on what’s most important—finding your very own style. Add Control Points to your custom presets Save your favorite presets that you’ve created with Control Points, and then apply a similar style to a series of images—all while preserving a specific area in your photo. This is the perfect way to apply a color effect to several portraits as well as a blurred background! Create an optimized and easier-to-use workflow Because the Control Points now feature fewer sliders, you can now see the applied effects more easily. To really optimize your workflow, you can even rename them. Adjust the saturation of a specific tone range Thanks to the new Color Tolerance setting, users can not only select the color they want to edit, but also adjust the tolerance of similar color hues. Combine the settings from several plugins with a single click Meta Presets, which can be accessed directly from the Nik Selective Tool in Adobe Photoshop, combine all the presets and settings from the various Nik Collection plugins so you can apply several effects with a single click. Incredible photos Discover 10 Meta Presets created by professional photographers and instantly infuse your landscape and wildlife photography with a unique style—all without leaving Adobe Photoshop. Lightning-fast retouching With the Last Edit feature, you can recreate the last preset you used with one of the Nik Collection plugins. Smart Copy & Paste Selectively reapply a plugin’s finish to one or several images directly in Adobe Lightroom—all without having to launch the Nik Collection interface. The definition of efficient. Even more striking black-and-white photos Nik Silver Efex now features revolutionary ClearView technology, which was first released as part of DxO PhotoLab. Remove haze, boost local contrast, and give your photos an entirely new dimension. Add color Nik Viveza features ten native presets designed by professional photographers. Pick the style you like the most and make your own local adjustments. The possibilities are endless! Reconnect with the emotional impact of analog Accurately recreate the finish of films that left their mark on the history of photography: Nik Silver Efex features 39 ultra-realistic grains to help you produce authentic black-and-white photos. Create and share Create and save your personalized presets in Nik Viveza. Easily share them or import them to another computer so you can continue editing, no matter where you are. Control your tones With Nik Viveza’s new Selective Tone Tool, you can edit your images with even more control over bright lights, midtones, and shadows. Adjust color temperatures Nik Viveza’s new Color Temperature Selector lets you select the true white value in your image for flawless white balance. System Requirements • Intel® Core® 2 or higher (Intel® Core™ i7 4th generation or higher, or AMD Ryzen™ recommended) • 8 GB of RAM (16 GB recommended) • 4 GB or more of available hard-disk space • Microsoft® Windows® 10 version 20H2, Microsoft® Windows® 11 (64-bit) Compatible host applications • DxO PhotoLab 5, 6 • Adobe® Photoshop® 2021, 2022, 2023 • Adobe® Photoshop® Elements® 2021, 2022, 2023 (apart from Nik HDR Efex, which is not compatible with Photoshop Elements) • Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® Classic 2022, 2023 • Serif Affinity 1.8 and later, Serif Affinity 2.0 (apart from Nik Perspective, which is not compatible with Affinity) GPU Compatibility: GPI compatibility starts from NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series, ATI Radeon HD2000 Series, and Intel HD Graphics 2000 Series. Recommended on Windows: NVIDIA GTX™ 1060, AMD Radeon™ RX 5500 or better with the latest drivers. If no compatible card is available, GPU acceleration will be disabled and the CPU will be used. https://katfile.com/m64rtndpcj96/nico660.7z.html jelszó:6600
ProfiCAD 12.3.2 Multilingual 11MB A ProfiCAD elektromos és elektronikus diagramok, kapcsolási rajzok, vezérlési kapcsolási rajzok rajzolására készült, valamint pneumatika, hidraulika és egyéb műszaki diagramok készítésére is alkalmas. A legegyszerűbb CAD elektromos áramkörökhöz. Ezernél több szimbólumot tartalmaz, de könnyedén létrehozhatja saját szimbólumait a szimbólumszerkesztőben. Támogatja a szimbólumok automatikus számozását, hálózati listák, vezetéklisták, anyagjegyzékek generálását, csíkos vezetékek rajzolását és további fejlett funkciókat. A program támogatja a kereszthivatkozásokat a vezetékek és az egy komponenshez tartozó szimbólumok között (pl. relé tekercs + érintkezők). A program hálólistát és anyagszámlát generál. Az electronikai szimbólumok automatikusan számozódnak. DXF formátumban menthető diagrammok. A rajzok könnyen beilleszthetők a Microsoft Office és más programokba. A magyar nyelv támogatott. ProfiCAD is designed for drawing of electrical and electronic diagrams, schematics, control