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FastKeys Pro 5.17 Multilingual 4MB A FastKeys Pro egy automatizálási szoftver, amely segít programokat konfigurálni a számítógép különböző tevékenységeinek elindításához, billentyűleütéseket rendelni a különböző műveletek elvégzéséhez, rövidítéssorokat definiálni a gyakran használt szövegekhez, és kezelni az egérmozdulatokat. SZÖVEGKITERJESZTÉS Bővítse ki a gyakran használt szövegek rövidítéseit bármely alkalmazásban, és takarítson meg több órányi gépelési időt. Írjon be pár betűt, és automatizáljon profi módon ismétlődő feladatokat. TOUCH START MENÜ Építsen teljesen konfigurálható Start menüt a számítógépen végzett bármely tevékenység elindításához. Egyszerűen érintse meg a képernyő szélét a menü megjelenítéséhez. Mindig ott van, amikor szükség van rá bármelyik programban. SHORTCUTS Hozzon létre billentyűparancsikonokat, hogy bármit megtehessen egy billentyűleütéssel. Futtasson programokat, fájlokat, mappákat és webhelyeket, vagy készítsen hatékony szkripteket a Windows asztal és az alkalmazások automatizálására. EGÉR GESZTUSOK Végezze el a hétköznapi vagy összetett feladatokat egyszerű és lenyűgöző egérmozdulatokkal. Tartsa a kezét az egéren, és automatizáljon bármit egy kis gyors mozdulattal. AUTOMATA TELJESÍTÉS Ismerje fel az ismétlődő szövegbevitelt és automatikusan töltse ki a teljes szöveget vagy indítsa el a parancsokat. Intelligens szótanulási képességgel. Számos nyelv támogatása. TELJES MÉRTÉKBEN KONFIGURÁLHATÓ A FastKeys rendkívül konfigurálható és funkciógazdag szoftver. Hangerőszabályozó, vágólapkezelő és makrófelvevő funkciókat is tartalmaz. A magyar nyelv támogatott A powerful automation software that helps you configure programs to start different activities on your computer, assign keystrokes for performing various operations, define abbreviation strings for your frequently used text, and manage mouse gestures. TEXT EXPANDER Expand abbreviations for frequently used text in any application and save hours of typing. Type couple of letters and automate repetitive tasks professionally. TOUCH START MENU Build a fully configurable Start Menu to start any activity on your computer. Simply touch the screen edge to show the menu. It is always there when needed in any program. SHORTCUTS Create keyboard Shortcuts to do anything with a keystroke. Run programs, files, folders and sites or make powerful scripts to automate Windows desktop and applications MOUSE GESTURES Execute common or complex tasks by using simple and amazing mouse gestures. Keep a hand on a mouse and automate anything with a small quick movement. AUTO COMPLETE Recognize repetitive text input and auto-complete full text or launch commands. Intelligent word and phrase prediction with learning capability. Support for many languages. FULLY CONFIGURABLE FastKeys is extremely configurable and feature rich software. It also includes Volume Control, Clipboard Manager and Macro Recorder functions. https://katfile.com/wwtth50ayivs/fapro17.7z.html jelszó:fast
PowerISO 9.0 Multilingual 10MB A PowerISO egy könnyen kezelhető magyar nyelvű program, mellyel minden lemezképekhez kapcsolódó művelet elvégezhető, az összeállítástól, az íráson át a virtuális lemezmeghajtók kezeléséig. A program támogatja a legnépszerűbb lemezkép-fájl típusokat. PowerISO is a powerful image processing and file compression tool. It allows you to create, extract, compress, edit and convert ISO/BIN image files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. And most of all, the compressed files can be used directly without decompressing. The program can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do every thing with your ISO files and disc image files. PowerISO support almost all CD/DVD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, IMG, DAA and so on). Note: DAA (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes. It can be handled directly just like other formats, such as ISO, BIN, … PowerISO Main Features: Support almost all CD / DVD / BD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA and so on). Open and extract ISO file. You can extract ISO file with a single click. Burn ISO file to CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc. With this tool, you can create Audio CD, Data CD, Data DVD, Video DVD or VCD. The program also supports Blu-Ray burning. Burn Audio CD from MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. Create ISO file or BIN file from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs. Edit ISO image file directly. Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. PowerISO can mount all popular disc image files to built-in virtual drive. Convert image files between ISO / BIN and other formats. PowerISO can not only convert BIN to ISO, but also convert almost all image file formats to standard ISO image file. Create bootable USB drive. The program allows you to setup Windows through USB drive. Make bootable ISO file and create bootable CD, DVD disc. Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Can be used easily. PowerISO supports shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste… Supported operating systems: 32-bit Windows: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 64-bit Windows: Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Supported languages: English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Kazakh PowerISO 9.0 (January 6, 2025) +) Can open zpaq files. +) Can preview webp and pcx files. *) Some minor bug fixes and enhancements. https://katfile.com/5fvny5s3wdp3/piso9.7z.html Portable 8MB https://katfile.com/jpie9zys9auf/piso9po.7z.html jelszó:v900
AOMEI Partition Assistant All Editions v10.7.0 77MB Professional, Technician, Unlimited, Server verzió választási lehetőség. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés. Partíció visszaállító varázsló, hordozható és indítható Windows készítés (két módszer bootolható Windows USB meghajtó létrehozására). MBR GPT-be, NTFS FAT32-re, elsődleges partíciót logikaiba vagy fordítva alakít. Legyalulja a partíciót vagy akár a teljes merevlemezt ha akarjuk a biztonság kedvéért, képes meghajtó betűjelet váltani, elrejteni vagy láthatóvá tenni partíciókat, hibás szektorokat és partíciókat ellenőrizni, Master Boot Recordot újraépíteni és még sok-sok mindenre képes. AOMEI Partition Assistant, especially designed to meet the needs of small and medium sized business, not only includes all features to make the best use of disk space while minimizing server downtime, but also provides comprehensive solution to disk-related issue. With intuitive and easy-to-use interface, anyone, even non-technical users, can maximize the performance of servers in minutes without having to need an expert. Our stable and robust server partition software is priced at only $160 available for two servers as well as free lifetime upgrades. Top Benefits - Allow unlimited usage within one company to save money. - Safe - no data loss, fast - no reboot, easy - no professional skill. All-in-one Hard Disk Partition Manager - Extend NTFS system partitionwithout rebooting computer to reduce downtime. - Resize/move a partition or dynamic volume to maximize utilization of storages. - Easily allocate free space from one partition to another without losing data. - Merge adjacent two partitions into one, or merge unallocated space to a partition. - Partition alignment optimizes the drive for performance, especially for SSD. - Erase all data permanently so that it cannot be recovered any more. System and Data Migration - Migrate OS from hard disk to solid-state drive (SSD), supporting MBR and GPT disk. - Upgrade storages with disk to disk copy, no need to reinstall Windows and applications. - Copy a partition from one hard drive to another for backing up data. Magic and Safe Converter - Change disk style - safely convert an MBR basic or dynamic disk into GPT, and vice versa. - Change disk type - safely convert a dynamic MBR or GPT disk into basic, and vice versa. - Change partition type - safely convert a primary partition into logical, and vice versa. - Change file system - safely covert NTFS file system to FAT32, and vice versa. Step-by-step Handy Wizards - Extend Partition Wizard - solve “low disk space” of C drive by taking unused space from other partitions. - Partition Recovery Wizard - retrieve valuable information from lost or deleted partitions. - Make Windows PE Bootable Media - troubleshoot problems, or recover data when system fails to boot. - Windows To Go Creator - build a portable and fully functional Windows 8 system on USB flash drive. Version 10.7.0 Dec 31 Added "1-Click Adjust Space": Easily extend or shrink multiple partitions by click and drag to optimize storage usage with an intuitive visual interface. Fixed issue: Using "App Mover" to move parent-child folders or applications to the same target location may cause unintended deletion. Fixed issue: The operation will not correctly repair the system and boot after clicking the "Setting" button while cloning a GPT disk to an MBR disk. Fixed issue: Splitting the recovery partition on a GPT disk may damage the boot functionality of the recovery environment. Fixed issue: Disk clone does not assign the * drive letter to the target partition. Optimized: The test logic has been optimized to check whether a system exists on the disk, effectively reducing disk selection delays during cloning. Optimized: The device encryption logic has been optimized to prevent partition locking caused by mistaken operation. Enhanced "Boot Repair": Now it allows to fix boot issues in more complex scenarios. https://katfile.com/qt3cqlpottmt/aopalle107ml.7z.html jelszó:1070 AOMEI PartIition Assistant Technician v10.7.0 WinPE 735MB Operációs rendszer nélkül futtaható lemezképfájl, megfelelő programmal lemezre vagy pendrivera rakható. Az AOMEI Partition Assistant biztonságos merevlemez, SSD és USB meghajtó particionáló program. Szinte akármit csinálhatunk lemezeinkkel ha a birtokunkban van. Csak pár tulajdonság: partíció átméretezés, szétvágás, összeillesztés, felezés, másolás. Partíció mozgatás, lemez és partíció másolás, operációs rendszer költöztetés SSD-re, partíció létrehozás, formázás, törlés és partíció visszaállító varázsló. md5: dc717c923eb7f1776376d8718c57b727 *aopate107wpe.7z https://katfile.com/1o7kyypzhct4/aopate107wpe.7z.html jelszó:1070
