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EaseUS Partition Master 18.2.0 B20231213 WinPE 890MB (1276MB) Operácíós rendszer nélkül futtaható bootolható lemezképfájl WinPE környezetben aktivált EaseUS Partition Master-el. Pár kiegészítő funkció hozzáadva, mint a wifi hálózatra csatlakozás, a hálózaton megosztott mappa elérése, boot repair, stb https://katfile.com/v589nwjx2uc1/epm182WPE.7z.html jelszó:1820
FabulaTech USB for Remote Desktop v6.2.4 x64 31MB Workstation & Server Azok, akik napi szinten távoli asztali környezetben dolgoznak, tudják, hogy mennyire problematikus a helyi géphez csatlakoztatott USB-eszközökhöz való hozzáférés, amikor a távoli munkamenetben szükség van rájuk. Az USB-eszközöket nem tudta távolról használni, mivel nem volt lehetőség az átirányításukra. Megkerülési módokat kellett alkalmaznia, például közvetlenül a távoli oldalra kellett csatlakoztatnia az USB-hardverét. De a távoli gép elhelyezkedése miatt elérhetetlenné válhatott. Az USB for Remote Desktop lehetővé teszi, hogy a helyi számítógéphez csatlakoztatott összes USB-eszközt átirányítsa a távoli asztali munkamenetbe. A távoli rendszer minden átirányított USB-eszközt úgy kezel, mintha közvetlenül a távoli oldalra lenne csatlakoztatva. Hogyan működik A szoftver használata teljesen egyszerű. Mindössze annyit kell tennie, hogy egyszerűen telepíti a munkaállomás részt a helyi számítógépére, a kiszolgáló részt pedig a távoli oldalra. Ennyi az egész! Amint bejelentkezett a távoli asztali gépre, bármilyen helyi USB eszközt használhat a munkamenetben. A program az USB hardverek széles skáláját támogatja, és nem igényel semmilyen speciális beállítást. Az RDP és az ICA protokollok támogatása Legyen rugalmas! Ez az ideális megoldás az USB-eszközök átirányítására az RDP és ICA protokollokon keresztül. Profitáljon a mindkét környezetben történő munkavégzés előnyeiből. Illesztőprogram-mentes megoldás Az USB for Remote Desktop lehetővé teszi az USB-eszköz átirányítását USB-eszköz-illesztőprogramok nélkül. Nem kell telepítenie őket a helyi gépére, mivel az USB-eszközök nem igényelnek semmilyen illesztőprogramot a megfelelő átirányításhoz. Bármilyen típusú USB-eszközzel működik Az USB for Remote Desktop nem csak bizonyos típusú USB-eszközökkel működik. A legtöbbjükkel kompatibilis. Ez egy univerzális megoldás az USB-eszközök átirányítására. Those who work in a remote desktop environment on a daily basis know how problematic it is to get an access to USB devices plugged into a local machine when you need them in your remote session. You could not use your USB devices remotely as there was no possibility to redirect them. You had to use some workarounds like plugging your USB hardware directly into the remote side. But the location of the remote machine could make it unaccessible. USB for Remote Desktop allows you to redirect all the USB devices plugged into your local computer to your remote desktop session. The remote system handles any redirected USB device as if it were plugged directly into the remote side. How it works The software is absolutely easy to use. All you need to do is simply install the Workstation part on your local computer and the Server part on the remote side. That's it! As soon as you are logged in to your remote desktop you are welcome to use any local USB devices in your session. The program supports a wide range of USB hardware and does not require any special settings. Support for RDP and ICA protocols Be flexible! This is an ideal solution for redirecting USB devices through RDP and ICA protocols. Benefit from working in both of these environments. Driver-free solution USB for Remote Desktop allows USB device redirecting without USB device drivers. You don't have to install them on your local machine as USB devices don't require any drivers for proper redirection. Works with any type of USB devices USB for Remote Desktop works with not just particular types of USB devices. It is compatible with most of them. It is a universal solution for USB device redirection. Auto redirection of hot-plugged USB devices USB for Remote Desktop allows you to redirect any newly plugged in USB device automatically. You don't have to divert your attention away from your working process. The program redirects your USB devices by itself every time you plug them in. The black list To prevent a USB device from auto redirection, add it to the blacklist. Thus the blacklisted devices will be accessible on your local computer only and won't be redirected to your remote session automatically. Works with any virtual machine It doesn't matter what kind of virtual machine you choose, USB for Remote Desktop works perfectly with all of them. USB port redirection In some cases it is more convenient to redirect not a particular USB device but a USB port. Therefore any USB device plugged into such a USB port will be redirected to your remote session by default. Mixed 64-bit and 32-bit environment USB for Remote Desktop is 64-bit and 32-bit compatible. It provides you with easy and flexible way of migration between 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems. You can work as in homogeneous as in heterogeneous environment. What about Linux? If you are looking for the same easy solution for Linux you have already found it. FabulaTech offers you USB for Remote Desktop Linux version. It works perfectly in the most popular distributions of Linux operating system. USB for Remote Desktop Linux version contains an installation package of Workstation part. It is convenient for the most Linux distributions and is installed on your local machine only. USB for Remote Desktop Linux includes a modified and extended version of the standard open-source “rdesktop” application. It supports “rdesktop” native command line options. When you start the program it initiates RDP connection to the remote side. OEM license benefits USB for Remote Desktop is available as OEM. The program can be integrated into your software or hardware. Developer API allows configuring and controlling USB for Remote Desktop in your software. Read more… USB for Remote Desktop is successfully used in the following areas: Virtual desktops It's possible to use USB devices in any virtual environment. USB devices connected to a host PC are accessible from guest OS in virtual machine. Thin clients USB devices plugged into a thin client with Windows XP, Linux or Windows CE appears in a remote Windows session (RDP or ICA). Terminal Services and Citrix Use universal USB redirection solution for both Microsoft Terminal Service and Citrix, either over ICA or over RDP. Blade computing Work with any USB device as if it were directly connected to a blade computer. https://katfile.com/raysp5kkzybw/fabtecusr62464.7z.html jelszó:fabula
Coolutils Total Outlook Converter Pro Multilingual 232MB A Total Outlook Converter Pro segít az Outlook e-maileket PDF, DOC, RTF, TXT, HTML, TIFF formátumba konvertálni. Míg más e-mail konverterek képesek feldolgozni az e-maileket, csak a munka felét végzik el azzal, hogy a mellékleteket eredeti formátumukban hagyják. A Total Outlook Converter Pro extra mérföldet tesz azáltal, hogy segít mind az e-mailek, mind a csatolmányaik átalakításában. eDiscovery és peres ügyek. Konvertálja az Outlook e-maileket PDF-be a legpontosabb módon. Csatolja vagy ágyazza be a mellékleteket az eredményül kapott PDF-be. Keressen e-maileket feladó, tárgy, dátum vagy bármely kulcsszó alapján. Outlook átalakítónk képes bélyegzőket is elhelyezni, szöveges vízjeleket (pl. bizalmas) hozzáadni, a kimeneti fájlokat a bates szám szerint átnevezni. Ha úgy érzi, hogy itt az ideje, hogy áttérjen egy másik e-mail alkalmazás, Total Outlook Converter Pro exportálja e-maileket univerzális EML fájlokat vagy MBOX által elfogadott Apple. Táblázati jelentések. A PST fájlból az összes e-mailt átkonvertálhatja egyetlen excel fájlba, általános információkkal, mint például dátum/idő/hozzá/onnan/test információval. Ezután könnyű betölteni a jelentést egy DB-be, vagy további elemzéseket végezhet rajta. Régi e-mailek archiválása. Ha egyszer úgy dönt, hogy kiüríti az Outlookot, és az e-mailek másolatát a merevlemezre menti, a konverterünk az Ön rendelkezésére áll. Az Outlook e-maileket PDF, PDF/A, DOC, TXT, HTML, TIFF, JPEG fájlokként mentheti, hogy megnyithassa őket bármilyen e-mail program nélkül. Idős, messze élő szülők vagy a gyerek oktatási számlái, bármi, amit fontosnak tart, le kell menteni arra az esetre, ha nem lenne internetkapcsolata. Total Outlook Converter Pro will help you convert Outlook emails to PDF, DOC, RTF, TXT, HTML, TIFF in batch. While other email converters are able to process emails, they only do half the job by leaving attachments in their original formats. Total Outlook Converter Pro goes the extra mile by helping convert both emails and their attachments. eDiscovery and litigation. Convert Outlook emails to PDF in the most accurate way. Attach or embed attachments to the resulting PDF. Search emails by sender, subject, date or any key word. Our Outlook converter can also stamp bates, add text watermarks (i.e. confidential), rename output files by the bates number. If you feel it's time to migrate to another email app, Total Outlook Converter Pro will export emails to universal EML files or MBOX accepted by Apple. Table reports. Get all emails from a PST file converted over to a single excel file with general info such as date/time/to/from/body information. Then it's easy to load the report in a DB or do further analysys on. Archiving old emails. Once you decide to empty Outlook and save copies of your emails on your hard drive, our converter is at your fingertips. Save Outlook emails as PDF, PDF/A, DOC, TXT, HTML, TIFF, JPEG files to open them without any email program. Elderly parents living far or kid's educational bills, anything you may find important should be backed up in case you don't have the Internet connection. Windows 2000/2003/Vista/7/8/10/11/Citrix https://katfile.com/raysp5kkzybw/fabtecusr62464.7z.html jelszó:total
