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  1. Disk Drill Enterprise 5.7.916.0 x64 125MB Profi törölt adat helyreállító program. Nagyon egyszerű használni, kevés beállítást igényel. Szűrőket is alkalmazhatsz. A szoftver alapvetően két keresési módszert támogat, egy gyorsabb, vagy egy lassabb eljárást, az utóbbi nagyobb találati eredményeket biztosít. A Disk Drill a találati eredményeket fájlkiterjesztés szerint is tudja kategorizálni, ez lehet képek, videók, dokumentumok. Közvetlenül a használatba vétel előtt, egyedi szűrőket is alkalmazhatsz, amivel lerövidíthető a keresés. Mint a hasonló szoftverek, opcionálisan előnézeti lehetőséget is biztosít, ez képek esetén lehet elengedhetetlen. A Disk Drill amiben még eltér a hasonló alkalmazásoktól, hogy képes a korábban futtatott kereséseket jelentések formájában elmenteni. Recover Data From a Variety of Devices Using Disk Drill data recovery software for Windows 10 & 11 you can recover deleted data from virtually any storage device. The list of supported ones includes your computer’s internal hard disk, external USB drives, SD and CF cards, other memory cards, digital cameras, solid state drives (SSD), flash drives, virtual hard drives, RAID arrays, disk images, etc. Also runs on Windows 8, 7, XP or Vista. PC / Mac Dell®, HP®, Acer®, Asus®, MacBook Pro®, MacBook Air®, Apple iMac® and more HDD / SSD* HP®, Samsung®, Seagate®, Toshiba®, WD®, LaCie®, Intel®, Adata® and more USB Drive SanDisk®, Samsung®, Kingston®, Corsair®, Patriot®, PNY®, Verbatim®, Silicon Power® and more SD / CF Card SanDisk®, Transcend®, Toshiba®, Lexar®, Integral®, SP®, PNY®, Kingston® and more Digital Camera Samsung®, HP®, Sony®, GoPro®, Canon®, Sigma®, Nikon®, Epson®, Panasonic® and more iPhone / Android (Mac ONLY)** Samsung Galaxy®, iPhone®, Lenovo®, Huawei®, OnePlus®, Google Pixel®, LG® and more * If TRIM is disabled. ** Note: iOS and Android data recovery of images, documents, archives and other deleted files from iPhones, iPads and Android devices is only supported in Disk Drill for Mac at the moment. This will become available in Disk Drill for Windows soon. Let us know if you are interested in helping us beta-test this feature. changelog Disk Drill 5.7 With Minor Fixes and Improvements Disk Drill 5.7 offers a few minor but anticipated fixes. It also offers an optimized RAM resources allocation and the recovery of data for a new file system. Disk drill 5.7 for windows update New Disk Drill now offers the recovery from sources with ReFS 3.14. https://katfile.com/i6w7q0asoo68/dde5790.7z.html jelszó:drill
  2. ExamDiff Pro Master Edition 40MB Az ExamDiff Pro egy nagy teljesítményű, könnyen használható vizuális fájl- és könyvtár-összehasonlító eszköz Windowsra. Egyedülálló funkciókkal rendelkezik, amelyek megkülönböztetik az ExamDiff Pro-t más összehasonlító programoktól. Ha eddig csalódott más összehasonlító segédprogramokkal, meg fogja tapasztalni, hogy az ExamDiff Pro sokkal hatékonyabb és felhasználóbarátabb módot kínál a fájlok és mappák összehasonlítására. ExamDiff Pro is a powerful yet intuitive and easy to use visual file and directory comparison tool for Windows. It features unique functionality that distinguishes ExamDiff Pro from other comparison programs. If you've been frustrated with other comparison utilities, you will find that ExamDiff Pro offers a much more efficient and user-friendly way to compare files and folders. hgEOxsx.png Top Features - Compares text files, binary files, and directories. - Performs two-way and three-way diff and merge. - Highlights differences down to the level of lines, words or characters. - Highlights document syntax. - Fuzzy line matching. - Ability to recognize moved text blocks. - Automated directory synchronization. - Line Inspector panel for easy recognition of differences within lines. - Can perform full file comparison in a background task in directory comparison. - Ability to add manual synchronization points to text file comparison. - Compares directly from Windows Explorer. - Allows file editing within file comparison panes. - Allows copying, renaming, and deleting files or directories. - Saves the file differences in a standard UNIX DIFF file or to a dynamic HTML web page. - Prints and print previews diff reports. - Easy navigation through the differences. - Advanced Search features. - Drag and drop support. - Advanced Ignore options, for ignoring capitalization, white space, programming-language comments, and more. - Word wrapping. - Plug-in support. - Drag and drop support. - Can create directory snapshots for later comparison. - Includes full Unicode support. - Fully customizable. https://katfile.com/1f0zeb9mbduv/edm1518.7z.html portable 41MB https://katfile.com/jvon4hp8pkrt/edm1518po.7z.html jelszó:1501
  3. CADlogic Draft IT 5.0.35 324MB pro-architectural Draft It Software Alacsony költségű, magas színvonalú CAD szoftver A Draft It egy figyelemre méltó önálló CAD program, amely mind a szakemberek, mind a tervezés szerelmeseinek szól. A Draft It segítségével könnyedén létrehozhatja, kinyomtathatja és mentheti rajzait. Négy változat közül választhat, köztük az életre szóló ingyenes kiadás és a professzionális építészeti szoftver verzió közül. Draft it Pro A Draft it Pro nagy teljesítményű szoftvert kínál fejlett professzionális CAD funkciókkal egy könnyen kezelhető csomagban, amely robusztus eszközkészletet biztosít. Költséghatékony megoldás a professzionális CAD-felhasználók számára, amely fejlett 2D funkciókat kínál megfizethető áron. Úgy szabták meg, hogy kivételes értéket és minőségi rajzokat biztosítson. Draft it Architectural A Draft It Architectural V5 a végső, olcsó építészeti tervezőszoftver az épülettervezéshez. Ez a hatékony és megfizethető tervezőeszköz a hatékonyságra épül, és világszerte megbíznak benne az építészek, tervezők, építészek és szakemberek. Átfogó megoldást nyújt, racionalizálja a munkafolyamatokat és kiküszöböli a több program szükségességét. Draft It Software Low Cost, High Grade, CAD Software Draft It is a remarkable standalone CAD program catering to both professionals and design enthusiasts. With Draft It, you can effortlessly create, print, and save your drawings. Choose from four versions, including the free-for-life edition and the professional Architectural software version. Draft it Pro Draft it Pro offers high-performance software with advanced professional CAD features in an easy-to-use package, providing a robust toolset. It's a cost-effective solution for professional CAD users, offering advanced 2D functionality at an affordable price. Tailored to provide exceptional value and quality drawings. Draft it Architectural Draft It Architectural V5 is the ultimate low-cost architectural design software for building planning. This powerful and affordable design tool is built for efficiency and is trusted by architects, designers, builders, and professionals worldwide. It provides a comprehensive solution, streamlining your workflow and eliminating the need for multiple programs Effortless Elevation with Symbols The most requested feature by users is the ability to create rich elevations with symbols in a single command. This streamlines your workflow and saves valuable time, especially for complex drawings. Outline of a squigly arrow pointing up in box Roofing, Wall, and Window Tools Revolutionary roofing tool automates complex calculations. Build walls effortlessly with polyline command, explore various styles. Dedicated hotkey simplifies window and door placement, ensuring precision and saving time. Outline of a triangular set square and pen Extensive 3D Symbol Library Elevate your designs with our 3D symbol library! Access over 1000 parametric symbols for various elements, effortlessly enhancing your architectural vision. Outline of a pull down white board and book Import and Export DWG & DXF Files Seamlessly open, edit, and save drawings in a variety of formats, including AutoCAD DWG/DXF, Adobe PDF, JPG, PNG, and BMP, ensuring compatibility and interoperability with other software tools. Supported Client Operating Systems Windows 10** 32/64 bit Windows 8 32/64 bit Windows 7 32/64 bit Windows Vista 32/64 bit Windows XP 32 bit Service Pack 3 Hardware Requirements Processor - Minimum/Recommended: 1 GHz RAM - Minimum/Recommended: 512 MB Disk space (minimum): 1 GB (32-bit), 2 GB (64 bit) https://katfile.com/3cms9zy33q0w/clogic50.7z.html jelszó:draft
  4. Pano2VR Pro 7.1.7 179MB A Pano2VR egy hatékony virtuális túra szoftver, amely a panoráma vagy 360°-os fotókat és videókat interaktív élménnyé alakítja át. Akár egyetlen gigapixeles panorámán, akár több ezer jelenetet tartalmazó virtuális túrán dolgozik, a Pano2VR segítségével bármilyen modern böngésző számára magával ragadó élményt hozhat létre. Az elkészült projektek zökkenőmentesen integrálhatók a meglévő webhelyekbe, és megtekinthetők asztali számítógépeken, mobil- vagy VR-eszközökön. Pano2VR is a powerful virtual tour software that converts your panoramic or 360° photos and videos into interactive experiences. Whether you’re working on a single gigapixel panorama or a virtual tour with thousands of scenes, Pano2VR can help you create an immersive experience for any modern browser. Finished projects can be seamlessly integrated with existing websites and viewed on desktops and mobile or VR devices. Build a Virtual Tour From homes and real estate to museums and landmarks, virtual tours allow users to explore real places from around the world. In Pano2VR, link panoramic photo scenes, or nodes, using your choice of transitions and let the user navigate from scene to scene with just a click or tap. Provide greater location context to the scene by using our built-in Tour Map or by easily integrating floor plans or Google Maps. example of 360 tour with information hotpots Improve Your Images Remove tripods and other image imperfections using Pano2VR’s Patch mode. With this invaluable tool, you can extract a defined patch area from the panorama without distortion, making it easier to retouch. Define and extract the image patch in Pano2VR. Then, edit it in your favorite editor. Once it’s saved, the modified patch will be automatically applied non-destructively to the panorama. Or never leave Pano2VR and instead use AI to correct the image for you. Patch the Nadir Enhance the Experience Add interactive elements like informational popups, photo hotspots, directional sound, and video to your panoramas. Use the included user interface overlays, called skins, or dive into the powerful Skin Editor to design custom buttons and controllers in your own unique interface design – all of which can be made responsive so that the design fits any screen. Create your skins or connect with the third-party designers here to help you achieve your goals. 360 virtual tour example with custom skin and hotpots Reveal the Highlights Highlight significant scenes in your tours by creating animation paths that automatically navigate through each tour node. At any time, the viewer can choose to pause the animation to interact and explore further. You can even export this walk-through as a video file. 360 video with little planet effect Zoom In Pano2VR supports gigapixel images and multi-resolution so viewers can zoom deep in to the image to see amazing details. Load in the largest panorama you can find! Pano2VR can not only handle it but processing the panoramas is fast and the output is pixel perfect. gigapixel panorama example with super high resolution 360 photo Show Your Work Export panoramas in HTML5 format and upload to your web server. We even offer a handy plugin that lets you post your finished projects directly to your WordPress site. Want to share your work in virtual reality? The program supports WebXR, which allows you to create a fully immersive VR experience directly from a web page so you can view projects on Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest. Alternatively, use the VRTourviewer app integration for offline VR tours. https://katfile.com/q0ihd9xqp97c/P2VRP17.7z.html jelszó:v717
