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  1. The Universim v1.0.00.46191 2486MB (6417MB) | kolónia menedzser 20240127-i kiadás. Gépi fordítás mellékelve, az eredeti fájlról csinálj másolatot. Achievement rendszer és a The Universim - Collector's Edition Bundle (Vol 1) DLC hozzáadva. A The Universim egy a játékost isteni bőrbe bújtató menedzserjáték, amiben egy istent alakítva kell egy véletlenszerűen generált bolygó lakóit "felnevelnünk". Az emberek, azaz, ahogy itt hívják őket, a nuggetek mindenféle földi jóságért (házak, eszközök, egészség, stb) manát adnak, amitől növekszik isteni hatalmunk. A civilizáció persze előbb-utóbb belép az űrkorszakba, eljut oda, ahová nugget még nem merészkedett, ám megeshet, hogy ott valami más várja, ami előtte már odamerészkedett és nem feltétlen barátságos. Jump straight into managing your own planets as you guide a civilization through the ages. Build the ultimate empire in The Universim, a new breed of God Game in development by Crytivo. Guide your fledgling sentient species (lovingly called “nuggets”) from Stone Age cave painters to star-faring explorers. Wield godly power Command more than 15 godly powers to guide, protect — or discipline — your followers. Create devastating tornadoes, smite naughty followers with lightning bolts, or shake and sunder the very earth. Watch your Nuggets grow and thrive Observe Nuggets' every move as they work and fight to survive. Evolve and advance through the ages Research more than 200 technological and societal advancements. Expand your power and colonize the galaxy Discover and colonize a galaxy of procedurally generated planets, each with unique ecosystems and challenges to conquer. Manage delicate ecosystems Manage the delicate balance of planetary ecosystems to help nuggets thrive. Your decisions and your followers’ ' actions influence global climates and have real environmental consequences. (Try not to kill them in an ecological disaster — well, unless you want to, of course.) Delve into the deeper mystery of your existence Unravel the layers of a deeper cosmic story that challenges your perception of who and what you are — and reveals unexpected twists! About This Game: The Universim is a strategy city builder game with “God” elements where you guide a civilization (Nuggets) from the Stone Age to the Space Age. Manage resources, dynamic challenges, and ensure your Nuggets can survive, thrive, and spread to the stars. The Universim features more than 200 research perks that will help you to shape your civilization. Be as benevolent or malevolent as you like to drive nuggets to evolve, advance, and expand. (Even the best civilizations need an occasional smiting). Every planet in The Universim is procedurally generated and offers unique characteristics and challenges, ensuring that every world and every game is unique and engaging. Ecological balance and resource management are critical to success. Nuggets have their own needs and behaviors you must attend to. Your guidance will shape how they deal with conflicts, natural disasters, alien creatures, and other civilizations. Their growth and evolution depends on you! MINIMUM: Op. rendszer *: Windows 7 64 bit or Higher Processzor: 2.6 Ghz - 4 Cores Mid Range CPU or Higher Memória: 16 GB RAM Grafika: GTX 780/880M/960/1050Ti/1660/2060 or AMD R9 290 / RX 570. Intel Graphics not supported. Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: Op. rendszer *: Windows 7 64 bit or Higher Processzor: 6 or 8+ Physical cores CPU @ 3.5GHz+ Memória: 32 GB RAM Grafika: GTX 980/1070/2070/3060 or RX Vega 64/5700/6800 or better Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely -kibontás -the universim.exe https://frdl.to/4jwam5xnbpo8/uni.7z.001.html https://frdl.to/e289f491dg17/uni.7z.002.html https://frdl.to/pta3uxxnwivv/uni.7z.003.html https://frdl.to/o7nn1b9gqse6/uni.md5.html jelszó:universim
  2. Runtime GetDataBack Pro v5.63 + portable 7zip | 16MB Adat-visszaállító szoftver. Villámgyors megoldás NTFS, FAT, exFAT, EXT, HFS+ és APFS rendszerekhez. Állítsa vissza elveszett adatait most. Our flagship product GetDataBack Pro is the most powerful Data Recovery software. Lightning fast, for NTFS, FAT, exFAT, EXT, HFS+, and APFS. Recover your lost data now! Highlights Recover ALL your drive's data Restore file names and directory structure Safe, read-only design Intuitive user interface Lightning-fast operation Supports all hard drives, SSD, flashcards, USB Native 64-bit application under 64-bit Windows Recovery of very large drives Redesigned and rewritten, using the newest technologies Supports Windows NTFS, FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT Supports Linux EXT, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4 Supports Apple HFS+, APFS Free to try Free lifetime updates with purchase Run GetDataBack from the Runtime Live CD or a WinPE Boot Medium Redesigned and Rewritten GetDataBack Pro is a completely redesigned and rewritten Data Recovery solution for Windows, Mac, and Linux file systems. Our developers have combined decades of data recovery experience with the newest technologies. GetDataBack Pro Data Recovery GetDataBack Pro: Select drive or image GetDataBack Pro runs as a native 64-bit application under 64-bit Windows. Thus is can take full advantage of the x64 CPU. GetDataBack Pro is now faster and can handle huge drives. Under 32-bit Windows, GetDataBack runs the 32-bit version. GetDataBack Pro's clean interface guides you to your lost data and lets you recover it with just one click. GetDataBack Pro is the data recovery solution for professionals as well as inexperienced users. Start your data recovery now, no manual to read, no ostentatious options, no kidding. GetDataBack Pro combines recovery capabilities for NTFS, FAT, exFAT, EXT, HFS+, and APFS. You do not need to find out beforehand which files system your drive uses. GetDataBack Pro's recovery engine internally utilizes four distinguished sophistication levels that automatically escalate until it achieves good results. Free lifetime update promise GetDataBack comes with free updates for the lifetime of the software. Unlike competitors who require you to buy a new version every year, our first GetDataBack customers from 2001 are still enjoying the latest versions of our software! Customers who bought GetDataBack for FAT, GetDataBack for NTFS, or GetDataBack Simple in the past can use their existing license key for GetDataBack Pro. GetDataBack is more than an un-deleter or a system restore GetDataBack Pro recovers your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, directories, or other system areas are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted or re-partitioned, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, or files were accidentally deleted. GetDataBack Pro can recover your data if the operating system no longer recognized the drive. GetDataBack Pro works on hard drives, SSD, flashcards, USB sticks, etc. Get everything back, the safe, secure, and fast way GetDataBack Pro Data Recovery GetDataBack Pro: Recovered files in Explorer-style window Advanced algorithms put files and directories together as they were, restoring file names correctly. GetDataBack employs several approaches to your data, depending on the actual condition of the drive. Four different escalating sophistication levels ensure the recovery of your files. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will not attempt to "fix" or write to the drive you are about to recover. GetDataBack Pro's user interface is intuitive. It enables even inexperienced users to conduct their data recovery with just one click. Not only does GetDataBack Pro recover your data. It does it quickly. The first sophistication levels recover large drives in seconds or minutes. Copying the recovered data to another medium is similar to the speed of regular file copy operations. System Requirements: 4 GB RAM, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 32 or 64 bit https://katfile.com/ebssmuua3ik9/rugeda563.7z.html Portable https://katfile.com/ecjrp21tzksk/rugeda563po.7z.html jelszó:Runtime
  3. CAD Exchanger Lab 3.24.0 94MB (99MB) CAD, BIM és 3D adatok megtekintése, konvertálása és elemzése Töltse be és konvertálja a modelleket Windows, Mac és Linux rendszereken anélkül, hogy drága CAD-rendszerekkel kellene foglalkoznia. Dolgozzon a CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, STEP, JT, IFC és sok más formátummal. View, Convert and Analyze CAD, BIM and 3D data Load and convert models on Windows, Mac and Linux without having to deal with expensive CAD systems. Work with CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, STEP, JT, IFC and many more formats. Perfect for Your 3D Data Workflow Connect different software Exchange data between incompatible 3D and CAD software. Get a productivity boost with fast and accurate conversions. Design review Study designs made in any major CAD package: explore structure and properties, sectioned and exploded views. Model inspection Inspect models' dimensions and mass properties, perform measurements to compare against manufactured samples. CAD data preparation Convert models to standard formats, generate fine-tuned meshes from CAD geometry for downstream applications. Supported formats Neutral formats 3D PDF Collada glTF OBJ STEP USD 3DS DXF IGES PLY STL VRML 3MF FBX JT PRC U3D X3D Kernel formats ACIS Open CASCADE Parasolid Rhino Native formats CATIA V5 CATIA V6 (3D XML) DWG Inventor PTC Creo Siemens NX Solid Edge SOLIDWORKS https://katfile.com/u5t68mt8gekb/cadex324.7z.html jelszó:v324
  4. MiPony v3.3.0 Pro + DataBase 215 7zip | 21MB (27MB) MiPony v3.3.0 Pro with DataBase 215 Sokoldalú letöltésvezérlő ami a directlinkektől kezdve a youtube és torrent tartalomakon át a titkosított linkes és debrid oldalakig a támogatja a letöltést, utóbbiaknál kezeli a prémium fiókokat is. A legfissebb adatbázis mellékelve. A magyar nyelv támogatott. With this download manager you will enjoy comfortable features when it comes to downloading files by avoiding host sites inconveniences. Mipony is in charge of everything, it accesses the web where the file is hosted, it waits the required time and starts downloading them one by one. Put the addresses of the files in Mipony and the program will be in charge of everything to have the files downloaded as fast as possible. Mipony's features: Fully AUTOMATIC download. It optimizes your connection. Works with PREMIUM accounts. Pro features Unlimited torrents download No ads (pop ups and banners) Download videos in high quality Download only audios "Browse and download" is optional Home Page customizable Download attempts If by any chance the file shows an error during the download, Mipony will be in charge of performing the necessary attempts automatically until the file is downloaded. Continuous download Once the link has been added to the download list, the files will be downloaded while you navigate and if you close the download program, the downloads will be restarted when you start the program again. Update of the data base of supported sites Automatic update of the data base with the sites supported. Mipony updates automatically to keep working with files download sites and it is constantly adding new sites to the supported websites. See the sites supported Unrestrictors supported Mipony manages "unrestrictor" servers like Alldebrid, Realdebrid, etc. It also supports "link encryption" sites, after adding "encrypted" links Mipony will access the files. Mipony 3.3.0 DB215 January 22, 2024 List of changes: -Updated Google Drive. -Updated Fireload. -Updated Fikper. -Updated wetransfer. -Updated ddownload. https://katfile.com/8lb2l48lufop/mipo3315.7z.html Portable 13MB (42MB) https://katfile.com/8hfhucf0cjrd/mipo3315po.7z.html jelszó:pony