VueScan Pro 9.8.31 + OCR Multilingual 66MB Szkennelő program JPG, PNG és PDF kimeneti formátummal. Meghajtóprogramtól függetlenül saját kompatibilitási listával rendelkezik, ezért a lehető legtöbb szkennert kezeli. A magyar nyelv támogatott. VueScan is a powerful scanning application that allows you to acquire high-quality images using a flatbed or film scanner. If you are not satisfied with the software delivered by the scanner vendor or if you want to improve it with new functions you should try this program. Scan Documents Whether you need to scan a single page or a hundred page book, VueScan has the tools to help you. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) Scan to PDF (Single and Multipage) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Automatic Color Detection Small document file sizes Automatic document deskewing Scan Photos Do you have a box full of photos in your drawer? Use VueScan to get them on your computer, and off your to-do list. Scan to JPG or TIFF Whether you're saving a few snapshots or archiving boxes of prints, VueScan has the tools you need to output your scans at either the highest possible quality or a large number of good quality scans. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF) VueScan supports over 3000+ different scanners from 35 manufacturers, even scanners that don't have drivers from their manufacturers anymore. Preset photo sizes for faster scans VueScan improves one of the slowest parts about scanning by scanning only the part of the flatbed where your photo is. So you can spend less time scanning, and more time enjoying your photos. Scan multiple photos on the flatbed Scanning multiple photos with VueScan is very simple. Just put them in the corners of the flatbed, do a preview, and manually crop each of the photos without needing to do another scan. Automatic file naming for faster scans Don't waste time manually naming every photo, use VueScan's auto naming feature to include dates, numbers, or other prefixes and suffixes in your file names. Remove fading and correct colors Stay out of photoshop and save the best version possible of your photos with VueScan's built in features to remove fading, and correct colors. Scan Film and Slides VueScan is the ultimate tool for all your film and slide scanning needs. Works with almost all film/slide scanners Scan to JPEG/TIFF/RAW Infrared Dust Removal Color correction IT8 Calibration Photoshop Integration What’s new in version 9.8.31 25 March 2024 Improved quality of deskew for large images Improved scan speed with some eSCL/Mopria scanners Added some Epson model names in other countries Added support for 4 Brother scanners Brother MFC-EX670 Brother MFC-L9610CDN Brother MFC-L9630CDN Brother MFC-L9670CDN Fixed problem with Plustek OpticFilm 7500i at 7200 dpi Fixed problem with Plustek OpticFilm 7600i at 7200 dpi Fixed problem with duplex scanning with some Brother scanners Fixed problem when scanning with some WIA scanner drivers keygen virustotal: 61196bc0fa83764e1faded3f63a5f36f4caf8d721695980f8f8057ba82a9437c https://katfile.com/vim68izojwsq/vsp938.7z.html portable 65MB https://katfile.com/8bmmndax0ssl/vsp938po.7z.html jelszó:scan
OneCommander Pro v3.72.0.0 x64 62MB A One Commander egy total commanderhez hasonló fájlkezelő egy újszerű elképzelés alapján. Számos beállítás és lehetőség tárul elénk megnyitáskor. Bár szinte a teljes képernyőt elfoglalja mégis kárpótolni fog minket a funkciók bősége. A Dual paneles felületen a kívánt mappák kiválasztása után néhány fájl formátumhoz egy beépített nézőke funkciót is kínál, ilyen a fotó megjelenítő, fájl kereső, korszerű fájl rendszerezés, listázási módszer. Természetesen szinte maradéktalanul tartalmazza az összes funkciót amire csak szükség lehet a hétköznapok során. fájlkezelő alkalmazás dual paneles elrendezés fájlok kezeléséhez konvertálás képek megtekintése text fájlok több szövegkódolás szerinti megjelenítése hordozható változat is a magyar nyelv támogatott OneCommander is a modern file manager for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Features include tabs, dual-pane browsers, columns navigation, built-in preview, a theming system, color tags, and much more. It is free for home use and has no ads. More information: Commercial use is allowed with the Pro license. OneCommander is not collecting or transmitting users' data. Detailed Privacy Policy. 64-bit software (x64 platform) GPU Hardware DirectX accelerated where possible Requirements OneCommander requires Windows 10 or Windows 11 and .NET 4.8 framework (pre-installed on Windows 10 and 11) Windows 10S is NOT supported. High-DPI screen recommended (above 96ppi) Acrylic window effect is supported only in Windows 10, but Mica window effect is available in Windows 11 Changelog (2024-03-25) https://katfile.com/j08is02j0v81/ocp372.7z.html Portable 46MB https://katfile.com/1pje7j2xiq56/ocp372po.7z.html jelszó:commander
LaunchBox Premium with Big Box v13.12 420MB A LaunchBox Premium egy a játékok indításához való széles körben konfigurálható fizetős frontend felület, előszeretettel használják csak játékra használt pc-k és épített arcade gépek indítófelületének. Kb mindenre fel van készítve legyen szó a klasszikus arcade gépek emulátorátol kezdve a DOSBox-os játékokon át a saját Steam, GOG, EAPlay fiókok tartalmáig. Custom témák, háttérben futó animációk, játékok leírásai, egyéb segítségek és trükkök a fejlesztő fórumán. Your Frontend for Everything LaunchBox was originally built as an attractive frontend for DOSBox, but has long since expanded to support both modern PC games and emulated console platforms. LaunchBox aims to be the one-stop shop for gaming on your computer, for both modern and historical games. Get Up and Running Right Away LaunchBox includes automated import processes for everything from modern Steam games to GOG classics, ROM files, MS-DOS games, and so much more. Box art and metadata is automatically downloaded from the LaunchBox Games Database, with excellent coverage for your games. Organize Your Collection LaunchBox supports arranging and filtering by genre, platform, ESRB rating, developer, publisher, and much more, and even has custom status and source fields to use to classify your games however you choose. LaunchBox’s interface is incredibly easy to use and powerful all at the same time. Immerse Yourself Not only does LaunchBox automatically download box art for your games, it also grabs beautiful fanart, screenshots, logos, and more, creating a surprisingly immersive experience. Check out some eye candy below: - A Game Launcher with Style We originally built Launchbox as an attractive frontend for DOSBox, but it now boasts support for modern games and retro game emulation. We make all your games look pretty. - Organize Your Game Collection We're not just pretty; we let you add as much or as little information to your games as you'd like. LaunchBox maintains its own crowd-sourced database for a massive number of games. - We Emulation LaunchBox includes support for countless emulators. We're the best launcher for all your retro and console games. Go ahead, play your favorite game from 1985. - Steam Library Imports We automatically import all your games, including your Steam library. It doesn't have to be complicated, so we made it easy to get started. If you're OCD like us, you're free to customize everything. hivatalos fórum: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/ https://katfile.com/gqyguupz67ho/lbprembb132.7z.html jelszó:v1312
StableBit Scanner v2.6.7.4027 59MB Fejlett merevlemez monitorozó program. További funkciók: Szkennelés Folyamatosan ellenőrzi az összes merevlemezt, biztosítva, hogy minden értékes bit olvasható maradjon Monitor Folyamatosan figyeli a lemez állapotparamétereit és tájékoztatja Önt a probléma első jelére. Kárfelmérés Pontosan megmondja, hogy mely fájlok sérültek meg ha sérülést észlel Fájl-helyreállítás Megkísérli a sérült fájlok részleges vagy teljes helyreállítását - Értesítések Ha valamelyik meghajtójával valami baj történik, azonnal értesítést kap. - Távvezérlés Könnyedén csatlakozhat a StableBit Scanner bármely más, a LAN-on futó példányához. - Továbbfejlesztett felhő-integráció > A SMART attribútumok ellenőrzése a meghajtómodellre jellemző, nem szokványos értékek tekintetében. > A maximális tűréshatárok, például a maximális üzemi hőmérséklet és a maximális terhelési ciklusszám a gyártó által az adott meghajtómodellre vonatkozóan közzétett specifikációkon alapulnak. - Fájlrendszer-ellenőrzés > Amellett, hogy a StableBit Scanner biztosítja, hogy a merevlemezek minden bitje olvasható legyen, automatikusan ellenőrzi a fájlrendszerek integritását, és értesíti Önt, amint bármilyen problémát talál. > A fájlrendszer-ellenőrzésnek saját állapotkategóriája van az általános állapotpanelen. Így egy pillantással láthatja a fájlrendszerek állapotát. > A fájlrendszer-ellenőrzés a StableBit Scanner szkennermotorjába van integrálva. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a fájlrendszer vizsgálata közben is élvezheti a háttérben zajló I/O, a hőmérséklet-kiegyenlítés és a túlmelegedés elleni védelem előnyeit. A fájlrendszer-ellenőrzés rugalmas, saját újraellenőrzési intervallummal rendelkezik, és globálisan vagy lemezenként letiltható. An advanced hard disk surface scanner, monitor and more. Features: Scan Continuously scans all of your hard drives, ensuring that every precious bit remains readable Monitor Monitors the on-disk health parameters at all times and informs you at the first sign of trouble Damage Assessment Tells you exactly which files were damaged when damage is detected File Recovery Attempts partial or full recovery of damaged files ARM64 Support Runs natively on ARM64 devices. * Runs on a Mac that has Apple Silicon via virtualization. ** * Native ARM64 support requires an ARM64 compatible processor and Windows 11 22H2 or newer. Native execution is available for the primary components. Some miscellaneous processes may be emulated. ** Requires a copy of Windows 11 or newer running in a virtualized environment such as Parallels Desktop for Mac. 18 Themes (with Dark Mode) A theme will be automatically chosen to match the look of the OS, or you can choose any one that you like. There are flat and glass UI themes available. Light, dark, and high contrast variations are available for some themes. * Touch friendly themes are also included. * Automatic theme switching between light and dark modes is supported starting with Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and newer. Remote Control Easily connect to any other copy of the StableBit Scanner running on your LAN. Fully secure using standard Kerberos Windows Authentication. Use the StableBit Cloud to manage the app from the web. Remote control Enhanced Cloud Integration SMART analysis is tailored to your drive model. SMART attributes are checked for out of the ordinary values that is specific to your drive model. Maximum tolerances, such as the maximum operating temperature and the maximum load cycle count are based on manufacturer published specifications for your particular drive model. Top notch support for SMART on SSDs. Direct I/O for USB enclosures. The method of communications with your USB enclosed is retrieved from the cloud. Drive reliability information, including SSD specific data: * Warranty period Mean time to first failure (MTBF / MTTF) Annualized failure rate (AFR) Component design life (CDL) SSD endurance, including total lifetime writes and GB of writes per day. Maximum temperature * Data availability depends on published manufacturer specifications. Drive reliability File System Check In addition to ensuring that every bit on your hard drives is readable, the StableBit Scanner will automatically check the integrity of your file systems and notify you as soon as any problems are found. The file system check has its own health category in the overall status panel. This lets you see your file system health status at a glance. The file system check is streamlined into the StableBit Scanner's scanning engine. That means that you get the benefits of Background I/O, temperature equalization and overheat protections, even while scanning the file system. The file system check is flexible, it has its own re-check interval, and can be disabled globally or per-disk. File system check Disk Control Check and set the advanced power options of each disk, right from within Windows. Lets you control the on-disk idle timer, Automatic Acoustic Management and Advanced Power Management. Disk control Disk Settings Allows you to override the maximum temperature, per-disk and to control other per-disk settings. The StableBit Scanner remembers these settings, even if you disconnect and later reconnect the same disk. Designate the location (case and bay) of your disks in order to quickly locate them later. The case and bay will optionally be sent to you along with any notifications. Disk settings Fast Disk Surface Scanner Special, reverse