  5. LuBan 3D 01.12.2024 x64 66MB LuBan 3D: Sokoldalú 3D fájlkezelő kezdőknek és profiknak egyaránt. Egy nyílt forráskódú 3D fájlkezelő. A kínai Shenzhen Snapmaker Technologies Co., Ltd. által kifejlesztett program kifejezetten a Snapmaker 3D nyomtatókhoz készült, de más márkájú 3D nyomtatókkal is kompatibilis. A LuBan 3D egy 3D tervezőprogram 3D nyomtatókhoz és lézervágó gépekhez, amelyet 3D modellfájlok kezelésére terveztek, segít a 3D fájlok több részre történő vágásában. A gép területe alapján a 3D nyomtató automatikusan képes 3D modelleket létrehozni különböző formátumokban, mint például litofán, stack, hash, lemez, relief, modul és drótváz. Ezek a generált modellek 3D nyomtatókkal gyárthatók, a lézervágás és a CNC marás is képes a 3D modellfájlokat puzzle-okká alakítani. amelyek tökéletesen összeilleszthetők A program egyszerű, intuitív felülettel rendelkezik, számos más kiemelkedő funkcióval együtt. Számos funkcióval rendelkezik. A felhasználást a 3D fájlok nyomtatási területnek megfelelő felosztásától kezdve a 3D fájlok kisebb szerkesztésén át a különböző formátumú 3D fájlok létrehozásáig terjed, az alábbiak szerint. 3D fájlok felosztása A Luban 3D rendelkezik egy Modul funkcióval, amely segít a 3D fájlok felosztásában a 3D nyomtató nyomtatási területének megfelelően. A program a fájlokat részekre osztja. Egy csatlakozási pont (dugó) is rendelkezésre áll, amely lehetővé teszi a nagyméretű 3D fájlok problémamentes nyomtatását. 3D fájlok szerkesztése A Luban 3D különböző funkciókkal rendelkezik. Ez segít a 3D fájlok kisebb szerkesztésében, például a felesleges pontok törlésében. Pontok összevonása, alakzatok szerkesztése stb. LuBan 3D: A versatile 3D file manager for beginners and professionals alike. LuBan 3D is a 3D design program for 3D Printers and Laser Cut machines, designed for managing 3D model files, helping to cut 3D files into multiple parts. Based on the area of the machine, the 3D Printer can automatically create 3D models in various formats such as lithophane, stack, hash, plate, relief, module and wireframe. These generated models can be fabricated using 3D Printers, Laser Cutting and CNC milling can also turn 3D model files into puzzles. that can be spliced together perfectly The program has a simple, intuitive interface along with many other outstanding features. LuBan 3D is an open source 3D file manager. Developed by Shenzhen Snapmaker Technologies Co., Ltd. from China, this program is designed specifically for Snapmaker 3D printers, but it is also compatible with other brands of 3D printers. LuBan 3D has a wide range of features. Covers usage from dividing 3D files to suit the printing area, minor editing of 3D files, to creating 3D files in various formats as follows. Dividing 3D files Luban 3D has a Module function that helps in dividing 3D files to suit the printing area of the 3D printer. The program will divide the files into parts. A connection point (plug) is also provided, making it possible to print large 3D files without problems. Editing 3D Files Luban 3D has various functions. That helps with minor editing of 3D files, such as deleting unnecessary points. Merging points together, editing shapes, etc. Creating various 3D file formats Luban 3D has various functions. That helps in creating 3D files in various formats such as 3D Lithophane files, 3D Wireframe files, 3D files for laser cutting, etc. LuBan 3D is an easy to use program. Ideal for beginners who want to get started with 3D printers. The program has a simple, easy-to-understand interface and includes video tutorials. For professionals, Luban 3D can also be used. The program has a variety of features. Covers various uses completely Advantages of the LuBan 3D program Easy to use, suitable for beginners Has a variety of features Covers various uses Free and open source Overall, LuBan 3D is a worthwhile and very useful 3D file manager. Suitable for 3D printer users of all experience levels. Features: Easy to use Eyeglasses Lithophane Photo Magic Mesh Processing And more. https://katfile.com/j78xhrjjz9uq/luba3d.7z.html jelszó:2024
  6. QILING Fast Cache Server v3.0.0.0 3MB Javítja a rendszer általános teljesítményét és a gyakran használt adatok gyors olvasását. Áttekintés: A QILING Fast Cache javíthatja a rendszer általános teljesítményét. Az ideiglenes fájlokat gyakran elérte a rendszer vagy más alkalmazás, és az olvasás a RAM memória sebességét sokkal nagyobb, mint a valódi merevlemez, így a gyorsítótár gyakran elért adatok RAM-ba jelentősen javítja a sebességet, amellyel az adatok olvasása; további merevlemez, és SSD adathordozó van az olvasási és írási idők határideje, így a QILING Fast Cache javítja az élet egy igazi merevlemez is. Minden esetben segítünk Önnek javítani a rendszer általános teljesítményét és sebességét A rendszer teljesítményének javítása A rendszer gyakran olvas bizonyos szektorokat és fájlokat. Ha ezeket a fájlokat a memóriában gyorsítótárazza, akkor növeli a hozzáférési sebességet és javítja a rendszer teljesítményét. Javítsa a játék reakciókészségét A kortárs játékok gyakran hozzáférnek különböző adatokhoz, például térképadatokhoz, ha a lemez olvasási sebessége viszonylag lassú, akkor dadogás lép fel, ami befolyásolja a játékélményt. A gyors gyorsítótár a gyakran használt térképadatokat gyorsítótárba teszi, felgyorsítva a térképadatok olvasását, így a játék zökkenőmentesen fut. Javítja a szervizprogramok reakciókészségét Sok program sok különböző fájlhoz fér hozzá, és néhány fájlhoz gyakran hozzáférnek. A gyors gyorsítótár ezeket a nagy gyakorisággal használt fájlokat gyorsítótárazza a memóriában, majd az általános hozzáférési sebesség jelentősen javul. Javítja a valódi merevlemez élettartamát Minden merevlemeznek van olvasási és írási élettartama, és a gyors gyors gyorsítótár csökkenti az olvasások számát, ami növeli a merevlemez élettartamát. A teljesítmény és a sebesség javításának módjai Gyors tárolóeszközöket fogunk használni, és az optimális algoritmus segítségével optimalizáljuk a lassú tárolóeszközök hozzáférési sebességét. Például használjunk memória- vagy SSD-lemezeket a közönséges mechanikus lemezek optimalizálásához. Több gyorsítótár - Nem csak memória gyorsítótár van, hanem az SSD-t is használhatja gyorsítótárként. Az SSD-lemezekkel történő gyorsítótárazás különösen akkor hasznos, ha a memória kicsi. A gyorsítótár-beállítások megtartása - A számítógép kikapcsolása vagy újraindítása esetén is automatikusan megmarad és működik a beállított gyorsítótár. Tárolási algoritmus - Annak érdekében, hogy a memóriában a legnagyobb friss hozzáférési gyakoriságú adatokat zároljuk, az általunk használt algoritmus nem csak az időhöz, hanem a hozzáférési gyakorisághoz is kapcsolódik. This product is an data cache tool. It improve overall system performance and fast read data that are accessed frequently. Overview: QILING Fast Cache can improve overall system performance. The temporary files frequently accessed by system or other application, and the read the RAM memory speeds far greater than the real hard disk, so caching frequently accessed data into RAM significantly improves the speed at which data is read; additional hard disk, and SSD storage medium has its read and write times limit, so the QILING Fast Cache improve the life of a real hard disk too. In Any Case, We Can Help You improve overall system performance and speed Improve system performance The system frequently reads certain sectors and files. If these files are cached in memory, they increase access speed and improve system performance. Improve the responsiveness of the game Contemporary games will frequently access different data, such as map data, if the disk reading speed is relatively slow, there will be stuttering, affecting the experience of playing the game. The fast cache caches frequently used map data, speeding up the read of map data, so the game runs smoothly. Improve the responsiveness of service programs Many programs access many different files, and some files are accessed frequently. Fast cache will cache these high-frequency files in memory, then the overall access speed will be significantly improved. Improve the life of a real hard disk All hard disks have read and write life, and fast cache reduces the number of reads, which will increase the life of the hard disk. Ways to improve performance and speed We will use fast storage devices and use the optimal algorithm to optimize the access speed of slow storage devices. For example, use memory or SSD disks to optimize ordinary mechanical disks. Multiple caches - Not only is there a memory cache, but you can also use the SSD as a cache medium. Caching with SSDs is especially useful when memory is small. Keep the cache settings - Even when the computer is powered off or restarted, the cache you set up will automatically remain and work. Caching algorithm - In order to lock the data with the highest recent access frequency in memory, the algorithm we use is not only related to time but also to the frequency of access. Tech Specification System: Windows 11/10/8/8.1/7/Vista/XPSystem: Server 2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 etc.Disk Space: A minimum of 1GB of available space on the hard diskCPU: 1GHz processor or fasterRAM: equal or larger than 1GB Hard Drive:Parallel ATA (IDE/EIDE) HDD, Serial ATA (SATA/ESATA) HDD, SSD, M2 etc.USB Drive: USB 1.0/2.0/3.0, flash drive, etc.Card Storage: Memory/SD Card, CF Card, Smart Card etc.Large Storage Device: RAID, Network Attached Storage(NAS), Large-capacity Drive etc. https://katfile.com/mqjss7veyqoj/qfcs300.7z.html jelszó:3000
  7. Nitro PDF Pro Enterprise v14.34.1.0 384MB Hozz létre PDF fájlokat, szerkessz, vagy konvertáld azokat sokkal népszerűbb fájlformátumba a Nitro Pro nevű alkalmazással, rengeteg hasznos elengedhetetlen funkciót biztosít, amik mindenképp szükségesnek tekinthetőek, az adott fájl széleskörű kezeléséhez. A segítségével World, Excel, vagy képformátumokba konvertálhatja PDF fájljaid, a pdf fájlból az utólagosan hozzáadott logók és vízjelek is eltávolíthatóak vele. Nitro Pro gives you everything you need to create, convert, edit, sign, and share standard PDF files. It’s simple, straightforward, and intuitive to use – so you can work more productively, your way. With Nitro Pro you can share your files with others, no matter what platform or device they’re on, and Nitro Pro 10 makes conversion easy. FEATURES: · Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file. · Convert and merge files into a single PDF document. · Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch. · Scan paper documents to PDF. · One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. · Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs. Copying & Exporting PDF: · Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. · Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose. · Extract all text and images from PDF documents. · Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats. · Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size. Editing PDF: · Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more. · Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract. · Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution. · Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace. · Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure. · Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document. · Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents. · Add and edit bookmarks and links. · Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings. · Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers. · Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents. · Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): · Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving. · Create fully compliant PDF/A documents. · Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature. · Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode. · Flexible multi-language support. Reviewing & Marking Up PDF: · Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools. · Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations. · Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool. · Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds. · Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations. · Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages. · Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups. · Sort and manage comments. · Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more. · Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing. PDF Security: · Secure documents with passwords and certificates. · Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security. · Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents. · Create and apply re-usable security profiles. · Digitally sign and certify PDF files. PDF Forms: · Fill in, save, print and submit forms. · Design forms. · Add, edit and run javascript. What's New In-App Software Update with Automatic Check for New Versions: Nitro PDF Pro now allows for checking for new updates from within the PDF Pro application, as well as automatically checking for new updates on startup. This functionality is disabled within our Enterprise build and may be disabled for other builds. Windows 11 Compatibility: Nitro PDF Pro now supports Windows 11. IE add-in removed from .msi and .exe installers: Effective from version 14.23 onwards, the add-in for Internet Explorer will no longer be available in PDF Pro installers. Fixed Issues & Improvements: SharePoint Extension Enabled for all builds: SharePoint Online extension can be used with all build types of PDF Pro for Windows. Resolved an issue related to difficulty viewing PDF documents with graphical content created in Catia V5. Resolved an issue where data entered in AcroForm-based documents was being reset unintentionally. Resolved an issue where text in some specific documents was being rendered as random characters. Resolved an issue in which some Japanese fonts appear as squares and do not render correctly, even after the appropriate font is installed. Made improvements to resolve some instances of unwanted boxes appearing when documents are opened in PDF Pro. Improved the appearance of redaction marks when redacting multiple lines of text. To increase performance, Digital Signatures statuses may be re-validated manually and automatic revalidation occurs less frequently. Start-up performance has been improved. Issue Resolved: The ”Import Bookmarks” option in Preferences no longer disappears on mouse-over. System Requirements for Nitro Pro Enterprise Operating System: Windows 10/8/7 Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher https://katfile.com/oro3s3k621kb/npp143464e.7z.html jelszó:nitro