Poikosoft EZ CD Audio Converter x64 39MB A Poikosoft EZ CD Audio Converter egy zenei konvertáló szoftver, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy a legmagasabb minőségű audio formátumú konvertálást biztosítsa. Könnyen használható, a legátfogóbb audio fájlformátum átalakító, amelyben világszerte megbíznak az otthoni felhasználók, audio rajongók, szakemberek, stúdiók és rádióállomások. Music Converter | Professional quality audio file conversions Convert and encode audio files to/from FLAC, AAC, xHE-AAC™, MP3, M4A, DSD, WAV, Opus, Apple Lossless, Vorbis and many more audio file formats. Batch convert unlimited number of audio files freely between all audio file formats. Download music information from 6 metadata services. Edit metadata of audio files with the integrated metadata editor. Keep all the metadata between audio file conversions. Optimized parallel audio conversions for maximum performance on computers with multi-core CPUs and SSDs. Audio conversions Convert all audio files freely between all audio file formats Keep all the metadata and album art between the conversions Retain the folder structure on mass conversions Customize output folder and file names with the metadata tags Batch convert unlimited number of audio files at once Support for all metadata Download music metadata and cover art from 6 metadata services Extract & convert audio tracks from video files Fully featured Convert individual files or combine multiple files into a single file Customizable output profiles and settings Convert between DSD and PCM formats in highest audio quality Bit-exact conversion between DSD file formats (SACD, DSF, DFF) Extract tracks from Cue Sheet (.cue) audio files Create Cue Sheet (.cue) audio files ReplayGain and EBU R128 loudness metering and normalization Keep the original or download new album art when converting audio files Audio Converter | Optimized for best audio quality Convert music in highest quality with the ultra-precise (64-bit floating point) audio engine. Sample rate conversions are performed in highest fidelity with the professional quality audio resampler. Convert between PCM and DSD formats with the professional quality DSD converter. All audio conversions are performed in bit-exact accuracy. Audio Quality Ultra-precise (64-bit floating point) audio engine Bit-exact audio conversions with full gapless playback support Professional quality sample rate converter Professional quality DSD encoder and decoder High quality dithering (RTN, RPDF, TPDF, Noise-shaped) for bit-depth reductions Audio Codecs All the best audio codecs are included with the Software All codecs are carefully crafted for highest audio quality All codecs operate in high-resolution audio mode (>= 32-bit float) All lossless codecs support high-resolution audio (up to 384 kHz, 64-bit) Codecs are always kept up to date with the free software updates Convert audio files to AAC-LCAACAC-3AIFFAU/SNDApple LosslessCD-DADFFDSDDSFDXDFLACHE-AAC (v2)MP3Monkey's AudioMusepackOpusPCMTrue AudioVorbisWAVWavPackWave64Windows Media AudioxHE-AAC™ ALACApple AACAudio CDDSD Stream FileDSDIFFDirect Stream DigitalLAME MP3MPEG Layer-3RF64RIFFWavPack DSDWave .aac.ac3.aiff.ape.cda.cue .dff.dsf.flac.m3u8.m3u.m4a.m4b.mp3.mpc.ogg.opus.tta .w64.wav.wma.wv Convert audio files from AAC-LCAACAC-3AIFFAU/SNDApple LosslessAtmosCAFCD-DADFFDSDDSFDTSDXDFLACHE-AAC (v2)MP1MP2MP3Monkey's AudioMusepackOpusPCMReal AudioShortenSpeexSACD ISOTAKTrue AudioTrueHDVorbisWAVWavPackWave64Windows Media AudioxHE-AAC™ ALACAdaptive Multi-Rate NB+WBAudio CDDSD Stream FileDSDIFFDirect Stream DigitalMPEG Layer-3RF64RIFFSuper Audio CD ISOWavPack DSDWave .aac.ac3.aif.aiff.amr.ape.asf.avi.caf.cda.cue.dff.divx.dsf.dts.dtshd.dv.eac3.flac.flv.iso.m2ts.m3u.m4a.m4b.m4v.mka.mkv.mov.mp1.mp2.mp3.mpc.mpeg.mpg.ogg.oga.oga.oma.omg.opus.ra.ram.rm.shn.spx.tak.thd.truehd.tta.vob.w64.wav.webm.wma.wmf.wv.3g2.3ga.3gp Sample rates 8 kHz - 384 kHz, DSD64 (2.8224 MHz), DSD128 (5.6448 MHz), DSD256 (11.2896 MHz) Sample rates All sample rates Bit depths 1-bit (DSD), 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit float, 32-bit, 64-bit float Bit depths 1-bit (DSD), 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit float, 32-bit, 64-bit float, 64-bit 12.0 New: Added support for MPEG-4 ISO FF Chapters [ m4a m4b ] New: Added support for Chapters [ m4a m4b flac ogg opus ] Option to write individual files as Chapters in Single File output mode [ m4a m4b flac ogg opus ] Extract files containing Chapters to individual files Transfer Chapter information on conversions Chapter information stored and extracted in sample accuracy Metadata Editor: Load/Save Chapter information Metadata Editor: Edit Chapter metadata (chapter time offsets and titles) New: Gain DSP (adjust loudness -/+) New: Installer option for creating desktop shortcut New: New Titanium UI theme, modernized Blue UI theme New: Save metadata to MPEG-4 ISO FF 'DASH' format [ .m4a streaming format ] Codec Update: PCM output support up to 3072 kHz [ wav w64 ] Codec Update: All lossless can encode sample rates up to 3072 kHz (except FLAC that has format limit of 655360 Hz therefore limited to 384 kHz) Codec Update: DSD encoder supports up to DSD2048 Codec Update: DSD decoder ultra high sample rate output Codec Update: DTS encoder supports more bit rates and 'standard' bit rates Codec Update: Monkey's Audio [ ape ] Codec 10.76 Re-enabled 'Insane' Compression Level that was previously disabled (because it was not initially supporting 32 bit depth) Improved: Always use WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE WAV header when bits per sample > 16-bit for compatibility with the original WAVE/RIFF specification [ wav w64 ] Bugfix: Ripper / Converter / DSP Options: Fixed UI apply edit-field value by clicking on empty window area (was broken since v11.3) Bugfix: Discogs metadata UTF8 conversion was broken (due C++ library bug since unknown date) Bugfix: Ripping log correct information for loudness / peak / normalization / gain settings Bugfix: Fixed a bug in WavPack DSD encoder, WavPack DSD -> WavPack DSD in "direct DSD" transfer mode was not carrying complete DSD data blocks Trial reset, new free trial period for previous trial users https://katfile.com/yz8grl7a2005/pecac12064.7z.html jelszó:1200
VideoProc Converter AI v7.9 x64 220MB A VideoProc átfogó megoldásokat kínál a médiafeldolgozás minden aspektusának racionalizálására, a mesterséges intelligencia és a teljes GPU-gyorsítás jellegzetes jellemzőivel a videó/kép feljavításától és felskálázásától kezdve a szerkesztésen, átkódoláson, tömörítésen, rögzítésen és letöltésen át. VideoProc offers a comprehensive array of solutions to streamline every aspect of media processing, from AI video/image enhancement and upscaling to editing, transcoding, compression, recording, and downloading with its hallmark features of artificial intelligence and Full GPU Acceleration. Level-3 Hardware Acceleration for Unprecedented Speed VideoProc peaks Level-3 Hardware Acceleration fully powered by Intel®, AMD®, NVIDIA® GPUs, and Apple M1/M2/M3/M4 (Pro/Max/Ultra), delivering buttery smooth (4K/8K) video processing and transcoding without compromising quality. GPU Acceleration New Super Resolution New Image Enhancer New Restore & Colorize New Noise Suppression Frame Interpolation Video Stabilization Process HD/4K HDR Videos from iPhone, GoPro, DJI, Cameras The best video converter works with videos shot with GoPro, DJI, iPhone, Android, DSLR, mirrorless, camcorders, or other 4K cameras. Quality-oriented High Speed Media Converter Video Converter Audio Converter DVD Converter A-to-B video conversion: Encompassing 370 input codecs and 420+ output formats, the impeccable 4K video converter answers all simple and complicated transcoding needs, e.g. H264 to H265 (HEVC), MKV to iPhone, GIF to MP4, AVI to YouTube, 3D to 2D. World's No.1 Video Compression: Making it possible for compressing a large video size by 90% with merely a pixel-level quality difference. Upscale & DownscaleAuto CopyAdjust Quality Supported Hardware Acceleration Brands and Models Brand Name Hardware Models NVIDIA NVIDIA® GeForce GT 630 or higher Intel Intel® HD Graphics 2000 or higher AMD AMD Radeon HD 7700 series (VCE 1.0) or higher Apple silicon chips M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max, M1 Ultra, M2, M2 Pro, M2 Max, M2 Ultra, M3, M3 Pro, M3 Max Note: VideoProc Converter AI's Auto-detect GPU/CPU feature can instantly check your NVIDIA/AMD GPU/Intel/Apple Silicon information and utilize Hardware Acceleration if your computer has a proper hardware.You're flexible to export any video in high quality and change video/audio codec, frame rate, resolution, aspect ratio, GOP etc. System Requirements Windows Version Microsoft Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11 or later Processor 1 GHz Intel® or AMD® processor (Minimum) RAM 1GB RAM (Recommended: 2GB or above) Hard Disk Space 200MB of hard-disk space for installation System Requirements for Utilizing AI Tools AI Tools • Super Resolution: Upscale video definition by 2x, 3x or 4x; Elevate video quality pixel-by-pixel. • Frame Interpolation: Convert 30/60FPS up to 120/240/480FPS with AI-generated new frames. • Stabilization: Reduce camera shake with next-level stabilization algorithm & GPU acceleration. CPU/GPU Compatibility Frame Interpolation: GPU, Vulkan ≥1.2.X Stabilization: CPU, GPU, OpenCL ≥1.0 *Super Resolution: CPU, GPU (and more details below) *For Super Resolution Model: Gen Detail | Real Smooth DirectML hardware acceleration (DirectX v12.0 or higher): • Intel: Haswell (4th-gen core) HD Integrated Graphics or higher • AMD: Radeon R9 390(X), Radeon R9 395X2 or higher • NVIDIA: GTX Titan X, GTX 980 Ti, GTX 980/970/960 or higher TensorRT hardware acceleration: • CUDA Runtime Version: 11.1 or higher • NVIDIA Graphics Driver Version: 452.39 or higher • Any NVIDIA GPU Compute Capability >= 6.1 *For Super Resolution Model: Anime | Zyxt • Intel: HD Graphics 2000 or higher; • NVIDIA: GeForce GT 630 or higher; • AMD: Radeon HD 7700 series (VCE 1.0) or higher • Vulkan ≥ 1.2.X Supported OS Windows: Yes Other System Requirements Hard Disk Space: 1GB RAM: 2GB (Minimum) Note: Thanks to the integration with various AI-powered and GPU-based technologies, the AI tools of VideoProc Converter AI can maximally restore and improve video quality and viewing experience. Correspondingly, this requires a large amount of AI computing and is also related to file size, duration, target resolution, etc. Therefore, the AI tools demand more RAM and disc space than is typically required to ensure smooth video processing and gratifying output results. If you're looking to further improve the efficiency of AI computing and video transcoding, see this guide > Supported Input Formats VideoAudioDVDOther Video Resolutions Supported Formats All common resolutions are supported: 8K 4320p, 4K 2160p, 2.7K, 2K, 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 360p... • Formats: 3G2, 3GP, 3GP2, 3GPP, AMV, ASF, AV1, AVCHD, AVI, AVS, BIK, DIV, DAT, DAV, DivX, DV, DVR-MS, EVO, F4V, FLV, G2M4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.265/HEVC, H1V, ICod, M1V, M2P, M2TS, M2V, MKV, MMV, MOD, MOV, MP2V, MP4, MPE, MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4, MPG, MPG4, MTS, MTV, MXF, NSV, OGM, OGV, PSS, PVA, QT, RM, RMVB, RPM, RT, SWF, TIVO, TOD, TP, TPR, TS, VOB, VP6, VP8, VP9, VPX, VRO, WebM, WM, WMP, WMV, WTV, XAVC-S, Xvid, XWMV, YUV411 • Video Types: HDR, 2D, 3D, 360° VR, Alpha videos... • Image Type: GIF https://katfile.com/pse114p36p53/vpcai7964.7z.html jelszó:vproc
Active@ KillDisk Ultimate 25.0.3 1543MB A KillDisk Ultimate egy könnyen használható eszközkészlet, amely lehetővé teszi a tárolóeszközök 'tisztára' törlését több mint 20 nemzetközi törlési módszerrel, beleértve az US DoD 5220.22 M-t. A program véglegesen törli a merevlemezek, szilárdtest-meghajtók, memóriakártyák és USB lemezek, SCSI tárolók és RAID lemeztömbök adatait, akár párhuzamos üzemmódban is. Az Ultimate verzió tartalmaz Windows alkalmazást, külön Linux telepítést, konzol bootlemezt (támogatja a Secure Erase-t), valamint Windows és Linux alapú Boot Disk ISO képeket és univerzális bootolható lemez készítő CD/DVD/Blu-ray/USB lemezekhez. A Boot Disks segítségével bármilyen PC-t elindíthat anélkül, hogy először a számítógép operációs rendszerét kellene elindítania. A rendszerlemez (amelyre általában a Windows van telepítve) könnyen szanálható így. A hatékony parancssori szkriptelési lehetőségek lehetővé teszik a szoftverek kötegelt üzemmódban történő futtatását, ami automatizált műveleteket biztosít felhasználói beavatkozás nélkül. Az engedélyezési politika törlésenként nem jelent többletköltséget! Párhuzamos biztonságos törlés Több lemez egyidejűleg történő valódi párhuzamos törlése (a megvásárolt licencek számának függvényében korlátozott), több mint 20 nemzetközi szanálási módszer. Törli a kihasználatlan helyet Az összes lemezen lévő, nem használt hely kitörölhető az adatok biztonságos felülírásával több mint 20 nemzetközi adatmegsemmisítési módszerrel Jelentések és tanúsítványok Fertőtlenítés után a vállalat logójával testreszabott tanúsítványok kinyomtathatók vagy PDF-ben menthetők és XML-be exportálhatók. Lemezvizsgálati eszközök Az olyan hatékony lemezvizsgálati eszközök, mint a File Browser & Disk Viewer teljes áttekintést nyújtanak a lemezeken található kötetekről és alacsony szintű szektorokról. KillDisk Ultimate is an easy-to use tool set that allows to sanitize storage media using more than 20 international erase methods including US DoD 5220.22 M. It erases permanently all data on Hard Disks, Solid State Drives, Memory Cards & USB disks, SCSI storage & RAID disk arrays even in parallel mode. Ultimate version includes Windows application, separate Linux installation, Console Boot Disk (supporting Secure Erase), as well as Windows-based & Linux-based Boot Disk ISO images & universal bootable disk creator for CD/DVD/Blu-ray/USB disks. With Boot Disks you can boot up and sanitize any PC without necessity to boot computer's Operating System first. System disk (where Windows is usually installed) can be easily sanitized this way. Powerful Command Line scripting options allow to run software in Batch Mode, providing automated operations without user interaction. Licensing policy implies no additional cost per erase! Parallel Secure Erasing True parallel erasing of multiple disks at the same time (limited to number of licenses purchased), more than 20 international sanitation methods Wipes out unused space Unused space on all disks can be wiped out by overwriting data securely more than 20 international data destruction methods Reports & Certificates After sanitizing completion certificates customized with company's logo can be printed or saved in PDF and exported to XML Disk inspection tools Powerful disk examination tools such as File Browser & Disk Viewer give you a complete overview of volumes and low-level sectors on your disks https://katfile.com/kuq849cdkl3u/aku2503.7z.html jelszó:active
Bartee Discography 2024 FLAC Bartee - No More Lies (The Album) FLAC | 543MB | 969kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - No More Lies (6:03) 2. Bartee - Losing Control (6:15) 3. Bartee - Fly (4:44) 4. Bartee;Timi Kullai - Get It Right (4:59) 5. Bartee - In The Night (3:40) 6. Bartee - Dream Of My Life (4:14) 7. Bartee - L.O.V.E. (7:03) 8. Bartee - Find The Way (5:55) 9. Bartee - You And I (4:48) 10. Bartee - In My Dreams (6:01) 11. Bartee - Because Of You (5:53) 12. Bartee - Losing Control (Get A Way Remix) (3:47) 13. Bartee - Find The Way (80s Remix) (5:45) 14. Bartee;Alpha - Dream Of My Life (feat. AlphA) (AlphA Remix) (4:00) 15. Bartee;Timi Kullai - Get It Right (feat. Timi Kullai) (AlphA Remix) (3:37) https://katfile.com/cxcv7hu0xmvs/nomoli.7z.html Singles Do You Want It FLAC | 109MB | 1009kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Do You Want It (Radio Edit) (3:48) 2. Bartee - Do You Want It (Extended Mix) (5:36) 3. Bartee - Do You Want it (Extended Instrumental) (5:36) https://katfile.com/q20slvslbdnh/DoYouWantIt.7z.html Dream Of My Life FLAC | 103MB | 970kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Dream Of My Life (Radio Edit) (4:15) 2. Bartee - Dream Of My Life (Extended Version) (6:15) 3. Bartee - Dream Of My Life (Instrumental) (4:15) https://katfile.com/b7risr8jkmch/DreamOfMyLife.7z.html Dream Of My Life (AlphA Remix) FLAC | 52MB | 975kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Dream Of My Life (AlphA Remix) (4:00) 2. Bartee - Dream Of My Life (AlphA Instrumental Remix) (3:25) https://katfile.com/d5qgrr49neze/DreamOfMyLifeAlphA.7z.html Find The Way FLAC | 95MB | 946kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Find The Way (Radio Edit) (3:56) 2. Bartee - Find The Way (Extended Mix) (5:57) 3. Bartee - Find The Way (Instrumental) (3:56) https://katfile.com/ivsw2roki1kb/FindTheWay.7z.html In My Dreams FLAC | 103MB | 945kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - In My Dreams (Radio Edit) (4:26) 2. Bartee - In My Dreams (Extended Version) (6:09) 3. Bartee - In My Dreams (Instrumental) (4:26) https://katfile.com/unnd5yx15ut1/InMyDreams.7z.html Keep On Waiting FLAC | 72MB | 1052kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Keep On Waiting (4:39) 2. Bartee - Keep On Waiting (Instrumental Version) (4:39) https://katfile.com/qs79ydtp70hz/KeepOnWaiting.7z.html Losing Control (Get A Way Remix) FLAC | 60MB | 1054bps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Losing Control (Get A Way Remix) (3:47) 2. Bartee - Losing Control (Get A Way Instrumental) (3:47) https://katfile.com/uk3utsnuccnb/LosingControlGetA.7z.html Now Or Never FLAC | 102MB | 1001kbps | eurodance 1. Bartee - Now Or Never (Radio Edit) (3:33) 2. Bartee - Now Or Never (Extended Version) (5:09) 3. Bartee - Now Or Never (Extended Instrumental) (5:09) https://katfile.com/6clk9weexss4/NowOrNever.7z.html Vagy az összes singles egy packban https://katfile.com/1ptbibn7g5fc/Singles.7z.html 692MB jelszó:bartee