circuit diagrams and can also be used for pneumatics, hydraulics and other types of technical diagrams. Features: The easiest CAD for electrical circuits. Maximum care was paid to ergonomics and ease of use. Just place electrical symbols into the drawing and attach the wires. Ships with more than one thousand symbols. You can easily create your own symbols in the symbols editor or have them drawn for you for a fee. Supports automatic numbering of symbols, generation of netlists, lists of wires, bills of material, drawing of striped wires and further advanced features. The program supports cross references between wires and between symbols belonging to one component (e.g. relay coil + contacts). A linked symbol on a different page can be accessed by clicking on the cross reference. Changelog ProfiCAD 12.3.2 Variables The Variables tab in the document settings displays the variables of the current title block. ProfiCAD 12.3.1 10/24/2023 Symbol blocks Related symbols can be combined into blocks. Blocks of symbols are bounded by a rectangle that has its own label (reference). The block reference is displayed in print reports (bill of material, list of connections, etc.) in the "block reference - symbol reference" format. Example: symbol HL1 in block DSA1 is displayed as DSA1-HL1. To create a block: Draw a rectangle around the group of symbols. In the Properties panel, enter the block reference. The block can be removed by deleting the rectangle. pdf with hyperlinks Cross-references in PDF When exporting a drawing to PDF format, cross-references are also preserved. https://katfile.com/h7rloi1w6y4k/pcd232.7z.html jelszó:1232
LightBurn v1.4.04 x64 54MB (66MB) Lézervágó- és lézerglavírozóhoz való vezérlő szoftver. A LightBurn segítségével importálhatja a rajzokat a legelterjedtebb vektorgrafikus és képformátumokban (beleértve az AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP formátumokat). Olyan beállítások alkalmazása, mint a teljesítmény, sebesség, átmenetek száma, vágási sorrend, fényerő és kontraszt, dithering mód és még sok minden más. Az eredményt közvetlenül a lézervágógépre küldheti LightBurn is layout, editing, and control software for your laser cutter. With LightBurn you can: - Import artwork in a variety of common vector graphic and image formats (including AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP) - Arrange, edit, and even create new vector shapes within the editor, with powerful features like offsetting, boolean operations, welding, and node editing - Apply settings like power, speed, number of passes, cut order, brightness & contrast, dithering mode, and much more - Send the result directly to your laser cutter Designed to Work With Your Laser LightBurn talks directly to your laser, without the use of additional software. We currently support most Ruida, Trocen, TopWisdom, and GCode based controllers. Supported GCode controllers,include Grbl, Smoothieware, Grbl-LPC, and Marlin. Supported Ruida controllers include the RDC6442G/S, RDC6445G, RDC6332G, RDLC-320A, and R5-DSP. Supported Trocen controllers include the AWC708C, AWC608, and TL-3120. More controllers will be added soon, so if you don't see yours listed, send us a message - maybe we're already working on it! If your controller is GCode, Ruida, Trocen, or TopWisdom based, even if it's not listed it might be supported already - Download the free trial and try it for yourself. If it doesn't work, sometimes it only takes a day or two to make the required changes to support a new board in these existing families. Please note that LightBurn does not support the stock M2-Nano board in the popular K40 laser. This board does not offer control of power through software - we recommend upgrading the board to take full advantage of LightBurn. Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11 (64-bit only) Changelog: 1.4.04: - AH Added "Design Only" device type and option to create one automatically on first launch - AH Bugfix: Correctly deal with virtual arrays when deleting all shapes in layer # 1.4.04: - Oz More decimals for material test interval when in Inches - Oz SVG import automatically converts completely straight curves to lines, and removes duplicate verts - Oz Resize Slots tool now highlights lines (green), curves (pink), and shape breaks (red circles) to help spot malformed art - Oz Optimize Shapes tool now displays input and output line/curve counters - Oz Bugfix: bad / empty entries in Art Library could cause crash when using search - Oz Bugfix: Don't alter control handles when extending an existing line with the line tool - Oz Bugfix: Don't allow grayscale when passthrough is enabled on galvo - Oz Bugfix: Close Shapes With Tolerance window displayed incorrect counts - Oz Bugfix: Close Shapes altered selection - Oz Bugfix: Don't show cropped image when using