  5. JoyToKey v6.9.3 3MB Szeretnéd élvezetesebbé tenni a számítógépes játékélményeket, de nem tudod, hogy hogyan? A JoyToKey segítségével ez egészen egyszerűen megoldható. Telepítsd, majd vedd kezedbe kedvenc kontrollered és élvezd ki még ma a program által nyújtott előnyöket. A JoyToKey nevezetű kontroller átalakító program lehetővé teszi a játékvezérlők számára azt, hogy leutánozzák a billentyűzet és az egér bemenetét, így a számítógépes játékokat kedvenc játék kontrollerünkkel is irányíthatjuk. Akármikor megnyomunk egy gombot a joycstick-en, azt a program átalakítja billentyűvonatkoztatássá, illetve egérmozdulattá, így a vezérlőnk úgy fog működni, mintha csak a billentyűk segítségével irányítanánk a játékokat. A JoyToKey Windows 7, 8 és 10 operációs rendszerrel rendelkező számítógépeken telepíthető. Tartalmazza portable verziót is. JoyToKey Version 6.9.3 Released Version 6.9.3 is a bug fix for 6.9.2, which included the following change(s): For those who have trouble displaying UNICODE arrow characters (such as "←") in certain PC environments, an alternative build is now provided which only uses ASCII characters. Added a task tray right-click menu "Reset main window position to (0,0)". This can be useful in case JoyToKey window is lost somewhere and you want to forcibly bring it back to the screen. Renamed and re-ordered the right-click menu items during button assignment Several bug fixes https://katfile.com/aqzd1t779uj3/jtk693.7z.html jelszó:joy
  6. Bitsum ParkControl Pro Multilingual 4MB A "magparkolás" egy alvó állapot (C6), amelyet a legtöbb újabb x86-os processzor és a Windows újabb kiadásai támogatnak. A Core Parking dinamikusan letiltja a CPU-magokat, hogy energiát takarítson meg üresjáratban. A letiltott magok újra bekapcsolódnak, amint a CPU-terhelés ismét növekszik. Ez a technológia nagyon hasonlít a frekvenciaskálázáshoz, mivel a CPU-t üresjáratban igyekszik visszafogni. A probléma az, hogy a Window alapértelmezett energiaprofiljai túlságosan agresszívan vannak beállítva a magok parkolását illetően. Érdekünk az energiatakarékosság volt, még akkor is, ha ez a teljesítmény csekély mértékű csökkenésével járt. Számos összetett paraméter szabályozza, hogy egy magot mikor kell parkolni, és a Microsoft erősen az energiatakarékosságra hangolt. A Windowsban a magok parkolási beállításai a teljesítménytervek (más néven teljesítményprofilok) paramétereiként vannak megvalósítva. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például letilthatja a magok parkolását a Nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági terv esetében, de a többi terv esetében engedélyezve hagyhatja. És a legtöbb felhasználó pontosan ezt a módosítást szeretné elérni: a parkolást csak a nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági tervekben kell kikapcsolni. Introduction to CPU Core Parking CPU Parking is a low-power sleep state (C6) supported by most modern processors and operating systems. It dynamically disables CPU cores in an effort to conserve power when idle. Unfortunately, this power saving comes at a price: Latency when CPUs need unparked to execute code. Initially, core parking was controlled entirely by the operating system. The aggressive core parking of Windows led to a great deal of inefficiency during bursting CPU loads. Intel moved core parking control onto the chip in the Skylake generation, and AMD followed, but still the parameters of the Windows power plans are set to aggressively park CPU cores. Even the default ‘High Performance’ power plan is not immune. The new ‘Ultra Performance’ power plan copies what Bitsum did with our own ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ power plan and finally disables core parking entirely. ParkControl (and Process Lasso) not only let one more easily configure CPU core parking and frequency scaling, but also allow for dynamic entrance into a higher performance power plan. For instance, with Process Lasso, you can automatically enter ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ will you start a game, then go back to ‘Balanced’ when you exit. ParkControl has Dynamic Boost to allow you to set active and idle power plans. Process Lasso has a similar feature with its IdleSaver. Efficacy Empirical evidence shows that disabling core parking can make a real difference in system performance. There are many factors that will determine precisely how effective it will be for a given situation. However, generally, Windows is too aggressive in its core parking, resulting in high latency during bursting CPU loads, stemming from the CPU cores needing to be unparked to handle the load. Since bursting CPU loads are the most common type for many workloads, core parking can be a substantial drag on system performance and responsiveness. How to Restore Defaults Any changes you make with ParkControl are easily reverted. To restore the default power plan settings: Click ‘Power Options’ in the ParkControl app Select the Power Profile you modified Click ‘Restore default settings for this plan’ Repeat for all modified power plans ParkControl – Tweak CPU Core Parking and More ParkControl is free software to display and tweak CPU core parking settings in real-time, among other features. Tame unruly background processes Set persistent CPU affinities and priorities Automate power plans Changelog: v5.0.0.34 – Jan 22, 2024 Add Dark Mode Minor fixes and enhancements (1) Add Dark Mode (11) Remove updater options from tray menu (11) Add Updates app submenu and 'Check for Updates' menu item (15) Cosmetic and string changes (21) Add Help menu, About dialog, and move Updates submenu (29) Add menu item to activate ParkControl Pro (31) Fix inconsistent BHP install link when experimental option 'Always show BHP' is used https://katfile.com/wten6rtq3ycj/parco534.7z.html jelszó:5034
  7. RoboQuest v1.1.0 5364MB 20240109-i kiadás, artbook és zenei DLC (mp3,wave) mellékelve Roboquest egy gyors roguelite FPS egy felperzselt jövőbeli világban. Te egy újraindított őrző vagy, készen állva arra, hogy szétrúgj néhány fém hátsófelet! Harcolj a haveroddal vagy egyedül, és pusztítsd el a halálos robotok hordáit a folyamatosan változó környezetben! Lőj és fuss át véletlenszerűen generált környezeteken, szedj fel fejlesztéseket útközben, és robbantsd szét a hatalmas, nagy gonosz főellenségeket, akikkel találkozol! Fejleszd a bázistáborodat, és oldd fel a tartós fejlesztéseket, hogy testre szabhasd a játékstílusodat, és minden egyes következő menetben messzebbre juthass! Gyors mozgás - Sajátítsd el a frenetikus mozgásmechanikát, hogy az ellenséges golyózápor ellen kitérő manővereket alkalmazva rohanj és ugorj át a pályákon! Őrzőkasztok - Válassz több kaszt közül: vezesd a drónok seregét, robbants szét egyszerre több tonna ellenséget egy erős rakétával, vagy lopakodj be egy hirtelen rohamra! Összeállítások testreszabás - Készítsd el a saját összeállításodat az egyes kasztokhoz tartozó egyedi fejlesztésekkel, kutass fel erős szinergiákat és szabd személyre még jobban a játékstílusodat! Fegyversokszínűség - A Roboquest a hagyományos sörétes puskáktól, karabélyoktól és mesterlövészpuskáktól a mindenható aknavetőkig és jelzőfegyverekig a fegyverek széles választékát kínálja! Véletlenszerű pályák - Mindegyik más-más témájú és hangulatú, előre elhelyezett és véletlenszerű darabkák gondos keverékével generált, és minden menetben friss kihívást kínálnak! Rohanj, bukj el, rohanj újra - Kemény kihívások várnak rád, és mesteri tudást igényelnek. Ismerd ki az ellenség útvonalát, és sajátítsd el a mozgást és lövöldözést a győzelemhez! Készülj fel visszatérni a bázistáborodba, ha a gonosz robotok elpusztítanak! Végleges fejlesztések - Gyűjts kulcsokat a meneteid során, és használd fel őket a bázistáborod fejlesztésére, valamint új játékelemek és lehetőségek feloldására, hogy lépésről lépésre mélyebbre merülhess a játékban! Egyjátékos vagy 2 fős kooperetív mód - Vesd bele magad a küzdelembe egyedül vagy 2 játékos kooperatív módban a haverobotoddal (és keress még többet a keresztplatform és a nyilvános játékkereső segítségével)! Kifinomult élmény - Reaktív beviteli rendszer számos életminőségi, rejtett funkcióval, hogy a lehető leggördülékenyebben menjen, és semmi se álljon az utadba, amikor a gonosz robotokra szabadítod a pusztítást. Eredeti zene - Magas oktánszámú, testre szabott zene egészíti ki a gyors játékmenetet és a robotok szétzúzását 2700-at írunk. Az emberek szétszóródva élnek a sivatagban, és a túlélésért küzdenek. Elég sivárnak tűnik a helyzet. Egészen addig, amíg egy Max nevű fiatal gyűjtögető lány bele nem botlik egy öreg őrzőrobotba, amely elhagyatottan hever a homokban. Újraaktiválja, mert tudja, hogy egy őrzővel az oldalán talán képes lesz esélyt adni az emberiségnek... Együtt kezdik felfedezni az őket körülvevő titokzatos kanyonokat, válaszok és a túlélés módja után kutatva. Csak egy probléma van: a kanyonokban hemzsegnek a gonosz robotok, amik elszántan meg akarják állítani őket a továbbhaladásban. De kik is ők? És mit őriznek? MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 Processzor: i3 4130 Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 Processzor: i5 6500 Memória: 16 GB RAM Grafika: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely -kibontás -RoboQuest.exe https://frdl.to/jegmxfqx2ujr/rq110.7z.001.html https://frdl.to/oq0zj9694rob/rq110.7z.002.html https://frdl.to/x1fl4vqwdm3q/rq110.7z.003.html https://frdl.to/fpjeo4udntvs/rq110.7z.004.html https://frdl.to/u3miloucd67t/rq110.7z.005.html https://frdl.to/0ankn3gqle2x/rq110.7z.006.html https://frdl.to/in5lk7rp0lj4/rq110.md5.html jelszó:robo110