Email Backup Wizard Enterprise 16.3 69MB Néha a legfontosabb e-mailek mindig elérhetetlenek. Akár utazik, és nem fér hozzá az asztali számítógépéhez vagy laptopjához, akár csak bizonyos üzenetekre van szüksége a megfelelő kliens telepítése nélkül, egy olyan segédprogram, amely képes megszerezni a leveleit, minden bizonnyal hasznosnak bizonyulna. A Best Email Backup Wizard egy egyszerű program, amellyel több mint 90 e-mail kliens szolgáltatásból kinyerheti az e-maileket, közvetlenül a HDD-re vagy a felhőbe. Az e-mailek letöltéséhez először meg kell keresnie a megfelelő e-mail forrást, amely az elrendezés bal oldalán található, majd be kell írnia a fiókot és annak jelszavát. Ha például a címét a Yahoo Mail szolgáltatással hozta létre, menjen a forráslista alján, válassza ki, és kösse össze a fiókját. Miután a fiókot felismerték, a következő fülre léphet, hogy kiválassza a kimeneti formátumot. Az üzeneteket PST, MBOX, PDF, EML, EML, MSG, RTF, DOC, XPS és még néhány más formátumban exportálhatja. Használhat szelektív szűrőket, amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy bizonyos üzeneteket vagy elemeket kivonjon. Pontosabban, ha csak a Beérkezett üzenetek tartalmát szeretné biztonsági mentést készíteni, vagy kizárni a mellékleteket az exportálásból, akkor ezt könnyedén megteheti. Összefoglalva, ez az alkalmazás lehet az egyik legegyszerűbb módja annak, hogy e-maileket vonjon ki a legkülönbözőbb szolgáltatásokból, még akkor is, ha nem telepítette az ügyfeleket. A Best Email Backup Wizard talán nem tűnik soknak, de amit tud, az egy pillanat alatt felkeltheti az érdeklődését. Sometimes, the most important emails are always out of reach. Either you are traveling and don’t have access to your desktop or laptop, or you just need to get your hand on certain messages without installing the corresponding client, a utility that can get you your mails would most definitely prove useful. Best Email Backup Wizard is a simple program that lets you extract emails from over 90 email client services, directly to your HDD or Cloud. To download your emails you’d first have to look for the correct email source located on the left side of the layout and then type in the account and its password. For example, if your address was created using the Yahoo Mail service, go at the bottom of the source list, select it, and link your account. After the account was recognized, you can move over to the next tab in order to pick the output format. You can export the messages as PST, MBOX, PDF, EML, MSG, RTF, DOC, XPS, and a couple more. You can use selective filters that allow you to extract specific messages or items. More precisely, if you want to back up only the Inbox’s contents, or exclude attachments from an export session, you should be able to easily do that. To conclude, this application might be one of the easiest ways to extract emails from a wide variety of services, even if you don’t have the clients installed. Best Email Backup Wizard might not look like much, but what it can do might catch your interest in a jiffy. https://katfile.com/1c3c4nn8stq0/ebwe163.7z.html jelszó:email
OneCommander Pro x64 7zip | 61MB A One Commander egy total commanderhez hasonló fájlkezelő egy újszerű elképzelés alapján. Számos beállítás és lehetőség tárul elénk megnyitáskor. Bár szinte a teljes képernyőt elfoglalja mégis kárpótolni fog minket a funkciók bősége. A Dual paneles felületen a kívánt mappák kiválasztása után néhány fájl formátumhoz egy beépített nézőke funkciót is kínál, ilyen a fotó megjelenítő, fájl kereső, korszerű fájl rendszerezés, listázási módszer. Természetesen szinte maradéktalanul tartalmazza az összes funkciót amire csak szükség lehet a hétköznapok során. fájlkezelő alkalmazás dual paneles elrendezés fájlok kezeléséhez konvertálás képek megtekintése text fájlok több szövegkódolás szerinti megjelenítése hordozható változat is a magyar nyelv támogatott https://katfile.com/j4ptq2jwpnrz/ocp394.7z.html Portable 38MB https://katfile.com/nabdknehb5wq/ocp394po.7z.html jelszó: commander
DisplayFusion v11.0.4 Multilingual 7zip | 104MB A DisplayFusion zökkenőmentessé teszi a kétmonitoros (vagy hárommonitoros vagy még több monitoros) élményt. Segítségével minden monitorhoz hozzáadhat egy feladatsort, amely úgy működik és néz ki, mint a Windows feladatsora. Vagy kihasználhatja a fejlett többmonitoros háttérkép-támogatást, a Flickr integrációt a képkereséshez és a teljesen testreszabható ablakkezelő gyorsgombokat. Ez csak néhány a DisplayFusion által kínált számos lehetőség közül. Tulajdonságok: A DisplayFusion nagyban megkönnyíti az egyszerre több monitort használók életét. Az olyan hatékony funkciókkal, mint a többmonitoros feladatsorok, a címsor gombok és a teljesen testreszabható funkciókkal. Többmonitoros feladatsávok Minden egyes monitorhoz feladatsort ad hozzá. Az egyes monitorok feladatsora beállítható úgy, hogy az összes ablakot vagy csak az adott monitoron található ablakokat jelenítse meg. A gombok csoportosítása, az automatikus elrejtés, az ablakok előnézete, a parancsikonok, a Start gomb és sok más funkció segítségével könnyebben dolgozhat az alkalmazásablakokkal. Fejlett háttérkép-kezelés Hatékony háttérkép funkciókkal rendelkezik, amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy saját számítógépéről származó képeket használjon, vagy online forrásokból töltsön be képeket. Csempézheti, nyújthatja, méretezheti, vághatja, pozícionálhatja és színezheti a képeket pontosan úgy, ahogyan szeretné. Testreszabható funkciók Több mint 30 előre konfigurált Funkciót tartalmaz, vagy létrehozhat saját, hatékony, egyéni Funkciókat. Hozzon létre Funkciókat a háttérkép vagy monitorprofilok betöltéséhez, az ablakok mozgatásához, az ablakok átlátszatlanságának módosításához, a DisplayFusion funkcióinak bekapcsolásához és még sok máshoz. Bármelyik Funkció, beleértve az Ön által létrehozott egyéni Funkciókat is, hozzárendelhető egy TitleBar gombhoz az egérrel való könnyebb hozzáférés érdekében, vagy egy billentyűparancshoz a billentyűzetet használók számára. A Funkciók a DisplayFusion többmonitoros feladatsávjain lévő Jump List menükhöz is hozzárendelhetők, így azok még a minimalizált alkalmazásokban is futtathatók. Monitor konfiguráció Segítségével beállíthatja a Monitor konfigurációt. Beállíthatja a felbontást, a színmélységet, a frissítési frekvenciát és a tájolást. A konfigurációkat akár Monitor Profilok formájában is elmentheti, amelyeket később billentyűkombinációval vagy a Címsor Gombbal tölthet be. Háttérképprofil összekapcsolása a monitorprofiljával az asztali háttérkép automatikus betöltéséhez a csatlakoztatott monitorok alapján. DisplayFusion will make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) experience smooth and painless. With DisplayFusion you can add a taskbar to every monitor that works and looks just like the Windows Taskbar. Or take advantage of advanced multi-monitor wallpaper support, Flickr Integration for image searching and fully customizable window management hotkeys. These are just a few of the many things that DisplayFusion can do. Features: DisplayFusion will make your multi-monitor life much easier. With powerful features like Multi-Monitor Taskbars, TitleBar Buttons and fully customizable Functions, DisplayFusion will make managing your multiple monitors easy. Take a look at some of the features below to learn how DisplayFusion can help you! Multi-Monitor Taskbars Keep your windows easily organized by adding a taskbar to each of your monitors. The taskbar on each monitor can be configured to show all windows, or only the windows that are located on that monitor. Use button grouping, auto-hide, window previews, shortcuts, a Start Button and much more to help you work more easily with your application windows. Advanced Wallpaper Management DisplayFusion has powerful Wallpaper features that let you use images from your own computer, or load images from online sources. Tile, stretch, scale crop, position and tint your images exactly how you want. Customizable Functions DisplayFusion comes bundled with over 30 pre-configured Functions, or you can create your own powerful custom Functions. Create Functions to load Wallpaper or Monitor Profiles, move windows around, change window opacity, toggle DisplayFusion features and much more. Any Function, including custom