  8. QILING Disk Master All Edition v8.0.0.0 Build 20240616 30MB Professional - Server - Technician Fejlett partíciókezelő, rendszer és partició klónozó, biztonsági mentés készítő-helyreállító szoftver, ramdisk és secure disk opcióval rendszergazdák és technikusok számára. Az aktivált verziónak megfelelő bootolható iso vagy USB eszköz is létrehozható. QILING Disk Master Technician is complete toolkit to simplify partition manager and migrate OS and backup & recovery software for IT administrator, technicians and consultants. With simple and easy-to-use interface, anyone, even non-technical users, can protect all of critical business data in minutes to ensure business continuity without having to need an expert. In addition, It also supports checking hard disk's health, fix boot question, permanently erase sensitive data and so on. Features: RAM disk The RAM disk can improve overall system performance. The temporary files frequently accessed by system or other application, and the read and write the RAM memory speeds far greater than the real hard disk, so the RAM disk can improve overall system performance; additional hard disk, and SSD storage medium has its read and write times limit, the RAM disk improve the life of a real hard disk too. • Save RAM disk data to the file. • One key to set the temporary directory to the RAM disk. • When the system starts, the application automatically load the RAM disk. Virtual disk (Secure disk) The virtual disk utility simulates a real HDD in order to avoid data loss and to facilitate a more comfortable software testing environment. The secure disk is a compact program for creating on-the-fly-encrypted virtual disks. It helps you protect your sensitive files or data from unauthorized access with strong Encryptions. • Password protection - using 256 bit AES encryption technology. • Deduplication - make a image file smaller. • Splitting - splits disk image files. • Format it - automatically create partitions and format. • Support larger than 512-bytes sector. • Simulate real hard disk up to 4TB. Disk Backup Flexibly choose entire hard drive or separate partitions to backup, including dynamic disk volumes. The system partition will be selected by default at the first time, so one-click back up Windows, settings, applications and the files required for computer to boot. • Disk imaging - Block-level disk imaging quickly and efficiently backs up the entire disk or volumes. It can speed up the backup process of large files as it only backs up the modified blocks of data instead of the entire file. • Hot backup - Integrate with Microsoft Volume Shadow (VSS) to back up files that are in use, back up specific files and volumes without interrupting any current operations, especially for open files backup. • Sector-by-sector backup - store an exact copy of your disk or volume, including unused space, sector-by-sector backup assures you a 100% identical copy to the original. • Password protection - using AES encryption technology. • Compression - compressed backup data takes up less storage space. • Deduplication - make a backup image smaller. • Email notification - Except for checking Logs, email is a good way to let users know the result of backup plan. • Splitting - splits disk image files. • Support larger than 512-byte sector. • Support real hard disk up to 4TB. • System backup - Full system protection allows you to easily back up and recover your entire operating system when disaster happens. • Full backup - back up all the data on the selected partitions or hard disks, whether it has been backed up or not. Moreover, a full backup is the basis of incremental and differential backup. • Incremental backup - Only back up changes made since the last backup, significantly reducing backup time and storage space. • Differential backup - Only back up changes made since the last full backup, saving time and storage space. • Schedule backups - set up a schedule to back up your system and all files automatically, supporting daily, weekly, and monthly. • Backup Strategy - automatically delete the obsolete backup images based on specified value - the age and the number. • Unattended backup - Runs as a Windows service - ideal for unattended Servers. Backs up even when system logged out, slept or hibernated. Disk Recovery Recover your computer's system files and programs to an earlier state when everything was working properly. • System restore - Quickly recover your entire Windows system backup in minutes to the original or new location using a WinPE bootable media. • Data restore - Quickly recover your entire disk or parstition backup in minutes to the original or new location. • System migration - Fast, easy and safely migrate system to a SSD without reinstalling windows. • Pre-OS recovery environment - If your system won't boot, simply select QILING Disk Master from boot menu to launch Pre-OS and then recover your system. • Perfect Defrag - Quickly defrag destination partition or disk, when QILING Disk Master recover your partition. File Backup You can back up specified files, folders or file types including documents, pictures, music, emails, applications, videos and financial files, etc. with full backup, incremental backup, differential backup, schedule backup. • File backup - File-level backup allows you to selectively back up specific files, folders or file types, including network shared files. • Hot backup - Integrate with Microsoft Volume Shadow (VSS) to back up files that are in use, back up specific files and volumes without interrupting any current operations, especially for open files backup. • Password protection - using AES encryption technology. • Compression - compressed backup data takes up less storage space. • Deduplication - make a backup image smaller. • Email notification - Except for checking Logs, email is a good way to let users know the result of backup plan. • Splitting - splits disk image files. • Support backup file security. • Full backup - back up all the data on the selected files and folders, whether it has been backed up or not. Moreover, a full backup is the basis of incremental and differential backup. • Incremental backup - Only back up changes made since the last backup, significantly reducing backup time and storage space. • Differential backup - Only back up changes made since the last full backup, saving time and storage space. • Schedule backups - set up a schedule to back up your system and all files automatically, supporting daily, weekly, and monthly. • Backup Strategy - automatically delete the obsolete backup images based on specified value - the age and the number. • Unattended backup - Runs as a Windows service - ideal for unattended Servers. Backs up even when system logged out, slept or hibernated. File Recovery Recover your files and programs to an earlier state when everything was working properly. • Data restore - Quickly recover your files in minutes to the original or new location. • Selective file restore - Recover individual files and folders from a file backup image without restoring an entire image. • Pre-OS recovery environment - If your system won't boot, simply select QILING Disk Master from boot menu to launch Pre-OS and then recover your files. Comprehensive Backup Management Easily manage (view, edit, update, delete) backup job and automatically delete the out-of-date backup images, saving storage space. • Backup compression - You can back up files/volumes without compression or you can select high compression level to keep backup as small as possible. • Splitting backups - Split backup image files into different sizes to fit different storage devices. • 256 bit AES encryption - To avoid unauthorized access to your backup image, you can easily encrypt backup with 256-AES encryption algorithm. • Email notification - Notify administrator with the results of backup operations via multiple email addresses. • Pre/post commands - Define commands (scripts) to execute the commands after or before backup tasks. • Log reporting - Record and view backup task names and operations for the PCs. • Check image - Check integrity of image file and make sure the backups can be restored successfully. • Mount - You can even mount disk image as a drive in read-only mode and then copy out files/folders from it. Disk Clone Fast, easily and safely migrate system to an SSD or a bigger HDD for disk replacement or upgrade. • Backup system - Create an exact duplication of your system or data partition, and transfer it to another place. • System migration - Fast, easy and safely migrate system to a SSD without reinstalling windows. • Hot Clone - You can clone current system that is running to another location. • Perfect Defrag - Quickly defrag destination partition or disk, when QILING Disk Master clone your partition. File Zip You can back up specified files, folders or file types including documents, pictures, music, emails, applications, videos and financial files, etc. • Password protection - using AES encryption technology. • Compression - compressed backup data takes up less storage space. • Email notification - Except for checking Logs, email is a good way to let users know the result of backup plan. • Hot backup - Integrate with Microsoft Volume Shadow (VSS) to back up files that are in use, back up specific files and volumes without interrupting any current operations, especially for open files backup. • Schedule backups - set up a schedule to back up your system and all files automatically, supporting daily, weekly, and monthly. • Backup Strategy - automatically delete the obsolete backup images based on specified value - the age and the number. File Sync Transfers all the data on the volume(s) which you have selected to an other location. • Support VSS - Integrate with Microsoft Volume Shadow (VSS) to sync files that are in use, sync specific files without interrupting any current operations, especially for open files. • File copy - sync all the data on the selected files and folders, whether it has been sync or not. • File sync - Only sync changes made since the last sync, significantly reducing sync time and storage space. • Schedule sync - set up a schedule to sync your files automatically, supporting daily, weekly, and monthly. Disk Management You can create, format, delete a partition; recovery deleted partition, and so on. • Disk move/resize - Modify the location and capacity of the target partition. • Create partition - Create a partition and format it. • Format partition - Format partition feature can help free up space or fix some file system errors. • Delete partition - Delete a partition. • Set/Remove active - Set or remove active flag from MBR disk. • Partition recovery - You can recovery deleted partition. • Surface test - you can help confirm whether there are bad sectors on the target disk or partition. Advanced Tools • Mount - You can even mount disk image as a drive in read-only mode and then copy out files/folders from it. • Create bootable media - Create a WinPE-based bootable media in case of emergency, especially for system restore. • Enable PreOS - If your system won't boot, simply select QILING Disk Master from boot menu to launch Pre-OS and then recover your system. • Log reporting - Record and view backup task names and operations for the PCs. • Hard disk health - Checks the hard disk health status by using SMART and Temperature display and view hard disk detailed information. • Migrate OS to SSD/HD - You can transfer the operating system from normal hard disk to SSD/HD. • Wipe data - Permanently erase data on the disk(s) or partition(s). • File shredder - With the File Shredder you can quickly select unnecessary files and folders and destroy them permanently. Working Environment • No reboot required - Install QILING Disk Master and begin backup immediately. No need to reboot to complete the installation. • Multiple backup destinations - Store backups to multiple destinations: local hard drive, external drive, iSCSI device, NAS, DAS or network destination. • Support for latest HDD standard - Enjoy support for advanced format drive, up to 4TB and non-512B sector size drive. • Support for USB 3.0 - Manage external hard drive more effectively by using all benefits of USB 3.0 interface. • Support NAS & DAS - Work well to popular NAS products or locally attached storage. • Compatible with GPT/UEFI - Create a WinPE-based bootable media for your 64-bit Windows system resided on GPT to successfully start up PC recovery from it in case of emergency. • Pre-OS recovery environment - If your system won't boot, simply select QILING Disk Master from boot menu to launch Pre-OS and then recover your system. System: Windows 11/10/8/8.1/7/Vista/XP Server: 2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 etc https://katfile.com/h437ci2jp1xx/qdmpst80.7z.html QILING Disk Master Technician v8.0.0.0 WinPE x64 Operációs rendszernélkül futtatható bootolható lemezkép 465MB https://katfile.com/h27jjdyz0614/qsmtech80wpe64.7z.html jelszó:8000
  9. License Crawler 2.15.2842 3MB A LicenseCrawler szoftver segítségével listázni lehet a megvásárolt és regisztrált termékkulcsokat és azon programok regisztrációs bejegyzéseit. A magyar nyelv támogatott. LicenseCrawler is software scans windows system to find the product key of the software purchased and registered. This software no need to install so that you can save on a USB flash drive, external drive or storage similar, save it to any computer and run it. In addition, you can just drop application's files on any location of hard drive. Most important factor is that the Windows Registry does not receive new entries, and can't find the files, are left on the hard drive after removing the program. After a scanning session is short, you can find out the product ID, type and name, owner and serial number for each item, in addition to the date and time scanned. These details can be exported into documents plain text (. TXT), encrypted or not. The additional tools of LicenseCrawler let you encode or decode Base64, translate ASCII into decimal or hexadecimal, calculate the total MD5 or SHA2, as well as to check for lock Adobe. Moreover, you can save the configuration settings to use more, switch to a different language for user interface and view the log details. The program has a small amount won't cause damage both to the CPU and the computer's performance. https://katfile.com/rsr7pprl6w9j/licr215.7z.html jelszó:craw