  8. ContourTrace v2.8.0 55MB A ContourTrace lehetővé teszi a BMP és JPEG formátumú raszteres képek gyors és egyszerű átalakítását DXF és SVG formátumú vektoros képekké. Az alkalmazás középpontjában a tárgykontúrok kivonása áll. Az így kapott adatok felhasználhatók méréshez, ellenőrzéshez, tervezéshez és gyártáshoz. A kamerák kalibrálhatók, hogy a lencse hibáit, például a torzulást eltávolítsák a rögzített képekből. Az egység/pixel arány tárolható, hogy közvetlenül méretarányos kontúrokat kapjunk. Raszteres grafika importálása Raszteres grafikák különböző formátumainak importálása, például JPEG, BMP, PNG. A rasztergrafikák maszkolhatók és számos képszűrővel manipulálhatók az optimális eredmény elérése érdekében. Kontúr kivonás Alkalmazzon számos kontúrakivonási funkciót és algoritmust a pontos kontúrok gyors kivonásához. Kontúrmanipuláció A generált kontúrok tetszés szerint manipulálhatók, átalakíthatók poligonokká vagy spline-okká, színezhetők vagy átalakíthatók. Vektorgrafika exportálása Az eredmény DXF és SVG formátumú vektorgrafikaként exportálható. A DXF-export DXF színértékeket használ, és a kontúrok méretarányosan kiadhatók. Az SVG exportálásnál a vonalszélesség és a színértékek megmaradnak. A magyar nyelv támogatott. Industry-leading Contour Extraction ContourTrace allows quick and easy conversion of raster images such as BMP and JPEG to vector images such as DXF and SVG format. The focus of the application lies on extracting object contours. The resulting data can be used for measurement, inspection, design and manufacturing. Cameras can be calibrated to remove lens errors such as distortion from the captured images. A unit to pixel ratio can be stored to directly obtain true to scale contours. Raster graphics import Import different formats of raster graphics such as JPEG, BMP, PNG. The raster graphics can be masked and manipulated with numerous image filters to achieve optimal results. Contour Extraction Apply numerous contour extraction functions and algorithms to quickly extract accurate contours. Contour Manipulation The generated contours can be manipulated as desired, converted into polygons or splines, colored or transformed. Vector graphics export The result can be exported as vector graphics in DXF and SVG formats. The DXF export uses DXF color values and the contours can be output true to scale. In SVG export, line width and color values are preserved. https://contourtrace.com/hu/ https://katfile.com/m26jidq75hm0/ct280.7z.html jelszó:v280
  9. TreeSize Professional v9.1.0.1866 35MB Merevlemez elemző program , megtudhatod mi foglalja a legtöbb helyet, a magyar nyelv támogatott. A TreeSize Professional egy hatékony és rugalmas merevlemez-területkezelő, akár több elgondolás szerint is csoportosítható jelentést biztosít a számítógépen található fájlok méretéről. - A lemezterület hatékony kezelése és megtisztítása - A lemezhasználat vizualizálása - Részletes elemzés, egészen a legalacsonyabb könyvtárszintekig - Felesleges fájlok keresése és eltávolítása - Számos exportálási és jelentéstételi lehetőség - A sokoldalú duplikált fájlok keresése -a magyar nyelv támogatott TreeSize Professional is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager for all windows. Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover megabytes on your disks. TreeSize Professional shows you the size, allocated and wasted space, the number of files, 3D charts, the last access date, the file owner and permissions, the NTFS compression rate and much more information for several folders or drives you choose. It also lets you search drives, entire servers or the entire network for old, big, temporary and duplicate files. The search results can be moved, deleted or exported. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like user interface, it is fast and multi-threaded and supports Unicode and scheduled scans. You can print detailed reports or export the collected data to Excel and to an HTML, XML or text file. TreeSize Professional can be started from the context menu of every folder or drive. Why TreeSize Professional - Manage and clean up disk space efficiently - Visualize disk usage - Detailed analysis, right down to the lowest directory levels - Find and remove redundant files - Numerous export and reporting options - The versatile duplicate file search Manage disk space and scan your hard disks Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover precious disk space. Use TreeSize as a hard disk cleanup tool: find space hogs and remove them. Graphical analyses provide a quick visualization of disk space usage. TreeSize Professional shows you folder size and allocated disk space as well as owner and permissions, the last access date, the NTFS compression rate, and much more information for selected folders or drives. Search for Redundant Files The integrated versatile file search helps you find old, big, temporary, and duplicate files on drives, entire servers or the entire network. Search results can be moved, deleted or exported to a ZIP file. Print, Export, or Compare Results You can print detailed reports and charts or export the collected data to many different formats such as XML, XLS, TXT, CSV and many more. Compare XML reports or take shapshots of your disk space usage to track its development over time. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like user interface and supports drag and drop operations. It is fast, multi-threaded, and supports Unicode- and NTFS-specific features. TreeSize Professional can be started from the context menu of every folder or drive. Efficient Disk Space Management from all perspectives - See the size of all folders including their subfolders and break it down to the file level. - Visualize disk usage in the pie or bar chart. - Tree maps visualize hierarchies and sizes of subfolders in the selected directory. - Detailed view with single files and additional information (e.g. date of last access). - Statistics about file types and file owners for every branch. - Filter the file system tree on the left by a certain user or file type. - See a list of the 100 largest files. - Distribution of occupied disk space by file age. - Scan FTP, WebDAV, and SharePoint servers. - Disk Space Management on smartphones and mobile devices. Versatile File Search - Integrated file search. - Fully customizable file search. - Archive, copy, or move the results of the TreeSize File Search, for instance lar, old, or temporary files or files of a certain type. - Search multiple drives, whole servers and even your entire network neighborhood. - Search results can be exported, moved, deleted or passed to any executable file or script. - TreeSize offers a powerful duplicate file search, optionally with MD5 or SHA256 checksums. TreeSize also enables you to easily deduplicate files using hardlinks. Exporting and Reporting - TreeSize enables you to export scan results (showing the directory structure) to many different formats such as Excel, XML, HTML, text/CSV file, clipboard, or email. - Export a list of all files in the scanned folder and its subfolders, for example for use in a database. Track Growth - Save the data to an XML file and load it again later. - See which folders have grown: Compare a saved XML file to a current version of the file system branch, TreeSize Professional displays the difference between the two scans. - Take snapshots of the current state of disk space usage and compare them with snapshots Windows takes automatically. Customized Analyses & Views - Configure displayed columns for the details view, Excel export, text file and printed reports. - Include and exclude certain files or folders in your scans. Scheduled Scans - Command line options allow automatic and scheduled scans of your hard disk (e.g. overnight) and generating reports. - Comfortable interface simplifies creation and editing of scheduled scans and exports as Windows tasks. High Performance thanks to Multithreading - Browse the results during scanning. - Scan and view several folders at the same time. - Automatic adjustment of the number of threads that are used for a scan. Full NTFS Support - Unicode file and folder names are supported. - File based NTFS compression. - Hardlinks and Alternate Data Streams (ADS). - File paths longer than 255 characters will be found and processed correctly. - Analyse NTFS permissions. Perfect Integration with the Windows Explorer - Explorer context menu supported inside the TreeSize window. - TreeSize Professional can be started from within the Windows Explorer. - Drag and Drop is enabled. - On a Windows Core Server TreeSize can serve as a graphical user interface. Full Network Support - TreeSize Professional offers full support for network drives and scans UNC paths like Servershare. https://katfile.com/xgvzvdsilxb9/tsp91.7z.html jelszó:v910
  10. The Bat! Professional v11.0.3.2 Multilingual 330MB A The Bat! egy Windows operációs rendszeren futtatható levelező kliens ami az összes ma elterjedt levelező szolgatást támogatja. A szoftverrel sokkal biztonságosabban lehet E-MAIL üzeneteket küldeni. Támogatja a IMAP, POP, MAPI protokollokat. A The Bat! telepítése után egy varázsló visz végig minket a beállításokon azonnal hozzá is adhatjuk a címeinket. Egyetlen kattintással letölthetjük a számítógépre az összes levelet amit ezen túl a gépről érhetünk el. levelező kliens POP3 IMAP protokoll támogatás korszerű felhasználói felület sablon konfiguráció HTML tartalmak készítése magyar nyelv The Bat! is a secure desktop email client for Windows, built to protect your correspondence against third-parties. The Bat! protects your information through multiple encryption streams, with the option to keep all information encrypted on your disk, and to protect emails during communication using end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The Bat! can work without global email providers that keep your messages in the cloud, where they can be stolen. The Bat! keeps your emails on your computer to make them private. The Bat! blocks malicious code and tracking pixels that spread via email. This is a way to protect from email hacking. The Bat! email program is able to process and store an unlimited number of messages and has no restriction on the number of email accounts accessible via IMAP, POP, MAPI protocols. The Bat! is a perfect multiple email account manager - allows you to quickly access all your email accounts in one place. The Bat! is a safe, robust and reliable mail application. It handles very large message bases quickly and with small memory footprint. The MailTicker™ is, without doubt, one of the most powerful features of The Bat!. The MailTicker™ adds a visual indicator to your desktop similar to those stock exchange banners you may know from certain TV news channels. It shows unread messages, as defined by a set of simple options you can choose from. This makes The Bat! the best mail app for Windows. Key Features PGP, GnuPG and S/MIME Support Powerful Filtering System Chromium-based HTML viewer Configurable Image Retrieval The Bat!'s own Address Book Safe Handling of Attached Files Handy Templates Selective Message Download RSS Feed Subscriptions The Bat! v11.0.3.2 (18 January 2024) New features Zoom functionality added to Image Viewer in Thread View Context menu is now available for attachments in preview Improvements Attachment list in Attachment Preview now functions the same as one in message view TXT and other plain text files are now shown in virtualized view for better performance on very large files Fixes Fixed a bug when an attachment inside attached message (.eml, .msg) wasn't showing Fixed a bug when attempt to open an attachment via context menu won't show a preview and result in message viewer turning blank The Bat! mail software supports the following versions of Windows Operating System: Windows 10 (32/64 bit) - Certified for Windows 10 Windows 11 (32/64 bit) Server versions Windows Server 2016 & R2 Windows Server 2019 https://katfile.com/dogclaaieaw3/tbp1132.7z.html jelszó:11032
