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Directory Opus Pro v13.4 36MB Üdvözöljük a Directory Opus-ban, a Windows fájlkezelőben. A Directory Opus négy célt tart szem előtt: Könnyű használat: Az Opus a lehető legnagyobb mértékben úgy működik, mint az Explorer. Az Opus használatához nem kell bonyolult szkripteket vagy nem szabványos egértechnikákat megtanulnia. Ha valaha is használtad az Explorert egy fájl másolására, akkor már pontosan tudod, hogyan kell ezt az Opusban is megtenni. Konfigurálhatóság: Hiszünk abban, hogy a felhasználónak joga van megválasztani, hogyan működjön a számítógépe. Az Opus szinte minden aspektusa megváltoztatható - az eszköztáron lévő gomboktól kezdve a tömörített fájl hátterének rajzolásához használt színig. Hatékonyság: Az Opus-t úgy tervezték, hogy a lehető leghatékonyabb legyen. Az egész program a többszálú futás lehetőségét használja, hogy soha ne kelljen várnia egy művelet befejezésére, mielőtt egy másikat elkezdene. Kompatibilitás: Az Explorer helyettesítőjeként fontos, hogy az Opus ugyanúgy jelenjen meg (a rendszer számára), mint az Explorer. A Microsoft által meghatározott korlátokon belül az Opus ezt eléri, és a legtöbb olyan szoftver, amely csak az Explorerrel készült, az Opus telepítésével is jól fog működni. Túl sok funkció van ahhoz, hogy mindet felsoroljuk, de hogy csak néhányat említsünk: Egy vagy két fájlmegjelenítés, egy vagy két fával, így a fájlok navigálása és kezelése gyerekjáték. A mappa lapok segítségével több mappát tarthat nyitva, és gyorsan válthat közöttük. Az egyedülálló Explorer Replacement mód a Windows Explorer teljes körű helyettesítését biztosítja. Az integrált megjelenítő ablaktábla lehetővé teszi számos gyakori kép- és dokumentumfájl-formátum előnézetét Fájl metaadatok (EXIF, MP3, PDF stb.) megtekintése és szerkesztése A rendezés, csoportosítás, szűrés és keresés még soha nem volt ilyen egyszerű Színkódolás vagy állapotikonok, csillagok, címkék és leírások hozzárendelése a fájlokhoz és mappákhoz, hogy könnyebben megtalálhatók legyenek. Kötegelt átnevezés, beleértve a könnyen használható billentyűzetmakrókat, valamint a metaadatok felhasználásával történő, teljesen szkriptelt átnevezés lehetőségét. FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR és számos más archívumformátum támogatása. Tartalomhoz való hozzáférés hordozható eszközökön, például telefonokon, táblagépeken és fényképezőgépeken Beépített eszközök, többek között szinkronizálás, duplikátumkereső, képkonvertáló és feltöltő stb. Mappalisták nyomtatása vagy exportálása, fájllisták másolása a vágólapra, mappák méretének kiszámítása. Több fájlmásolat sorba állítása a jobb teljesítmény érdekében CD/DVD-írás támogatása A Windows legújabb funkcióinak támogatása, beleértve az ugrási listákat és az indexelt keresést is A legújabb Windows funkciók támogatása, beleértve az indexelt keresést is Teljesen konfigurálható felhasználói felület - a színek, betűtípusok, eszköztárak, billentyűzet gyorsbillentyűk és sok minden más az Ön igényeihez igazítható. A teljes szkriptkészítő felület támogatja a VBScript, a JScript vagy bármely kompatibilis telepített Active Scripting nyelvet. Hatékony, többszálú, modern kialakítás - natív 32 és 64 bites változatok A nagy DPI felbontású monitorok natív támogatása - éles, tiszta felület 4K vagy 5K felbontásban, elmosódás vagy apró ikonok nélkül. Támogatja a Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 és Windows 11 (beleértve a Server verziókat is) rendszereket Welcome to Directory Opus, the File Manager for Windows! Directory Opus is designed with four goals in mind: Ease of use: As far as possible, Opus works just like Explorer does. You don't have to learn any complicated scripting or non-standard mouse techniques to use Opus. If you've ever used Explorer to copy a file, you already know exactly how to do it in Opus as well. Configurability: We believe in the user's right to choose how their computer operates. You'll find that almost every aspect of Opus can be changed - from the buttons on the toolbar to the color used to draw the background of a compressed file. Efficiency: Opus is designed to be as efficient as possible. The entire program makes use of multi-threading to ensure that you should never have to wait for one operation to complete before beginning another. Compatibility: As an Explorer Replacement it's important that Opus appears (to the system) just like Explorer does. Within the limits set by Microsoft, Opus achieves this and most software written with only Explorer in mind will still work fine with Opus installed. There are far too many features to list them all here, but to name a few: Single or dual file displays, with single or dual trees, make navigating and manipulating files a breeze Folder tabs let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them Unique Explorer Replacement mode provides a full replacement for Windows Explorer Integrated viewer pane lets you preview many common image and document file formats View and edit file metadata (EXIF, MP3, PDF, etc) Sorting, grouping, filtering and searching has never been easier Color code or assign status icons, star ratings, tags and descriptions to your files and folders to make them easier to find Batch renaming including easy-to-use keyboard macros, and the option for a fully scripted rename using metadata Support for FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR and many other archive formats Access content on portable devices like phones, tablets and cameras Built-in tools including synchronize, duplicate file finder, image converter and uploader and more Print or export folder listings, copy file listings to the clipboard, calculate folder sizes Queue multiple file copies for improved performance Support for CD/DVD burning Support for the latest Windows features including jumplists and indexed search Fully configurable user interface - colors, fonts, toolbars, keyboard hotkeys and much more can be tailored to suit your needs Full scripting interface supports VBScript, JScript or any compatible installed Active Scripting language Efficient, multi-threaded, modern design - native 32 and 64 bit versions Supports high DPI monitors natively - crisp, clear interface in 4K or 5K without blurring or tiny icons Supports Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11 (including Server versions) Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and Server versions. https://katfile.com/o1t17k6kld0j/dirop134.7z.html jelszó:opus
Sons Of The Forest v48257 9899MB (15085MB) | akció, túlélő 20240313-i kiadás An entirely new experience from the makers of the ‘The Forest’ Sent to find a missing billionaire on a remote island, you find yourself in a cannibal-infested hellscape. Craft, build, and struggle to survive, alone or with friends, in this terrifying new open-world survival horror simulator. A Survival Horror Simulator Experience complete freedom to tackle the world how you want. You decide what you do, where to go and how best to survive. There are no NPC's barking orders at you or giving you missions you don't want to do. You give the orders, you choose what happens next. Fight Demons Enter a world where nowhere is safe and fight against a range of mutated creatures, some who are almost human like, and others who are like nothing you have ever seen before. Armed with pistols, axes, stun batons and more, protect yourself and those you care for. Build and Craft Feel every interaction; Break sticks to make fires. Use an axe to cut out windows and floors. Build a small cabin, or a sea-side compound, the choice is yours. Changing Seasons Pluck fresh salmon directly from streams in spring and summer. Collect and store meat for the cold winter months. You're not alone on this island, so as winter rolls in and food and resources become scarce you won't be the only one looking for a meal. Co-op Gameplay Survive alone, or with friends. Share items and work together to build defenses. Bring back-up to explore above and below ground. changelog v48257 This patch gives Kelvin the ability to get into golf carts, allows players to create a new armor type, and adds improvements to the auto foundation snapping system. There are also some additional fixes and improvements, listed below. Features Added ability for Kelvin to get into golf carts Added seat occupied indicators for golf carts Added new Armor type Auto foundation now allows snapping at various heights instead of only the highest Improvements Arrows and spears are now easier to collect after thrown or shot Gps tracker will now correctly align to player direction (i.e. when using the glider) Players can now carry 16 bones Improved Timmy run animations and added Muddy cannibal sleeping animations and 180 turn on rock for male cannibals Raccoon’s will now trigger some trap types and eagles will now sometimes grab fish out of water Balanced fire torch Improved performance of effects when plater is active Fixes Fixed case where golf cart particles could cause visual distortion Fix for knife equip when waking up under water Fixed some keyboard keys displaying name incorrectly in some languages Blocked mounting knight V while healing from downed state in multiplayer Fixed Knight V tire decal disappearing when dismounted Fixed a bug when trying to sled in ice caves Fixed canvas scaling for save game menu on dead screen Fix for HUD coming back when pressing esc after quitting Fixed a case of auto foundation placement being blocked when it shouldn't Fixed various beams linking and dismantling issues Fixed case where eagle could visually pop on landing Add splash sound on killer whale jump Increased cooldown on bat scare inside caves Fix decapitated carried cannibals not hiding their facial deformations Improved chopper rotation for clients in multiplayer games Improved moose path following issues and interruption issues Fixed issue were projectiles like spears could hit and be blocked by player hands Kelvin will now drop carried items when forced into sleep state when player sleeps Fixed shark missing some audio events Fixed seagull missing transition from "eat" to “fly” Fixed seagull sometimes falling through collision after landing Add raccoon ragdoll audio for thump on ground falling out of tree dead Fixed wooden crate position popping on break Fixed boat engine missing audio for impact/slide Wall will need 4 door cuts instead of 3 to be considered passable by ai actors Fix cannibals often looking away at other cannibals when taunting a bound player Fix case where Virginia or Kelvin could be stuck in place swimming after jumping into water Fix case where Kelvin could be stranded if he somehow got very far off the NavMesh Fix for zipline blocker at Bunker Residential and Bunker Entertainment exits Fix for some holes in Cave C collision meshes Removed a few trees in rocks above Cave B entrance MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: 64-bit Windows 10 Processzor: INTEL CORE I5-8400 or AMD RYZEN 3 3300X Memória: 12 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB or AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely Egyéb megjegyzések: SSD (Preferred) AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: 64-bit Windows 10 Processzor: INTEL CORE I7-8700K or AMD RYZEN 5 3600X Memória: 16 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA GeForce 1080Ti or AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely Egyéb megjegyzések: SSD (Preferred) kbontás crack használata majd sonoftheforest.exe vagy loader.exe futtatása https://usersdrive.com/gps1batrju6u.html https://usersdrive.com/8btdwmzht7q2.html https://usersdrive.com/d0302f9xgxdg.html https://usersdrive.com/15qv5802ceo4.html https://usersdrive.com/tvxgmem8c3wv.html https://usersdrive.com/vao5fjbcownv.html jelszó:sons