Functions that you've created, can be assigned to a TitleBar Button for easier access with the mouse, or to a keyboard shortcut for keyboard power users. Functions can also be assigned to the Jump List menus on the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbars, allowing them to be run even on applications that are minimized. Monitor Configuration Use DisplayFusion to set your Monitor Configuration. Configure the resolution, colour depth, refresh rate and orientation. You can even save your configurations as Monitor Profiles that you can load later using a key combination or TitleBar Button. Link a Wallpaper Profile with your Monitor Profile to load your desktop wallpaper automatically based on the monitors you have connected. Windows 8 Tweaks Windows 8 TweaksThe Windows 8 Tweaks in DisplayFusion provide extra options so that you can customize Windows 8 to your liking. Bypass the Start Screen to go directly to the Desktop, move the Power User Menu (Win + X) to the current mouse position, and more! Window Snapping DisplayFusion's Window Snapping feature makes it easy to line-up your windows with each other, or line-up your windows along a monitor edge. Just drag a window near a monitor edge or another window and release the mouse button to let DisplayFusion snap the window into place. Fully configurable, with the ability to ignore specific applications if needed. Window Management Use DisplayFusion's Window Management feature to easily move windows between your monitors. Whether you use the simple Middle-Click Move, or the more advanced Maximized Window Dragging, managing your desktop windows has never been so easy. You can even show tooltips when moving or resizing windows to help you position them precisely. Window Location The Window Location feature allows you to specify which monitor you would like selected applications to open on. You can customize this by specifying actions like maximize, centre, span or 'Run Function'. You can have all windows from the selected application open on the specified monitor, or only the first window. Windows Logon Background Use DisplayFusion's powerful Windows Logon background image changer to customize your logon screen. Load images from your computer, or from any of the online providers that DisplayFusion supports. Customize the image positioning and colours (greyscale, sepia... etc) to suit your taste. Multi-Monitor Screen Savers Why settle for one screen saver on your main monitor? With DisplayFusion you can span your screen saver across all monitors, or even display a different screen saver on each monitor. Use the default Windows screen savers, or load your own custom screen savers to fully customize your desktop. Desktop Icon Profiles Easily save and load your desktop icon layouts using DisplayFusion's Desktop Icon Profile feature. Loading a previously saved Desktop Icon Profile is an easy way to restore your familiar desktop icon layout when the icons get jumbled after adding or removing a monitor. Easy Administration Deploy and manage DisplayFusion in your corporate environment with ease by using DisplayFusion's silent installer options, and custom ADMX templates for Active Directory Group Policy environments. The custom ADMX templates will allow you to make sure your DisplayFusion settings are consistent across all workstations, making management and troubleshooting much easier. Available in dozens of Languages DisplayFusion comes bundled with dozens of languages, and more are added all the time. Using DisplayFusion in your native language makes it easier to fully understand and use each feature. https://youtu.be/zRsnzdO8Gyk v11.0.4 • December 20, 2024 Fix: Monitor splits now apply correctly on startup Fix: Fixed hook related issues on startup Fix: Resolved an issue where taskbar button context menus didn't match the Windows theme v11.0.3 • December 19, 2024 Fix: Network tray icon no longer cut off on 125% monitor scaling Fix: SubEdit now shows up in Alt+Tab handler Fix: Resolved an issue with applications not maximizing to monitor splits in some cases Fix: Resolved an issue where monitor config would revert after exiting a full screen game Fix: LibreOffice now maximizes to splits Fix: LibreOffice now works with middle-click moving Fix: Resolved an issue with launching new instances of already running Firefox processes Fix: Resolved an issue where sometimes the wallpaper wouldn't auto-fix when it should Fix: DisplayFusion taskbar no longer moves above the monitor fading overlay Fix: Resolved an issue where some custom taskbar button icons were bad quality Fix: Resolved an async issue in scripting Fix: Mirror Windows can now be maximized again by double-clicking Fix: Move Window to Different Monitor dialog accepts number input again Fix: Taskbar shortcuts that run explorer.exe shell::: params work again Fix: OBS can now be launched from a DisplayFusion taskbar shortcut System Requirements: Windows 11 and 10 (1607 and higher) (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows Server 2022, 2019, and 2016 (32-bit and 64-bit) The Microsoft .NET 7 desktop runtime is required and will be installed automatically if needed The Microsoft WebView2 runtime is required and will be installed automatically if needed https://katfile.com/5bpkzren6mkz/diffu104.7z.html Portable 80MB https://katfile.com/r88kyxbwds3a/diffu104po.7z.html jelszó:1104
System Mechanic Standard & Professional Multilingual 49MB Standard és Professional verziók. Mi az a System Mechanic Professional? A System Mechanic Professional percek alatt automatikusan javítja és felgyorsítja a számítógépet. Tartalmazza az AntiVirus és AntiSpyware védelmet. Egy licenc minden számítógépéhez. A System Mechanic Pro rendelkezik a System Mechanic összes funkciójával , valamint tartalmazza a System Shield , a Search and Recover és a DriveScrubber alkalmazásokat. Rendszerszerelő szakember: Blokkolja a rosszindulatú programokat A minősített vírusirtó/kémprogram-elhárító fejlett, kétmotoros biztonság révén blokkolja a legújabb fenyegetéseket. Védi a magánéletet A katonai szintű adattörlési technológiával biztonságosan és véglegesen eltávolítja a legérzékenyebb fájlokat. Visszaállítja az adatokat Sok elveszett és véletlenül törölt fájlt visszaállít, beleértve a fényképeket, videókat és dokumentumokat. Növeli a sebességet Automatikusan növeli a CPU, a RAM és a merevlemez-erőforrások sebességét és elérhetőségét, amikor nagy igényű alkalmazásokat indít el a legsimább játék, szerkesztés és streamelés érdekében. Problémák javítása Több mint 30 000 különböző problémát talál és javít ki az iolo Labs™ intelligens élő frissítéseivel, hogy számítógépét stabilan és hibamentesen tartsa. Eltávolítja a Bloatware-t Azonosítja a nem kívánt indítási programokat, amelyek lelassítják az Ön tudta nélkül történő elindítását és futtatását. Védi a magánéletet és a biztonságot Biztonságosan törli az érzékeny böngészési előzményeket, és blokkolja a veszélyes rendszerváltozásokat, amelyek veszélyeztetik a sebességet és a stabilitást. Felszabadítja az Internet sebességét Automatikusan optimalizálja a Windows rejtett Internetbeállításait a gyorsabb letöltések, gyorsabb oldalbetöltések, kevesebb pufferelés, jobb videóminőség és gördülékenyebb játék érdekében. Kitisztítja a rendetlenséget Több mint 50 féle rejtett kéretlen fájlt távolít el, így értékes lemezterületet szabadít fel, és több helyet biztosít dokumentumai, filmjei, zenéi és fényképei számára. https://katfile.com/h97lrsynv1nl/sysmec25.7z.html jelszó:system
Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 v14.0.10 547MB DAW zeneszerkesztő szoftver, továbbfejlesztett MIDI Remote integráció, szerkesztő funkciók Highlights Modulators Modulate any parameter of a track or channel, such as an LFO, envelope follower and much more… Pattern Sequencer Program thrilling beats with just a few clicks, randomize your grooves, and explore new rhythmic… Channel Strip (Advanced) The channel strip modules are the very heart of our exceptional sound. Carefully crafted in close… Channel Strip (Basic) In the basic channel strip version, just like in the advanced version, you can assign modules… Chord Pads This inspiring tool helps you compose music quickly and creatively. It is very easy to get “stuck”… Sampler Track 2 Take any piece of audio and use it to create a Sampler Track. You can then play the sample… Vocal Chain Vocal processing is an art of its own, taking a lot of expertise and experience to master the… General Next-generation audio engine The award-winning Cubase audio engine features crystal-clear, 64-bit floating-point resolution at… MediaBay MediaBay helps you to find and organize your content. When working with many files, you want to… Advanced Audio Export Sync your export selection to the selection in your project. You can export the full signal path… ARA support With Audio Random Access (ARA) Extensions, you can edit your audio even more easily. ARA allows… MIDI Remote MIDI controllers are essential to every music production setup. MIDI Remote Scripts will help to… AudioWarp The Free Warp tool lets you edit your audio recordings and correct timings directly in the Project… Colorized Mixer Channels