  11. IDM UltraFinder x64 49MB (53MB) Másodpercek alatt megkereshet bármilyen fájlt, szót, szöveges karakterláncot, mintát, duplikátumot és minden mást, amire szüksége van... a merevlemezen, a megosztott és hálózati köteteken, a cserélhető meghajtókon, vagy akár egy távoli FTP/SFTP-kiszolgálón! Az UltraFinder egy gyors és könnyű Windows keresőprogram, amelyet arra terveztek, hogy bárhol megtaláljon szöveget a fájlokban. Az UltraFinder lehetővé teszi a duplikátumok keresését, valamint a duplikátumok megszüntetését vagy törlését is, így számítógépét tisztán és rendezetten tarthatja, miközben megkíméli a merevlemez helyét. Keressen a maga módján a különböző beállítások segítségével, hogy a keresést a tökéletességig finomhangolja. A Windows operációs rendszer korlátozott keresési lehetőségeket kínál - az UltraFinder két hatékony, de gyors és könnyen használható módot tartalmaz, amelyekkel megtalálhatja, amire szüksége van, amikor szüksége van rá: Fájlok keresése és Duplikátumok keresése. Tulajdonságok Master File Table (MFT) keresési módszerek a villámgyors eredményekhez Fájlok keresése tartalom vagy név alapján (részleges vagy teljes) Fájlok tartalmának vagy nevének keresése reguláris kifejezésekkel (Perl, Unix és UltraEdit natív) Hálózati vagy FTP-helyeken történő keresés Konkrét mappák, teljes meghajtók vagy akár konkrét fájlok megadása keresési célpontként Alkönyvtárak, fájlnevek és fájlkiterjesztések szűrése a keresésből való kizáráshoz Keresés teljes vagy részleges szóegyezés alapján Nagy- és kisbetűs egyezések keresése Negatív keresés (olyan fájlok keresése, amelyek NEM egyeznek) Szöveg keresése PDF-fájlokban Szöveg keresése Word dokumentumokban (.doc/.docx) DUPLIKÁTUMOK KERESÉSE Mappák vagy egész meghajtók keresése Duplikátumok keresése különböző kritériumok alapján - Tartalom - Név - Dátumok - Méret A duplikátumkeresés finomhangolása különböző kritériumbeállításokkal (fájldátumok, fájlméretek stb.) A speciális esetek, például a 0-bájtos, a rendszer/rejtett fájlok, a Recycle Bin fájlok stb. figyelmen kívül hagyása. Fájlok és mappák include/exclude szűrőinek beállítása Hatékony keresés reguláris kifejezésekkel (Perl, Unix vagy natív) A talált duplikátumok feloldása (átnevezés, törlés, áthelyezés, megnyitás) Find any file, word, text string, pattern, duplicate and everything else you need in seconds...on your hard drive, on your shared and network volumes, on your removable drives, or even on a remote FTP/SFTP server! UltraFinder is a quick and lightweight Windows search program designed to find text in files anywhere. UltraFinder also allows you to find duplicates and eliminate or delete duplicates, keeping your computer clean and uncluttered while conserving hard drive space. Search your way with a variety of settings to tweak your search to perfection. Your Windows operating system offers limited find options - UltraFinder includes two powerful but quick and easy to use modes for finding what you need when you need it: Find Files and Find Duplicates. Features Master File Table (MFT) search methods for lightning fast results Search for files by content or by name (partial or full) Search file contents or file names with regular expressions (Perl, Unix, and UltraEdit native) Search network or FTP locations Specify specific folders, entire drives, or even specific files as search targets Filter subdirectories, file names, and file extensions to exclude from the search Search based on whole or partial word match Search for case sensitive matches Negative search (find files that DON'T match) Search for text in PDF files Search for text in Word documents (.doc/.docx) FIND DUPLICATES Search folders or entire drives Search duplicates by a variety of criteria - Content - Name - Dates - Size Tweak duplicate searches with a variety of criteria settings (file dates, file sizes, etc.) Ignore special case files like 0-byte, system/hidden files, Recycle Bin files, etc. Set include/exclude filters for files and folders Powerful searches using regular expressions (Perl, Unix, or native) Resolve found duplicates (rename, delete, move, open https://katfile.com/mm91imrrt1nx/iduf23.7z.html jelszó:2300
  12. Nik Collection by DxO v6.7.0.0 x64 1036MB Nik Collection by DxO v6.7.0.0 Nyolc nagy teljesítményű plug-in. Végtelen lehetőségek. Az önálló szoftverként is használható Nik Collection 5 egy olyan csomag, amely hatalmas fotográfiai lehetőségeket kínál. Építsen egyedi stílust az intuitív eszközöknek és az elegáns kezelőfelületnek köszönhetően, amelyek zökkenőmentesen illeszkednek a munkafolyamatba. Even More Possibilities for Even Greater Creativity. New interface, even more precise Control Points, and optimized tools for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom: Nik Collection 6 helps your creativity reach even greater heights. New Interface, New Experience The new interface of Nik Viveza and Nik Silver Efex is more modern, more appealing, and more functional. It also provides quicker access to all available tools and presets so you can concentrate on what’s most important—finding your very own style. Add Control Points to your custom presets Save your favorite presets that you’ve created with Control Points, and then apply a similar style to a series of images—all while preserving a specific area in your photo. This is the perfect way to apply a color effect to several portraits as well as a blurred background! Create an optimized and easier-to-use workflow Because the Control Points now feature fewer sliders, you can now see the applied effects more easily. To really optimize your workflow, you can even rename them. Adjust the saturation of a specific tone range Thanks to the new Color Tolerance setting, users can not only select the color they want to edit, but also adjust the tolerance of similar color hues. Combine the settings from several plugins with a single click Meta Presets, which can be accessed directly from the Nik Selective Tool in Adobe Photoshop, combine all the presets and settings from the various Nik Collection plugins so you can apply several effects with a single click. Incredible photos Discover 10 Meta Presets created by professional photographers and instantly infuse your landscape and wildlife photography with a unique style—all without leaving Adobe Photoshop. Lightning-fast retouching With the Last Edit feature, you can recreate the last preset you used with one of the Nik Collection plugins. Smart Copy & Paste Selectively reapply a plugin’s finish to one or several images directly in Adobe Lightroom—all without having to launch the Nik Collection interface. The definition of efficient. Even more striking black-and-white photos Nik Silver Efex now features revolutionary ClearView technology, which was first released as part of DxO PhotoLab. Remove haze, boost local contrast, and give your photos an entirely new dimension. Add color Nik Viveza features ten native presets designed by professional photographers. Pick the style you like the most and make your own local adjustments. The possibilities are endless! Reconnect with the emotional impact of analog Accurately recreate the finish of films that left their mark on the history of photography: Nik Silver Efex features 39 ultra-realistic grains to help you produce authentic black-and-white photos. Create and share Create and save your personalized presets in Nik Viveza. Easily share them or import them to another computer so you can continue editing, no matter where you are. Control your tones With Nik Viveza’s new Selective Tone Tool, you can edit your images with even more control over bright lights, midtones, and shadows. Adjust color temperatures Nik Viveza’s new Color Temperature Selector lets you select the true white value in your image for flawless white balance. System Requirements • Intel® Core® 2 or higher (Intel® Core™ i7 4th generation or higher, or AMD Ryzen™ recommended) • 8 GB of RAM (16 GB recommended) • 4 GB or more of available hard-disk space • Microsoft® Windows® 10 version 20H2, Microsoft® Windows® 11 (64-bit) Compatible host applications • DxO PhotoLab 5, 6 • Adobe® Photoshop® 2021, 2022, 2023 • Adobe® Photoshop® Elements® 2021, 2022, 2023 (apart from Nik HDR Efex, which is not compatible with Photoshop Elements) • Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® Classic 2022, 2023 • Serif Affinity 1.8 and later, Serif Affinity 2.0 (apart from Nik Perspective, which is not compatible with Affinity) GPU Compatibility: GPI compatibility starts from NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series, ATI Radeon HD2000 Series, and Intel HD Graphics 2000 Series. Recommended on Windows: NVIDIA GTX™ 1060, AMD Radeon™ RX 5500 or better with the latest drivers. If no compatible card is available, GPU acceleration will be disabled and the CPU will be used. https://katfile.com/pt9cpua64ulg/nix67064.7z.html jelszó:6700
  13. DxO PhotoLab 7.3.0 Build 133 Elite x64 822MB Profi képszerkesztő szoftver A DxO PhotoLab ELITE Edition új mércét állít a képminőség terén. A szoftver páratlan objektív korrekciókat, valamint mesterséges intelligencián alapuló pixeltelenítő és képzaj csökkentő technológiákat kínál. A felhasználók számára teljes művészi kifejezési lehetőséget biztosítanak anélkül, hogy a képminőségben kompromisszumot kötnéne Produce RAW and JPEG images with the best image quality, effortlessly: DxO PhotoLab provides a complete set of smart assisted corrections that you can manually fine-tune at any time. Take control on every aspect of your photos: effectively remove noise, get rid of light constraints, recover color details, apply sophisticated optical corrections, and enhance details. Unparalleled image quality DxO’s unique DeepPRIME denoising and exceptional color science raise the bar for RAW processing. Legendary optical corrections Market-leading corrections built on 20 years of research, giving you sharper images, free of imperfections. Innovative creative tools Master color and tone with powerful, creative editing tools that you won’t find anywhere else. Intuitive local adjustments With DxO’s exclusive U Point™ technology you can make targeted edits without tricky masks. Powerful photo management Search and sort your photos with simple, effective tags, keywords, and project hierarchies. New features in DxO PhotoLab - Introducing DxO Wide Gamut working color space: Harness the potential of the latest printers and monitors with DxO's new color space. Avoid clipping in highly saturated areas and ensure accuracy across your workflow. Easily switch between the legacy color space (for all images coming from previous versions of DxO PhotoLab) and the new DxO Wide Gamut working color space (for your new images