  10. Barcode Studio Enterprise v16.6.3.28858 31MB A Barcode Studio segítségével gyorsan készíthet kiváló minőségű vonalkódképeket, például egyedi és soros vonalkódokat, bitképeket vagy vektorgrafikákat. Bittérkép vagy vektorgrafika A szükséges vonalkódok szerkesztése és beállítása közvetlenül a képernyőn történik, nincs szükség speciális ismeretekre. A vonalkódok kimenete a vágólapra vagy közvetlenül a nyomtatóra történik kép (BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, PNG) vagy vektorgrafika (EPS, PDF, PostScript®, SVG, AI) formájában. A generált vonalkódok azonnal felhasználhatók az Ön céljaira: a vonalkódgrafikákat képszerkesztő programokhoz, adatbázisokhoz, űrlapokhoz vagy dokumentumokhoz adhatja hozzá. Garantált vonalkódminőség A Barcode Studio által kínált különleges funkció a beépített minőségi előnézet. A várható vonalkódminőséget valós időben számítja ki a nyomtatási tűréshatár feltüntetésével a kimeneti felbontás (DPI) tekintetében. Így elkerülhetők az olvashatatlan vonalkódok. Sorszámok és adatimport A Barcode Studio számos lehetőséget kínál vonalkódsorozatok létrehozására. Automatikusan generálhat sorszámokat, vagy importálhat vonalkódadatokat külső fájlokból (TXT, CSV- fájlok). A Barcode Studio emellett egy teljes körű parancssori felületet kínál, amely lehetővé teszi a kötegelt működést (csendes üzemmód) és a harmadik féltől származó alkalmazásokba (például Oracle Reports) való integrációt. Előre konfigurált sablonok A Barcode Studio tartalmaz vonalkód sablonokat azonnali használatra az EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E és Deutsche Post Data Matrix Premiumadress kódokhoz. Ezekben a sablonokban az összes vonalkódbeállítás pontosan az előírásoknak megfelelően van előre konfigurálva. Mobil címkézés Egy asszisztens segítségével a 2D vonalkódok vonalkódadatainak bevitele jelentősen leegyszerűsödik. A mobil címkézési vonalkódok, például a LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook vagy weboldalak linkjei ugyanolyan egyszerűen generálhatók, mint a vCard vagy MeCard formátumú névjegykártyák vonalkódjai. Szükség esetén az URL-címek a Google vagy a Bitly URL-rövidítő szolgáltatásain keresztül rövidíthetők (és követhetők). Az ipari felhasználók számára az előre meghatározott alkalmazási azonosítók (AI) megkönnyítik a GS1 vonalkódok helyes létrehozását. Az adatasszisztens automatikusan gondoskodik a megfelelő FNC1 beillesztésekről. Különleges hatású vonalkódok Készítsen figyelemfelkeltő vonalkódokat pillanatok alatt: szabadon beágyazhat logókat a vonalkódképbe. Ezenkívül a speciális rajzolási effektek (például körök, lekerekített téglalapok, képek) is támogatottak. Vonalkódcímke nyomtatás A generált vonalkódok nyomtatásához a felhasználó választhat előre definiált sablonok közül, vagy igény szerint egyéni címkéket definiálhat. A Barcode Studio olyan sablonokat biztosít, mint az Avery vagy az Avery/Zweckform. Barcode Studio is available for the following operating systems: Microsoft® Windows macOS™, OS X® Linux® (UNIX® on request) changelog V16.6.3 Enhancements / Bug Fixes Command Line - Fixed multiline input when reading configuration files with UTF-16 encoding. - Fixed a problem that occurred when the output list file contained empty lines. Data Matrix Changed the default method for encoding 144x144 symbols to comply with the ISO/IEC16022 standard. TBarCode Library 11.17.1 Using TBarCode library 11.17.1 https://katfile.com/gwrm4ntwhogv/bse166.7z.html jelszó:code
  11. O&O Defrag Professional v29.1.11205 58MB Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! New: O&O Defrag supports Windows Compact OS: Many new things have been added to the O&O Defrag engine that make using it, especially under Windows 10, even better. That‘s why version 24 now supports the Windows 10-integrated feature for compressing system files so that more space can be kept free. New function “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The program selects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, slow system and program starts or system crashes while playing can be very frustrating. Periodic defragmentation often works wonders in bringing new life to a PC. New SOLID method By customer request, O&O Software has developed the defragmentation method SOLID in order to offer the user a choice adapted to his or her needs: SOLID/Complete and SOLID/Quick. Both methods sustainably extend the life of the SSD but differ in terms of the duration and protection of the hardware. O&O DiskCleaner The brand new in-built O&O DiskCleaner searches for and removes temporary and unnecessary files that are taking up memory and increasing fragmentation. O&O DiskCleaner also increases the security of your data, as private content (e.g. Thumbs.db, copies of documents, drafts of emails, Dumps) will no longer be kept as copies in unnecessary system files. Benefits of a clearly laid out hard disk Whenever it saves data, Windows scatters file fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down access times considerably. Defragmentation reverses this by rearranging data and speeding up access times dramatically. This not only saves the user time, it also reduces wear on hard disks and extends their life expectancy. Defragmentation can even make the difference if you lose important data because chances of full recovery are better on a defragmented disk. Why? After defragmentation, it’s easier for data recovery software such as O&O DiskRecovery to restore files when they’re not scattered across multiple areas of a hard disk. Automatic background defragmentation Automatic defragmentation can be configured with just three clicks and optimizes your disks behind the scenes with no negative impact on your computer’s performance. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation at a certain level of fragmentation, on particular days of the week, or whenever your screensaver is being used. Defragmentation can be paused and resumed whenever you want because O&O Defrag automatically recognizes where defragmentation was interrupted. Recommended use We recommend manual defragmentation for PCs that are being used heavily because only a user can decide when the time is right to give up the performance needed for running defragmentation. On computers using video editing or graphics applications, O&O Defrag can be configured to not start automatic optimization while certain programs are running. The default settings in O&O Defrag are more than adequate for ordinary desktop PCs running mainly internet or office applications. O&O Defrag is also perfect for notebooks. Whenever an external power supply is disconnected, O&O Defrag automatically goes into pause mode to save energy Product features: “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The programselects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system SOLID/Quick: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, performs a superficial optimization of the SSD, such as erasing the free space. This method is gentler and faster. SOLID/Complete: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, is a thorough optimization of the SSD. ClusterView with SSDs: In order to represent the degree of fragmentation of an SSD, the ClusterView now maps the logical structure of an SSD so that, accordingly, 6 blocks are combined into one. Fragment Filter to identify the most fragmented files on a drive O&O DiskCleaner Time View to see which defragmentation activity results in which successful optimization Easy-to-Use: Ideal for Beginners and Professionals Even faster system and program starts Defragmentation time reduced by up to 40% Defragmentation of locked files Lifetime Performance Statistics Optimizing systems with Thin Provisioning OS: Windows 11/10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 https://katfile.com/1oexxzhivpiq/oodp291205.7z.html jelszó:defrag
  12. MediaHuman YouTube Downloader x64 85MB Youtube hangsávok kinyeréséhez, Videók letöltéshez vagy konvertálásához. A MediaHuman YouTube Downloader letöltése után egy igen gyors, néhány kattintást igénylő telepítési folyamat következik, ezt követően a szoftver szinte azonnal használható. Letöltésre szánt videókat több módszerrel is megadhatsz a számára, vagy automatikusan beilleszted vágólapról, vagy egyszerűen fogd és vidd módszerrel ráhúzhatod a felületére. A hagyományostól eltérően sokkal kevesebb beállítást igényel, kizárólag a legfontosabb konfigurációs szervekhez biztosít hozzáférést. A MediaHuman YouTube Downloader Magyar nyelvi támogatással is rendelkezik, az URL megadása után ha szükségesnek tartod, külön címkékkel láthatod el a mentésre szánt tartalmat. A konfigurációs lehetőségeket tekintve, egyetlen kattintással választható ki hogy milyen felbontásra tartasz igényt, megadható a letöltött videó mentési útvonala, alkalmazhatsz Proxykat is. Az alkalmazás szükség esetén konvertálni is tud, ez az opció akkor lehet hasznos, ha a mentendő tartalmat mobil eszközre szánod. Ha a szóban forgó feladat során egyéb internetes tevékenységet is végre szeretnél hajtani, támogatja, hogy sávszélesség korlátozást konfigurálj a számára. Letöltésvezérlő alkalmazás YouTube tartalmak lementéséhez sávszélesség korlátozási lehetőség Proxy támogatás FullHD tartalmak lementéséhez egyszerre több hivatkozást is meg lehet adni a számára Magyar nyelv https://katfile.com/38fen86odlav/mehuyud3997.7z.html jelszó:human
  13. Dr. Hardware 2025/25.0.0 5MB A Dr. Hardware ötvözi a Windows alatti átfogó, naprakész hardverelemzést egy intelligens, jól strukturált felhasználói felülettel. Dr. Hardware combines comprehensive, up-to-date hardware analysis under Windows with a smart, neatly structured user interface. Over 30 years of experience in Hardware Analysis System requirements: from Windows XP. Optimized for Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 - Detailed analysis of processor, BIOS, cache, memory chips, chipset, PCI devices - PC health monitor including acoustic warning - Analysis of SATA, SSD, NVME, USB and SCSI devices, scanner and printer - Benchmarks (CPU, video, hard drives, CD ROM, DVD, net drives, Internet connection) - Thorough information about Windows and security aspects - Tests: System Test, Rating Test, Keyboard Test, Monitor Test - Modern design, Help and reporting function (incl. autoreport, output to printer or file) Changelog New in Dr. Hardware 2025 - Support for Intel Arrow Lake and Lunar Lake processors - Support for AMD Granite Rapids, Strix Point and Turin Ryzen and Epyc processors - various updates - Support for Intel Core Ultra Arrow Lake desktop processors - Support für Intel Core Ultra Lunar Lake mobile processors - Support for AMD Ryzen 9000 Series Processor (Granite Ridge) Zen 5 - Support for AMD Ryzen 300 Series Processor (Strix Point) Zen 5 - Support for AMD Epyc 9005 Series Processor (Turin) Zen 5/5c - Support for new Intel Raptor Lake Embedded Processors - Support for neue Intel Sapphire Rapids Xeon W Workstation Processors - Support for Intel Chipsets Z890, HM770, WM790 and W790 - Support for AMD Chipsets X870, B850 and B840 - Support for 6th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Granite Rapids) - updated support for SMBios 3.8 (Final Version) - various updates, improvements etc. Bugfix: - Support for AMD Ryzen Zen 5 Processors https://katfile.com/vyi8s85w46yk/dr2025TY.7z.html jelszó:hard
  14. GiMeSpace RAM Folder Pro 3MB GiMeSpace RAM Folder Pro makes it possible to assign folders that will only store files in the RAM memory instead of on your disk as well as providing a safe write caching for file writes. So it combines the best of both RAM disk and disk caching programs but with minimal overhead making this program even faster than those programs. The Pro version has a special option to enable smart write caching on a folder. This means that files in those folders will be written to the disk once the program has finished with them. This is useful when you want to accelerate heavy file IO and avoid needless disk access. Windows read cache is already very good, but the native Windows write cache is very conservative, always trying to write data to files as soon as possible. Windows does this to make sure your files are always up to date and you will not likely lose any data in case of a crash. There are many disk caching programs that enable write caching which greatly reduces the number of writes to your disk meaning that your SSD is not wearing out that quickly and greatly speeding up your programs. But these programs have one danger: If a program or even Windows crashes, you lose the data in the cache and even disk corruption can occur. GiMeSpace RAM Folder has a smarter way to do write caching: It never caches disk management writes or any system/kernel access. It only caches the files of your user programs. It caches the content of files until a program is completely done with it and then writes the whole file in one go to the disk. This way the chance that a file is corrupted is even lower then when you use the native Windows write caching because it ensures only the latest finalized version of the file is written to disk and not all the intermediary stages like what Windows is doing. Features The windows temporary folder is usually full of needless files that keep piling up wasting you disk space. This program can keep all of them in RAM and discard them when no longer needed. By assigning as specific folder as a RAM folder you get file access that is as fast as your RAM access which can greatly speedup certain programs including games. Because it has much smaller overhead, this program is even much faster than the fastest RAM disk programs. Tests show it is between 2x (sequential access) and 20x (random access) faster than tradition RAM Disks! Excess disk writes on a SSD disk can wear out the disk over time. This program can help you extend the life time of a SSD disk by avoiding disk writes. Some programs use your disk as external memory even if you have enough RAM available. Examples are audio/video editors and many other programs that use a lot of memory. This program will instead use your RAM and avoids needless disk access while at the same time speeding up these programs because RAM is much faster than even the fastest SSD. OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64) https://katfile.com/figrt3za5o6p/rafo223.7z.html jelszó:folder
