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UVK Ultra Virus Killer 25MB Az UVK egy hatékony víruseltávolító és Windows javító eszköz. Az egyszerű és intuitív kezelőfelülettel az UVK lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára, hogy felismerjék és töröljék a rosszindulatú és kémprogramok minden típusát a fertőzött rendszerekből. Emellett rengeteg eszközt tartalmaz a kártevők eltávolítása utáni esetleges javításhoz. UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection. changelog: v11.10.10.2 Release date:January 28 2024 Check Code improvements, bug fixes and definition updates https://katfile.com/x2hqpqee1h8i/uvk112.7z.html Portable 10MB https://katfile.com/zsmeriof2rzf/uvk112po.7z.html jelszó:1110
Avast Premium Security v24.1.6099 Build 24.1.8821.762 Multilingual 639MB Avast Premium Security legújabb Offline és online többnyelvű telepítői és licenszfájlok. !!Read the how2do FIRST!! Avast Premium Security 2023 is a leading virus scanner and security program that provides complete and effective protection against all types of attacks. E-mail, frasing drives, and malicious applications help secure your computer to keep your computer safe from all kinds of threats while online. Comprehensive security protection against spyware, malware, spam, downloads, malicious websites, and more in real-time. Avast is a security software developed by Avast to secure Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS systems. Browser Software, firewall protection, anti-phishing, antispyware, and spam protection among other services comes with a simple interface with a wide range of powerful tools and functionality. Features: Advanced antivirus Advanced Firewall Ransomware Shield Real-time updates Web Shield Wi-Fi Inspector Real Site Sandbox Sensitive Data Shield Webcam Shield Data Shredder Automatic Software Updater Passive Mode Do Not Disturb Mode Block viruses, spyware, and other threats in real-time Enjoy peace of mind with advanced ransomware protection Avoid fake websites for safer online shopping and banking Keep hackers off your computer with our advanced firewall Prevent strangers from watching you via your webcam And more. System Requirements: Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 / 11 (32 bit or 64-bit systems) Computer with resonable speed https://katfile.com/18e3nod3irpo/aps241.7z.html jelszó:avast
Nik Collection by DxO v6.8.0.0 x64 1024MB Nik Collection by DxO v6.7.0.0 Nyolc nagy teljesítményű plug-in. Végtelen lehetőségek. Az önálló szoftverként is használható Nik Collection 5 egy olyan csomag, amely hatalmas fotográfiai lehetőségeket kínál. Építsen egyedi stílust az intuitív eszközöknek és az elegáns kezelőfelületnek köszönhetően, amelyek zökkenőmentesen illeszkednek a munkafolyamatba. Even More Possibilities for Even Greater Creativity. New interface, even more precise Control Points, and optimized tools for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom: Nik Collection 6 helps your creativity reach even greater heights. New Interface, New Experience The new interface of Nik Viveza and Nik Silver Efex is more modern, more appealing, and more functional. It also provides quicker access to all available tools and presets so you can concentrate on what’s most important—finding your very own style. Add Control Points to your custom presets Save your favorite presets that you’ve created with Control Points, and then apply a similar style to a series of images—all while preserving a specific area in your photo. This is the perfect way to apply a color effect to several portraits as well as a blurred background! Create an optimized and easier-to-use workflow Because the Control Points now feature fewer sliders, you can now see the applied effects more easily. To really optimize your workflow, you can even rename them. Adjust the saturation of a specific tone range Thanks to the new Color Tolerance setting, users can not only select the color they want to edit, but also adjust the tolerance of similar color hues. Combine the settings from several plugins with a single click Meta Presets, which can be accessed directly from the Nik Selective Tool in Adobe Photoshop, combine all the presets and settings from the various Nik Collection plugins so you can apply several effects with a single click. Incredible photos Discover 10 Meta Presets created by professional photographers and instantly infuse your landscape and wildlife photography with a unique style—all without leaving Adobe Photoshop. Lightning-fast retouching With the Last Edit feature, you can recreate the last preset you used with one of the Nik Collection plugins. Smart Copy & Paste Selectively reapply a plugin’s finish to one or several images directly in Adobe Lightroom—all without having to launch the Nik Collection interface. The definition of efficient. Even more striking black-and-white photos Nik Silver Efex now features revolutionary ClearView technology, which was first released as part of DxO PhotoLab. Remove haze, boost local contrast, and give your photos an entirely new dimension. Add color Nik Viveza features ten native presets designed by professional photographers. Pick the style you like the most and make your own local adjustments. The possibilities are endless! Reconnect with the emotional impact of analog Accurately recreate the finish of films that left their mark on the history of photography: Nik Silver Efex features 39 ultra-realistic grains to help you produce authentic black-and-white photos. Create and share Create and save your personalized presets in Nik Viveza. Easily share them or import them to another computer so you can continue editing, no matter where you are. Control your tones With Nik Viveza’s new Selective Tone Tool, you can edit your images with even more control over bright lights, midtones, and shadows. Adjust color temperatures Nik Viveza’s new Color Temperature Selector lets you select the true white value in your image for flawless white balance. System Requirements • Intel® Core® 2 or higher (Intel® Core™ i7 4th generation or higher, or AMD Ryzen™ recommended) • 8 GB of RAM (16 GB recommended) • 4 GB or more of available hard-disk space • Microsoft® Windows® 10 version 20H2, Microsoft® Windows® 11 (64-bit) Compatible host applications • DxO PhotoLab 5, 6 • Adobe® Photoshop® 2021, 2022, 2023 • Adobe® Photoshop® Elements® 2021, 2022, 2023 (apart from Nik HDR Efex, which is not compatible with Photoshop Elements) • Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® Classic 2022, 2023 • Serif Affinity 1.8 and later, Serif Affinity 2.0 (apart from Nik Perspective, which is not compatible with Affinity) GPU Compatibility: GPI compatibility starts from NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series, ATI Radeon HD2000 Series, and Intel HD Graphics 2000 Series. Recommended on Windows: NVIDIA GTX™ 1060, AMD Radeon™ RX 5500 or better with the latest drivers. If no compatible card is available, GPU acceleration will be disabled and the CPU will be used. https://katfile.com/h1m5shu2d57m/nico68.7z.html jelszó:6800
Reg Organizer v9.40 portable 30MB A Reg Organizer teljes körű szolgáltatást biztosít a regisztrációs adatbázis kezeléséhez, azt tisztítani is képes, de akár szerkeszthetővé is válnak az ott található értékek. Ha arra tartanál igényt, azt töredezettség mentesíteni is tudod. Ezek a lehetőségek természetesen támogatottak a merevlemez esetén is ahol a Temp fájlok kitakarításán kívül a régi naplófájlok, a többször is előforduló fölösleges fájlok törölhetőek. A magyar nyelvi fájlt kiválasztás és aktív internetkapcsolat mellett letölti. Karbantartó alkalmazás Windows gyorsítási lehetőségek Hordozható változatban is elérhető Registry tisztító, optimalizáló, töredezettségmentesítő Merevlemez tisztító Startup Manager Uninstaller Reg Organizer is a feature-rich application designed to edit, clean and maintain registry, fix errors in the system, and improve computer performance. The deep registry search feature lets you find all registry keys related to a specific application. The program helps you to edit registry files (.reg) and view their content directly from Windows Explorer. There is also a built-in application uninstaller, allowing you to uninstall redundant applications from the system completely. Another set of features will be useful to administrators, as well as ordinary users. Main Features: Registry editor for viewing and editing the system registry, manipulating the registry keys and values, exporting, importing, copying them, etc. The registry cleaner of Reg Organizer can detect many types of registry errors. These include searching the registry for invalid references to files, folders and DLLs; invalid uninstallation data; finding obsolete and invalid file extensions and other issues. Reg Organizer can repair many of these registry problems. Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certain application and delete them, if necessary. This feature can be useful if you manually delete some application that has no uninstall feature. In this case its keys can be left in the registry interfering with the normal operation of other programs. Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find even those keys, that wouldn't be identified by other similar programs. Defragmenting and compressing the registry: Increase the performance of the registry and consequently the overall performance of your system. Ablilty to change many undocumented Windows settings (tweaks). In particular, it can accelerate the work of your system by sending the system a command to increase cache memory size or by unloading unused libraries, etc. Ability to get information about any selected registry key and monitor changes of the specific keys. Preview of the registry files (*.reg) before adding their contents to the system registry. The files can be viewed directly from Windows Explorer. Reg Organizer presents the file contents in the tree-like form, helping to visualize all keys that will be imported into the registry. Functional registry file editor, allowing you to edit keys and values, add and delete data containing in the .reg files. Provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Reg Organizer, you can inspect, edit, or disable such programs. Registry search and replace mode offers you a variety of options for searching the registry and replacing the records matching the specified criteria. Built-in software uninstaller. It can take snapshots before and after application installs and eradicate ALL system changes made by an app like it was never installed. Besides, this feature can be used for displaying changes made by the application to each of the system components. Disk Cleanup tool lets you automatically remove unnecessary files from the hard drive of your computer, and to search for and fix invalid shortcuts. Reg Organizer Version History v. 9.40 05/02/2024 New feature: Scheduled (background) cleaning. If enabled, the program can run periodically in the background and report when it is possible to free some disk space. The Maximum cleanup mode of the System Cleanup tool now finds more unnecessary files. This is made possible by automatically adjusting the cleanup locations settings to free up the maximum amount of space when this mode is activated. In the previous version, the same cleanup locations settings were used for both the normal and Maximum cleanup modes, with the only difference being the set of cleanup locations they targeted. Added an option to increase the safety of System Cleanup: "Remove only files older than 24 hours from the temporary folder". The Obsolete Downloads location scan has been speeded up. While performing the background tasks the tray icon is animated. Improved the update checking mechanism for Autorun Organizer itself. Bugs fixed: The cleanup block on the Express Check screen could hang. Disabled startup applications were not excluded from optimization recommendations. Sometimes, right after running the cleanup, the Express Check would show that the cleanup is still recommended. The program failed to close Yandex Browser before deleting its cache or other cache or other data during system cleaning. Fixed white flickering in the Dark theme when switching to the final cleanup screen. In the registry editor, above the list of search results, a black rectangle could appear. System Requirements Microsoft Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) RAM: from 256Mb Disk space: 50Mb Administrator rights https://katfile.com/5yjwos2b33kh/rorg94po.7z.html jelszó:v940
WizTree v4.18 Enterprise 10MB A WizTree egy alternatív fájlkezelő szoftver, amivel nem csak hogy rendszerezetten kezelhetőek a gépeden található fájlok, hanem több információt is meg tud jeleníteni arról, hogy melyek azok a fájlok amik rengeteg helyet foglalnak. Az alkalmazás Magyar nyelven is használható. A szükséges fájl mozgatási lehetőségekkel ellátva. A WizTree készíteni tud egy elmenthető jelentést, ezt összehasonlításokhoz lehet felhasználni később, ha esetleg helyet szeretnénk felszabadítani. Meghatározható még a mértékegység, szín, felület elrendezés, gyorsbillentyű parancsokkal lehet elindítani adott funkciókat, ezeket a beállításokat jelenleg még nem lehet módosítani mivel alapértelmezés szerint lettek integrálva. Igen nagy hasonlósággal jellemezhető alternatívája a TreeSize Free Tartalmaz egy előre-aktivált portable verziót is arra az esetre ahol nem megoldható az akriválás idejáre a netkapcsolat bontása. WizTree is a simple-to-use application that comes in handy for identifying the files which are taking up the most space on your hard disk, in order to take the appropriate measures for managing clutter. The setup operation finishes in no time. You are greeted by a comfortable interface, consisting of a standard window with a well-defined structure. All you have to do is select the target drive and scan it with the click of a button. The list of results displays a tree view with folders containing large files, and you can view their size, total items and folders, date and time of last modification, along with attributes. The queue can be sorted according to any of these parameters. Alternatively, you can change the viewing mode to check out the top 1000 largest files that exist in your system and how much space of the drive they occupy (in percent). The top part of the main panel shows used, free and all space on the scanned drive. Apart from dynamic values, it is possible to show their byte, KB, MB and GB counterparts, open a new instance or Command Prompt dialog, copy the path of a selected file or folder, as well as delete items permanently or send them to the Recycle Bin. WizTree has a good response time and displays accurate information while using moderate RAM and low CPU. It does not burden machine performance or interrupt normal user activity. No errors were shown during Softpedia evaluation, and the tool did not freeze or crash. Unfortunately, it does not provide options for saving the information to file or printing it. Otherwise, WizTree should satisfy all users. WizTree 4.18 (2 February 2024) "Include" filter is now no longer applied WHILE scanning as this causes files and folders to be filtered out incorrectly - it is now applied after scanning. Only the "Exclude" filter is applied while scanning now. Improved "=folder" filter processing. It's now possible to locate folders of a certain size by using a filter like: =folder >1g (This finds folders larger than 1 Gig in size) fixed bug in allocated size filtering (file size was used instead of allocated size when filtering by allocated size, e.g. a>100m) Copy/Cut/Delete and other operations now work correctly with multiple files from different folders selected. Previously it would only work if all files were in the same folder. progress bar tweaked to be a little smoother progress was not being updated on screen when loading CSV files - fixed Another example: To exclude the "C:\Windows\WinSxS" and "C:\Program Files" folders from being scanned, you would set the exclude filter to C:\Windows\WinSxS\|"C:\Program Files\" Note that double quotes are required around filter items that contain spaces. Exploring a folder containing an exe with the same name as the folder would launch the exe instead of opening the folder - fixed WizTree will now automatically remove any spaces between vertical pipes in filter and search fields to ensure they work as expected Slovak, Turkish and Swedish translations updated https://katfile.com/fkcd9nhege3g/wt41.7z.html jelszó:v418
Batsugun 11MB THE FINAL CHAPTER IN TOAPLAN'S SHMUP SAGA Set out on a breathtaking journey with Batsugun, Toaplan's shoot-'em-up swansong! Choose your hero from a roster of six charismatic pilots and three distinctive ship types, each brimming with personality. Immerse yourself in a world of dazzling graphics, devastating firepower, and an enchanting soundtrack, creating a sensory experience you won't soon forget. The accessible gameplay ensures that seasoned veterans and newcomers alike can revel in the unmatched thrill of victory! In addition, the rebalanced Batsugun Special is also included, and features a visual overhaul with new colors and altered enemy behavior. A smaller hitbox and a shield protecting the ship from one hit, makes it easier which is needed as the barrage of enemy projectiles ups the ante for the true bullet hell factor. Batsugun Special introduces multiple loops, increasing difficulty with each completion. Can you master all four loops? "As we prepare to launch with the Skull Hornets, our mission stands clear: overthrow the oppressive regime of King Renoselva A. Gladebaran VII. The path ahead is fraught with adrenaline-pumping battles and perilous missions. Our comrades and I are eager, but the question lingers: can we restore liberty to our people and emerge victorious?" ORIGINAL GAME FEATURES: Embark on an enthralling sci-fi adventure where every encounter feels like a mini-boss battle at minimum, demanding your utmost vigilance to survive. Unleash mighty weapons like the Sky Mirage, Dragon's Whisper, and Judgement Flash to eradicate enemy threats. Boost your firepower with experience points from defeated enemies. Immerse yourself in the captivating space melodies of Yoshitatsu Sakai. QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS: Minimal Input Lag: Emulation, input processing, and rendering all complete on the same frame. Quick Save using F1-F10, Reload with Shift+ F1-F10 Online leaderboards for Single Credit, No Assist, and Assisted plays. Instrument panels with extra gameplay information and artwork. Rewind the game between 10-18 minutes, depending on the action. Capture sharable replays to immortalize your interstellar victories (or funny moments). Assist Features such as auto-fire at multiple rates. Very Easy Mode: Lower the difficulty to breeze through the adventure. Pixel perfect or full-screen scaling in windowed or full-screen mode. Rotate the gameplay in 90-degree increments. Steam Achievements Choose between Raw Input on Windows or Steam Input. Hone your skills in the ultra customizable practice mode! MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Memória: 256 MB RAM Tárhely: 10 MB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás -loader.exe https://katfile.com/1fec90smj4rs/bats.7z.html jelszó:batsugun