loaded in DxO PhotoLab 6); - New Soft Proofing mode: For beautiful, accurate reproduction, whatever the screen or print type. Preparing your images for different output has never been easier. Achieve accurate color at every stage of your workflow; - New DeepPRIME XD denoising option: Alongside DeepPRIME, DeepPRIME XD adds another level of performance when required. Expect less noise, more detail and smoother bokeh; - New ReTouch tool: The brand-new ReTouch Tool gives you unprecedented control when cloning and repairing. Rotate, flip, or transform source points, and edit source areas for absolute precision; - New nested Projects: Organize your virtual collections of images more efficiently with the new hierarchy of Projects. Create Projects and groups of Projects and simply organize them by drag-and-drop; - Crop tool improvement: You can now rotate your images when in Crop mode; - Embedded Perspective tools: Perspective correction tools (keystoning) are now natively available in the ELITE version; - New Color labels support: Identify, classify, and cull your images more easily with the new Color tags; - New Exif & IPTC fields: For complete metadata management; - Keyword tokens improvement: Keyword tokens now show the full hierarchy if children have the same name; - More than 77,000 camera/lens combinations are now available. Minimum system configuration: Any CPU supporting SSE 4.1 8 GB RAM 4 GB available disk space Microsoft® Windows® 10 version 20H2 or higher (64-bit, and still supported by Microsoft®) Recommended system configuration: Intel® Coreprocessor with 6+ cores or better, or AMD Ryzen 16 GB RAM 6 GB available disk space NVIDIA RTX 2060, AMD Radeon, RX 6600 or better with latest drivers https://katfile.com/mxvew3e7lqbj/dopl73e.7z.html Jelszó:v730
  14. Internet Download Manager v6.42 Build 3 Final 16MB (24MB) Az Internet Download Manager segítségével időzíthetően, szakadás mentesen tölthetünk le nagyobb méretű fájlokat is, sávszélesség korlátozási lehetőséget, várólisták használatát is támogatja. Videók, audiók letöltésénél AVI, MP3 illetve számos népszerű fájl formátumot ismer a fájlok gépre történő lementéséhez. Minden ismertebb böngészőhöz javasolt. Támogatott fájlkiterjesztések: Rengeteg fájltípust támogat: 3GP 7Z AAC ACE AIF ARJ ASF AVI BIN BZ2 EXE GZ GZIP IMG ISO LZH M4A M4V MKV MOV MP3 MP4 MPA MPE MPEG MPG MSI MSU OGG OGV PDF PLJ PPS PPT QT R0* R1* RA RAR RM RMVB SEA SIT SITX TAR TIF TIFF WAV WMA WMV Z ZIP Letöltés kliens szoftver szakadt folyamatok újbóli indítása automatikusan integrálódik a legnépszerűbb böngészőkhöz vírus keresési lehetőségek fájl előnézeti lehetőség még a letöltés előtt videó letöltő YouTube támogatás FTP támogatás Magyarítható I really want to know who comes up with this title addition Super Clean. Wow my and all other versions are dirty muhahaha Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Features: All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications. Easy downloading with one click When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols. Download Speed Acceleration Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance. Download Resume Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off. YouTube grabber Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video. Simple installation wizard Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager. Drag and Drop You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager. Automatic Antivirus checking Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans. Advanced Browser Integration When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature. Built-in Scheduler Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done. IDM includes web site spider and grabber IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes. IDM supports many types of proxy servers For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers. IDM supports main authentication protocols Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password. Download All feature IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature. Customizable Interface You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window. Download Categories Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories. Quick Update Feature Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week. Download limits Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc. IDM is multilingual IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages. What's new in version 6.42 Build 3 (Released: Jan 17, 2024) https://katfile.com/rdzwidzssn8j/id423.7z.html jelszó:idm6
  15. Glary Utilities Pro 32MB Glary Utilities Pro is a collection of tools and system utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your computer. Glary Utilities Pro allows you to clean junk files, system downloads, as well as the subscriptions are not valid and Internet traces (that support the plug-in more for the 45+ program outside). You can also manage and delete add-ons of the browser, analyze the use of disk and find the file duplicate. Features: Simple, fast and user friendly interface Optimize, clean and boost the speed of your windows. Disk cleaner removes junk data from your disks and recovers disk space Over 20 tools to maximize your computer’s performance Registry cleaner scan and clean up your registry to improve your systems performance. Shortcuts fixer corrects the errors in your startmenu desktop shortcuts Block spyware, trojans, adware, etc. Startup manager manages programs which run automatically on startup Memory optimizer monitors and optimizes free memory in the background Tracks eraser erases all the traces,evidences,cookies,internet history and more Protect your privacy and security. Internet explorer assistant manages internet explorer add-ons and restores hijacked settings Disk analysis get details information of the desired files and folders Fix certain application errors. Duplicate files finder searchs for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files Empty folders finder find and remove empty folders in your windows Uninstall manager completely uninstall programs you dont need any more Context menu manager manage the context-menu entries for files, folders. Much much more powerful utilities Runs on Version: 6.1 for Windows | Update: Oct. 31, 2023. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. https://katfile.com/c9728k138gom/gup508.7z.html Portable 42MB https://katfile.com/wzhpmft1bkhp/gup508po.7z.html jelszó:6508
  16. VueScan Pro 9.8.25 Multilingual 66MB Szkennelő program JPG, PNG és PDF kimeneti formátummal. Meghajtóprogramtól függetlenül saját kompatibilitási listával rendelkezik, ezért a lehető legtöbb szkennert kezeli. A magyar nyelv támogatott. VueScan is a powerful scanning application that allows you to acquire high-quality images using a flatbed or film scanner. If you are not satisfied with the software delivered by the scanner vendor or if you want to improve it with new functions you should try this program. Scan Documents Whether you need to scan a single page or a hundred page book, VueScan has the tools to help you. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) Scan to PDF (Single and Multipage) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Automatic Color Detection Small document file sizes Automatic document deskewing Scan Photos Do you have a box full of photos in your drawer? Use VueScan to get them on your computer, and off your to-do list. Scan to JPG or TIFF Whether you're saving a few snapshots or archiving boxes of prints, VueScan has the tools you need to output your scans at either the highest possible quality or a large number of good quality scans. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) VueScan supports over 3000+ different scanners from 35 manufacturers, even scanners that don't have drivers from their manufacturers anymore. Preset photo sizes for faster scans VueScan improves one of the slowest parts about scanning by scanning only the part of the flatbed where your photo is. So you can spend less time scanning, and more time enjoying your photos. Scan multiple photos on the flatbed Scanning multiple photos with VueScan is very simple. Just put them in the corners of the flatbed, do a preview, and manually crop each of the photos without needing to do another scan. Automatic file naming for faster scans Don't waste time manually naming every photo, use VueScan's auto naming feature to include dates, numbers, or other prefixes and suffixes in your file names. Remove fading and correct colors Stay out of photoshop and save the best version possible of your photos with VueScan's built in features to remove fading, and correct colors. Scan Film and Slides VueScan is the ultimate tool for all your film and slide scanning needs. Works with almost all film/slide scanners Scan to JPEG/TIFF/RAW Infrared Dust Removal Color correction IT8 Calibration Photoshop Integration What’s new in version 9.8.25 Fixed problem with some rare crashes Added support for 35 HP MFP scanners HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP X58045z HP Color LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP X58045zs HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP X58045 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP X58045dn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301cdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301cfdn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301cfdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301dw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301fdn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301fdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4301fdwv HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302cdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302cfdn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302cfdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302dw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302fdn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302fdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4302fdwv HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303cdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303cfdn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303cfdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303dw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303fdn HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303fdw HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP 4303fdwv HP DeskJet 2800 HP DeskJet 2800e HP DeskJet 4200 HP DeskJet 4200e HP DeskJet 4900 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2800 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4200 HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 4900 HP OfficeJet Pro 9120b HP OfficeJet Pro 9130b https://katfile.com/i8gxcwjqbs9s/vsp825.7z.html jelszó:9825