Colorize complete mixer channels in the MixConsole with track colors. This allows you to… Composing Chord Track The global Chord Track facilitates working with chords in a project context, enabling transform… Chord Pads This inspiring tool helps you compose music quickly and creatively. It is very easy to get “stuck”… Scale Assistant Set your song’s scale in the Key Editor and follow its lead, quantize a solo to the scale or play… Score Editor Based on state-of-the-art Dorico technology, the Score Editor let's you produce performance… Note Expression This is a very intuitive and accurate way of controller editing. As an alternative to working with… Audio to MIDI chords Convert audio to MIDI chord progressions, by simply dragging your audio recordings to the Chord… Chord Assistant You don't have to be a musical genius to create beautiful melodies, thanks to the powerful Chord… Recording Control Room Control Room is a unique recording and monitoring environment, which seamlessly integrates… Comping Create the perfect version of a recording from multiple takes. Few performers are skilled enough… Audio Pre-Record This allows you to record audio during playback or in stop mode. Never again miss that perfect… Retrospective Record This feature allows you to capture any MIDI notes that you play in Stop mode, or during playback… Punch In/Punch Out These are a pair of markers which determine the record start (punch in) and record stop (punch… Metronome Click (Advanced) The Click Pattern Editor allows you to compose custom metronome patterns with up to four different… Metronome Click (Basic) The basic metronome ensures you to stay in time when you are recording your music. It offers… Sequencing Key Editor The Key Editor is a very powerful-yet-transparent facility which opens up virtually limitless… Drum Editor This is a formidable tool for constructing and reworking beats, rhythms and grooves, with a… Pattern Sequencer Program thrilling beats with just a few clicks, randomize your grooves, and explore new rhythmic… Global Tracks With Global Tracks in the Key Editor, you stay in sync even better and you don't have to jump… Logical Editor This is a key feature that combines filter conditions with actions to create complex procedures … MPE Support MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) is supported in Nuendo. The most common MPE controllers are… Chord Editor Here you can define, change and add new chord events. Audio Editing Modulators Modulate any parameter of a track or channel, such as an LFO, envelope follower and much more… VariAudio 3 VariAudio offers fully-integrated vocal editing and pitch change of individual notes in monophonic… Audio Alignment This tool allows you to automatically match the timing of audio events that you want to play back… Direct Offline Processing Apply any kind of process offline for single or multiple selected events — with the feel of… Audio Warp Quantize Warp-quantize multiple audio tracks at once using the convenient Quantize panel. By creating warp… Audio Parts Audio Parts are containers for audio events. If you want to treat several audio events as one unit… Group Editing This is a simple and efficient time-saving tool which ties together tracks that belong together… Mixing MixConsole Cubase's MixConsole excels not only in terms of usability, look and feel, but also sounds like a… Channel Strip (Advanced) The channel strip modules are the very heart of our exceptional sound. Carefully crafted in close… Channel Strip (Basic) In the basic channel strip version, just like in the advanced version, you can assign modules… MixConsole History Have you ever wanted to compare different mixes with just one mouse click? MixConsole History… MixConsole Snapshots An incredibly versatile tool, the Snapshots facility will fundamentally change and improve the way… Easy side-chaining This commonly-used technique is very popular in contemporary music production and has a wide range… SuperVision A fully-customizable, multimeter audio analyzer for professional productions, SuperVision lets you… Virtual Instruments Groove Agent SE Possibly the most comprehensive drum production software instrument ever produced, Groove Agent… Halion Sonic 7 With a massive sample content library, in combination with powerful synthesizer engines and… Retrologue 2 This flexible, intuitive instrument emulates the warmth and fatness of classic analog… Drum Machine Harness the powerful synthesis of the new Drum Machine to design your own drum sounds, or import… Sampler Track 2 Take any piece of audio and use it to create a Sampler Track. You can then play the sample… Verve A felt piano that is so beautiful and warm, so dreamy and melancholic, so detailed and… Padshop 2 This granular synth is perfect for high tension atmospheres and unusual effects, thanks to having… Sounds, Loops, Presets Hard Knocks Grammy-winner Beat Butcha has produced a sizzling pack of hip hop heat. Noir Hollywood sound designer Robert Dudzik has produced the Noir library for cinematic trailers. Nightcall Synthwave Black Octopus Sound have produced this 80’s Synth Wave sample pack. Dancefloor Tech House Black Octopus Sound have produced this Dancefloor Tech House sample pack. Lofi Dreams Black Octopus Sound have produced this Lo-fi hip hop sample pack. Bloom Black Octopus Sound have produced this Vocals sample pack. Analog Techno Berlin-based Florian Meindl has produced the deep, grooving Analog Techno library with his modular… Effects VST Amp Rack Steinberg’s reference virtual guitar tone suite features seven legendary amp models, sixteen… VST Bass Amp Featuring a comprehensive collection of amps, speaker cabinets and stomp boxes, VST Bass Amp… Quadrafuzz 2 Letting you dial in anything from a dark, fat fuzz with huge bit-crushing distortion and delay, to… Magneto 2 This effect simulates the saturation and compression of recording on analog tape machines. Soft Clipper This is a soft clipper with independent 2nd and 3rd harmonics controls. Bit Crusher The perfect tool for getting into lo-fi sound, Bit Crusher offers the possibility of decimating… Distroyer Distroyer’s asymmetric distortion adds extra body, character and harmonics, whether it’s for… MIDI EffectsArpache 5 An arpeggiator which accepts a chord as input and plays back each note in the chord separately… Arpache SX An advanced, versatile arpeggiator, capable of creating anything from traditional arpeggios to… Auto LFO This effect works like an LFO in a synthesizer, allowing you to send out continuously changing… Beat Designer Beat Designer is a MIDI pattern sequencer that allows you to quickly and easily create your own… Chorder Chorder is a MIDI chord processor, which allows you to assign complete chords to single keys in a… Compressor This MIDI compressor is used for evening out or expanding differences in velocity. Context Gate Context Gate allows for selective triggering/filtering of MIDI data. This effect features two… Collaboration VST Connect SE 5 VST Connect is a complete remote recording solution that lets you collaborate with any musician… Video Video Import Compatible video files can be imported into a project, creating a video track with a video event. Video Export Render videos as MP4s with H.264 video compression and 16-bit audio in 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. Export… Video Player The Video Player window provides different size options for video playback on your computer screen… Virtual Reality production suite Cubase’s VR production suite includes a number of plug-ins and integrated functions, such as a… Video Track The Video Track is used to play back video events. Extract Audio from Video When video is imported, the audio stream can be extracted. It is added to the project as a new… Support for MOV, MPEG-4 and AVI Cubase supports MOV, MPEG-4 and AVI video formats. Video Follows Edit Mode The Video Follows Edit Mode allows you to edit audio while the video display provides continuous… minimum system: 64-bit Windows 11 Version 23H2 (or higher), 64-bit Windows 10 Version 22H2 (or higher) a működéshez szükséges Root Certificate és Steinberg Silk Emulator v1.3 hozzáadva, ezek elsődleges telepítése, ha telepítve van korábbi Steinberg Silk Emulator azt előbb el kell távolítani. Az utóbbit célszerű cserélni mert AVX2 optimalizációt kapott. -csomagolt fájlok kibontása -lemezkép csatolás vagy iso lemezlépfájl kibontása majd telepítése https://katfile.com/8c033ht362rq/stecup1414R.7z.html jelszó:cubase