Trace Image - Oz Bugfix: Allow cancel while generating 3DSlice data - Oz Bugfix: extremely small vertex bulge values could confuse the DXF importer - Oz Bugfix: don't write rotary settings to controller if reading them wasn't successful (Ruida '360 steps' bug) - Oz Bugfix: Grid Array 'variable increment' value wasn't always updated properly - Oz Bugfix: Slot resizer would update scaled rectangles incorrectly - Oz Bugfix: SVG style definition parser didn't handle empty space correctly - Oz Bugfix: SVG parser could crash when using grouped switch/symbols that weren't used - Oz Bugfix: DXF import could crash if an unnamed block contained inserts for unfound shapes - JC Bugfix: Fixed serial disconnect issue ("port already in use?" bug) - Oz Bugfix: After changing the Min/Max frequency for galvo, the main window wouldn't allow the new range - AH Bugfix: Disallow managing cut setting defaults when in material test generator - Oz Bugfix: Handle huge steps per rotation values in rotary for galvos - Oz Bugfix: Text blocks in AI files could confuse the parser - Oz Bugfix: Major improvements to importing of DXF SPLINE objects - Oz Added detection of G-Weike Cloud laser, handles Z correctly now (auto sets proper Z height based on material thickness) - Oz Change: Copy along path function now uses nearest point on path as starting point - Oz Change: Holding Shift will now axis snap measure tool when dragging measure line https://katfile.com/xi3cpfia7tld/libu404.7z.html jelszó:burn
Bandicam x64 Multilingual 31MB Képernyőfelvevő program, segítségével egyszerűen rögzítheted azt, ami a számítógépen történik. Könnyű kezelőfelületének, sok funkciójának köszönhetően egy nagyon népszerű program a kategóriában. Játékokat akár 4K-s minőségben is felveheted akár 480 képkocka/másodperc frekvenciával. Többféle formátumba képes elmenteni a videókat (MP4, AVI), ez mellet még képeket is képes elmenteni. A program tud bluescreen videókat valós időben felvenni, ütemezhető felvételek készítése sem akadály számára ráadásul még webkamerás képet is tehetünk a videóba. Amelyik GPU támogatja ott kihasználható a hardveres kódolás is. A magyar nyelv támogatott. Bandicam makes it possible to record a certain area on a PC screen, or a program that uses the DirectX/OpenGL graphic technologies. Bandicam will help you carry out a video record with high compression ratio, while keeping the video quality closer to the original work, and provides performance far superior to other programs that provide similar functions. VIDEO-RECORDING of games and streaming videos - Recording of WOW, Minecraft, Webcam, and computer screen - H.264, Xvid, MPEG-1 and MJPEG video codec support - PCM and MPEG-1 Layer II audio codec support - AVI video format (.avi) support - MPEG-1 video codec VBR mode support Improved the recording performance by using a hardware-accelerated H.264 encoder. - Bandicam provides hardware accelerated h.264 encoder - Nvidia CUDA/NVENC H.264 encoder - Intel Quick Sync video H.264 encoder - AMD APP H.264 encoder IMAGE-CAPTURING of games and streaming videos - BMP, PNG and JPEG image format support - Continuous image capturing FRAME RATE control (FPS management) - FPS overlay (Show FPS) / FPS limit Key features of Bandicam - Bandicam can record DirectX/OpenGL programs like Fraps (Fraps Alternative, Better than Fraps) - The recorded file size is much smaller than other software (Bandicam compresses the video when recording) - You can upload the recorded file to YouTube without converting (720p/1080p full HD video can be made) - You can record over 24 hours without stopping (Auto Complete Recording function can be used) - You can record video at resolutions of up to 2560x1600 in high quality - You will experience much less lag than with other capture programs (It uses much lower CPU/GPU/HDD Windows 7-11 x64 Changelog 7.0.2 12/22/2023 Bugs fixed The webcam overlay screen wasn't shown in the recorded video under certain conditions from version 6.2.0. The scheduled recording function didn't work under certain conditions in Bandicam 7.0.1. The scheduled recording list was not deleted properly under certain conditions in Bandicam 7.0.1 Other minor bugs have been fixed. https://katfile.com/rqf1523d8p8c/bca7022.7z.html jelszó:722