  17. WinToUSB v8.5 All Editions Multilingual 30MB Enterprise / Professional / Technician az aktivált verziót a patch vagy crack határozza meg A program segítségével, néhány egyszerű lépésben, hordozható Windows telepítést készíthetünk (Windows 11/10/8/7/vista/2019/2016/2012/20081 operációs rendszerekhez), windows telepítőt hozhatunk létre USB meghajtóra, klónozhatjuk is a telepített rendszerünket USB meghajtóra vagy akár egy önállóan futtaható WinPE környezetet is rátrehetünk az USB stickre. A magyar nyelv támogatott. WinToUSB (also called Windows To USB) is the best free Windows To Go (WTG) Creator which allows you to install and run a fully-functional Windows on external hard drive, USB flash drive or Thunderbolt drive. It is so easy and efficient, with just 3 steps and a few minutes, you can create your first portable Windows 11/10/8/7 or Windows Server directly from an ISO, WIM, ESD, SWM, VHD, VHDX file or CD/DVD drive, or you can clone existing Windows installation to USB or Thunderbolt drive as portable Windows. WinToUSB also supports creating Windows installation USB flash drive from Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows Server installation ISO, with it you can install Windows from the USB flash drive easily. Windows To Go (Portable Windows) Creator WinToUSB allows you to install & run fully-functional Windows on an external HDD/SSD, USB flash drive or Thunderbolt drive, which means you can carry the portable Windows drive to anywhere and use it on any computer. Use any version of Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows Server to create Windows To Go Workspace Creation of Windows To Go from an ISO, WIM, ESD, SWM, VHD(X) image file or CD/DVD drive Clone existing Windows installation to USB drive or Thunderbolt drive as portable Windows Creation of Windows To Go on Non-Certified Windows To Go drive Hot clone Windows without restarting the source computer to be cloned Create BitLocker encrypted Windows To Go WorkspaceNew Support for creating VHD/VHDX-based Windows To Go Workspace Windows Installation USB Creator WinToUSB releases a feature called "Windows Installation USB Creator" which allows you to create a Windows installation USB flash drive from a Windows 11/10/8/7/vista/2019/2016/2012/2008 installation ISO file with a few simple steps, with this feature you can create a bootable Windows installation USB drive to install Windows on both Traditional BIOS and UEFI computers by using the same USB drive. Windows PE Bootable USB Creator WinToUSB also supports creating a bootable Windows PE USB drive, it can help you transfer the contents of a Windows PE image to a USB drive and make the USB drive bootable. WinToUSB 8.5 changelog: Fixed bug: The program may crash in the latest version of Windows 11 Fixed bug: The installation source cannot be selected in some cases Fixed some bugs to improve product quality https://katfile.com/zz5m3927kvd2/wtu85.7z.html jelszó:v850
  18. StreamFab v6.1.5.9 x64 7zip | 396MB (410MB) Mentsd el kedvenc videóidat, mielőtt elhagyják a streaming szolgáltatást. Bár a streamingszolgáltatások kínálnak natív offline megtekintési funkciót, amely tulajdonképpen lehetővé teszi a videók letöltését az offline megtekintéshez, ez a funkció számos korlátozással jár. - A letöltött videók egy bizonyos idő, általában 30 nap után lejárnak. - Egy videó megtekintését 48 órán belül be kell fejeznie, miután elkezdte azt nézni. - Nem minden videó tölthető le, és csak mobilra töltheti le őket. - A letöltéseket nem tudod átvinni más eszközökre, hogy más lejátszókkal nézhesd. FYI: Az Amazon Prime Video, a Netflix, a Hulu és a Hulu Japan offline megtekintési korlátozásai. A StreamFab segítségével azonban ezek a feltételek és szabályok megszűnnek, a letöltött videókat tartósan megőrizheti, és bármilyen eszközre átviheti őket, hogy bármikor és bárhol megnézhesse őket. A beépített böngésző jobb letöltési élményt nyújt Míg más videóletöltők arra kérik, hogy illessze be az asztali webböngészőből másolt videó URL-címét, a StreamFab rendelkezik beépített webböngészővel, amely megspórolja a videó URL-címének másolásával járó fáradságot. The most comprehensive video downloading solution allows you to download videos from Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO, and over 1000 other streaming websites. On-demand videos come and go on streaming services Most on-demand videos on a streaming service, including Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max, and many others, come and go due to the licensing agreements between the streaming service and the studios that produce them. The movies, TV shows, and other videos will be removed if the licensing agreement is due and not renewed. What’s more, if a title is gone, no one knows for sure whether or not it will come back in the future. It could be gone forever. Save your favorite videos before they leave the service Although streaming services offer their native offline viewing feature that actually allows you to download videos to watch offline, that feature comes with many limitations. · The downloaded videos will expire after a certain time period, usually 30 days. · You have to finish watching a video within 48 hours once you start watching it. · Not all the videos are downloadable and you can only download them to mobiles. · You cannot transfer the downloads to other devices to watch with other players. FYI: Offline viewing limitations of Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, and Hulu Japan. With StreamFab, however, all of these terms and rules are gone, you can keep the downloaded videos permanently, and transfer them to any device you have to watch anytime and anywhere. Inbuilt browser features better download experience While other video downloaders ask you to paste the video URL copied from your desktop web browser, StreamFab features its inbuilt web browser that saves your trouble copying video URLs. That’s to say, from browsing the target video sharing website or streaming service to downloading your target videos, you can do all things inside the StreamFab downloader software. Download videos from all major streaming services StreamFab is a born streaming video downloader targeted for all the major on-demand streaming services, including but not limited to Netflix, Amazon Prime video, Disney+, Hulu, HBO, and more. Hence, as long as those streaming services are available in your country, and you’re a paid subscriber of a specific service, then you can download videos from it with this downloader. Choose your preferred video and audio quality Quality-wise, StreamFab downloaders give you multiple choices to choose from. So you can decide on your own what video resolution and audio quality you prefer. To be specific, you have two options regarding video quality, 720p HD or 1080p Full HD. In terms of audio quality, EAC3 5.1, AC3 5.1, and AAC 2.0 are available. So, be your own boss. Save the downloaded VOD videos in MP4 format If you’re concerned about the playback compatibility issue of the downloaded videos, then you don’t have to. The downloaded streaming videos are saved as the common MP4 file. The biggest advantage of the MP4 format is that it is compatible with almost all the operating systems, smartphones, tablets, digital media players, and game consoles out there. That said, you still have an extra option to save the output as MKV files if necessary.Remove annoying ads while downloading videos Movies are meant to be savored with your eyes, ears, and mind, but if you're bombarded with a jumble of ads, a pleasant viewing experience can get totally ruined. With StreamFab downloaders, however, your downloaded streaming videos contain no ads as they are cut out automatically during the download process. So, pure enjoyment! No ads!Download audios & subtitles in your mother tongue Audios and subtitles are the basic means to understand the movie content. Movies and TV shows nowadays usually contain multiple audio tracks and subtitle streams of different languages. So, when it comes to your specific needs, you can either choose to download only the audios and subtitles of your native language or, you can also download them in other languages. Remux subtitles into videos or save as SRT files When it comes to how the subtitles are handled, StreamFab downloaders offer two options for you to choose according to your own needs under different circumstances. You can either remux the subtitles directly into the videos or, output the downloaded subtitles separately as SRT files. The choice is yours! So, choose freely. Auto-download newly released episodes at scheduled time Fans of TV shows all know that new episodes are always aired at a scheduled time, periodically. It would be nice if you can download the future episodes as soon as they are released. With this downloader software, you can have that. Just add all your favorite TV shows to the Scheduled queue, it will download all the new episodes automatically, based on your schedules, weekly, or daily. Download multiple videos concurrently and fast Downloading performance matters a lot when you plan to download a TV show or, a movie series, such as the Avenger series. With StreamFab downloaders, there is no need to panic. You can add multiple movies or even all the episodes of a TV show season to download in one go. On top of that, super-fast download speed is ensured, too. Just 10-20 minutes per movie. Download media server friendly Meta information Managing a myriad of media library can be tough with your media server. However, StreamFab can download all the metadata info, such as movie, season and episode title, cast, synopsis, poster, etc. All such information can make it extremely easy for media servers like DVDFab Player 6, Plex, Kodi, and others alike to sort and organize your downloaded movies and shows in a better way. More so, if you are using DVDFab Player 6 as your media managing and playback software, StreamFab can also import your downloads directly to your media library. 2024-01-11 StreamFab Changelog New: Add support to download videos from javideo.net website using DRM M3U8 Downloader. New: Add support to download videos from video.laxd.com website using DRM M3U8 Downloader Fix: A problem that some YouTube videos do not display covers. Fix: A problem that season information displays incorrectly when downloading certain TV Shows from Amazon videos. Fix: A failure problem (error: -310) when downloading Max videos. Fix: A problem that Funimation analyzing missing episodes. Fix: A problem that multiple language subtitles cannot be selected for certain Crunchyroll videos. Fix: An analysis failure problem when downloading certain Hulu JP videos. Fix: An analysis failure problem when added special source to download queue using AbemaTV Downloader. Fix: A failure problem that stuck at the analysis stage forever when downloading videos in “Message” from OnlyFans videos. Fix: A problem that DRM M3U8 Downloader gagaoolala.com website contains no subtitles. System Requirements: - Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 - Intel i3 or above - 4GB of RAM or above - 40GB of free hard disk space or above - Live Internet connection required https://katfile.com/3n7s0tcb3lqn/sfb159.7z.html jelszó:6159