The Long Dark v2.39 9628MB | túlélő, kaland 20241219-i release, tartalmazza az összes dlc-t és a legfrissebb magyar fordítást. Bright lights flare across the night sky. The wind rages outside the thin walls of your wooden cabin. A wolf howls in the distance. You look at the meager supplies in your pack, and wish for the days before the power mysteriously went out. How much longer will you survive? Welcome to THE LONG DARK, the innovative exploration-survival experience Wired magazine calls "the pinnacle of an entire genre". THE LONG DARK is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness in the aftermath of a geomagnetic disaster. There are no zombies -- only you, the cold, and all the threats Mother Nature can muster. THE LONG DARK: SURVIVAL EDITION brings you the genre-defining Survival Mode, honed after years of open development and frequent updates. Widely considered the paramount Survival game of all time, SURVIVAL EDITION gives you pure focus on THE LONG DARK’s Survival Sandbox -- the experience that started it all! In THE LONG DARK, you are getting both the genre-defining Survival Mode, honed after years of open development and frequent updates, and the award-winning episodic narrative mode, WINTERMUTE. Minimum: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer *: Windows 8 Processzor: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+ Memória: 4 GB RAM Grafika: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better Tárhely: 7 GB szabad hely Hangkártya: Any on-board chip will work. Ajánlott: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 10 Processzor: Intel i7 CPU @ 2.6GHz or higher Memória: 8 GB RAM Grafika: nVidia GTX 555 w/ 1GB VRAM or better Tárhely: 7 GB szabad hely Hangkártya: Ideally, something with Surround capabilities. -kibontás -tld.exe md5 a22e12b8f2c7898133b643a38b755ebf *tld139.7z.001 2d6c7161c22c52786612aae4b0309cbc *tld139.7z.002 8b4a9786eada6ad43ab565867c4e7fbd *tld139.7z.003 e63b47f48f952e589ab5968c402a57ee *tld139.7z.004 10971ecb7b7e3cb748c95cab24dea768 *tld139.7z.005 https://dailyuploads.net/ey1f5a0u6xc4/tld139.7z.001 https://dailyuploads.net/de4ykzg8fb3m/tld139.7z.002 https://dailyuploads.net/t9wihtlzkf79/tld139.7z.003 https://dailyuploads.net/ex1me45l8ccs/tld139.7z.004 https://dailyuploads.net/pyc8iwl9kr4c/tld139.7z.005 jelszó:long
3Planesoft AIO 3D Screensavers and Wallpapers v8.1.6.6 8824MB A 3Planesoft legfrissebb 140db képernyővédő / élő asztali háttérképként futó szoftverpackja. Funkcionalitásban és hardverigényben eltérhetnek egymástól, bővebb infó a fejlesztő honlapján. List of all 140 Screensaver at 18 Dec 2024 01 ) Alpine Summer 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 02 ) Alpine Valley 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 03 ) Animal World 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 07 04 ) Autumn Forest 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 05 ) Autumn Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 06 ) Autumn Wonderland 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 07 ) Battleship Missouri 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 08 ) Christmas Bells 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 09 ) Blooming Sakura 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 10 ) Caribbean Islands 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 13 11 ) Ancient Castle 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 18 12 ) Christmas 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 21 13 ) Christmas Cottage 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 14 ) Christmas Evening 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 15 ) Christmas Town 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 07 16 ) Christmas Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 17 ) Christmas Wonderland 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 01 18 ) Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.3 Build 19 19 ) Voyage of Columbus 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 12 20 ) Coral Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 15 21 ) Coral Reef 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 13 22 ) Crystal Fireplace 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 13 23 ) Cuckoo Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 12 24 ) Cyberfish 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 25 ) Dawn Monuments 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 26 ) Deep Space 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 12 27 ) Digital Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 12 28 ) Discovery 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 14 29 ) Dolphins 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 30 ) Dolphins - Atlantis 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 31 ) Dolphins - Pirate Reef 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 32 ) Dutch Windmills 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 14 33 ) Earth 3D Screensaver / v4.0 Build 15 34 ) Earth Wonders 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 35 ) Easter Cottage 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 36 ) Easter Village 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 37 ) Easter Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 38 ) Fairy Forest 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 13 39 ) Fall Cottage 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 40 ) Fall Village 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 06 41 ) Fall Watermill 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 42 ) Fall Windmills 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 43 ) Fantasy Haven 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 44 ) Faraway Planet 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 45 ) Festival Town 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 46 ) Fireplace 3D Screensaver / v3.2 Build 23 47 ) Fireside Christmas 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 32 48 ) Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver / v1.3 Build 16 49 ) Flag 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 16 50 ) Fantasy Moon 3D Screensaver / v1.4 Build 14 51 ) Fog Horses 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 52 ) Fog Lake Screensaver / v1.2 Build 09 53 ) Forest Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 54 ) Futuristic City 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 14 55 ) Galleon 3D Screensaver / v1.4 Build 14 56 ) Grand Canyon 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 57 ) Grassland 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 58 ) Great Pyramids 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 13 59 ) Halloween 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 17 60 ) Halloween Cottage 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 61 ) Halloween Evening 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 62 ) Halloween Haven 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 13 63 ) Halloween Village 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 64 ) Halloween Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 65 ) Halloween Watermill 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 66 ) Haunted House 3D Screensaver / v2.1 Build 15 67 ) Human World 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 68 ) Ice Clock 3D Screensaver / v2.1 Build 14 69 ) Japanese Garden 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 08 70 ) Koi Fish 3D Screensaver / v2.1 Build 14 71 ) Koi Pond - Garden 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 72 ) Koi Pond - Sakura 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 73 ) Koi Pond - Treasures 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 74 ) Koi Pond - Waterfall 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 75 ) Lagoon 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 15 76 ) Lake Tree 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 77 ) Lantern 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 14 78 ) Light Garden 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 79 ) Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 12 80 ) Medieval Castle 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 15 81 ) Mountain Waterfall 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 82 ) Nature 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 17 83 ) Nautilus 3D Screensaver / v1.3 Build 15 84 ) Night Monuments 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 85 ) Orbital Sunset 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 86 ) Plant World 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 87 ) Western Railway 3D Screensaver / v2.1 Build 13 88 ) Sakura Garden 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 89 ) Sandy Beach 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 14 90 ) Santa Claus 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 11 91 ) Santa's Castle 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 07 92 ) Sharks 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 93 ) Sharks - Great White 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 94 ) Skeleton Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 15 95 ) Sky Citadel 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 96 ) Snow Village 3D Screensaver / v2.0 Build 19 97 ) Spirit of Fire 3D Screensaver / v2.5 Build 14 98 ) Springtime 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 12 99 ) Spring Village 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 100 ) Spring Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 101 ) Stargaze 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 14 102 ) Starry Night 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 103 ) Steam Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 104 ) Stock Car