scanning, cluster coalescing algorithm optimizes the scan speed by utilizing the on-drive cache, while at the same time detects every unstable sector. Completely multi-threaded scanner. Scans multiple drives on different controllers at the same time. Scanner is isolated in a separate process from the user interface. Advanced Scan Throttling Scanning does not interfere with normal disk access. If something starts accessing the disk, the scanner automatically starts scanning another disk that’s not busy. If no other disk is available, then the scan is suspended until the disk becomes free. Disk scan order is selected intelligently, taking into account disk access, bus speed, current disk temperature and other factors. Throttling is USB aware. Intelligent algorithm groups your disks by the controller that they’re on. Prevents bus saturation over USB or any other bandwidth limited bus from interfering with disk access. If something else starts accessing any disk connected to the same controller, and the bus speed is limiting the read / write speed of the other operation, the scanner will yield to the other process until the bus is no longer saturated. Throttling settings Overheat Protection If a disk exceeds its set maximum temperature, the scanner will: Try to suspend the current scan and switch to another disk that's cooler. If no other disks are being scanned, or all the disks are too hot, the Scanner can either suspend the scan and wait for the disks to cool down or switch to the coolest disk and continue scanning at a slower rate, depending on a user setting. Temperature equalization algorithm. When scanning multiple disks, if one disk becomes hotter than the rest, the scanner will suspend the disk being scanned and switch to another one giving it a chance to cool down. This equalizes temperatures across all the disks being scanned and also prevents overheating. Heat settings File System Aware Scanner An entirely separate scanner designed to detect on-disk data structure damage. If the physical surface scanner detects damage, you have the choice to perform a file-level analysis. The file-level scan will scan the good portions of the disk in order to detect file damage. The file-level scan will tell you which files got damaged as a result of the physical damage, and even which parts of the files. If another more critical part of the disk got damaged such as a directory or a boot sector, it will detect that as well. Categorizes damaged files by type, OS file, data file or a backup DB file. Also, lets you know if the damaged file is on a duplicated share or not. Runs on a separate thread and in an isolated sandbox. Damaged file File Recovery Once a damaged file is identified by the file system aware scan, you can attempt recovery of that file. * File recovery supports uncompressed and unencrypted NTFS files. Partial file recovery works by reassembling what's left of the file to a known good location on another disk. An optional, full file recovery step is attempted by reading each unreadable sector multiple times, while sending the drive head through a pre-programmed set of head motion profiles. This has the effect of varying the direction and the velocity of the drive's head right before reading the unreadable sector, increasing the chance of one last successful read. * File recovery is not guaranteed by any means, but stands a good chance of at least partially recovering a damaged file. Attempt file recovery Direct I/O Scanner talks directly to the disk. Shows you more information about the disk such as Word Wide Name, NCQ support, acoustic management, and more. Can read S.M.A.R.T. data when the Operating System can't. * * Direct I/O compatibility depends on your storage driver or USB bridge chip. Not all storage drivers and USB bridge chips are compatible. Enhanced S.M.A.R.T. Shows all the S.M.A.R.T. attributes and their values, including the drive temperature. Goes beyond failure detection and looks for warning signs that may indicate possible data loss or mechanical trouble. Each attribute is decoded according to your drive model specific rules. Cloud enhanced attributes are compared to manufacturer published specifications. S.M.A.R.T. SMART cloud attribute Fully Automatic Scanning can work in 3 ways: Scheduled time window. The Scanner will scan disks as necessary at a pre-defined time. Multiple disks can be scanned at the same time depending on disk configuration. Scan throttling will monitor the system I/O and make sure that scanning is not interfering with any other process. Scan throttling will automatically switch the disk being scanned based on server I/O conditions and disk temperature. The Scanner will save it's progress and stop at the end of the scan window. All the time. The Scanner will scan all disks as necessary at any time. Scan throttling will ensure a minimal impact on I/O. Plug in a disk at any time via. an external enclosure and the StableBit Scanner will begin scanning it if it hasn't scanned it before (if the option to scan non-storage pool disks is enabled). Unplug at any time and StableBit will remember where it was and continue later. Scan throttling is in full effect as described above. Manual scan only. Start and Stop disk scanning manually from the console. Scan throttling is in effect, but if scanning a single disk, it will not automatically switch to a different disk if the current disk becomes busy. Instead, it will pause scanning and wait for it to become free. Each disk is automatically re-scanned every 30 days (or as often as you’d like). If a problem is found, you are notified immediately. Automatically scans any new disks added to the system. It can even scan any disks as soon as you plug them in. Supports accidental unplugging. Remembers which parts of which disks were scanned and when, down to each individual sector. Keeps track of scan history for up to 1 year for every disk ever seen. Manual Mode Each disk scan can be started or stopped manually. Manually mark the entire disk surface as readable. Force a re-check of the entire disk surface or just the unreadable portions. Overall Status At a glance user interface. Drive health summary is reported in these categories. StableBit Scanner disk surface health. File system health. S.M.A.R.T. health. Includes failure detection, detection of failure warning signs and overheating. The health status of the entire server is shown from a single summary panel. Each condition is shown using an icon and a description in plain English. https://katfile.com/tzq2cf4km88w/Scan267.7z.html jelszó:stable
StableBit DrivePool v2.3.6.1562 56MB A legkorszerűbb tárhelyegyesítő alkalmazás fájlduplikációval. Gyűjtő Több fizikai merevlemezt egyesít egyetlen nagy virtuális meghajtóvá. Mindent szabványos NTFS (vagy ReFS) fájlokban tárol. Védelem Lehetővé teszi bármely mappa duplikált mappaként való kijelölését. Ha az egyik meghajtó meghibásodik, a duplikált fájlok biztonságban maradnak. Organize Könnyedén kiválaszthatja, hogy mely lemezeket használja a fájlok tárolására bármely mappában. Felgyorsíthatja a poolt azáltal, hogy a teljesítményérzékeny fájlokat SSD-lemezekre helyezi. Felhő Zökkenőmentesen titkosíthatja és tárolhatja egyesített fájljai egy részét vagy mindegyikét a felhőben. További funkciók: ARM64 Support Dark mode Hierarchikus összevonás Mappánkénti balansz Mappaelhelyezési szabályok Fájlelhelyezési szabály hozzáadása Távvezérlés Meghajtó hozzáadás-eltávolítás stb. A state of the art disk pooling application with file duplication. Pool Combines multiple physical hard drives into one large virtual drive. Stores everything in standard NTFS (or ReFS) files. Protect Lets you designate any folder as a duplicated folder. In case one drive fails, your duplicated files remain safe. Organize Easily select which disks will be used to store files in any folder. Speed up your pool by placing performance sensitive files on SSDs. Cloud Seamlessly encrypt and store some or all of your pooled files in the cloud. Features: ARM64 Support Runs natively on ARM64 devices. * Runs on a Mac that has Apple Silicon via virtualization. ** * Native ARM64 support requires an ARM64 compatible processor and Windows 11 22H2 or newer. Native execution is available for the primary components. Some miscellaneous processes may be emulated. ** Requires a copy of Windows 11 or newer running in a virtualized environment such as Parallels Desktop for Mac. Dark Mode Revamped UI theme with light, dark, and high contrast modes. Automatically switches to the appropriate theme based on your system settings.* * Automatic theme switching between light and dark modes is supported starting with Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and newer. Hierarchical Pooling Create storage pools from other storage pools. Add a new pool to an existing pool, just like a regular drive. Specify separate folder duplication and file placement rules at each point in the pooling hierarchy. With StableBit CloudDrive, combine multiple cloud storage providers into one large encrypted pool. * Create local / cloud hybrid pools where some of your data is stored locally and some of it is stored in the cloud. * When used with cloud pools, StableBit DrivePool always tries to read your data from a local drive (when possible). Per Folder Balancing Easily designate which disks will be used to store files in any folder on the pool. Add advanced file pattern matching rules for more control. Seamlessly extends the existing balancing system with automatic conflict resolution. Super fast kernel based implementation. Folder Placement Rules Add File Placement Rule Remote Control Easily connect to any other copy of StableBit DrivePool running on your LAN in order to manage your pools. Fully secure using standard Kerberos Windows Authentication. Remote Control Multiple Pool Support Easily create more than one pool by adding a disk to a new pool. Each pool spawns a new virtual drive on the computer. All pool related settings, including balancing settings, are configurable individually per pool. Minimalistic UI. If you don't need multiple pools, you don't have to manage them. Existing Pool Create a New Pool Control File Placement and Organization A flexible and extensible file balancing framework with multiple balancing algorithms interacting together to build one balancing model. A high performance system that determines the balancing needs in real-time. Tweak and tune real-time file placement and background balancing with fine-grained control using the Balancing Settings window. Install 3rd party balancing plug-ins or write your own (in .NET 4.0). Balancing Settings Drive Usage Limiter StableBit Scanner Integration * Transparently evacuates your pooled files from any drive part of the pool at the first sign of damage. Controls real-time file placement to avoid overusing overheating drives. * Requires StableBit Scanner 2.2 or newer. StableBit Scanner Balancer Easily Add and Remove Disks of Any Size at Any Time Adding an already formatted NTFS (or ReFS) volume is nearly instantaneous. Adding a RAW unformatted disk will format it with NTFS and add it to the pool. This can take a minute or so. Removing a disk from the pool moves all the existing pooled files on it to another disk in the pool. Add / Remove Drives No Limits Any sized disk can be added to the pool. Add as many disks to the pool as you want. There are no limits. The maximum pool size is virtually unlimited*. The 16TB NTFS limit does not apply to the