Oxygen Not Included + Spaced Out v597172s 7zip | 1082MB | kolónia menedzser, túlélő 20240307-i kiadás Magyarítás és Quality Of Life modok mellékelve, a dokumentumok/Klei mappába kell másolni majd játékon belül egyéni igény szerint engedélyezni. Achievementek engedélyezve. Grafikus achievement kijelzéshez Achievement Watcher és legál steam api kulcs szükséges. In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving... It’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations: Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost. Our focus for the past few months has been on improving performance for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We’ve been tweaking, fixing and changing lots of things: not all individually noticeable, but they add up to a faster, smoother gameplay experience. You’ll also be seeing some new faces at the watercooler. Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out! This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildings—including one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption action—we’ve also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONI’s new cosmetic skins! Whew. If you’re new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the roadmap here. Let’s dig in! New Buildings and Rooms We added a Conduction Panel that exchanges heat with buildings that it overlaps with, offering a new way to cool down space industry buildings—or whatever else you’ve decided to build in the glorious vacuum of your asteroid’s surface. The Mission Control Station broadcasts guidance data that ramps up a rocket’s speed during flight. It needs to be built inside one of the new rooms (the Laboratory) with a line of sight to space in order to function. The Laboratory also enables the use of the Geotuner… We like making things go “boom” as much as anyone else, and the Geotuner is built to do just that: aim it at an analyzed geyser anywhere on your asteroid, send a Duplicant over to compile some amplification data, and your targeted geyser will automatically get a little extra juice (heat- and output-wise) the next time it’s erupting. Are we nostalgic for our old science-fair days? Maybe. Duplicants are now rewarded with an extra large morale boost when they are given a Private Bedroom. The Private Bedroom requires a single comfy bed, a fully constructed backwall, and a few decor items to make your Duplicants comfortable. Story Trait: Mysterious Hermit The Mysterious Hermit is the star of our latest story trait. Convince him to join your colony (and let you repurpose his old haunt) by completing some tasks, like delivering tasty, tasty food to his curious domicile. Full patch notes A small hotfix for the February 2024 Quality of Life update. Fixes All versions Fixed Duplicants not being able to attack critters unless they were on the floor. Fixed Pokeshells defending an egg getting stuck trying to attack a threat that’s out of range. Fixed issue causing Pacus caught in a Fish Trap to sometimes become irretrievable. Fixed a visual issue with Signal Counters. Fixed issue causing Element Filter sidescreens on some buildings (such as the Storage Bin) to appear empty after switching to a different sidescreen tab. Fixed crash when changing graphic settings and clicking X instead of OK/Cancel. Fixed missing section of the Rust Deoxidizer animation. Fixed layout width issue on some automation building sidescreens. Spaced Out! only Fixed a rocketry-related tooltip crash. Fixed bug causing buildings marked for Change Material reconstruction not to be rebuilt after deconstruction if the player was focused on a different asteroid. Rovers and Biobots can no longer deliver critters to the Critter Cargo Bay. Errand type was also changed to ranching. MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 (64 bit) Processzor: Dual Core 2 GHz Memória: 4 GB RAM Grafika: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent) DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás -normal vagy experimental crack (az utóbbinál működik az alt+tab overlay) -OxygenNotIncluded.exe futtatása https://katfile.com/d0j9k7o2t24j/onise571.7z.html jelszó:oxygen
VisualAnalysis v.22.00.0002 30MB Szakemberek ezrei használják a VisualAnalysis (VA) programot a határidők betartásához. Az ügyfelek szerint "nagyszerű érték" és "nagyon könnyen tanulható". Önnek praktikus eszközökre van szüksége; a költségvetését kímélve. Megoldja a problémáit Elemezzen szinte bármit A legtöbb anyag tervezési ellenőrzése Egy óra alatt megtanulja a VA-t Segít megelőzni a költséges hibákat Egyéni jelentések segítségével összpontosíthat Csak azokat a funkciókat vásárolja meg, amelyekre szüksége van A licencelés rugalmas és egyszerű IES VisualAnalysis is an easy to learn software for general-purpose frame and finite-element analysis. Thousands of professionals leverage VisualAnalysis every day. They tell us it is "a great value" and "so easy to learn". Create frame, truss or FEA models of just about any structure. Sketch, generate, import CAD, or BIM (Revit). Easily apply loads. Distribute area loads to members. Gravity and lateral loading in the same project. Fast static, P-delta, AISC Direct, dynamic, and nonlinear. Proven and validated results https://katfile.com/qz987v9bxzy9/vusana22.7z.html jelszó:visual
AIDA64 v7.20.6800 All Editions portable 246MB Extreme, Engineer, Business, Network Audit verziók, keygen mellékelve. AIDA64 Extreme Vezető diagnosztikai és teljesítménymérő alkalmazás otthoni felhasználóknak. A PC-rajongók körében etalonnak számító rendszerinformációs szoftver, mely részletes információkat szolgáltat a hardverkomponensekről és a telepített programokról, képes a gép teljesítményének mérésére, és segíti a hibák felderítését. AIDA64 Engineer Egy üzleti Windows-felhasználóknak szánt rendszerinformációs, -diagnosztikai és sebességmérő alkalmazás mérnökök részére. A szoftver a kategóriájában páratlan hardverfelismerő motorral rendelkezik, részletes adatokat szolgáltat a telepített szoftverekről, valamint támogatja a hibakeresést és a tuningot. A benchmarkok segítségével a PC-nk teljesítménye összevethető más konfigurációkéval, az érzékelők valós idejű figyelésével pedig felügyelhető a számítógép stabil működése. AIDA64 Business Teljes körű megoldás hálózati leltár készítéséhez, az IT-eszközök kezeléséhez és felügyeletéhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. A díjnyertes AIDA64-motorra épülő üzleti szoftver, mely részletes hardver- és szoftverleltárt készít a céges gépparkról, valamint távoli funkciókkal teszi egyszerűbbé a gépek karbantartását. A termék statisztikai adatokkal támogatja az IT-döntéshozatalt, és így segíti az informatikai költségek csökkentését. Az AIDA64 Businesst nem szükséges minden vállalati számítógépre egyenként feltelepíteni, elég csupán egy központilag megosztott könyvtárból futtatni. Network Audit Teljes körű megoldás hálózati hardver- és szoftverleltár készítéséhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. The new AIDA64 update introduces a revamped user interface with a configurable toolbar, as well as AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for AMD Threadripper 7000 processors, AVX2 optimized benchmarks for Intel Meteor Lake processors, and supports the latest AMD and Intel CPU platforms as well as the new graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by AMD, Intel and nVIDIA. Changelog Version: 7.20.6800 stable (Mar 11, 2024) Release notes: Dark Mode with 3 dark themes Gskill WigiDash LCD support Icelandic localization NZXT Kraken 2023 and Kraken Elite sensor support GPU details for AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 4000 Super Series https://katfile.com/os5e1hxpxkar/ADA64720allpo.7z.html jelszó:v720
Contra - Operation Galuga 7509MB (13921MB) Achievement rendszer hozzáadva, a felugró ablakokért telepítsd az Achievement Watcher-t saját steamapi key megadással. A new entry in the legendary Contra series is here! Contra: Operation Galuga is a thorough reimagining of the classic run-'n'-gun action game from the '80s, featuring modern graphics and sound, new stages, new enemies and bosses, new play mechanics, an updated weapons system, and explosive co-op combat for up to two players in Story Mode or four players in Arcade Mode! When the Red Falcon terrorist group takes over the Galuga Islands off the coast of New Zealand, elite Contra commandos Bill Rizer and Lance Bean springs into action, initiating an all-out war in which the fate of mankind hangs in the balance! Run, jump, and shoot your way through eight levels using a devastating arsenal - including the spread shot, laser, and homing missiles - now with stackable upgrades and awesome Overload abilities! The intense action is customizable with three difficulty settings plus a variety of additional challenge options. The true Contra legacy begins now! Key Features: •The original run-'n'-gun game is back, reimagined and more action-packed than ever! •Attack aggressively across eight explosive stages! Infiltrate the jungle, ascend the waterfall, speed through an enemy base on a hovercycle, and more! •Multiple playable characters with distinct abilities! •Epic, screen-filling boss battles! •New and fan-favorite weapons, now with stackable upgrades and incredible Overload abilities! •Multiple difficulty options and a wealth of extra content MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 - 64bit Processzor: Intel® Core™ i5-7500 (3.40 GHz) or better Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 770 or AMD Radeon™ RX 570 or better DirectX: Verzió: 12 Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat Tárhely: 15 GB szabad hely Egyéb megjegyzések: 1280 x 720 monitor resolution or better AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 - 64bit Processzor: Intel® Core™ i7-7700K (4.20 GHz) or better Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or better DirectX: Verzió: 12 Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat Tárhely: 15 GB szabad hely Egyéb megjegyzések: 1920 x 1080 monitor resolution or better https://frdl.to/rz0b3y8n7k12/cog.7z.001.html https://frdl.to/ge03yenzf91o/cog.7z.002.html https://frdl.to/yt88llfvwj42/cog.7z.003.html https://frdl.to/np2ehsruf34v/cog.7z.004.html https://frdl.to/q8sfaeavdhcx/cog.md5.html jelszó:contra
VCap Downloader Pro 1.18.5890 84MB A VCap Downloader (VCapDL) egy univerzális szoftver, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy videót és hangot rögzítsen internetes oldalakról. A szoftver felülete hasonlít egy hagyományos böngészőéhez, ami megkönnyíti a felhasználó számára a szoftver megismerését és a vele való munkát. A felhasználónak csak be kell másolnia a videó url-jét a kedvenc böngészőjéből, és át kell vinnie a VCap Downloader programba. A VCap Downloader rögzíti a videót, és elérhető minőségben kínálja a letöltést. A hangsávot is kiveheti bármely videóból, és MP3 formátumba konvertálhatja. A VCap Downloader egyik előnye az egyszerű beépített videószerkesztő, amely lehetővé teszi a leggyakoribb műveletek elvégzését, mint például a videók vágása vagy méretének módosítása. Magyar nyelv támogatott. VCap Downloader (VCapDL) is a universal software that allows you to capture video and audio from internet sites. The software interface resembles that of a regular browser, which makes it easier for the user to get to know and work with this software. The user just needs to copypast the video url from favorite browser and transfer it to VCap Downloader. VCap Downloader will capture the video and offer available quality for downloading. You can also extract audio track from any video and convert it to MP3 format. One of the advantages of VCap Downloader is a simple built-in video editor. It allows you to do simple most common actions like trimming, cropping or resizing videos. Simple and Easy Familiar browser interface Simple and user-friendly interface Easy access to download the files Drag&Drop Multilanguage Support of 4K monitors Fast and Effective Downloading files quickly on how much your Internet connection allows Multithreaded downloading Supports media stream M3U8, MPEG-DASH, VIMEO-STREAM protocols Automatic MP3 conversion Simple video editor Changelog (11.03.2024) fixed YouTube downloader (07.02.2024) updated MPEG-DASH parser fixed crash when the YouTube video downloads fixed YouTube playlist parsing refactoring and bug fix (25.12.2023) updated YouTube parser (18.12.2023) fixed memory leaks (libcurl.dll problem) fixed mp3 conversion https://katfile.com/wjy6mrcpsa6q/vcdp118.7z.html Portable 92MB https://katfile.com/ew7p4nbmhqx7/vcdp118po.7z.html jelszó:1185
NetLimiter Multilingual 8MB A NetLimiter Pro egy hálózati forgalom figyelő, adminisztráló és kontrolláló szoftver egyben, vele akár szálanként lebontva tudod monitorozni, hogy mely alkalmazások milyen kapcsolatokat létesítenek IP címre, processre lebontva. Korlátozható számukra a sávszélesség, de akár tilthatóak az internet hozzáférésük is. Időzített munkafolyamat támogatással. Port, IP cím szerinti tiltásokhoz. Hálózat figyelő, monitorozó szoftver szálanként történő analízisek valós idejű adatok időzíthetőség szűrők támogatása sávszélesség korlátozás process internet hozzáférés blokkolás port, protokoll távoli IP cím kilistázása NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Windows. Finally, you will become master over your internet connection. NetLimiter gives you full network control over your computer. You will decide where your applications are allowed to connect and how fast these connections should be. Full traffic control Set exact download/upload speed limits to any application or give them higher priority to ensure that they always get enough bandwidth they need. Internet traffic monitoring You will not miss a single application connecting to the internet. You will also monitor how much data it transfers from or to internet. All also displayed in customizable charts. Connection blocker Using this simple and also interactive system of rules you will be allowed to specify which applications can connect to internet and under which conditions. Quotas Lets you set data transfer quotas for selected application/filter. If the quota is reached - limit, blocker rule or other rules could be enabled. https://katfile.com/fqfojc70h1wd/netlim538.7z.html jelszó:5380