Fixeight 10MB TEAM UP FOR ONE HELLUVA CHALLENGE Head out on an unforgettable adventure in Toaplan's FixEight, the spiritual successor to Out Zone. Pick your favorite hero from eight exceptional super soldiers, personalize them for ultimate freedom, and brave seven different hells. Immerse yourself in the heightened excitement, immersive storytelling, and awe-inspiring explosions that redefined the run-'n-gun genre back in 1992! "In the fateful year HC109, humanity faces an unprecedented threat as omnipotent "Gods" from another dimension launch relentless assaults. In a last-ditch effort for survival, the Galactic Federation frees imprisoned super warriors and dispatches them on a dangerous mission: to eliminate these omnipotent beings and their formidable Heavy Infantry Corps on the enigmatic planet Fortune…" ORIGINAL GAME FEATURES: Teamwork Triumphs: Choose your champion from eight exceptional super soldiers, each with their unique style, and team up with friends for thrilling three-player co-op action. Mission: Possible! Conquer seven intense levels, battling relentless foes and racing against time with precise controls. Wonder Weapons: Arm your character with distinct super weapons featuring directional attacks and game-changing Specials. Boost your firepower with collectible items to unleash devastating attacks! QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS: Minimal Input Lag: Emulation, input processing, and rendering all complete on the same frame. Quick Save using F1-F10, Reload with Shift+ F1-F10 Online leaderboards for Single Credit, No Assist, and Assisted plays. Instrument panels with extra gameplay information and artwork. Rewind the game between 10-18 minutes, depending on the action. Capture sharable replays to immortalize your interstellar victories (or funny moments). Assist Features such as auto-fire at multiple rates. Very Easy Mode: Lower the difficulty to breeze through the adventure. Pixel perfect or full-screen scaling in windowed or full-screen mode. Rotate the gameplay in 90-degree increments. Steam Achievements Choose between Raw Input on Windows or Steam Input. Hone your skills in the ultra-customizable practice mode! MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Memória: 256 MB RAM Tárhely: 10 MB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás -loader.exe https://katfile.com/uzm23w92m7nk/Fix8.7z.html jelszó:fix
Vimana 7MB THERE IS NO ESCAPE! Toaplan's Vimana invites you to a thrilling space showdown! This vertical shooter boasts breathtaking graphics, an epic soundtrack, and a captivating journey through Indian mythology. Crush your foes with mighty shots and utilize eight rotating shield orbs for ultimate defense. With accessible controls, players of all skill levels can dive into Vimana's exhilarating action! "A once prosperous planet has been devoured by madness. Only a few righteous souls remain. They must restore peace to their world by reviving the sacred fighter craft Vimana in its holy temple. Go forth, Vimana! Restore peace to us all!" ORIGINAL GAME FEATURES: No Sweat, All Thrill: Enjoy simple controls and an exciting challenge level for non-stop fun! Team Up: Take on malicious space pests with a friend in co-op mode for double the excitement! Shoot with Style: Unleash barrages of wide-ranging shots and harness the power of eight rotating shield orbs to wreak havoc! Get Mythical: Immerse yourself in an enchanting world filled with vibrant elements from Indian culture and Sanskrit epics! Groove It Out: Pump up the volume and groove to the spectacular soundtrack by Toshiaki Tomizawa! QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS: Minimal Input Lag: Emulation, input processing, and rendering all complete on the same frame. Quick Save using F1-F10, Reload with Shift+ F1-F10 Online leaderboards for Single Credit, No Assist, and Assisted plays. Instrument panels with extra gameplay information and artwork. Rewind the game between 10-18 minutes, depending on the action. Capture sharable replays to immortalize your interstellar victories (or funny moments). Assist Features such as auto-fire at multiple rates. Very Easy Mode: Lower the difficulty to breeze through the adventure. Pixel perfect or full-screen scaling in windowed or full-screen mode. Rotate the gameplay in 90-degree increments. Steam Achievements Choose between Raw Input on Windows or Steam Input. Hone your skills in the ultra customizable practice mode! MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Memória: 256 MB RAM Tárhely: 10 MB szabad hely -kibontás -loader.exe https://katfile.com/y7zsz62wbvft/Vmna.7z.html jelszó:vimana
Tiger Heli 3MB FLY THE ULTIMATE STEALTH JETCOPTER! Tiger-Heli marked a revolutionary moment in 1985 as Toaplan's pioneering bomb-based vertical shooter, a true innovator of its time. Despite its unassuming appearance, its lifelike gameplay resonated with fans, earning widespread acclaim in Japan and around the globe. Its legacy lived on through Twin Cobra, released just two years later, and even today it remains a cherished gem among retro gaming enthusiasts worldwide. "Under the relentless onslaught of a war-mongering nation, we face a dire and final stand at sunrise. These fanatics are resolute in their mission to conquer all they encounter, and thus far, they have triumphed in this brutal conflict." QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS: Minimal Input Lag: Emulation, input processing, and rendering all complete on the same frame. Quick Save using F1-F10, Reload with Shift+ F1-F10 Online leaderboards for Single Credit, No Assist, and Assisted plays. Instrument panels with extra gameplay information and artwork. Rewind the game between 10-18 minutes, depending on the action. Capture sharable replays to immortalize your interstellar victories (or funny moments). Assist Features such as auto-fire at multiple rates. Very Easy Mode: Lower the difficulty to breeze through the adventure. Pixel perfect or full-screen scaling in windowed or full-screen mode. Rotate the gameplay in 90-degree increments. Steam Achievements Choose between Raw Input on Windows or Steam Input. Hone your skills in the ultra customizable practice mode! ORIGINAL GAME FEATURES: Experience the game that laid the foundation for vertical bomb-shooters, a timeless piece of retro gaming gold. Collect various items and power-ups to bolster your arsenal, including health, cluster bombs, and nimble mini-jetcopters to secure victory. Hunt for bonus points by targeting hidden spots and blazing race cars. Keep your eyes peeled to make sure you don't miss a thing! MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Memória: 256 MB RAM Tárhely: 10 MB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás -loader.exe https://katfile.com/27zlovynmswj/tigli.7z.html jelszó:tiger
LuBan 3D 19.01.2024 x64 66MB LuBan 3D: Sokoldalú 3D fájlkezelő kezdőknek és profiknak egyaránt. Egy nyílt forráskódú 3D fájlkezelő. A kínai Shenzhen Snapmaker Technologies Co., Ltd. által kifejlesztett program kifejezetten a Snapmaker 3D nyomtatókhoz készült, de más márkájú 3D nyomtatókkal is kompatibilis. A LuBan 3D egy 3D tervezőprogram 3D nyomtatókhoz és lézervágó gépekhez, amelyet 3D modellfájlok kezelésére terveztek, segít a 3D fájlok több részre történő vágásában. A gép területe alapján a 3D nyomtató automatikusan képes 3D modelleket létrehozni különböző formátumokban, mint például litofán, stack, hash, lemez, relief, modul és drótváz. Ezek a generált modellek 3D nyomtatókkal gyárthatók, a lézervágás és a CNC marás is képes a 3D modellfájlokat puzzle-okká alakítani. amelyek tökéletesen összeilleszthetők A program egyszerű, intuitív felülettel rendelkezik, számos más kiemelkedő funkcióval együtt. Számos funkcióval rendelkezik. A felhasználást a 3D fájlok nyomtatási területnek megfelelő felosztásától kezdve a 3D fájlok kisebb szerkesztésén át a különböző formátumú 3D fájlok létrehozásáig terjed, az alábbiak szerint. 3D fájlok felosztása A Luban 3D rendelkezik egy Modul funkcióval, amely segít a 3D fájlok felosztásában a 3D nyomtató nyomtatási területének megfelelően. A program a fájlokat részekre osztja. Egy csatlakozási pont (dugó) is rendelkezésre áll, amely lehetővé teszi a nagyméretű 3D fájlok problémamentes nyomtatását. 3D fájlok szerkesztése A Luban 3D különböző funkciókkal rendelkezik. Ez segít a 3D fájlok kisebb szerkesztésében, például a felesleges pontok törlésében. Pontok összevonása, alakzatok szerkesztése stb. LuBan 3D: A versatile 3D file manager for beginners and professionals alike. LuBan 3D is a 3D design program for 3D Printers and Laser Cut machines, designed for managing 3D model files, helping to cut 3D files into multiple parts. Based on the area of the machine, the 3D Printer can automatically create 3D models in various formats such as lithophane, stack, hash, plate, relief, module and wireframe. These generated models can be fabricated using 3D Printers, Laser Cutting and CNC milling can also turn 3D model files into puzzles. that can be spliced together perfectly The program has a simple, intuitive interface along with many other outstanding features. LuBan 3D is an open source 3D file manager. Developed by Shenzhen Snapmaker Technologies Co., Ltd. from China, this program is designed specifically for Snapmaker 3D printers, but it is also compatible with other brands of 3D printers. LuBan 3D has a wide range of features. Covers usage from dividing 3D files to suit the printing area, minor editing of 3D files, to creating 3D files in various formats as follows. Dividing 3D files Luban 3D has a Module function that helps in dividing 3D files to suit the printing area of the 3D printer. The program will divide the files into parts. A connection point (plug) is also provided, making it possible to print large 3D files without problems. Editing 3D Files Luban 3D has various functions. That helps with minor editing of 3D files, such as deleting unnecessary points. Merging points together, editing shapes, etc. Creating various 3D file formats Luban 3D has various functions. That helps in creating 3D files in various formats such as 3D Lithophane files, 3D Wireframe files, 3D files for laser cutting, etc. LuBan 3D is an easy to use program. Ideal for beginners who want to get started with 3D printers. The program has a simple, easy-to-understand interface and includes video tutorials. For professionals, Luban 3D can also be used. The program has a variety of features. Covers various uses completely Advantages of the LuBan 3D program Easy to use, suitable for beginners Has a variety of features Covers various uses Free and open source Overall, LuBan 3D is a worthwhile and very useful 3D file manager. Suitable for 3D printer users of all experience levels. Features: Easy to use Eyeglasses Lithophane Photo Magic Mesh Processing And more. https://katfile.com/65muw5cadzra/LB3D24.7z.html jelszó:2024