AdGuard Premium v7.16.0.4542.0 83MB (51MB) AdGuard Premium v7.16.0.4542.0 + Adguard Trial Reset Az AdGuard megbízható és kezelhető védelmet nyújt Önnek, amely azonnal és az Ön részvétele nélkül kiszűri a betöltődő weboldalakat. Az AdGuard eltávolítja az összes zavaró hirdetést, blokkolja a veszélyes weboldalak betöltését, és nem engedi, hogy bárki nyomon kövesse az Ön internetes tevékenységét. Az általános reklámblokkolók böngészőbővítményként vannak implementálva, míg az AdGuard hálózati szinten működik, és nem vonatkozik rá minden olyan korlátozás, amelyet a böngésző a bővítményeire szab. Az AdGuard funkciói: Hirdetési és nyomkövetési kérések blokkolása, Az oldal kozmetikai feldolgozása, Webhely HTML kód szűrése, Minden böngésző támogatása, Védelem a rosszindulatú hirdetésekkel szemben, Hirdetések szűrése olyan alkalmazásokban, mint a Skype és az uTorrent, és még sok más. Mit tud az AdGuard? - Hirdetésblokkoló. Mindenféle hirdetés blokkolása, a háttérben zajló forgalom kiváló minőségű szűrése. A hirdetések eltávolítása még azelőtt, hogy az oldalak betöltődnének a böngészőben. - Böngészés biztonsága. Védelem az adathalász és rosszindulatú weboldalak ellen. Az AdGuard adatbázisaink segítségével minden oldalt ellenőriz rosszindulatú tartalmakra, és blokkolja a potenciálisan veszélyes oldalak kéréseit. - Lopakodó üzemmód. Ez a modul nem engedi, hogy bárki nyomon kövesse az Ön internetes tevékenységeit. Harmadik féltől származó cookie-k blokkolása, IP-cím elrejtése és egyéb funkciók a személyes adatok védelme érdekében. - Szülői felügyelet. A gyermekek online védelme. Blokkolja a nem megfelelő webhelyekhez való hozzáférést, eltávolítja az obszcén anyagokat a keresési eredményekből és még sok más. Miért az AdGuard? - Az AdGuard minden böngészőben működik. Safari, Chrome - nevezd meg, amit akarsz. Nincs kivétel. - Könnyen telepíthető. Néhány kattintás, és a számítógépét máris megvédi a reklámoktól. Nem kell túlbonyolított beállításokkal küszködnie - csak szörfözzön a neten, és az AdGuard elvégzi az összes munkát. - Videóhirdetések blokkolása. Bármilyen videohirdetés, bármilyen webhelyen - az AdGuard blokkolja. - Alkalmazásszűrés. Az AdGuard blokkolja a hirdetéseket, bármilyen fajtát, és nemcsak az összes böngészőben, hanem a programokban is! Még a Windows UI alkalmazásokban (Windows Store-ból származó alkalmazások) is. - Az AdGuard intuitív és egyszerű felhasználói felülettel rendelkezik, olyan kiegészítő funkciókkal, mint az AdGuard Assistant, a Szűrőszerkesztő és a Szűrési napló. - Naponta frissített reklámszűrők és adathalász adatbázisok. A magyar nyelv támogatott. Hirdetésblokkolás Az AdGuard hirdetésszűrő mindenféle hirdetést blokkol. Felugró ablakok, videohirdetések, szalaghirdetések és hasonlók — ezek mind eltűnnek. Az észrevehetetlen, háttérben történő szűrés és kozmetikai feldolgozás eredményeképpen csak tiszta oldalakat fog látni, azt a tartalmat, amit keresett. Biztonságos webes szörfözés Védelem az adathalászat és a veszélyes webhelyek, valamint a rosszindulatú hirdetések ellen. Az AdGuard minden oldalt megvizsgál az adatbázisunk alapján, hogy nincs-e benne rosszindulatú tartalom, és blokkolja a potenciálisan veszélyes lekéréseket. Adatvédelem Az AdGuard küzd mindenféle nyomkövető és elemző rendszerrel, amelyek Ön után kémkednek. A program blokkolja a harmadik féltől származó sütiket, elrejtheti az IP-címét, és rengeteg egyéb funkcióval rendelkezik az Ön személyes adatainak védelme érdekében. Szülői felügyelet Az AdGuard védi gyermekeit az online térben. Letiltja a nem megfelelő weboldalakhoz való hozzáférést, eltávolítja az obszcén anyagokat a keresési eredményekből, és a szülők számára testreszabható tiltólistát biztosít, hogy gyermekeik számára a legbiztonságosabb webes élményt szabhassák. Védje adatait Manapság az interneten szinte minden megpróbálja ellopni az adatait. Az AdGuard rendelkezik egy olyan dedikált modullal, amely megakadályozza ennek bekövetkezését. Álcázza magát online Az online profil egyszerű elrejtése helyett megváltoztathatja azt oly módon, hogy valaki másként jelenjen meg, és névtelenül böngészhessen. AdGuard is the world's most advanced Internet filter and ad blocker. AdGuard provides you with a reliable and manageable protection that immediately and without your participation filters the loading web pages. AdGuard removes all the annoying ads, blocks loading of dangerous websites, and will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet. Common ad blockers are implemented as browser extensions, while AdGuard works on a network level and is not subject to all limitations which a browser impose on its extensions. AdGuard features Blocking of ad and tracking requests, Cosmetic processing of the page, Website HTML code filtering, Support for all browsers, Protection from malicious ads, Ad filtering in applications like Skype and uTorrent and a lot more. What can AdGuard do? - Ad Blocker. Blocking of all kinds of ads, high-quality filtering of traffic on the background. Ads are removed even before pages are loaded in the browser. - Browsing Security. Protection from phishing and malicious websites. AdGuard checks every page for any malicious content using our databases, and blocks requests from potentially dangerous ones. - Stealth Mode. This module will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet. Blocking of third-parties cookies, hiding IP address and other features for protection of your personal