Gilisoft AI Toolkit v8.2.0 x64 19MB A Gilisoft AI Toolkit egy fejlett szoftver, amely intelligens eszközök széles skáláját kínálja a kép- és videófeldolgozáshoz. Arra tervezték, hogy a felhasználók mesterséges intelligencia (AI) technológiával javíthassák médiafájljaikat. A szoftver személyes és professzionális használatra egyaránt alkalmas, és különböző operációs rendszerekkel, köztük Windows és macOS rendszerekkel is kompatibilis. A Gilisoft AI Toolkit egyik legfontosabb jellemzője, hogy képes a képeket mesterséges intelligencia technológiával javítani. A szoftver fejlett algoritmusok segítségével elemzi és javítja a kép különböző aspektusait, például a színt, a kontrasztot, a fényerőt és az élességet. Ennek eredményeképpen a képek élénkebbek, tisztábbak és részletesebbek lesznek. A felhasználók a szoftver segítségével eltávolíthatják a nem kívánt tárgyakat a képekről, beállíthatják a mélységélességet, és művészi effektusokat adhatnak hozzá. A Gilisoft AI Toolkit másik fontos jellemzője, hogy képes felismerni és kivenni a szöveget a képekből és videókból. Ez a funkció különösen hasznos az olyan vállalkozások számára, amelyeknek adatokat kell kinyerniük számlákból, nyugtákból és egyéb dokumentumokból. A szoftver több nyelven is képes a képekből és videókból szöveget kinyerni, így sokoldalú eszközzé válik a globálisan működő vállalkozások számára. A Gilisoft AI Toolkit számos eszközt kínál az arcfelismeréshez és -elemzéshez. A szoftver képes felismerni és felismerni az arcokat képeken és videókon, valamint képes elemezni az arckifejezéseket és érzelmeket. Ez a funkció különösen hasznos az olyan vállalkozások számára, amelyek a vásárlói visszajelzéseket szeretnék elemezni, mivel segíthet megérteni, hogy a vásárlók hogyan vélekednek a termékeikről vagy szolgáltatásaikról. A szoftver számos eszközt kínál a tárgyak felismeréséhez és elemzéséhez is. A szoftver képes a képeken és videókon lévő objektumok észlelésére és felismerésére, valamint azok tulajdonságainak, például méretének, alakjának és színének elemzésére. Ez a funkció különösen hasznos azon vállalkozások számára, amelyek elemezni szeretnék a vásárlói viselkedést, mivel segíthet megérteni, hogy mely termékek vagy szolgáltatások a legnépszerűbbek. A Gilisoft AI Toolkit-et is felhasználóbarátra tervezték, egyszerű és intuitív felülettel. A felhasználók könnyedén navigálhatnak a különböző eszközök és funkciók között, és a szoftvert saját igényeikhez igazíthatják. Emellett a szoftver számos oktatóanyagot és útmutatót kínál a felhasználók számára a kezdéshez, így még a kezdő felhasználók számára is egyszerűvé válik a szoftver használata. Összefoglalva, a Gilisoft AI Toolkit egy fejlett szoftver, amely intelligens eszközök széles skáláját kínálja a kép- és videófeldolgozáshoz. A szoftvert úgy tervezték, hogy segítsen a felhasználóknak a médiafájlok vizuális vonzerejének növelésében az AI technológia segítségével, és mind személyes, mind professzionális használatra alkalmas. A Gilisoft AI Toolkit számos funkciójával - többek között képjavítás, videófeldolgozás, szövegkivonat, arcfelismerés és tárgyfelismerés - sokoldalú eszköz, amely segíthet a vállalkozásoknak és magánszemélyeknek javítani médiafájljaikat, és értékes betekintést nyerhetnek az ügyfelek viselkedésébe. Az OCR eszköz képes felismerni a szöveget a képekről, és szerkeszthető formátumba konvertálni azokat. A TTS eszköz képes a szöveget beszélt szavakká alakítani, míg az ASR eszköz képes a beszélt szavakat felismerni és szöveggé alakítani. Összességében a Gilisoft AI Toolkit egy átfogó szoftvercsomag, amely hasznos lehet azon vállalkozások és magánszemélyek számára, akik a mesterséges intelligencia technológiát szeretnék integrálni munkafolyamataikba. Gilisoft AI Toolkit is an advanced software that offers a wide range of intelligent tools for image and video processing. It is designed to help users enhance the visual appeal of their media files using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The software is suitable for both personal and professional use, and it is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows and macOS. One of the key features of Gilisoft AI Toolkit is its ability to enhance images using AI technology. The software uses advanced algorithms to analyze and enhance various aspects of an image, such as color, contrast, brightness, and sharpness. This results in images that are more vibrant, clear, and detailed. Users can also use the software to remove unwanted objects from images, adjust the depth of field, and add artistic effects. Another key feature of Gilisoft AI Toolkit is its ability to recognize and extract text from images and videos. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to extract data from invoices, receipts, and other documents. The software can extract text from images and videos in various languages, making it a versatile tool for businesses that operate globally. Gilisoft AI Toolkit also offers a range of tools for facial recognition and analysis. The software can detect and recognize faces in images and videos, and it can also analyze facial expressions and emotions. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that want to analyze customer feedback, as it can help them understand how customers feel about their products or services. The software also offers a range of tools for object recognition and analysis. The software can detect and recognize objects in images and videos, and it can also analyze their attributes, such as size, shape, and color. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that want to analyze customer behavior, as it can help them understand which products or services are most popular. Gilisoft AI Toolkit is also designed to be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive interface. Users can easily navigate through the different tools and features, and they can also customize the software to suit their needs. Additionally, the software offers a range of tutorials and guides to help users get started, making it easy for even novice users to use the software. In conclusion, Gilisoft AI Toolkit is an advanced software that offers a wide range of intelligent tools for image and video processing. The software is designed to help users enhance the visual appeal of their media files using AI technology, and it is suitable for both personal and professional use. With its range of features, including image enhancement, video processing, text extraction, facial recognition, and object recognition, Gilisoft AI Toolkit is a versatile tool that can help businesses and individuals improve their media files and gain valuable insights into customer behavior. The OCR tool can recognize text from images and convert them into editable formats. The TTS tool can convert text into spoken words, while the ASR tool can recognize spoken words and convert them into text. Overall, Gilisoft AI Toolkit is a comprehensive software package that can be useful for businesses and individuals who want to integrate AI technology into their workflows. Exclusive Features of Gilisoft AI Toolkit: AI Chatbox There are too many things that ChatGPT can do, more than you can imagine, and it is inevitable that it will have an impact on some types of work. ChatGPT is an intelligent chatbot based on artificial intelligence technology; it can simulate human thinking and language abilities, enabling natural language interaction and conversation. In addition to basic question and answer conversations, ChatGPT also has many amazing uses. AI Prompts Provide sufficient contextual information to the machine, organize prompts in a clear structure to make it easier for the machine to process, use simple and clear questions to guide users to express their suggestions, and thus better understand their needs. In addition, during the interaction, users should also try to use short sentences to ask questions, so that AI robots can respond more quickly and accurately. Audio to Text The audio to text function is a tool that can convert spoken words in an audio file into written text. This process is also known as transcription. The audio file can be in various formats such as mp3, wav, or m4a. The transcription software uses speech recognition technology to transcribe the audio file into text. Once the transcription is complete, the text can be edited and formatted as needed. This technology is particularly useful for individuals who need to transcribe interviews, meetings, lectures, or other types of audio recordings. Text to Audio The text to audio function is a tool that can convert written text into spoken words. This process is also known as text-to-speech (TTS) conversion. The software uses natural language processing technology to read the text and convert it into audible speech. The user can select from a variety of voices, languages, and accents to customize the audio output. This technology is particularly useful for individuals who have difficulty reading or for those who prefer to listen to content rather than read it. It can also be used for creating audio versions of documents, articles, or books.. Picture to Text The picture to text function, also known as optical character recognition (OCR), is a tool that can convert text in an image into editable and searchable text. OCR software uses algorithms to recognize text characters in the image and convert them into digital text that can be edited and searched. This technology is particularly useful for individuals who need to extract text from scanned documents, receipts, business cards, or other types of images containing text. It can save time and effort compared to manually typing out the text. Image watermark Remover The image watermark remover function is a tool that can remove watermarks from images. Watermarks are often used to protect the copyright of an image and prevent unauthorized use or distribution. However, sometimes they can be distracting or unwanted in certain situations. The image watermark remover software uses algorithms to analyze the image and remove the watermark while preserving the quality of the image. This technology is particularly useful for individuals who need to remove watermarks from images for personal or professional use, such as photographers or graphic designers. Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) Free Hard Disk Space: 400 MB or more https://katfile.com/ylonhrqyigyf/gait8264.7z.html Portable FULL Pre-Activated x64 730MB (1418MB) https://katfile.com/gytb1d2crp2w/gait8264po.7z.html jelszó:v820
Proxyman Pro for Windows v2.12.0 19MB A Proxyman lehetővé teszi a fejlesztők számára, hogy megtekinthessék az alkalmazások és tartományok HTTP/HTTPS kéréseit Don't let cumbersome web debugging tools hold you back. With Proxyman's Windows app, you can capture, inspect, and manipulate HTTP/HTTPS traffic with ease. Modern Windows app Intuitive, thoughtful, built with meticulous attention to detail. All you'd expect from a great Windows app: Familiar UI, Universal Shortcuts Keys, and easy to use. Complete suite of networking debugging tools Dive into the network level to diagnose and fix problems with reliable and powerful tools. Proxyman acts as a man-in-the-middle server that capture the traffic between your applications and SSL Web Server. With built-in macOS setup, so you can inspect your HTTP/HTTPS Request and Responses in plain text with just one click. SSL Proxying Proxyman acts as a man-in-the-middle server that capture the traffic between your applications and SSL Web Server. With built-in macOS setup, so you can inspect your HTTP/HTTPS Request and Responses in plain text with just one click. Multiple Filters Narrow down your search with Proxyman's Multiple Filters. You can combine complex filtered criteria like Protocol, Content-Type, URL, Request Header, Response Header, Body, etc that find exact what you're looking for. GraphQL Debugging Easily debug GraphQL Request by defining a matching rule with a particular GraphQL QueryName. Works with Breakpoint, Map Local, Map Remote, and Scripting Tool. Breakpoint Tool Breakpoint Tool helps you to modify Requests/Responses Data on the fly without changing any client code. Supports URL, Headers, Body, Status Code, Raw Message, etc. Map Local Tool Map Local Tool allows developers to mock a Response with a local file. Boost development speed up by directly modifying the response with Status Code, Header, and Body without waiting for the backend. Spot your bugs with ease Quickly find the differences between requests/responses with built-in Diff Tool Side-by-Side or Unified Display, with Light/Dark Github Theme. roxyman Windows/Linux: 2.12.0: Introduce Map Remote Tool Release date: 10 Mar 2024 Features Introduce Map Remote Tool: Allow developers to change the destination of your URL easily. Useful for changing localhost requests to production and vice versa Add missing filters from macOS: Including All, Request Body, Response Body, IP Address, Comment, ... Improve Support Wildcard on the left panel. It is useful to match multiple domains with a single wildcard rule Support GraphQL on Filter Improve the Right Menu-Context for the left panel [Map Remote]: Import / Export Rule [Map Remote]: Work with Breakpoint and Scripting Tool [Map Remote]: Support WebSocket Able to Edit Proxying List Entry in the SSL Proxying List [Map Remote]: Auto parse the Map Remote URL to each component like Charles Proxy Bugs Fixed: Creating new rules that don't contain the GraphQL Query Name Fixed: [Scripting] Multipart form data broken if used with scripting Fixed: The WebSocket UI is off Fixed: Proxy in Setting doesn't work when activating License Key with Corporate Proxy Fixed: Clear Session doesn't clear all TreeNode's child Fixed: Unable to verify the first certificate Fixed: Broken UI with large font size https://katfile.com/gg7lq65fyv9e/Prxymn212.7z.html jelszó:proxy