Radiant Photo v1.3.0.385 x64 + addons 199MB Radiant Photo v1.3.0.385 x64 x64 Standalone & addon pack (48pcs) A Radiant Photo egy olyan képszerkesztő szoftver, amely lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára, hogy szerkesszék, javítsák és rendszerezzék digitális fényképeiket. Számos eszközt biztosít a színek, a fényerő, a kontraszt, a telítettség és más képtulajdonságok beállításához, valamint a képek vágásához, elforgatásához és méretének módosításához. A Radiant Photo számos szűrőt és effektust is tartalmaz, amelyeket a fényképekre alkalmazva megváltoztathatja azok megjelenését. Ezenkívül lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára a fényképek rendszerezését albumok létrehozásával, a fényképek címkézésével és a fényképek dátum, idő vagy egyéb metaadatok szerinti keresésével. A Radiant Photo jellemzői Alapvető szerkesztési eszközök, mint a képkivágás, forgatás és méretváltoztatás Eszközök az árnyalat, a fényerő, a kontraszt, a telítettség és más képtulajdonságok beállításához Számos szűrő és effekt a fényképek megjelenésének megváltoztatásához Rendezési eszközök, például albumok létrehozása, fényképek címkézése és fényképek keresése dátum, időpont vagy egyéb metaadatok alapján. Képek importálásának és exportálásának lehetősége különböző formátumokban, például JPG, PNG, TIFF stb. Támogatja a rombolásmentes szerkesztést, lehetővé téve a felhasználók számára a műveletek visszavonását és újbóli elvégzését. Kötegelt feldolgozás több kép egyszerre történő szerkesztéséhez Támogatott RAW képformátumok Integrálható olyan felhőalapú tárolási szolgáltatásokkal, mint a Google Drive, Dropbox stb. Radiant Photo is a photo editing software that allows users to edit, enhance and organize their digital photos. It provides many tools to adjust color, brightness, contrast, saturation, and other image properties, as well as features to crop, rotate, and resize images. Radiant Photo also includes many filters and effects that can be applied to photos to change their appearance. Additionally, it also allows users to organize their photos by creating albums, tagging photos, and searching photos by date, time, or other metadata. Features of Radiant Photo Basic editing tools like cropping, rotating, and resizing Tools for adjusting hue, brightness, contrast, saturation, and other image properties Many filters and effects to change the look of your photos Sort tools like creating albums, tagging photos, and searching photos by date, time, or other metadata. Ability to import and export images in various formats like JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc. Supports non-destructive editing, allowing users to undo and redo actions Batch processing to apply edits to multiple images at once RAW image file formats supported Integrates with cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. https://katfile.com/y6mth9j89pze/radoto13.7z.html jelszó:v130
ReclaiMe Pro Build 3670 129MB A ReclaiMe egy könnyen használható, egyszerű de ha szükséges akkor széles körben is konfigurálható hatékony adat-visszaállítási alkalmazás, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy segítsen a véletlenül törölt fájlokkal. A programhoz a felhasználónak szinte semmilyen döntést nem kell hoznia és egyáltalán nem kell műszaki ismeretekkel rendelkeznie. ráadásul a ReclaiMe számos fájlrendszerrel (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, RAW) működik, ami univerzálissá teszi. Képes nagy mennyiségű adat feldolgozására, mi több, a program jól kezeli az erősen sérült adatokat is. Ha úgy gondolja, hogy fizikai sérülés érte a lemezt vagy csak valamilyen okból kifolyólag nem akar közvetlenül ezzel a lemezzel dolgozni a helyreállítás során, a ReclaiMe képes létrehozni egy lemezképfájlt, csak azért, hogy az eredeti lemez érintése nélkül állítsa helyre az adatokat róla. All-in-one highly configurable data recovery software! - Multiple Filesystems ReclaiMe Pro recovers data from most filesystems: Windows: FAT, exFAT, NTFS (including deduplication), ReFS, Linux: EXT2/3/4, XFS, BTRFS, MacOS: APFS, HFS and HFS+, VMware: VMFS. - Disk Editor Visualizes most known partition and filesystem objects: boot sectors, superblocks, partition headers in structured view. Search for hex patterns or text in any given encoding. Low-level data editing for extra leverage. - Partition Recovery Reads LDM, LVM, MD, Drobo BeoyndRAIDTM, Storage Spaces, and more. Finds lost partitions based on various filesystem structures in unpartitioned space. - RAID Analysis and Recovery With ReclaiMe Pro, you can reassemble RAID automatically or manually. Supports RAID0, RAID10, RAID5, RAID6, HP EVA vRAID layouts. Content analysis and entropy visualization. - Disk Imager Highly configurable high-speed imager, suitable for slight to moderate bad block cases. Sector-by-sector, VHD, and VHDX output. - Forensic Capability Provides verifiable and repeatable forensic file traces by mapping file content and metadata to its source on disks. Eliminates unnecessary files by cross-referencing well-known hash databases. Built-in file integrity testing. Basic system requirements are: 64-bit Windows and .NET 4.7; At least 8GB RAM, 16GB recommeneded; Permanent or nearly permanent internet connection. https://katfile.com/n560vyly458b/recmep70.7z.html jelszó:3670
CleverGet v16.1.0 x64 226MB CleverGet egy minden egyben videó letöltő. Segít letölteni videókat akár 8K-ig Live Streamről és több mint 1000 weboldalról, mint például YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch.tv, HBO Max, Netflix, Amazon, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, U-NEXT és még sok más. Ne pazarolja az idejét arra, hogy maga keressen videóletöltési linkeket. Képes a videókat akár 8K minőségig veszteségmentesen letölteni, beleértve a 320 kbps minőségű hangfájlok letöltését, 8K videók és hang 320 kbps sebességgel történő letöltését minőségvesztés nélkül, segít a videók letöltésében és a videók MP4/MKV/WEBM fájlokká vagy más népszerű formátumokba való konvertálásában a különböző felhasználási célokra, valamint egyéb kiegészítő funkciókat, mint például a kötegelt feldolgozás, lejátszási lista és csatorna letöltése, reklámok eltávolítása a videóból, metaadat-információk mentése és így tovább. A program támogatja a videók letöltését számos népszerű streaming webhelyről. Reklámok eltávolítása a videókból. -Auto-update kikapcsolása -Ha a loader első indításkor hibát dobna, zárd be indítsd újra. 20GB-os videókkal tesztelve CleverGet is an all-in-one video downloader. It helps download videos up to 8K from Live Stream and from over 1,000 websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch.tv, HBO Max, Netflix, Amazon, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, U-NEXT, and many more. Don't waste time searching for video download links yourself. It can download videos up to 8K quality losslessly, including downloading high-quality audio files of 320 kbps, downloading 8K videos and audio at 320 kbps without losing quality, helping to download videos and convert videos to MP4/MKV/WEBM files or other popular formats for a variety of uses, along with other additional functions such as batch processing, playlist and channel downloading, remove ads from video, save metadata info, and more. CleverGet is a video downloader that allows you to download videos from popular streaming sites like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, YouTube, Facebook, and more. Key features of CleverGet: Supports downloading videos from 1000+ popular streaming sites. Supports downloading high-definition videos up to 8K. Support downloading playlists Supports removing ads from videos. Supports video format conversion Easy to use with a simple interface. Advantages of CleverGet Supports downloading videos from many popular streaming websites. Supports downloading high-definition videos up to 8K. Easy to use with a simple interface. CleverGet is a powerful and easy-to-use video downloader. The program supports downloading videos from many popular streaming websites. And there are many other functions such as removing ads from videos. Downloading playlists and more If you're looking for a powerful and easy-to-use video downloader, CleverGet is a good choice. Features: Easy to use Download Up to 8K Videos COVERALL ONLINE VIDEO DOWNLOADER FOR 1000+ SITES CONVENIENT BUILT-IN BROWSER LOSSLESS 8K VIDEO AND 320 KBPS AUDIO DOWNLOADING DOWNLOAD AND CONVERT ONLINE VIDEOS TO MP4/MKV/WEBM Batch Processing Playlist and Channel Downloading Remove Ads from Video Save Metadata Info And more. System Requirements: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (64-bit – all editions) CPU : 1 GHz or above Intel/AMD Processor RAM : 512MB RAM (1024MB or above recommended) HDD : 500 MB + Display : 1024 x 768 pixels or Higher GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 and above Internet Connection If you get an Error on the first start, close app and start loader again! https://katfile.com/wa28klze63w4/cleget161.7z.html jelszó:1610