  19. IObit Driver Booster Pro v11.2.0.46 34MB A szoftver megkeresi a számítógépedhez megfelelő Drivereket majd tájékoztat arról hogy szükséges e azt frissíteni, vagy hiányzik e valamelyik. Természetesen ebben is kínál megoldást mivel vele is le lehet tölteni. Uninstallálhatod vele a régieket, így könnyebben telepíthetőek fel az új példányok. Játék fanatikusoknak lehet hasznos a szoftver játék gyorsító funkciója amivel jobb teljesítményt lehet kihozni, illetve megfelelő környezet hozható létre nagyobb erőforrással rendelkező grafikusabb játékoknak. Drivers that need updating can significantly slow down your computer's performance and slow down your gameplay or even cause system crashes. Driver Booster was created to automatically detect drivers that require updating and to download and install the correct drivers for various PCs. All you need is one click. Moreover, it is a must-have tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers an easy and convenient way to customize drivers for games. Outdated drivers may heavily affect your PC performance and may ruin game experience, or even lead to system crashes. Driver Booster is designed to automatically figure out outdated drives, and download and install the most correct drivers for different PCs. All you need to do is just one click. What's more, it's an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster provides a much easier way to tweak drivers for the best gaming experience. Update outdated drivers quickly and in a timely manner • Automatically detects outdated drivers • 1-click update for maximum hardware performance • Driver tuning for game performance • Fast, safe and easy to use Drivers that need updating, can significantly reduce the performance of your computer and slow gameplay, or even lead to system failures. Driver Booster was created for automatic detection requiring driver updates, download and install the appropriate drivers for different PCs. All you need to do one click. Moreover, this is an essential tool for gamers. Driver Booster offers a simple and convenient way to set up drivers for games. Driver Booster Pro? Outdated drivers can significantly affect your computer's performance and result in system crashes. Driver Booster Pro scans and detects the outdated drivers automatically downloads and installs updates with a single click, saving you time. Moreover, it is specifically designed for configuring the drivers for better performance in games. Is the right tool for PC protection from hardware failures, conflicts and system failures. OS: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP Whats New in version 11.0: Expanded driver database - Escalated database for more driver updates Driver roll back feature - Easily restore drivers to previous version once unexpected happens Faster download speed - Available for both PRO and FREE users, faster than any previous version https://katfile.com/74y105pgkoh0/idb11.7z.html portable https://katfile.com/vy68bmyq0qwd/idb11po.7z.html jelszó:v112
  20. Apowersoft ApowerMirror 141MB Az ApowerMirror egy képernyőtükrözési alkalmazás iOS és Android eszközökre egyaránt. Lehetővé teszi a képernyőtükrözést hanggal, és végső tükrözési élményt kínál, mivel a mainstream tükrözési technológiát alkalmazza. Az ApowerMirror segítségével a felhasználók USB-n vagy WiFi-n keresztül iPhone/iPad és Android készülékeket tükrözhetnek a PC-re, és a telefont késleltetés nélkül vetíthetik a TV-re. iOS tükrözése és Android vezérlése PC-ről, játékmenet és médiafájlok valós idejű streamelése. High Quality & Real-Time Screen Mirroring with Audio ApowerMirror is a screen mirroring app for both iOS and Android devices. It allows screen mirroring with audio and offers an ultimate mirroring experience as it applies the mainstream mirroring technology. With ApowerMirror, users can screen mirror iPhone/iPad and Android devices to PC via USB or WiFi and cast phone to TV without lag. Stream to a Bigger Screen ApowerMirror supports streaming video, photos and other media files from mobile to a computer monitor or projector wirelessly. Display options include Full Screen mode or Landscape mode, providing you with different viewing options on a more convenient, bigger screen that everyone can see together. One app – two systems supported ApowerMirror is a screen mirroring application for both iOS and Android devices, with full compatibility for Windows and Mac. With mobile phones and tablets running Android 5.0 or higher that support Chromecast, users can install this program for screen share with PC. Any iOS device with AirPlay capability can also display cell phone screen on the computer using this tool. Control your Android from PC ApowerMirror enables you to control your Android from a PC seamlessly. Easily manipulate a phone’s screen with your mouse and keyboard, including WhatsApp messages and SMS text messages. Game lovers can play Android-based games on their computer without an emulator and without rooting the device. https://katfile.com/23t89yf0sznm/apm181.7z.html jelszó:1811
  21. Wise Care 365 Pro 20MB Ha nem tartjuk karban a számítógépünket, annak több negatív, látványos mellékhatása is lesz, nem csak hogy idővel instabilabbá válik a rendszer, de még annak a lehetőségét is kockáztatjuk hogy bizalmas adatokat szivárogtatunk ki magunkról. A legjobb megoldás ha egy olyan szoftver segítségét kérjük ami a felületén minden szóban forgó művelet elvégezhető, nagy takarítani tudunk és biztonságosabbá is tehetjük a Windowst. A Wise Care 365 profinak tekinthető a maga területén. Ha nem szeretnéd telepíteni, a Wise Care 365 hordozható változatára van szükséged, ami nem szemetel, de minden opciót biztosít éppúgy, mint a nagy testvére. Egy minden igényt kielégítő mindenes, ami mindent tud amire csak szükség lehet. Telepítése után a beépített varázsló felület segíti a szoftver kiismerését, illetve a kinézet kiválasztását. Természetesen akik már eddig is ismerték azok számára ez nélkülözhető. Rendkívül hasznos funkciójának tekinthető hogy egy kattintással is munkára fogható. A Wise Care 365 biztonságos merevlemez törlést is szolgáltat ha privát rendszer optimalizálást szeretnél rábízni. A Wise Care 365 legfontosabb funkciója amire lett tervezve az a takarítás, lehetőség van arra hogy egyetlen kattintással végezzük el amit az előre meghatározott paraméterek alapján tesz, de arra is mód nyílik hogy manuálisan javítsuk a PC -t lassító tényezőket, itt mindent mi állítunk be. Minimális erőfeszítést igényel abban az esetben ha egy kattintással hajtod azt végre. RAM optimalizálásra szintén egy kattintással felkérhető. Töredezettség mentesíthetjük a merevlemezt, takaríthatjuk éppúgy mint a rendszerleírót az utóbbit rendszertisztító formájában. Az utóbbi esetén tisztítási lehetőségeket is rendelkezésünkre bocsájt. Ezáltal nem csak hogy gyorsabbá válik a rendszer, de minimalizálható annak az esélye hogy rendszerösszeomlás következik be egy egy hibás rendszerleíró értéknek betudhatóan. https://katfile.com/s2npqkkrpag0/wc365p66.7z.html portable 26MB (63MB) https://katfile.com/7nyo0lqaw7ni/wc365p66po.7z.html jelszó:664
  22. ImgDrive Pro 2.1.4 Multilingual 4MB Az ImgDrive egy egyszerű, megbízható meghajtó emulátor, amely lehetővé teszi számukra a különböző formátumokban mentett lemezképfájlok csatlakoztatását. Tartalmazza a portable verziókat is. ImgDrive is a application for users who need a simple, reliable drive emulator that enables them to mount disc image files saved to various formats. It is very easy to use and does a good job of staying out of your way, as it rests in the system tray and is integrated into the Windows context menu. Translated to more than 10 languages Features Supports image files: .ccd, .cue, .iso, .isz, .mds and .nrg formats. Mount folder Mount CUE+WAV as Audio CD Mount CUE+APE as Audio CD (16-bit/44.1kHz) Mount CUE+FLAC as Audio CD Mount multisession disc images (.ccd/.mds/.nrg) Command line interface Hide unmounted drive Create images from a folder Copy disc to image file Integrated into Windows Explorer Support up to 9 virtual drives at the same time Translated to more than 20 languages Does not require rebooting after installation Runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11 Pro Supports image files: ASHDISC, CDI, PDI, BWT, B5T, B6T, MDX and UIF formats Pro Mount CUE+M4A as Audio CD Pro Mount CUE+TTA as Audio CD Pro Mount CUE+WV(WAVPACK) as Audio CD Supported file types: CCD - CloneCD image files CUE - Cue sheets files of ape,flac,m4a,tta,wav,wv,bin ISO - Standard ISO image files ISZ - Compressed ISO image files MDS - Media descriptor image files NRG - Nero image files Pro ASHDISC - Ashampoo Pro CDI - Instanct Copy Pro PDI - DiscJuggler Pro BWT - BlindWrite 4 Pro B5T/B6T - BlindWrite 5/6/7 Pro MDX - Alcohol 120%/Daemon Tools Pro UIF - MagicISO ImgDrive Version History Version 2.1.4 2024-01-13 Removed the forced upgrade check Version 2.1.3 2024-01-08 Improved center the setting dialog on screen Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation Version 2.1.2 2023-11-14 Fixed crash when trying Pro https://katfile.com/fsfo14btu9vi/idp214.7z.html jelszó:drive
  23. SysGauge All Edition 10.3.18 13MB (34MB) Pro & Ultimate & Server 32-64 bites verziók A SysGauge rendszer informálója egy korszerű Windows analizáló szoftver amivel rengeteg adat gyűjthető a szoftveres jellemzőkről. Egyetlen szoftver rengeteg hozzáadott profi rendszer informáló kiegészítőt is tartalmaz amivel gyakorlatilag valós időben lehet figyelemmel kísérni a Windows rendszeren történő tevékenységeket. A SysGauge el tudja az eredményeket több formátumban is tárolni, legyen az .TXT, HTML, PDF, Excel fájl. A felhasználói felülete elsőre zsúfoltnak tűnhet, de így kapjuk meg az összes funkciót ami a teljes körű rendszer információk megjelenítéséhez szükséges. A program elsődleges szerepe az erőforrás viszonyok akár lebontott listázás szerinti megjelenítése. Az egyszerűbb adatok szerzésétől kezdve a bonyolultabb haladó ismeretekkel rendelkezőknek is jól jövő eredményekig hasznos lehet. Az esetleges későbbi Windows teljesítmény változás összehasonlítás céljából azt el lehet menteni a korábban említett formátumokban. SysGauge is a system and performance monitoring utility allowing one to monitor the CPU usage, memory usage, network transfer rate, operating system performance, the status and resource usage of running processes, file system performance, USB performance, disk space usage, disk read activity, disk write activity, disk read transfer rate, disk write transfer rate, disk read IOPS and disk write IOPS for individual logical disks or all physical disks installed in the computer. SysGauge System Status Monitor The SysGauge GUI application provides a single, customizable GUI module and a number of dedicated GUI modules especially designed for each specific monitoring task such as system status monitoring, CPU monitoring, memory monitoring, process