maximum size of the pool. * Maximum pool size is limited by Windows. The limit is many petabytes, more than you will ever need. No Need to Reformat the Disks to Add Them to the Pool Any simple* formatted volume can be added to the pool instantly, without erasing or altering the existing data on it. The combined free space of all the pooled disks contribute to the total size of the pool. * Dynamic volumes cannot be added to the pool. Pooled Disks Can Continue to Store Non-Pooled Data You can continue to use any disk added to the pool, just like you did before it was part of the pool. Pooled disks will continue to be exposed as a separate drive, just as they were before, and can contain non-pooled data. Disk and file I/O is not filtered or altered in any way by StableBit DrivePool when you access any pooled disk directly. Essentially, nothing is altered about the disk when it becomes part of the pool, aside from it now being able to store pooled files. Pooled Data is Stored in Standard NTFS Files All your data is stored in standard NTFS files on each individual disk in the pool. The data is simply stored in a hidden folder under the root directory. * This means that if something goes wrong with your computer, you can simply connect any of the pooled drives to a different PC to gain full access to the pooled files stored on that drive. No need to install StableBit DrivePool or anything else to access your original data. No databases are involved, no special RAID like formatting is involved that requires the original software / hardware to function, just plain NTFS that is compatible with virtually all computers. * Starting with StableBit DrivePool 2.2, files can be optionally stored as ReFS. Easy and Flexible File Duplication You can enable or disable file duplication on any existing folder. Existing files are duplicated in the background. Any future changes to duplicated files are applied in real-time*, in parallel, to multiple disks at the same time. With real-time duplication, there is no need for periodic duplication in the background. File are duplicated in real-time. Background duplication only runs when you make an administrative change (such as changing the duplication level of a folder) or when a problem is detected, avoiding unnecessary disk activity. Files are never locked by duplication at any time. This means that other programs can continue to use the pool even while existing files are being duplicated. * Real-time duplication can be turned off in StableBit DrivePool settings, if you'd like. Whole Pool Duplication Per-Folder Duplication Efficient File Balancing By monitoring file usage in real-time, a finely tuned file balancing algorithm only balances the pool when it is absolutely necessary. An efficient algorithm quickly selects which files need to be re-balanced. Balancing never locks any files, and so it never interferes with other applications using the pool at the time. Balancing doesn't interfere with other disk I/O, by utilizing Background I/O disk scheduling. Advanced File System StableBit DrivePool features CoveFS, an optimized file system specifically designed for disk pooling. It has a virtually unlimited pool size (many Petabytes). It's compatible with existing applications*, and is designed to function like NTFS. It's a 100% kernel mode implementation. No user mode service dependencies or any such hacks are involved. It works like a real file system. Advanced features: Alternate stream support and extended attributes. Full NTFS security. Full Windows disk caching support. Read-ahead and lazy writer caching supported along with memory mapped files. Full oplock support. Oplocks improve network share performance by allowing a network client to cache files on their end. File change notifications, for applications that watch directories for changed files. Sparse files. Completely parallelized: Reads and writes to duplicated files happen in parallel. An optimized fast directory listing algorithm queries all the disks at the same time and combines the results in memory to return the list of files and directories, in real-time, as they come in from all the disks. Zero dependencies on any external metadata: Plug in any pooled disk to any system running StableBit DrivePool and it is instantly visible on the pool. No special RAID-like format, no "tombstones" and no SQL-lite databases are involved. Everything is just plain old files. Always shows the actual free space on the pool**. No need to reserve imaginary free space that you can't use. * Some disk imaging applications may not be compatible. https://katfile.com/svjrnmp3nuo7/DrvPool236.7z.html jelszó:stable
StableBit CloudDrive v1.2.6.1711 73MB Olyan virtuális merevlemezt hoz létre, amely megkülönböztethetetlen a valódi meghajtótól. A tényleges adatokat a választott felhőszolgáltatónál (vagy helyben) tárolja. Senkiben sem bízhat titkosítás Minden titkosítható az AES-256-os ipari szabvány használatával, egy olyan kulccsal, amelyet csak Ön ismer. Senki sem szaglászhat vagy férhet hozzá az adataihoz az Ön tudta nélkül. Adaptív gyorsítótárazás Megtanulja, mely adatokhoz fér hozzá leggyakrabban, és a gyorsabb hozzáférés érdekében helyben tárolja azokat. Előzetes lekérdezéssel, metaadatok kitűzésével és még sok mással is rendelkezik. További részletekért tekintse meg a Tulajdonságok oldalt. További funkciók:: ARM64 támogatás Dark mód 'Senkiben sem bízhat' teljes meghajtótitkosítás Felhő adatok duplikálása Adaptív helyi gyorsítótárazás Predektív előtöltés StableBit DrivePool-lal való használatával stb A Real Drive Creates a virtual hard drive that is indistinguishable from a real drive. Stores the actual data in the cloud provider of your choice (or locally). Trust No One Encryption Everything can be encrypted using industry standard AES-256, with a key that only you know. No one can snoop on or access your data without your knowledge. Adaptive Caching Learns which data you access most frequently and stores it locally for faster access. Also featuring prefetching, metadata pinning and much more. See the Features page for more details. Features: ARM64 Support Native Execution Runs natively on ARM64 devices. * Apple Silicon Support Runs on a Mac that has Apple Silicon via virtualization. ** Dark Mode Trust No One Full Drive Encryption Full Round Trip Encryption Your data gets encrypted instantly at the time that it's written to your cloud drive. Your data remains fully encrypted until it gets read from your cloud drive. Your data is never stored in an unencrypted form, either on your local hard drive or in the cloud. Trust No One Only you have the one and only key that can access your data. No one can come to us and ask us to decrypt your data. The only person who can decrypt your data is you. A Secure Algorithm StableBit CloudDrive uses low level kernel-based encryption for maximum performance and for full round trip encryption support. Industry standard AES-256 CBC is used to encrypt every bit of your data. The Operating System's core services (Cryptography API: Next Generation) are used for all hashing and encryption functions in the kernel (FIPS 140-2 compliant). Cloud Data Duplication Full Drive Duplication In order to protect your data from loss or corruption in the cloud, StableBit CloudDrive can store your data twice at the storage provider for redundancy. Pinned Data Duplication Duplicates the most critical parts of your cloud drive in order to protect them from loss or corruption in the cloud. StableBit CloudDrive accomplishes this by analyzing the drive and filesystem layouts in order to isolate the most critical data structures such as the master file table and directory indexes. * Does not incur the overhead of full drive drive duplication, yet still offers protection against data corruption for the drive's most critical data structures. Online Self-healing If damage to your drive does occur, StableBit CloudDrive will automatically heal your data in the cloud and restore data consistency without any user intervention, all while you continue to use your drive normally. Adaptive Local Caching A Unique Cache The local cache is a brand new kind of cache. It's custom designed to keep your most frequently used data cached locally for faster performance. An Adaptive Cache Choose how much data you would like to cache locally on one of your local drives. Over time, StableBit CloudDrive learns which data you access most often and keeps that data stored locally. The cache is not limited to caching whole files. Parts of files can also be cached, based on your usage over time. A Resizable Cache The size of the local cache is unlimited. You can change the size of the cache at any time, in real-time. There's no need to unmount your drive to change the cache size, the new cache size is applied instantly. Predictive Prefetching Prediction StableBit CloudDrive comes with a prefetcher that detects sequential data access and downloads data that you're about to access, before you need it. Streaming Media The prefetcher is perfect for streaming media directly from your cloud drive. For example, when you play a video from your drive, the prefetcher will start to pre-download data that is about to be read, offering you a smooth playback experience. * Optimize It The prefetcher comes with reasonable defaults that should work fine with any broadband connection to the Internet, but you can optimize them to get the maximum performance from your cloud drive. Tweak the number of downloads that happen in parallel, how much data gets prefetched, as well as other Metadata Pinning Fast Mounting StableBit CloudDrive includes a stand-alone NTFS parser that can pin file system metadata, the invisible data structures that make your file system work, to the local cache. This ensures that your drive mounts quickly without the need to download anything from the cloud. Fast Directory Listings StableBit CloudDrive can pin NTFS directory indexes to the local cache too. This means that when you browse the contents of your drive, nothing needs to be downloaded from the cloud. Data Integrity Checksum Verification StableBit CloudDrive detects the corruption of your data while it's stored in the cloud. * Every chunk of data that StableBit CloudDrive downloads from your cloud provider is checked against a checksum, ensuring that the data downloaded has not changed since it was uploaded. Upload Verification For added peace of mind, upload verification ensures that the data uploaded can be retrieved correctly at upload time. Upload verification will automatically retry corrupted uploads until they are successful. This will consume additional bandwidth and is disabled by default, but can be enabled for mission critical data. A Real Drive Full Plug and Play Support Over a year of development work went into designing from scratch a full kernel drive implementation, specifically designed to integrate StableBit CloudDrive into the Microsoft Windows Operating System at the lowest level possible. StableBit CloudDrive emulates a real SCSI drive with full Plug and Play support. To Microsoft Windows, and any applications running on it, this looks like a real disk, giving you the maximum possible compatibility. No wimpy shell extensions and no network redirectors are involved. A Resizable Drive A cloud drive can be sized from 128 MB to 1 PB. * A cloud drive has the unique ability to be resized on-line. You can shrink or expand your drive at any time without unmounting it, even while it's being accessed. Use It With StableBit DrivePool Pool Multiple Cloud Drives Into One Because StableBit CloudDrive creates what look like real drives, you can easily use StableBit DrivePool to combine multiple cloud drives into one large virtual pool drive. File Duplication For mission critical data, you can enable file duplication on any folder and its files will be duplicated across multiple cloud providers for added redundancy. File Organization With StableBit DrivePool's file placement feature, you can even control which folders should be stored on which cloud providers. Create a Cloud / Local Hybrid Drive Using StableBit DrivePool you can create a new pool drive which consists of a mix of local drives and cloud drives. With StableBit DrivePool's file placement you can control which folders should be stored in the cloud and which ones should be stored locally. https://katfile.com/f0fn9istz1ab/CloudDrive126.7z.html jelszó:stable