O&O DiskImage Professional v19.1 Build 120 x64 EN 107MB Az O & O DiskImage lehetővé teszi a teljes számítógép vagy egyéni meghajtók és fájlok mentését, amikor csak a számítógép használata közben akarja. Soha többé nem kell aggódnia az elveszett adatok miatt: a biztonsági másolatok csak néhány kattintással visszaállíthatók, még akkor is, ha a Windows nem tudja elindítani. Az O & O DiskImage egyesíti a mind az otthoni, mind az informatikai szakértőket egy termékben. Az alapértelmezett és a felhasználó által definiált lehetőségek teljes skálája lehetővé teszi a legmegfelelőbb biztonsági mentési forgatókönyvet. A kiegészítő rendszer-helyreállító eszközöket tartalmazó indítólemez lehetővé teszi a fontos adatok gyors visszaállítását akkor is, ha a képeket a termék régebbi verzióival hozták létre. O&O DiskImage 19 lets you back up an entire computer or single files whenever you want – even while the computer is being used. In the event you should lose your personal data it can be quickly restored with just a few mouse clicks – even when Windows is no longer able to start. It also supports SSD drives and the latest UEFI System. O&O DiskImage lets you carry out a system restore and to duplicate or clone an entire PC or hard drive. You can even restore this backup onto a computer whose hardware is different from the original machine, for instance, where you have changed a motherboard on the target machine or have bought a brand new PC and want to restore an old backup onto it. A regular backup is still something that many users prefer to avoid. At least that is until they suffer their first loss of important files as a result of software, hardware or user error: that’s when it becomes crystal clear just how valuable a reliable and up-to-date backup really is! New in O&O DiskImage 19: Comprehensive VHD / VHDX functionality With the new version 18 it’s possible to convert image files made with O&O DiskImage into Microsoft Virtual Hard Disc (VHDX as well as VHD) image files. This can be especially useful if someone wants to first “rehearse” migrating from Windows 10 to Windows 11 because it can be done using a virtual machine created on the current system. The new O&O DiskImage 18 can also create incremental and differential images of virtual drives. Combining or mounting these images is also possible. Whenever there’s a backup available, it only takes a few seconds to access any files that are needed. Work on the computer can then be continued without any loss of time or important data. O&O DiskImage 18 with its own recovery partition Normally with a backup or imaging program you need to create a boot medium (USB) to boot up your system if something goes awry. This you have to either carry around or store somewhere safe in case disaster strikes. Thanks to the integration into the system, the O&O DiskImage RecoveryPartition can be accessed immediately so that the last system image can be restored directly. If the Windows operating system does not start or if faulty drivers have to be uninstalled – with the integrated recovery environment, all O&O tools are available to make the system operational again as easily as possible. Not only is this much more comfortable and quicker for the user, it also provides them with an extra level of security as this medium cannot get lost or damaged as easily as a “portable”, external one. O&O DiskImage To Go Previously, in addition to regularly backing up your machine, you also had to separately create an O&O DiskImage boot media to restore that backup. Everything is easier now! The new O&O DiskImage To Go function automatically turns an external hard drive (or USB flash drive with enough storage space) into an O&O DiskImage boot medium and marks this disk as the preferred storage medium for future system backups. As soon as you then connect this external USB hard disk to your computer, O&O DiskImage 18 automatically creates a backup. This makes it easy to create a recent backup. And if something really happens to your computer or you want to transfer your system and all your data to a new computer, then with the O&O DiskImage boot medium you can restore the backup stored on it with just one touch of a button. Without the hassle of searching for the boot medium and the external hard drive with the backup. It has never been so easy to ensure the security of your data! Further functions of O&O DiskImage: All default and advanced features are combined in one single product This backup software is the safest and easiest way to avoid losing important personal files! Options are available for both auto backup and manual settings. Thanks to a unique recovery system that includes additional system recovery tools combined with O&O DiskImage you’ll quickly be able to restore all your important data – even if the backup you’re using was created with an older O&O DiskImage version. Backup entire PCs, hard drives or files with the push of a button When you back up a PC, O&O DiskImage saves all personal files as well as hard drive information and individual settings. This not only protects irreplaceable files but, in a worst case scenario, also saves you the trouble of having to carry out a time-consuming new setup of programs and the Windows operating system. O&O DiskImage lets you back up an entire computer, system and hard drives or just individual files and folders. To make sure your backups are always up to date, we recommend creating them at short intervals from one another. Quick and easy system restore – even onto different hardware Restoring a backup with O&O DiskImage is as easy as pie: all you have to do is start the program, select the backup you want to restore, and you’re off. Included with the software is our machine independent restoration which means your old backup can be transferred 1:1 onto a new machine. Hardware of a different make will be automatically recognized and Windows settings will be carried out by themselves. Plug-and-play function Anyone wanting to save data on an external hard disk has it even easier with the new O&O DiskImage 18. Thanks to the integrated plug-and -play option, selected files and folders can be backed up automatically as soon as, for example, an external hard disk is connected to the computer. This is ideal for users who forget to carry out regular backups or who don’t want to go through the trouble. Once configured, the auto backup function runs by itself. Create a boot medium directly from within the program O&O DiskImage can bring a system back to life immediately and with no installation required. It does so by way of a Boot Medium (USB Stick) which is based on the currently installed Windows system and which contains all the standard drivers required. Product Features: Backup an entire computer with the push of a button Backup system and hard drives, clone drives and entire disks Brand new file-based backup: now twice as fast as ever before – backup and restore individual files and/or folders Direct creation of VHD/VHDX Monitoring and warning of security risks Incremental/differential backup: back up only the changes Easily restore files, folders, drives and disks System restore onto different hardware (M.I.R.) Create a Windows Boot system directly from within the program with driver integration Plug-and-play: Selected files and folders are automatically backed up and synchronized Variable pixel density settings: adjusts to the selected DPI setting of the connected monitor New and enhanced functions Control via Command Lines Supports Windows 11 and Windows 10 Backups that were created on older Windows versions 8.1, 8 and 7 with earlier versions of O&O DiskImage can still be restored. Operating System: Windows 11, Windows 10 https://katfile.com/sr88vutbsgmj/odip191x.7z.html O&O DiskImage Professional v19.1 WinPE x64 EN 555MB bootolható operációs renszer független lemezképfájl https://katfile.com/qogzti1jp48y/odie191wpe.7z.html jelszó:dimage
Macro Recorder v3.0.51 46MB Egér és billentyűzet műveletek rögzítése, szerkesztése, és akár a végtelenitett visszajátszása. Többé nem kell kétszer ugyanazt a feladatot végrehajtani. Statikus koordináták helyett opcionálisan képes megtalálni a kívánt kattintási pozíciót kép- és OCR szövegfelismeréssel. Record mouse and keyboard actions for infinite replay… No more performing the same task twice! Macro Recorder captures mouse events and keystrokes like a tape recorder, allowing you to automate tedious procedures on your computer. Press Record. Perform the actions. Macro Recorder records your mouse movements, mouse clicks and keyboard input. Just like a tape recorder for your computer. Press Stop. Edit the macro. The built-in macro editor allows you to review your recording, rearrange actions, change pauses or edit keyboard input. Press Play. Repeat the macro. Macro Recorder repeats your macro recording as often as needed, saving you from repetitive tasks. You can adjust playback speed and smooth out edgy mouse movements. Desktop Automation Automate any Windows/Mac desktop application. Macro Recorder will set your computer on autopilot to repeat tasks infinitely. Automate Everything Automate tedious tasks - Record and play back mouse movements, mouse clicks, and keyboard strokes. Web Automation Macro Recorder is also a Web recorder to automate any action in a browser. Mouse Recorder Macro Recorder includes a Mouse Recorder to capture your mouse movements, clicks and scrollwheel actions. Keyboard Recorder Macro Recorder also includes a Keyboard Recorder to record your text and keyboard input for infinite replay. Automated Software Testing Macro Recorder is the perfect tool for automated software testing. What makes Macro Recorder so special? We were aware about that there are many macro and mouse recording tools on the market. …Learn more why we decided to come up with our approach: Macro Recorder Clicks Smarter Instead of using static X/Y coordinates, Macro Recorder can optionally find the desired click position with image & OCR text recognition. Even if buttons are shifted around by advertisements on a web page, Macro Recorder can hit the right position. This method also speeds up the macro automation itself. Instead of static wait times, the macro proceeds exactly in the moment, if a web page is loaded or the remote controlled task is completed. Consistent window sizes and positions Macro Recorder also captures the position and size of the program windows that appear during the recording. On playback, Macro Recorder restores the windows positions and sizes to ensure that the macro can be played back accurately every time. Macro Recorder captures windows positions and sizes of windows and restores them for accurate and consistent playback Macro Recorder can smooth out recorded mouse paths Smart Mouse Recorder Smart algorithms can turn shaky mouse moves into nice curved or linear shapes. This is great for creating screencasts as it eliminates visual distractions. Playback speed can be adjusted for individual or all mouse movements. Mouse movements can be excluded from playback, so only the clicks are executed. No endless coordinates dumps Other mouse recording software may throw large list of countless mouse coordinates to you. However, this approach makes it difficult to edit a macro as clicks and key presses are buried under all the mouse events. Our Macro Recorder editor combines mouse moves between two clicks into one single mouse move action, that can be edited and re-arranged easily. Macro Recorder does not create large mouse coordinate dumps, that are difficult to edit. Macro scripts consist of easy-to-edit steps instead of cryptic macro code No programming. Period. The Macro Recorder makes automation easy for everyone and not just for the programming expert. There is no need to learn a proprietary scripting language - With Macro Recorder all is done via the easy-to-use interface. Mouse path overlays Macro Recorder visualizes the recorded mouse paths and clicks with overlay graphics, allowing you to identify each mouse event when editing the macro script. Visual mouse path overlays make it easy to identify each mouse movement Share Macros with the Team If you combine Macro Recorder with our productivity solution "PhraseExpress", you get a professional automation suite: Share macros with other users in the network. Trigger macros by pressing a hotkey or entering a text shortcut. Combine macros with additional text automation, provided by PhraseExpress. Schedule automations in intervals or on a specific time/date. Additional New Features in v3 Apple Mac 14 "Sonoma" compatibility. New "virtual key" simulation option for optimized experience in games. Interactive and dynamic troubleshooting tips Improved user dialogs for image detection and SmartClick. Image search tolerance value auto-find feature Simplified and improved focus change action. Test function for Image/Text Find Comments search feature Human typing simulation Mouse "wiggle" feature (slight random click position variation) New mouse path option "natural". Randomize feature for the parameter list action. Beep notification action keygen virustotal virustotal.com/gui/file/9374242abe0612dab57fea6d6baeaf67713d7f3db7ecbd51c0b90f903c1d012c https://katfile.com/xe0t7rrjdr8y/macrec351.7z.html Portable 44MB https://katfile.com/d1tlm2omjsam/macrec351po.7z.html jelszó:3051
Glary Malware Hunter Pro Multilingual 48MB A Malware Hunter segít felkutatni a potenciális veszélyeket tartalmazó fájlokat a számítógépen. Több keresési módot, egyszerű áttekinthető kezelőfelületet biztosít. Megtalálja a Malware, trójai, és egy még ismeretlen vírusokat. Használhatsz kizárásokat a víruskeresés során. Víruskereső alkalmazás Trójai, Malware fertőzések megakadályozására több keresési lehetőség kizárások támogatása részletes jelentés a keresések végeztével Glary Malware Hunter PRO - detection of file malware on your computer and delete dangerous content, allowing you to run on-demand scan of the area, important system or specific files. As suggested by its name, Malware Hunter is designed to find and remove the files and components potential danger on your computer, keep it out of the virus and the type of threat other. Features Glary Malware Hunter PRO - Scan ultrasound helps you enjoy the scan speed faster. - Detect and remove malware stubborn against potential danger. - Malware Hunter is an award winning product that provides comprehensive protection against all types of threats, protecting your data, protects your privacy and ensures your PC remains virus free. https://katfile.com/4862c5bdp0gh/gmhp1180.7z.html jelszó:glary