Racing 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 105 ) Stonehenge 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 106 ) Summer Cottage 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 107 ) Summer Forest 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 108 ) Summer Highlands 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 109 ) Summer Watermill 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 110 ) Summer Wonderland 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 111 ) Sunny Monuments 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 112 ) Sunny Patio 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 11 113 ) Sunset Monuments 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 03 114 ) Sun Village 3D Screensaver / v2.0 Build 14 115 ) Sweethearts 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 12 116 ) Thanksgiving Day 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 09 117 ) The One Ring 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 13 118 ) Tiger Sharks 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 119 ) Titanic Memories 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 13 120 ) Clock Tower 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 15 121 ) Tyrannosaurus Rex 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 13 122 ) Valentine 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 12 123 ) Valentine Musicbox 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 124 ) Valentine Village 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 125 ) Venice Carnival 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 11 126 ) Vintage Aircraft 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 15 127 ) The Lost Watch 3D Screensaver / v2.1 Build 19 128 ) The Lost Watch II 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 13 129 ) Water Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 13 130 ) Mayan Waterfall 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 15 131 ) Watermill 3D Screensaver / v2.1 Build 15 132 ) White Christmas 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 12 133 ) Wildflowers 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 10 134 ) Winter Cottage 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 09 135 ) Winter Garden 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 136 ) Winter Highlands 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 06 137 ) Winter Village 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 04 138 ) Winter Walk 3D Screensaver / v1.0 Build 05 139 ) Winter Wonderland 3D Screensaver / v1.2 Build 13 140 ) Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver / v1.1 Build 10 Changelog v8.1.6.6 Added Support for NEW Christmas Wonderland 3D Screensaver - v1.0 Build 01 Added NEW2 Screensaver Manager v2.0.0.221 Update All Older Screensaver Minor Bug Fix and Combo List Update whit Latest Versions https://www.3planesoft.com/ MD5 11bec8063d5b9fad844f6bb0085da473 *3P3DSAW.7z.001 8453f3874ffd6949d478bd72975ceafc *3P3DSAW.7z.002 fe52e1cbeba56c07c3be8cde87bb0299 *3P3DSAW.7z.003 ac3c45496b169da695283d484973eac3 *3P3DSAW.7z.004 d4ee8dfdb0eafc29a97dce3032786db7 *3P3DSAW.7z.005 https://dailyuploads.net/f32lwrxa6hs8/3P3DSAW.7z.001 https://dailyuploads.net/j0hxr330ifuv/3P3DSAW.7z.002 https://dailyuploads.net/ore0owrcal3a/3P3DSAW.7z.003 https://dailyuploads.net/o856b562bvnn/3P3DSAW.7z.004 https://dailyuploads.net/cfijohuj1sgo/3P3DSAW.7z.005 https://katfile.com/8gd6d4u7mq72/3P3DSAW.7z.001.html https://katfile.com/82tx99nvuj5i/3P3DSAW.7z.002.html https://katfile.com/1l1ldofh4mhl/3P3DSAW.7z.003.html https://katfile.com/2vywmrvqrhm7/3P3DSAW.7z.004.html https://katfile.com/l0jn4xzr2hqg/3P3DSAW.7z.005.html jelszó:screen
Oxygen Not Included Spaced Out - The Frosty Planet Pack v647408 7zip | 1140MB | kolónia menedzser, túlélő 20241217-i kiadás. Novemberi Quality Of Life update, Spaced Out, The Frosty Planet és Bionic Booster Pack dlc-k engedélyezve , achievement overlay külső program hozzáadása nélkül (custom crack vagy loader használatával) Magyarítás és Quality Of Life modok mellékelve, a dokumentumok/Klei mappába kell másolni majd játékon belül egyéni igény szerint engedélyezni. Az unlocker feloldja a premium tapétákat, tárgy skineket és az öltözékeket. In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving... It’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations: Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost. Our focus for the past few months has been on improving performance for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC. We’ve been tweaking, fixing and changing lots of things: not all individually noticeable, but they add up to a faster, smoother gameplay experience. You’ll also be seeing some new faces at the watercooler. Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out! This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildings—including one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption action—we’ve also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONI’s new cosmetic skins! Whew. If you’re new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the roadmap here. Brace for electrical impact: The Bionic Booster Pack is out today! This DLC brings a surge of power-themed content to the ONI universe, including new portable power banks, remote-operation buildings, bionic Duplicants, bionic boosters, robo-pilot rocket modules, an airborne work drone, new elements, 90+ new blueprints (aka cosmetic skins), and more! The Bionic Booster Pack can be purchased for 7.99USD and is available now on Steam, WeGame and Epic. Grab some power to-go, hook up standalone power grids in isolated corners of your colony, and manage them from anywhere on the planetoid with remote-work buildings and new bionic recruits whose idea of resting after a long shift is to practice the Zen art of microchip programming at bedtime. But when you see a Bionic Duplicant losing their cool, steer clear! Their stress response can be very...shocking. If you own more than one DLC, mix things up by using the Scramble DLC tool when making a new game! It works for The Bionic Booster Pack as well as past and future additions to the ONI universe. hat's in this DLC? Portable power banks! New power bank buildings: Compact Discharger, Large Discharger, Power Bank Recharger. New remote work buildings: Remote Controller and Remote Worker Dock. Six new Bionic Duplicants! Bionic boosters! New Stress and Overjoyed responses: Stunner, Flash Mobber, and Rainmaker. New bionic-themed buildings: Gunk Extractor and Lubrication Station. Other new buildings: Soldering Station and Data Miner. New Robo-Pilot Module for Spaced Out! and Robo-Pilot Capsule for base game. New Flydo work drone. New elements: Phyto Oil and Gunk. An exclusive new power-themed blueprints collection! ...and more! Transform your deep-space outpost into a true powerhouse with The Bionic Booster Pack! patch notes Changes All Versions Updated localizations for Chinese, Korean, and Russian. The Bionic Booster Pack Adjusted Bionic Power diagnostic icon line thickness. Added SFX for robo pilot reaction to databank delivery. Small art revisions to the Retro LED Crafting Station blueprint. Fixes All versions Fixed a crash that could occur when Yodelers got Chilly Surroundings. Fixed a bug where flushed toilets were no longer transferring germs to the user. Fixed a bug where cancelling the chore of going to use a flushable toilet would trigger a flush on said toilet even if the Duplicant had yet to arrive. The Bionic Booster Pack Bionic Duplicants are no longer able to suffocate to death while actively absorbing oxygen canisters. Fixed issue that could cause Bionic Duplicants to become invisible during the Shocker stress response. Fixed issue causing Bionic Duplicants to become frozen during the Shocker stress response if surrounded by water. Fixed (another) crash that could occur when opening the database to certain entries while using translation mods. Potential fix for a bug that sometimes causes Bionic Duplicants consuming an oxygen tank to drop the task and absorb from the atmosphere instead. Bionic Duplicants who run out of power while traveling in a transit tube will no longer stop their travels. They will instead stop in place after they exit the tube. Fixed a bug where Bionic Duplicants were not using the medical cot when they were in sleep schedule blocks. Revised Supply Closet diorama for some automation buildings. Fixed Pyrotechnics badge on the skill screen using the wrong icon. Flydo no longer automatically accepts newly discovered Power Bank types. MINIMUM: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges Op. rendszer: Windows 7 (64 bit) Processzor: Dual Core 2 GHz Memória: 4 GB RAM Grafika: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent) DirectX: Verzió: 11 Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely AJÁNLOTT: 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges -kibontás - loader futtatása vagy -tetszőleges crack (experimental crack vagy custom crack) használata -OxygenNotIncluded.exe futtatása https://katfile.com/f7aie3tibps6/onisefronic647408.7z.html jelszó:oxygen