Barcode Studio Enterprise v16.6.3.28858 33MB A Barcode Studio egy gyors és kényelmes módja a kiváló minőségű vonalkódképek (bittérkép és vektoros formátumban, nyomdai előkészítéshez és nyomtatáshoz) előállításának programozás nélkül. A használatra kész vonalkódsablonok támogatják a szabványos vonalkódok létrehozását. Az integrált címkenyomtatási funkció leegyszerűsíti az egyszerű vonalkódos címkék (árcédulák stb.) nyomtatását. Barcode Studio is a fast and convenient way of generating high-quality barcode images (bitmap and vector formats for prepress and printing) without programming. Ready-to-use barcode templates support the creation of standardized barcodes. The integrated label printing function simplifies printing of simple barcode labels (price tags, etc.). Bitmap or Vector Graphic The required barcodes are edited and adjusted directly on your screen, no special knowledge is needed. The barcode output takes place at the clipboard, or directly at your printer as picture (BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, PNG) or vector graphics (EPS, PDF, PostScript®, SVG, AI). Generated barcodes can be used immediately for your purpose: add the barcode graphics to image editing programs, databases, forms or documents. Guaranteed Barcode Quality A special feature offered by Barcode Studio is an inbuilt quality preview. The expected bar code quality is calculated in real-time by indicating the printing tolerance with respect to the output resolution (DPI). Thus, unreadable barcodes are avoided. Serial Numbers and Data Import Barcode Studio offers various possibilities for creating a series of barcodes. You can generate serial numbers automatically or import barcode-data from external files (TXT, CSV- files). Moreover, Barcode Studio offers a full-featured command-line interface which allows batch operation (silent mode) and integration into third party applications (like Oracle Reports). Preconfigured Templates Barcode Studio contains barcode templates for immediate use for EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E and Deutsche Post Data Matrix Premiumadress. Within these templates all the barcode settings are preconfigured exactly according to the specifications. Mobile Tagging With an assistant, the input of barcode data for 2D barcodes is considerably simplified. Mobile tagging barcodes such as links for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or websites can be generated just as easily as barcodes for business cards in vCard or MeCard format. If required, URLs are shortened (and tracked) via Google or Bitly URL shortener services. For industrial users, pre-defined application identifiers (AI) facilitate the correct creation of GS1 barcodes. The data assistant automatically takes care of the appropriate FNC1 insertions. Special-Effect Barcodes Create eye-catching bar codes in no time at all: you are free to embed logos into the barcode image. In addition, special drawing effects (like circles, rounded rectangles, images) are supported. Barcode Label Printing For printing generated bar codes the user can choose from predefined templates or define custom labels as required. Barcode Studio provides templates like Avery or Avery/Zweckform. For all Operating Systems Barcode Studio is available for the following operating systems: Microsoft® Windows https://katfile.com/q7kuwk5vmefc/bse1663.7z.html jelszó:barcode
MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite 667MB MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite 18 is used for sound editing. Integrated audio recording Featuring professional audio editing tools with functions to record, master, load, and edit audio files with VST and ASIO support, it's the perfect addition to your studio. Create sound effects, record audio, or digitize your vinyl collection. With compatibility with a wide range of audio formats and powerful tools, you can produce audio in high quality. And apply dozens of professional filters and effects to your creations. MAGIX SOUND FORGE Audio Studio features an impressive set of recovery and plug-in features and a flexible audio editing workflow. Commonly used by professional sound tuners. Comes with a simple interface Equipped with many powerful tools and functions. Main features of MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite: Audio recording: Supports recording multiple audio tracks simultaneously. With resolution up to 64 bit / 768 kHz Audio Editing: Complete audio editing tools such as audio editing. Noise Removal, EQ and Dynamics Adjustment Audio Mastering: Powerful Mastering tools allow you to fine-tune your sound to perfection. Sound Effects: There are many sound effects to choose from. VST Support: Supports VST plugins both VST2 and VST3. User Interface: User-friendly user interface. Supports Thai language Highlights of MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite: Feature-rich: This program comes with complete features. Suitable for a variety of applications Ease of Use: Intuitive user interface. Suitable for both beginners and professionals. High quality audio: Supports recording and editing audio at resolutions up to 64 bit / 768 kHz. VST Support: Supports VST plugins both VST2 and VST3. There are many examples: There are many examples. Helps you learn to use the program quickly. MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite is suitable for: musician sound producer sound engineer video editor Podcaster General users who want to edit sound MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite is a professional audio recording, editing and mastering program. that comes with complete features Suitable for a variety of applications This program is easy to use. Supports high quality audio and supports VST plugins. If you're looking for a complete and easy-to-use audio editing program, MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite is a great choice. Features: HIGHLIGHTS NEW! Text-to-speech NEW! Storyblocks content NEW! 3D Reverb (exclusively in the Suite version) Mastering and restoration with iZotope Ozone 11 Elements & RX 10 Elements VST Engine & ARA2 support dynamicEQ featuring oversampling (exclusively in the Suite version) 32-channel audio recording, editing, and processing Record at up to 64-bit/768 kHz Numerous audio effects and plug-ins for sound design, mixing & mastering Celemony Melodyne essential 5 (exclusively in the Suite version) Optimized onboarding Core Features High-Resolution Recording: Capture pristine audio at resolutions up to 64-bit/768 kHz. Multichannel Editing: Work with audio across numerous channels for immersive sound design and complex projects. Precise Waveform Editing: Visually manipulate your audio with both surgical precision and flexibility. Spectrum Analysis: Deeply analyze frequencies within your audio using real-time visualization tools. Noise Reduction and Restoration Tools : Remove hiss, clicks, pops, and other imperfections from your recordings. Batch Processing: Automate repetitive audio editing tasks to save significant time. Direct Stream Digital (DSD) Support: Import, edit, and export DSD audio files for superior archiving and audiophile-grade quality. Pro Suite Exclusive Features Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 10: Powerful spectral editing software. Isolate specific sounds within your audio and edit them independently, ideal for restoration and creative sound design. Celemony Melodyne 5.3 essential: Industry-standard pitch and timing correction software, providing natural sounding vocal adjustments. wizardFX Modern Reverb: High-quality reverb plugin for adding depth and dimension to your mixes. coreFX Suite: Versatile collection of effects plugins including delay, chorus, flanger, and more. VST Engine Enhancements: Improved stability and performance when working with VST plugins. System Requirements Windows 10 / 11 (64-bit only) Processor: 1 GHz RAM: 512 MB Graphics card: Onboard, minimum resolution 1280 x 768 Sound card: Onboard Available drive space: 500 MB for program installation Program languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Español https://katfile.com/v33t1p34ceem/msfps182164.7z.html jelszó:magix
reWASD v7.1.0 66MB Hatékony gamepad leképező, amely lehetővé teszi a kontroller billentyűzethez és egérhez való átképzését, az Xbox Elite paddelekkel való átcsoportosítását, és a hagyományos joystickot Turbo & Macro kontrollerré alakítja. Testreszabhatóak lesznek a kontroller tengelyeinek alapértelmezett jellegkörbéi is. Truly powerful gamepad mapper that allows you to remap controller to keyboard & mouse, reassign with Xbox Elite paddles and turn your ordinary joystick to Turbo & Macro controller. Remap Xbox controller from button to trigger, from pad to paddles, from gamepad to keyboard just like you want it to be. Want to use Switch Pro or DualShock on PC? It’s also easy with reWASD. It gives you full control of your Xbox, DualShock, and Nintendo controllers. Combining various settings, you can assign several gamepad buttons to keyboard, mouse moves to stick directions, and mouse clicks to the left or right trigger. Have more ideas about how to remap Xbox One controller or change DualShock behavior? Turn them into your perfect profile! Don’t have enough freedom with the native Xbox Accessories app while using Xbox Elite on PC? Here is when you should remap the Xbox controller with reWASD. This gamepad mapper interchanges not only the keys and buttons but also can map Xbox Elite paddles to a keyboard. Four Xbox Elite paddles give you more control while playing. With reWASD, you can assign any action to them and get the pros of the Elite controller even in the games without the native Xbox support. The app is tailor-made to remap Xbox One controllers. It created an app with Xbox Elite Wireless in mind, so it suits best for those who use Xbox Elite on PC and want to get more from its paddles. For those who use Dualshock 4 on PC, there's another zest. The app allows you to divide touchpad into zones and add up to four different mappings to it. And finally, Nintendo Switch Pro controller support appeared in re WASD, so now you can use all powers for this gamepad. It expands the native features of any supported device. You can turn an ordinary gamepad to a Macro Controller with "Key Combo", add Turbo button or Toggle some key with "Rapid Fire" and switch controls with "Advanced Mapping". Features and Highlights Map joystick to keyboard keys Use a controller as a mouse Adjust dead zone for sticks and triggers Add mappings to 3 stick and trigger zones Remap controller to keyboard x4 with Shift mode Use Xbox Elite paddles as independent controls Remap “Home” button on any controller Add mappings to Shortcut of gamepad buttons Assign different actions to Double, Long, and more presses reWASD 7.1.0 Released: February 8, 2024 Use your Sony, Nintendo, or Xbox gamepad as an output device and remap it with reWASD mapping without hiding it from the system or creating a virtual controller; Virtual controller settings were renamed as Output device settings; Set the position of the Radial Menu (center or corners) and explore the additional icons to customize your Radial Menu even more; "Hide input device from the system" option added to use the keyboard and mouse within the system exclusively; Magic wand design updated and expanded to accommodate new features. The issue where the trackpad on Steam Deck was unable to select Radial Menu sectors; Corrected the Read-only mode, granting access to changes in the "Add description" despite restrictions; Removed the battery status display for Flydigi Vader 3 Pro, which helped solve the problem with connection stability; Addressed delays in applying translations to the Radial Menu when changing languages; Resolved various GUI crash scenarios; Radial Menu rare crashes and stability issues fixed; The drift of the virtual DS4 stick in the center was fixed. HOW TO USE: *** before installing this version, remove the program through its uninstaller, removing all settings and data! - install the program - if the program starts, close it - copy treatment files with replacement - launch the program and unlock all functions https://katfile.com/ec1wn0s6a7mh/WASD71.7z.html jelszó:v710