  15. Blue Cat Audio Blue Cats PatchWork v2.60 41MB A Blue Cat PatchWork egy univerzális plug-in patchbay és multi FX, amely akár 64 VST, VST3, Audio Unit vagy beépített plug-int is képes egyetlen példányban elhelyezni bármely digitális audio munkaállomásban (DAW), soros és párhuzamos útválasztási lehetőségekkel. Lehetőség van az effektek soros láncolására vagy akár 8 párhuzamos lánc létrehozására, amelyek egymástól függetlenül aktiválhatók. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy a plug-inen belül hozza létre kedvenc effekt- vagy hangszerkonfigurációit, több busz nélkül. Ezek a konfigurációk előbeállításként menthetők és azonnal előhívhatók, vagy megoszthatók több DAW-val, bármilyen plug-in formátumban (teljes lista alább). Használja a beépített audioeffekteket, hogy színesebbé tegye saját plug-in-láncait. A név ellenére elfelejtheti a vezetékeket vagy kábeleket: a plug-inek útvonalának konfigurálása olyan egyszerű, mint egy sor vagy oszlop hozzáadása vagy eltávolítása a rack mátrixában. Minden plug-in kommunikálhat egymással vagy a gazdalkalmazással is a plug-in által kínált virtuális MIDI-portok segítségével. Az optimális működés érdekében minden egyes plug-in slothoz késleltetés-kompenzáció, preset-kezelés, visszavonás/visszavonás integráció, audio i/o kiválasztás és egyedi plug-in bypass tartozik. A plug-in az egyes plug-inek ablakának pozícióját is tárolja, így az elrendezés a munkamenettel együtt visszaállítható, illetve a presetekkel elmenthető. Blue Cat's PatchWork is a universal plug-ins patchbay and multi FX that can host up to 64 VST, VST3, Audio Unit or built-in plug-ins into any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) in a single instance, with both serial and parallel routing options. It is possible to chain effects in series or create up to 8 parallel chains that can be activated independently. This lets you create your favorite effects or instruments configurations within the plug-in, without the need for multiple busses. These configurations can be saved as presets and recalled instantly, or shared with multiple DAWs, using any plug-in format (full list below). Use the built-in audio effects to add color to your own plug-in chains. Despite the name, you can forget about wires or cables: configuring plug-ins routing is as simple as adding or removing a row or a column in the rack's matrix. All plug-ins can also communicate with each other or with the host application using the virtual MIDI ports offered by the plug-in. For each plug-in slot, latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, audio i/o selection and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation. The plug-in also stores the position of the window for each plug-in so that the layout is restored with your session or saved with presets. Also, sub plug-ins can be automated or controlled with external control surfaces using Blue Cat's PatchWork parameters mapping capabilities. This product is available as an audio plug-in (effect or a virtual instrument) and standalone application, so that it can used alone or inserted on any type of track in your favorite DAW, with up to 16 audio channels. Input and output level meters are also available to monitor the signal that is dispatched to inserted plug-ins, including side chain and aux channels. If you are looking for a multiband plug-ins host for multiband processing, check out the Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer plug-in. Also, any Blue Cat Audio plug-in is compatible and can be hosted by this software. Looking for more advanced audio routing within PatchWork? Check out Blue Cat's Connector! Copyright Note: VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Main Features: Configurable VST, VST3 or Audio Unit plug-ins rack: host up to 64 third party plug-ins or instruments in series or parallel. 30 built-in effects: Reverb, EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more. Available as an effect, virtual instrument or standalone application. Build your own effects chains: up to 8 "pre" and "post" plug-ins slots to chain plug-ins in series. Parallel processing made easy: up to 8 parallel plug-ins chains, with phase flip, solo and gain controls. Multicore processing support for parallel chains. Plug-ins Oversampling: select oversampling ratio and quality for each plug-in. Host up to 8 virtual instruments in parallel and mix them within the plug-in. Global Dry/Wet control ("Mix"). Macro controls & parameters mapping: map plug-ins parameters to automate them or use a control surface. Flexible MIDI routing: connect sub plug-ins together or with the host application. Flexible Audio routing: connect sub plug-ins i/o to any audio channel. External side chain and multiple outputs support. Link pre and post gains for automatic gain compensation. Drag and drop or cut, copy and paste plug-ins with their settings between slots. Recall complex processing setups and plug-ins layouts with one click and share them between your DAWs. Input and output levels monitoring, built-in CPU meter. Plug-ins Latency compensation. Network audio/MIDI processing server for the Connector plug-in. Supports VST Shell plug-ins. Integrated undo/redo. Blue Cat Audio Standards: Available as a standalone application and in most plug-in formats for Mac and Windows. Full MIDI control and automation support, MIDI Learn. No CPU load on idle: processing shuts down when fed with silence (optimal CPU usage). Customizable user interface with transparency & zoom. Smooth Bypass: noiseless plug-in activation / deactivation. Undo/Redo. Full featured integrated presets manager. Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances. Any sample rate supported. Windows An SSE2-enabled processor (Pentium 4 or newer). Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10. For the plug-in, any VST / AAX compatible host software (32 or 64 bit). For the standalone application, an ASIO, MME or WASAPI compatible audio interface (ASIO recommended). https://katfile.com/hbma10h439g4/bcatwork260.7z.html jelszó:audio
  16. ToneBoosters Plugin Bundle v1.9.0 661MB ToneBoosters Plugin Bundle ezek a pluginek javítják a fejhallgató reprodukciójának konzisztenciáját. Módosítja a fejhallgató hangját, hogy úgy szóljon, mint egy semleges, „stúdió referencia” fejhallgató, függetlenül attól, hogy milyen fejhallgatót használ. Ezenkívül lehetővé teszi más fejhallgató modellek szimulálását, az egyetlen előfeltétel, hogy a fejhallgatója szerepeljen a támogatott modellek széles körű listáján. Ezek az audio pluginek több mint egy évtizedes tudományos kutatáson és termékfejlesztésen alapulnak a digitális jelfeldolgozás és a hallásérzékelés területén - fejlett jelfeldolgozási technikákkal és rendkívül optimalizált, keresztplatformos megvalósításokkal kombinálva, egyszerűen használható felületekkel a munkafolyamatok optimalizálása érdekében. Mesterséges intelligencia(AI) által támogatott többsávos dinamikus equalizer és spektrumanalizátor. Magas színvonalú, selymesen sima, meleg, buja visszhang a kreatív és univerzális felhasználáshoz. Mastering minőségű kompresszió és true-peak limitáló plugin analóg telítési lehetőségekkel. ToneBoosters Plugin Bundle for Windows PC these plugins improve the consistency of headphones reproduction. It modifies the audio for your headphone to sound like a neutral, 'studio reference' headphone, irrespective of what headphones you are using. Overview of ToneBoosters Plugin Bundle Additionally, it allows you to simulate other headphone models to verify how your mix translates easily! Scientific research has shown that this process can achieve accurate results. The only prerequisite is that your headphones are included in the extensive list of supported models. These audio plugins are based on more than a decade of scientific research and product development in digital signal processing and auditory perception—combined with advanced signal processing techniques and highly-optimization cross-platform implementations with simple-to-use interfaces to optimize your workflow. Include plugins in this bundle Enhancer Equalizer Morphit Barricade ReelBus Reverb Features of ToneBoosters Plugin Bundle With ReelBus 4 it supports faithful magnetic tape recording, a tape flanger, and an echo simulator. Artificial Intelligence(AI) assisted multi-band dynamic equalizer and spectrum analyzer. High-end, silky smooth, warm, lush reverberation for creative and all-purpose use. Mastering-grade compression and true-peak limiting plugin with analog saturation options. Improve, correct, and customize your headphones - in the studio and on the go. Season your tracks with our tasty enhancer. Technical Details and System Requirements Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) Free Hard Disk Space: 800 MB or more win, Mac https://katfile.com/unsrikz2xw9w/tbpb190.7z.html jelszó:booster
  17. Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out - The Frosty Planet Pack v646843 7zip | 1140MB | kolónia menedzser, túlélő 20241213-i kiadás. Novemberi Quality Of Life update, Spaced Out, The Frosty Planet és Bionic Booster Pack dlc-k engedélyezve , achievement overlay külső program hozzáadása nélkül (custom crack vagy loader használatával) Magyarítás és Quality Of Life modok mellékelve, a dokumentumok/Klei mappába kell másolni majd játékon belül egyéni igény szerint engedélyezni. Az unlocker feloldja a premium tapétákat, tárgy skineket és az öltözékeket. In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving... It’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations: Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost. Our focus for the past few months has been on improving performance for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We’ve been tweaking, fixing and changing lots of things: not all individually noticeable, but they add up to a faster, smoother gameplay experience. You’ll also be seeing some new faces at the watercooler. Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out! This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildings—including one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption action—we’ve also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONI’s new cosmetic skins! Whew. If you’re new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the roadmap here. Brace for electrical impact: The Bionic Booster Pack is out today! This DLC brings a surge of power-themed content to the ONI universe, including new portable power banks, remote-operation buildings, bionic Duplicants, bionic boosters, robo-pilot rocket modules, an airborne work drone, new elements, 90+ new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), and more! The Bionic Booster Pack can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam, WeGame and Epic. Grab some power to-go, hook up standalone power grids in isolated corners of your colony, and manage them from anywhere on the planetoid with remote-work buildings and new bionic recruits whose idea of resting after a long shift is to practice the Zen art of microchip programming at bedtime. But when you see a Bionic Duplicant losing their cool, steer clear! Their stress response can be very...shocking. If you own more than one DLC, mix things up by using the Scramble DLC tool when making a new game! It works for The Bionic Booster Pack as well as past and future additions to the ONI universe. hat's in this DLC? Portable power banks! New power bank buildings: Compact Discharger, Large Discharger, Power Bank Recharger. New remote work buildings: Remote Controller and Remote Worker Dock. Six new Bionic Duplicants! Bionic boosters! New Stress and Overjoyed responses: Stunner, Flash Mobber, and Rainmaker. New bionic-themed buildings: Gunk Extractor and Lubrication Station. Other new buildings: Soldering Station and Data Miner. New Robo-Pilot Module for Spaced Out! and Robo-Pilot Capsule for base game. New Flydo work drone. New elements: Phyto Oil and Gunk. An exclusive new power-themed blueprints collection! ...and more! Transform your deep-space outpost into a true powerhouse