FastKeys Pro 5.14 Multilingual 4MB A FastKeys Pro egy automatizálási szoftver, amely segít programokat konfigurálni a számítógép különböző tevékenységeinek elindításához, billentyűleütéseket rendelni a különböző műveletek elvégzéséhez, rövidítéssorokat definiálni a gyakran használt szövegekhez, és kezelni az egérmozdulatokat. SZÖVEGKITERJESZTÉS Bővítse ki a gyakran használt szövegek rövidítéseit bármely alkalmazásban, és takarítson meg több órányi gépelési időt. Írjon be pár betűt, és automatizáljon profi módon ismétlődő feladatokat. TOUCH START MENÜ Építsen teljesen konfigurálható Start menüt a számítógépen végzett bármely tevékenység elindításához. Egyszerűen érintse meg a képernyő szélét a menü megjelenítéséhez. Mindig ott van, amikor szükség van rá bármelyik programban. SHORTCUTS Hozzon létre billentyűparancsikonokat, hogy bármit megtehessen egy billentyűleütéssel. Futtasson programokat, fájlokat, mappákat és webhelyeket, vagy készítsen hatékony szkripteket a Windows asztal és az alkalmazások automatizálására. EGÉR GESZTUSOK Végezze el a hétköznapi vagy összetett feladatokat egyszerű és lenyűgöző egérmozdulatokkal. Tartsa a kezét az egéren, és automatizáljon bármit egy kis gyors mozdulattal. AUTOMATA TELJESÍTÉS Ismerje fel az ismétlődő szövegbevitelt és automatikusan töltse ki a teljes szöveget vagy indítsa el a parancsokat. Intelligens szótanulási képességgel. Számos nyelv támogatása. TELJES MÉRTÉKBEN KONFIGURÁLHATÓ A FastKeys rendkívül konfigurálható és funkciógazdag szoftver. Hangerőszabályozó, vágólapkezelő és makrófelvevő funkciókat is tartalmaz. A magyar nyelv támogatott A powerful automation software that helps you configure programs to start different activities on your computer, assign keystrokes for performing various operations, define abbreviation strings for your frequently used text, and manage mouse gestures. TEXT EXPANDER Expand abbreviations for frequently used text in any application and save hours of typing. Type couple of letters and automate repetitive tasks professionally. TOUCH START MENU Build a fully configurable Start Menu to start any activity on your computer. Simply touch the screen edge to show the menu. It is always there when needed in any program. SHORTCUTS Create keyboard Shortcuts to do anything with a keystroke. Run programs, files, folders and sites or make powerful scripts to automate Windows desktop and applications MOUSE GESTURES Execute common or complex tasks by using simple and amazing mouse gestures. Keep a hand on a mouse and automate anything with a small quick movement. AUTO COMPLETE Recognize repetitive text input and auto-complete full text or launch commands. Intelligent word and phrase prediction with learning capability. Support for many languages. FULLY CONFIGURABLE FastKeys is extremely configurable and feature rich software. It also includes Volume Control, Clipboard Manager and Macro Recorder functions. https://katfile.com/lceyegtpsl82/fkp514.7z.html jelszó:v514
The Bat! Professional v11.0.4.1 Multilingual 330MB A The Bat! egy Windows operációs rendszeren futtatható levelező kliens ami az összes ma elterjedt levelező szolgatást támogatja. A szoftverrel sokkal biztonságosabban lehet E-MAIL üzeneteket küldeni. Támogatja a IMAP, POP, MAPI protokollokat. A The Bat! telepítése után egy varázsló visz végig minket a beállításokon azonnal hozzá is adhatjuk a címeinket. Egyetlen kattintással letölthetjük a számítógépre az összes levelet amit ezen túl a gépről érhetünk el. levelező kliens POP3 IMAP protokoll támogatás korszerű felhasználói felület sablon konfiguráció HTML tartalmak készítése magyar nyelv The Bat! is a secure desktop email client for Windows, built to protect your correspondence against third-parties. The Bat! protects your information through multiple encryption streams, with the option to keep all information encrypted on your disk, and to protect emails during communication using end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The Bat! can work without global email providers that keep your messages in the cloud, where they can be stolen. The Bat! keeps your emails on your computer to make them private. The Bat! blocks malicious code and tracking pixels that spread via email. This is a way to protect from email hacking. The Bat! email program is able to process and store an unlimited number of messages and has no restriction on the number of email accounts accessible via IMAP, POP, MAPI protocols. The Bat! is a perfect multiple email account manager - allows you to quickly access all your email accounts in one place. The Bat! is a safe, robust and reliable mail application. It handles very large message bases quickly and with small memory footprint. The MailTicker™ is, without doubt, one of the most powerful features of The Bat!. The MailTicker™ adds a visual indicator to your desktop similar to those stock exchange banners you may know from certain TV news channels. It shows unread messages, as defined by a set of simple options you can choose from. This makes The Bat! the best mail app for Windows. Key Features PGP, GnuPG and S/MIME Support Powerful Filtering System Chromium-based HTML viewer Configurable Image Retrieval The Bat!'s own Address Book Safe Handling of Attached Files Handy Templates Selective Message Download RSS Feed Subscriptions The Bat! (01 February 2024) Fixes The issue which under certain circumstances caused thebat.exe process to be left running after the program exit has been resolved The Bat! mail software supports the following versions of Windows Operating System: Windows 10 (32/64 bit) - Certified for Windows 10 Windows 11 (32/64 bit) Server versions Windows Server 2016 & R2 Windows Server 2019 https://katfile.com/ql5uxgl2i1ui/tbp141.7z.html jelszó:1141
GoldWave v6.80 x64 15MB Sokoldalú hangszerkesztő és -digitalizáló a wav- és MP3-adatok szerkesztésére, illetve az ezeken elvégzett effektusok előállítására alkalmas. A Goldwave Pro verzió újdonsága: MP3-opciók kibővítése, újabb effektusok, többféle grafikus megjelenítés, külső felvételek javítása, illetve felvételiszint-szabályzó. GoldWave is is a top rated, a comprehensive digital audio editor. GoldWave is ideal for people who work with audio for CD editing, archive restoration, speech analysis, radio and TV, Java and Web pages, games, or just for fun. You can use it to make everything from elaborate answering machine messages to professional, high quality CD audio content. GoldWave can do: • Play, edit, mix, and analyze audio • Record audio from cassettes, vinyl records, radio, etc. through your computer's line-in • Record dictation through a microphone or play dictation back at a slower speed for transcription • Record and edit audio for podcasting • Apply special effects, such as fade, equalizer, doppler, mechanize, echo, reverse, flanger, and more • Digitally remaster and restore old recordings with noise reduction and pop/click filters • Make perfect digital copies of audio CD tracks using the CD Reader tool and save them in wma, mp3, ogg files • Edit music for dance programs, figure skating, gymnastics • Analyze human speech, bird song, whale song • Demonstrate digital signal processing with filter effects and the expression evaluator tool • View a variety of real-time visuals and VU meters • Convert files to/from different formats, such as wav, wma, mp3, ogg, aiff, au, vox and even raw binary data General Features: • Multiple Document Interface for working with many files in one session • Huge file editing: 4GB and beyond (NTFS only) • Configurable RAM or hard drive editing • High quality: 24 bit, 192kHz • Real-time visuals: bar, waveform, spectrogram, spectrum, VU meter, ... • Fast non-destructive editing. Cut, copy, delete, and undo take only a fraction of a second, regardless of the file size • Multiple undo levels • Many effects: distortion, doppler, echo, filter, mechanize, offset, pan, volume shaping, invert, resample, equalizer, time warp, pitch, reverb, volume matcher, channel mixer, ... • Effect previewing and presets • Audio restoration filters: noise reduction, pop/plick, smoother • Supported file formats (wav, mp3, ogg, aiff, au, vox, mat, snd, voc, raw binary data, text data, and more) • File format plug-ins for the next generation of audio compression, such as WMA, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC. • DirectX Audio Plug-in hosting • Effect chain editor • Audio CD Reader • Batch processing and conversion • Drag-and-drop cue points, with auto-cue and file splitting features. • Direct waveform editing with the mouse • Customizable tool bars • Customizable waveform colours • Several built-in accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts Features Playback/Recording This version of GoldWave contains significant changes to the playback and recording code. By default, the new Windows Vista/7 Core Audio/WASAPI is used. Previous versions of GoldWave used DirectX (DirectSound) for all audio input and output. However DirectX has been the source of many problems and has been deprecated on Windows Vista/7 where it no longer provides direct access to the audio hardware. DirectSound support is still included as an option in GoldWave and is used by default for Windows 2000/XP. Media Foundation This version of GoldWave uses the new Media Foundation in Windows 7 to access system decoders to handle a wider range of audio and video files. Previous versions of GoldWave used DirectShow to access system decoders. That functionality has not been removed but it is used only if Media Foundation is unable to open a file or on older versions of Windows that do no have Media Foundation. iTunes M4A GoldWave can now open and save iTunes M4A files through Media Foundation on Windows 7. Currently there appears to be a flaw in the way Media Foundation handles cover art and copyright metadata. Although cover art can be read from a file, any attempt to write cover art results in all metadata being wiped from the file. To avoid this problem, the only metadata GoldWave writes is text. Cover art cannot be saved in an M4A file for now. Covert Art Cover art is shown under File | Information. Click on the image to replace the artwork with another image. Open URL A new File | Open URL command has been added to open a file directly from a website using Media Foundation on Window 7. Window Layering In previous versions of GoldWave, windows and dialogs could appear on top of other applications. Changes have been made to avoid that. However further testing is needed to ensure that windows and dialogs appear correctly on top of GoldWave's Main window and not behind it, which would make the program appear frozen. GoldWave v6 requires Windows 7 64 bit or later. It will not run or install on any older or 32 bit versions of Windows. GoldWave v6 is a major update to with many changes across the entire program, primarily for multichannel support for up to 8 channels and 64 bit executable for accessing more than 2 GB of memory. The WhatsNew file located in the folder where GoldWave is installed lists all the changes. Larger tool bar buttons, themes, and many other interface changes have been made to improve usability. The old compiled help system and manual have been replaced with a unified help file in standard HTML format. v6.80 ------- New Features: "Skip beginning" option in Split File Very long name support in FLAC plug-in Resizable Multi Device Recorder window Several fixes and improvements https://katfile.com/wg7y98nmfe78/gw68.7z.html jelszó:680