Ant Download Manager Pro 2.11.3 Build 87472 87MB Felhasználóbarát, rengeteg extra eszközzel kipróbálható letöltésvezérlő program amivel sokkal hatékonyabb módon lehet a nagyobb méterrel rendelkező fájlokat letölteni ahol akár böngésző kiegészítő funkcióként lehet használnunk. Az Ant Download Manager multimédiás tartalmak letöltéséhez, illetve konvertáláshoz is futtatható. A szoftver több módszerrel támogatja, hogy a használt böngészők integrált letöltés kezelő eszközét le tudjuk cserélni egy modernebb megoldásra amivel akár a nagyobb mérettel rendelkező tartalmakat akár időzíthetően lényegesebb paraméterekkel tudjuk eltárolni. letöltésvezérlő program Torrent tartalmakhoz böngésző integráció sávszélesség korlátozás videók letöltéshez videó konvertáló időzíthető feladat lista konfigurációt is tartalmaz Magyar nyelv Ant Download Manager (AntDM) is a quick download manager for any Internet file, that fully integrates with all popular browsers. AntDM allows to download free streaming video and audio from numerous web sites, supports P2P peer-to-peer protocol. AntDM supports downloading files from the most popular Premium Link Generators (Debrids). Ant Download Manager (AntDM) - is a tool that allows you to repeatedly increase the speed of file downloads due to multiple download streams, resume, schedule downloads, capture and download audio and video streams. Automatically processes download errors, recovers from temporary network errors, reconnects in case of server response delays, has the ability to resume interrupted downloads due to loss of connection, network problems, computer shutdown, or unexpected power outages. The standard GUI for softwares of this class makes AntDM friendly and easy to use. It has two screens - the first is more common for regular downloads and the second is using video preview for easy tracking of video downloads. Has download queues, which allows you to accumulate download links at a convenient or scheduled time for the user. Supports proxy-servers, HTTP and FTP file protocols and their protected versions of HTTPS and FTPS, as well as the main streaming protocols for audio and video content M3U8, MPEG-DASH, VIMEO-STREAM, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, processing of audio and video content. Supports BitTottrent a P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing protocol. Can be easily integrated into the main popular browsers Microsoft EDGE (Chromium-based), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and their numerous clones: 360Chrome, Brave, CCleaner, Chedot, CocCoc, Comodo Dragon, Comodo IceDragon, Maxthon6, Opera, Slimjet, SRWare Iron, Torch, UC Browser, Vivaldi, Yandex, Waterfox, etc. The integration of extension into browsers is used to automatically capture file or media links and download them. Also you can not integrate AntDM extensions into your browsers, but use AntDM autonomously. For example, drag and drop download links from a browser into AntDM, download any single links manually, in a list or in batch mode from a file. Allows not only downloading audio files, but also extracting audio tracks from video files, converting them to the popular MP3 format and adding basic accompanying information to them. Supports most popular Generators Premium Links (Debrids): alldebrid.com, cocoleech.com, debrid-link.fr, ffdownloader.com, linksnappy.com, mega-debrid.eu, real-debrid.com, premium.rpnet.biz, simply-debrid.com, premiumize.me, etc. Other features include multilingual support, download categories, download log, priorities and changes of download speed, task scheduler, sounds of various events, CHM User Guide, virus protection when download completion and many more. Current version: 2.11.3 Build 87472 (23 Mar 2024 07:39) updated instagram.com downloader fixed YouTube (googlevideo.com) downloader refactoring and bug fix https://katfile.com/wy3jtm96wbah/admp2113.7z.html Portable 99MB https://katfile.com/fwnmzr750bng/admp2113po.7z.html jelszó:ant
Internet Download Manager v6.42 Build 6 Final 13MB Az Internet Download Manager segítségével időzíthetően, szakadás mentesen tölthetünk le nagyobb méretű fájlokat is, sávszélesség korlátozási lehetőséget, várólisták használatát is támogatja. Videók, audiók letöltésénél AVI, MP3 illetve számos népszerű fájl formátumot ismer a fájlok gépre történő lementéséhez. Minden ismertebb böngészőhöz javasolt. Támogatott fájlkiterjesztések: Rengeteg fájltípust támogat: 3GP 7Z AAC ACE AIF ARJ ASF AVI BIN BZ2 EXE GZ GZIP IMG ISO LZH M4A M4V MKV MOV MP3 MP4 MPA MPE MPEG MPG MSI MSU OGG OGV PDF PLJ PPS PPT QT R0* R1* RA RAR RM RMVB SEA SIT SITX TAR TIF TIFF WAV WMA WMV Z ZIP Letöltés kliens szoftver szakadt folyamatok újbóli indítása automatikusan integrálódik a legnépszerűbb böngészőkhöz vírus keresési lehetőségek fájl előnézeti lehetőség még a letöltés előtt videó letöltő YouTube támogatás FTP támogatás Magyarítható I really want to know who comes up with this title addition Super Clean. Wow my and all other versions are dirty muhahaha Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Features: All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications. Easy downloading with one click When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols. Download Speed Acceleration Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance. Download Resume Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off. YouTube grabber Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video. Simple installation wizard Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager. Drag and Drop You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager. Automatic Antivirus checking Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans. Advanced Browser Integration When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature. Built-in Scheduler Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done. IDM includes web site spider and grabber IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes. IDM supports many types of proxy servers For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers. IDM supports main authentication protocols Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password. Download All feature IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature. Customizable Interface You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window. Download Categories Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories. Quick Update Feature Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week. Download limits Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc. IDM is multilingual IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages. What's new in version 6.42 Build 3 (Released: Jan 17, 2024) https://katfile.com/mf5tdorbl5gp/id426.7z.html jelszó:idm6
O&O Defrag v28.0 Build 10005 Professional x64 73M Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance! Az O&O Defrag Professional törefezettségmentesítő a PC-t a lehető legegyszerűbben teszi gyorsabbá. Az igényeknek megfelelően a korában bevált technikák szerint képes dolgozni, melynek köszönhetően a rendszer stabilabb és gyorsabb lesz. Támogatja az eltávolítható lemezeket, új algoritmussal a szilárdtest meghajtókat, automatikusan lefut a háttérben, és támogatja a notebookokat is. Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again! Optimizing your computer not only means it operates at optimum speed and efficiency, it also means it will live longer. Deploying O&O Defrag saves you time through increased speed, and money through decreased wear and tear on your hardware. We have further improved O&O Defrag for you with some great new features. The new O&O Defrag 28 now includes new, unique features to keep your PC like new. NEW: O&O IntensiveOptimize: Bitlocker Support Brand new in O&O Defrag 28 is the integration of BitLocker in O&O IntensiveOptimize. This makes it possible to process the BitLocker-encrypted system partition transparently. This is independent of the security medium used for BitLocker encryption. NEW: Check & Repair for Recovery Environments Check and repair of the Windows rescue environment: A rescue environment is essential for both a functioning Windows and Defrag IntensiveOptimize. Over time, through many or incorrect updates, it can become damaged. Therefore, Check&Repair has been expanded so that the Windows rescue environment works like it did on day one. Control O&O Defrag on all your machines remotely! Unlock the full potential of your computer environment, large or small, with the integration of O&O Defrag Professional Edition in O&O Syspectr, the comprehensive Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software! This powerful combination brings you the unparalleled ability to optimize, speed up, and extend the lifespan of computers across your network—all remotely, from anywhere, at any time. With O&O Defrag Professional Edition now part of O&O Syspectr, you gain access to cutting-edge defragmentation technology that ensures peak performance and reliability for all your systems. Whether you’re managing a few computers or an extensive IT landscape, this integration provides a seamless, efficient, and effective way to maintain system health, enhance performance and reduce risk, without ever needing to be there! Take advantage of our special offer for a limited time only: Get a yearly license of O&O Syspectr worth from €20 per PC free when you purchase the new O&O Defrag 28! Grab the offer now! The number one cause of slow PCs The Problem: Every file system is fragmented. This means that over time, files will no longer be filed consecutively but, instead, be scattered across the computer’s entire storage area, slowing down access to these files. This problem doesn’t just apply to hard disks but to SSDs as well. Over the course of time SSDs save file fragments over more memory cells than are necessary. This, in turn, leads to a continuous slowing down of the read and write processes, just as we experience on hard disks. The Solution: With O&O Defrag 28 takes system optimization to another level. You can simply install the program and let it do its work. It will intelligently carry out whatever is needed on your PC on its own. O&O Defrag 28 will configure and run all settings automatically, according to the specific requirements of your system. Maximum performance practically out of the can. Version 28 for automatic speed and monitoring! And should you wish you can of course manually setup, configure and schedule the optimization of your system yourself. New features at a glance New: Support for Bitlocker New: Check & Repair of your Recovery Environment Enhanced: Integration in O&O Syspectr for Remote Control Supports 64 bit versions of Windows 11 und Windows 10 https://katfile.com/xz4mjb5nldpb/ood2805p.7z.html jelszó:defrag