with The Bionic Booster Pack! patch notes Full patch notes: Features The Bionic Booster Pack Added “Bionic” Duplicant model and six new Duplicants of this type. Added Bionic Duplicant-exclusive vital conditions: Gear Oil, Gunk, Power Banks, and Oxygen Tank. Added 16+ bionic Boosters for upgrading Bionic Duplicants' abilities and attributes. Added unique Bionic Duplicant Skill Tree. Added Bionic Duplicant-exclusive Stress response: Stunner. Added Bionic Duplicant-exclusive Overjoyed responses: Flash Mobber and Rainmaker. Added Power Banks (Metal, Eco, Uranium Ore, and Atomic) for storing electricity and powering Bionic Duplicants and Flydo. Added Power Bank Charger building for charging Eco Power Banks. Added Large Discharger and Compact Discharger buildings for discharging Power Banks into electrical grids. Added Gunk Extractor building. Added Lubrication Station building. Added Gear Balm object and Apothecary recipe. Added Data Miner building. Added Remote Worker Dock and Remote Controller buildings. Added Soldering Station building. Added Flydo robot. Added Robo-Pilot Module for Spaced Out! and Robo-Pilot Capsule for base game. New lore entries. Added 90+ new cosmetic skins Printing Pod Clothing Display Pedestals Atmo Suits Conductive wires and bridges Automation gates, wires, and ribbons Monument Parts Added new elements: Phyto Oil and Gunk. Changes and Improvements All versions Sublimating elements will consider neighboring tiles for overpressure to reduce the occurrence of runaway off-gassing. Oil Well depressurization errand is no longer dependent on input conduit being non-empty. Pressing the Research button in a fabricator sidescreen recipe now highlights the target tech in the research screen. Added current schedule shift indicator to Duplicant Errands sidescreen. The Plastic Monomer codex entry now lists the elements in the category. Egg Shell, Pokeshell Molt, and Regal Bammoth Crest are now listed in the database under Industrial Ingredients. Changed the way Duplicants with Atmo Suits find safe areas when idling. They will now move to better available cells if their idle one is inconvenient. The Overjoyed state can now be triggered at any point of the cycle, instead of only after sleeping. Probability of triggering has been adjusted to maintain a similar average occurrence. Equipment already assigned to other Duplicants is no longer shown in a Duplicant's equipment assignment sidescreen. Assignable buildings, such as beds, are still shown regardless of current assignment status. Added a "Camera: Return" button in the UI that appears whenever a user action triggers an auto camera movement, which will pan the camera back to its previous location. Small adjustments to fabricator recipe effects text indentation. Care package item benefits are shown in the care package's UI. Minor cleanup of Monument Midsection art. Minor change to Glass Forge artwork. Adjusted tinkerable user menu toggle tooltip. Adjusted Pokeshell comfortable temperature range so they are comfortable in the default ocean biome temperature. Added existing Monument Part blueprints to the Supply Closet. Outhouses now play the "folding up" animation of the "clogged sign" whenever it is unclogged. Removed power input on the Apothecary. Reduced heat generation and insulated storage. Increased the time the “Overjoyed” state will last before expiring because a Duplicant failed to find time for their Overjoyed Response. Spaced Out! only Duplicants in suits can now find a safer area to idle, when they are idling in radioactive zones. Duplicants wearing Lead Suits will now consider dangerous radiation levels when looking for a safe place to idle. The Bionic Booster Pack Added Minion Model filter toggles to Minion Selection Screen. Added Phyto Oil recipe to the Plant Pulverizer. Fixes All versions Fixed an issue with the power generated and power wasted reports. Moved Bottle Filler behind pipes on the Plumbing overlay. Door layering still needs work. Fixed stutter in Manual Generator animation and removed an unused meter symbol. Fixed Duplicant interests for Tidying and Operating displaying twice the amount of strength. Only the first interest will display the strength now. Fixed an issue where the Canister Filler building would sometimes be displayed half a tile to the right. Fixed some layering issues with the water of the Lavatory. Fixed an issue where full bottles taken from the Canister Filler or Bottle Filler sometimes got stuck as unfetchable until save/load. Fixed a bug where Duplicants wearing an Oxygen Mask were not considering heat or liquids when looking for safe places to idle. Fixed issue where changing hats multiple times in the skill screen would result in Duplicants playing the change hat animation multiple times. Fixed issue causing Microchip production at Power Control Stations to complete instantly. Fetch chores involving multiple source and destination storages will be smarter about which items to transfer. Fixed sandbox Spawner tool displaying content from DLCs not enabled in a save. Spaced Out! only Fixed an issue where the ladder on the Ladder Bed would sometimes disappear. Fixed a minor graphical issue when a Duplicant is idling with Zombie Spores. The Frosty Planet Pack Fixed an issue where the contents of a Geo Vent could save incorrectly. https://i.ibb.co/Ltshg0L/image.png MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 (64 bit) Processzor: Dual Core 2 GHz Memória: 4 GB RAM Grafika: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent) DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás - loader futtatása vagy -tetszőleges crack (experimental crack vagy custom crack) használata -OxygenNotIncluded.exe futtatása https://katfile.com/38zwtw3v1pzi/onisefronic646843.7z.html jelszó:oxygen
  18. FabFilter Total Bundle v2024.12.11 37MB A FabFilter Total Bundle egy teljes audio plugincsomag, amellyel lenyűgöző hangokat, zenéket készíthet. A zenészek, hangmérnökök és filmkészítők ezzel a lenyűgöző audioeszközkészlettel új szintű hangminőséget és zenét érhetnek el projektjeikhez. Használható DAW szoftverekkel vagy az ilyen pluginokat támogató zenelejátszókkal (pl Aimp, Tunebrowser) FabFilter Total Bundle is a complete package for creating mind-blowing sounds, music, and audios. Musicians, sound engineers, and filmmakers can achieve next-level sound quality and music for their projects with this impressive audio toolkit. This Total Bundle is a set of all FabFilter plug-ins and comes with professional EQ, reverb, compressor, multiband dynamics, limiter, de-esser and gate/expander, creative multiband distortion, delay, filter, and synthesizer plug-ins. A complete and highly professional toolkit for next-level music and sound development Got excellent ability to fulfill the needs of sound engineers, musicians, and filmmakers Gives you the freedom to select, use and edit the sound in a desired and professional way Offers EQ, reverb, compressor, multiband dynamics, limiter, de-esser, and gate/expander Provides creative multiband distortion, delay, filter, and synthesizer plug-ins Professional mixing and mastering tools Pro-Q 4 equalizer High quality EQ plug-in with perfect analog modeling, dynamic EQ, linear phase processing, and a gorgeous interface with unrivalled ease of use. Pro-R 2 reverb High-end reverb plug-in with both vintage and natural sound, musical controls, and innovations like the unique Decay Rate EQ to shape the reverb's character. Pro-L 2 limiter Feature-packed true peak limiter plug-in, with multiple advanced limiting algorithms and extensive level and loudness metering. Pro-C 2 compressor Professional compressor plug-in with versatile side chain and routing options, high-quality sound and an innovative interface. Pro-MB multiband compressor Powerful multiband compressor/expander plug-in with all the expert features you need, combining exceptional sound quality with great interface workflow. Pro-DS de-esser Highly intelligent and transparent de-essing plug-in, perfect for processing single vocal tracks as well as entire mixes. Pro-G gate/expander Highly flexible gate/expander plug-in with advanced side chain options and precise metering. Creative effect and synthesizer plug-ins Saturn 2 distortion/saturation Multiband distortion, saturation and amp modeling plug-in, with lots of modulation options. Timeless 3 delay Ultra-flexible tape delay plug-in with time stretching, top quality filters and drag-and-drop modulation. Volcano 3 filter Filter effect plug-in with smooth, vintage-sounding filters and endless modulation possibilities. Twin 3 synthesizer Powerful synthesizer plug-in with the best possible sound quality, a high quality effect section and an ultra-flexible modulation system. Basic plug-ins One synthesizer Basic synthesizer plug-in with just one oscillator, but with perfectly fine-tuned controls and the best possible sound and filter quality. Simplon filter Basic and easy to use filter plug-in with two high-quality multi-mode filters and an interactive filter display. Micro filter FabFilter Micro is the ultimate lightweight filter plug-in with a single high-quality filter including envelope follower modulation. 32-64 bit VST,VST2, VST3 64 bit CLAP and AAX plug-ins Operating System: Win 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Free Hard Disk Space: 300 MB Installed Memory: 4 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Core i5 processor https://katfile.com/oqvec798wefa/fftb241211.7z.html jelszó:filter
  19. Driver Magician 6.2 Multilingual 6MB A Driver Magician egy professzionális illesztőprogram kezelő készlet, amivel minden fontosabb művelet elvégezhető, ami ezen a területen felmerül. Azok frissítésére, biztonsági mentésükre, a régiek eltávolítására is alkalmas. Magyar nyelven is tud. Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system. Then extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. When you format, reinstall or upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the “saved†drivers just as from the original driver CD. After one system reboot, your PC will be loaded and running with the required hardware drivers. Also, Driver Magician has a built in database of the latest drivers with the ability to go to the Internet to receive the driver updates. It saves lots of time to find the correct drivers and mature drivers will obviously increase the performance of hardware. If there are unknown devices in your PC, the program helps you detect them easily and quickly with its built in hardware identifier database. Driver Magician Key features: Driver Magician Lite screenshotBack up device drivers of your computer in four modes. Restore device drivers from backup in one mouse click. Update device drivers of your PC to improve system performance and stability. Uninstall device drivers Live Update device identifier database and driver update database. Detect unknown devices. Back up more items such as My Documents and Registry. Restore more items from backup. Get detailed information of the hardware drivers. Clone all drivers to an auto-setup package (.EXE), so you can restore drivers without installing Driver Magician. changelog December 12th, 2024 device drivers software - Driver Magician Version 6.2 released 1. Add more devices in drivers update database https://katfile.com/3aiy7douusb9/drimac62.7z.html portable 15MB https://katfile.com/w2wce89gj0nz/drimac62po.7z.html jelszó:magic
  20. ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2025 v18.0.1.3997 579MB Fedezze fel kreatív oldalát az ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2025 segítségével Az ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2025 ideális eszköz fotósok és kreatívok számára, legyen szó kezdőkről vagy profikról. A legújabb mesterséges intelligencia funkciókkal ez a szoftver segít a nagyméretű fotókönyvtárak rendszerezésében, a RAW-képek pontos szerkesztésében és a többrétegű művészeti alkotások létrehozásában. Fedezze fel, hogy az ACDSee hogyan változtathatja meg kreatív útját! Az ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2025 olyan átfogó funkciókat kínál, amelyek messze túlmutatnak az alapvető képszerkesztő eszközökön. Az intelligens mesterséges intelligenciaeszközökkel, a hatékony digitális eszközkezelési (DAM) funkciókkal és a fejlett testreszabási lehetőségekkel ez a szoftver tökéletes azoknak az alkotóknak, akik a legjobbat szeretnék kihozni a képeikből. Főbb előnyök AI-alapú képszerkesztés: Javított szerkesztési sebesség és pontosság a GPU-támogatásnak köszönhetően. ACDSee AI Super-Resolution: Növelje a képfelbontást minőségromlás nélkül a részletesebb és élesebb képekért. Egyszerű maszkolás fejlesztői módban: Használjon precíz maszkolóeszközöket a célzott képbeállításhoz. Az égbolt helyettesítése: Alakítsa át a tájképeket az égbolt előre telepített vagy egyéni képekkel történő helyettesítésével. Hatékony kezelés: Kezelje egyszerűen az importálási és elemzési folyamatokat a Tevékenységkezelővel. Intelligens arcfelismerés: A program automatikusan felismeri az arcokat, megkönnyítve ezzel a kategorizálást és a címkézést. A mesterséges intelligencia (AI) ereje ACDSee2025-PD-Images-Layers-After (ACDSee2025-PD-képek-rétegek-után) Az ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2025 számos hatékony mesterséges intelligencia funkciót kínál, amelyekkel a következő szintre emelheti a képszerkesztést. Felturbózott AI teljesítmény A GPU-támogatás biztosítja, hogy az AI-alapú funkciókat, például az AI maszkolást és az AI égbolt-cserét másodpercek alatt