data. - Parental Control. Protection of children online. Blocks access to inappropriate websites, removes obscene materials from search results and much more. Why AdGuard? - AdGuard works in all browsers. Safari, Chrome — you name it. No exceptions. - Easy to install. A couple of clicks, and your PC is protected from ads. You don’t have to struggle with overcomplicated settings — just surf the net and AdGuard will do all the work. - Blocking video ads. Any video ad, on any site — AdGuard will block it. - Application filtering. AdGuard blocks ads of any kinds and not only in all browsers, but in programs as well! Even in Windows UI applications (apps from Windows Store). - AdGuard has intuitive and simple UI with such additional features like AdGuard Assistant, Filter editor and Filtering log. - Daily ad filters and phishing databases updates. AdGuard for Windows 7.16.0 Release date: December 23, 2023 Changelog Improvements Indicate the HTTPS filtering state and the original certificate in the Filtering log #4812 Enhanced uninstallation process #4428 Improved buttons text color in installer for Active state #4887 Removed app shortcut to the folder in Start Menu #4834 Adapted the onboarding screen to the dark theme #4583 Packed backup files have .bak extension #540 Removed the second mention of the build number in the About section #4836 Updated the Finnish translations on the updater screen #4761 Fixes Enable all option in the Filter editor can crash the app #4857 AdGuard doesn’t run due to an invalid signature #4864 The app doesn't start automatically after clean installation and reboot on Windows 7 #4760 Blocklist and allowlist do not work properly in Parental control #4189 Browser Assistant keeps working in the app excluded by full path #4723 DNS exclusions are not working if Fallback servers mode isn’t system default #4822 Long start if some domains/ports are blocked #4894 Multiple separators appear after the app crash #327 Since v7.15, the service can’t start normally if it fails to connect to via UDP #4868 Chinese Traditional words in the Chinese Simplified description of Web of Trust #4739 Missing strings from the Filtering log in Crowdin #4825 Lost selection of multiple rules when editing filters #4474 A rule that has been cut cannot be inserted back into the field from which it was cut from #4859 Can’t add custom DNS if address contains port number #4945 Can’t transfer parameters related to DNS filters and license types during web reporting #4931 Old directories are not deleted from AppData directory #4939 Recent beta for Windows 11 left x32 in Startup that needs to be removed in registry #4940 CoreLibs (Filtering engine) Updated CoreLibs to v1.13.108 Added support anti-DPI feature for Korea Telecom #1789 Improved usage of ECH retry_configs #1793 Removed an option to move a certificate #277 Improvements Added !#else preprocessor directive support #1806 Adopted new rule priority scheme #1768 Changed sec-ch-ua headers to match user-agent when Stealth Mode is active #1764 Improved HTML filtering performance #1772 https://katfile.com/1nmvduaxh6pj/agpre71tri.7z.html jelszó:7160
Driver Magician 6.0 Multilingual 6MB A Driver Magician egy professzionális illesztőprogram kezelő készlet, amivel minden fontosabb művelet elvégezhető, ami ezen a területen felmerül. Azok frissítésére, biztonsági mentésükre, a régiek eltávolítására is alkalmas. Magyar nyelven is tud. Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system. Then extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. When you format, reinstall or upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the “saved†drivers just as from the original driver CD. After one system reboot, your PC will be loaded and running with the required hardware drivers. Also, Driver Magician has a built in database of the latest drivers with the ability to go to the Internet to receive the driver updates. It saves lots of time to find the correct drivers and mature drivers will obviously increase the performance of hardware. If there are unknown devices in your PC, the program helps you detect them easily and quickly with its built in hardware identifier database. Driver Magician Key features: Driver Magician Lite screenshotBack up device drivers of your computer in four modes. Restore device drivers from backup in one mouse click. Update device drivers of your PC to improve system performance and stability. Uninstall device drivers Live Update device identifier database and driver update database. Detect unknown devices. Back up more items such as My Documents and Registry. Restore more items from backup. Get detailed information of the hardware drivers. Clone all drivers to an auto-setup package (.EXE), so you can restore drivers without installing Driver Magician. https://katfile.com/610vbsx7gu7o/drimag6.7z.html jelszó:magic