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topic válaszolt coolink témájában itt: Programok (DL)
A licenszfájlok a mai napon tiltólistára kerültek, a korábban letöltött csomagban található trial reseterrel lehetőség van az alapértelmezett (30-60 nap) próbaidőszakkal- vagy az itt mellékelt jelenleg még használható trial (30-90 napos) kódokkal tovább használni. https://katfile.com/97c0v8ylqkw4/Kcodes.7z.html jelszó:kaspersky -
A licenszfájlok a mai napon tiltólistára kerültek, a korábban letöltött csomagban található trial reseterrel lehetőség van az alapértelmezett (30-60 nap) próbaidőszakkal- vagy az itt mellékelt jelenleg még használható trial (30-90 napos) kódokkal tovább használni. https://katfile.com/97c0v8ylqkw4/Kcodes.7z.html jelszó:kaspersky
Ant Download Manager Pro 2.11.2 Build 87423 87MB Felhasználóbarát, rengeteg extra eszközzel kipróbálható letöltésvezérlő program amivel sokkal hatékonyabb módon lehet a nagyobb méterrel rendelkező fájlokat letölteni ahol akár böngésző kiegészítő funkcióként lehet használnunk. Az Ant Download Manager multimédiás tartalmak letöltéséhez, illetve konvertáláshoz is futtatható. A szoftver több módszerrel támogatja, hogy a használt böngészők integrált letöltés kezelő eszközét le tudjuk cserélni egy modernebb megoldásra amivel akár a nagyobb mérettel rendelkező tartalmakat akár időzíthetően lényegesebb paraméterekkel tudjuk eltárolni. letöltésvezérlő program Torrent tartalmakhoz böngésző integráció sávszélesség korlátozás videók letöltéshez videó konvertáló időzíthető feladat lista konfigurációt is tartalmaz Magyar nyelv Ant Download Manager (AntDM) is a quick download manager for any Internet file, that fully integrates with all popular browsers. AntDM allows to download free streaming video and audio from numerous web sites, supports P2P peer-to-peer protocol. AntDM supports downloading files from the most popular Premium Link Generators (Debrids). Ant Download Manager (AntDM) - is a tool that allows you to repeatedly increase the speed of file downloads due to multiple download streams, resume, schedule downloads, capture and download audio and video streams. Automatically processes download errors, recovers from temporary network errors, reconnects in case of server response delays, has the ability to resume interrupted downloads due to loss of connection, network problems, computer shutdown, or unexpected power outages. The standard GUI for softwares of this class makes AntDM friendly and easy to use. It has two screens - the first is more common for regular downloads and the second is using video preview for easy tracking of video downloads. Has download queues, which allows you to accumulate download links at a convenient or scheduled time for the user. Supports proxy-servers, HTTP and FTP file protocols and their protected versions of HTTPS and FTPS, as well as the main streaming protocols for audio and video content M3U8, MPEG-DASH, VIMEO-STREAM, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, processing of audio and video content. Supports BitTottrent a P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing protocol. Can be easily integrated into the main popular browsers Microsoft EDGE (Chromium-based), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and their numerous clones: 360Chrome, Brave, CCleaner, Chedot, CocCoc, Comodo Dragon, Comodo IceDragon, Maxthon6, Opera, Slimjet, SRWare Iron, Torch, UC Browser, Vivaldi, Yandex, Waterfox, etc. The integration of extension into browsers is used to automatically capture file or media links and download them. Also you can not integrate AntDM extensions into your browsers, but use AntDM autonomously. For example, drag and drop download links from a browser into AntDM, download any single links manually, in a list or in batch mode from a file. Allows not only downloading audio files, but also extracting audio tracks from video files, converting them to the popular MP3 format and adding basic accompanying information to them. Supports most popular Generators Premium Links (Debrids): alldebrid.com, cocoleech.com, debrid-link.fr, ffdownloader.com, linksnappy.com, mega-debrid.eu, real-debrid.com, premium.rpnet.biz, simply-debrid.com, premiumize.me, etc. Other features include multilingual support, download categories, download log, priorities and changes of download speed, task scheduler, sounds of various events, CHM User Guide, virus protection when download completion and many more. Current version: 2.11.2 Build 87423 (15 Mar 2024 17:59) updated twitter(X) video capture fixed youtube downloader fixed x32 version crash when app started fixed memory leaks fixed Download All form refactoring and bug fix https://katfile.com/frbyvtxitln5/admp2112.7z.html Portable 99MB https://katfile.com/u2til17dtx9l/admp2112po.7z.html jelszó:ant
AOMEI Partition Assistant All Editions v10.3.1 76MB Professional, Technician, Unlimited, Server verzió választási lehetőség. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés. Partíció visszaállító varázsló, hordozható és indítható Windows készítés (két módszer bootolható Windows USB meghajtó létrehozására). MBR GPT-be, NTFS FAT32-re, elsődleges partíciót logikaiba vagy fordítva alakít. Legyalulja a partíciót vagy akár a teljes merevlemezt ha akarjuk a biztonság kedvéért, képes meghajtó betűjelet váltani, elrejteni vagy láthatóvá tenni partíciókat, hibás szektorokat és partíciókat ellenőrizni, Master Boot Recordot újraépíteni és még sok-sok mindenre képes. AOMEI Partition Assistant, especially designed to meet the needs of small and medium sized business, not only includes all features to make the best use of disk space while minimizing server downtime, but also provides comprehensive solution to disk-related issue. With intuitive and easy-to-use interface, anyone, even non-technical users, can maximize the performance of servers in minutes without having to need an expert. Our stable and robust server partition software is priced at only $160 available for two servers as well as free lifetime upgrades. Top Benefits - Allow unlimited usage within one company to save money. - Safe - no data loss, fast - no reboot, easy - no professional skill. All-in-one Hard Disk Partition Manager - Extend NTFS system partitionwithout rebooting computer to reduce downtime. - Resize/move a partition or dynamic volume to maximize utilization of storages. - Easily allocate free space from one partition to another without losing data. - Merge adjacent two partitions into one, or merge unallocated space to a partition. - Partition alignment optimizes the drive for performance, especially for SSD. - Erase all data permanently so that it cannot be recovered any more. System and Data Migration - Migrate OS from hard disk to solid-state drive (SSD), supporting MBR and GPT disk. - Upgrade storages with disk to disk copy, no need to reinstall Windows and applications. - Copy a partition from one hard drive to another for backing up data. Magic and Safe Converter - Change disk style - safely convert an MBR basic or dynamic disk into GPT, and vice versa. - Change disk type - safely convert a dynamic MBR or GPT disk into basic, and vice versa. - Change partition type - safely convert a primary partition into logical, and vice versa. - Change file system - safely covert NTFS file system to FAT32, and vice versa. Step-by-step Handy Wizards - Extend Partition Wizard - solve “low disk space” of C drive by taking unused space from other partitions. - Partition Recovery Wizard - retrieve valuable information from lost or deleted partitions. - Make Windows PE Bootable Media - troubleshoot problems, or recover data when system fails to boot. - Windows To Go Creator - build a portable and fully functional Windows 8 system on USB flash drive. https://katfile.com/viual3bxgnpx/aopa131.7z.html jelszó:1031
AOMEI Partition Professional Edition v10.3.1 WinPE 750MB Operációs rendszer nélkül futtaható lemezképfájl, megfelelő programmal lemezre vagy pendrivera rakható. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés és partíció visszaállító varázsló. https://katfile.com/8trw3nyia2j3/aopa131mWPE.7z.html jelszó:1031
AIDA64 v7.20.6802 All Editions portable 244MB Extreme, Engineer, Business, Network Audit verziók, keygen mellékelve. AIDA64 Extreme Vezető diagnosztikai és teljesítménymérő alkalmazás otthoni felhasználóknak. A PC-rajongók körében etalonnak számító rendszerinformációs szoftver, mely részletes információkat szolgáltat a hardverkomponensekről és a telepített programokról, képes a gép teljesítményének mérésére, és segíti a hibák felderítését. AIDA64 Engineer Egy üzleti Windows-felhasználóknak szánt rendszerinformációs, -diagnosztikai és sebességmérő alkalmazás mérnökök részére. A szoftver a kategóriájában páratlan hardverfelismerő motorral rendelkezik, részletes adatokat szolgáltat a telepített szoftverekről, valamint támogatja a hibakeresést és a tuningot. A benchmarkok segítségével a PC-nk teljesítménye összevethető más konfigurációkéval, az érzékelők valós idejű figyelésével pedig felügyelhető a számítógép stabil működése. AIDA64 Business Teljes körű megoldás hálózati leltár készítéséhez, az IT-eszközök kezeléséhez és felügyeletéhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. A díjnyertes AIDA64-motorra épülő üzleti szoftver, mely részletes hardver- és szoftverleltárt készít a céges gépparkról, valamint távoli funkciókkal teszi egyszerűbbé a gépek karbantartását. A termék statisztikai adatokkal támogatja az IT-döntéshozatalt, és így segíti az informatikai költségek csökkentését. Az AIDA64 Businesst nem szükséges minden vállalati számítógépre egyenként feltelepíteni, elég csupán egy központilag megosztott könyvtárból futtatni. Network Audit Teljes körű megoldás hálózati hardver- és szoftverleltár készítéséhez vállalati ügyfelek számára. The new AIDA64 update introduces a revamped user interface with a configurable toolbar, as well as AVX-512 accelerated benchmarks for AMD Threadripper 7000 processors, AVX2 optimized benchmarks for Intel Meteor Lake processors, and supports the latest AMD and Intel CPU platforms as well as the new graphics and GPGPU computing technologies by AMD, Intel and nVIDIA. Changelog Version: 7.20.6802 stable (Mar 13, 2024) Release notes: Dark Mode with 3 dark themes Gskill WigiDash LCD support Icelandic localization NZXT Kraken 2023 and Kraken Elite sensor support GPU details for AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 4000 Super Series fixed: Preferences / crash at open fixed: Monitor Diagnostics / crash at open in Light Mode Version: 7.20.6800 stable (Mar 11, 2024) Release notes: Dark Mode with 3 dark themes Gskill WigiDash LCD support Icelandic localization NZXT Kraken 2023 and Kraken Elite sensor support GPU details for AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce RTX 4000 Super Series https://katfile.com/hnxkjp0d9l0j/ADA7206802po.7z.html jelszó:v720