alkalmazhassa. Szerkesztései biztonságban maradnak a Eszköz, és nem töltődnek fel a felhőbe. ACDSee AI szuperfelbontás Növelje képei minőségét a részletek elvesztése nélkül. Az AI Super-Resolution funkció élesebbé és részletesebbé teszi a fényképeket - ideális nagy formátumú nyomatokhoz vagy régebbi képek helyreállításához. Fejlett képfeldolgozás AI objektum maszkolás Pontos maszkok létrehozása néhány pillanat alatt. Az új AI Object Masking eszközzel időt takaríthat meg, és precíz eredményeket kaphat, még összetett jelenetek esetén is. AI égbolt helyettesítése Gyorsan és egyszerűen kicserélheti az eget a tájképeken. Válasszon számos égbolt sablon közül, vagy használja saját képeit a kívánt hangulat megteremtéséhez. Rétegelt képszerkesztés A rétegek, szűrők, szövegek és alakzatok támogatásával valósítsa meg kreatív ötleteit. A réteges képszerkesztő eszközök korlátlan lehetőséget kínálnak a képek tetszés szerinti átalakítására. Teljes kontroll digitális eszközei felett Digitális eszközkezelés (DAM) A hatékony DAM funkciók megkönnyítik a fényképek rendszerezését és kezelését. Az ACDSee automatikusan hozzáadja a kulcsszavakat és metaadatokat, hogy segítsen rendszerezni. ACDSee Tevékenységkezelő Egy helyen felügyelheti az összes tevékenységet, például az arcfelismerési és importálási folyamatokat. A központosított felhasználói felület áttekinthetőséget és egyszerű vezérlést biztosít. ACDSee Mobil szinkronizálás Vezeték nélküli fényképek és videók átvitele mobileszközéről a számítógépére. A szinkronizálás egyszerű egy QR-kód segítségével, és elérhető iOS és Android rendszerre is. Kényelmes váltás az Adobe® termékekről Ha az Adobe termékekről, például a Photoshop™ és a Lightroom™ programról szeretne váltani, megtarthatja teljes fotókönyvtárát anélkül, hogy újra importálnia kellene. RAW képszerkesztés - teljes körű vezérlés Intuitív RAW-szerkesztés Optimalizálja a színeket, a fényerőt és a részleteket az eredeti fájl megváltoztatása nélkül. A hatékony szín- és fénybeállító eszközökkel precíz vezérlést biztosít a tökéletes eredmény érdekében. Automatikus előretolás Ember módban Az arcok nevének automatikus hozzárendelése az Emberek módban felgyorsítja a rendszerezést és időt takarít meg a nagyméretű fényképarchívumokban. Optimalizált munkavégzés a fülekkel és gyorsbillentyűkkel Hatékony munka a fülekkel Nyisson meg több mappát egyetlen ablakban, és váltson közöttük gyorsan. Ez a funkció javítja a termelékenységet és áttekinthető struktúrát biztosít. A parancsikonok megőrzése frissítéskor Kedvenc parancsikonjai frissítéskor megmaradnak, így azonnal folytathatja a munkát - újrakonfigurálás nélkül. Processzor Intel® vagy AMD® processzor 64 bites támogatással (Intel i5 vagy jobb ajánlott) RAM 4 GB RAM (8 GB vagy több ajánlott) Grafikus memória (VRAM) 512 MB VRAM (legalább 2 GB ajánlott) Grafikus kártya DirectX 10-kompatibilis grafikus adapter (DirectX 12 12_0 vagy magasabb szintű funkcióval ajánlott) Képernyőfelbontás 1280 x 800 (1920 x 1080 ajánlott) Szabad lemezterület 4 GB szabad merevlemezterület Szoftverkövetelmények Operációs rendszer Windows® 10 (csak 64 bites verziók) és Windows® 11 Böngésző Microsoft® Edge® DirectX verzió Microsoft® DirectX® 10 vagy magasabb verzió Médialejátszó Windows Media® Player 9.0 Microsoft Office Microsoft® Office 2010 vagy magasabb verzió https://katfile.com/cuusizchagfe/apsu25v180.7z.html jelszó:photo
  21. IsoBuster Pro Enterprise x86 10MB Támogatja az összes adathordozótípust, beleértve a CD/DVD, BD/HD DVD, merevlemezek, SSD, USB flash meghajtók, Zip meghajtók, Jaz meghajtók, floppy lemezek, stb. Mentse meg az elveszett fájlokat egy rossz vagy tönkrement CD-ről, DVD-ről vagy Blu Ray lemezről. Törölt fájlok visszaállítása merevlemezről, memóriakártyáról vagy flash adathordozóról, amelyről a Windows szerint formázni kell ! Mentsd meg a fontos dokumentumokat, értékes képeket vagy videókat a családtól, az egyetlen rendszermentésed,... IsoBuster for Windows Supporting ALL types of media, including CD/DVD, BD/HD DVD, Hard Drives, SSD, USB flash drives, Zip drives, Jaz drives, floppies etc. Rescue lost files from a bad or trashed CD, DVD or a Blu Ray disc. Recover deleted files from a Hard Drive, Memory card or of from flash media that Windows says needs to be formatted ! Save important documents, precious pictures or video from the family, your only system backup,... Changes / New: Windows 11 tested, improved, ready Support for ReplayTV 1000, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3020, 3030, 3060, 4000, 4040, 4080, 4160, 4320, 4500, 4504, 4508, 4516, 4532, 5000, 5040, 5060, 5080, 5160, 5320, 5500, 5504, 5508, 5516 and 5532 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Support for ShowStopper PV-HS1000, ShowStopper PV-HS2000 and ShowStopper PV-HS3000 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Support for Thomson DTH7000 / RCA DRS7000 "Scenium" and Thomson DTH7500 / RCA DRC7005 DVR/PVR standalone Video Recorders Roxio, Prassi, Sonic *.gi image file CD-Text support Ability to keep certain attributes ('Read Only', 'System', 'Hidden' and/or 'Archive') when extracting files Ability to auto-complete a managed IBP/IBQ image file in a loop, until stopped or completed. Look for a checkbox on the various dialogs, before creating, when opening an incomplete image, after first creation or completion etc. The check box is pre-checked if this has been set in Options Read Error dialog's [Retry] button will now automatically be clicked, again and again, with a 10 second interval, so that after an error the process can continue automatically if the sector could be read afterall The [Retry] button (and hence automatic execution) is not the default button on the RETRY-SELECT-ABORT error dialog, but it can be via a setting in Options Improvements: Find orphaned/deleted PS2 MC card folders (if the PS2-MC-FAT is still OK) Also scan for PS2 APA partitions when a GPT partition scheme has already been found Append "[Deleted]" to the filename of deleted files and folders in the PS2 MC file system (if the deleted files/folders are located in a not-deleted folder) Detect PS2 APA boot.kelf files even if they're not referenced from the header Show what is selected in the Options (left pane) TreeView, even when the control is not in focus Updated a number of icons Improved algorithm to Extract while filtering only mpeg frames on DVD Improved finding all VOB files via the DVD-VFR IFO files Improved the /ef: command to incorporate wildcard search functionality to find a particular file before extracting it Improvement to make sure CUE files of CD-i discs, as created with IsoBuster, are still recognized as CD-i discs Always write out CD-Text data to the *.CUE, even if a *.CDT could be created. This way the CD-Text data is also easily readable via a text file (the *.cue) Improved detecting generic split image files based on their extension (Added *.00 and *_00.pdi variants) Added *.00 to Open Image file filter Improved *.gi parsing to deal with certain variants Improved showing file icons in the (right pane) ListView when the OS is super slow to respond Sector View now also 'understands' "start", "end", "first", "last" and "mid" to read the first, last or middle sector of the selected object Sector View "start", "end", "first", "last" and "mid" can be followed by a + or - value, which is then taken in account (e.g. "last-32" will show the 32nd sector before the Last LBA of the selected object) Improved GPT partition table parsing, making use of its backup, to still find partitions on a HDD/SSD or USB stick Use the GPT Partition Entry name/label to name partitions found via the GPT Improved ability to interrupt building a report Do not display edit window if building a report was cancelled The Pause dialog that can be called on several functions now has a checkbox to auto-resume the process again in 60 seconds Improved Progress bar behaviour Various GUI tweaks were made for best compatibility with Windows 11 Checking for errors (Surface Scan, Check if all files are physically readable) defaults to normal generic reading again instead of mostly raw reading. This makes for a more accurate real life test. Improved detecting exceptional CD media (CD-i, VCD) that needs to be read and verified raw Improved High Contrast mode (for the visually impaired), especially on Window 10 and higher Plenty of other improvements, a few changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality Various other GUI improvements Fixes: Fix when extracting Raw2User. In certain rare occassions there could be slightly more data in the file Fixed GUI issue when doing a manual retry while reading from a managed (*.ibp/ibq) image file. A new dialog would be created on every manual retry. Fixed issues that, under certain conditions, prevented a DVD IFO -VFR folder to be expanded Fixes: [IsoBuster 4.9.1] Fixed an Exception Error that could happen while parsing certain IFO file systems on DVD Fixed a Stack Overflow (IsoBuster would simply shut down) on highly fragmented files in the UDF file system https://katfile.com/ztw38dfcgkie/isbu5586.7z.html jelszó:buster
  22. Mountain Duck x64 Multilingual 60MB A Mountain Duck lehetővé teszi a szerver és a felhőalapú tárolók lemezként történő csatlakoztatását az asztali számítógépen. Nyissa meg a távoli fájlokat bármilyen alkalmazással, és dolgozzon úgy, mint egy helyi köteten, a fájlok szinkronizálása nélkül. A Cyberduck szilárd nyílt forráskódú alapjára építve az összes főbb protokollt támogatja, így szinte bármilyen szerverhez csatlakozhat, beleértve az FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Azure Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Backblaze B2 és OpenStack Swift szervereket. Fájlok átvitele a Finder segítségével távoli szerverekre, gyorsan. A magyar nyelv támogatott. Mountain Duck lets you mount server and cloud storage as a disk on your desktop. Open remote files with any application and work like on a local volume without synchronising files. Based on the solid open source foundation of Cyberduck, all major protocols are supported to connect to just about any server you want, including FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Azure Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Dropbox, Backblaze B2 & OpenStack Swift. Transfer files using Finder to remote servers, fast. Mountain Duck is a nifty app that can make it a lot easier to manage your cloud storage accounts and FTP, SFTP or WebDAV servers, as it enables you to mount them as local volumes and transfer files using Finder. The application is very easy to use and runs in your menu bar, allowing you to quickly connect and disconnect from various storage services. Mount remote storage servers as standard Finder volumes, for easy browsing and file transfers Mountain Duck is especially useful if you need to manage multiple servers or cloud storage services at once, as switching between several interfaces can become confusing and hinder your workflow. Once you have added them as bookmarks in Mountain Duck, however, they can be accessed just like any other local volume, so that Finder can be used whenever you want to browse their contents or copy files. Useful tool that supports numerous popular file transfer protocols Mountain Duck does not limit you to a single connection, as you can add as many servers or cloud storage accounts as you wish. It supports FTP, SFTP, WebDav, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and OpenStack Swift. Configuring each bookmark is not at all difficult, provided you know the server address and the required username and password. Unobtrusive menu bar app that is always close by when you need it Your bookmarks can be configured and accessed from Mountain Duck's menu bar icon whenever you want to disconnect from a server, open its volume in Finder or remove it altogether. Moreover, the app displays a detailed history of all past connections, and allows you to enable or disable Bonjour notifications. All in all, Mountain Duck is a handy utility that could prove to be invaluable for users who commonly manage multiple remote storage servers, as it enables you to mount them as local volumes, and browse their contents or transfer files using Finder. Changelog Version 4.17.0 05 Dec 2024 Bugfix Save temporary files in cache location set in Preferences → Sync Bugfix Access denied notification opening read-only file Bugfix Multipart uploads fail to buckets with '.' character in name (S3) (#16401) Bugfix Do not require GroupMember.Read.All permission (Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint) (#16564) Bugfix Do not require storage.buckets.list permission to access bucket (Google Storage) (#16565) Bugfix Test credentials using sts:GetCallerIdentity (AWS S3) (#16565) Bugfix Files not removed in vault when deleting folder (Cryptomator) (Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, WebDAV, SMB) (#14101) Bugfix Access files with double-byte character in key (S3) (#13407) Bugfix No previous versions in Info → Versions (Google Storage) Bugfix Favourite item in Finder sidebar not removed for open connections when quitting application (macOS) https://katfile.com/0rgpnmenjkh4/modu41764.7z.html jelszó:duck