Room Arranger v9.8.2.644 x64 52MB Szobák - konyhák - lakások és kertek tervezésére használható szoftver számtalan beépített eszközt, berendezési tárgyat tartalmaz, amit tervező honlapjáról tovább bővíthetünk. Egyszerű kezelés, magyar nyelvű felület, valamint háromdimenziós látványterv (WRML) szerepel a program lehetőségei közt. Room Arranger - a program for the development and adjustment of the design of premises and interiors. - Have you started a rearrangement in your apartment and doubt where and what to put correctly? You're going to do a redevelopment and move the walls. Then room Arranger is for you! It will help not only to move, but also to rotate, change color and size, and create such elements of the headset that you do not yet have and maybe even you have not thought about them. And then, you can see how all this will look in a 3D version, for which you need to download a free VRML 3D viewer, for example, Cortona VRML Client (1.62 MB). Also from the program website you can download additional objects and interior elements. Many interface languages are supported. Design your room, office, apartment or house, plan gardens and more... Room Arranger - you sometimes reconstruct rooms or rearrange things placed in them. You move heavy furniture just to everything would fit with no problem, be handy, and have a good impact. Room Arranger enables you to simulate everything with no need to draw on a square paper, or to push things there and back repeatedly. Room Arranger can be used not only for designing the rooms or apartments, but also in the variety of other areas - garden architecture, housing development (houses as objects), webdesign (webpage as the room). Room Arranger is a useful program which lets you arrange a room, house or garden in any way you want to. Here are some key features of "Room Arranger": · Design your room, an apartment consisting of more rooms, or the whole house with more floors. · Wide standard object library, insert exact objects' dimensions. · Create your library of objects you use more often. · Walk through the project in 3D. · Print the project in certain scale even over more pages. · Measure the distances in the project. · Multi-language support. Currently: English, Arabic, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian. https://katfile.com/0vmcguano070/roar82.7z.html jelszó:982
CircuitCAM LaserPlus 7.6.1 43MB A CircuitCAM a kínai Tianjinban működő DCT Co.,Ltd. és az LKSoft által kifejlesztett, nyomtatott áramköri lapok (PCB) és más kapcsolódó technológiák számítógépes gyártását segítő CAM-rendszer. Támogatja mind a prototípusgyártás, mind a sorozatgyártás technológiáit. A támogatott gyártási folyamatok a következők: az elrendezési adatok ellenőrzése, beleértve a tervezési szabályok ellenőrzését panelizálás és galvanikus keretek létrehozása adatelőkészítés a fotórajzolóhoz hagyományos marás és fúrás (kontúrfúrás), beleértve a szerszámpályák optimalizálását is szigetelőmarás prototípusgyártáshoz lézervágás, -fúrás és -szerkesztés, beleértve a lézersugár korrekcióját és az optikai szkennereket is SMT-sablon és SMT-lapkák optimalizálása csomag- és lábnyomfelismerés könyvtárral általános geometriai adatmotor mindenféle egyedi kéréshez. A CircuitCAM az új, 7.0-s verzióban már mindenki számára elérhető. Teljesen új, univerzális és testreszabható módját kínálja az NC szerszámpálya generálásának, és többé nem kötődik egy adott német gépgyártó ügyfeleihez. A CircuitCAM-ot közvetlenül a fejlesztőktől vásárolhatja meg, vagy egyébként megkérdezheti az adott gépgyártóját. Egyedi verziókat kínálunk az Ön alkalmazásához, gépéhez és anyagához igazodó egyedi igények támogatására. CircuitCAM is a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and other related technologies from DCT Co.,Ltd in Tianjin, China and LKSoft. It is supporting technologies for both prototyping and line production. The supported manufacturing processes are: inspection of layout data including design rule checks panelization and creation of galvanic frames data preparation for photo-plotter conventional milling and drilling (contour routing), including optimization of tool-paths insulation milling for prototyping Laser cutting, drilling, and structuring, including Laser beam correction and optical scanners SMT stencil and SMT pad optimizations package and footprint recognition with library generic geometric data engine for all kinds of custom requests. CircuitCAM in its new version 7.0 is now available for everyone. It provides a totally new, universal and customizable way of NC toolpath generation and it is no longer bound to customers of a particular German machine manufacturer. You can buy CircuitCAM directly from the developers or otherwise ask your particular machine vendor. We offer customized versions to support the specific needs of your application, machine and material. With over 10 000 paid licenses all over the world CircuitCAM is in the top league of CAM systems for printed circuit boards (PCB). Its unique capabilities for milling, insulation milling, drilling and different kinds of Laser-structuring, -cutting and -drilling are completely restructured and enhanced in the new version. https://katfile.com/mjvespazpe4u/ccl761.7z.html jelszó:v761
Bitsum ParkControl Pro Multilingual 4MB A "magparkolás" egy alvó állapot (C6), amelyet a legtöbb újabb x86-os processzor és a Windows újabb kiadásai támogatnak. A Core Parking dinamikusan letiltja a CPU-magokat, hogy energiát takarítson meg üresjáratban. A letiltott magok újra bekapcsolódnak, amint a CPU-terhelés ismét növekszik. Ez a technológia nagyon hasonlít a frekvenciaskálázáshoz, mivel a CPU-t üresjáratban igyekszik visszafogni. A probléma az, hogy a Window alapértelmezett energiaprofiljai túlságosan agresszívan vannak beállítva a magok parkolását illetően. Érdekünk az energiatakarékosság volt, még akkor is, ha ez a teljesítmény csekély mértékű csökkenésével járt. Számos összetett paraméter szabályozza, hogy egy magot mikor kell parkolni, és a Microsoft erősen az energiatakarékosságra hangolt. A Windowsban a magok parkolási beállításai a teljesítménytervek (más néven teljesítményprofilok) paramétereiként vannak megvalósítva. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például letilthatja a magok parkolását a Nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági terv esetében, de a többi terv esetében engedélyezve hagyhatja. És a legtöbb felhasználó pontosan ezt a módosítást szeretné elérni: a parkolást csak a nagyteljesítményű energiatakarékossági tervekben kell kikapcsolni. Introduction to CPU Core Parking CPU Parking is a low-power sleep state (C6) supported by most modern processors and operating systems. It dynamically disables CPU cores in an effort to conserve power when idle. Unfortunately, this power saving comes at a price: Latency when CPUs need unparked to execute code. Initially, core parking was controlled entirely by the operating system. The aggressive core parking of Windows led to a great deal of inefficiency during bursting CPU loads. Intel moved core parking control onto the chip in the Skylake generation, and AMD followed, but still the parameters of the Windows power plans are set to aggressively park CPU cores. Even the default ‘High Performance’ power plan is not immune. The new ‘Ultra Performance’ power plan copies what Bitsum did with our own ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ power plan and finally disables core parking entirely. ParkControl (and Process Lasso) not only let one more easily configure CPU core parking and frequency scaling, but also allow for dynamic entrance into a higher performance power plan. For instance, with Process Lasso, you can automatically enter ‘Bitsum Highest Performance’ will you start a game, then go back to ‘Balanced’ when you exit. ParkControl has Dynamic Boost to allow you to set active and idle power plans. Process Lasso has a similar feature with its IdleSaver. Efficacy Empirical evidence shows that disabling core parking can make a real difference in system performance. There are many factors that will determine precisely how effective it will be for a given situation. However, generally, Windows is too aggressive in its core parking, resulting in high latency during bursting CPU loads, stemming from the CPU cores needing to be unparked to handle the load. Since bursting CPU loads are the most common type for many workloads, core parking can be a substantial drag on system performance and responsiveness. How to Restore Defaults Any changes you make with ParkControl are easily reverted. To restore the default power plan settings: Click ‘Power Options’ in the ParkControl app Select the Power Profile you modified Click ‘Restore default settings for this plan’ Repeat for all modified power plans ParkControl – Tweak CPU Core Parking and More ParkControl is free software to display and tweak CPU core parking settings in real-time, among other features. Tame unruly background processes Set persistent CPU affinities and priorities Automate power plans Changelog: v5.0.1.2 – Jan 26, 2024 (1) Fix a GUI compatibility issue with Windows 7/8 in v5.0.0.34 https://katfile.com/74b9kh3sub6l/parcop512.7z.html jelszó:5012