Reg Organizer v9.41 27MB A Reg Organizer teljes körű szolgáltatást biztosít a regisztrációs adatbázis kezeléséhez, azt tisztítani is képes, de akár szerkeszthetővé is válnak az ott található értékek. Ha arra tartanál igényt, azt töredezettség mentesíteni is tudod. Ezek a lehetőségek természetesen támogatottak a merevlemez esetén is ahol a Temp fájlok kitakarításán kívül a régi naplófájlok, a többször is előforduló fölösleges fájlok törölhetőek. A magyar nyelvi fájlt kiválasztás és aktív internetkapcsolat mellett letölti. Karbantartó alkalmazás Windows gyorsítási lehetőségek Hordozható változatban is elérhető Registry tisztító, optimalizáló, töredezettségmentesítő Merevlemez tisztító Startup Manager Uninstaller Reg Organizer is a feature-rich application designed to edit, clean and maintain registry, fix errors in the system, and improve computer performance. The deep registry search feature lets you find all registry keys related to a specific application. The program helps you to edit registry files (.reg) and view their content directly from Windows Explorer. There is also a built-in application uninstaller, allowing you to uninstall redundant applications from the system completely. Another set of features will be useful to administrators, as well as ordinary users. Main Features: Registry editor for viewing and editing the system registry, manipulating the registry keys and values, exporting, importing, copying them, etc. The registry cleaner of Reg Organizer can detect many types of registry errors. These include searching the registry for invalid references to files, folders and DLLs; invalid uninstallation data; finding obsolete and invalid file extensions and other issues. Reg Organizer can repair many of these registry problems. Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certain application and delete them, if necessary. This feature can be useful if you manually delete some application that has no uninstall feature. In this case its keys can be left in the registry interfering with the normal operation of other programs. Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find even those keys, that wouldn't be identified by other similar programs. Defragmenting and compressing the registry: Increase the performance of the registry and consequently the overall performance of your system. Ablilty to change many undocumented Windows settings (tweaks). In particular, it can accelerate the work of your system by sending the system a command to increase cache memory size or by unloading unused libraries, etc. Ability to get information about any selected registry key and monitor changes of the specific keys. Preview of the registry files (*.reg) before adding their contents to the system registry. The files can be viewed directly from Windows Explorer. Reg Organizer presents the file contents in the tree-like form, helping to visualize all keys that will be imported into the registry. Functional registry file editor, allowing you to edit keys and values, add and delete data containing in the .reg files. Provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Reg Organizer, you can inspect, edit, or disable such programs. Registry search and replace mode offers you a variety of options for searching the registry and replacing the records matching the specified criteria. Built-in software uninstaller. It can take snapshots before and after application installs and eradicate ALL system changes made by an app like it was never installed. Besides, this feature can be used for displaying changes made by the application to each of the system components. Disk Cleanup tool lets you automatically remove unnecessary files from the hard drive of your computer, and to search for and fix invalid shortcuts. v. 9.41 12/03/2024 The cookies, cache, and browsing history cleanup of the Opera browser has been updated to match the latest changes in the browser itself. System Requirements Microsoft Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) RAM: from 256Mb Disk space: 50Mb Administrator rights https://katfile.com/86y76e1gtnyc/reger941.7z.html portable 27MB https://katfile.com/7pf3hb8rciuo/reger941po.7z.html jelszó:v941
Spatial Manager Desktop + Spatial Manager for AutoCAD v9.0.3.15377 595MB A Spatial Manager Desktop™ egy Windows asztali alkalmazás, amelyet a térbeli adatok egyszerű, gyors és olcsó kezelésére terveztek. A térinformatika, a tervezés, az infrastruktúra és az építőmérnöki tudományok területén dolgozó szakemberek egy csoportja által kifejlesztett program hatékony eszközöket biztosít a felhasználó számára a térinformációk világában felmerülő leggyakoribb kezelési és üzemeltetési feladatok megoldásához. Spatial Manager Desktop™ is a Windows desktop application designed to manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way Developed by a group of professionals working in the areas of GIS, Planning, Infrastructure and Civil Engineering, it provides the user with powerful tools to address the most common tasks of management and operation in the world of spatial information Key Features Publishing to Google Earth Export all or part of the elements in the visible Layers of the map and their data to a KML or KMZ file Layer management Arrange your maps in Layers that can be fully managed by the application Data query and edition Manage the alphanumeric data attached to the elements, design and edit the structure which will be used to store the data Fields calculator Calculate simple or complex expressions using operators and functions that can be applied to field values in a table and/or to constant values Spatial analysis Perform spatial analysis operations over the objects in the drawing or map generating new objects from such analysis Location tools Location and geo-coding tools help to add reference elements and enhanced data to existing objects Task & processes Spatial Manager Desktop™ includes the ability to save Tasks that make it easy to run repetitive import and export processes Multilanguage Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Russian and Portuguese Perpetual license Pay once, no periodic fees Spatial Manager Desktop és Spatial Manager for AutoCAD v9.0.3.15377 https://katfile.com/fwaw521vbc0r/spatger903.7z.html jelszó:spatial
Nikon Camera Control Pro 2.37.0 x64 228MB A ControlMyNikon Pro egy olyan szoftver amely támogatja a kamera számítógéphez való csatlakoztatását amelyről könnyedén vezérelheti a kamerát. A ControlMyNikon Pro-t világszerte több ezer fotós használta már stúdióban, filmes-, múzeumi- és laboratóriumi körülmények között vagy épp az ikolai és hátsó udavarban, iskolai és hátsó udvarokban. ControlMyNikon Pro segíti a rögzítést és a feldolgozást a közvetlen nézettel ami egy ablakban, teljes képernyőn vagy akár egy másik képernyőn történhet, hogy biztosítsa a tökéletes elrendezést és az expozíciót. Akár mozgásérzékeléssel is készíthet képeket. Távoli autofókusz vagy a fókusz beállítása a fényképezőgép megérintése nélkül. Tartalmazza copystand módot. A ControlMyNikon Pro jellemzői vezérelje a fényképezőgépet a pc-vel tökéletes felvételek összeállítása az élőkép segítségével a képek áttekintése és elemzése csökkenti a szem fáradtságát a beállítások és a felvételek távoli beállítása ControlMyNikon Pro is software that supports you to connect the camera to the computer and from there you can easily control their camera through a personal computer. ControlMyNikon Pro has been used by thousands of photographers in the studio, film, museums, laboratories, schools and backyards around the world. ControlMyNikon Pro helps you capture and processing by using the view directly in a window or full screen or even on another screen to ensure the layout and exposure of you is perfect before you shoot. You can even take pictures with motion detection. Autofocus remote or adjusting focus without touching the camera. Include mode copystand, instructions, ingredients, focus, focal point, the mark exposure, inside and outside, coating, simulation, slide, reduce jitter, overwriting rotation and cropping. The features of ControlMyNikon Pro control your camera with pc compose perfect shots with live view review and analysis of your images reduce eye fatigue remotely adjust settings and capture https://katfile.com/g25h6stbzg88/niccop237.7z.html jelszó:2370
Magnet AXIOM v7.10.1.39284 7zip | 4500MB A Magnet AXIOM-ot kifejezetten a digitális bizonyítékok helyreállítására, feldolgozására és elemzésére fejlesztették ki különböző forrásokból, függetlenül attól, hogy az AXIOM-ot vagy harmadik féltől származó eszközöket használ-e az adatok megszerzéséhez. Magnet AXIOM is purpose-built to recover, process, and analyze digital evidence from a variety of sources regardless of whether you use AXIOM or third-party tools to acquire your data. Recover & Analyze Your Evidence in One Case. Recover deleted data and investigate digital evidence from computer, mobile, cloud, and vehicle sources easily with powerful and intuitive Analytics tools all in one case file. Magnet AXIOM Product Features Find Key Evidence Quickly Magnet AXIOM’s analytical tools can cut through the digital noise for you, so you can focus on what’s relevant. Take advantage of Media Explorer, Cloud Insights Dashboard, Magnet.AI, Connections, Timeline, and more, to find the evidence you need. Analyze Your Evidence in One Case Recover, analyze, and report on data from mobile, computer, cloud, and vehicle sources in one case file with an artifact-first approach. Easily recover deleted data, analyze digital evidence, create reports, and share portable case files with Magnet AXIOM. Artifact-First Approach Discover the full history of a file or artifact to build your case and prove intent. With Magnet AXIOM, get the most up-to-date artifact support for the most recent devices and sources, such as vehicles, cloud services, and mobile devices. Investigate and Categorize Media Efficiently Automatically analyze text and media content to identify case-relevant evidence such as nudity, weapons, drugs, and sexual conversations, while pre-categorizing known Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) with Media Explorer and Magnet.AI. Maximize Your Existing Lab Infrastructure Discover evidence you could be missing by ingesting extractions from other vendors, such as Grayshift, Cellebrite, Oxygen, Berla, and many more. With the artifact- first approach of Magnet AXIOM, you can uncover unique evidence from iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Chromium, Linux, and vehicle extractions. Streamline Your Evidence Workflow AXIOM is at the heart of the Magnet Digital Investigation Suite. Maximize the AXIOM advantage and reduce your time to evidence by automating device processing with AUTOMATE, sharing relevant evidence with REVIEW, and managing digital evidence with ATLAS. https://youtu.be/s353Xaryw10 https://usersdrive.com/idz0utexcyhd.html https://usersdrive.com/dnby9etcblhc.html https://usersdrive.com/q2d3n64fc774.html https://usersdrive.com/pzcfbcnjtxdn.html https://usersdrive.com/u4joe42hsr6g.html https://usersdrive.com/i3xbrj8d8p7n.html jelszó:magnet