  23. Adguard Premium v7.19.0 build 4853 48MB Adguard Premium v7.19.0 b4853 + Adguard Trial Reset Az AdGuard megbízható és kezelhető védelmet nyújt Önnek, amely azonnal és az Ön részvétele nélkül kiszűri a betöltődő weboldalakat. Az AdGuard eltávolítja az összes zavaró hirdetést, blokkolja a veszélyes weboldalak betöltését, és nem engedi, hogy bárki nyomon kövesse az Ön internetes tevékenységét. Az általános reklámblokkolók böngészőbővítményként vannak implementálva, míg az AdGuard hálózati szinten működik, és nem vonatkozik rá minden olyan korlátozás, amelyet a böngésző a bővítményeire szab. Az AdGuard funkciói: Hirdetési és nyomkövetési kérések blokkolása, Az oldal kozmetikai feldolgozása, Webhely HTML kód szűrése, Minden böngésző támogatása, Védelem a rosszindulatú hirdetésekkel szemben, Hirdetések szűrése olyan alkalmazásokban, mint a Skype és az uTorrent, és még sok más. Mit tud az AdGuard? - Hirdetésblokkoló. Mindenféle hirdetés blokkolása, a háttérben zajló forgalom kiváló minőségű szűrése. A hirdetések eltávolítása még azelőtt, hogy az oldalak betöltődnének a böngészőben. - Böngészés biztonsága. Védelem az adathalász és rosszindulatú weboldalak ellen. Az AdGuard adatbázisaink segítségével minden oldalt ellenőriz rosszindulatú tartalmakra, és blokkolja a potenciálisan veszélyes oldalak kéréseit. - Lopakodó üzemmód. Ez a modul nem engedi, hogy bárki nyomon kövesse az Ön internetes tevékenységeit. Harmadik féltől származó cookie-k blokkolása, IP-cím elrejtése és egyéb funkciók a személyes adatok védelme érdekében. - Szülői felügyelet. A gyermekek online védelme. Blokkolja a nem megfelelő webhelyekhez való hozzáférést, eltávolítja az obszcén anyagokat a keresési eredményekből és még sok más. Miért az AdGuard? - Az AdGuard minden böngészőben működik. Safari, Chrome - nevezd meg, amit akarsz. Nincs kivétel. - Könnyen telepíthető. Néhány kattintás, és a számítógépét máris megvédi a reklámoktól. Nem kell túlbonyolított beállításokkal küszködnie - csak szörfözzön a neten, és az AdGuard elvégzi az összes munkát. - Videóhirdetések blokkolása. Bármilyen videohirdetés, bármilyen webhelyen - az AdGuard blokkolja. - Alkalmazásszűrés. Az AdGuard blokkolja a hirdetéseket, bármilyen fajtát, és nemcsak az összes böngészőben, hanem a programokban is! Még a Windows UI alkalmazásokban (Windows Store-ból származó alkalmazások) is. - Az AdGuard intuitív és egyszerű felhasználói felülettel rendelkezik, olyan kiegészítő funkciókkal, mint az AdGuard Assistant, a Szűrőszerkesztő és a Szűrési napló. - Naponta frissített reklámszűrők és adathalász adatbázisok. A magyar nyelv támogatott. Hirdetésblokkolás Az AdGuard hirdetésszűrő mindenféle hirdetést blokkol. Felugró ablakok, videohirdetések, szalaghirdetések és hasonlók — ezek mind eltűnnek. Az észrevehetetlen, háttérben történő szűrés és kozmetikai feldolgozás eredményeképpen csak tiszta oldalakat fog látni, azt a tartalmat, amit keresett. Biztonságos webes szörfözés Védelem az adathalászat és a veszélyes webhelyek, valamint a rosszindulatú hirdetések ellen. Az AdGuard minden oldalt megvizsgál az adatbázisunk alapján, hogy nincs-e benne rosszindulatú tartalom, és blokkolja a potenciálisan veszélyes lekéréseket. Adatvédelem Az AdGuard küzd mindenféle nyomkövető és elemző rendszerrel, amelyek Ön után kémkednek. A program blokkolja a harmadik féltől származó sütiket, elrejtheti az IP-címét, és rengeteg egyéb funkcióval rendelkezik az Ön személyes adatainak védelme érdekében. Szülői felügyelet Az AdGuard védi gyermekeit az online térben. Letiltja a nem megfelelő weboldalakhoz való hozzáférést, eltávolítja az obszcén anyagokat a keresési eredményekből, és a szülők számára testreszabható tiltólistát biztosít, hogy gyermekeik számára a legbiztonságosabb webes élményt szabhassák. Védje adatait Manapság az interneten szinte minden megpróbálja ellopni az adatait. Az AdGuard rendelkezik egy olyan dedikált modullal, amely megakadályozza ennek bekövetkezését. Álcázza magát online Az online profil egyszerű elrejtése helyett megváltoztathatja azt oly módon, hogy valaki másként jelenjen meg, és névtelenül böngészhessen. AdGuard is the world's most advanced Internet filter and ad blocker. AdGuard provides you with a reliable and manageable protection that immediately and without your participation filters the loading web pages. AdGuard removes all the annoying ads, blocks loading of dangerous websites, and will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet. Common ad blockers are implemented as browser extensions, while AdGuard works on a network level and is not subject to all limitations which a browser impose on its extensions. AdGuard features Blocking of ad and tracking requests, Cosmetic processing of the page, Website HTML code filtering, Support for all browsers, Protection from malicious ads, Ad filtering in applications like Skype and uTorrent and a lot more. What can AdGuard do? - Ad Blocker. Blocking of all kinds of ads, high-quality filtering of traffic on the background. Ads are removed even before pages are loaded in the browser. - Browsing Security. Protection from phishing and malicious websites. AdGuard checks every page for any malicious content using our databases, and blocks requests from potentially dangerous ones. - Stealth Mode. This module will not allow anyone to track your activities on the Internet. Blocking of third-parties cookies, hiding IP address and other features for protection of your personal data. - Parental Control. Protection of children online. Blocks access to inappropriate websites, removes obscene materials from search results and much more. Why AdGuard? - AdGuard works in all browsers. Safari, Chrome — you name it. No exceptions. - Easy to install. A couple of clicks, and your PC is protected from ads. You don’t have to struggle with overcomplicated settings — just surf the net and AdGuard will do all the work. - Blocking video ads. Any video ad, on any site — AdGuard will block it. - Application filtering. AdGuard blocks ads of any kinds and not only in all browsers, but in programs as well! Even in Windows UI applications (apps from Windows Store). - AdGuard has intuitive and simple UI with such additional features like AdGuard Assistant, Filter editor and Filtering log. - Daily ad filters and phishing databases updates. Changelog Improvements Incorrect translation of Fanboy's Annoyance List description #5423 Fixes “Allow app usage access” popup does not disappear after enabling the corresponding switch in the system settings on Android 9 #4906 Almost all apps are no longer logged as filtered #5426 Cursor barely visible at search bars in the Dark theme #5397 Enabling/disabling the switch “Trusted filter” doesn’t make protection restart #5202 Incorrect error message when trying to send a report with an invalid email on the Report a bug screen #5160 Magenta color of AdGuard notification if protection is paused #5449 Routing for problem apps in groups is enabled when you turn on this option for problem-free apps #4918 TCP keepalive for outgoing sockets screen doesn't scroll #5415 The user rules are positioned in the middle of the editor #5422 Translations are missing for Annoyances blocking notice #5388 The app crashes when Android WebView is unloaded #5521 Other it.labfabrici.hub does not work when protection is working #5284 https://katfile.com/7l99g7308vj3/adp719.7z.html jelszó:guard
  24. Revo Uninstaller Pro v5.3.4 7zip | 18MB | rendszereszköz A Revo Uninstaller Pro a népszerű programeltávolító szoftver prémium változata, ami többek között telepítésfelügyeleti szolgáltatást, Autorun Managert, böngésző, illetve rendszerpucoló funkciót is tartalmaz. Maradéktalanul távolítja el a régi programjaidat. Újdonságok a Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.3.0 verziójában Improved - Listing of Windows Apps Improved - Support of network locations for data storage Továbbfejlesztve - Visszamaradt elemek felkutatási algoritmusának javítása Kisebb hibajavítások Frissített nyelvi fájlok General Added – Uninstall History module to keep track of all completed uninstall operations Added – Dark mode to the user interface (UI) of Revo Uninstaller Pro Added – Customization options for most colors in the user interface (UI) Added – Export/import option for the settings of Revo Uninstaller Pro Added – Option for automatic silent update in background and update from command line Added – Revo Uninstaller Pro support for long paths when the OS supports it Uninstaller Added – Capability to uninstall programs and Apps installed for standard (non-admin) users Added – Capability of scanning all Windows accounts for leftovers during an uninstallation of program or App Added – Multiple (batch) uninstallation of Windows Apps and Browser Extensions Added – Summary pages to show detailed results from uninstall operations Added – Command-line support for Windows Apps and Browser Extensions Added – Show number of selected items in status bar Added – Option during regular uninstall command all leftovers to be deleted automatically Added – "Reset", "Reset Windows Store Apps" and "Terminate" commands to the context menu of Windows Apps Added – Possibility for easier multi-selection of apps and browser extensions using checkboxes Improved – User interface of Uninstalling wizard Redesign and Improved user interface and logic of Quick Uninstall Improved – Scanning and loading of leftovers speed when uninstalling large programs by 30-50% Improved – Leftover scanning algorithms for programs and Windows apps Redesigned and improved the algorithms and the user interface of Quick Uninstall feature Autorun Manager Improved – AutoRun Manager to list startup Windows Apps Windows tools Added – Added three new tools to the Windows Tools module DISM to repair image of Windows 10 and up Flush DNS cache DirectX info and diagnostic Added – Added option for users to add their own tools Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer easily! Even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet. Revo Uninstaller is a much faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Programs and Features (Add or Remove Programs)" applet! It has very powerful features to uninstall and remove programs. Main features of Revo Uninstaller: Uninstaller Forced Uninstall Real-Time Installation Monitor Multi-Level Backup System The other levels of the backup system are Hunter Mode Junk Files Cleaner Windows Tools Autorun Manager Browsers Cleaner MS Office Cleaner Windows Cleaner Evidence Remover Unrecoverable Delete System requirements: 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 and Windows Server Editions, 512MB RAM, 65MB HDD Free Space, 800MHz Pentium-Compatible CPU https://katfile.com/shej5xs02m12/rup534.7z.html Portable 22MB https://katfile.com/q6ingvav7gio/rup534po.7z.html jelszó:revo
  25. WinToUSB v9.4 All Editions Multilingual 32MB Enterprise / Professional / Technician az aktivált verziót a patch vagy crack határozza meg A program segítségével, néhány egyszerű lépésben, hordozható Windows telepítést készíthetünk (Windows 11/10/8/7/vista/2019/2016/2012/20081 operációs rendszerekhez), windows telepítőt hozhatunk létre USB meghajtóra, klónozhatjuk is a telepített rendszerünket USB meghajtóra vagy akár egy önállóan futtaható WinPE környezetet is rátrehetünk az USB stickre. A magyar nyelv támogatott. WinToUSB (also called Windows To USB) is the best free Windows To Go (WTG) Creator which allows you to install and run a fully-functional Windows on external hard drive, USB flash drive or Thunderbolt drive. It is so easy and efficient, with just 3 steps and a few minutes, you can create your first portable Windows 11/10/8/7 or Windows Server directly from an ISO, WIM, ESD, SWM, VHD, VHDX file or CD/DVD drive, or you can clone existing Windows installation to USB or Thunderbolt drive as portable Windows. WinToUSB also supports creating Windows installation USB flash drive from Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows Server installation ISO, with it you can install Windows from the USB flash drive easily. Windows To Go (Portable Windows) Creator WinToUSB allows you to install & run fully-functional Windows on an external HDD/SSD, USB flash drive or Thunderbolt drive, which means you can carry the portable Windows drive to anywhere and use it on any computer. Use any version of Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows Server to create Windows To Go Workspace Creation of Windows To Go from an ISO, WIM, ESD, SWM, VHD(X) image file or CD/DVD drive Clone existing Windows installation to USB drive or Thunderbolt drive as portable Windows Creation of Windows To Go on Non-Certified Windows To Go drive Hot clone Windows without restarting the source computer to be cloned Create BitLocker encrypted Windows To Go WorkspaceNew Support for creating VHD/VHDX-based Windows To Go Workspace Windows Installation USB Creator WinToUSB releases a feature called "Windows Installation USB Creator" which allows you to create a Windows installation USB flash drive from a Windows 11/10/8/7/vista/2019/2016/2012/2008 installation ISO file with a few simple steps, with this feature you can create a bootable Windows installation USB drive to install Windows on both Traditional BIOS and UEFI computers by using the same USB drive. Windows PE Bootable USB Creator WinToUSB also supports creating a bootable Windows PE USB drive, it can help you transfer the contents of a Windows PE image to a USB drive and make the USB drive bootable. WinToUSB 9.4 changelog: Support for creating Windows To Go and Windows Installation USB drive with Windows 11 ARM64 ISO Download Official Windows 11 ARM64 ISO file from Microsoft Fixed issues related to downloading official Windows ISOs from Microsoft Slovak language support Fixed some bugs to improve product quality https://katfile.com/p554aw7rk3pz/wtu94.7z.html jelszó:9400
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