StreamFab v6.1.6.8 x64 7zip | 417MB Mentsd el kedvenc videóidat, mielőtt elhagyják a streaming szolgáltatást. Bár a streamingszolgáltatások kínálnak natív offline megtekintési funkciót, amely tulajdonképpen lehetővé teszi a videók letöltését az offline megtekintéshez, ez a funkció számos korlátozással jár. - A letöltött videók egy bizonyos idő, általában 30 nap után lejárnak. - Egy videó megtekintését 48 órán belül be kell fejeznie, miután elkezdte azt nézni. - Nem minden videó tölthető le, és csak mobilra töltheti le őket. - A letöltéseket nem tudod átvinni más eszközökre, hogy más lejátszókkal nézhesd. FYI: Az Amazon Prime Video, a Netflix, a Hulu és a Hulu Japan offline megtekintési korlátozásai. A StreamFab segítségével azonban ezek a feltételek és szabályok megszűnnek, a letöltött videókat tartósan megőrizheti, és bármilyen eszközre átviheti őket, hogy bármikor és bárhol megnézhesse őket. A beépített böngésző jobb letöltési élményt nyújt Míg más videóletöltők arra kérik, hogy illessze be az asztali webböngészőből másolt videó URL-címét, a StreamFab rendelkezik beépített webböngészővel, amely megspórolja a videó URL-címének másolásával járó fáradságot. The most comprehensive video downloading solution allows you to download videos from Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO, and over 1000 other streaming websites. On-demand videos come and go on streaming services Most on-demand videos on a streaming service, including Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max, and many others, come and go due to the licensing agreements between the streaming service and the studios that produce them. The movies, TV shows, and other videos will be removed if the licensing agreement is due and not renewed. What’s more, if a title is gone, no one knows for sure whether or not it will come back in the future. It could be gone forever. Save your favorite videos before they leave the service Although streaming services offer their native offline viewing feature that actually allows you to download videos to watch offline, that feature comes with many limitations. · The downloaded videos will expire after a certain time period, usually 30 days. · You have to finish watching a video within 48 hours once you start watching it. · Not all the videos are downloadable and you can only download them to mobiles. · You cannot transfer the downloads to other devices to watch with other players. FYI: Offline viewing limitations of Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, and Hulu Japan. With StreamFab, however, all of these terms and rules are gone, you can keep the downloaded videos permanently, and transfer them to any device you have to watch anytime and anywhere. Inbuilt browser features better download experience While other video downloaders ask you to paste the video URL copied from your desktop web browser, StreamFab features its inbuilt web browser that saves your trouble copying video URLs. That’s to say, from browsing the target video sharing website or streaming service to downloading your target videos, you can do all things inside the StreamFab downloader software. Download videos from all major streaming services StreamFab is a born streaming video downloader targeted for all the major on-demand streaming services, including but not limited to Netflix, Amazon Prime video, Disney+, Hulu, HBO, and more. Hence, as long as those streaming services are available in your country, and you’re a paid subscriber of a specific service, then you can download videos from it with this downloader. Choose your preferred video and audio quality Quality-wise, StreamFab downloaders give you multiple choices to choose from. So you can decide on your own what video resolution and audio quality you prefer. To be specific, you have two options regarding video quality, 720p HD or 1080p Full HD. In terms of audio quality, EAC3 5.1, AC3 5.1, and AAC 2.0 are available. So, be your own boss. Save the downloaded VOD videos in MP4 format If you’re concerned about the playback compatibility issue of the downloaded videos, then you don’t have to. The downloaded streaming videos are saved as the common MP4 file. The biggest advantage of the MP4 format is that it is compatible with almost all the operating systems, smartphones, tablets, digital media players, and game consoles out there. That said, you still have an extra option to save the output as MKV files if necessary.Remove annoying ads while downloading videos Movies are meant to be savored with your eyes, ears, and mind, but if you're bombarded with a jumble of ads, a pleasant viewing experience can get totally ruined. With StreamFab downloaders, however, your downloaded streaming videos contain no ads as they are cut out automatically during the download process. So, pure enjoyment! No ads!Download audios & subtitles in your mother tongue Audios and subtitles are the basic means to understand the movie content. Movies and TV shows nowadays usually contain multiple audio tracks and subtitle streams of different languages. So, when it comes to your specific needs, you can either choose to download only the audios and subtitles of your native language or, you can also download them in other languages. Remux subtitles into videos or save as SRT files When it comes to how the subtitles are handled, StreamFab downloaders offer two options for you to choose according to your own needs under different circumstances. You can either remux the subtitles directly into the videos or, output the downloaded subtitles separately as SRT files. The choice is yours! So, choose freely. Auto-download newly released episodes at scheduled time Fans of TV shows all know that new episodes are always aired at a scheduled time, periodically. It would be nice if you can download the future episodes as soon as they are released. With this downloader software, you can have that. Just add all your favorite TV shows to the Scheduled queue, it will download all the new episodes automatically, based on your schedules, weekly, or daily. Download multiple videos concurrently and fast Downloading performance matters a lot when you plan to download a TV show or, a movie series, such as the Avenger series. With StreamFab downloaders, there is no need to panic. You can add multiple movies or even all the episodes of a TV show season to download in one go. On top of that, super-fast download speed is ensured, too. Just 10-20 minutes per movie. Download media server friendly Meta information Managing a myriad of media library can be tough with your media server. However, StreamFab can download all the metadata info, such as movie, season and episode title, cast, synopsis, poster, etc. All such information can make it extremely easy for media servers like DVDFab Player 6, Plex, Kodi, and others alike to sort and organize your downloaded movies and shows in a better way. More so, if you are using DVDFab Player 6 as your media managing and playback software, StreamFab can also import your downloads directly to your media library. 2024-03-07 StreamFab Changelog New: Added support to download the Amazon new released videos in 1080p with re-encoding mode. (Note: This is still a temporary solution, download mode will be supported soon.) Fix: A login failure problem due to a popup hint "Share your location with Hulu" when logging in with Hulu Live TV+ subscription plan. Fix: A failure problem when downloading certain MGStage videos. Fix: A crash problem in some cases. System Requirements: - Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 - Intel i3 or above - 4GB of RAM or above - 40GB of free hard disk space or above - Live Internet connection required Open Streamfab then click authorize and input any combination of email and password! https://katfile.com/nzsrpivdu8ym/sfb168.7z.html jelszó:6168
Ham Radio Deluxe v6.8.0372 294MB Ham Radio Deluxe szoftver Windowshoz Komplett szoftvercsomag rádióamatőrök számára HRD Rig Control a Yaesu, az ICOM, a Kenwood, az Elecraft, a Ten-Tec, a FlexRadio és még sok más parancsok teljes támogatásával HRD Logbook – QSO naplózás, amely támogatja a DX-ezést, a díjak nyomon követését és a digitális módok integrációját a WSJT-X-szel HRD DM-780 - Digitális módok támogatása RTTY, PSK31 és sok más digitális módhoz HRD Rotator Control azimut és azimut/elevation rotorokhoz a Yaesu, HyGain, Green Heron, M2, AlfaSpid, Easycom, Idiom Press, FoxDelta és más termékektől a ham rádióantenna elfordításához HRD Satellite Tracking – Műholdas kommunikáció rig frekvencia beállítással a ham rádióantennák Doppler és az/el nyomon követéséhez Örökös szoftverlicenc (nem előfizetésként értékesítik) Ham Radio Deluxe – A rádióamatőr legjobb eszköze A legjobb Ham rádióalkalmazások naplózáshoz, berendezésvezérléshez, digitális módokhoz, műholdhoz Hozza ki a legtöbbet ham rádió licencéből, és vezérelje bázisállomását a szoftverrel, amelyre 130 ország 40 000 ham rádiós üzemeltetője számít. A Ham Radio Deluxe jelenlegi verziója a v6.8.0.372 (2023. február 13.). Rádióamatőr szoftver a javából. The Ham Radio Deluxe is an amateur radio software suite that includes five ham radio apps. They are the best asset you can add to your ham shack. It includes most everything an amateur radio operator needs to automate their ham radio station.. These applications are all built to work together. You can spend more time enjoying Amateur Radio. The Ham Radio Deluxe Software Suite includes the following: HRD Logbook is a feature rich ham radio logging software with powerful features for QSO logging, awards tracking, DX cluster, QSL card printing, integrated to rig control, and more. If you're an extreme DXer, a DXCC fan, or enjoy casual DXing, Logbook is a real keeper; now with automated logging of JT65, JT9, and FT8 using WSJT-X, JTAlert, and/or QSO Relay. Solar weather tracking and greyline maps are included. Automatic callsign lookup from QRZ callsign database (XML or CD), Hamcall (or CD), Callook.info, HamQTH, and QRZCQ.com. Wikipedia integration provides atlas information about DX countries. SWL support. HRD Rig Control is a ham radio control software program for ham radios that has the appearance of being connected to a software defined radio (SDR); HF, VHF, UHF, radio control for all major radio manufacturers; integrated to QSO logging. DM-780 is a digital modes software program that includes RTTY, PSK31, Morse code send/receive, and many more; integrated to QSO logging. Modes include CW, RTTY, PSK, QPSK, Contestia, DominoEX, Hell, MFSK, MT63, Olivia, Thor, and Throb. Control an unlimited number of transceivers, transmitters, or receivers simultaneously. DM-780 uses the same automatic callsign lookup that HRD Logbook uses. HRD Rotor Control is a software program that supports most popular rotator controllers; turn automatically within Logbook; world map display HRD Satellite Tracking is a software program that makes your 2-way satellite communications much easier and includes integrated rig control OS : Windows 7/8/10 Language : English https://katfile.com/t3n0l0boerqy/hrd68.7z.html jelszó:0372
Pano2VR Pro 7.0.4 x64 171MB A Pano2VR egy hatékony virtuális túra szoftver, amely a panoráma vagy 360°-os fotókat és videókat interaktív élménnyé alakítja át. Akár egyetlen gigapixeles panorámán, akár több ezer jelenetet tartalmazó virtuális túrán dolgozik, a Pano2VR segítségével bármilyen modern böngésző számára magával ragadó élményt hozhat létre. Az elkészült projektek zökkenőmentesen integrálhatók a meglévő webhelyekbe, és megtekinthetők asztali számítógépeken, mobil- vagy VR-eszközökön. Virtuális túra létrehozása Az otthonoktól és ingatlanoktól kezdve a múzeumokig és nevezetességekig a virtuális túrák lehetővé teszik a felhasználók számára, hogy felfedezzék a világ valódi helyeit. A Pano2VR-ben a panorámafotó-jeleneteket vagy csomópontokat a választható átmenetek segítségével összekapcsolhatja, és a felhasználó egy kattintással vagy koppintással jelenetről jelenetre navigálhat. A beépített túratérképünk használatával vagy az alaprajzok vagy a Google Maps egyszerű integrálásával nagyobb helymeghatározási kontextust biztosíthat a jelenethez. Javítsa a képeit Távolítsa el a tripodokat és más képhibákat a Pano2VR Patch módjával. Ezzel a felbecsülhetetlen értékű eszközzel torzítás nélkül kivehet egy meghatározott foltos területet a panorámaképből, így könnyebben retusálható. Határozza meg a foltot a Viewerben, vegye ki, szerkessze meg a kedvenc szerkesztőprogramjában, és a mentést követően a módosított folt automatikusan, rombolásmentesen kerül alkalmazásra a panorámán. Növelje az élményt Adjon interaktív elemeket, például információs felugró ablakokat, fotó hotspotokat, irányított hangot és videót a panorámaképekhez. Használja a mellékelt felhasználói felületi fedvényeket, az úgynevezett skineket, vagy merüljön el a nagy teljesítményű Skin Editorban, hogy egyedi gombokat és vezérlőket tervezzen a saját egyedi felületi dizájnjában - amelyek mindegyike reszponzívvá tehető, hogy a design bármilyen képernyőhöz illeszkedjen. Pano2VR allows you to publish your panoramic images within minutes. No matter what type of project you’re working on, whether, a gigapixel panorama or virtual tours with hundreds of nodes, Pano2VR will help you to quickly get your project up and running on the desktop as well as mobile devices. Improve your images. Sometimes panoramas are not level and have unwanted tripods…it happens. Straightening the horizon