monitoring, system status analysis, disk monitoring, NAS server monitoring and network monitoring. The monitor selector, which is located on the left-side of the SysGauge GUI application, allows one to add, edit and delete specific monitoring GUI modules. SysGauge Customizable System Monitor The SysGauge system monitoring utility provides a large number of different types of performance monitoring, system resource monitoring and operating system status monitoring counters and allows one to select which counters to monitor. In addition, users are provided with the ability to specify how to display the performance monitoring results for how long to keep the results history. SysGauge Add Performance Monitoring Counter In addition to the ability to monitor the local computer, SysGauge allows one to connect to remote computers and monitor the CPU usage, memory usage, network transfer rate, disk space usage and disk activities via the network. The user is provided with the ability to specify the name or an IP address of the remote computer to connect to, select which types of system counters to monitor and specify how to display the system monitoring results. SysGauge Save System Monitoring Report One of the most useful capabilities of the SysGauge performance monitoring utility is the ability to save performance monitoring reports into a number of standard formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, text, CSV and XML. In order to save a performance monitoring report, press the 'Save' button located on the main toolbar, select an appropriate report format, enter a report file name and press the 'Save' button. SysGauge PDF Performance Monitoring Report For example, a SysGauge PDF performance monitoring report starts with a summary table showing the report date and time, the name of the monitored computer and the name of user saved the performance monitoring report. The summary table is followed by a list of performance counters showing the average, minimum and maximum values for all performance monitoring counters. The list of counters is followed by a list of line charts showing performance monitoring data for all counters. Finally, the list of line charts is followed by a list of tables showing the complete history of monitoring results for all counters. SysGauge Command Line Utility In addition to the GUI application, SysGauge Ultimate includes a command line utility allowing one to perform different types of system monitoring operations from batch files and shell scripts. The SysGauge command line utility is located in the product 'bin' directory and it can be used to perform monitoring operations, save system monitoring reports and manage system monitoring profiles. SysGauge Command Line Utility In the simplest case, open a command prompt window, go to the SysGauge 'bin' directory and type the following command: sysgauge -monitor -save_html_report The SysGauge command line utility will start the default system monitoring profile and continue the monitoring operation according to the user-specified period of time specified using the '-time ' command line option or until the ECS keyboard key is pressed. SysGauge System Monitor HTML Report After the monitoring operation will be completed, the SysGauge command line utility will save a system monitoring report file according to the user-specified report format. In addition to the local monitoring operations, the command line utility allows one to monitor remote servers via the network using the '-host ' command line option. Changelog 12-Jan-2024 - SysGauge v10.3 redesigns the network transfer rate, network receive rate and network transmit rate monitoring counters. In addition, the new product version improves the SysGauge status monitor GUI, improves the system status monitoring report and fixes a number of bugs. Redesigns the network transfer rate monitoring counters Improves the SysGauge system status monitor Improves the SysGauge system status report Fixes a number of bugs https://katfile.com/tq0bqizyn8pk/sga103.7z.html jelszó:10318
  24. Process Lasso Pro v12.4.6.10 9MB (10MB) Tartalmazza a Process Lasso Pro Server Editiont is. Egyes, gépünkön futó folyamatok fontosabbak a többinél. Van, akinek a böngésző működése az elsődleges, más az erőforrás-igényes játékok vagy az internetes streamelés közben várja el PC-jétől a legjobb teljesítményt. A Windows önmagában nem túl hatékony az alacsonyabb prioritással rendelkező folyamatok erőforrásigényeiből eredő lassulások kezelésében. Ha szeretnénk a számunkra legfontosabb folyamatokat jelentősen felgyorsítani, akkor külső segédprogramra lesz szükségünk, például a Process Lassóra. A segédprogrammal reszponzívabbá tehetjük gépünket, valód időben optimalizálva a processzor működését és a folyamatokat, miközben a szoftver a futó programok és szolgáltatások naplózásával és korlátozásával is boldogul. Az úgynevezett ProBalance mód már alapértelmezésben is aktív. Ez állítja át a folyamatok prioritását a rendszerben automatikus módon, és ennek köszönhetően lesz kezesebb a gépünk még akkor is, ha egyébként erőforrás-igényes alkalmazásokat futtatunk. A Main menüben további módokat is találunk. A Game mode például egy olyan energiaséma, amely a maximális teljesítmény érdekében jelentősen korlátozza a háttérappokat, miközben a processzor teljes erejét segít a játékokra koncentrálni. A játékfolyamatokat egyébként külön kijelölhetjük a program számára, ha azok nem kötődnek a Steamhez. A SmartTrim mód a memóriaoptimalizálásról gondoskodik, azonban a RAM felszabadítását nem kényszeríti ki. A negyedik, IdleSaver névre hallgató mód pedig arról gondoskodik, hogy munka közben maximális teljesítményt adjon a PC, tétlen állapotban azonban egyből energiatakarékos módra kapcsoljon. Process Lasso is Windows process automation and optimization software. From tuning algorithms like ProBalance to user-created rules and persistent settings such as CPU affinities and priority classes, Process Lasso enables full control over running applications! Our famous ProBalance algorithm maintains system responsiveness during high CPU loads. This proprietary algorithm dynamically adjusts the priorities of running programs to keep problematic background processes in check. With ProBalance, no longer will single, or multiple, processes be able to bring your system to a virtual stall. Process Lasso will let you keep interacting with your computer, even when it is under a heavy CPU load. Try our CPUEater Demo to experience ProBalance for yourself. Process Lasso also allows users to automate and tweak how applications are run through a number of unique and helpful functions. These include persistent priority classes, persistent CPU affinities, disallowed processes, per-process power profiles, a process watchdog for advanced rules, process instance count limits, multiple instance balancing and much more! Process Lasso is the ultimate Windows CPU affinity changer. The CPU affinity specifies the set of CPU cores an application is able to execute on. With Process Lasso, you can control this with a persistent setting that applies every time the application is run, or change it dynamically while Process Lasso Features Prevent processes from monopolozing the CPUs ProBalance dynamic priority optimization CPU throttling new Save process priorities for future instances Save process CPU affinity Now with CPU Sets Compatible with Windows 7-11, Windows Server 2012-2022 Changelog – Jan 12, 2024 Minor fixes and enhancements (1) GUI: Fix an issue changing existing I/O and memory priority rules from the context menu (5) GUI: Improvements to translation tools (9) GUI: Change default sort order of Insights to descending by restraint count (11) GUI: Remove 'critical' I/O priority level since it cannot be enforced (13) GUI/Core: Add common game platform launchers to stock ProBalance exclusions (15) GUI: Large updates to Finnish and German translations (15) GUI: Fix an issue with the username display on ProBalance graph tooltips https://katfile.com/r1lj17rpyxiq/prolap247.7z.html jelszó:1247
  25. The Bat! Professional v11.0.3.1 Multilingual 330MB (342MB) A The Bat! egy Windows operációs rendszeren futtatható levelező kliens ami az összes ma elterjedt levelező szolgatást támogatja. A szoftverrel sokkal biztonságosabban lehet E-MAIL üzeneteket küldeni. Támogatja a IMAP, POP, MAPI protokollokat. A The Bat! telepítése után egy varázsló visz végig minket a beállításokon azonnal hozzá is adhatjuk a címeinket. Egyetlen kattintással letölthetjük a számítógépre az összes levelet amit ezen túl a gépről érhetünk el. levelező kliens POP3 IMAP protokoll támogatás korszerű felhasználói felület sablon konfiguráció HTML tartalmak készítése magyar nyelv The Bat! is a secure desktop email client for Windows, built to protect your correspondence against third-parties. The Bat! protects your information through multiple encryption streams, with the option to keep all information encrypted on your disk, and to protect emails during communication using end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The Bat! can work without global email providers that keep your messages in the cloud, where they can be stolen. The Bat! keeps your emails on your computer to make them private. The Bat! blocks malicious code and tracking pixels that spread via email. This is a way to protect from email hacking. The Bat! email program is able to process and store an unlimited number of messages and has no restriction on the number of email accounts accessible via IMAP, POP, MAPI protocols. The Bat! is a perfect multiple email account manager - allows you to quickly access all your email accounts in one place. The Bat! is a safe, robust and reliable mail application. It handles very large message bases quickly and with small memory footprint. The MailTicker™ is, without doubt, one of the most powerful features of The Bat!. The MailTicker™ adds a visual indicator to your desktop similar to those stock exchange banners you may know from certain TV news channels. It shows unread messages, as defined by a set of simple options you can choose from. This makes The Bat! the best mail app for Windows. Key Features PGP, GnuPG and S/MIME Support Powerful Filtering System Chromium-based HTML viewer Configurable Image Retrieval The Bat!'s own Address Book Safe Handling of Attached Files Handy Templates Selective Message Download RSS Feed Subscriptions The Bat! v11.0.3.1 (12 January 2024) Improvements An option to disable the message base indexing (increases performance on slow systems, but the cross-folder conversation thread view becomes unavailable) Fixes National characters in passwords for OpenPGP key pairs could not be properly processed The Bat! mail software supports the following versions of Windows Operating System: Windows 10 (32/64 bit) - Certified for Windows 10 Windows 11 (32/64 bit) Server versions Windows Server 2016 & R2 Windows Server 2019 https://katfile.com/9vr387uakp4c/tbp1131.7z.html jelszó:11031
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