Air Explorer Pro v5.4.3 10MB (15MB) Fájlok átvitele a felhő tárhelyek vagy a számítógép között Fájlok áthúzása vagy másolása/beillesztése a számítógép és a felhők között, illetve különböző felhők között. Az Air Explorerrel például bármilyen fájlt átvihet a Google Drive-ból a Dropboxba. Lehetőség van a fájlok titkosítására, így ha valaki hozzáfér a felhőhöz, akkor sem tudja majd elolvasni a fájlokat további jelszó nélkül. Szinkronizálás a felhők vagy a számítógép között Szinkronizálhat mappákat egyik felhőből a másikba, vagy a számítógépe és az egyik felhő között. Szinkronizálhat például a OneDrive és a Dropbox között az Air Explorer segítségével. Több szinkronizálási mód (tükrözés, kétirányú szinkronizálás stb.) korlátlan számú egyidejű szinkronizálási feladattal. A szinkronizálási funkcióval egyszerűen készíthet biztonsági mentést a fájljairól a felhőbe. Fájlátvitelek és biztonsági mentések automatizálása Ütemezze a fájlátviteleket, feladatokat és szinkronizációkat, hogy felügyelet nélkül fussanak. Parancssori eszköz a felhőfájlok szinkronizálásához vagy kezeléséhez. Lehetőség van egyéni szkriptek létrehozására a felhőfájlok kezeléséhez. Részletes naplófájl és szinkronizációs összefoglaló jelentések készíthetők minden szinkronizáláskor. Az Air Explorer támogatja a legjobb online felhőalapú tárolási szolgáltatásokat: Dropbox, Hidrive, pCloud, Mail.ru, Mega, WebDAV, Mail.com, Adrive, Magenta Cloud, Stack Storage, Datto Drive, SharePoint Online, S3, AWS S3, Wasabi, FTP és SFTP. magyar nyelvű felület https://katfile.com/vo0njuuhetlb/aep543.7z.html portable 4MB (15MB) https://katfile.com/lds6q9griubg/aep543po.7z.html jelszó:v543
Diamond Cut Audio Restoration Tools v11.02.0 58MB DCart11.0 is the next step in audio processing evolution. With DCart11.0, we have added to, and enhanced the existing tools you know and love and we have made the much easier to find and use. A new Graphical User Interface provides a very intuitive way to interact with the power of the classic Diamond Cut tools. A new set of task panes steers the user to the correct solution based on their audio goal. With 11.00 we have introduced “Green Zones” on our filters to help you quickly dial in your sliders settings. Additionally, it incorporates many new descriptive presets for the various filters. Tasks that may have been difficult to accomplish in the past are now easily approachable with new features. Ease of Use: Three Step Wizard to get you started with professional record restorations (Take a look at the Task Pane) Green Zones to guide filter slider settings Tasks Pane feature guides you to the correct filter Updated GUI Appearance VST Hosting (VST Plug-in Support) Waveform Overview for quickly getting around in a file Tabbed display or traditional multi window view Larger  and completely configurable toolbar Icons One-Click Switch between Fast & Classic Edit Mode Improved tracking of all editing functions in classic editing mode between source and destination files Quick access to Spectrogram or Histogram views from the main window Changed the software application look to follow various flavors of Windows Paste Interpolate Icon button for easy waveform interpolation when working with tablet computers. Easy check for updates from the help menu Customizable Keyboard Accelerators Customizable Application Look New Release – Version 11.0 Added Support for ASIO sound cards New Audio Control Center in DCTunes Speed Increase for Loading/Saving DCTunes Libraries New stereo simulator presets for the multifilter New monaural demo recording Bug Fixes https://katfile.com/j39d088v6oj7/dcart1102.7z.html Portable 56MB https://katfile.com/pwi31rxkfwp2/dcart1102po.7z.html jelszó:1102
Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 6.10.8 beta 39MB | rendszereszköz A Hard Disk Sentinel egy több operációs rendszert támogató merevlemez ellenőrző és felügyelő alkalmazás, melynek célja: merevlemez problémák és teljesítmény csökkenés felderítése, várható meghibásodás előrejelzése és megelőzése. A merevlemez állapotát a lehető legrészletesebben kijelzi és átfogó szöveges értékelést készít. Számos listázási, riasztási és teszt funkció gondoskodik a maximális adatbiztonságról. Nincs szükség különböző szoftverek használatára, mivel a Hard Disk Sentinel egymagában képes felügyelni a belső- és külső merevlemezek, SSD-k, SCSI/SAS lemezek és RAID tömbök - valamint a hálózatban használt (NAS) eszközök állapotát is. A Hard Disk Sentinel egyedülálló módon deríti fel ezen felül a szalagos meghajtók (tape drive), ipari SD memóriakártyák és a tabletekben használatos eMMC SSD-k állapotát is. A februári stabil változat óta bővűlt a támogatott hardverek listája (raid vezérlők és ssd-k) és javítottak a régi USB 2.0 kártyaolvasók kompatibilitásán, bűvült a bugfixek száma is. Changelog: Hard Disk Sentinel Pro beta version 6.10.8: - added support of Fusion ioMemory / ioScale SSDs: detect and report health, temperature, wearout, lifetime writes, usage statistics - added support of new combo USB-NVMe / USB-SATA external adapters - added support of various new industrial (micro) SD cards: detect card status, health, wearout and details about newer Innodisk, Swissbit, Greenliant SD cards - added support of QNAP QDA-A2AR RAID device (2x2.5" HDD/SSD to single drive): detect complete S.M.A.R.T. status of both drives in RAID configuration - fixed lifetime writes display for 4Kn Seagate SATA hard disk drives - improved reporting of various Hitachi SAS hard disks / SSDs - added/improved support of various SATA SSDs (SK Hynix, Transcend, ADATA, Ramsta) Hard Disk Sentinel Pro beta version 6.10.7b - added new alert option: Configuration -> Alerts -> When custom threshold reached right click on any attribute on the S.M.A.R.T. page to define custom alert threshold condition: when Value or Data field is lower, lower or equal, higher, higher or equal, equal or not equal compared to configured threshold - added new alert option: Configuration -> Alerts -> When disk added/connected specify disk drive(s) by wildcards or select drives to trigger alert - added new alert option: Configuration -> Alerts -> When disk removed/disconnected specify disk drive(s) by wildcards or select drives to trigger alert - added support of Oyen Digital MiniPRO RAID V4: detect status of both hard disks / SSDs in standalone, RAID0, RAID1, JBOD modes - added support of ServeRAID C100 / C105: Raid controller: detect S.M.A.R.T. status in RAID configuration - added support of Kingston SEDC600 SSD, ADATA SE920 SSD - improved status detection when AMD RAID used with Microsoft Storage Spaces configuration - improved status detection and compatibility with password protected WD My Book external drives - improved compatibility with USB3.0 Super Speed external SATA disk drive enclosure - improved support of Sabrent NVMe USB adapter - improved status and Health % reporting for DELL(tm) SSDs Hard Disk Sentinel Pro beta version 6.10.6b - added support of CISCO UCS C240 M4 12G Modular Raid controller: detect S.M.A.R.T. status in RAID configuration - added support of Inateck SA03001 USB 3.0 to IDE/SATA adapter: detect complete status of all 2.5" , 3.5" IDE/ATA and SATA drives - added support of Lexar E6 USB-NVMe adapter - surface test functions can be used for SAS 4Kn drives formatted to 4160 bytes/sector, 4224 bytes/sector - improved detection/reporting of HOT SPARE drives on various LSI, AVAGO, BROADCOM, INTEL, DELL SATA/SAS controllers - improved support of some Kingston SATA SSDs, Sandisk SATA SSDs - improved support of UNIC2 / TXRUI SSDs - minor changes, updates, icon fixes - complete French help added (thanks for François MORTEAU) - added support of Crucial X9 Pro external SSD, Crucial X10 Pro external SSD - improved support / compatibility with Adaptec SAS/SATA HBAs - improved support of Sandisk Extreme Pro external SSDs: Disk menu -> Short self test, Extended self test functions are available - improved compatibility and support with MAXIO Technology SATA and PCIe SSDs - added support of HPE MR416i-a Gen10+ tri-mode SAS/SATA/NVMe RAID controller: detect S.M.A.R.T. status in RAID configuration - added support of newer combo NVMe/SATA -> USB adapters / docks / converters - added Slovenian language, thanks for Andraz Poje for the translation - improved compatibility with ATTO SAS/SATA HBA (non-RAID) controllers - improved compatibility with QNAP multi-drive RAID boxes / enclosures - improved support of some Samsung SATA SSDs, Kingspec SSDs - improved power on time reporting on WD SAS drives - added support of Silverstone DS223 2x SATA RAID box: detect status of both hard disks / SSDs in standalone, RAID0, RAID1, JBOD modes - improved support of MegaRAID 9540-8i, MegaRAID 9560-8i RAID controller: detection of drives in RAID configuration, arrays, hot spare drive(s), NVMe RAID support - improved support of Seagate Ironwolf SSD - improved support of Transcend SATA 1 TB SSD - improved support of various SATA SSDs from unknown/various manufacturers - improved health % detection of Sandisk SDSSDHII960G - advanced health % reporting of Micron SSDs with Lenovo firmware - advanced Disk Specific Information and error reporting of problematic / failing NVMe SSDs - improved reporting of HIKVISION SATA SSDs, ADATA SATA SSDs - added support of EGON T2, V Series SATA SSD, XSTAR SSD - added support of i-Tec MySafe 2x M.2 SATA RAID box support: detect status of both M.2 SSDs in standalone, RAID0, RAID1, LARGE modes - added support of Kingston Datatraveler Workspace pendrive: detect health, temperature, lifetime status / statistics - improved support of multiple Yottamaster 5 bay RAID enclosures, Oyen Digital Mobius RAID enclosures - improved support of HP SATA/SAS HBAs - improved reporting of some Kingston SSDs (some firmware versions may previously reported high number of communication errors) - improved reporting with RaidON InTank iR2622 - improved reporting of some SATA SSDs with LENOVO firmware - improved reporting of Crucial SATA SSD lifetime writes - improved reporting of various Silicon Power SPCC SSD, Hikvision SATA SSD, Micron SSD, Kingspec SSD, Suneast SSD, EGON SSD - improved reporting of various Samsung SSD, Sandisk SSD, Patriot P210 SSD, Patriot P220 SATA SSD - improved reporting of various Intel SSDs, DELL and HP OEM SSD: showing health, wearout, lifetime writes - improved power on time reporting of some older Fujitsu SATA hard disk drives - fixed backup projects with long file names / long paths - fixed System Management Information always saved to reports even if that option disabled at Configuration -> Message Settings page - fixed Polish language display during disk test - detection of disk status in RAID configurations when ARECA RAID controller used with 4Kn formatted SATA hard disk drives - improved detection with Cachecade configuration on LSI controllers - improved detection of Sandisk Ultra II SSDs with some USB adapters/docks/enclosures - improved support and reporting of Intel Pro 5400 SATA SSDs - improved support of Intel SSDs with DELL OEM firmware - detection and reporting of Set sector configuration log in the Device Specific Information section (if supported by the drive) - added support of ALLIED SATA SSD, FIKWOT SATA SSD - added detection of additional fake SSDs / pendrives - improved compatibility with some old USB 2.0 card readers - improved image quality on some high DPI scale settings - fixed tray icon images with some special custom scaling values https://katfile.com/qfp3ejfz24xe/hdsp6108.7z.html Portable 42MB https://katfile.com/sd2iaszi56uj/hdsp6108po.7z.html jelszó:sentinel
AOMEI Partition Unlimited Edition v10.3.0 WinPE 670MB (703MB) Operációs rendszer nélkül futtaható lemezképfájl, megfelelő programmal lemezre vagy pendrivera rakható. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés és partíció visszaállító varázsló. https://katfile.com/6i9g2tghzuck/aopassun103WinPE.7z.html jelszó:1030
AOMEI Partition Assistant All Editions v10.3.0 7zip | 57MB Professional, Technician, Unlimited, Server verzió választási lehetőség. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés. Partíció visszaállító varázsló, hordozható és indítható Windows készítés (két módszer bootolható Windows USB meghajtó létrehozására). MBR GPT-be, NTFS FAT32-re, elsődleges partíciót logikaiba vagy fordítva alakít. Legyalulja a partíciót vagy akár a teljes merevlemezt ha akarjuk a biztonság kedvéért, képes meghajtó betűjelet váltani, elrejteni vagy láthatóvá tenni partíciókat, hibás szektorokat és partíciókat ellenőrizni, Master Boot Recordot újraépíteni és még sok-sok mindenre képes. AOMEI Partition Assistant, especially designed to meet the needs of small and medium sized business, not only includes all features to make the best use of disk space while minimizing server downtime, but also provides comprehensive solution to disk-related issue. With intuitive and easy-to-use interface, anyone, even non-technical users, can maximize the performance of servers in minutes without having to need an expert. Our stable and robust server partition software is priced at only $160 available for two servers as well as free lifetime upgrades. Top Benefits - Allow unlimited usage within one company to save money. - Safe - no data loss, fast - no reboot, easy - no professional skill. All-in-one Hard Disk Partition Manager - Extend NTFS system partitionwithout rebooting computer to reduce downtime. - Resize/move a partition or dynamic volume to maximize utilization of storages. - Easily allocate free space from one partition to another without losing data. - Merge adjacent two partitions into one, or merge unallocated space to a partition. - Partition alignment optimizes the drive for performance, especially for SSD. - Erase all data permanently so that it cannot be recovered any more. System and Data Migration - Migrate OS from hard disk to solid-state drive (SSD), supporting MBR and GPT disk. - Upgrade storages with disk to disk copy, no need to reinstall Windows and applications. - Copy a partition from one hard drive to another for backing up data. Magic and Safe Converter - Change disk style - safely convert an MBR basic or dynamic disk into GPT, and vice versa. - Change disk type - safely convert a dynamic MBR or GPT disk into basic, and vice versa. - Change partition type - safely convert a primary partition into logical, and vice versa. - Change file system - safely covert NTFS file system to FAT32, and vice versa. Step-by-step Handy Wizards - Extend Partition Wizard - solve “low disk space” of C drive by taking unused space from other partitions. - Partition Recovery Wizard - retrieve valuable information from lost or deleted partitions. - Make Windows PE Bootable Media - troubleshoot problems, or recover data when system fails to boot. - Windows To Go Creator - build a portable and fully functional Windows 8 system on USB flash drive. Version 10.3.0 Jan 29, 2024 Added “Bitlocker Encryption”: Provides encryption/decryption for entire volumes to protect your data from unauthorized access. It is also available on Windows Home edition. Fixed issue: Computer cannot boot from the destination disk after cloning an MBR system disk or migrating OS on an MBR disk in individual environments. Fixed issue: Failed to create a Windows to go bootable disk with “Win to Go”, because it cannot create partition incorrectly. Enhanced “Data Recovery”: Now it allows to recover lost or deleted files from FAT and FAT32 formatted storage devices, such as HDD, SD cards, memory cards, USB flash drives, and external drives. Plus, it adds 7 new file formats to preview in a large resolution before recovery, including avi, mov, mkv, m4v, wav, m4a, and docx. https://katfile.com/junocbzpm9ni/aopassall103.7z.html jelszó:1030
The Bat! Professional v11.0.3.4 Multilingual 330MB A The Bat! egy Windows operációs rendszeren futtatható levelező kliens ami az összes ma elterjedt levelező szolgatást támogatja. A szoftverrel sokkal biztonságosabban lehet E-MAIL üzeneteket küldeni. Támogatja a IMAP, POP, MAPI protokollokat. A The Bat! telepítése után egy varázsló visz végig minket a beállításokon azonnal hozzá is adhatjuk a címeinket. Egyetlen kattintással letölthetjük a számítógépre az összes levelet amit ezen túl a gépről érhetünk el. levelező kliens POP3 IMAP protokoll támogatás korszerű felhasználói felület sablon konfiguráció HTML tartalmak készítése magyar nyelv The Bat! is a secure desktop email client for Windows, built to protect your correspondence against third-parties. The Bat! protects your information through multiple encryption streams, with the option to keep all information encrypted on your disk, and to protect emails during communication using end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The Bat! can work without global email providers that keep your messages in the cloud, where they can be stolen. The Bat! keeps your emails on your computer to make them private. The Bat! blocks malicious code and tracking pixels that spread via email. This is a way to protect from email hacking. The Bat! email program is able to process and store an unlimited number of messages and has no restriction on the number of email accounts accessible via IMAP, POP, MAPI protocols. The Bat! is a perfect multiple email account manager - allows you to quickly access all your email accounts in one place. The Bat! is a safe, robust and reliable mail application. It handles very large message bases quickly and with small memory footprint. The MailTicker™ is, without doubt, one of the most powerful features of The Bat!. The MailTicker™ adds a visual indicator to your desktop similar to those stock exchange banners you may know from certain TV news channels. It shows unread messages, as defined by a set of simple options you can choose from. This makes The Bat! the best mail app for Windows. Key Features PGP, GnuPG and S/MIME Support Powerful Filtering System Chromium-based HTML viewer Configurable Image Retrieval The Bat!'s own Address Book Safe Handling of Attached Files Handy Templates Selective Message Download RSS Feed Subscriptions The Bat! v11.0.3.4 (26 January 2024) Improvements Click on the signature status in the Conversation View invokes manual signature check "View Source" in IMAP4 accounts downloads the messages into the local cache now Fixes Quick Reply in the Conversation View was using a Quick Template if any existed instead of the actual text Common virtual folders ignored the disabled option "Use cross-folder threading" and continued to display full conversation threads The sender's address could not be copied from the header pane in the conversation thread view The attachments' Download/Save button invoked the wrong "Save to a Folder" action The issue which caused irrelevant messages to be displayed in address history for a given entry in the Conversation View has been resolved Ctrl+mouse wheel or Ctrl+ + did not increase/decrease the text in Plain Text messages Simple MAPI was not functional since v10.5 Message auto-view pane turned blank when the Window Split Mode (Conversation View) was changed Sorting Office PGP signing action not functioning properly The issue which caused the "Invalid image. Error -2003292287" error message to appear when replying to an HTML-message using PureHTML has been resolved The problem causing the "Abstract error" when replying to an HTML-message is fixed Certain XLS attachments could not be properly parsed and displayed garbled contents in the attachment preview After sending a quick reply the respective text was still shown in the Quick Reply pane (Conversation view) "Shift+Ctrl+K did not work in the classic message preview pane The Bat! mail software supports the following versions of Windows Operating System: Windows 10 (32/64 bit) - Certified for Windows 10 Windows 11 (32/64 bit) Server versions Windows Server 2016 & R2 Windows Server 2019 https://katfile.com/778m3d0gsrxb/tbt134.7z.html jelszó:1134