and removing the tripod from the panorama can be accomplished with a few simple clicks. Build a Virtual Tour. No matter how large the tour, Pano2VR Pro can help you quickly and easily put it together with automatic linking, filtering, master node editing and a built-in Tour Map. Enhance the experience. Add interactive elements like hotspots, directional sound and video to your panoramas. Use the powerful Skin Editor to design custom buttons and controllers – all of which can be made responsive so the design fits to any screen. No coding required. We promise! Seamlessly change projections. Easily reproject spherical panoramas during viewing or open a panorama from a little planet view to a rectilinear view on opening or create a standard format video that moves through different projections. Reveal the highlights. Guide viewers by creating an animation path through your panoramas or tour to show off the best areas. At any time, the viewer can interact and explore further. You can even export this walk-through as a video file. Contribute to Google Street View. Pano2VR offers an easy way to add and edit existing panoramas and tours to Google Street View. Once you’ve connected your account, you will see all tours and panoramas that you’ve uploaded to Google Street View. You can continue to add to your gallery or even download the existing images. Show your work. Export your panoramas as HTML5, Flash or QuickTime VR formats or use our handy plugins to post them directly to your Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal site. Pano2VR will also help you to transform your images into different projections for printing. Features Google Street View Pano2VR is a Street View ready application that gives you the ability to edit and publish tours to Google Street View. Projections Easily change projections during viewing or fly in from little planet view. Directional Sound Use Pano2VR's Sound Mode to add directional sound to your projects. Droplets If you need to create many projects on a regular basis, droplets let you do this with minimal effort. Integrated Web Server Pano2VR has a built-in web server so that once you create your tour, you can immediately see the results of an HTML5 output. Video Panoramas In addition to flat, cylindrical, and spherical panoramic images, Pano2VR also supports 360° videos. Live Update When Live Update is active, every change to the project is updated live in the browser after saving. WordPress Plugin Embed panoramas, VR tours, and object VRs in your WordPress site. https://katfile.com/0jrklw698u2p/P2VRP70.7z.html jelszó:v704
Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office (Acronis True Image) Build 41126 Multilingual Bootable ISO 1110MB Operációs rendszer nélkül futtatható Acronis lemezkép komplett rendszermentéshez-visszaállításhoz vagy részleges mentési és visszaálíltási feladatokhoz szinkronizálási lehetőséggel . Acronis True Image for Windows PC for reliable backups because you always have reliable data copies so you can restore your entire system or individual files. Acronis True Image quickly restores your entire system or a specific file with confidence, knowing that the backup is just as good as the original. Acronis True Image will tell you everything about your backups at a glance. Monitor backup status, view file size and measure backup speed and view rendering. Acronis True Image Features Back up disk to local memory and onto Acronis Cloud Back up files to local storage and to Acronis Cloud Save bootable media Cloning the hard disk Data storage Protect your home data File Synchronization Security and privacy tools Back up your entire computer including the operating system, applications and data, not just files and folders to an external hard drive or NAS. https://katfile.com/xlddelvtq3e1/acpho411.7z.html jelszó:acronis
Emurasoft EmEditor Professional 24.0.0 Multilingual 123MB Az EmEditor nagyméretű fájlok kezelésére optimalizált, olyan fájlokat, amelyeket más szerkesztők egyszerűen nem tudnak kezelni. Akár 16 TB-os fájlok is teljes egészében megnyithatók, csak egy kis memóriát használva. Az ennél is nagyobb fájlok esetében az EmEditor a Large File Controller segítségével mérsékli, hogy a program hogyan kezelje a hatalmas fájlokat. Makrót írhatsz szinte bármihez, amit csak akarsz az EmEditoron belül! Nemcsak olyan makrót definiálhat, amely rögzíti az Ön által használt és többször hivatkozott billentyűleütéseket, hanem saját makrókat is írhat, amelyekkel más alkalmazásokat, Windows-alapú fájlokat vagy hálózati funkciókat manipulálhat. A makrók a Windows Scripting Host (WSH) motorján alapulnak, így a Windows Scripting Host alatt elérhető összes nagy teljesítményű, robusztus objektumot használhatja. A makrókat népszerű szkriptnyelvekkel programozhatja, beleértve a JavaScriptet és a VBScriptet. Programozhat PerlScript, Python, PHPScript, Ruby és más ActiveScript nyelvekkel is, amennyiben a használni kívánt szkriptmotorok telepítve vannak a rendszerén. Mindazonáltal az EmEditor aligha mond le a könnyedségéről, ha makrókat használ. Az EmEditor makrók az EmEditor futtatható programtól függetlenül tervezett modulok, amelyek Dynamic Link Library (DLL) fájlként vannak implementálva. A rendszer erőforrásainak kímélése érdekében a DLL csak a makró végrehajtása során töltődik be. Az Unicode támogatás elengedhetetlen mindenkinek, aki nemzetközi nyelveket használ. Sok szövegszerkesztő azt állítja, hogy támogatja a Unicode-ot (UTF-7, UTF-8 és UTF-16), azonban a fájlok megnyitásakor a Unicode-ot csak belsőleg alakítják át a rendszerkódolásra (vagy ANSI), így valójában nem tudják szerkeszteni a rendszerkódolás által nem támogatott karaktereket. Például sok szövegszerkesztő nem képes a Shift-JIS (japán) kódolást szerkeszteni az angol Windowson. A legtöbb szövegszerkesztő még Unicode fájlneveket sem tud megnyitni. Az EmEditor natívan támogatja a Unicode-ot, és valójában az egész program Unicode alkalmazásként épült fel. Az EmEditor lehetővé teszi, hogy a Windows rendszer által támogatott bármelyik kódolással megnyisson egy fájlt, és az EmEditoron belül könnyedén konvertálhat egyik kódolásról a másikra. Az EmEditor lehetővé teszi az Unicode fájlnevek megnyitását, és lehetővé teszi az Unicode karakterek keresését. Mivel az EmEditor támogatja az Unicode karaktereket a többnyelvű alapsíkon (BMP) kívül is, képes megjeleníteni a CJK B kiterjesztésű karaktereket, amennyiben a rendszerben rendelkezésre áll egy támogató betűtípus. Az EmEditor bővítményekkel az EmEditor lehetővé teszi, hogy egy kiválasztott szöveget HTML/XML karakterhivatkozássá vagy univerzális karakternevekké alakítson át, és fordítva. EmEditor Text Editor is a lightweight, yet extendable, easy-to-use text editor for Windows. EmEditor is very customizable, and it supports Unicode and powerful macros. EmEditor now supports very large files - up to 16TB or 1.099 billion lines! In Professional version there are many new features including a Large File Controller, Vertical Selection Editing, Binary Editing, Optimized Search and Replace, improved Projects Plug-in, and many more! EmEditor is now able to open even larger than 248 GB by opening a portion of the file with the new custom bar - Large File Controller. The Large File Controller allows you to specify the beginning point, end point, and range of the file to be opened. It also allows you to stop the opening of the file and monitor the real size of the file and the size of the temporary disk available. You can write a macro to do almost whatever you want within EmEditor! Not only can you define a macro which records keystrokes that you use and reference repeatedly, but you can also write your own macros that can manipulate other applications, Windows-based files, or network functionalities. The macros are based on the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) engine, so you can use all of the powerful, robust objects available under the Windows Scripting Host. You can program macros with popular script languages including JavaScript and VBScript. You can even program with PerlScript, Python, PHPScript, Ruby, and other ActiveScript languages as long as the script engines you want to use are installed on your system. Nevertheless, EmEditor barely forefeits its light-weightedness when using macros. EmEditor macros are modules designed independently of EmEditor executable and are implemented as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file. To conserve system resources, the DLL is only loaded during the macro execution. The Unicode support is a must for anyone who uses international languages. Many text editors claim they support Unicode (UTF-7, UTF-8 and UTF-16), however, they only convert Unicode to the system encoding (or ANSI) internally when they open files, so they cannot actually edit characters that are not supported by the system encoding. For instance, many text editors cannot actually edit Shift-JIS (Japanese) encoding on English Windows. Most text editors cannot even open Unicode file names. EmEditor supports Unicode natively, and in fact, the whole program is built as a Unicode application. EmEditor allows you to open a file with any encoding supported in the Windows system, and you can easily convert from one encoding to another within EmEditor. EmEditor allows you to open Unicode file names, and allows you to search for Unicode characters. Since EmEditor supports Unicode characters even outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), it can display the CJK Extension B characters as long as a supporting font is available on the system. With EmEditor plug-ins, EmEditor allows you to convert a selected text to HTML/XML Character Reference or Universal Character Names, and vice versa. Features: - Large File Controller - Vertical Selection Editing - Binary Editing - Optimized Search and Replace - Improved Projects Plug-in - The Function Bar can now be displayed - Speed is optimized when each line is very long - Marks (CR, LF, Tab, Space, EOF) can be customized (Tools > Customize > Marks) - Extended Katakana support is available - Auto-panning by clicking the mouse wheel - The Indent Guides can be displayed (Configuration Properties > Marks > Show Indent Guides) - Right-click in the line numbers or the left side of the window to move the cursor to start of that line - Tag Format can be specified with regular expressions (Customize > Edit > Tag Format) - Drag and drop editing can be disabled (Customize > Edit > Enable Text Drag and Drop) - Temporary folders can be specified (Customize > Advanced > Use System Temporary Folder) - The Keyboard Map window can be sorted by clicking each column - INI files can be imported to the Registry (Import and Export Wizard > Import Personal INI files to the Registry) - The Copy command now copies the entire current line when no text is selected. The old behavior can be also selected by using the Copy Selection command - The Cut command now cuts the entire current line when no text is selected. The old behavior can be also selected by using the Cut Selection command - A new dialog appears when invalid characters are contained in the opening file - A new dialog appears when the document contains characters which will be lost if saved as selected encoding for saving - Find in Files results can be redirected in the Output Bar (Find in Files > Use Output Bar) - The new Jump Next and Jump Previous commands can be used to jump between results in the Output bar - Mouse wheel with CTRL increases or decreases the font size - Mouse wheel with Right-click moves to next or previous document Plug-ins: The following plug-ins are installed by default with EmEditor Professional. * Projects plug-in * Snippets plug-in * HTMLBar plug-in * Diff plug-in * Explorer plug-in * FindBar plug-in * Open Documents plug-in * Outline plug-in * Search plug-in * Web Preview plug-in * Word Complete plug-in * Word Count plug-in https://katfile.com/u8m68i4pxt34/emep24.7z.html Portable 109MB https://katfile.com/sufccxgbbfug/emep24po.7z.html jelszó:2400
NTFS Permissions Auditor Pro 24.3.9 119MB Az NTFS Permissions Auditor Pro egy olyan szoftver, amellyel gyorsan és egyszerűen ellenőrizheti a Windows rendszer könyvtárengedélyeit. Lehetővé teszi bármely NTFS mappa engedélyeinek gyors elemzését, ellenőrzését és felülvizsgálatát, és olyan további funkciókat biztosít, mint a hatékony testreszabható szűrés, különböző formátumú exportálás stb. Az NTFS Permissions Auditor Pro jellemzői Egyetlen telepítéssel üzembe helyezheti magát. Azonnali és pontos részletek az összes célmappa NTFS-engedélyeiről. NTFS Permissions Auditor Audit directory permissions in your Windows systems quickly and easily NTFS permissions are used to manage access to the files and folders in NTFS file systems. NTFS Permissions Auditor allows you to quickly analyze, verify and review any NTFS folder permissions. Our free version provides you with deep and detailed audit results while the Pro version offers additional features such as powerful, customizable filtering, exports to various formats, and more. Easy and fast Easy to setup and get started Get up and running with just one installation – no other configuration is needed. Fast and accurate Immediate and accurate insights into NTFS permissions for all target folders. Versatile filters The filters incorporate lots of factors – use ‘And’ and ‘Or’ to manage them and get the information you need. You can even add more factors after you’ve filtered by department, position or manager if necessary. The account view This view allows you to see users and groups, and all the rights and directories for each user. Optimized caching mechanism To make results faster and more efficient than with similar tools. Filtering Use filters during or after the audit to get the exact information you need: Basic permission Advanced permission Permission access type (Allow/Deny) Permission is inherited Directory inherits permissions Domain name (NetBIOS) Domain SID Group contains no members Permissions are identical to parent directory SID cannot be resolved to account name Apply to Directory full permissions list Account state Account name Account SID Account disabled Folder owner Account manager Account department Account job title https://katfile.com/uy8kqe3ogvcz/ntpap243.7z.html jelszó:ntfs
O&O Defrag Professional v27.0.8050 x64 73MB (79MB) Desktop és Server verziók. Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear! New: O&O Defrag supports Windows Compact OS: Many new things have been added to the O&O Defrag engine that make using it, especially under Windows 10, even better. That‘s why version 24 now supports the Windows 10-integrated feature for compressing system files so that more space can be kept free. New function “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The program selects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system. If you spend a lot of time on your PC, slow system and program starts or system crashes while playing can be very frustrating. Periodic defragmentation often works wonders in bringing new life to a PC. New SOLID method By customer request, O&O Software has developed the defragmentation method SOLID in order to offer the user a choice adapted to his or her needs: SOLID/Complete and SOLID/Quick. Both methods sustainably extend the life of the SSD but differ in terms of the duration and protection of the hardware. O&O DiskCleaner The brand new in-built O&O DiskCleaner searches for and removes temporary and unnecessary files that are taking up memory and increasing fragmentation. O&O DiskCleaner also increases the security of your data, as private content (e.g. Thumbs.db, copies of documents, drafts of emails, Dumps) will no longer be kept as copies in unnecessary system files. Benefits of a clearly laid out hard disk Whenever it saves data, Windows scatters file fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down access times considerably. Defragmentation reverses this by rearranging data and speeding up access times dramatically. This not only saves the user time, it also reduces wear on hard disks and extends their life expectancy. Defragmentation can even make the difference if you lose important data because chances of full recovery are better on a defragmented disk. Why? After defragmentation, it’s easier for data recovery software such as O&O DiskRecovery to restore files when they’re not scattered across multiple areas of a hard disk. Automatic background defragmentation Automatic defragmentation can be configured with just three clicks and optimizes your disks behind the scenes with no negative impact on your computer’s performance. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation at a certain level of fragmentation, on particular days of the week, or whenever your screensaver is being used. Defragmentation can be paused and resumed whenever you want because O&O Defrag automatically recognizes where defragmentation was interrupted. Recommended use We recommend manual defragmentation for PCs that are being used heavily because only a user can decide when the time is right to give up the performance needed for running defragmentation. On computers using video editing or graphics applications, O&O Defrag can be configured to not start automatic optimization while certain programs are running. The default settings in O&O Defrag are more than adequate for ordinary desktop PCs running mainly internet or office applications. O&O Defrag is also perfect for notebooks. Whenever an external power supply is disconnected, O&O Defrag automatically goes into pause mode to save energy Product features: “Install & That’s All”: After installation, no further settings need to be configured. The programselects and implements the defragmentation method best suited to the system SOLID/Quick: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, performs a superficial optimization of the SSD, such as erasing the free space. This method is gentler and faster. SOLID/Complete: This method, developed specifically for SSDs, is a thorough optimization of the SSD. ClusterView with SSDs: In order to represent the degree of fragmentation of an SSD, the ClusterView now maps the logical structure of an SSD so that, accordingly, 6 blocks are combined into one. Fragment Filter to identify the most fragmented files on a drive O&O DiskCleaner Time View to see which defragmentation activity results in which successful optimization Easy-to-Use: Ideal for Beginners and Professionals Even faster system and program starts Defragmentation time reduced by up to 40% Defragmentation of locked files Lifetime Performance Statistics Optimizing systems with Thin Provisioning Supports 64 bit versions of Windows 11 und Windows 10 https://katfile.com/2tej69eoqpt9/odp8050.7z.html Server Edition Supported systems: Windows® 11, 10, Server 2016, Server 2019, Server 2022, 64-bit versions https://katfile.com/kqnzegsgnlmd/odpse8050.7z.html jelszó:defrag
Grim Dawn v1.2.0.5 x64 7291MB (10185MB) A jelenleg legfrissebb Enchanced Edition az eddig megjelent összes DLCvel. Crucible Mode DLC Steam Loyalist Upgrade Ashes of Malmouth Expansion Forgotten Gods Expansion Steam Loyalist 2 DLC (Grim Dawn - Steam Loyalist Items Pack 2) Steam Loyalist 3 DLC (Grim Dawn - Steam Loyalist Items Pack 3) Achievement rendszer hozzáadva , alt-tab overlay, Grafikus (felugró) achievementekhez Achievement Watcher saját steamapi key használatával. Enter an apocalyptic fantasy world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, iron is valued above gold and trust is hard earned. This ARPG features complex character development, hundreds of unique items, crafting and quests with choice & consequence. Key Features Dual Class - Combine any of six distinct classes with over 25 skills and modifiers per class. Base classes include Soldier, Demolitionist, Occultist, Nightblade, Arcanist and Shaman. Hundreds of Item Skills - Augment your class build with a diverse array of over 250 unique skills granted by items and equipment add-ons. Collect hundreds of Items - Common, magical, rare, epic and legendary classes of loot. Plus over 20,000 possible magical affix combinations and over 200 rare affixes. Quests with Choice and Consequence - You will face tough decisions that leave significant impacts upon the world. Strangers on the road, desperate families and even entire villages may live or perish based on your actions. Currently over 35 quests with 75+ lore notes to be collected. Friendly and Enemy Factions - Earn favor with human factions to unlock additional quest lines, vendor discounts and special faction-based items and augments. Some neutral factions can be turned into allies but aiding one will make the enemy of another. Hostile factions will remember your deeds and deepen their hatred of you, sending out large packs and elite heroes to hunt you down. Devotion, an additional layer of skill customization allows you to acquire bonuses and powerful secondary effects for your class skills. These are unlocked from a giant constellation map with points acquired by finding and restoring destroyed or corrupted shrines hidden throughout the world. Rebuild the World - Help human enclaves survive and flourish by securing vital necessities, rebuilding structures and rescuing survivors who can then lend their services to your cause. 4 Person Multiplayer - Connect with Friends or make new allies in glorious multiplayer. Multiplayer encounters will put your teamwork to the ultimate challenge. Fast-paced Visceral Combat - Enemy blood spatters, ragdoll physics and satisfying enemy death effects. Smash in doors and fight house to house, leaving a path of demolished furniture in your wake. Rotatable Camera - If you choose to survey the full beauty of the world and always fight from the most optimal angle. Levels are still designed so that players are not forced to rotate the camera; it is purely optional. Secrets and Perils Abound - 200+ Enemy heroes and bosses, hand-configured with their own unique arrays of deadly skills. 20+ secret areas hidden behind crumbling walls, hidden gaps and mysterious locked doors. Explode obstacles or repair structures to open new paths. Rogue-Like Dungeons - Descend into special locked challenge dungeons that require a rare crafted key, where enemy levels increase as you progress and player teleport is disabled. There is no way out except to complete the dungeon or die trying. Dynamic Weather - The world is brought to life with region-specific climates and a variety of weather effects. A sunny day can cloud over with mild rain showers that builds into a booming thunderstorm. Variable wind gusts blow grass and affect objects like windmills. Recipe Based Crafting - Collect over 250 crafting recipes that allow you to combine salvaged components into unique crafted items and then, later, use those basic crafted items with higher-tiered recipes to complete items of amazing power. Reclaim Skill Points - The ability to pay to reclaim points alleviates the fear and frustration of having to make early, uninformed skill choices that could permanently gimp a character. MINIMUM: Op. rendszer *: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 Processzor: x86 compatible 2.3GHz or faster processor (Intel 2nd generation core i-series or equivalent) Memória: 2 GB RAM Grafika: 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or ATI Radeon X800 series or better DirectX: Verzió: 9.0c Tárhely: 5 GB szabad hely Hangkártya: DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card Egyéb megjegyzések: 4GB of memory is required to host multiplayer games AJÁNLOTT: Op. rendszer *: Windows 7 / Windows 10 Processzor: x86 compatible 3.2GHz or faster processor (Intel 4th generation core i-series or better) Memória: 6 GB RAM Grafika: 1.5GB NVIDIA GeForce 500 series or ATI Radeon 6000 series or better DirectX: Verzió: 11 Hálózat: Széles sávú internetkapcsolat Tárhely: 5 GB szabad hely * 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni. -kibontás -!Launch Grim Dawn x64.bat https://frdl.to/5kx4oz0j7qc1/grida125.7z.001.html https://frdl.to/4l9tscvrx0g3/grida125.7z.002.html https://frdl.to/4fxp1thgvvdt/grida125.7z.003.html https://frdl.to/q25sqd0q66lo/grida125.7z.004.html https://frdl.to/3d299d6865yj/grida125.md5.html
DiskBoss 14.4.16 All Editions 20MB Pro-Enterprise-Server verziók. Ezzel az alkalmazással folyamatosan figyelemmel tudod kísérni, hogy mennyi rendelkezésre álló hely van még a merevlemezen, egyszerű átlátható módon biztosít adatokat. Mindamellett fájlkezelőként is megállja a helyét a DiskBoss ahol lehetőség van szinkronizálni, adott célterületet hozzáadni a kedvencekhez, így azt máskor is a lehető leghamarabb meg tudjuk találni. Korszerű és gyors keresési technológiával képes analizálni a meghajtót és megjeleníti, hogy melyek azok az összetevők, amik a legtöbb helyet foglalják a merevlemezen. A keresés kiterjeszthető a duplikált elemek felkutatására azok törlésével helyet szabadíthatunk fel. A DiskBoss további érdekes, hasznos szolgáltatásai közzé tartozik még a fájlok kategorizálásának a lehetősége. Tartalmaz még egy tisztító funkciót is amivel eltávolíthatóak a böngésző előzmények is. A DiskBoss valódi eredményeket tud biztosítani az olyan tárolóegységeken ahol rengeteg olyan fájl található amik között nagy egyezés található. Szinkronizálás a DiskBoss segítségével A szinkronizálás két adott mappa összevetésére lehet felhasználni ahol sokkal gyorsabb eredményeket lehet elérni, ezt rengeteg területen hasznosíthatjuk, a DiskBoss egyszerűbb biztonsági mentések, illetve tárhely terület szerinti optimalizálására egy ígéretes szoftver. A DiskBoss egy különleges fájlkezelő alkalmazás, ami segíteni tud a duplikátum fájlok felkutatásában, így helyet lehet vele felszabadítani. Meghajtó tisztítójával jobb teljesítményt lehet kihozni a PC-ből. Ha rendszeresen nyitsz meg egy mappát azt a kedvencekhez tudod adni, így később sokkal egyszerűbben kezelhető. DiskBoss Összefoglaló:DiskBoss pillanatkép Merevlemez/ fájlkezelő alkalmazás paneles elrendezés szinkronizálási lehetőségek duplikátum kereső adatbázis alapú feladatok végrehajtása meghajtó tisztító rendelkezésre álló szabad hely megjelenítése Kedvencek támogatása a legnépszerűbb tartalmakhoz Részletesebb információk angolul a fejlesztó honlapján. DiskBoss is an automated, policy-based data management solution allowing one to analyze disks, directories and network shares, classify and categorize files, search and cleanup duplicate files, perform automated file management operations according to user-defined rules and policies, synchronize disks, directories and network shares, perform bulk file delete and secure data wiping operations, detect unauthorized changes in files and directories, etc. Features Disk Space Analysis File Classification and Organizing Duplicate Files Search and Cleanup Bulk File Delete and Secure Data Wiping Automated, Policy-Based File Management High-Speed File Synchronization Secure File Synchronization Secure File Copy Operations Fault-Tolerant Data Migration Real-Time Disk Change Monitoring File Integrity Monitoring Changelog 7-Mar-2024 - DiskBoss v14.4 improves the network shares discovery dialog allowing one to search servers and NAS storage devices on the network and analyze disk space usage, classify files and search files in hundreds of network shares. In addition, the new product version redesigns the rule-based file organizing options dialog, improves the DiskBoss Server product version and fixes a number of bugs. https://katfile.com/jm7jk2yhpyz8/dbs144.7z.html jelszó:boss
Process Lasso Pro v14.0.0.40 9MB (10MB) Tartalmazza a Process Lasso Pro Server Editiont is. Egyes, gépünkön futó folyamatok fontosabbak a többinél. Van, akinek a böngésző működése az elsődleges, más az erőforrás-igényes játékok vagy az internetes streamelés közben várja el PC-jétől a legjobb teljesítményt. A Windows önmagában nem túl hatékony az alacsonyabb prioritással rendelkező folyamatok erőforrásigényeiből eredő lassulások kezelésében. Ha szeretnénk a számunkra legfontosabb folyamatokat jelentősen felgyorsítani, akkor külső segédprogramra lesz szükségünk, például a Process Lassóra. A segédprogrammal reszponzívabbá tehetjük gépünket, valód időben optimalizálva a processzor működését és a folyamatokat, miközben a szoftver a futó programok és szolgáltatások naplózásával és korlátozásával is boldogul. Az úgynevezett ProBalance mód már alapértelmezésben is aktív. Ez állítja át a folyamatok prioritását a rendszerben automatikus módon, és ennek köszönhetően lesz kezesebb a gépünk még akkor is, ha egyébként erőforrás-igényes alkalmazásokat futtatunk. A Main menüben további módokat is találunk. A Game mode például egy olyan energiaséma, amely a maximális teljesítmény érdekében jelentősen korlátozza a háttérappokat, miközben a processzor teljes erejét segít a játékokra koncentrálni. A játékfolyamatokat egyébként külön kijelölhetjük a program számára, ha azok nem kötődnek a Steamhez. A SmartTrim mód a memóriaoptimalizálásról gondoskodik, azonban a RAM felszabadítását nem kényszeríti ki. A negyedik, IdleSaver névre hallgató mód pedig arról gondoskodik, hogy munka közben maximális teljesítményt adjon a PC, tétlen állapotban azonban egyből energiatakarékos módra kapcsoljon. Process Lasso is Windows process automation and optimization software. From tuning algorithms like ProBalance to user-created rules and persistent settings such as CPU affinities and priority classes, Process Lasso enables full control over running applications! Our famous ProBalance algorithm maintains system responsiveness during high CPU loads. This proprietary algorithm dynamically adjusts the priorities of running programs to keep problematic background processes in check. With ProBalance, no longer will single, or multiple, processes be able to bring your system to a virtual stall. Process Lasso will let you keep interacting with your computer, even when it is under a heavy CPU load. Try our CPUEater Demo to experience ProBalance for yourself. Process Lasso also allows users to automate and tweak how applications are run through a number of unique and helpful functions. These include persistent priority classes, persistent CPU affinities, disallowed processes, per-process power profiles, a process watchdog for advanced rules, process instance count limits, multiple instance balancing and much more! Process Lasso is the ultimate Windows CPU affinity changer. The CPU affinity specifies the set of CPU cores an application is able to execute on. With Process Lasso, you can control this with a persistent setting that applies every time the application is run, or change it dynamically while Process Lasso Features Prevent processes from monopolozing the CPUs ProBalance dynamic priority optimization CPU throttling new Save process priorities for future instances Save process CPU affinity Now with CPU Sets Compatible with Windows 7-11, Windows Server 2012-2022 Changelog v14.0.0.40 – Mar 7, 2024 – Release Announcement Add named CPU affinities Minor fixes and enhancements (3) GUI: Add named CPU affinities. Once created in the select CPU affinity dialog, they are listed in the context menus. (5) GUI: Fix log max size input dialog could open hidden behind main window (5) GUI: Hide NUMA node checkboxes on affinity selection dialog when there is only one node (5) GUI: In startup config dialog prohibit continuing if Governor set to run as a specific user but password is not supplied (7) GUI: Localize CPU topology string shown in status bar and elsewhere (7) GUI: Replace thread priority boost enabled asterisk on priority class name with ‘-‘ when thread priority boosts are disabled (7) GUI: Prune some unused strings (9) GUI: Add language name to user-agent (11) GUI: Adjust ProBalance defaults for heterogeneous processors (11) GUI: Various code additions to support planned enhancements (23) GUI: Adjust order of Tools submenu (27) GUI: Hide processor group droplist when not applicable instead of only disabling it in CPU affinity and sets dialogs (27) GUI: Move ‘None’ (no rule) to top of CPU affinity context menu, trading places with select CPU affinity (35) GUI: Cosmetic improvements to CPU affinity and sets dialogs (35) GUI: Hide NUMA node checkboxes that aren’t applicable instead of only disabling them in CPU affinity and sets dialogs (35) GUI: Fix a flicker that could be seen in the CPU affinity and sets dialogs when acting on a large number of cores (39) GUI: Add a separator to the current CPU affinity process context submenu (39) GUI: Translation updates (continuous) https://katfile.com/n6h4h4f04llv/prolap140.7z.html jelszó:lasso
WinRAR 7.00 hun 7MB Felhasználóbarát, robosztus archiváló programcsomag. Számos funkcióval rendelkezik az archívumok készítéséhez, kezeléséhez. Hatékony, könnyen áttekinthető felhasználói felülettel rendelkezik. Számos olyan beépített funkciót tartalmaz, ami más szoftvereknél csak külön vásárolható meg. Több operációs rendszeren is működik, jelenleg a Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Android, FreeBSD rendszereket támogatja. Jelenleg több, mint 40 nyelven érhető el, így magyarul is. A WinRAR képes kezelni szinte az összes létező archívum formátumot (RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z, 7-Zip, stb.). Alapértelmezésben RAR archívumot készít, de választható a ZIP formátum is. a licenszfájlt a a program könyvtárába kell másolni vagy a keygennel ott létrehozni egy egyedit Changelog WinRAR 7.00 Final released Release date: 28.02.2024 WinRAR Unveils Version 7.00: A Leap Forward in Compression Technology, Security, and User Experience Berlin, February 27th 2024: RARLAB.COM and win.rar GmbH proudly announce the release of WinRAR 7.00, marking a significant upgrade that sets new standards in file compression, security measures, and ease of use. This latest version introduces innovative features and enhancements, solidifying WinRAR's position as the leading software solution for users' archiving and compression needs. The highlights of the new version are: Enhanced Compression Capabilities WinRAR 7.00 expands the boundaries of compression technology by supporting dictionary sizes of up to 64 GB, allowing for unprecedented compression ratios and flexibility. This major upgrade caters to the growing demand for efficient handling of large files and datasets, offering users the ability to select non-standard dictionary sizes for optimized performance. Advanced Search Algorithms The introduction of new search algorithms, including "Long Range Search" and "Exhaustive Search," enables WinRAR to locate longer and more distant repeated data blocks, significantly enhancing the compression of large and similar files. These sophisticated algorithms are designed to improve compression ratios and reduce archive sizes, ensuring faster sharing and reduced storage costs. Increased Path Length Limit With the path length limit now extended to 65535 characters, WinRAR 7.00 addresses a common challenge faced by users, allowing for the seamless management of files within complex directory structures. This enhancement ensures greater flexibility and ease of use in handling deeply nested files and directories. Security and Compatibility Improvements WinRAR 7.00 introduces the "Propagate Mark of the Web" option, providing users with advanced control over security zone information for extracted files. Additionally, the removal of support for creating archives in the older RAR 4.x format aligns with modern security and compatibility standards. User Interface and Settings Enhancements The new version boasts a user-friendly interface with features like a word wrap toggle in the archive comment window and an "Attributes" column, enhancing the overall user experience. Customization options, such as dictionary size adjustments, further personalize WinRAR according to individual user preferences. Benchmarking Improvements WinRAR 7.00 enhances its benchmarking tool, allowing users to specify the number of threads and easily copy results to the clipboard. This update provides valuable insights into WinRAR's performance on different hardware setups, allowing for further optimization and efficiency. Miscellaneous Enhancements and Fixes Among other improvements and bug fixes, the latest update fixes a critical flaw that allowed unauthorized MOTW overwrites in extracted archived files. Thanks to Orange Tsai and NiNi of DEVCORE, alongside Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative, for their responsible disclosure. Notably, unlike WinRAR, unrar.dll is not impacted by this issue. For a full list of updates and bug fixes, visit: https://www.win-rar.com/whatsnew.html. Miscellaneous Enhancements and Fixes Among other improvements and bug fixes, the latest update fixes a critical flaw that allowed unauthorized MOTW overwrites in extracted archived files. Thanks to Orange Tsai and NiNi of DEVCORE, alongside Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative, for their responsible disclosure. Notably, unlike WinRAR, unrar.dll is not impacted by this issue. For a full list of updates and bug fixes, https://katfile.com/itq824c3eewq/wrr70.7z.html jelszó.v700
Nitro PDF Pro v14.22.1.0.Enterprise x64 7zip | 317MB Hozz létre PDF fájlokat, szerkessz, vagy konvertáld azokat sokkal népszerűbb fájlformátumba a Nitro Pro nevű alkalmazással, rengeteg hasznos elengedhetetlen funkciót biztosít, amik mindenképp szükségesnek tekinthetőek, az adott fájl széleskörű kezeléséhez. A segítségével World, Excel, vagy képformátumokba konvertálhatja PDF fájljaid, a pdf fájlból az utólagosan hozzáadott logók és vízjelek is eltávolíthatóak vele. Nitro Pro gives you everything you need to create, convert, edit, sign, and share standard PDF files. It’s simple, straightforward, and intuitive to use – so you can work more productively, your way. With Nitro Pro you can share your files with others, no matter what platform or device they’re on, and Nitro Pro 10 makes conversion easy. FEATURES: · Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file. · Convert and merge files into a single PDF document. · Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch. · Scan paper documents to PDF. · One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. · Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs. Copying & Exporting PDF: · Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. · Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose. · Extract all text and images from PDF documents. · Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats. · Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size. Editing PDF: · Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more. · Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract. · Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution. · Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace. · Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure. · Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document. · Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents. · Add and edit bookmarks and links. · Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings. · Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers. · Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents. · Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings. Optical Character Recognition (OCR): · Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving. · Create fully compliant PDF/A documents. · Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature. · Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode. · Flexible multi-language support. Reviewing & Marking Up PDF: · Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools. · Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations. · Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool. · Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds. · Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations. · Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages. · Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups. · Sort and manage comments. · Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more. · Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing. PDF Security: · Secure documents with passwords and certificates. · Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security. · Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents. · Create and apply re-usable security profiles. · Digitally sign and certify PDF files. PDF Forms: · Fill in, save, print and submit forms. · Design forms. · Add, edit and run javascript. System Requirements for Nitro Pro Enterprise Operating System: Windows 10/8/7 Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher 64bit 262MB , 32bit 219MB https://katfile.com/k5uqae6z13zi/nipe1422.7z.html jelszó:nitro